Conference PaperPDF Available

MDRE: An efficient expansion tool to perform model updating from squeal measurements


Abstract and Figures

In brake FEM, model updating is often needed to improve the model accuracy and well describe problematic phenomena such as the squeal. To avoid performing a full model updating which is often time consuming, the use of the Minimum Dynamic Residual Expansion method is proposed to help building the updating strategy. The procedure proposed in this paper is evaluated on a disc brake system, using experimental measurements and the nominal model as input data. From experimental squeal measurements, two shapes are extracted and expanded on the current model. The evaluation of the residual error of model shows areas where the model is wrong and guides through the definition of sensitive parameters which need to be updated. Once the model is parameterized, a model reduction strategy is proposed for further computations to be performed in a time compatible with industrial processes. A parametric study is then achieved: the expansion is computed for all the combinations of the chosen parameters. It is finally possible to navigate through the expansion results for all the parameters, evaluate the evolution of the model accuracy and extract the best combination which improves the model representability.
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1Martin, Guillaume*, 1Vermot des Roches, Guillaume, 1,3Balmes, Etienne,
2Chancelier, Thierry
1 SDTools, France, 2 Chassis Brakes International, France,
3 PIMM, Arts et Metiers, CNRS, Hesam, France
KEYWORDS – Expansion, model reduction, model updating, parametric study, test/model
In brake FEM, model updating is often needed to improve the model accuracy and well
describe problematic phenomena such as the squeal. To avoid performing a full model
updating which is often time consuming, the use of the Minimum Dynamic Residual
Expansion method is proposed to help building the updating strategy. The procedure proposed
in this paper is evaluated on a disc brake system, using experimental measurements and the
nominal model as input data. From experimental squeal measurements, two shapes are
extracted and expanded on the current model. The evaluation of the residual error of model
shows areas where the model is wrong and guides through the definition of sensitive
parameters which need to be updated. Once the model is parameterized, a model reduction
strategy is proposed for further computations to be performed in a time compatible with
industrial processes. A parametric study is then achieved: the expansion is computed for all
the combinations of the chosen parameters. It is finally possible to navigate through the
expansion results for all the parameters, evaluate the evolution of the model accuracy and
extract the best combination which improves the model representability.
In brake models, it is difficult to be confident in the a priori relevance of some parameters.
Model updating is thus often needed to properly represent the real system. In previous works,
a full model updating method has been proposed [1,2]. To limit model bias in the updating
result, the strategy was to update component alone first (geometry and material properties)
and then to iteratively update isolated couplings in sub-models. This strategy is really relevant
at the component level and for some couplings but can be time consuming (many
measurements are needed) and some parameters cannot be isolated in substructures (sliding
contacts, shoes/back-plate, pad/bracket…)
A complementary updating procedure is thus needed. In [3], the Minimum Dynamic Residual
Expansion (MDRE) [4,5], was first proposed to improve the interpretation of experimental
shapes measured with low sensor density, typically with accelerometers. In presence of higher
number of sensors, this expansion technique can also be used to highlight areas where model
error exists [6,3]. It is proposed in this paper to go further with two steps: first with a model
parameterization of the areas pointed out by the MDRE result and secondly by updating the
First, the system used as illustration is presented with a description of both numerical and
experimental input data. Then, MDRE expansion theory is summarized and expansion results
on the test case are presented. Next, the implementation of the parametric model is developed
and precisions are provided on how it can be used in the expansion process. Focus is also
made on calculation times. Finally, results of the parametric study are shown and perspectives
are provided to go further.
When dealing with squeal phenomenon, some parameters are really sensitive to braking
conditions (especially the braking pressure) and need to be addressed to obtain a model
representative enough to propose design countermeasures. Thus experimental data must be
exploited to correlate and improve the model. Using in-squeal ODS correlation provides a
good way of updating a brake model in specific operating conditions.
Two main techniques are available to perform the ODS measurements: using accelerometers
which can be measured synchronously but have a low spatial resolution or using 3D Scanning
Laser Doppler Vibrometer (3DSLDV) measurements which allow a higher spatial density but
lead to sequential measurements. Using sequential measurements is a difficulty previously
addressed in [3,6] because the squealing system cannot be considered as time invariant.
