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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Websites

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With the growth of the Internet in the recent years, search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo are becoming more and more crucial and reliable. The role of search engines is to index billions of web pages and display only the most relevant results for a given search query. When creating the website, many webmasters forget to take into consideration an essential factor, which is making the world aware of their website. Most of the times the main focus is set on making the website as user-friendly as possible, stable, fast, and secure. However, all of these techniques can be useless if the website does not have any visitor or people just cannot find it. To solve this problem, and to enhance the structure of the website to become more search-engine-friendly, a web application is developed to analyze any given webpage and to provide information on how to enhance and improve its structure to make it more search-engine-friendly and to improve its ranking on search engines. This process is also known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

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... As a consequence, search engines assist users in locating the most relevant web pages worth visiting by showing the resulting pages in a ranked order determined by various page rank algorithms [8,10]. The traditional search engine technology may be generally categorized into two types [11]: human-powered directorybased engines and crawler-based engines. The humanspowered directory, such as the Open Directory, relies on humans to maintain its lists. ...
... Whenever a query is executed, it is first classified, and then the suitable directory is searched for the relevant web page. They are created when a website's owner sends the site for the reviewing along with a brief description of the website [11]. Generally, a search is limited to matches within the submitted descriptors. ...
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Due to the daily expansion of the web, the amount of information has increased significantly. Thus, the need for retrieving relevant information has also increased. In order to explore the internet, users depend on various search engines. Search engines face a significant challenge in returning the most relevant results for a user's query. The search engine's performance is determined by the algorithm used to rank web pages, which prioritizes the pages with the most relevancy to appear at the top of the result page. In this paper, various web page ranking algorithms such as Page Rank, Time Rank, EigenRumor, Distance Rank, SimRank, etc. are analyzed and compared based on some parameters, including the mining technique to which the algorithm belongs (for instance, Web Content Mining, Web Structure Mining, and Web Usage Mining), the methodology used for ranking web pages, time complexity (amount of time to run an algorithm), input parameters (parameters utilized in the ranking process such as InLink, OutLink, Tag name, Keyword, etc.), and the result relevancy to the user query.
... The goal is to give recommendations on how to improve websites and documents through SEO techniques. For instance, [3] and [17] developed tools that recommend SEO measures based on analysis of a given website. ...
... As the studies use different sets of indicators, it is hardly possible to compare the results. Correlations between indicators and search engine rankings are found [3,8,11,14,17,51,57,65], but it remains unclear which factors actually explain the rankings. Some promising factors, predominantly ones that form the basics of the professional SEO literature, are found. ...
... It is due to the quantity and, especially, the quality of results. Search engines were projected for general use, i.e., they have "to index billions of web pages and display only the most relevant results for a given search query" [7]. Many web applications do not use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques to improve their ranking on search engines. ...
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Educational Robotics has emerged as a multidisciplinary field integrating Information and Communication Technologies, Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence areas in education. Furthermore, Educational Robotics offers an innovative approach to teaching and learning by incorporating the construction and programming of robots. However, the small number of platforms for sharing Educational Robotics Learning Objects with a large amount of well-described metadata poses a challenge for efficient search and retrieval of relevant educational content. This study presents an architecture for data processing and ingestion in the RepositORE system, a Learning Objects Repository for Educational Robotics that stores educational content and associated metadata based on the Dublin Core standard. Based on microservices architecture, the proposed system aims to facilitate the location and reuse of learning objects by adapting the RepositORE system to work as a client service. The theoretical framework explores the concepts of learning objects, repositories, and the significance of Educational Robotics in education, and reviews related works. The proposed architecture and system can potentially enhance the accessibility and discoverability of Educational Robotics Learning Objects, fostering effective teaching and learning experiences.
... There are different search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo [1,2]. The process to increase the visibility of awebsite on asearch engine is called search engine optimization [3]. Moreover, with the help of the web, users spend more time reading all web content and consider it as the primary purpose of websites [4]. ...
