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Modulation of the primary auditory thalamus when
recognising speech in noise
Paul Glad Mihai1,2, Nadja Tschentscher3, Katharina von Kriegstein1
1Chair of Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience, Faculty of Psychology, Technische Universität Dresden,
2Max Planck Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
3Research Unit Biological Psychology, Department of Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich,
Recognising speech in background noise is a strenuous daily activity, yet most humans can
master it. A mechanistic explanation of how the human brain deals with such sensory
uncertainty is the Bayesian Brain Hypothesis. In this view, the brain uses a dynamic
generative model to simulate the most likely trajectory of the speech signal. Such simulation
account can explain why there is a task-dependent modulation of sensory pathway
structures (i.e., the sensory thalami) for recognition tasks that require tracking of fast-
varying stimulus properties (i.e., speech) in contrast to relatively constant stimulus
properties (e.g., speaker identity) despite the same stimulus input. Here we test the specific
hypothesis that this task-dependent modulation for speech recognition increases in parallel
with the sensory uncertainty in the speech signal. In accordance with this hypothesis, we
showby using ultra-high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging in human
participantsthat the task-dependent modulation of the left primary sensory thalamus
(ventral medial geniculate body, vMGB) for speech is particularly strong when recognizing
speech in noisy listening conditions in contrast to situations where the speech signal is
clear. Exploratory analyses showed that this finding was specific to the left vMGB; it was not
present in the midbrain structure of the auditory pathway (left inferior colliculus, IC). The
results imply that speech in noise recognition is supported by modifications at the level of
the subcortical sensory pathway providing driving input to the auditory cortex.
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Author contributions: PGM: collected data, analysed data, interpreted results, wrote the
manuscript, edited the manuscript. NT: conceptualised experiment, programmed
experiment, edited the manuscript. KvK: conceptualised experiment, interpreted results,
wrote the manuscript, edited the manuscript.
1. Introduction
Honking horns and roaring engines, the hammering from a construction site, the mix of
music and speech at a restaurant or pub, the chit-chat of many children in a classroom are
just some examples of background noises which continuously accompany us. Nevertheless,
humans have a remarkable ability to hear and understand the conversation partner, even
under these severe listening conditions (Cherry, 1953).
. -
- -- --
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One mechanistic account of brain function that attempts to explain how the human brain
deals with noise or uncertainty in the stimulus input is the Bayesian brain hypothesis. It
assumes that the brain represents information probabilistically and uses an internal
generative model and predictive coding for the most effective processing of sensory
input (Friston, 2005; Friston and Kiebel, 2009; Kiebel et al., 2008; Knill and Pouget, 2004).
Such type of processing has the potential to explain why the human brain is robust to
sensory uncertainty, e.g., when recognising speech despite noise in the speech signal (Knill
and Pouget, 2004; Srinivasan et al., 1982). Although predictive coding is often discussed in
the context of cerebral cortex organization (Hesselmann et al., 2010; Shipp et al., 2013), it
may also be a governing principle of the interactions between cerebral cortex and
subcortical sensory pathway structures (Adams et al., 2013; Bastos et al., 2012; Huang and
Rao, 2011; Mumford, 1992; Seth Anil K. and Friston Karl J., 2016; von Kriegstein et al.,
2008). In accordance with this suggestion, studies in animals found that feedback from
cerebral cortex areas changes the processing in the sensory pathway, i.e., the sensory
thalamus and brainstem nuclei (Krupa et al., 1999; Sillito et al., 2006, 1994; Wang et al.,
In humans, responses in the auditory sensory thalamus (medial geniculate body, MGB) are
higher for speech tasks (that emphasise recognition of fast-varying speech properties) in
contrast to control tasks (that require recognition of relatively constant properties of the
speech signal, such as the speaker identity or the sound intensity level). This response
difference holds even if the stimulus input is the same (Díaz et al., 2012; von Kriegstein et
al., 2008). This task-dependent modulation seems to be behaviorally relevant for speech
recognition: performance level in auditory speech recognition was positively correlated
with the amount of task-dependent modulation in the MGB of the left hemisphere (Mihai et
al., 2019; von Kriegstein et al., 2008). This behaviourally relevant task-dependent
modulation was located in the ventral part of the MGB (vMGB), which is the primary
subsection of the MGB, but not in other MGB subsections (Mihai et al., 2019). These findings
could fit the Bayesian brain hypothesis on cortico-subcortical interactions: cerebral cortex
areas provide dynamic predictions about the incoming sensory input to the sensory
thalamus to optimally encode the trajectory of the fast-varying and predictable
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speech input (Díaz et al., 2012; von Kriegstein et al., 2008). If this is the case, the specific
hypothesis ensues that the task-dependent modulation of the vMGB is especially involved
when the fast dynamics of speech have to be recognised in conditions with high sensory
uncertainty (Díaz et al., 2012; Feldman and Friston, 2010; Van de Cruys et al., 2014; Yu and
Dayan, 2005), for example when the incoming signal is disturbed (Feldman and Friston,
2010; Friston and Kiebel, 2009; Gordon et al., 2017; Yu and Dayan, 2005). The present
study aimed to test this hypothesis.
An ecologically valid way to increase uncertainty about the speech input is the presentation
of speech in background noise (Chandrasekaran and Kraus, 2010a). We, therefore, tested,
whether the task-dependent modulation of the left vMGB for speech is higher when the
speech stimuli are heard in a noisy as opposed to a clear background. We used ultra-high
field fMRI at 7 T and a design that has been shown to elicit task-dependent modulation of
the MGB in previous studies (Díaz et al., 2012; von Kriegstein et al., 2008). We
complemented the design by a noise factor: the speech stimuli were presented with and
without background noise. The experiment was a 2 × 2 factorial design with the factors task
(speech task, speaker task) and noise (noise, clear). To test our hypothesis, we performed a
task × noise interaction analysis. We predicted that the task-dependent modulation of the
left vMGB increases with decreasing signal-to-noise ratios (i.e., increasing uncertainty about
the speech sounds). We focused on the left vMGB for two reasons. First, its response
showed behavioural relevance for speech recognition in previous studies (Mihai et al.,
2019; von Kriegstein et al., 2008). Second, a study on developmental dyslexia a condition
that is often associated with speech-in-noise recognition difficulties (Chandrasekaran et al.,
2009; Ziegler et al., 2009) showed reduced task-dependent modulation of the left MGB in
comparison to controls (Díaz et al., 2012).
In addition to testing our main hypothesis, the design also (i) served to test for replicability
of previous findings on the involvement of the MGB in speech recognition as well as its
relevance for speech recognition behaviour (Mihai et al., 2019; von Kriegstein et al., 2008),
and (ii) allowed to explore the role of the inferior colliculus (IC) the midbrain station of
the auditory sensory pathway in speech and speech-in-noise recognition.
