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Six Thinking Hats Method for Developing Critical Thinking Skills

  • Bachelor of International Primary Education

Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this research is to assist the student teachers in their final year to think critically in analyzing the lesson plan document in the Kurikulum 2013 framework using the Six Thinking Hats method as a tool. This tool has visual imagery similar to colorful hats, with a specific point of view. The white hat acts as an information source, black hat identifies threats, the red hat represents emotion and intuition, the yellow hat identifies support and strength, the green hat stimulates creative ideas, and the blue hat becomes the leader of the discussion. This is a one-group post-test only experiment. The data is analyzed descriptively and interpreted qualitatively. The instrument is rubrics for analysis, also documentation and interview. The result shows that the average of the analysis scored 27,5 (out of 57) in a "moderate" level. This means students give short analysis with less-detailed description and the reasoning is less clear. The order from the lowest to the highest score is: yellow (scored 1,1)- white (1,2)-green (1,3)-red (1,5)-black (2,0). Although the result is still in the middle level, it still can be seen that this method is very potential to assist students to think critically, with a step by step development.
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... This type of thinking has its positive aspects, as it identifies the risks that can occur when taking any opinion. The person who wear this hat focuses on: criticizing and rejecting opinions using logic and clarifying the reasons that may lead to failure, focusing on obstacles, problems and failed experiences, and not using emotions and feelings clearly, but using logic and expressing opinion in a negative way (Setyaningtyas, & Radia, 2019;Phuntsho & Wangdi, 2020). ...
... The thinker who wear this hat focuses on: optimism, courage, and willingness to experiment, supporting and accepting opinions using logic and showing the reasons for success, clarifying the strengths of the idea and focusing on its positive aspects. The love of production and achievement is dominated by its owner, not necessarily creativity ( Setyaningtyas, & Radia, 2019) The Green Hat: It symbolizes the creative thinking that goes far behind the positive evaluation and overlooks making mental judgments so that those judgments do not restrict him from finding the new thing, the person who uses the Six Hats is characterized by the following: Being keen on new ideas and opinions, searching for alternatives for every matter and being ready to practice the new ones, trying to develop new or strange ideas, and using creativity and its means (Al-Owaidi, 2020) Blue Hat: It symbolizes directional (holistic) thinking: the owner of the blue hat decides which hats should be active and when they should work. He lays out the plan for different hats thinking and proceeds to give instructions in a certain order. ...
... The task of the blue hat thinker is to notice any departure from the topic around which the research and thinking revolve. So the blue hat suggests organized or directed thinking and its owner is characterized by interest in the following: programming, arranging, steps of implementation and achievement, directing dialogue, thought and discussion to come up with practical matters, focusing on the subject's focus and avoiding exaggeration or deviation from the topic, organizing and directing the thinking process, directing other hat owners (and Often by questions) and to prevent controversy between them, summarizing, compiling and crystallizing opinions, its owner tends to manage the meeting even if he is not the chair of the session (Kenny, 2003;Setyaningtyas, & Radia, 2019). ...
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Objectives: The study aims to investigate the effectiveness of using the Six Thinking Hats Strategy in acquiring physical concepts for tenth grade students in the light of their achievement motivation compared to the traditional method. Methods: quantitative descriptive Approach was employed.The study sample consisted of (55) female students, that were selected from one school within the Education Directorate in Madaba for the academic year 2020/2021. The sample was divided into two groups: experimental group (28) students which studied using the Six Thinking Hats strategy, and a controlled group (27) students which studied using the traditional method. Data were collected by classifying students according to their achievement motivation into high and low achievement motivation based on the achievement motivation scale. The researcher used the quasi-experimental approach. The test of acquiring physical concepts was applied after determining the validity and reliability of the study tool. Results: The result showed that there were statistically significant differences (α=0.05) due to the method of teaching in acquiring physical concepts in favor of the experimental group. The results also showed that there were statistically significant differences (α=0.05) attributed to achievement motivation in favor of female students with high achievement motivation, and there was no statistically significant difference in the interaction between them. Conclusions: The need of universities to carry out further studies in order to enforce the result of the study.
... Claiming that both individually and collectively, the six thinking hats are highly useful tools to aid in decision-making. Each of these colors black, blue, green, red, white, and yellow represents a philosophical and logical method for approaching fundamental problem-solving [26]. The effects of additional research support the rationale for employing the six thinking hats methods, supporting the claim that it may evaluate student performance in analysis using qualitative descriptive assessment. ...