Results from previous papers, with experiments on both drum and disc brakes, showed that
the shapes associated with squeal instabilities are expected and actually found to be
dominated by the combination of two real modes. Despite frequency shifts, two real shapes
dominate the response and have variations that are coherent with changes due to the wheel
Here a disc brake is used as illustration. The disc brake is measured in squealing conditions
on test bench shown in Figure 1 left using the Polytec 3DSLDV PSV500. The test wireframe
is constructed in two parts: one in the direct view to measure the disc, a part of the caliper and
a part of the anchor bracket and one through the mirror to measure the remaining parts of the
caliper and the anchor bracket. It is composed of 619 points, leading to 1857 measured
channels (XYZ directions). The test wireframe is overlaid with the FEM in Figure 1 right.
Figure 1 : Test case. Left : disc-brake measured on test bench.
Right : Measurement wireframe on top of the FEM.
To extract the two main shapes; three reference mono-axial accelerometers were used: one on
the caliper, one on the anchor bracket and one on the arm. From sequential time
measurements, the procedure presented in [3,6] was used to extract two main real shapes
around 4250Hz, where squeal occurs. The two main shapes are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 : Visualization of the two main shapes extracted from all the sequential time measurement with the
previously developed method
The first shape shows mainly a deformation of the bracket. The second shape shows another
deformation of the bracket with a deformation of the disc.
On the modelling side, the brake assembly is simulated with finite elements. All components
are in contact friction-interaction. A steady-sliding state in brake actuation conditions is
computed to obtain contact and friction statuses from which a tangent model is derived
(linearization) for eigenvalue analysis. The model used in this study is a quality checked
(mesh convergence, steady sliding state consistency ...) state-of-the-art model featuring
3.000.000 DOF.
Dealing with modal correlation, the most widely used technique is the Modal Assurance
Criterion MAC [7] for shape pairing and frequency correspondence for paired shapes. This
methodology has proven its efficiency, but misses the capability to guide the model updating
procedure. When the correlation result is poor: it is difficult to localize the modelling errors
from a MAC result only. Moreover, the MAC shows irregularity when modes switch and thus
cannot be efficiently used in an optimization procedure [8].
The MDRE algorithm [4] combines test and model to estimate test shapes on the full FEM.
This process is called expansion. The first interest is to complement 3D-SLDV measurement,
which despite their high resolution cannot estimate motion on hidden parts or interfaces
between components as shown in the overlay in Figure 1 right. Estimating the shape
everywhere may ease proposing modification to impact the squeal phenomenon. The second
interest is to introduce a measure highlighting areas where the FEM may have errors.
Given a FEM shape 𝜙, one seeks to define a cost function describing a first objective that is
its consistence with a test shape {𝑦} measured at sensors and a second objective in the fact
that this shape is close to being a solution of the model.
The observation of the FEM shape at sensors is described by an observation matrix [𝑐]. One
can thus define an observation or test error using the classical Euclidian norm of the different
between the measured shape and the observation of the FEM shape
If the model is somewhat correct, it is also expected that the FEM shape respects equilibrium
equations. For a modeshape 𝑍(𝜔)𝜙 should be zero, for a forced response 𝑍(𝜔)𝜙𝐹(𝜔)
should be zero, … If the shape is not a FEM solution, one can define a mechanical unbalance
residual. For example {𝑅(𝜔)}=𝑍(𝜔)𝜙 will be the residual for a modeshape. Since this
residual is a load, one needs to associate an energy measure to properly quantify its size. The
classic approach is to introduce a static response induced by the unbalanced forces
and to compute the strain energy of this shape as equilibrium or model error
If the model is perfectly correct and matches the test, both errors should be zero. In practice,
one defines a multi-objective cost function, associated with an error weighting 𝛾 as
which combines the observation 𝜖 and equilibrium 𝜖 errors. For any value of the
weighting 𝛾, the minimization problem (4) can be put in matrix form (see [4,8]) allowing the
computation of an optimal expanded shape 𝜙(𝛾) minimizing the objective function.
