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Marketing Intelligence and Big Data: Digital Marketing Techniques on their Way to Becoming Social Engineering Techniques in Marketing



This contribution reviews the vast scope of digital application areas, which shape the digital marketing landscape and coin the present term “marketing intelligence” from a marketing technique point of view. Additionally, marketing intelligence as social engineering techniques are described. The review ranges from digital IT- and big data marketing until marketing 5.0 as digitalized trust marketing. The multiplicity of applications and interdependencies of the digital and social techniques reviewed should show that big data and marketing intelligence have already become a marketing reality. It becomes clear that marketing is witnessing a methodological, technical and cultural paradigm shift that augments and amplifies traditional outbound marketing with inbound marketing.
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 5, Nº 5
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 
M         
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 
A. Introduction of Marketing Intelligence from a Digital Point
of View
  
         
   
1) Marketing Intelligence as IT-marketing and Big Data
         
      
       
      
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         
          
digital marketing landscape and
marketing intelligencetechnique
  social engineering techniques            
marketing realitymethodological, technical and cultural
paradigm shifttraditional outboundinbound marketing
Received 28 April 2019 | Accepted 6 May 2019 | Published 9 May 2019
DOI: 10.9781/ijimai.2019.05.002
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Regular Issue
   
         
   
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 
        
       
     
        
      
          
       
         
     
 
          
    marketing intelligence 
 
   
         
         pragmatics 
          
       
     
         
       
an implicit standard,    intelligence is often not even
2) Marketing Intelligence as Search Engine Marketing
  
           
  
      and uses
        
    
         
        
artificial intelligence
machine learning
  deep learning
3) Marketing Intelligence as Social Media Marketing and
(Micro) Targeting Tools
     
    
         
        
        
are self-seeding 
   
Targeting technologies,mobile technologies
       
      
        
        
micro targeting is micro marketing In
 geo marketing
  
 mobile and sensor technology in
   
mobile marketing  location-based services 
      
4) Marketing Intelligence as Real-Time Marketing
       Streaming
analytics    
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International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 5, Nº 5
   live 
 
            
  outbound
       
social listening     
            
advertising and ad placement
         
         
          
       
5) Marketing Intelligence as Recommendation Marketing and
Dynamic Pricing
        
           
Recommender systems are intended to reduce
        
         
       
  
    recommendation marketing   
         
automated price adjustments     
   
       
   
    
 
6) Marketing Intelligence as Mobile and Proximity Marketing
Mobile devices,      
semantic web        
        mobile 
           
      
           
 
      location based services
        
     “mobile revolution” 
   individually    
mobile (social media) marketing 
Proximity technologies    
   
     Nearfield communication
   
         
    
        
       
7) Marketing Intelligence as Semantic Marketing
      
          
“meaning” 
 
        
chatbots,         
          
          
    
       
      
semantic web
        
 
  
     
   
       : Open API
  
  
       
8) Marketing Intelligence as Predictive Marketing
Predictive intelligence  
     
   
   geo data 
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Regular Issue
       
         
   
9) Marketing Intelligence as Touchpoint Marketing and
Marketing Automation
         
        
          
   
        
         
         
        
       
  
    marketing automation    
         
to marketing people       
           
      
   
programmatic advertising
        
B. Summarizing Discussion
       
engines        
 
      
marketing practice 
applied social engineering
A. Introduction of Marketing Intelligence from a Social
Engineering Point of View
as social engineering     
       
      
            
  
           
     
         
  
 inbound marketing
           outbound
customer needs
1) Marketing Intelligence as Content Marketing
Content marketing   
media are explicitly
distinctive logics     
         
         
     
 inside-out
          
       
         
manner of “paid media” 
 “earned media” as far as a
   
 recipient
  
     
a transformation process of marketing     
hybrid element
       
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International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 5, Nº 5
publishing by sharing 
 content 
          
        
      
2) Marketing Intelligence as Inbound Marketing and Soft
      
        
inbound marketing
not tolerate direct appeals to buy
        
  
  
       
       
   
         
  digital inbound marketing  
pull marketing      
influencer marketing
mobile and customized technology
     
real-time    
Marketing intelligence Idea
digital data
 search engines
digital farm
 recommendation systems
optimizing the price
pricing intelligence
Location based services (LBS)
Nearfield communication
 Voice recognition
Web 3.0
probabilities of occurrence
Predictive analytics
 touchpoint
programmatic advertising.
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Regular Issue
  expectations        
  interdependency of
       
sociological impact
   
      traditional marketing    
 push messages  
3) Marketing Intelligence as Creative Marketing
         
