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Exploring Word Embedding Techniques to Improve
Sentiment Analysis of Software Engineering Texts
Eeshita Biswas, K. Vijay-Shanker, Lori Pollock
Computer and Information Sciences
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716 United States
{biswas, vijay, pollock}
Abstract—Sentiment analysis (SA) of text-based software arti-
facts is increasingly used to extract information for various tasks
including providing code suggestions, improving development
team productivity, giving recommendations of software packages
and libraries, and recommending comments on defects in source
code, code quality, possibilities for improvement of applications.
Studies of state-of-the-art sentiment analysis tools applied to
software-related texts have shown varying results based on the
techniques and training approaches. In this paper, we investigate
the impact of two potential opportunities to improve the training
for sentiment analysis of SE artifacts in the context of the use
of neural networks customized using the Stack Overflow data
developed by Lin et al.
We customize the process of sentiment analysis to the software
domain, using software domain-specific word embeddings learned
from Stack Overflow (SO) posts, and study the impact of software
domain-specific word embeddings on the performance of the
sentiment analysis tool, as compared to generic word embeddings
learned from Google News. We find that the word embeddings
learned from the Google News data performs mostly similar and
in some cases better than the word embeddings learned from
SO posts. We also study the impact of two machine learning
techniques, oversampling and undersampling of data, on the
training of a sentiment classifier for handling small SE datasets
with a skewed distribution. We find that oversampling alone,
as well as the combination of oversampling and undersampling
together, helps in improving the performance of a sentiment
Index Terms—Sentiment Analysis, Software Engineering,
Word Embeddings
Software engineers often search online for code examples,
libraries and packages to help them in their software devel-
opment and maintenance activities. They search through code
repositories, developer question and answer (Q&A) forums,
blog posts and tutorials online. In developer communications
such as developer Q&A forums and chat forums, they use
the sentiments of contributors to guide them to good posed
solutions. Sentiment Analysis (SA) is an opinion mining
technique in natural language processing (NLP) that analyzes
a unit of text to determine whether the opinion being expressed
is positive, negative, or neutral. Researchers have been explor-
ing sentiment analysis as a way to automatically distinguish
between good and bad information in these software developer
communications. Sentiment analysis of software engineering
(SE) textual artifacts has been used to benefit software en-
gineers by improving code suggestions and recommending
better software packages and libraries [22], [10], [24], [21],
[9]. Sentiment analysis of Q&A sites such as Stack Overflow
(SO) has been used to recommend insightful comments on
quality, deficiencies or possibilities for further improvement
of source code [29] and to extract problematic API design
features [37].
Given the many potential uses of sentiment analysis for
SE, researchers have conducted studies of various off-the-
shelf sentiment analysis tools applied to the SE domain [15],
[26], [11]. Most of the sentiment analysis for SE involve
feature-based machine learning (ML) techniques [7], [1] such
as SVM. However, more recently, Lin et al. [19] used a
neural network method using an off-the-shelf recursive neural
network [31]. They, among others (e.g., [1, 14, 7, 4]) have
considered the adaptation of off-the-shelf sentiment analysis
tools to the software domain. Thus, they built a training set
using text from Stack Overflow posts that were annotated with
a sentiment score. Despite using a state-of-the-art tool for
sentiment analysis and customizing this sentiment analysis tool
by training on Stack Overflow data, they obtained results that
were noted to be “unacceptable accuracy levels in classifying
positive/negative opinions”.
This paper investigates two additional issues in the context
of the use of neural networks customized using the Stack
Overflow data developed by Lin et al. [19], henceforth called
the LinSOData. First, as noted by Lin et al. [19] and others,
sentiment analysis data usually exhibit data imbalance with
a preponderance of neutral sentiment text and relatively low
amounts of positive/negative text. This phenomena is true for
LinSOData as well. We investigate a common technique of
using under- and over-sampling [18, 28, 5, 20] to address
the imbalance issue. Second, while Lin et al. customized the
SA tool to SE domain by using appropriate training data, we
consider an additional form of customization to the domain.
Lexical information is a fundamental source for successful
sentiment analysis, and neural network methods often use
word embedding as their representation for input words. There
are well-known techniques such as Word2Vec [34] that take
a large corpus of text as input and produce a dense high-
dimensional vector representation for the words in the corpus.
It has been suggested that these word embedding methods
capture the semantics underlying the word usage. Our second
question investigates additional domain adaptation in the form
of word embedding information induced from Stack Overflow
Thus, specifically, we investigate the following two research
1) How much is the imbalance in the dataset distribution a
factor in the unsatisfactory results of sentiment analysis
applied to SE artifacts?
2) How much does additional customization of the senti-
ment classifier to the software domain by using domain-
specific word embedding impact the sentiment analysis
To answer research question 1 (RQ1), we developed a study
to explore the impact of standard machine learning techniques
involving oversampling and undersampling, to address the
skewed distribution of the dataset in LinSOData [19]. While
the imbalance issue has been brought up in several works,
to our knowledge, the impact of sampling methods has not
been addressed in SA for SE. It can be noted that Calefato et
al. [4] achieve good performance by starting with a balanced
dataset. To answer research question 2 (RQ2), we explored
the use of software-specific word embeddings learned from
Stack Overflow (SO) posts since word embeddings capture
the semantics underlying the words and sentiment analysis
approaches rely extensively on the words used while trying to
assign a sentiment.