The expanded shape 𝜙(𝛾) provides the best compromise between the respect of the measured
shape and the respect of the model equilibrium, the balance being controlled by 𝛾.
In practice, full resolution of MDRE is generally not accessible [4] so that the reduction
proposed in [8] is a major contribution. The FEM is reduced on a basis combining the static
responses to unit loads at sensors, for the result to be at least as good as the static expansion,
and the free modes of the structure (considering the friction coefficient equals to zero), for the
expansion to be exact if the model matches the measurements perfectly. This family of shapes
is orthonormalized with respect to mass and stiffness matrices, leading to the basis
with [𝛷] the free mode shapes and [𝛷] the part of the static response to unit loads at
sensors that is orthogonal to the free modes (this part will be called enrichment later).
Furthermore, this model reduction can be useful if the expansion is used in combination with
an updating procedure, to speed up the parametric studies. It also allows a quick evaluation of
the MDRE result for several values of the parameter 𝛾.
Rather than absolute test and model errors, relative errors are introduced to ease interpretation
of the role of parameter 𝛾. The relative test error is defined using the Euclidian norm of the
test shape to normalize
and the relative model error is normalized with the strain energy of the expanded shape
Exploiting the reduction basis topology (5), the DOFs 𝑞 can be decomposed in those linked
to the free modes 𝑞 and those linked to the enrichment 𝑞. In this basis, the stiffness
matrix is diagonal with first the mode pulsations 𝜔
and then the pseudo-pulsations 𝜔
From this property, the model error can be decomposed in a part linked to the free modes and
a part linked to the enrichment
Several expansions with an increasing 𝛾 from 1 to 1e10 have been performed on the disc
brake test case. The evolution of the relative test and model errors is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 : Evolution of relative model and test error with 𝛾. Left: first main shape, right: second.
For a very low value of 𝛾=1, the relative model error is really low but the expanded shape
does not match the measurements. When increasing the value of 𝛾, the test error decreases
with at first an increasing model error linked to the enrichment (up to 𝛾=1𝑒5). Then, the test
error continues to decrease but with a strong increase of the model error linked to the free
modes: to represent the measurement well, the free modes are used but do not satisfy the
mechanical equilibrium well. The free mode subspace seems thus relevant but there are errors
on the associated frequencies.
In the following sections, an intermediate 𝛾 value of 1e+06 is chosen to compute the
expansion: at this value, the relative error of model is distributed between a participation of
the modes and a participation of the enrichment, and the relative error of measurement is
acceptable (<10%). The expanded mode shapes corresponding to this 𝛾 are show in Figure 4.
The first one is dominated by the deformation of the right column and the left side of the
caliper, with a small level of deformation of the disc. The second shape is mostly a
deformation of the whole caliper and again the right column, plus a deformation of the disc.
Figure 4 : Expansion result: first (left) and second (right) experimental shape for 𝛾=10
The expansion can also be used to analyse the model quality. Indeed, since the model error is
a strain energy (see (3)), it is possible to visualize its repartition in the model elements and
thus highlight areas where the mechanical equilibrium is poor. This model error can be split in
two (see (8)): the part related to the free mode shapes, and the part related to the enrichment
Figure 5 shows the model error part related the free mode shapes. It is located close to the
abutments between the pads and the bracket: surfaces A corresponds to contacts in the
tangential direction of the disc and surfaces B in the radial directions.
Figure 5 : Model error on the free mode shapes
These model error maps were used to define a relevant parameterization of the model to
perform model updating: contact stiffness between the two pads and the calliper at these 4
Figure 6 shows that the model error part related to the enrichment shapes is mostly located
near the sensor: the model is forced to follow the test shape which contains measurement
errors leading to residual loads close to the sensors. The poor readability of this plot illustrates
the motivation for splitting energy contributions in two parts.
Figure 6 : Model error on the enrichment shapes
As stated in the introduction, the process developed here considers updating of individual
brake components first and thus limits later choices to interface stiffness. In the previous
section the model error associated with expansion was used to select the relevant areas. One
thus uses a parametric representation of stiffness of the form
with K a global matrix corresponding to interior component stiffness and 𝐾 the
junction stiffness matrix associated with junction 𝑖 and parametrized by a scaling factor 𝛼.