       
         
         
         
becharacteristic and
a processenvironment, culture or results
as collective intelligence
        
           
      
      location-dependent
communication        
        
       weather-
dependent communication
         
         
          mobile
devices       
        art of
creating attractive customer experiences      
       
4) Marketing Intelligence as Innovation Marketing
         
open source
driven innovation, user-driven innovation, event-driven innovation or
social r&d 
           
       
        
        
            
         
5) Marketing Intelligence as Customer Journey Marketing
        
    customer
journey    
  
       It is
  
          
          
  
  
6) Marketing Intelligence as Conversational Marketing
  voice        
       voice first revolution 
give way for voice services
 
  conversational commerce     
  
 
          
         
        
         
          
     
 
7) Marketing Intelligence as Customized Lifecycle Marketing
 life cycle model      
  
         
  
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International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 5, Nº 5
        
         
   
    
           
           
       
        
8) Marketing Intelligence as Performance Marketing
        
       performance marketing 
   
      
         
the performance    
      
       
         
       
        
      
       
       
         
        
9) Marketing Intelligence as Marketing 4.0
        
            
      
         
Marketing 1.0
Marketing 2.0       
     
Marketing 3.0    
   
      
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Marketing 4.0      
        
Marketing 5.0    
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         
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B. Summarizing Discussion
      terminology  
         
          
Marketing intelligence Idea
 
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      
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          
       
     product     inside-out
   
       
        
values of customers also beyond 
 
         
   
Marketing as
digital techniques Marketing as
social engineering
nearfield communications
      
 
 
          
        not actively
         
        outside-in  
       
method 
        
        
Methodological paradigm shift
        
         
 inside-out 
outside-in   PR
management    
 
marketing 3.0
         
performance marketing
        
         
         
       creative potential 
          
   
        
 
 
Key Points Traditional Marketing Inbound Marketing
  
  
  
Time 
Instruments  
  
  
Technical paradigm shift      
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International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 5, Nº 5
         
     
        
         
 
micro marketingindividual
     real time as proximity marketing 
           
Cultural paradigm shift      
      
data dissemination
  smart data 
corporate culture
      
      
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internal company social
networking         
     
European Research on Management and Business Economics
    
    
   Global Journal of Management and Business
Research: E-Marketing
           
International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering,
    
Journal of Marketing
 
Big Data
          
       Journal of Business
& Industrial Marketing        
           
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing
       Market Intelligence: Building
Strategic Insight
     
European Research on Management and Business Economics
    
     Pragmalytics: Practical Approaches to Marketing
Analytics in the Digital Age”
     
International Journal of Research in Marketing
         
    International Conference on Soft
Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology
          
Journal of Internet Social
Networking & Virtual Communities
         
      Journal of Advertising
 
      
    Journal of Business Research 
        
 Journal of Business
          “Lokalisiert und
identifiziert: wie Ortungstechnologien unser Leben verändern”
       
          
Harvard Business Review 
     
 
Praxishandbuch Big Data: Wirtschaft – Recht – Technik
 Die Digitalisierung der Kommunikation im Mittelstand –
Auswirkungen von Marketing 4.0
 
of Marketing         
          
   Absatzwirtschaft online  
    
   
 International Journal of Mobile Marketing
          
      Technologies
         
       World
Conference on Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Procedia
- Social and Behavioral Sciences,     
 
       
  International Journal of Customer Relationship
Marketing and Management
       Gabler Lexikon Medienwirtschaft
 
Business Development: Strategien – Innovationen – Geschäftsmodelle;
Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement
        
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Management Decision   
      “Predictive Marketing: Easy Ways Every
Marketer Can Use Customer Analytics”
  
 Journal of Service Theory and Practice
        
   Journal of Direct, Data and
Digital Marketing Practice        
 
European Journal of Marketing
        
International Journal of
Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence
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Grundlagen, Konzepte und Lösungen
           
International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering
 
Mis Quarterly
     
   Journal of Information Security and
 
Journal of social marketing
          
Media and Communication 
           
 Journal
of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship  
    “Social Media Marketing”
          
Journal of Marketing Research
           
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Communications An International Journal    
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Business Horizons
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         
  Journal of Marketing
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     Expert Journal of
          
