
Realization of Maxwell’s Hypothesis: A Heat-Electric Conversion in Contradiction to the Kelvin Statement

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In a vacuum tube, two identical and parallel Ag-O-Cs surfaces, A and B, with a work function of 0.8eV, ceaselessly emit thermal electrons at room temperature. The thermal electrons are controlled by a static uniform magnetic field (a magnetic demon), and the number of electrons migrate from A to B exceeds the one from B to A, (or vice versa). The net migration from A to B quickly results in a charge distribution: A charged positively and B negatively. A potential difference between A and B emerges, and the tube outputs ceaselessly an electric current and a power to a resistance (a load) and cools itself slightly. The ambient air is a single heat reservoir in the experiment, and all the heat extracted by the tube from the air is converted into electric energy without producing other effect. We believe the experiment is in contradiction to the Kelvin statement of the second law.

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“Maxwell's demon”—the well known hypothesis put forward by J. C. Maxwell in 1871 has excited resonance and stormy discussion over and over again among many physicists for more than a century, but never has it been realized. In this article we suggest an experiment where thermoelectrons emitted from two oxide cathodes in a specially devised vacuum tube are substituted for gas molecules in Maxwell's vessel of two portions, while the application of a magnetic field to acting Lorentz force on the thermoelectrons offers the controling service of the “demon”, so that electrons can only fly from one pole (A) to another (B) and a potential difference as well as an electric current can thus be gained. Through this experiment we could carry out Maxwell's hypothesis and provide an example to break through Kelvin's formulation of the second law of thermodynamics.
Realization of Maxwell's Hypothesis (Ⅱ) The Right Most Problem A Graphical Survey on the Trajectories of the Thermal Electrons
  • Xinyong Fu
  • Zitao Fu
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  • W Ehrenberg
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W. Ehrenberg, Maxwell's Demon, Scientific American, pp.103-110 (1967)
  • Cs
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  • James Clerk Maxwell
James Clerk Maxwell, Theory of Heat, P.328, (1871).