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Due to extensive use of the Internet, the WEB holds an immeasurable amount of data, and Search Engines (SE) are essential tools for finding, sorting, and ranking the value of that data on the web. The potential of SEs is very significant because a major portion of web traffic is driven by SEs, such as Google, Bing, Baidu, Yahoo, etc., and their results routes end-users to specific websites. Due to the vital role of SEs, search results are becoming decisive for the website owners to compete with their rivals. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a key process for getting better online visibility on search results from search engines. The objective of this study is to technically justify the importance of search engines and SEO. More specifically, the main emphasis is to quantify the importance of bounce rate and load time of retaining users on the website. Data from web development blog "MLT" has been extracted to demonstrate the impact of SEO on website performance, bounce rate, and loading time. Google Analytics and Page Speed Insight have been employed to get the impact of SEO. Finally, the addition of SEO elements on an experimental project and the positive impact on websites are explained. Results attained from the experimental work demonstrate the significance of key SEO factors to minimize the Bounce rate.
... For example, a Url like "" clearly shows that "page" is a part of "category," providing valuable information to both users and search engines (Barbar, Ismail, 2019) [3] . ...
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This research paper presenting a comprehensive review of search engine optimization and synthesis of academic contributions. Focused on theoretical framework and conducting a meta-analysis of SEO ranking factors, the study consolidate existing knowledge and identify patterns that define effective strategies for optimizing website on search engines. Methodology was based on literature review and meta-analysis. This research categorize and create a model of SEO factors, contributing to a deeper understanding of the interconnected nature of SEO elements. The synthesis of academic researches identifies commonalities, disparities and gaps in existing theory. The aim is to gather all SEO factors that have been used to date from research and affect ranking of websites on search engine results pages in a solid new theory framework the 6 O’s SEO mix. Main findings is that SEO factors for website ranking are dozens which belong on categories of on-page, off-page, on-site technical, optimized user experience, online content and organic local SEO factors. Moreover find out that within new 6 O’s SEO mix there are factors that are known and adopted by the majority of researchers, others less known or of lesser or neutral effectiveness. In addition there are not only positive SEO factors but also negatives that rank lower websites on search engine result pages.
... • Ranking: Results are sorted from most relevant to least relevant in order to provide the content that will best satisfy a searcher's request [12]. ...
... Features of the development of advanced marketing tools and their application in the company's strategy are considered in the scientific works of scientists [4][5], who believe that search engine optimization is the main component of electronic marketing. The approach indicated is typical and more applicable in the practice of companies that base their activities on the territory of one country or market segment, since they do not take into account development trends that have a significant impact on management processes. ...
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The main purpose of the study is to determine the features of the development of search engine optimization in the strategy of e-marketing companies. The features of the e-marketing strategy and its relevance in business are considered. The existing theories of SEO organization were identified - this made it possible to highlight the specifics of the organization of search engine optimization in the e-marketing strategy. The need to study the features of the organization of SEO in the electronic marketing of companies is highlighted, taking into account development trends. The key goals, methods and tools of SEO are classified. The optimal composition of the team for SEO-optimization of the company’s website has been formed, taking into account the development trends of the company and the global market. A structural and logical analysis of the existing SEO tools, which is applicable in the e-marketing strategy of modern companies, was carried out, which ensured the identification of the main trends in the development of marketing and its main elements to achieve strategic goals and ensure efficiency. The main trends in the development of SEO in the email marketing strategy of companies are highlighted with details and characteristics of the main features. Theoretical approaches are formed and the results of the study of the features of the development of SEO in the e-marketing strategy are tools for the practical application of these recommendations in the formation of a company’s marketing strategy for promoting a website, positioning the company’s brand to ensure increased efficiency.
... Basically, it can be defined as a software tool used to search for any sort of paper or information using a certain keyword, then it returns the searched list of details based on the key words [2]. There are several search engines available on the internet such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing that help to display the output of both relevant and irrelevant data [3]. Although search engines are smart, sometimes they also provide irrelevant data. ...
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A search engine is a complex software in that a finder visits numerous websites and their pages to find essential data. It is the primary source to find content on the World Wide Web. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) methods have been invented to make user searching smoother. Although search engines are intelligent, sometimes they also provide irrelevant data. As a result, researchers have found a solution to this problem by implementing SEO techniques. SEO techniques make websites more visible and produce organic search results. Thus, this study proposed the implementation of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for SEO problems on online shopping websites and educational websites. These algorithms are evaluated based on retrieval time and precise data entry by using precision and recall. Moreover, PageSpeed Insights is used to check the speed index of the websites. The research outcome found that PSO outperformed ANN for both shopping and educational websites. PSO has a minimal retrieval time, which is 0.04 seconds for an online shopping website and 0.10 seconds for an educational website. As for precision and recall, online shopping websites have been proven to have the highest precision score of 0.67 and 0.63 recall score. The simulation analysis results show thatfuture researchers should concentrate more on determining the significance of each SEO approach and the best blend for various sectors.