British Journal of Economics,
Management & Trade
 
Acta Technologica Dubnicae  
            
   w&w special, Marketing convention 2016
      “Creative Marketing: An Extended
Metaphor for Marketing in a New Age”
 
Procedia Engineering,
 
    Journal of Marketing 
       
 
   European Journal of Marketing  
          
       
Marketing Intelligence & Planning
        
   Journal of Direct, Data and
Digital Marketing Practice        
 
Business Development: Strategien – Innovationen – Geschäftsmodelle;
Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement
      Medium  
           
 
     “Digitales Dialogmarketing: Grundlagen,
Strategien, Instrumente”
 
 Applied Computing and Informatics 
        
       
 Moderne Konzepte des organisationalen Marketing 
            
      Marketing
         
 Journal of Marketing      
 
    Journal of Marketing   
    “The Use of Digital Analytics for Measuring and
Optimizing Digital Marketing Performance”,  
        
    “Praxiswissen Online-Marketing, Affiliate- und
E-Mail-Marketing, SuchmaschinenMarketing, OnlineWerbung, Social
Media, Online-PR”
 Marketing 4.0: Moving
from Traditional to Digital”
 
     Journal of Computer
and Communications
        
  Journal of Marketing Management
    Kompaktwissen Marketing: Grundlagen für
Studium und Praxis”
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International Journal of Marketing Studies      
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International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 5, Nº 5
           Journal of
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Journal of Marketing
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 
Digitalisierung und Kommunikation Konsequenzen der
digitalen Transformation für die Wirtschaftskommunikation
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Expert Journal of Marketing
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Prof. Dr. habil. Jan Lies
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... In an ongoing and systematic manner, it is imperative to rigorously examine and scrutinize comprehensive market data in order to effectively observe and keep track of significant economic transitions as well as the evolving patterns and behaviors exhibited by consumers in the marketplace. Furthermore, it is essential to leverage these valuable insights and analytical findings to make timely and informed adjustments to your marketing strategies, refine your product offerings, and modify your communication tactics in real time to ensure optimal engagement and relevance in a dynamic economic landscape [15]. A data-driven methodology not only facilitates the capacity for dynamic and agile decision-making but also plays a crucial role in guaranteeing that marketing initiatives consistently align with and adapt to the evolving and often unpredictable economic landscapes, thereby enhancing their relevance and overall effectiveness [15]. ...
... Furthermore, it is essential to leverage these valuable insights and analytical findings to make timely and informed adjustments to your marketing strategies, refine your product offerings, and modify your communication tactics in real time to ensure optimal engagement and relevance in a dynamic economic landscape [15]. A data-driven methodology not only facilitates the capacity for dynamic and agile decision-making but also plays a crucial role in guaranteeing that marketing initiatives consistently align with and adapt to the evolving and often unpredictable economic landscapes, thereby enhancing their relevance and overall effectiveness [15]. ...
The rising challenges of digital marketing within the framework of strategic management in European enterprises have significantly impacted the achievement of organizational goals and marketing initiatives. While much research has focused on digital marketing tools and consumer behavior, the unique cultural variances across Europe have often been overlooked. This study seeks to address this gap by exploring the specific issues that European enterprises face in digital marketing management and examining the cultural factors that contribute to these challenges. The research integrates the analyses of Varmavuo, Thomas, and Johnson, alongside other pertinent studies, to create a comprehensive understanding of the problem landscape. The findings reveal that European enterprises are grappling with a highly diverse market characterized by cultural complexity, technical barriers, and a shortage of skilled digital marketing professionals. These issues are exacerbated by the need to tailor marketing strategies to local economic circumstances and cultural nuances, which can vary significantly across the continent. To navigate these challenges, the study suggests that European companies should place greater emphasis on understanding and integrating cultural diversity into their digital marketing strategies. By adopting a more localized approach and leveraging critical insights into digital marketing management, organizations can enhance their workforce, drive innovation, and ultimately achieve better market performance. This cultural sensitivity and adaptability are key to thriving in Europe’s complex digital marketing landscape.
... Many businesses need more data-related knowledge culture to utilize big data marketing fully. This data can easily be acquired through IoT, which assists in a deeper understanding of consumer behavior [11]. Similar study [12] has analyzed the digital marketing scenario through smart tech developments in marketing systems. ...