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2. Results
Participants listened to blocks of auditory syllables (e.g., /ada/, spoken by three different
speakers) and performed either a speech or a speaker task (Figure 1). In the speech task,
participants reported via button press whether the current syllable was different from the
previous one (1-back task). In the speaker task, participants reported via button press
whether the current speaker was different from the previous one.
speaker individuating features (i.e., the vocal tract length and the fundamental frequency of
the voice). This ensured that the speaker task could not be done on dynamic speaker
individuating features (e.g., idiosyncrasies in pronunciations of phonemes). Participants
listened to either stimuli embedded in speech-shaped noise (noise condition) or without
background noise (clear condition).
Figure 1. Design and trial structure of the experiment. In the speech task, listeners performed a
one-back syllable task. They pressed a button whenever there was a change in syllable in
contrast to the immediately preceding one, independent of speaker change. The speaker task
used precisely the same stimulus material and trial structure. The task was to press a button
when there was a change in speaker identity in contrast to the immediately preceding one,
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independent of syllable change. An initial task instruction screen informed participants about
which task to perform. Participants heard stimuli either with concomitant speech-shaped
noise (noise condition) or without background noise (clear condition). Thus the experiment
had four conditions: speech task/noise, speaker task/noise, speech task/clear, speaker
task/clear. Stimuli in the speech and speaker tasks were precisely identical.
2.1 Behavioural results
Participants performed well above chance level in all four conditions (> 82% correct; Table
1; Figure 2A).
Table 1. The proportion of hits for each of the four conditions in the experiment. HDP: highest
posterior density interval.
Speech task/
Speaker task/
Speech task/
Speaker task/
% Mean
[95% HPD]
0.82 [0.62, 0.95]
0.87 [0.74, 0.96]
0.92 [0.83, 0.98]
0.90 [0.81, 0.97]
Performing the tasks with background noise was more difficult than the conditions without
background noise for both the speech and the speaker task (Figure 2B, for details on
statistics, see figure legend). The rate of hits in the speech task was the same as in the
speaker task (Figure 2C). There was a detectable interaction between task and noise
(Figure 2D/E), but simple main effects (i.e., speech task/noise - speaker task/noise (Figure
2F) and speech task/clear - speaker task/clear (Figure 2G)) were not present.
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Figure 2. Behavioural results. We performed a binomial logistic regression to compute the rate
of hits and misses in each condition because behavioural data were binomially distributed. For
this reason, results are reported in log odds and odds ratios. The results showed a detectable
main effect of noise and interaction between noise and task. There was no main effect of task,
and no detectable simple main effects (speech task/noise - speaker task/noise; speech
task/clear - speaker task/clear). A. Log odds of hits and misses for each condition. The grey
dots indicate mean responses for individual participants, the red dots and accompanying
numbers denote the posterior mean per condition, and the dark red lines demarcate the 95%
highest posterior density interval (HPD). The rate of hits compared to misses is plotted on a
log scale to allow for a linear representation. B. Mean odds ratio for the clear and noise
conditions. The odds of hits in the clear condition were on average twice as high as in the noise
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condition (the mean odds ratio was 1.978 [1.076, 2.957]). The HPD excluded 1 and indicated a
detectable difference between conditions: No difference would be assumed if the odds ratio
was 1 (50/50 chance or 1:1 ratio; Chen, 2003). C. Mean odds ratio for the speech task -
speaker task conditions. The mean odds ratio was ~1 indicating no difference between the
speech and speaker task conditions. D. Visualization of the interaction (task × noise) as a
comparison of slopes with 95% HPD. E. The ratio of odds ratios of the simple main effects
speech task/noise - speaker task/noise and speech task/clear - speaker task/clear. The mean
and 95% HPD was 0.557 [0.306, 0.844]. The HPD excluded 1 indicating an interaction effect. F.
Mean odds ratio for the simple main effect speech task/noise - speaker task/noise. The rate of
hits in the speech task/noise condition was on average ~1/3 lower than the rate of hits in the
speaker task/noise condition; however, the HPD strongly overlapped 1 indicating that there
was no difference between conditions. G. Mean odds ratio for the simple main effect speech
task/clear - speaker task/clear. The rate of hits in the speech task/clear condition was on
average ~1/3 higher than the rate of hits in the speaker task/clear condition; however, the
HPD strongly overlapped 1 indicating that there was no detectable difference between
2.2 fMRI Results
2.2.1 The task-dependent modulation of left vMGB increased for recognizing
speech-in-noise in contrast to the clear speech condition
We localised the left vMGB based on an independent functional localizer (see section 4.
Materials and Methods). Following our hypothesis, there was increased BOLD response for
the task × noise interaction [(speech task/noise - speaker task/noise) - (speech task/clear -
speaker task/clear)] in the left vMGB (Figure 3A/B). The interaction effect had a mean large
effect size ranging from a small effect to a very large effect (g*=2.549 [0.211, 5.066];
Figure 3C and 3D). The 95% HPD of the interaction effect excluded 0, indicating that this
was a robust effect (Bunce and McElreath, 2017; McElreath, 2018). Simple main effect
analyses showed that the direction of the interaction was as expected. The speech
task/noise condition yielded higher left vMGB responses in contrast to the speaker
task/noise condition, ranging from a medium to a very large effect (g* = 1.104 [0.407,
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1.798]; Figure 3E). Conversely, the left vMGB response difference between the speech task
and speaker task in the clear condition had a small effect size (g* = 0.243 [-0.366, 0.854];
Figure 3F), ranging from a negative medium effect to a positive large effect, and the HPD
overlapped 0.
Figure 3. fMRI results. A. The mean T1 structural image across participants in MNI space. Red
rectangles denote the approximate location of the left MGB and encompass the zoomed-in
views in B. Letters indicate anatomical terms of location: A, anterior; P, posterior; S, superior;
I, inferior; L, left; R, right. Panels A and B share the same orientation across columns; i.e., from
left to right: sagittal, coronal, and axial. B. Statistical parametric map of the interaction
(yellow-red colour code): (speech task/noise - speaker task/noise) - (speech task/clear -
speaker task/clear) overlaid on the mean structural T1 image. Crosshairs point to MNI
coordinate (-11, -28, -6). The white outline shows the boundary of the vMGB mask. C.
Parameter estimates (mean-centred) within the vMGB mask. Open circles denote parameter
estimates of the speech task condition; filled circles denote parameter estimates of the speaker
task condition. Dashed black line: the relationship between noise condition (noise, clear) and
parameter estimates in the speech task. Solid black line: the relationship between noise
condition (noise, clear) and parameter estimates in the speaker task. The shaded grey area
shows the 95% HPD. D-F Bayesian Analysis of the parameter estimates. D. The effect size of
the interaction: the effect size for the interaction effect was very large (2.549 [0.211, 5.066])
and the HPD excluded zero (indicated by the dashed vertical line). E. Simple main effect:
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speech task/noise – speaker task/noise. The mean effect size was large (1.104 [0.407, 1.798]).