A major interest of contact definition with stiffness evolution is the ability to use multi-model
reduction [9] for very fast computations. The full model is only computed for some snapshots
corresponding to sets of parameter values {𝛼}. The associated collection of vectors (mode
shapes of each snapshot) is orthonormalized with respect to the mass [𝑀] and the most rigid
stiffness matrix 𝐾𝛼 (highest value for each parameter 𝛼) to generate a reduction
Using a standard Ritz-Galerkin procedure, the reduced model takes the form
with [𝑀]=[T][𝑀][T] and [𝐾(𝛼)]=[T][𝐾(𝛼)][T]
The choice of the snapshots points and normalization remains open. A pertinent strategy is to
generate snapshots corresponding to the nominal configuration and the sequence of
configurations with one of the parameters set to its minimal value. Nevertheless, the number
of required snapshots can become large and time consuming as these correspond to full model
results. Iterative subspace enrichment techniques could be explored in such case. In practice
sensitivity analyses allow discarding irrelevant parameters, and it usually remains acceptable
to compute a few tens of full points in extreme cases.
For the considered test case, the 4 junctions identified in the previous section use nominal
contact stiffness densities 100 times higher than the component material representative
stiffness. The nominal junctions 𝐾 are in saturated state, i.e. stiffer than the components
interfaces. In practice the effective junction stiffness may be lower than its saturated value
accounting for contact imprecisions (effective surface, effective friction, micro-
opening/sliding, ...). The chosen parameters lumps these effects by spreading the stiffness
density factors 𝛼 between values 1 (nominal saturated) and 1e-8 (released). The snapshots
will thus correspond to a combination of 5 configurations:
For the model parameters to be accessible in the expansion process, the reduction basis used
for expansion, previously described in (5), becomes
It is then possible to compute in this subspace the expansion result 𝜙(γ,α) minimizing
for any configuration 𝛼 and any weighting γ.
For a fixed weighting 𝛾, updated model parameters 𝛼 are those which minimize the
relative model error defined in (7). The influence of 𝛾 on 𝛼 that will be considered in
future work.
The gain of using a reduced model is both in terms of time (cost of 5 computations for
hundreds of points in the design space) and memory (storing the reduced modeshapes
associated with all points is practical when storing their full version would requires
gigabytes). To highlight the computational gain in, the full model features 3.000.000 DOF
and the computation of modes up to 12 kHz takes about half an hour. The enrichment with
loads at the 1857 sensors and the orthonormalisation of all the sets of shapes takes about 2
hours. Obtaining a parametric model compatible with the MDRE process thus takes about 5
hours. This parameterized model features 2181 generalized DOFs and it takes about 1 second
to get the expansion results for any design point (γ,α).
This paper presents preliminary results where a single stiffness factor 𝛼 identically applied to
the 4 junctions. Computation is performed between 𝛼=10 and 𝛼=10 (no evolution
outside) and Figure 7 shows the evolution of mode frequencies with the parameter. When the
stiffness increases, modal frequencies rise up and several shape crossings pass through
4250Hz (the squeal occurrence and thus expansion frequency).
Figure 7 : Mode frequency evolution with the parameter evolution
Figure 8 presents the parametric stability diagram (or root locus) for the study. This highlights
the strong sensitivity of modal damping, thus confirming the interest for the parameters
pointed by the initial MDRE analysis on squeal stability.
Figure 8 : Damping and frequency evolution of complex modes with the parameter evolution
To get the optimal parameter, the relative model error is shown on Figure 9.
Figure 9 : Relative error of model in function of the stiffness parameter for the first shape (left) and the second
shape (right)𝛾=10
For the first shape, two minima are reached at K/Kmax=6e-6 (global minimum) and
K/Kmax=3e-5 (local minimum). Expanded shapes corresponding to these parameters are
shown in Figure 10. The first is global while the second is a local bending of the wear
indicator / edge of lower pad.