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The advent of marketing 5.0 is gaining strong momentum worldwide. The marketing 5.0 technological landscape now includes other technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain. The IoT has aided the development of intelligent devices that significantly improve consumer lives. These technologies can also give manufacturers timely, accurate information they can rely on to comprehend consumer behavior and offer the best possible solutions fully. This research aims to learn how the IoT can improve sustainability and customer service in marketing version 5.0. The study uses the idea of integrating the devices needed to create a smart home and comprehending the implications of the data produced by these devices. The study reflects that the comprehensive data obtained by these devices may significantly advance the cause of sustainability and improve customer experiences. The study concludes that IoT in the future will have a significant impact on the lives of customers and will also contribute to the development of the firm's competitive advantage and achieving sustainability in the long run.
... • Social media technology due to its widespread impact on digital communications, has crucial importance in this research study. (Lies, 2019) ''The term social media technology (SMT) refers to web based and mobile applications that allow individuals and organizations to create, engage, and share new user-generated or existing content, in digital environments through multi-way communication." (Lestaro, 2021) Social media has enabled individuals and organizations to exchange messages anywhere around the globe in real-time through several digital channels. ...
This study analyses the role and effectiveness of digital media in strengthening the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) during the coronavirus pandemic based on the fraction of selection, uses and gratification theory, and media ecology theory. This study also investigates the current practical implications and practices of digital communication for CRM by gathering information from the CRM professionals through survey research. The drawbacks, barriers and limitations in the practice are also inquired while the impact of digital communication as a tool for CRM is also inquired by gathering feedback from the customers. Data analysis has proven that digital communication has a significant impact on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) efficiency however, there is still a major ground for improvement. It is identified that companies and professionals are experimenting with several practices due to which customers also feel agitated. The study suggests that digital communication is only going to be strengthened and more widely relied upon for CRM in near future by both professionals and customers. Therefore, companies should give more importance to their better execution by having skilled CRM analysts and professionals. This research can help the companies trace down the most and least rewarding digital media, encounter the limitations and come up with CRM strategies that solve the customer’s reservations. Finally, it also discusses the future trends in digital communication for CRM predicted by the professionals.
... Contractors are recommended, by Mochtar, Khrisna et al., to engage in activities related to computerized intelligence, such as using online resources and developing management information systems as well as decision support systems [1]. "Marketing intelligence" as social engineering techniques are described in Lies, Jan et al, which state that engineering big data and marketing intelligence have already become marketing realities [2]. However, the technology industry in the B2B market has not gained much attention. ...
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of business-to-business (B2B) marketing, the integration of digital strategies has become essential for promoting advanced technologies. This paper focuses on efficient digital strategies for promoting radar products in the B2B market. This study puts forward its current trends and analyzes its challenges, pointing out that while there are extensive segmentation and needs of the radar B2B market, marketing high-tech products like radar technology involves distinct challenges that need specialized digital strategies. For one thing, the technical complexity of radar products requires specialized knowledge to convey its benefits to potential buyers in the B2B market. For another, B2B sales cycles involve multiple decision-makers, often requiring demonstrations, pilot projects, and continuous dedication to establish long-term trust. Based on these, this study identifies several key digital marketing tactics, such as content marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media engagement, email marketing, digital advertising and real-time analytics to enhance radar products brand visibility in the B2B market. Empirically, the results provide valuable digital marketing insights for high-tech companies, especially for radar products in the B2B sector.
... Following market demand, companies can successfully use consumer intelligence to guide product development and marketing strategies by adopting new technologies [45]. Companies can explore new market prospects and enhance their technological skills through strategic collaborations through acquisitions, which can be driven by market forces and act as a catalyst for innovation. ...
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The incorporation of state-of-the-art technologies such as the Semantic Web, blockchain, and artificial intelligence has enabled a substantial revolution in digital marketing as the World Wide Web progresses towards Web 3.0. This article analyzes the strategic consequences of Web 3.0 for digital marketing, focusing specifically on how it enhances data-driven decision-making, customization, and user experience, transforming the sector. Incorporating the Semantic Web, which prioritizes organized and interconnected data, enhances this process by facilitating more effective information retrieval and improving interoperability across many platforms. Furthermore, the research examines the influence of decentralized networks and cloud computing on marketing strategies, highlighting their ability to enhance security, transparency, and scalability in digital transactions. To maintain competitiveness, foster innovation, and deliver personalized and enduring consumer experiences globally, firms must strategically integrate Web 3.0 technologies into their operations throughout this new era. This report offers valuable insights into the future of strategic digital marketing, providing a clear path for effectively utilizing Web 3.0 to attain sustainable success in a fast-changing digital economy.