Our evaluation shows that using oversampling and under-
sampling increased the effectiveness of sentiment analysis on
the same software engineering dataset used by Lin et al. [19]
with recall up to 56% and 46% for negative and positive sen-
tences respectively, which is an improvement on their results,
which achieved the highest recall of 36.5% and 14.5% for
negative and positive sentences, respectively. Unfortunately,
our results indicate that customizing the sentiment classifier
to the software domain using software-specific word embed-
dings does not surpass the results achieved by the generic
word embeddings for most combinations of oversampled and
undersampled data that we tested, except for one dataset that
achieves a balanced distribution of all three classes of data
through oversampling.
We start by surveying the several studies of the use of
off-the-shelf sentiment analyzers without any customization
for SE artifacts. Tourani et. al [35] used SentiStrength (a
mainstream off-the-shelf SA tool) to extract sentiment in-
formation from the user and developer mailing lists of two
projects (Tomcat and Ant) from the Apache software foun-
dation, and achieved a precision of 29.56% and 13.1% for
positive and negative sentences, respectively. Novielli
[23] discussed the challenges of employing SA techniques to
assess the affective states (ranging from personality traits to
emotions expressed in the Stack Overflow question, answer,
and comments). Jongeling et. al [16] conducted a comparison
of four widely used SA tools: SentiStrength, NLTK, Stanford
CoreNLP, and AlchemyAPI and found none of them provides
accurate predictions of expressed sentiment in the SE domain.
One potential cause for the low effectiveness could be the
training of the SA tools on non-SE related data such as news
articles and movie reviews. Another possible cause can be
the presence of an imbalance in most datasets with respect to
positive, negative, and neutral opinions.
To address the unreliable performance of general purpose
SA tools when applied to SE text, several domain-specific SA
tools have been customized for SE text. Blaz and Becker [3]
presented a technique to evaluate the sentiment contained in
tickets for Information Technology (IT) support by creating
a domain dictionary that contains terms with the sentiment
in the IT context. Ahmed et al. developed SentiCR [1], a
customized SA tool for code review comments from open
source projects, which uses NLTK, TF-IDF features, and the
following supervised learning algorithms - Adaptive Boosting,
Decision Tree, Gradient Boosting Tree (GBT), Naive Bayes,
Random Forest, Multilayer Perceptron, SVM with Stochastic
Gradient Descent, and SVC. Islam and Zibran developed
SentiStrength-SE [14], a customized version of SentiStrength
by changing the configuration parameters and adding heuristic
rules. They evaluated SentiStrength-SE on issue comments
from JIRA issue tracking and found an improvement over Sen-
tiStrength. In another recent work, Islam and Zibran presented
DEVA [13], a dictionary-based lexical approach for automatic
detection of emotions in both valence and arousal space, using
JIRA issue comments.
In addition to the Lin et al. [19] study which considered
adapting an off-the-shelf sentiment analysis tool based on
recursive neural network as discussed in the introduction
section, Ding et al. built SentiSW [7], an entity-level SA
tool using feature vectorizations and supervised classification
algorithms (Random Forest, Bagging, GBT, Ridge Regression,
Naive Bayes, SVC) on a gold set of issue comments from
GitHub projects. They use TF-IDF and Doc2Vec model for
feature extractions, training their Doc2Vec model on approx-
imately 231k issue comments, getting the best results from
GBT using TF-IDF. Calefato et al. built Senti4SD [4], a
sentiment classifier trained and validated using a gold standard
of Stack Overflow questions, answers, and comments that
were manually annotated and had a balanced distribution of
all three classes. Senti4SD exploits lexicon-based, keyword-
based and semantic features based on word embeddings. They
use the CBOW architecture for training the word embedding
model and train Senti4SD using Support Vector Machines.
With respect to their baseline SentiStrength, Senti4SD reduces
the misclassifications of neutral and positive posts as negative.
Novielli et al [25] conducted a comparison of SA tools:
SentiStrength, SentiStrength-SE, Senti4SD, SentiCR on SE
data and concluded that SE-specific customization provides a
boost in accuracy with respect to their baseline represented by
SentiStrength and reliable sentiment analysis in SE is possible,
but the manual annotation of gold standards should be inspired
by theoretical models. None of these works studied the impacts
of data imbalance.
Two other studies included Senti4SD. Imtiaz et al. [11] also
conducted a study on existing sentiment and politeness detec-
tion tools: SentiStrength, Alchemy, NLTK, Stanford CoreNLP,
Senti4SD, SentiCR and Politeness Tool on a dataset of 589
manually annotated Github comments and found the existing
tools to be unreliable and also inconsistency amongst human
annotators in identifying sentiment and politeness in the devel-
oper discussions. Islam and Zibran conducted a comparative
study specifically on the software domain-specific SA tools
(SentiStrength-SE, Senti4SD, EmoTxt) [12] on three datasets
from JIRA issue comments, Stack Overflow posts and code
review comments, and find the accuracy of the tools to vary
across datasets.