The HPD excluded zero. F. Simple main effect: speech task/clear – speaker task/clear. The
mean effect size was small (0.243 [-0.366, 0.854]). The HPD contained zero.
The results showed that the task-dependent modulation of the left vMGB for the speech
task was increased when participants recognised speech - speaker identity in background
noise in contrast to speech - speaker identity without background noise. This finding cannot
be explained by differences in stimulus input as the same stimulus material was used for
the speech and the speaker task. The results are also unlikely due to differences in task
difficulty between conditions, as the behavioural results showed no detectable differences
in performance for the simple main effects.
2.2.2 Test for replication of previous findings
In addition to addressing the main hypothesis of the present paper, the data also allowed
the testing for replication of previous findings (Díaz et al., 2012; Mihai et al., 2019; von
Kriegstein et al., 2008), i.e., a test for a main effect of task (speech - speaker) in left and right
MGB and a test for a correlation between speech recognition performance and main effect
of task across participants in the left MGB.
Main effect of task: Consistent with previous reports (Díaz et al., 2012; von Kriegstein et al.,
2008) there was a large positive main effect for the speech - speaker task in the left vMGB
ranging from a small to a very large effect (g* = 0.679 [0.192, 1.200]; Figure 4 A & B). In the
right vMGB, the main effect of task was small and the HPD overlapped 0 (g*=0.295 [-0.290,
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Figure 4. Main effect of task in the left vMGB. A. Statistical parametric map of the main effect
of task (yellow-red colour code) overlaid on a mean T1 image: speech task – speaker task.
Crosshairs point to MNI coordinate (-12, -27, -7). The white outline shows the boundary of the
vMGB mask. The orientation of the images is the same as in Figure 3A/B. B. Results of the
Bayesian analysis of the parameter estimates for the main effect of task. There was a large
effect size for the contrast speech – speaker task of 0.679 [0.192, 1.200]. The HPD excluded
Correlation between main effect of task and speech recognition performance: There was no
significant correlation between the task-dependent modulation (i.e., parameter estimates
for the contrast of speech - speaker) and the correct proportion of hits in the speech task;
the effect size was very small and non-significant r = 0.15, p = 0.566;
Figure S1A). A positive correlation between task-dependent modulation of the left MGB and
speech task performance across participants has been reported in three previous
experiments (experiments 1 and 2 of von Kriegstein et al. (2008) with n = 16 and n= 17
participants, (Mihai et al., 2019) with n = 33 participants), but was also not significant in
one previous study (Díaz et al., 2012, with n = 14 participants). Since the previous studies
did not include the factor noise, we also computed correlation coefficients between the
simple main effect of task (speech/clear - speaker/clear task) and the proportion of hits in
the speech/clear condition. Correlation coefficients were small and non-significant (r=0.03,
p=0.917; Figure S1B).
To not wrongly treat variable results across studies as indicating a null-effect (Amrhein et
al., 2019), we performed a random-effects meta-analysis (Figure 4) to test whether there is
a meta-analytic significant correlation (speech - speaker task correlated with speech
accuracy score across participants) across the present and previous studies. We included
five studies in the meta-analysis: two experiments from von Kriegstein et al., (2008), results
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from the control participants of Díaz et al. (2012), the experiment described in Mihai et al.,
(2019), and the current study. The meta-analysis yielded an overall effect size (Fisher z) of
z=0.45 [0.23, 0.66], p<0.001 that corresponds to r=0.42. The direction of the correlation for
all experiments was positive. The current study had a minimal correlation value that was
not significant but was positive, thus in the same direction as the other studies.
Figure 4. Meta-analysis of five experiments that investigated the correlation in the MGB
between the contrast speech - speaker task and the proportion of hits in the speech task across
participants. Experiment 1 of von Kriegstein et al. (2008) tested a speech - loudness task
contrast correlated with performance in the speech task (n=16). All other experiments
included a speech task - speaker task contrast correlated with performance in the speech task
(i.e., experiment 2 of von Kriegstein et al. (2008) (n=17), the control participants of Díaz et al.
(2012) (n=14), (Mihai et al., 2019) (n=33), and the current study (n=17)). The meta-analysis
yielded an overall Fisher z = 0.45 [0.23, 0.66], p<0.001 which corresponds to an r=0.42. The
area of the squares denoting the effect size is directly proportional to the weighting of the
particular study when computing the meta-analytic overall score.
We attribute the non-significant correlation between the task-dependent modulation and
the correct proportion of hits in the speech task in the present study to the fact that ~11%
of the behavioural data in the speech task had ceiling or near to ceiling responses resulting
in reduced correlation values (Bland and Altman, 2011). Many of the behavioural values
were huddled towards the ceiling when plotted against BOLD responses (Figure S1). This
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was not the case in previous studies, where there were no ceiling effects in the behavioural
data (Díaz et al., 2012; Mihai et al., 2019; von Kriegstein et al., 2008).
2.2.4 Exploratory analyses on the inferior colliculus
In exploratory analyses, we investigated the bilateral inferior colliculus (IC) involvement
during speech processing. The reason for these exploratory analyses were studies using
auditory brainstem responses (ABR) during passive listening to speech sounds that have
shown that the quality of speech sound representation (i.e., as measured by the frequency
following response, FFR) explains inter-individual variability in speech-in-noise recognition
abilities (Chandrasekaran et al., 2009; Schoof and Rosen, 2016; Selinger et al., 2016; Song et
al., 2010). These findings indicated that there might be subcortical nuclei beyond the MGB
that are involved in speech-in-noise perception, potentially also sources in the auditory
brainstem, particularly the IC (Chandrasekaran and Kraus, 2010b). Four previous fMRI
experiments, however, have shown that there is no significant task-dependent modulation
(i.e., higher BOLD responses for a speech in contrast to a control task on the same stimuli)
of the inferior colliculus (Díaz et al., 2012; Mihai et al., 2019; von Kriegstein et al., 2008).
Two of them showed a significant positive correlation between the amount of BOLD
response difference between a speech and a control task in the left IC and the speech
recognition performance across participants (von Kriegstein et al., 2008), but the others did
not. Thus the role of the IC in speech recognition and speech-in-noise recognition is to date
unclear. In the present data, there was a small effect of task in the left IC (speech - speaker,
left g*=0.309 [-0.286, 0.902] and right g*= 0.126 [-0.393, 0.646], however, the HPD
overlapped zero. The task × noise interaction contained no explanatory power (left:
g*=0.049 [-0.103, 0.202], right: g*=-0.010 [-0.136, 0.111]) and introduced overfitting. We,
therefore, excluded it from the model, and the reported results were computed from the
model without an interaction term.