... Pada penelitian ini, peneliti akan menggunakan jenis data kualitatif dalam melakukan analisis. Data kualitatif adalah data atau keterangan yang dirangkaikan dari berbagai sumber dengan menggunakan cara akumulasi data yang berbagai macam [8]. ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengunjung pada website SCLEAN, meningkatkan peringkat website pada mesin pencari Google, sehingga website SCLEAN dapat dengan mudah ditemukan serta menganalisis hasil penerapan SEO sebelum dan sesudah sebelum penerapan agar dapat menarik kesimpulan dari penelitian ini. Dalam penerapan Search Engine Optimization metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode On-page. Dalam metode On-page, teknik yang digunakan yaitu title tags, meta keywords, meta descriptions, dan image optimization. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa website SCLEAN berada pada halaman pertama di mesin pencari Google sehingga pengunjung naik sebesar 90,2%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang didapatkan, disimpulkan bahwa pada saat pengoptimalan meta tag memerlukan waktu untuk dapat di-indexing oleh Google selama satu minggu tetapi pada pergantian meta tag selanjutnya memerlukan waktu dua sampai tiga hari, sedangkan untuk meta description memerlukan waktu selama tiga hari untuk di-index oleh Google dan memerlukan Google Search Console untuk menguji coba. Sehingga yang paling berdampak pada website SCLEAN adalah pada saat pengoptimalan meta tag dan meta description karena pada saat Google telah selesai indexing maka saat itu juga pencarian website awalnya berada pada halaman ketiga naik terus-menerus sampai mencapai halaman pertama.
... Given the enormous amount of money invested in search engine optimization and its huge potential to influence knowledge acquisition through search engines, it is surprising that little research has been conducted on the effects of SEO. The literature primarily focuses on practical strategies for optimizing websites (e.g., Enge et al., 2015;Moran & Hunt, 2015;Thurow, 2007) and attempts to identify ranking factors used by commercial search engines and exploit this knowledge to boost rankings (Barbar & Ismail, 2019;Drivas et al., 2020;Evans, 2007;Giomelakis & Veglis, 2016;Hoyos et al., 2019;Su et al., 2014;Umenhofer, 2019;Ziakis et al., 2019). Also, some research has investigated the role of SEO professionals (Schultheiß & Lewandowski, 2020;Ziewitz, 2019;Zuze & Weideman, 2013) and SEO in professional contexts such as news production (Giomelakis et al., 2019). ...
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This research focuses on what users know about search engine optimization (SEO) and how well they can identify results that have potentially been influenced by SEO. We conducted an online survey with a sample representative of the German online population (N = 2,012). We found that 43% of users assume a better ranking can be achieved without paying money to Google. This is in stark contrast to the possibility of influence through paid advertisements, which 79% of internet users are aware of. However, only 29.2% know how ads differ from organic results. The term "search engine optimization" is known to 8.9% of users but 14.5% can correctly name at least one SEO tactic. Success in labelling results that can be influenced through SEO varies by search engine result page (SERP) complexity and devices: participants achieved higher success rates on SERPs with simple structures than on the more complex SERPs. SEO results were identified better on the small screen than on the large screen. 59.2% assumed that SEO has a (very) strong impact on rankings. SEO is more often perceived as positive (75.2%) than negative (68.4%). The insights from this study have implications for search engine providers, regulators, and information literacy.
... Cilj tega je kreirati vsebine, ki so, glede na področje, primerno dolge, ustrezno strokovne, s slikami podkrepljene in ki imajo za obiskovalca strani neko dodano vrednost (The Beginner's Guide to SEO, b. d.). Z dobrim pristopom bodo vsebine obiskovalcem všečne in uporabne, hkrati pa se bodo dokazale iskalnikovim algoritmom kot relevantne in vredne, da jih uvrsti visoko na seznam zadetkov iskanja (Barbar in Ismail, 2019). Na osnovi ključnih besed vsebine tehnično optimiramo tako, da so berljive in ustrezno oblikovane tudi za iskalnike (Edgar, 2018). ...