Figure 10 : Expansion of the first shape for the parameters K/Kmax=6e-6 and K/Kmax=3e-5
The same behavior occurs with the second shape with two minima reached at K/Kmax=8e-7
(local minimum) and K/Kmax=5e-5 (global minimum), whose expanded shapes are shown in
Figure 11. One again sees either a global mode or the same local lower pad mode.
Figure 11 : Expansion of the second shape for the parameters K/Kmax=8e-7 and K/Kmax=5e-5
The existence of minima pointing to local unmeasured motion is the indication that local
modes of this part may exist. Adding more measurement points would either remove the local
minimum of the objective function or confirm the influence of that local mode on the squeal
event near 4250 Hz. Vibration of the wear indicated was actually considered in design studies.
Future investigations will address the following issues: the optimum parameter differs for the
two test shapes so a consistent value must be found combining an objective on both shapes;
the 4 parameters should be considered independently. Decoupling normal and tangential
stiffness in the contact parameterization is also possible. The crossing shapes in the S curves
(Figure 7), probably corresponding to localized deformations shown in Figure 10 and Figure
11, must be analyzed using modal observations [8]. Finally, it would be interesting to look at
the evolution of test/analysis correlation with updating using the MAC matrix.
This paper summarized the theory behind Minimum Dynamic Residual Expansion MDRE and
showed it to be applicable to an industrial brake squeal problem. The expansion gives access
to an estimate of the limit cycle shapes on the full set of DOF including hidden parts and
junctions and it further gives model error evaluations that can be used to localize problems in
the model based on the squeal shapes only. The evaluation of model error was used to define
pertinent junction parameters that were later considered in an updating loop that did not show
the usual irregularities that plague MAC based objective criteria.
While the theory behind MDRE has been known for decades, the combination of model
reduction techniques proposed here was crucial to allow parametric studies in a reasonable
time. The need to work on criteria for interpretation was illustrated by the distinction between
model error on free and enrichment shapes, which was key to allow the clear localization of
errors on the springs between the anchor bracket and pads. For the updating part, the need to
consider more independent parameters and to introduce multi-shape objective criteria was
also pointed out.
Other topics for future work are the consideration of relations between parametrization and
bias in the updated parameters, understanding expanded shape errors in the presence of
incorrect models for a given test wireframe density, and obviously the introduction of
strategies that could hint on the impact of squeal mitigation measures.
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... More details on the implementation, norm definitions and examples can be found in [1], [11]. One just reminds here that model reduction is mandatory to solve the expansion in an acceptable time. ...
... Display of the spatial repartition of modeling and test errors is helpful to go deeper in the analysis of sources of bad correlation as can be seen in [1], [11], [12] which is helpful if model updating must be performed. This is not the main topic for this paper so it will not be developed here. ...
... Strain and kinetic energy are then computed at Gauss points of the thickness layer and energy density maps on the surface are obtained as shown in Figure 10. The difference between strain and kinetic energy density maps gives the thickness sensitivity map (or "shift" energy density map): it is directly related to the frequency shift from the sensitivity equation (11). In areas with positive shift energy density, thickness increase adds more strain energy than kinetic energy thus increasing the modal frequency. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
To analyze brake squeal, measurements are performed to extract Operational Deflection Shapes (ODS) characteristic of the limit cycle. The advantage of this strategy is that the real system behavior is captured, but measurements suffer from a low spatial distribution and hidden surfaces, so that interpretation is sometimes difficult. It is even more difficult to propose system modifications from test alone. Historical Structural Dynamics Modification (SDM) techniques need mass normalized shapes which is not available from an ODS measurement. Furthermore, it is very difficult to translate mass, damping or stiffness modification between sensors into physical modifications of the real system. On the model side, FEM methodology gives access to fine geometric details, continuous field over the whole system. Simple simulation of the impact of modifications is possible, one typical strategy for squeal being to avoid unstable poles. Nevertheless, to ensure accurate predictions, test/FEM correlation must be checked and model updating may be necessary despite high cost and absence of guarantee on results. To combine both strategies, expansion techniques seek to estimate the ODS on all FEM DOF using a multi-objective optimization combining test and model errors. The high number of sensors compensates for modeling errors, while allowing imperfect test. The Minimum Dynamics Residual Expansion (MDRE) method used here, ensures that the complex ODS expanded shapes are close enough to the measured motion but have smooth, physically representative, stress field, which is mandatory for further analysis. From the expanded ODS and using the model, the two underlying real shapes are mass-orthonormalized and stiffness-orthogonalized resulting in a reduced modal model with two modes defined at all model DOFs. Sensitivity analysis is then possible and the impact of thickness modifications on frequencies is estimated. This provides a novel structural modification strategy where the parameters are thickness distributions and the objective is to separate the frequencies associated with the two shapes found by expansion of the experimental ODS. The methodology will be illustrated for a recent disk brake test and model.