Within the machine learning community, different sampling
methods have been proposed to address the problem of imbal-
anced training data in sentiment analysis. One such approach
is oversampling of the minority classes by either duplication,
or by creating synthetic examples (e.g., SMOTE [5]). Xu
et al. [36] presented a method called WEC-Mote that uses
word embeddings and SMOTE to produce a fully balanced
dataset; their evaluations on two datasets show improvement
in imbalanced sentiment and emotion classification for both
English and Chinese data. Studies [18, 28] also show how
undersampling of minority classes as well as combination of
undersampling and oversampling [20] improves the classifica-
tion performance on sentiment analysis.
Sentiment analysis techniques rely extensively on the words
that are being used (in a specific sentence or a phrase or
the individual words themselves) while trying to assign a
sentiment. Hence, the most obvious way for domain adap-
tation is to use an appropriate representation for the lexical
information. In neural networks, all texts have to be provided
as vector of numbers. Word embeddings transform a word
into a vector that captures the semantics underlying the words.
More specifically, the word embeddings place related words
close to each other in the representation space. Thus, using
word embeddings as input to neural models allows the neural
models to generalize beyond the specific words found in the
input sentence/documents while assigning the sentiment class.
Bengio et al. coined the term word embeddings in 2003
[2] and trained them in a neural language model. In 2008,
Collobert and Weston established word embeddings as a useful
tool for downstream tasks and introduced a neural network
architecture that forms the foundation for many current ap-
proaches [6], being the first to show the usefulness of pre-
trained word embeddings.
In 2013, Tomas Mikolov created Word2Vec [34], which
creates word embeddings or vectors based on the distributional
hypothesis (words that occur in the same contexts tend to have
similar meanings). Word2Vec takes as input a large corpus of
text (e.g. English Wikipedia, Google News) and produces a
high-dimensional vector space and assigns a corresponding
vector for each unique word in the corpus. The output of
Word2Vec is a word embedding matrix that contains vectors
for every distinct word in the training corpus. Word2vec
can obtain the embeddings using continuous bag-of-words
(CBOW) or skip-gram approaches.
A software-specific word embedding model was created
by Efstathiou et al. [8] using Word2Vec with skip-gram.
They used all the Stack Overflow posts from August 2008
to December 2017 to derive the word embeddings. They
preprocessed the SO posts to remove code snippets and HTML
tags, perform conservative punctuation removal and convert
the text into lower case. Their resulting word embedding
model has a dimension of 200 features and a vocabulary of
1,787,145 words.
To assess how imbalance in dataset distribution impacts
the accuracy of sentiment analysis applied to SE artifacts,
we applied sampling techniques just prior to training as
indicated in Figure 2 using the LinSOData [19]. To investigate
how using software-specific word embeddings could impact
sentiment analysis in the SE domain, we needed to be able to
provide software-specific as well as generic word embeddings
as input to the sentiment analysis tool. We originally intended
to use the sentiment analysis tool of Stanford CoreNLP as in
Lin et al. [19]. However, we could not find a way to change
the word embeddings of this sentiment analysis tool. Therefore
we implemented our own neural network based sentiment
classifier using recurrent neural network (RNN). With this
implementation, we are able to change the word embeddings
and thus assess the impact of using different word embeddings
for software engineering texts.
The following subsections describe our process to obtain
the software-specific word embeddings and then the training
of the sentiment classifier that we built and used for answering
both RQ1 and RQ2.
A. Software-Specific Word Embeddings
For adaptation to the software domain, we used the word
embeddings developed by Efstathiou et al. [8]. In the Efs-
tathiou et al. [8] work, they remove all stop words from the
SO posts, including words such as ‘no’ and ‘not’, before devel-
oping the word embeddings from the SO posts. However, the
impact of eliminating stop words in the context of sentiment
analysis is not so clear, since certain stop words, such as
negations can be suggestive of sentiments. Also, eliminating
all stop words from the sentences modifies the sentences
themselves, bringing about change in the context of words,
thereby affecting the word vector values.
With this in mind, we decided to experiment with two differ-
ent software-specific word embeddings, one by Efstathiou et
al. [8], with all stop words removed (hereafter SOwoStop word
embeddings) and one with the inclusion of stop words that we
create ourselves (hereafter SOwStop word embeddings).
To create software-specific word embeddings we followed
the same overall process as Efstathiou et al. [8], training
word embeddings using Word2Vec on a large dataset of Stack
Overflow posts. Figure 1 shows the major steps of the process.
Fig. 1. Creating a software-specific word embedding matrix as by Efstathiou et al.[8]
Like Efstathiou et al. [8], we used the software-related text
from Stack Overflow (SO). We downloaded the SO data dump
spanning from August 2008 to June 2018 and containing
approximately 40 million posts from the Stack Exchange
archive and used only the SO posts (questions and answers)
for building the dataset.