... The community gathers potential and loyal users of the brand and is a collection of individuals with similar hobbies and purchasing needs [9]. The comment section of the notes and the official group chat established by the brand on Xiaohongshu are excellent channels for communication between the brand and users. ...
With the development and progress of social media, digital marketing has ushered in a new era. With over 200 million monthly active users, Xiaohongshu has shown brands the potential of precision marketing and traffic optimization on social media. Major brands have joined Xiaohongshu to improve their communication matrix. Therefore, this article adopts the literature analysis method to analyze the marketing status and reasons and problems for the existence of traffic on the Xiaohongshu platform, and explores strategies for optimizing traffic on the Xiaohongshu platform based on the 4C template. In the era of digital marketing, the Xiaohongshu brand needs to reposition itself accurately, promote personalized marketing, use technological methods to create creative content, attract user attention, and use diverse interactive methods to establish emotional resonance with users. In order to improve the drawbacks of Xiaohongshu’s traffic growth, enhance its traffic utilization rate, improve Xiaohongshu’s user reputation, and provide more accurate theoretical basis and development direction for social media precision marketing, ushering in long-term and healthy development.
... Apart from utilizing demographic data, companies often turn to third-party data sources to further enhance their understanding of their customers and gain insights into a wider spectrum of market trends. These sources potentially include industry reports, market research studies, and all sorts of data from social media [23]. Such third-party data provides a broader context within which individual customer data can be interpreted. ...
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The integration of big data analytics in digital marketing has fundamentally transformed how organizations understand and influence consumer behavior. This systematic review explores the potential of big data to offer deep insights into consumer preferences and behaviors. The current literature on big data and consumer behavior showcases its potential in enhancing marketing and customer experiences. However, significant gaps exist, such as longitudinal studies on how continuous big data–driven personalization affects consumer trust and loyalty over time. Addressing these gaps will advance academic understanding and offer practical insights for optimizing marketing strategies and improving customer experiences ethically. Focusing on these areas will contribute to a holistic view of big data’s responsible use in digital marketing. By utilizing large datasets, businesses can now tailor their marketing strategies to individual consumers, enhancing customer satisfaction and engagement. Adopting the PRISMA methodology, this review synthesizes recent literature to evaluate the benefits of big data in digital marketing. The research was conducted through a rigorous five-stage process, encompassing the identification of key research questions, database searches, and the critical analysis of selected articles: (1) defining the initial topic, (2) developing the appropriate research questions, (3) identifying the necessary keywords, (4) identifying and searching databases, and finally (5) accessing and reading the articles. The databases that were searched were as follows: Scopus, Web of Science, Emerald Insight, Springer Link, and ScienceDirect. The articles that were selected were 19, in a total sum of 265 identified articles. The findings consolidate current knowledge on how big data analytics can optimize marketing strategies and consumer experiences. Ultimately, this review underscores the transformative potential of big data in digital marketing, highlighting its role in enhancing customer insights and driving more effective marketing strategies.
... BD refers to a vast but heterogeneous amount of data that includes information in different quantities and formats (Sivarajah et al., 2017). It supports the effective creation of digitalized marketing processes and the execution of marketing decisions (Lies, 2019). In addition, BD can help firms to learn about their operational inefficiencies (Naganathan, 2018) and become more agile with their current available resources (Tarn and Wang, 2022). ...
Purpose Against the backdrop of dynamic capabilities theory, this research examines the relationship between knowledge and marketing agility in the context of big data marketing analytics (BDMA). The relevant knowledge constructs under investigation are business/marketing, relational, technological and technology management. The level of BDMA deployment is also examined to determine its impact on these relationships. Design/methodology/approach A survey was used to gather data from marketing professionals working in firms with at least limited experience in big data (BD) deployment in the United States and Canada. The results were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) with a sample of 236 responses. Findings The results indicate that marketing professionals perceived the knowledge and marketing agility constructs differently than the previous research on IT professionals. The knowledge construct was perceived as a two-dimensional construct consisting of broad knowledge skills and specific technical knowledge skills. Only the broad knowledge skills construct was significantly related to the marketing agility construct, with progressively high predictive validity and relevance when the deployment of BDMA progresses. Originality/value The paper's originality stems from the different conceptualizations of the knowledge and marketing agility constructs due to the use of a novel sample of marketing professionals in this study. The research also contributes to the dynamic capabilities theory by emphasizing the critical role of vital knowledge when aiming to enhance marketing agility.