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The field of digital marketing is very topical, as it is part of the strategy of almost every company. Proper use of digital marketing techniques has a positive effect on a company's reputation, online visibility and conversion. Digital marketing includes presence on social networks, presentation with one's website, etc. In doing so, web users must find our website among the search results. This is the field of search engine optimization, as it uses various techniques and approaches to prove to search engine algorithms that our website is worth visiting and the time users spend on it. The goal is to continuously update and change the website to make the content transparent, useful, meaningfully structured and supported by images, videos and other graphic content. It is also necessary to devote a lot of time to other, more technical details, which also have a key impact on the ranking of our website at the top of search results. In the research, we used the method of critical review of secondary sources of literature and used the method of synthesis to form an overview of the considered areas.
... Other research highlights that the use of meta tags is the most significant SEO factor, followed by keywords and website design [39]. Overall it is highlighted that the structure of the website plays an important role for SEO [40]. Applying and optimizing these features during the development or operating process of the website is determined by the ease of use of the WCMS; the average user can easily and quickly make the necessary adaptations to HTML, for instance, when publishing a new article on a website. ...
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There are several Web Content Management Systems (WCMS) available that are used by web developers in order to develop and manage a website. In addition, over the last years, companies have invested in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques by applying the factors used by search engines, such as Google, in order to rank amongst the first results in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). On-page factors such as the implementation of keywords in the title tags and the website loading time are amongst the criteria that are taken into consideration and are directly affected by the website’s technology and WCMS. Following a relevant literature review, the authors conducted research amongst 6682 websites in order to identify whether and which WCMS is used by SEO experts’ websites that appear in the top search results. Findings indicated that custom made websites that do not rely on widely used WCMSs appear more frequently at the top of search results, while the Drupal CMS appears quite high, despite it being used by a small number of websites across the web.
... Ketika mesin pencarian menerima kata kunci dari apa yang ditulis di kotak mesin pencarian, algoritma dari mesin pencari bekerja untuk mencari tulisa yang relevan dengan kata kunci yang dituliskan. Setelah mendapatkanya, lalu mesin pencari menampilkan hasil dari pencarrian di layar monitor, hasil dari pencarian tersebut biasa disebut Search Engine Results Page (SERP) (Barbar & Ismail, 2019). SEO digunakan untuk meningkatkan peringkat website di mesin pencari dan memudahkan calon pembaca untuk menemukan website yang mereka inginkan. ...
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Search Engine Optimizion (SEO) merupakan metode yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dari sebuah website dari sudut pandang peringkat di mesin pencari termasuk mesin pencari google. Google bukan menjadi sebuah rahasia lagi adalah sebuah perantara bagi website untuk mendatangkan pengunjung. Semakin bertambahnya pengguna internet berbanding lurus degan semakin bertambahnya jumlah website yang ada di dunia. Hal itu membuat semakin tingginya pula kompetisi website untuk meningkatkan peringkat di mesin pencari. Banyak cara yang bisa dilakukan utuk meningkatkan peringkat, salah satu caranya adalah dengan menggunakan teknik SEO on-pages. Pada teknik ini banyak sekali tips dan trik yang dapat dilakukan, namun seiring pembaruan yang terus dilakukan oleh google, apakah teknik ini masih berfungsi atau tidak, itu yang menjadi sebuah pertanyaan. Dalam tulisan ini membahas tentang apakah teknik SEO on-pages masih relevan terhadap pembaruan yang dilakukan oleh google dan mencari fakta-fakta yang ada di literatur terkait dan membandingkan dengan apa yang terjad sekarang di laman google.
... Some of the available solutions to the problem of search engine optimisation with the analysis of their advantages and disadvantages are presented in [7,8]. An overview of methods and applications for search engine optimization is given in [9][10][11]. The article [12] describes the problem of search engine optimisation for a new website of any organization as well as approaches to achieving better results in different search engines. ...