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This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the implementation of Pancasila learning with the goal of improving critical thinking skills through the application of the six thinking hats model. The research adopts a descriptive approach utilizing qualitative methods. The study was conducted at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. The participants were selected using purposive techniques based on specific criteria and considerations to ensure the collection of targeted information. Specifically, the research focused on students enrolled in the Manufacturing Engineering Class D. Data collection for this study involved the use of observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. To ensure data validity, triangulation techniques were employed by the researchers. Data analysis followed an interactive model based on the framework developed by Miles and Huberman, encompassing data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The six thinking hats learning model significantly improved students' critical thinking skills and character values. This approach enables students to approach problems from multiple perspectives, becoming more responsive to social issues and navigating real-world challenges. These fosters heightened awareness of societal matters, enabling students to contribute meaningfully to social progress.
... Each of the six hats, symbolizing distinct perspectives, played a crucial role in guiding the analysis. For instance, the White Hat acted as an information source, the Black Hat identified potential threats, the Red Hat represented emotion and intuition, the Yellow Hat pinpointed support and strength, the Green Hat stimulated creative ideas, and the Blue Hat assumed the leadership role in guiding the discussion [10]. ...
... In this section, we present the outcomes of the pivotal discussion activity marked by the implementation of Mentimeter as a guiding tool and the incorporation of the Six Thinking Hats ® methodology. This methodical approach aims to unveil the multifaceted insights and conclusions that emerged from our engagement with participants [52]. ...
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Due to its intricate production processes, complex supply chains, and industry-specific characteristics, the construction industry faces unique challenges in adopting circular economy (CE) principles that promote resource equity. To address this issue, this study aims to delve into identifying stakeholders' opinions and perceptions regarding key CE strategies across different stages of the building life cycle (BLC). Both European and non-European stakeholders within the "CircularB" COST Action network and beyond participated in this research. Three methods were employed to assess stakeholders' opinions: an online survey, a structured survey with a semi-guided workshop, and creative thinking round table discussions. Natural language processing (NLP), specifically topic modelling and sentiment analysis, was used to analyse the data collected from the online survey, which gathered text-based opinions from 209 participants on the cost-benefit aspects of circularity strategies. The structured survey, which collected data from 43 workshop participants, evaluated the perceived importance of CE strategies across various BLC phases and assessed the adoption of selected CE strategies in current or past projects. Finally, the Six Thinking Hats ® activity, employed in the round table discussions, generated ideas from 25 professionals regarding the broader implementation challenges and opportunities of CE in construction. The research findings highlight the need to bridge the gap between theory and practice by fostering active industry stakeholder involvement in the transition to a CE model. The analyses of the collected stakeholder opinions through the three activities contribute to proactive and collaborative efforts aimed at advancing resource equity in the construction sector and promoting just and inclusive resource use. In summary, this research offers a comprehensive understanding of stakeholders' opinions on CE strategies and provides guidance for the development of targeted policies and strategies to accelerate the integration of CE principles in the construction industry.
... Several studies have investigated the relationship between critical thinking and the "Six Thinking Hats". According to Setyaningtyas and Radia (2019), incorporating the "Six Thinking Hats" as a tool has significant potential in assisting students to develop their critical thinking skills. In this study, the researchers utilised the 'White hat,' which entails concentrating on objective information, and the 'Black hat,' which involves examining the negative aspects of an idea and employing criticism to identify potential weaknesses. ...