... With the evolution of the Internet, particularly the development of the World Wide Web, there have been substantial changes in the way we communicate [30][31][32][33]. And while Web 1.0 consisted of a system of interconnected information based on graphics and links and marked by static pages [31], Web 2.0 would enable bi-directional communication and active user participation, becoming essential in making purchasing decisions [31][32][33][34][35]. Web 3.0, also known as the Semantic Web, would create a more intelligent Internet, open to accessing and storing information [36], where machines understand human semantic expressions, help produce content, and optimize users' online experiences [31]. ...
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Social networks have become a significant part of people’s daily lives, particularly in the purchasing process. In this context, digital influencers have played an essential role in shaping consumers’ opinions. In this sense, studying the role of social networks and influencers in the online product purchase decision process was considered pertinent. We selected two technology adoption models to fulfill this purpose: the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). We conducted an exploratory study using a quantitative approach, with data being collected through a questionnaire distributed online. The statistical analysis of the empirical model employed a partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique. Analyzing the 135 responses allowed us to conclude that social networks are relevant in consumers’ purchase decision process. This research highlights the importance of the credibility of influencers, emotional connections with audiences, and the dynamics of the media in shaping consumer behavior. It highlights the strong influence of digital influencers on purchasing decisions and makes a methodological contribution with a rigorous empirical model. This study also suggests avenues for future research in order to deepen the understanding of influencer and social media marketing strategies.
Conference Paper
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The increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks have exposed organizational systems to significant vulnerabilities. However, much of the current research remains focused on technical solutions. This study addresses this gap by examining how organizational behaviors, internal complexities, and leadership dynamics can exacerbate or mitigate cybersecurity risk. This study employs a qualitative content analysis approach to investigate how these factors contribute to cyber vulnerabilities. It uses a hypothetical organizational model to simulate real-world cyber incidents, such as ransomware attacks, phishing, data breaches, and insider threats. These findings demonstrate the critical importance of an integrated approach that addresses technical and organizational challenges in enhancing cybersecurity resilience. By focusing on these often-overlooked aspects, this study provides practical insights for organizational leaders and cybersecurity professionals, offering them actionable strategies for improving their cybersecurity posture. Based on our key findings, these strategies can be implemented immediately to bolster organizational cybersecurity. This review article delineates the research methodologies employed, highlights the key findings, and discusses practical strategies to improve organizational cybersecurity.
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This paper offers views on some current and future trends in marketing. The content is based on recent literature and on what is happening in the business world. The paper is based on secondary data. The paper is based on extant literature and internet sources. The various articles, researches, reports, newspapers, magazines, various websites and the information on internet have been studied. We experience a radical change in India towards the digitalization. The consumer are looking and searching more on internet to find the best deal form the sellers around India as compared to traditional or conventional methods. In this study, we acknowledged that businesses can really benefit from Digital Marketing such as search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation, e-commerce marketing, campaign marketing, and social media marketing, social media optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display advertising, e-books, optical disks and games and are becoming more and more common in our advancing technology. It is demonstrated that we all are connected through whatsapp and facebook and the increasing use of social media is creating new opportunities for digital marketers to attract the customers through digital platform. Awareness of consumer's motives is important because it provides a deeper understanding of what influences users to create content about a brand or store. Digital marketing is cost effective and having a great commercial impact on the business. Based on this study, it can further be argued that knowing which social media sites a company's target market utilizes is another key factor in guaranteeing that online marketing will be successful. The effectiveness of Internet marketing with respect to different business can be analyzed. The study can further be extended to compare the internet marketing techniques with specific to various businesses.