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A set of basic methodological, organizational measures and software tools has been proposed to increase positions of the educational Web-resource in Google Search Engine and in world rankings. The introduction of the step-by-step SEO-optimization has been demonstrated using the specific example of the existing web resource of the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (USUCT). There have been taken into account bibliometric methods, SEO optimization and web resource optimization. The analysis of the results of the carried out SEO-optimization showed that with the help of correct basic SEO-settings of the website, without using the commercial advertising, the position of the website rose to the first place in the list of Google Search Engine. The general part of transitions to the website increased due to the expansion of functionality. The introduced methods on the SHI USUCT web resource made it possible to increase the position in the world rating ratings The results obtained during the study performed will contribute to solving specific practical problems of increasing the ranking of websites in the list of search engines and will be useful for those who plan to carry out activities to promote the educational website in outputs of search engines. Keywords: website, web resource, SEO-optimization, Google Search Engine, bibliometric methods, SEO optimization and web resource optimization. О.А. ЛЯШЕНКО ГВУЗ «Украинский государственный химико-технологический университет» ORCID: 0000-0002-9983-5504 Н.А. СОЛОДКАЯ ГВУЗ «Украинский государственный химико-технологический университет» ORCID: 0000-0002-7545-4969 SEO: АСПЕКТЫ ВНЕДРЕНИЯ ПРИ РАЗРАБОТКЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОГО САЙТА Создание и функционирование сайта заведения вищох образования-это необходимое условие эффективной коммуникации пользователей и учреждения. Маркетинг продвижения именно образовательных сайтов имеет сови аспекты в отличие от продвижения комерцийнии вебресурсов. Особое значение для образовательных сайтов имеет позиция заведения в мировых рейтингах оценки, а не только топ выдачи в списках поисковых систем. Предложено практической реализации ранее разработанного комплекса основных методических, организационных мероприятий и программных средств для повышения позиций образовательного веб-ресурса в поисковой системе Google и мировых рейтингах. Внедрение пошаговой SEO-оптимизации продемонстрировано на конкретном примере официального веб-ресурса ДВНЗ «Украинский государственный химико-технологический университет» (УГХТУ). Рассмотрены библиометрические методы, SEO-оптимизация и оптимизация веб-ресурса. Анализ результатов проведенной SEO-оптимизации показал, что с помощью правильных базовых SEO-настройки сайта, без использования коммерческой рекламы, позиция сайта УГХТУ поднялась на первое место в списке выдачи поисковой системы Google. Продемонстрировано, что применены методы и средства позволяют повысить внутреннюю и внешнюю оптимизацию веб-ресурса, оптимизировать веб-сервер, на котором расположен сайт, увеличить скорость загрузки страниц. Общая часть переходов на сайт увеличилась за счет расширения функционала. Внедрение комплекса основных методических, организационных мероприятий и программных средств на веб-ресурса УГХТУ повысило позиции в международных рейтингах. Результаты, полученные в ходе проведенного исследования, способствовать решению конкретных практических задач повышения рейтинга сайтов высших учебных заведений в списке
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Internet telah menjadi bagian penting bagi pemilik bisnis untuk memasarkan produk atau jasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengimplementasikan teknik Search Engine Optimization (SEO) dengan metode On Page dan off-page guna meningkatkan peringkat situs web di hasil pencarian Google. SEO adalah serangkaian strategi yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan visibilitas situs web di mesin pencari, sehingga dapat menarik lebih banyak pengunjung. Metode yang digunakan meliputi optimasi On Page menggunakan Website Auditor, seperti pengaturan kata kunci, meta tags, alt text pada gambar, dan struktur URL, serta optimasi off-page melalui pembuatan backlink berkualitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi kasus pada situs web Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi langsung terhadap performa situs web sebelum dan sesudah penerapan teknik SEO. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi teknik SEO yang tepat secara signifikan meningkatkan peringkat situs web di hasil pencarian Google, yang pada gilirannya meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung. Kesimpulannya, strategi SEO On Page dan off-page yang diterapkan secara sinergis dapat menjadi alat efektif dalam meningkatkan visibilitas dan daya saing sebuah situs web.
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As pessoas, enquanto profissionais que exercem alguma atividade dentro de uma organização, têm na Internet uma fonte ampla de informações e recursos para pesquisar, analisar, interagir e criar as suas próprias opiniões antes de tomar uma decisão de compra, seja ela pessoal, seja ela organizacional. Este comportamento é amplamente discutido na literatura sobre comércio eletrônico e comportamento do consumidor. Este trabalho se propõe a comparar a presença digital: site e redes sociais (Instagram) das empresas globais de Serviços de Consultoria e Estratégia Digital no Brasil, com as empresas de comercio eletrônico no Brasil, através de utilitários digitais disponíveis e gratuitos. Através da utilização de práticas de marketing digital, foram coletados dados de ferramentas de SEO e da rede social Instagram das 5 (cinco) empresas líderes de comércio eletrônico no Brasil e de 5 (cinco) empresas globais de Serviços de Consultora e Estratégia Digital. Esse comparativo permitiu verificar o que as empresas do segundo grupo podem aprender com as empresas do primeiro. Outro fator importante foi a relevância da participação da geração “Millenials” no mercado de trabalho futuro e sua relação com as mídias sociais.