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In recent years, Chinese universities and scholars have recognised the significance of critical thinking. Despite this growing awareness, integrating critical thinking skills into the curriculum remains a challenge in China. To gain entry to postgraduate programmes, students majoring in management in the country are required to take a National Postgraduate Entrance Examination (NPEE) that emphasises logical knowledge related to critical thinking and writing. Hence, this study aims to develop a writing module that incorporates critical thinking skills for college students in China. To achieve this, a mixed methods approach was employed. Firstly, a prototype writing module was created using the Analyse, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate (ADDIE) Model and verified by content experts for content validity. Subsequently, the module was implemented in a traditional classroom setting. For the pilot study, a pilot sample of 50 students was randomly chosen from a training centre in China that assists college students to prepare for the examination. For the next stage, 100 students were selected as the study sample. After implementing the writing module, both quantitative and qualitative analysis were conducted. The results indicated a significant improvement in participants' scores in the pre-test and post-test, demonstrating the effectiveness of the writing module in fostering critical thinking skills. The writing module developed by the researchers will have a profound effect on Chinese teachers' teaching in the future. It will provide them with clear instructional materials to cultivate Chinese students' critical thinking abilities, ensuring that no college students will be left behind. Received: 27 October 2023 / Accepted: 22 December 2023 / Published: 5 January 2024
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Abstrak Ketrampilan berpikir kritis adalah kemampuan menggunakan akal, pikiran, ide serta kreatifitas untuk mengerjakan, mengembangkan, mengambil keputusan dalam menyelesaikan tugas dan menghasilkan nilai. Penelitian systematic review meta synthesis adalah teknik kualitatif yang di gunakan untuk menggabungkan data-data primer yang sejenis untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang baru tentang permasalahan yang diangkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hasil penelitian terdahulu, mengenali keterampilan peningkatan berpikir kritis dan efektivitas penggunaan teknik dan atau media dalam layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling. Penelusuran artikel menggunakan bank data yang bersifat daring dengan menggunakan kata kunci “keterampilan berpikir kritis”. Penetapan artikel dan jurnal yang digunakan juga memenuhi beberapa kriteria. Karena tidak semua artikel dengan kata kunci, akan digunakan dalam review. Bank data secara daring yang digunakan adalah Garuda, Google Cendekia, dan Neliti. Hasil dari systematic review meta synthesis adalah bahwa layanan yang ada dalam Bimbingan dan Konseling dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis. Namun belum banyak artikel penelitian yang membahas tentang peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis, khususnya dalam Bimbingan dan konseling. Kata Kunci : keterampilan berpikir kritis, systematic review, meta synthesis
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. The study reported an increase in critical thinking skill and mastery of science concept in Cisomang 2 primary schools through Problem Based Learning Model. critical thinking skills Indicators that are used in this study refers to a theory that developed by Ennis, while the Bloom categorization is used as an indicator of mastery of science concepts. This study uses pretest value and postest value to see the comparison. Data analysis performed in this study is calculate the n-gain increase. From the research results, there is an increased critical thinking skills and mastery sciece concepts after using model Problem Based Learning. Based on research result, there are the increase of critical thinking average after the problem based learning model gived to student and the result is30.70,while the mastery science concept 32,17. Abstrak: Penelitian ini melaporkan peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan penguasaan konsep IPA peserta didik di SD Negeri Cisomang 2 dengan menggunakan model Problem Based Learning. Indikator kemampuan berpikir kritis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini mengacu pada teori yang dikembangkan oleh Ennis, sedangkan kategorisasi Bloom digunakan sebagai indikator penguasaan konsep IPA. Penelitian ini menggunakan nilai pretest (sebelum pembelajaran) dan nilai posttest (setelah pembelajaran) untuk melihat perbandingan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan penguasaan konsep peserta didik. Analisis data yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah melihat peningkatan N-gain dari hasil instrumen yang sebelumnya dilakukan uji homogenitas dan uji-t dengan program SPSS 18. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, didapatkan hasil peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis setelah pembelajaran dengan rata-rata peningkatan 30,70 sementara untuk hasil tes penguasaan konsep terjadi peningkatan dengan rata-rata 32,17. Baik kemampuan berpikir kritis maupun penguasaan konsep terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh metode the six thinking hats dalam bimbingan klasikal untuk meningkatkan emotional literacy peserta didik kelas VII di SMP Dharma Putra Nusantara 86 Jakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen dengan pretestposttest control group design. Sampel penelitian ini populasinya berjumlah 60 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen yang dikembangkan melalui aspek-aspek emotional literacy yang dikemukakan Claude Steiner tahun 2003. Teknik analisis data untuk memperoleh gambaran emotional literacy menggunakan statistik deskriptif berupa persentase dan teknik analisis data untuk uji hipotesis membandingkan kedua rata-rata kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Hasil uji hipotesis dilakukan dengan membandingkan kedua rata-rata kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Rata-rata kelompok eksperimen meningkat sebesar 11% setelah dilakukan eksperimen, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol meningkat 1%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan emotional literacy peserta didik yang mendapatkan bimbingan klasikal menggunakan metode the six thinking hats lebih tinggi dibandingkan peserta didik yang mendapatkan bimbingan klasikal menggunakan metode ceramah. Oleh sebab itu, peserta didik serta guru bimbingan dan konseling dapat memanfaatkan metode the six thinking hats yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebagai salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan emotional literacy peserta didik.