Our pre-processor, written as a Python script using regular
expressions and NLTK library first removes code segments and
then removes HTML tags and HTTP links from the body of
the posts. The pre-processor also removes most punctuations,
keeping symbols such as ‘.’, ‘?’, ‘!’, ‘+’, ‘#’, that often have a
significant meaning in programming languages, for example,
words such as ‘C++’, ‘C#’, etc, and symbols such as ‘.’, ‘?’,
‘!’, that are used as delimiters. As the final step, the pre-
processor then performs a sentence-wise splitting on the posts
and converts the whole text into lowercase to avoid variations
of the same word due to the use of different case, but does
not remove any stop words from the text.
After preprocessing the SO post text, we used the open
source Python library Gensim implementation of Word2Vec to
create the word embeddings. We tokenized the sentences from
the preprocessing and passed that list of tokenized sentences
as input to Word2Vec. Word2Vec uses all of the tokens to
build the vocabulary (a set of unique words). We trained the
new set of word embeddings with the same parameters used
by Efstathiou et al. [8]. Our resulting word embedding model
has a dimension of 200 features and a vocabulary of 1,795,316
B. Sentiment Classifier
To build the neural network architecture for our sentiment
classifier, we have used RNN with LSTM (Long Short-Term
Memory) as the RNN units. We decided to use RNN because
sentiment analysis takes into consideration each word in a
sentence and their sequence, and RNN takes into consideration
this aspect of the data. Our RNN based classifier follows
the design from the tutorial by Deshpande [27]. We used
Tensorflow for our implementation.
Figure 2 provides an overview of how our sentiment classi-
fiers were trained with the different word embedding matrices.
1) We load pre-trained word embeddings (described
in the previous subsection), which contains the
word/vocabulary list and the embedding matrix that
holds all of the word vector values.
2) We take each of the input sentences from LinSOData,
tokenize them and create an integerized representation
of the data, which holds the index location of each of
the tokens/words in the embedding matrix. From the
integerized representation of each example, we construct
their vector representation by performing an embedding
3) The final step of building the sentiment classifier is
training. Using Tensorflow, we define hyperparameters,
such as the number of LSTM units, dropout rate, number
of epochs and the number of output classes. We feed in a
batch of training data and labels and try to minimize the
loss for each batch. For labeling the training examples,
we use a one-hot representation using either [1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0] or [0, 0, 1], to indicate whether each training
example is negative, neutral or positive, respectively.
The goal of this study is to analyze the effect of an
imbalanced dataset on the accuracy of neural network-based
sentiment analysis of software engineering artifacts and to
investigate how additional customization of a sentiment clas-
sifier to the software domain by using domain-specific word
embeddings can impact the sentiment analysis of software
engineering artifacts.
A. RQ1 - How much is the imbalance in the dataset distribu-
tion a factor in the unsatisfactory results of sentiment analysis
applied to SE artifacts?
The subject of our study is LinSOData, the gold standard
used in Lin et al.’s [19]. Their gold standard consists of
manually labeled 1,500 sentences from Stack Overflow. They
extracted the list of all discussions that were tagged with Java
and contained one of the following words - library/libraries,
API(s). Doing this, they collected a total of 276,629 discus-
sions from which 5,073,452 sentences were extracted using the
Stanford CoreNLP toolkit. Finally, from the set of 5,073,452
sentences, they randomly selected 1,500 sentences and five of
the authors manually labeled them by assigning a sentiment
score. Sentences labeled with a sentiment score of ‘-1’ are
Fig. 2. Training the Sentiment Classifier.
considered negative, sentences labeled with ‘0’ are considered
neutral and sentences labeled with ‘1’ are considered positive.
Among the 1500 sentences, 178 sentences were annotated as
negative, 1,191 as neutral, and 131 as positive. They performed
ten-fold cross-validation and used all of the 1500 sentences in
their evaluation.
In the results provided in Lin et al.’s paper [19], although
the accuracy on the entire dataset is quite high, the precision
and recall for the negative and positive classes are quite
low. Since their dataset has a large concentration of neutral
sentences, leading to a skewed distribution of negative and
positive sentences, looking at the high accuracy would not
be effective. Even a constant neutral classifier (ignoring the
minority classes) would obtain high accuracy in this scenario.
Skewed class distribution is a common phenomenon in NLP,
and a common way to address this issue is to adjust the
sampling rates of the majority and minority classes using
two machine learning techniques, under- and over-sampling
of data. These techniques are used to alleviate the problem
caused by the imbalance in class distribution.
Over-sampling duplicates the minority class examples,
while under-sampling discards the majority class examples
in order to modify the class distribution. If we applied the
technique of under-sampling on our dataset, we could resolve
the class imbalance issue and enhance the sensitivity of the
sentiment classifier, but, as it is the dataset is very small, under-
sampling would reduce the dataset exceedingly. To balance
the dataset using only under-sampling, about five-sixths of
the majority class examples will have to be discarded thus
throwing away much of the potentially useful information.
Using over-sampling, no information from the original
dataset is lost since we keep all examples from the minor-
ity and majority classes, but we also risk a chance of the
sentiment classifier leading to overfitting as the over-sampling
method we adopted was duplication of the minority examples.