This chapter discusses how an organization can get its website, blog, or other social media pages higher on the (natural or organic) results page of search engines. This topic is highly relevant as Internet users are more likely to visit search results that are at the top of a results page. In order to decide which web pages appear higher on a results page, search engines typically evaluate which web pages are more relevant after applying an indexation mechanism. Such an indexation mechanism will rank web pages by means of so-called spiders. In response, web page owners can try to obtain higher ranks in search engines by applying search engine optimization (SEO) for internal improvements (e.g., on-page or on-site) and external improvements (e.g., link related). Alternatively, the importance of user experience optimization is increasing. This chapter offers the reader some tips and tricks to apply SEO and to evaluate which websites, blogs, or social media pages are more SEO friendly than others are.KeywordsSearch engine marketing (SEM)e-MarketingInternet marketingSearch engine optimization (SEO)Search engine results page (SERP)Organic search resultsSpiderPenaltyWhite hatBlack hatOn-pageOff-pageOn-siteLink buildingNofollowPogo sticking
This research focuses on what users know about search engine optimization (SEO) and how well they can identify results that have potentially been influenced by SEO. We conducted an online survey with a sample representative of the German online population (N = 2,012). We found that 43% of users assume a better ranking can be achieved without paying money to Google. This is in stark contrast to the possibility of influence through paid advertisements, which 79% of internet users are aware of. However, only 29.2% know how ads differ from organic results. The term ‘search engine optimization’ is known to 8.9% of users but 14.5% can correctly name at least one SEO tactic. Success in labelling results that can be influenced through SEO varies by search engine result page (SERP) complexity and devices: participants achieved higher success rates on SERPs with simple structures than on the more complex SERPs. SEO results were identified better on the small screen than on the large screen. 59.2% assumed that SEO has a (very) strong impact on rankings. SEO is more often perceived as positive (75.2%) than negative (68.4%). The insights from this study have implications for search engine providers, regulators, and information literacy.
Social media can be perceived as being a predominantly visual platform (as we will explore in ► Chaps. 15 and 16), due to the high levels of engagement that images and video can generate across channels (Brubaker & Wilson, 2018; Marshall, 2018). Yet, underestimating the power and necessity of well-written copy can be an error made to the detriment of a social media strategy. Generally, audiences consume text online in snack-sized portions reading an average of 28 words per website visit (Weinreich, Obendorf, Herder, & Mayer, 2008). Therefore, the written word can play a considerable role in cutting through the wide range of content a target audience scrolls past on a daily basis in social media’s attention economy (Quesenberry, 2018).
The website “” has been developed as an attempt to gather all the scattered information regarding the term “steelbooks” from all around the web to a single website. A SteelBook is a premium metal case of a video game- often with classic or specially commissioned artwork. The steel case provides both a better canvas for displaying the fantastic art, as well as a more durable way of storing the disks. The importance of the article is that we refer to the product that dominates the market as a very special Collector’s item. The main goal is to gather all the people interested in this particular category/product in one place and give them all the available information they seek whilst urging them to perform actions such as supporting the website via donations, start discussions on each item, suggest improvements on the website’s content and interact with each other.
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The number of Social Network Sites (SNS) on Web 2.0 sites has been growing rapidly in recent years. This study analyzes data from three SNS in Taiwan. Several important measures available on Google Analytics are identified through interviews with the founders of the SNS and their daily data are collected. After removing outliers, correlation among measures and multiple regressions, analysis provides rationales for identifying several common users' behavior patterns. One of the case companies is further divided into member and non-member users, and into before and after a business model change. The statistical results for these two comparisons demonstrate the significant connections between users' behavior on SNS and the data collected from Google Analytics.