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The importance of decision making in organizations need no emphasis. Organizations more than ever before are confronted with problems which require appropriate solutions at the appropriate time so much so that the manager is largely a decision maker than anything else. Although confronted with a lot of repercussions of a faulty decision, managers cannot ignore taking decisions. Different thinking approaches are adopted to analyse any given problem or situation. Originally developed for individual problem solving during counselling sessions, Six Thinking Hats is a lateral thinking method to analyse a concept, situation, or problem, idea or a model. This technique uses different thinking approaches required by an individual/group while analysing a given problem/situation in an effective way. In this model different thinking approaches are used in a systematic manner indicated by a different set of frame of references called coloured hats. By conceptualizing each type of hat, the manager focuses on the style of thinking associated with each colour so that the problem can be analysed from different angles and perspectives. In this paper, we have discussed how this technique can be used as a Tool for Lateral Thinking in Managerial Decision Making Process by integrating it with Decision Theory model.
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A qualitative case study was carried out in a school that encourages the application of the Six Thinking Hats (STH) to understand the reasons and extent of their application in the English Language classroom. The purpose of this study is to fill the gap in the literature in this area with the view to help situate the factors affecting the STH application. Research methods applied in the research include interview as well as the distribution, collection and data analysis of both teachers and students’ survey questionnaires, using systematic and convenience sampling methods. From these, the factors affecting the application of the Six Thinking Hats in the English Language classroom was identified. Moreover, the extent to which the STH are implemented at different levels of education were found to conform with the factors of the STH application. Responses regarding the use of the Six Hats were generally positive but varied mainly according to teachers’ personal educational beliefs as well as students’ language competency levels and thinking skills. In order to increase the effectiveness of the STH application in all classes, beginning from the early levels of education, implications include a whole-school approach to create awareness and to encourage implementation. Positive implications of applying the STH is found to be related to its practicality and further recommendations as to how the STH may be applied in various classes to maximize learning outcomes by directing learners to think independently from an early age are made. Finally, areas which this study may be used for future research are also suggested.
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In more than thirty years of teaching and testing students of all ages and across all learning stag-es—primary, secondary, college, university undergraduates and postgraduates—I am yet to find a student who looked forward to an assessment task they were to complete. Why? One might ask: why don't students like assessment? And how can we change their perceptions? To lay the groundwork for answering these perplexing and yet important pedagogical questions, this paper starts with an explanation of the meaning of educational assessment. It then delineates the different types of assessments and their intended purposes before examining reasons why students don't like assessment. This is followed by suggestions of what we could do as pedagogues, to make assessment meaningful and attractive to students in 21 st century learning so as to change their perceptions of assessment. The paper argues that just as effective teaching and learning need to change from the orthodoxy 3Rs and core subjects that drove the Industrial Age to a New Learning Paradigm which includes the Super 4Cs Skills of the 21 st century, (critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration, creativity and innovation, and communication), so does assessment need to change if it is to serve its moral purpose in 21 st century education.
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Aminata Sow Fall is celebrated not only in her home country, Senegal, as a committed writer on issues that tend towards personal and national development but worldwide. Her works have won international awards and have also been translated in major languages of the world like English, Russian, Italian, Finnish, etc. Her works reflect not only sociopolitical, economic and cultural realities of the Senegalese society but those of the African society in general. This article seeks to highlight some of Aminata Sow Fall’s reflections on the Senegalese society and by extension the entire human race. Some of her themes include respect for and promotion of interpersonal relationships in spite of class differences {La grève des battus), African cultural values (L’appel des arènes), projects geared towards self-employment and self-enhancement ( Festins de la détresse) among others. It is also intended to stir up further researches on Aminata Sow Fall’s works and those of other African authors whose writings not only showcase Africa’s rich cultural heritage but also contribute towards the concept of world literature. There are many lessons to learn from her works and this paper, apart from celebrating this successful but unassuming author, hopes to contribute to the propagating of the author’s ideologies to her teeming reading public all over the world. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n6p67
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This article explores obstacles to the development of critical thinking dispositions at Morgenster Teachers’ College (MTC) in Zimbabwe. MTC is a private college of the Reformed Church in Zimbabwe (RCZ) with an enduring history of evangelism. An estimated 50 per cent of the students are admitted on the strength of their exemplary participation in their respective parishes. About 80 per cent of lecturers are church members with reputable track records in church ministry. They are champions of conformity to religious doctrines and their pedagogical approaches are ‘monologic’ – one dimensional and ‘insular’. Monologic pedagogy is analogous to what Brazilian philosopher of education Paulo Freire labelled the ‘banking concept of education’ in his highly acclaimed book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed. In this article we question the educational viability of monologic pedagogy and argue that it is potentially indoctrinatory. We suggest a shift in the college’s pedagogy to a Socratic self-examination and a Freirean critical dialogue, complemented by students’ own research and opportunities for critical reflection on their work in interactive research seminars