Therefore, we decided to go with the sampling techniques
of over-sampling both the positive and negative classes as
well as both under-sampling (of majority class ‘Neutral’) and
over-sampling (of both minority classes) done simultaneously,
since the combination of both under- and over-sampling done
simultaneously have often produced the best results.
As discussed in section IV, our sentiment classifier involves
the use of word embeddings. For comparison to non-domain-
specific word embeddings in our study, we provided a generic
word embedding model, the Google News word embeddings
(hereafter GN word embeddings) released by Mikolov et al.
[34] as input to the sentiment classifier. We loaded the GN
word embeddings into the sentiment classifier and performed
ten-fold cross-validation on the LinSOData similar to the
experiments in Lin et al.’s [19]. We divided the 1,500 sentences
into ten different groups, each comprising of 150 sentences.
All ten groups maintained an even distribution of the three
classes of examples, avoiding the situation of one group
containing all positive examples whereas the other 9 groups
are left without any positive examples. For each of the folds,
one group was assigned as the test set and the remaining 1,350
sentences as the training set, repeating the process ten times.
While creating the test and training sets, the test sets were
kept as per the original data and all changes (for sampling)
were made in the training sets only. During over-sampling,
the minority classes (Negative and Positive) were replicated
to achieve a balanced distribution with the majority class
‘Neutral’. Whilst under-sampling, the majority class ‘Neutral’
examples were dropped to achieve a balanced distribution with
the minority classes negative and positive. In this way, our
training set had a balanced distribution of all the three classes
of sentiments to train on, while our test set still consisted of
the original dataset and did not contain any duplicate entries.
To get a valid understanding of how the sampling techniques
would influence the results, we need to balance the distribution
of the three classes in the training data. In the original
dataset, the neutral class comprised 80% of the dataset, the
negative class comprised approximately 12%, and the positive
class constituted the remaining 8%. We tried out a number
of sampling rates and here we report the results of the
following four samplings. These samplings demonstrate both
the techniques of oversampling as well as the combination
of both under- and over-sampling done simultaneously while
maintaining a balanced distribution of the negative, positive
and neutral classes in the training set. The other sampling
rates provided similar results.
•(1, 7, 9): Over-samples the negative examples by 7 and
the positive examples by 9 times to achieve an equal
distribution of all classes. This sampling rate was based
on the distribution of the negative, positive and neutral
classes in the original data.
•(1, 5, 6): Over-samples the negative examples by 5 and
the positive examples by 6 times to achieve a balanced
distribution of the negative, positive and neutral classes
in the training set, but not an equal distribution.
•(0.8, 6, 7): Uses the combination of both under- and over-
sampling to achieve an equal distribution of all classes.
Under-samples the neutral class to keep 80% of the
examples, over-samples the negative examples by 6 and
the positive examples by 7 times.
•(0.6, 4, 5): Achieves an equal distribution of all classes
using a greater under-sampling rate. Under-samples the
neutral class to keep 60% of the examples, over-samples
the negative examples by 4 and the positive examples by
5 times.
Results for RQ1. Table I reports the results achieved by
applying our sentiment classifier on LinSOData using the GN
word embeddings for all the sampling rates, while Table II
presents the results reported by Lin et al. [19]. The table
shows the total number of correct predictions out of the 1500
sentences and the precision and recall values for each of the
three categories of sentences - positive, negative and neutral.
The first row in Table I presents the performance measures for
the original dataset without any sampling. A point to note here
would be that even for the original dataset, the precision and
recall for the negative and positive sentences have increased
more than the values reported by Lin et al. [19]; the recall
of positive sentences has more than doubled for the original
The second and third row of Table I presents the results
of over-sampling. Although the precision for both negative
and positive sentences did not change much, the recall for
both the positive and negative sentences increased by 10 -
15% from the recall obtained on the original data. The fourth
and fifth row of Table I presents the results of combining
under- and over-sampling simultaneously. The results have
not seen much difference from the results obtained using
over-sampling alone. The precision for both the negative and
positive sentences did not change much, similar to the over-
sampled data; however, the recall for both the positive and
negative sentences increased by 10 - 15% from the recall
obtained on the original dataset. The highest recall obtained
is about 56% for negative sentences and 46% for positive
Even if not by a higher percentage, the results in Table
I indicate that over-sampling and under-sampling positively
enhanced the sensitivity of the sentiment classifier towards
the minority classes. The classifier did better in recalling both
positive and negative sentences. We believe that better values
for both precision and recall could have been accomplished
had the dataset been substantial in size.
Since our over-sampling method duplicates examples of the
minority classes and does not create new examples, and in all
the sampling rates, we over-sampled/duplicated the minority
classes by quite a high rate (starting from a minimum of 4, 5
to a maximum of 7, 9), the resulting sentiment analysis models
might have been more prone to overfitting, thereby reducing
the chances of correct prediction for unseen examples. But
given our dataset, it was not possible to further reduce the over-
sampling rates or increase the under-sampling rates. Further
reducing the over-sampling rates of the negative and positive
classes would cause an imbalance in the training sets, negating
our purpose of balancing the dataset. Similarly, if we increased
the under-sampling rate and discarded more examples from
the neutral class to achieve balance, the dataset would have
turned to less than half of its original size, and it would not be
a reasonable choice to train and test the sentiment classifier
on such fewer sentences, making the above mentioned four
sampling rates to be the optimal choices, given our dataset.