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
In the presence of squeal, Operational Deflection Shapes (ODS) are classically performed to analyze behavior. A simple numeric example is used to show that two real shapes should dominate the response. This justifies an ad-hoc procedure to extract main shapes from the real brake time measurements. The presence of two shapes is confirmed despite variations with wheel position and reproducibility tests. To obtain a high spatial density measurement, 3D Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometer is interesting but leads to iterative measurements on a time-varying system. An algorithm to merge sequential measurement and extract main shapes is detailed. Even with a high-density 3D SLDV measurement, shapes characterizing the squeal event are still only known on accessible surfaces. Minimum Dynamic Residual Expansion (MDRE) is thus finally used to estimate motion on a full FE mesh which eases interpretation and highlights areas where the test and the model contain errors.
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Le crissement de frein est une nuisance sonore récurrente dans l’automobile qui, bien qu’il n’existe pas de solution robuste lors de la conception, se traduit souvent par des pénalités économiques envers les équipementiers. La simulation numérique et les caractérisations expérimentales sont les deux voies classiques pour analyser les phénomènes crissants. La simulation permet une analyse fine des comportements vibratoires et l’évaluation de l’impact de modifications de conception, mais les modèles sont imparfaits et leur domaine de validité doit être établi. La mesure garantit que tous les paramètres sont pris en compte, mais elle est souvent spatialement pauvre et peu adaptée à la prédiction de modifications. Dans ce contexte, les objectifs de la thèse sont de faire un bilan des méthodes d’exploitation des essais, de fournir des outils permettant une interaction facilitée entre les équipes d’essai et de simulation et de mettre en œuvre les développements dans une application métier. Après un rappel sur les hypothèses et les méthodes pour l’identification modale, une analyse critique des résultats d’identification aboutit à la caractérisation des biais et à l’introduction de critères détaillés permettant d’évaluer la qualité du résultat. La corrélation calcul/essai permet de qualifier les modèles et des outils sont intégrés pour faciliter sa mise en œuvre. Plusieurs critères sont définis pour mettre en évidence les sources de mauvaise corrélation venant de la mesure d’une part et du modèle d’autre part. Les sources de mauvaise corrélation sont également identifiées avec l’algorithme d’expansion MDRE, dont les limitations sont comparées à celles des expansions statiques et dynamiques. Le recalage des modèles est ensuite traité par une procédure systématique imbriquant les étapes de recalage de la géométrie, des propriétés matériau et des contacts entre composants. Une paramétrisation du contact est proposée avec une réduction multi-modèle permettant des temps de calculs compatibles avec le temps industriel. Elle permet également des études de sensibilités avec l’introduction de la notion de modes de composant dans un assemblage. Une analyse détaillée d’une campagne de mesure sur un système de frein en conditions crissantes est enfin réalisée. Un parallèle entre les évolutions du cycle limite et le degré de couplage des modes complexes est proposé. Dans le domaine temps-fréquence, la variabilité, la répétabilité, la reproductibilité et la possibilité d’agréger des mesures séquentielles sont évaluées. Le résultat obtenu est finalement étendu sur le modèle éléments finis, ce qui permet des interprétations utiles.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
In presence of squeal, Operational Deflection Shapes (ODS) are classically measured to gain understanding of brake behavior. A simple numeric example is analyzed to justify the use of time-frequency analysis and shows that two real shapes should probably dominate the response. Using measurements on a real brake, this expectation is shown to hold even in the presence of variations with wheel position as well as for reproducibility tests. For a proper relation with the model, it is desirable to also extract modes. The test campaign is used to illustrate how this can be quite difficult due to reproducibility problems. Finally, shapes characterizing the squeal event are fundamentally limited by measurable quantities. Minimum Dynamic Residual Expansion (MDRE), which estimates test motion at all FE degrees of freedom, is shown to be applicable for industrial models and gives insight of test and model imperfections.