The correlation between the task-dependent modulation (i.e., speech - speaker task
contrast) and the speech recognition scores across participants in the left IC was not
significant in the current study (r=0.44, p=0.074). We tested the left IC only since the
correlations found in two previous experiments were restricted to the left IC (von
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Kriegstein et al., 2008 experiment 1 and 2). We performed a random-effects meta-analysis
to test whether there is, nevertheless, a consistent correlation effect in the left IC across
studies. We included five studies in the meta-analysis: two experiments from von Kriegstein
et al., (2008), the control participants of Díaz et al., (2012), the experiment described in
Mihai et al., (2019), and the current study. The meta-analysis yielded an overall effect size
(Fisher z) of z=0.36, p<0.001 that corresponds to r=0.35. The direction of the correlation for
all experiments was positive.
Figure 5. Meta-analysis of five experiments that investigated the correlation in the left IC
between the contrast speech - speaker task and the proportion of hits in the speech task across
participants. Experiment 1 of von Kriegstein et al. (2008) tested a speech - loudness task
contrast correlated with performance in the speech task (n=16). All other experiments
included a speech task - speaker task contrast correlated with performance in the speech task
(i.e., experiment 2 of von Kriegstein et al. (2008) (n=17), (Díaz et al., 2012) (n=14), (Mihai et
al., 2019) (n=33), and the current study (n=17)). The meta-analysis yielded an overall Fisher z
= 0.36 [0.15, 0.58], p<0.001 which corresponds to an r=0.35. The area of the squares denoting
the effect size is directly proportional to the weighting of the particular study when computing
the meta-analytic overall score.
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3. Discussion
We showed that the task-dependent modulation of the left hemispheric primary sensory
thalamus (vMGB) for speech is particularly strong when recognising speech in noisy
listening conditions in contrast to conditions where the speech signal is clear. This finding
confirmed our a priori hypothesis which was based on explaining sensory thalamus
function within a Bayesian brain framework. Exploratory analyses showed that there was
no influence of noise on the responses for the contrast between speech and speaker task in
the auditory midbrain, i.e., the inferior colliculi (IC). Besides answering our main
hypothesis, we also provided three additional key findings. First, we replicated results from
previous experiments (Díaz et al., 2012; von Kriegstein et al., 2008) that showed task-
dependent modulation in the MGB for speech, and localised the task-dependent modulation
in the vMGB (Mihai et al., 2019). Second, a meta-analysis of five studies showed that there
was a positive correlation between the task-dependent modulation for speech in the left
MGB and behavioural performance in the speech task across studies. Third, the same meta-
analysis revealed a positive correlation between the task-dependent modulation for speech
and the behavioural performance in the speech recognition task in the left IC.
Our main hypothesis in the present paper was based on the assumption that predictive
coding might be a governing principle of how the human brain deals with background noise
during speech recognition. Bayesian approaches to brain function propose that the brain
uses internal dynamic models to predict the trajectory of the sensory input (Friston, 2005;
Friston and Kiebel, 2009; Kiebel et al., 2008; Knill and Pouget, 2004). Thus, slower
dynamics of the internal dynamic model (e.g., syllable and word representations) could be
encoded by auditory cerebral cortex areas (Davis and Johnsrude, 2007; Giraud et al., 2000;
Hickok and Poeppel, 2007; Mattys et al., 2012; Price, 2012; Wang et al., 2008), and provide
predictions about the faster dynamics of the input arriving at lower levels of the anatomic
hierarchy (Kiebel et al., 2008; von Kriegstein et al., 2008). In this view, dynamic predictions
-order sensory thalamus to optimise the early
stages of speech recognition (Mihai et al., 2019). In speech processing, such a mechanism
might be especially useful as the signal includes rapid dynamics, as predictable (e.g., due to
co-articulation or learned statistical regularities in words) (Saffran, 2003), and often has to
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be computed online under conditions of (sensory) uncertainty. Uncertainty refers to the
limiting reliability of sensory information about the world (Knill and Pouget, 2004).
Examples include the density of hair cells in the cochlea that limit frequency resolution, the
neural noise-induced at different processing stages, or as was the case in the current
study background environmental noise that surrounds the stimulus of interest. An
internal generative model about the fast sensory dynamics (Friston, 2005; Friston and
Kiebel, 2009; Kiebel et al., 2008; Knill and Pouget, 2004) of speech could lead to enhanced
stimulus representation in the subcortical sensory pathway and by that provides improved
signal quality to the auditory cortex. Such a mechanism would result in more efficient
processing when taxing conditions, such as background noise, confront the perceptual
system. The interaction between task and noise in the left vMGB is in congruence with such
a mechanism. It shows that the task-dependent modulation of the left vMGB is increased in
a situation with high sensory uncertainty in contrast to the situation with lower sensory
Speech-in-noise recognition abilities are thought to rely (i) on additional cognitive
resources that are recruited when recognising speech-in-noise (reviewed in Peelle, 2018)
and (ii) on the fidelity of speech sound representation in brainstem nuclei, as measured by
auditory brainstem response recordings (reviewed in Anderson and Kraus, 2010). For
example, studies investigating speech-in-noise recognition at the level of the cerebral cortex
found networks that include areas pertaining to linguistic, attentional, working memory,
and motor planning (Bishop and Miller, 2008; Salvi et al., 2002; Scott et al., 2004; Wong et
al., 2008). These results suggest that during speech recognition in challenging listening
conditions additional cerebral cortex regions are recruited that likely complement the
processing of sound in the core speech network (reviewed in Peelle, 2018). The present
study showed that besides the additional cerebral cortex region recruitment, a specific part
of the sensory pathway is also modulated during speech-in-noise recognition, the left vMGB.
Auditory brainstem response (ABR) recordings during passive listening to speech sounds
have shown that the quality of speech sound representation (i.e., as measured by the
frequency following response, FFR) explains inter-individual variability in speech-in-noise
recognition abilities (Chandrasekaran et al., 2009; Schoof and Rosen, 2016; Selinger et al.,
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2016; Song et al., 2010) and can be modulated by attention to speech in situations with two
competing speech streams (Forte et al., 2017). It is difficult to directly relate the results of
these FFR studies on participants with varying speech-in-noise recognition abilities
(Chandrasekaran et al., 2009; Schoof and Rosen, 2016; Selinger et al., 2016; Song et al.,
2010) to the studies on task-dependent modulation of structures in the subcortical sensory
pathway (Díaz et al., 2012; Mihai et al., 2019; von Kriegstein et al., 2008): they involve very
different measurement modalities and the FFR studies focus mostly on speech-in-noise
perception in passive listening designs. One major candidate for the FFR source is the
inferior colliculus. Particularly for speech, the FFR, as recorded by EEG, seems to be
dominated by brainstem and auditory nerve sources (Bidelman, 2018; reviewed in
Chandrasekaran et al., 2014). The results of the present study, however, do not provide
evidence for a specific involvement of the inferior colliculus when recognising speech-in-
noise. Whether the inferior colliculus plays a different role in speech-in-noise processing is
an open question.