Based on the results on our smallish dataset, both the
techniques of over-sampling and combination of under- and
over-sampling performed similarly. The reason for this might
be that in the samplings where we did under-sampling, we also
reduced the oversample rates as compared to the sampling (1,
7, 9) which achieves an equal distribution of the three classes.
Thus, the loss of information that happened due to under-
sampling was balanced out by the reduction in overfitting
caused due to higher over-sampling rates.
To provide some qualitative data, Table III lists a few
examples of sentences belonging to the negative and positive
class, that were predicted as neutral by the sentiment classifier
on the original data but were correctly identified on the over-
sampled and under-sampled dataset. Most of these sentences
have several subphrases, resulting in more than one sentiment
portrayed throughout the sentence. For example, the second
example in Table III starts on a positive note, but the sentence
in its entirety is a negative sentence. Similarly, in the fourth
sentence in Table III, the words ‘more intuitive’ suggests that
it is a positive sentence.
From these observations, we conclude that both the sam-
pling techniques (over-sampling and under-sampling coupled
with over-sampling) correctly identify a higher number of neg-
ative and positive sentences, producing highest recall values of
56% for negative sentences and 46% for positive sentences,
which is a substantial improvement on the results obtained
in Lin et al.’s [19], where the highest recall values achieved
were 36.5% and 14.5% for negative and positive sentences,
B. RQ2 - How much does additional customization of the
sentiment classifier to the software domain by using domain-
specific word embedding impact the sentiment analysis effec-
The goal of this study is to analyze the accuracy of the
sentiment classifier tool when applied to software engineering
datasets, with the purpose of investigating how the inclu-
sion of software-specific word embeddings can impact the
performance of the sentiment classifier as opposed to using
generic word embedding trained on general English text. As
Sampling Rates Correct Prediction Negative Neutral Positive
Precision Recall Precision Recall Precision Recall
Original 1200 0.453 0.433 0.881 0.908 0.402 0.313
1, 7, 9 1171 0.43 0.517 0.884 0.861 0.455 0.42
1, 5, 6 1137 0.47 0.512 0.888 0.832 0.32 0.458
0.8, 6, 7 1160 0.43 0.562 0.801 0.734 0.466 0.42
0.6, 4, 5 1134 0.4 0.53 0.88 0.821 0.37 0.413
Correct Prediction Negative Neutral Positive
Precision Recall Precision Recall Precision Recall
1139 0.365 0.365 0.836 0.886 0.317 0.145
Sentence Class
A workaround might be to use reflection, however this isn’t
a generally recommended approach for a number of reasons
(brittleness, performance problems, breaking encapsulation,
I am using standout library, I added a videoView in it,
Everything is running correctly, Except if i click on video then
mediaController Is not Showing and i am getting null pointer
Enabled and pointed my client to a secure port on my
container and the last example ( the one that causes the
exception ) works successfully.
If you are looking for a way to write to streams in a more
intuitive way, try CODE FRAGMENT. Positive
discussed earlier (section IV A), initially, we used SOwoStop
word embedding, the word embedding model released by
Efstathiou et al. [8] for specialized software domain-specific
knowledge. We replaced the GN word embeddings used in
the sentiment classifier, with the SOwoStop word embeddings,
and performed ten-fold cross-validation on LinSOData. To
compare against a sentiment classifier without customization
to the software domain, we used the results obtained from the
experiments in RQ1 using the GN word embeddings.
Table IV reports the results achieved by applying the
sentiment classifier on the LinSOData using the SOwoStop
word embeddings. The results presented in Tables IV and
I highlight that, despite using the software-specific word
embeddings, the sentiment classifier does not achieve better
performance than the generic word embeddings for analyzing
the sentiment of software-related SO discussions. Instead, the
performance deteriorates for the negative sentences. For each
of the sampling rates, the precision for negative sentences
decreases by 10 - 20% and the recall for negative sentences
decreases by 15 - 20%.
In the instances of positive sentences, the SOwoStop word
embeddings accomplished similar results to the GN word
embeddings, but its performance deteriorated for the negative
sentences. As discussed earlier, since the SOwoStop word em-
beddings by Efstathiou et al. [8] were trained after eliminating
all stop words from the SO posts, the reason for the decrease in
the precision and recall values for the negative sentences can
be the absence of negations. To this end, we performed another
set of experiments using the new set of word embeddings for
the software domain developed without removing stop words,
referred to as the SOwStop word embeddings (see section IV
Table V reports the results achieved by applying the sen-
timent classifier on LinSOData using the SOwStop word
embeddings. Although the sentiment classifier using the SOw-
Stop word embeddings performs very inadequately for the
original dataset (which is heavily imbalanced), for the re-
sampled datasets, sentiment analysis with the SOwStop word
embeddings identifies negative sentences with a higher recall
and precision than the previous SOwoStop word embeddings
from Efstathiou et al. [8] with the exception being the sampling
rate (1, 5, 6). For the positive sentences, we can say that both
the models performed somewhat similarly since the SOwStop
word embeddings achieved higher precision and recall mea-
sures for some sampling rates, whereas the SOwoStop word
embeddings achieved higher values in other sampling rates.