Search engine optimization, called SEO for short, is important to Websites, which will improve the rank for search engines and get more page views. This paper puts forward its principle, basic strategy and emphasizes the special aspects of e-commerce website optimization, such as dynamic web pages, redirect web pages and similar or repeated pages, then gives some tactics, such as making dynamic pages static, reducing redirect pages and revising similar pages.
Based on the site ranking system, this paper study on Facebook and Renren network ,finding the gap between China and the U.S. social network website. By comparing, we can see a big gap between Facebook and Renren network: firstly, Facebook users diversify the sources, while Renren network users have a single source. Secondly, Facebook and Renren network users, who are mainly young people, but Renren network users focused on 18-34 years old, while Facebook have more widely user groups than Renren. Thirdly, Facebook users is similar to men-to-women ratio, and Renren users are mostly women,which may be due to the two sites provided different application ,whose attractiveness is different between men and women.
According to the report of the world Travel & Tourism Council in 2007, half of the American travelers make their accommodations reservations through the internet. Therefore, the rankings in the search engine results become more important. In order to understand the feasibility of applying the techniques of search engine optimization (SEO) to tourism industry as well as its influences and marketing efficiency. This study takes a motel website as an example, to propose the specific methods of the SEO. The conclusion of this research indicates that the bandwidth and the ranking of the motel websites obviously have increased after applying SEO. Furthermore, the inquiry telephones and the accommodation amounts present significant increases. This research shows that SEO might well be applied in tourism industry.
With the rapid development of Internet, search engine has gradually become almost the chief tools for obtaining network resources. In order to make our own website searched by search engine and rank ahead of others, meanwhile trying to pass marketing information to the users as much as possible, more and more enterprises adopt the method based on search engine optimization (SEO) to implement search engine marketing (SEM). Besides, in order to help enterprises to monitor the SEO performance of website, and constantly enhance overall competitiveness of website on the Internet, we proposed a SEO monitoring strategy based on keywords & links by use of .NET technology framework and showed the monitoring results intuitively to users. Accordingly, we constructed a SEM network platform with the feature of high performance, high reliability, high accuracy, security and convenient. The development trends of SEM and the international situation in the future have been taken into full account when we designed and constructed this monitoring system. This system provided good performance in monitoring the ability of SEO of website, and provided the reliable information support for ongoing optimization on search engine and making search engine marketing strategy.
Conference Paper
Along with the rapid growth of network information, using search engines to search information has become an integral part of one's life everyday. In recent years, there is a research focus on the search engine optimization technologies used to quickly publish business information onto the search engines by which higher rankings can be kept. The present paper analyzes the impact of receiving and recording of search engines and ranking rules to get understanding of the features of search engine algorithms commonly used and proposes the optimization tactics for the development of a website.
Conference Paper
Search engines enable merchants to associate on-line ads with relevant keywords (for instance, through [Adwords].) Both merchants and search engines benefit economically from the merchants having as many appropriate keywords as possible. The space of keywords is large - it is useful to algorithmically generate keywords for merchants. Information about keywords is scarce, but it is known which merchants are bidding on which keywords. This paper describes WordRank, a method for using the bid landscape to infer a metric for keyword/merchant relevance, loosely based on the PageRank[Brin 98] algorithm.
Study on SEO monitoring system based on keywords & links" in Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT)
  • Di Di
  • Luan Tian
  • Bai Yan
  • Wei Liyuan
Di Di, Luan Tian, Bai Yan and Wei Liyuan "Study on SEO monitoring system based on keywords & links" in Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT), 3rd IEEE International Conference, 2010, pp. 450-453.
Xenu's Link Sleuth Finds Broken Web Site Links and Images" PC World Magazine
  • Ian Harac
Ian Harac, "Xenu's Link Sleuth Finds Broken Web Site Links and Images", PC World Magazine, 2009.
Analysis of Users' Behavior on Web 2.0 Social Network Sites: An Empirical Study
  • Google
Using The Structured Data Report
  • Janet Driscoll Miller
Janet Driscoll Miller, "Using The Structured Data Report In Google Webmaster Tools", SearchInsider, 2012.
Analyze this, says Google
  • M Chafkin
M. Chafkin, "Analyze this, says Google," Inc., vol. 28, Apr. 2006, pp. 30-30.
Google PageSpeed {computer software}
  • Google
Xenu's Link Sleuth Finds Broken Web Site Links and Images
  • Ian Harac
  • Harac Ian