We speculate that the task-dependent vMGB modulation might be a result of feedback from
cerebral cortex areas. The strength of the feedback could be enhanced when speech has to
be recognised in background noise. The task-dependent feedback may emanate directly
from primary auditory or association cortices, or indirectly via other structures such as the
reticular nucleus with its inhibitory connections to the MGB (Rouiller and de Ribaupierre,
1985). Feedback cortico-thalamic projections from layer 6 in A1 to the vMGB, but also from
association cortices such as the motion-sensitive planum temporale (Tschentscher et al.,
2019), may modulate information ascending through the lemniscal pathway, rather than
convey information to the vMGB (Lee, 2013; Llano and Sherman, 2008).
Difficulties in understanding speech-in-noise accompany developmental disorders like
autism spectrum disorder, developmental dyslexia, and auditory processing
disorders (Alcántara et al., 2004; Bellis and Bellis, 2015; Chandrasekaran et al., 2009;
Schelinski and Kriegstein, 2019; Schoof and Rosen, 2016; Wong et al., 2009; Ziegler et al.,
2009). In the case of developmental dyslexia, previous studies have found that
developmental dyslexics do not have the same amount of task-dependent modulation of the
left MGB for speech recognition as controls (Díaz et al., 2012) and also do not display the
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same context-sensitivity of brainstem responses to speech sounds as typical
readers (Chandrasekaran et al., 2009). In addition, diffusion-weighted imaging studies have
found reduced structural connections between the MGB and cerebral cortex (i.e., the
motion-sensitive planum temporale) of the left hemisphere in developmental dyslexics
compared to controls (V5/MT; motion-sensitive planum temporale; Müller-Axt et al., 2017;
Tschentscher et al., 2019). These deficient structures might account for the difficulties in
understanding speech-in-noise in developmental dyslexia. Consider distinguishing speech
ly developed individuals,
vMGB responses might be modulated to optimally encode the subtle but predictable
spectrotemporal cues that enable the explicit recognition of speech sounds. This
modulation would enhance speech recognition. For developmental dyslexics, however, this
vMGB modulation may be impaired and may explain their difficulty with speech perception
in noise (Boets et al., 2007; Díaz et al., 2012; Ziegler et al., 2009).
In conclusion, the results presented here suggest that the left vMGB is particularly involved
in decoding speech as opposed to identifying the speaker if there is background noise. This
enhancement may be due to top-down processes that act upon subcortical sensory
structures, such as the auditory thalamus, to better predict dynamic incoming signals in
conditions with high sensory uncertainty.
4. Materials and Methods
4.1 Participants
The Ethics committee of the Medical Faculty, University of Leipzig, Germany, approved the
study. We recruited 17 participants (mean age 27.7, SD 2.5 years, 10 female; 15 of these
participated in a previous study: Mihai et al., 2019) from the database of the Max Planck
Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany. The participants were
right-handed (as assessed by the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (Oldfield 1971)), and
native German speakers. Participants provided written informed consent. None of the
participants reported a history of psychiatric or neurological disorders, hearing difficulties,
or current use of psychoactive medications. Normal hearing abilities were confirmed with
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pure tone audiometry (250 Hz to 8000 Hz; Madsen Micromate 304, GN Otometrics,
Denmark) with a threshold equal to and below 25 dB). To exclude possible undiagnosed
developmental dyslexics, eading
comprehension using the German LGVT: 6-12 test (Schneider et al., 2007). The cut-off for
both reading scores was
- 100% of the calculated population
distribution). None of the participants performed below the cut off performance (mean
68.7%, SD 20.6%, lowest mean score: 36%). In addition, participants were tested on rapid
automatized naming (RAN) of letters, numbers, and objects (Denckla and Rudel, 1976). The
time required to name letters and numbers predicts reading ability and is longer in
developmental dyslexics compared with typical readers, whereas the time to name objects
is not a reliable predictor of reading ability in adults (Semrud-Clikeman et al., 2000).
Participants scored well within the range of control participants for letters (mean 17.25, SD
2.52 s), numbers (mean 16.79, SD 2.63 s), and objects (mean 29.65, SD 4.47 s), based on
results from a previous study (Díaz et al., 2012, letters: 16.09, SD 2.60; numbers: 16.49, SD
2.35; objects: 30.84, SD 5.85; age of participants was also comparable 23.5, SD 2.8 years ).
Furthermore, none of the participants exhibited a clinically relevant number of traits
associated with autism spectrum disorder as assessed by the Autism Spectrum Quotient
[AQ; mean: 15.9, SD 4.1; cut-off: 32-50; (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001)]. We tested AQ as autism
can be associated with difficulties in speech-in-noise perception (Alcántara et al., 2004;
Groen et al., 2009). Participants received monetary compensation for participating in the
4.2 Stimuli
We recorded 79 different vowel-consonant-vowel (VCV) syllables with an average duration
of 784 ms, SD 67 ms. These were spoken by one male voice (age 29 years), recorded with a
video camera (Canon Legria HFS10, Canon, Japan) and a Røde NTG-1 microphone (Røde
Microphones, Silverwater, NSW, Australia) connected to a pre-amplifier (TubeMP Project
Series, Applied Research and Technology, Rochester, NY, USA) in a sound-attenuated room.
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The sampling rate was 48 kHz at 16 bit. Auditory stimuli were cut and flanked by Hamming
windows of 15 ms at the beginning and end, converted to mono, and root-mean-square
equalised using Python 3.6 (Python Software Foundation, www.python.org). The 79
auditory files were resynthesized with TANDEM-STRAIGHT (Banno et al., 2007) to create
three different speakers: 79 auditory files with a vocal tract length (VTL) of 17 cm and
glottal pulse rate (GPR) of 100 Hz, 79 with VTL of 16 cm and GPR of 150 Hz, and 79 with
VTL of 14 cm and GPR of 300 Hz. This procedure resulted in 237 different auditory stimuli.