The best results achieved by the SOwStop word embeddings
are for the (1, 7, 9) over-sampled dataset, which has an equal
distribution of all three classes without any undersampling.
Comparisons of the results from Table I and Table V
indicate that the overall performance of the sentiment classifier
using the GN word embeddings and the SOwStop word em-
beddings are similar for the four resampled datasets combined.
We have already noted the poor recall of negative and positive
sentences by the SOwStop word embeddings on the original
dataset with no sampling. An interesting point to note here
would be that for the (1, 7, 9) over-sampled dataset, the
SOwStop word embeddings achieve the best results with
Sampling Rates Correct Prediction Negative Neutral Positive
Precision Recall Precision Recall Precision Recall
Original 1172 0.35 0.216 0.839 0.913 0.40 0.32
1, 7, 9 1126 0.333 0.37 0.858 0.854 0.352 0.32
1, 5, 6 1177 0.39 0.38 0.865 0.875 0.47 0.39
0.8, 6, 7 1042 0.23 0.41 0.87 0.831 0.41 0.35
0.6, 4, 5 1101 0.32 0.40 0.88 0.84 0.345 0.48
an improvement on the results achieved by the GN word
embeddings. This might be an indication of the SOwStop word
embeddings performing better on datasets that have an equal
distribution, but again would need further investigation using
a substantially larger dataset.
Although the results indicate that additional customizing of
the sentiment classifier through software-specific word embed-
dings did not surpass the results achieved by the sentiment
classifier using generic word embeddings, we cannot conclude
that this kind of customizing of the sentiment classifier to
the software domain does not impact sentiment analysis of
software engineering texts. One primary reason for these
results could be the conditions/parameters in training both the
word embeddings such as the size and amount of the data. The
GN word embeddings are trained on a much larger corpus of
about 100 billion words and the trained model contains vectors
for about 3 million words. Also, the quality of the GN data
should be finer, as the Google News data is usually written by
qualified professionals less prone to spelling and grammatical
errors, thus probably enabling the GN word embeddings to
yield better results.
Another reason for the better performance of the GN word
embeddings could be the presence of generic sentences in the
dataset. On analysis of the 1500 sentences, we found that
the dataset contains many general English sentences rather
than all software-specific sentences. Table VI provides a few
examples of positive and negative sentences that do not get
correct classifications from our sentiment classifier while using
the SOwStop word embeddings but are correctly identified by
when using the GN word embeddings. Although these sen-
tences are from SO posts, they are not specific to the software
domain and in fact are completely generic, thus should not
be categorized as software engineering texts. It is expected
for the sentiment classifier using the GN word embeddings
to perform better than the SOwStop word embeddings with
respect to these categories of sentences.
The first threat to validity is related to the human annotated
gold set in Lin et al. [19]. The sentiment expressed in the
text can be misconstrued by people. There is no guarantee
that the manually assigned sentiments are always accurate.
Also, in developing the human annotated gold set, an extra
step of sentiment score mapping (five-scale to three-scale) was
implemented by the authors. The sentiments expressed in the
text were labeled using 5 different degrees, i.e., negative (-2),
slightly negative (-1), neutral (0), slightly positive (+1) and
positive (+2). The authors categorized the sentiments in the
dataset into three levels by considering sentences labeled with
‘-2’ and ‘-1’ as negative sentences (-1), sentences labeled with
‘0’ as neutral sentences (0) and sentences labeled with ‘+1’
and ‘+2’ as positive sentences (+1). As also mentioned in Lin
et al. [19], predicting a slightly negative sentence as neutral
would be a smaller mistake than predicting a very negative
sentence as neutral.
Threats to internal validity concern internal factors we
did not consider that could affect the predictions from the
sentiment classifier. In our study, they would be due to the
technique we used for building our sentiment classifier, the
different hyperparameters we used and the training of the
software-specific word embeddings. Our sentiment classifier
is designed using RNN and LSTM as the RNN units, and we
performed many experiments to select the best configuration
of the hyperparameters to get the optimal results. Even then,
there exist many more configurations for hyperparameters that
remain to be tested. Further experiments may reveal that some
parameters might be further tuned to increase the accuracy of
the sentiment prediction. While training the software-specific
word embeddings, experimenting with different parameters
such as feature dimension, window size, minimum count, etc
may yield better quality embeddings, enabling better predic-
Threats to external validity correspond to the generalizabil-
ity of our experiments and findings. In this paper, we designed
our sentiment classifier using RNN, since the sequence of
words in a particular sentence matter for sentiment analysis,
and RNNs have turned out to be very useful in accounting for
that dependency. Using a different architecture may impact the
performance of the classifier.