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Given the research interest on Big Data in Marketing, we present a research literature analysis based on a text mining semi-automated approach with the goal of identifying the main trends in this domain. In particular, the analysis focuses on relevant terms and topics related with five dimensions: Big Data, Marketing, Geographic location of authors’ affiliation (countries and continents), Products, and Sectors. A total of 1560 articles published from 2010 to 2015 were scrutinized. The findings revealed that research is bipartite between technological and research domains, with Big Data publications not clearly aligning cutting edge techniques toward Marketing benefits. Also, few inter-continental co-authored publications were found. Moreover, findings show that research in Big Data applications to Marketing is still in an embryonic stage, thus making it essential to develop more direct efforts toward business for Big Data to thrive in the Marketing arena.
The authors extend previous research by examining antecedents and consequences of the market intelligence dissemination process across functional boundaries. Their study, involving 788 nonmarketing managers in high-tech equipment manufacturing companies, suggests that both dissemination frequency and formality have nonlinear effects on perceived intelligence quality. In addition, they find evidence of a mere formality effect; that is, intelligence received through formal channels appears to be used more than that obtained through informal channels. The authors also find that the frequency with which market intelligence is disseminated is related to interfunctional distance, joint customer visits, senders’ positional power, a receiver's organizational commitment, and trust in a sender. Additionally they find the formality of the dissemination process is shaped by interfunctional distance, receivers’ trust in senders, and structural flux. Interestingly, the effects of internal environmental volatility (i.e., structural flux) appear to be different from those of external environmental volatility (i.e., market dynamism). For example, structural flux is found to affect dissemination formality, but not frequency, whereas the opposite is true for market dynamism.
The subject of automation in business has had extended coverage in the business press during recent months. Electronics has also captured the imagination of marketing men, but the areas for automation have not been clearly defined. This article answers some important questions and gives specific results that have been obtained.
Marketing is a pervasive societal activity that goes considerably beyond the selling of toothpaste, soap, and steel. The authors interpret the meaning of marketing for nonbusiness organizations and the nature of marketing functions such as product improvement, pricing, distribution, and communication in such organizations. The question considered is whether traditional marketing principles are transferable to the marketing of organizations, persons, and ideas.
Digitization, the rise of the Internet and mobile devices have changed the way people interact with each other and with companies. In recent years, the voice interface has become a growing feature in mobile devices. Industry reports indicate that in mid-2016, 20 percent of Android searches were voice-based and Siri received two bn. requests per week. ComScore predicts that by 2020, 50 percent of all searches will be voice searches. Furthermore, it is anticipated that voice will become the default method to control a variety of interfaces including mobile devices, Internet of Things (IoT) appliances, and automobiles.
Wie gelingt profitables Online-Marketing? Erwin Lammenett, Gründer einer renommierten Internetagentur, erläutert kompakt und praxisnah die gesamte Palette der Online-Marketing-Instrumente. Sie erfahren, wie Sie diese Instrumente erfolgreich nutzen, welche Sie sinnvoll miteinander kombinieren können und wie Sie ein effizientes Controlling aufbauen. Angesprochen werden Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter aus Marketing und PR, Produktmanager, Unternehmensberater, aber auch Dozierende und Studierende mit dem Schwerpunkt Marketing. Die 6. Auflage wurde vollständig überarbeitet und erweitert. Neu hinzugekommen sind die Kapitel über Facebook und den Atlas Server, Content-Marketing, Amazon als Suchmaschine, (Internet-)Video-Marketing, mobiles Internet bzw. Mobile-Marketing sowie Marketing-Automation. Jedes Kapitel wurde um einen Abschnitt zu den Dimensionen und Querverbindungen ergänzt und neue Entwicklungen sowie dynamische Inhalte (Servicelinks) wurden aufgenommen. Über die dynamischen Servicelinks können Inhalte jederzeit und kurzfristig angepasst werden. Auf diese Weise kann die Halbwertszeit des Wissens, das in diesem Buch steckt, erhöht werden. Der Inhalt Affiliate-Marketing und E-Mail-Marketing Suchmaschinenmarketing: SEA, SEO, Universal Search, Amazon als Suchmaschine, Preissuchmaschinen Content-MarketingOnline-Werbung: Vermarkter, Formate Werbung in Facebook bzw. Werbung mit Facebook Online-PR: Pressearbeit, Presseportale (Internet-)Video-Marketing Social-Media-Marketing: Blogs, Wikis, Facebook, Twitter Erfolgsdeterminanten: Abhängigkeiten und Beziehungen untereinander Das Online-Marketing von morgen: Marketing-Automation, Marketing-Suites, kanalübergreifende Strategien Der Autor Dr. Erwin Lammenett ist Gründer der Internetagentur team in medias GmbH, die seit 1995 am Markt ist. 2014 verkaufte er seine Agentur und arbeitet seither als freier Berater für Online-Marketing. Seit Mai 2015 ist er Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates der +Pluswerk AG, einer international agierenden Internetagentur mit zehn Standorten in Deutschland. Ferner ist er Mitglied im Praxisbeirat der Fachhochschule Düsseldorf, FB Medien.