The parameter choice (VTL and GPR) was motivated by the fact that a VTL difference of
25% and a GPR difference of 45% suffices for listeners to hear different speaker identities
(Gaudrain et al., 2009; Kreitewolf et al., 2014). Additionally, we conducted pilot
experiments (12 pilot participants which did not participate in the main experiment) in
order to fine-tune the combination of VTL and GPR that resulted in a balanced behavioural
accuracy score between the speech and speaker tasks. The pilot experiments were
conducted outside the scanner, and each run included continuous recordings of scanner
gradient noise to simulate a real scanning environment.
The 237 stimuli were embedded in background noise to create the stimuli for the condition
with background noise. The background noise consisted of normally distributed random
(white) noise filtered with a speech-shaped envelope. We calculated the envelope from the
sum of all VCV stimuli presented in the experiment. We used speech-shaped noise as it has a
stronger masking effect than stationary random non-speech noise (Carhart et al., 1975).
Before each experimental run, the noise was computed and added to the stimuli included in
the run with a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 2 dB. The SNR choice was based on a pilot
study that showed a performance decrease of at least 5% but no greater than 15% between
the clear and noise condition. In the pilot study, we started at an SNR of -10 dB and
increased this value until we converged on an SNR of 2 dB. Calculations were performed in
Matlab 8.6 (The Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA, USA) on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 (Canonical Ltd.,
London, UK).
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4.3 Procedure
We conceived the experiment as a 2 × 2 factorial design with the factors task (speech,
speaker) and background noise (clear, noise). Participants listened to blocks of auditory
VCV syllables and were asked to perform two types of tasks: a speech task and a speaker
task. In the speech task, participants reported via button press whether the current syllable
was different from the previous one (1-back task). In the speaker task, participants
reported via button press whether the current speaker was different from the previous one.
The blocks had either syllables with background noise (noise condition) or without
background noise (clear condition).
Task instructions were presented for two seconds before each block and consisted of white
written words on a black background (Ge
person). After the instruction, the block of syllables started (Figure 1). Each block contained
twelve stimuli. Each stimulus had a duration of approximately 784 ms, and the stimulus
presentation was followed by 400 ms of silence. Within one block both syllables and
speakers changed at least twice, with a theoretical maximum of nine changes. The
theoretical maximum was derived from random sampling of seven instances from three
possible change types: no change, speech change, speaker change, and change of speech and
speaker. The average length of a block was 15.80 seconds, SD 0.52 seconds.
The experiment was divided into four runs. The first three runs had a duration of 12:56 min
and included 40 blocks: 10 for each of the four conditions (speech task/noise, speaker
task/noise, speech task/clear, speaker task/clear). A fourth run had a duration of 6:32 min
and included 20 blocks (5 for each of the four conditions). For two participants, only the
first three runs were recorded due to time constraints. Participants could rest for one
minute between runs.
Participants were familiarised with the thr
perform the speaker-identity task of the main experiment. The speaker familiarisation took
place 30 minutes before the fMRI experiment. It consisted of a presentation of the speakers
and a test phase. In the presentation phase, the speakers were presented in six blocks, each
containing nine pseudo-randomly chosen VCV stimuli from the 237 total. Each block
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contained one speaker-identity only. Participants were alerted to the onset of a new
speaker identity block by the presentation of white words on a black screen indicating
speaker 1, speaker 2, or speaker 3. Participants listened to the voices with the instruction to
four blocks of nine trials that each contained randomly chosen syllable pairs spoken by the
three speakers. The syllable pairs could be from the same or a different speaker. We asked
participants to indicate whether the speakers of the two syllables were the same by
correct (the the red
consisted of three 2:50 min runs (each run contained one presentation and one test phase).
If participants scored below 80% on the last run, they performed an additional run until
they scored above 80%. All participants exceeded the 80% cut-off value.
The experiments were programmed in the Matlab Psychophysics Toolbox [Psychtoolbox-
3, www.psychtoolbox.com (Brainard, 1997)] running on Matlab 8.6 (The Mathworks Inc.,
Natick, MA, USA) on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 (Canonical Ltd., London, UK). The sound was
delivered through a MrConfon amplifier and headphones (manufactured 2008; MrConfon
GmbH, Magdeburg, Germany).
4.4 Data Acquisition and Processing
MRI data were acquired using a Siemens Magnetom 7 T scanner (Siemens AG, Erlangen,
Germany) with an 8-channel head coil. We convened on the 8-channel coil, due to its
spaciousness which allowed the use of higher quality headphones (manufactured 2008;
MrConfon GmbH, Magdeburg, Germany). Functional MRI data were acquired using echo-
planar imaging (EPI) sequences. We used partial brain coverage with 30 slices. The volume
was oriented in parallel to the superior temporal gyrus such that the slices encompassed
the MGB, the inferior colliculi (IC), and the .
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The EPI sequences had the following acquisition parameters: TR = 1600 ms, TE = 19 ms, flip
angle 65°, GRAPPA (Griswold et al., 2002) with acceleration factor 2, 33% phase
oversampling, matrix size 88, field of view (FoV) of 132 mm x 132 mm, phase partial
Fourier 6/8, voxel size 1.5 mm isotropic resolution, interleaved acquisition, anterior to
posterior phase-encode direction. The first three runs consisted of 485 volumes (12:56
min), and the fourth run consisted of 245 volumes (6:32 min). During functional MRI data
acquisition, we also acquired physiological values (heart rate, and respiration rate) using a
BIOPAC MP150 system (BIOPAC Systems Inc., Goleta, CA, USA).
To address geometric distortions in EPI images we recorded gradient echo based field maps
which had the following acquisition parameters: TR = 1500 ms, TE1 = 6.00 ms, TE2 = 7.02
ms, flip angle 60°, 0% phase oversampling, matrix size 100, FoV 220 mm x 220 mm, phase
partial Fourier off, voxel size 2.2 mm isotropic resolution, interleaved acquisition, anterior
to posterior phase-encode direction. Resulting images from field map recordings were two
magnitude images and one phase difference image.
Structural images were recorded using an MP2RAGE (Marques et al., 2010) T1 protocol:
700 µm isotropic resolution, TE = 2.45ms, TR = 5000 ms, TI1 = 900 ms, TI2 = 2750 ms, flip
angle 1 = 5°, flip angle 2 = 3°, FoV 224 mm × 224 mm, GRAPPA acceleration factor 2,
duration 10:57 min.
4.5 Behavioural Data Analysis
Button presses (hits, misses) were binomially distributed, and were thus modeled using a
binomial logistic regression which predicts the probability of correct button presses based
on four independent variables (speech task/noise, speaker task/noise, speech task/clear,
speaker task/clear) in a Bayesian framework (McElreath, 2018).