Conference Paper
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Squeal occurrences are quite common in brakes in production and involve coupling of modes. Detailed understanding of vibration patterns typically requires FEM models updated using test results. The process used at Chassis Brakes International typically starts by updating components so that the main sources of variability are associated with junctions. A modeling strategy allowing the practical analysis of the impact of junctions is proposed and illustrated on the case of a drum brake assembly. As the level of uncertainty/design freedom is fairly large for junctions, the evolution of modal properties is difficult to interpret. The notion of component modes within a rigid assembly is thus introduced and shown to provide an appropriate interpretation of changes in a system with multiple modal crossings. The analysis of possible forced responses is finally shown to lead to relevant interpretation of possibly interesting designs or problematic instances of a variable component.
Conference Paper
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To be confident in the prediction capability of a model, verification and validation steps are classically performed. Verification checks that the model is properly solved. Since the model used are fairly standard, this is not issue for brake components. Validation checks the relation between model and experiments on actual structures. Here geometry measurements and vibration tests are considered. The study seeks to perform a systematic review of how test quality is evaluated, and models are correlated and then updated. This will give a solid basis to define clear and easily used validations protocols for brake components where prediction of modes and their stability in the manufacturing process is often deemed critical. Updating the geometry before updating the material properties is shown to be very important: the residual error on frequencies is smaller and no bias is introduced in the estimated material properties. Proper pairing of modeshapes is important for broadband comparisons and the MAC criterion is used. Intermediate steps: experimental topology correlation using easy tools with accuracy evaluation, estimation of errors on test shapes, handling of mode crossing, are sources of errors that are analyzed. For the updating of contact properties, where many parameters may need update, the use of model reduction is shown to allow a major speed-up of parametric studies.
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This paper reviews the development of the original modal assurance criterion (MAC) together with other related assurance criteria that have been proposed over the last twenty years. Some of the other assurance criteria that will be discussed include the coordinate modal assurance criterion (COMAC), the frequency response assurance criterion (FRAC), coordinate orthogonality check (CORTHOG), frequency scaled modal assurance criterion (FMAC), partial modal assurance criterion (PMAC), scaled modal assurance criterion (SMAC), modal assurance criterion using reciprocal modal vectors (MACRV), etc.. In particular, the thought process that relates the original MAC dev elopment to ordinary coherence and to orthogonality computations will be explained. Several uses of MAC that may not be obvious to the casual observer (modal parameter estimation consistency diagrams and model updating are two examples) will be identified. The common problems with the implementation and use of modal assurance criterion computations will also be identified.
Minimum Dynamic Residual Expansion (MDRE) seeks to esti-mate the response of test modeshapes at all degrees of free-dom of a model by minimizing the weighted sum of a test er-ror defined at sensors and a modeling error taken to be the strain energy of the dynamic residual associated with the esti-mated modeshape. Theoretically the computation of the dy-namic residual gives a simple mechanism to localize modeling errors. While various forms of MDRE have been often considered in the literature, few systematic analyses of the exact resolution have been attempted on industrial models in good part because of excessive computational costs. The present paper introduces an iterative method allowing the exact solution of MDRE for large problems. Exact solutions, either direct or iterative, are compared with reduced basis versions that were proposed in earlier papers. The ability to localize errors is then evaluated for simulated tests with known modifications. The evaluations are shown for a small 1032 DOF model of the GARTEUR SM-AG-19 testbed and a more industrial 16840 DOF model of an engine cover.
  • E Balmes
Balmes E. Review and Evaluation of Shape Expansion Methods. IMAC. 2000;555-61.
Intégration de modèles de jonctions dissipatives dans la conception vibratoire de structures amorties
  • C Hammami
Hammami C. Intégration de modèles de jonctions dissipatives dans la conception vibratoire de structures amorties. 2014.