In this paper, we studied the impact of two machine-learning
techniques, oversampling and undersampling to address the
skewed distribution of a dataset and how adjusting the sam-
pling rates can affect the sentiment analysis of software engi-
neering texts. We also investigated how additional customiza-
tion of a neural network-based sentiment classifier to the
software domain by using domain-specific word embedding
can impact the sentiment analysis effectiveness.
Sampling Rates Correct Prediction Negative Neutral Positive
Precision Recall Precision Recall Precision Recall
Original 1200 0.522 0.068 0.796 0.993 1 0.031
1, 7, 9 1205 0.5 0.6 0.893 0.881 0.442 0.38
1, 5, 6 1168 0.472 0.34 0.844 0.89 0.32 0.33
0.8, 6, 7 944 0.225 0.624 0.915 0.706 0.318 0.301
0.6, 4, 5 1038 0.41 0.53 0.92 0.746 0.226 0.54
Sentence Class
... but no such thing exists. Negative
Problem solved. Positive
so I’m not happy with it. Negative
Solved, in case anyone stumbles upon similar problem. Positive
but still nothing. Negative
This is your problem. Negative
On Facebook i ran in to a problem. Negative
Now we’re getting to the good part. Positive
The application of oversampling and undersampling tech-
niques in our study show that oversampling and oversampling
coupled with undersampling achieve higher recall for the
negative and positive sentences as compared to the original
dataset. Thus, adjusting the sampling rates improves the sen-
sitivity of the model towards the minority classes in terms
of recall, without affecting the majority class predictions. We
interpret the underlying reason for not achieving considerable
higher precision and significantly higher values of recall, to be
dependent on the size of the dataset. Both oversampling and
undersampling had limitations, duplicating the small number
of minority class examples (131 positives and 178 negatives)
multiple times and discarding about half of the neutral (1191
in total), restrict the sentiment classifier beyond a certain point
of improvement. Nonetheless, the apparent trend was that both
the resampling techniques (oversampling and oversampling
coupled with undersampling) were able to correctly identify a
higher number of negative and positive sentences, achieving
the highest recall of 56% and 46% for negative and positive
sentences respectively, which is an improvement on the results
obtained by Lin et al. [19], that achieved the highest recall
of 36.5% and 14.5% for negative and positive sentences
respectively. A much larger and balanced dataset of software
engineering text, can increase the precision and recall for the
negative and positive classes by manifolds, thus making senti-
ment analysis on software related texts much more reliable.
Finally, neither oversampling alone nor undersampling and
oversampling coupled together significantly outperforms one
another for our dataset.
Outcomes from the evaluation of the sentiment classifier
using software-specific word embeddings indicate that the
performance of the sentiment classifier using the GN word
embeddings is similar to the performance of the SOwStop
word embeddings for the resampled datasets. However, the
SOwStop word embeddings achieve extremely poor recall
for negative and positive sentences on the original dataset
as compared to the GN word embeddings. Although cus-
tomizing the sentiment classifier to the software domain using
software-specific word embeddings does not surpass the results
achieved by the generic word embeddings, further investiga-
tion is needed to affirmatively conclude that customizing the
sentiment classifier to the software domain does not impact
sentiment analysis of software engineering texts. While the
SOwStop word embeddings model is based on all of Stack
Overflow data, it is still dwarfed by the size of the Google
News corpus. The GN word embeddings are trained on a
much larger corpus of about 100 billion words, thus probably
enabling the GN word embeddings to yield better results than
the SOwStop word embeddings.
There are several avenues to further improve the results. Our
primary focus would be to conduct a large-scale study using
a much more extensive dataset and re-training the software-
specific word embeddings by experimenting with different
parameters such as feature dimension, window size, etc so
as to capture a better-quality respective vector representation
of words.
While the current software-specific word embeddings have
been trained on all of the available SO posts, it is dwarfed
by the size of the Google News corpus. Thus, we also plan to
consider using a multi-channel model where we could combine
the breadth of the generic word embeddings (obtained from
Google News) and the specificity of the software-specific word
embeddings (obtained from SO posts) and use the resulting
embeddings for our sentiment classifier.
In our experiments, the oversampling of the minority classes
has been done by replicating/duplicating the training examples.
Oversampling with replication may not significantly improve
minority class recognition since as we oversample the minority
class, the model tries to be more and more specific, leading
to overfitting. To prevent overfitting, we would consider using
SMOTE [5], an oversampling approach in which the minority
class is oversampled by creating synthetic examples rather than
by oversampling with duplication.
Identifying the main words that contribute to the prediction
can help to get better predictions from a sentiment classifier
[17, 30]. Thus, we also intend to look at convolutional neural
networks specifically with techniques such as word attention
that helps us to identify the main words that contribute to a
classification/prediction. We also consider training sentiment-
specific embeddings [33, 32], which would encode sentiment
information in the vector representations. Word embeddings
take into consideration the syntactic context of words ignoring
the sentiment of text, and in the process also map words
with similar syntactic context but opposite sentiment polarity
to neighboring word vectors. Encoding sentiment information
in the word vectors would enable us to customize the word
embeddings for the sentiment analysis task.
This material is based upon work supported by the National
Science Foundation under Grant No. 1422184.
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