To pool over participants and runs we modelled the correlation between intercepts and
slopes. For the model implementation and data analysis, we used PyMC3 3.5 (Salvatier et
al., 2016), a probabilistic programming package for Python 3.6. We sampled with a No-U-
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Turn Sampler (Hoffman and Gelman, 2014) with four parallel chains. Per chain, we had
5,000 samples with 5,000 as warm-up. There were the following effects of interest: main
effects (clear - noise, speech task - speaker task), the interaction (speech task/ noise -
speaker task/ noise) - (speech task/ clear - speaker task/ clear), simple main effects
(speech task/ noise - speaker task/ noise, speech task/ clear - speaker task/ clear). For the
effects of interest, we calculated means from the posterior distributions and 95% highest
posterior density intervals (HDP). The HPD is the probability that the mean lies within the
interval (Gelman et al., 2013; McElreath, 2018), this means that we are 95% sure the mean
lies within the specified interval bounds. If the posterior probability distribution of odds
ratios does not strongly overlap one (i.e., the HPD excludes one), then it is assumed that
there is a detectable difference between conditions (Bunce and McElreath, 2017; McElreath,
The predictors included in the behavioural data model were: task (xS:1 = speech task, 0 =
speaker task), and background noise (xN: 1 = noise, 0 = clear). We also included the two-way
interaction of task and noise condition. Because data were collected across participants and
runs, we included random effects for both of these in the logistic model. Furthermore, since
~11% of the data exhibited ceiling effects (i.e., some participants scored at the highest
possible level) which would result in underestimated means and standard deviations (Uttl,
2005), we treated these data as right-censored and modeled them using a Potential
class (Jordan, 1998; Lauritzen et al., 1990) as implemented in PyMC3. This method
integrates out the censored values using the log of the complementary normal cumulative
distribution function (Gelman et al., 2013; McElreath, 2018). In essence, we sampled twice,
once for the observed values without the censored data points, and once for the censored
values only.
The model is described below.
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I represents the participants and J the runs. The model is compartmentalized into sub-
models for the intercepts and slopes. is the sub-model for the intercept for
observations . Similarly, , and are the sub-models for the speech task
speaker task slope, clear-noise slope and the interaction slope, respectively; /
are the covariance matrices for participant/run. / are the priors for the
correlation matrices modelled as LKJ probability densities (Lewandowski et al., 2009).
Weakly informative priors for the intercept ( ) and additional coefficients (e.g., ),
random effects for participant and run ( ), and multivariate priors for
participants and runs identify the model by constraining the position of to reasonable
values. Here we used normal distributions as priors. Furthermore, is defined as the
ramp function equal to the proportion of hits when these are known and below the ceiling
(c), and set to the ceiling if they are equal to or greater than the ceiling c.
4.6 Functional MRI Data Analysis
4.6.1 Preprocessing of fMRI data
The segment function (SPM 12, version
12.6906, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Neuroimaging, UCL, UK,
http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm) running on Matlab 8.6 (The Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA,
USA) in Ubuntu Linux 16.04 (Canonical Ltd., London, UK). The resulting grey and white
matter segmentations were summed and binarised to remove voxels that contain air, scalp,
skull and cerebrospinal fluid from structural images using the ImCalc function of SPM.
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We used the template image created for a previous study (Mihai et al., 2019) using
structural MP2RAGE images from the 28 participants of that study. We chose this template
since 15 participants in the current study are included in this image, and the vMGB mask
(described below) is in the same space as the template image. The choice of this common
template reduces warping artefacts, which would be introduced with a different template,
as both the vMGB mask and the functional data of the present study would need to be
warped to a common space. The template was created and registered to MNI space with
ANTs (Avants et al., 2008) and the MNI152 template provided by FSL 5.0.8 (Smith et al.,
2004). All MP2RAGE images were preprocessed with Freesurfer (Fischl et al., 2004; Han
and Fischl, 2007) using the recon-all command to obtain boundaries between grey and
white matter, which were later used in the functional to structural registration step.
Preprocessing and statistical analyses pipelines were coded in nipype 1.1.2 (Gorgolewski et
al., 2011). Head motion and susceptibility distortion by movement interaction of functional
runs were corrected using the Realign and Unwarp method (Andersson et al., 2001) in SPM
12. This step also makes use of a voxel displacement map (VDM), which addresses the
problem of geometric distortions in EPI caused by magnetic field inhomogeneity. The VDM
was calculated using field map recordings, which provided the absolute value and the phase
difference image files, using the FieldMap Toolbox (Jezzard and Balaban, 1995) of SPM 12.
Outlier runs were detected using ArtifactDetect (composite threshold of translation and
rotation: 1; intensity Z-threshold: 3; global threshold: 8;
https://www.nitrc.org/projects/artifact_detect/). Coregistration matrices for realigned
unction (register mean EPI image to T1). We used a whole-
brain EPI volume as an intermediate file in the coregistration step to avoid registration
problems due to the limited FoV of the functional runs. Warping using coregistration
matrices (after conversion to the ITK coordinate system) and resampling to 1 mm isovoxel
was performed using ANTs. Before model creation, we smoothed the data in SPM12 using a
1 mm kernel at full-width half-maximum.
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4.6.2 Physiological data
Physiological data (heart rate and respiration rate) were processed by the PhysIO Toolbox
(Kasper et al., 2017) to obtain Fourier expansions of each, in order to enter these into the
design matrix (see section 4.6.3 Testing our hypothesis in the left vMGB). Since heartbeats
and respiration result in undesired cortical and subcortical artefacts, regressing these out
increases the specificity of fMRI responses to the task of interest (Kasper et al., 2017). These
artefacts occur in abundance around the thalamus (Kasper et al., 2017).
4.6.3 Testing our hypothesis in the left vMGB
Models were set up in SPM 12 using the native space data for each participant. We modelled
five conditions of interest: speech task/noise, speaker task/noise, speech task/clear,
speaker task/clear, and task instruction. Onset times and durations were used to create
boxcar functions, which were convolved with the hemodynamic response function (HRF)
provided by SPM 12. The design matrix also included the following nuisance regressors:
three cardiac, four respiratory, and a cardiac × respiratory interaction regressor. We
additionally entered the outlier regressors from the ArtifactDetect step.
Parameter estimates were computed for each condition at the first level using restricted
maximum likelihood (REML) as implemented in SPM 12. Parameter estimates for each of
the four conditions of interest (speech task/noise, speaker task/noise, speech task/clear,
speaker task/clear) were registered to the MNI structural template using a two-step
registration in ANTs. First, a quick registration was performed on the whole head using
rigid, affine and diffeomorphic transformations (using Symmetric Normalization, SyN), and
the mutual information similarity metric. Second, the high-quality registration was confined
to the volume that was covered by the 30 slices of the EPI images. These volumes include
the IC, MGB, and primary and secondary auditory cortices. This step used affine and SyN
transformations and mean squares and neighbourhood cross-correlation similarity
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measures. We performed the registration to MNI space by linearly interpolating the
contrast images using the composite transforms from the high-quality registration.
We extracted parameter estimates for each of the four conditions of interest per
participant, averaged over all voxels from the region of interest, i.e., the left vMGB. To locate
the left vMGB, we used the mask from (Mihai et al., 2019), which included 15 of the 17
participants of the present study.
We analysed the extracted parameter estimates in a Bayesian framework (McElreath,
2018). The model was implemented in PyMC3 with a No-U-Turn Sampler with four parallel
chains. Per chain, we sampled posterior distributions which had 5000 samples with 5000 as
warm-up. The predictors included in the model were: task (xS: 1 = speech task, 0 = speaker
task), and background noise (xN: 1 = noise, 0 = clear). We also included the two-way
interaction of task and noise condition. Because data were collected across participants, it
was reasonable to include random effects. To pool over participants, we modelled the
correlation between intercepts and slopes over participants. The interaction model is
described below.
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I represents the participants. The model is compartmentalized into sub-models for the
intercepts and slopes. is the sub-model for the intercept for observations .
Similarly, , and are the sub-models for the speech task -speaker task slope,
clear-noise slope and the interaction slope, respectively; is the covariance matrix and is
the prior for the correlation matrix modelled as an LKJ probability density (Lewandowski et
al., 2009). Weakly informative priors for the intercept ( ) and additional coefficients
(e.g., ), random effects for participant (), and multivariate priors for participants
identify the model by constraining the position of to reasonable values. Here we used
-T distributions as priors.
From the model output, we calculated posterior distributions for each condition of interest
(speech task/noise, speaker task/ noise, speech task/clear, speaker task/clear). Posterior
distributions, in comparison to point estimates, have the advantage of quantifying
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uncertainty about each parameter. We summarised each posterior distribution using the
mean as a point estimate (posterior mean) together with a 95% highest posterior density
interval (HPD). The HPD is the probability that the mean lies within the interval (Gelman et
al., 2013; McElreath, 2018), e.g., we are 95% sure the mean lies within the specified interval
bounds. We computed the following contrasts of interest: interaction (speech task/noise
speaker task/noise) (speech task/clear speaker task/clear); simple main effects (speech
task/noise speaker task/noise), (speech task/clear speaker task/clear); main effect of
task (speech task speaker task). Differences between conditions were converted to effect
sizes [Hedges g* (Hedges and Olkin, 1985) (Cohen, 1988), is a
population parameter that computes the difference in means between two variables
normalised by the pooled standard deviation with the benefit of correcting for small sample
sizes. Based on Cohen (1988), we interpreted effect sizes on a spectrum ranging from small
zero, we considered this to be a robust effect (Bunce and McElreath, 2017; McElreath,
2018). However, we caution readers that if the HPD includes zero, it does not mean that the
effect is missing (Amrhein et al., 2019). Instead, we quantify and interpret the magnitude
(by the point estimate) and its uncertainty (by the HPD) provided by the data and our
assumptions (Anderson, 2019).
4.6.4 Test for replication of previous findings: Main effect of task in the left and
right vMGB
We tested for replication of previous studies that have found a task-dependent modulation
(speech - speaker task) in the left and the right MGB (Díaz et al., 2012; von Kriegstein et al.,
2008). To do this we adopted the same procedure as described in section For the
right vMGB mask we used a mask described in (Mihai et al., 2019). Posterior means and
95% HPD were used to summarise results.
4.6.5 Test for replication of previous findings: Correlation between the main
effect of task and speech recognition performance in the left vMGB
To test for the correlation between the main effect of task in the BOLD response and the
speech recognition performance across participants, we performed a correlation
calculation between the estimated parameters from the Bayesian model across subjects in
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the left vMGB for the speech - speaker contrast together with the proportion of hits in the
speech task. Additionally, we performed the correlation between the simple main effect of
task (speech task/clear speaker task/clear) and the speech task/clear accuracy score.
4.6.6 Meta-analysis of the correlation (speech - speaker task correlated with
speech accuracy score) in the left MGB
The lack of statistical significance for the correlation between speech - speaker task
contrast and the proportion of hits in the speech task raised the question whether the
correlation effect in the left MGB is different from the ones reported previously (Díaz et al.,
2012; Mihai et al., 2019; von Kriegstein et al., 2008). We performed a random-effects meta-
analysis to test whether the lack of task-dependent modulation in the present study was
different from other studies that have reported a correlation in the MGB. We included five
studies in the meta-analysis: two experiments from (von Kriegstein et al., 2008), the control
participants of Díaz et al. (2012), the result of (Mihai et al., 2019), and the current study.
Pearson correlation values were Fisher-z transformed (Fisher, 1915) to z-values and
standard errors. These were then entered into a random-effects model that was estimated
with restricted maximum likelihood using JASP 0.9 (jasp-stats.org). The resulting z-value
was converted back to a correlation value for easier interpretation.
4.6.7 Analyses of the left inferior colliculus
To analyse the task × noise interaction and the main effect of task in the bilateral IC we used
the same analysis procedures as described for the left vMGB (see section 4.6.3 Testing our
hypothesis in the left vMGB ). As region of interest, we used the IC masks described in
(Mihai et al., 2019). Furthermore, to analyse the correlation (speech - speaker task
correlated with speech accuracy score) in the left IC, we followed the same analysis
procedures as for the left vMGB (see section 4.6.5 Test for replication of previous findings:
Correlation between the main effect of task and speech recognition performance in the left
Additionally, we computed a meta-analysis for the correlation between speech - speaker
task contrast and the proportion of hits in the speech task in the left IC. We focused on the
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left IC since previous studies only reported correlations in the left IC (Díaz et al., 2012; von
Kriegstein et al., 2008). We included correlation coefficients from five studies: four previous
studies [two experiments from von Kriegstein et al., (2008), the control participants of Díaz
et al., (2012), one experiment from Mihai et al., (Mihai et al., 2019)] and the current study.
Díaz et al. (2012) did not report the correlation coefficient in the IC. We took this value from
the original study data Pearson correlation
coefficients were Fisher-z transformed (Fisher, 1915) to z-values and standard errors.
These were then entered into a random-effects model that was estimated with restricted
maximum likelihood using JASP 0.9 (jasp-stats.org). The resulting z-value was converted
back to a correlation value for a more straightforward interpretation.
We thank the participants for taking part in the study.
The study was funded by the European Research Council ERC Consolidator Grant
SENSOCOM (647051).
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Supplementary Material
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hits in the speech task. (B) Correlation between the contrast speech/clear – speaker/clear task
and the proportion of hits in the speech/clear task. Orange points denote those participants,
that scored poorly on the reading speed and comprehension task. Most data points are close to
the ceiling on the right of the behavioural score.
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