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Towards Photoplethysmogram Based Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Classification



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Towards Photoplethysmogram based Non-Invasive
Blood Pressure Classification
Rajdeep Kumar Nath1, Himanshu Thapliyal1and Allison Caban-Holt2
1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2Sanders-Brown Center on Aging
University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA
Abstract—A novel blood pressure classification model using
Phototplethysmogram (PPG) is proposed in this work. The
proposed model uses signal processing and machine learning
algorithms to classify blood pressure in four stages: normal,
elevated, stage 1 and stage 2. A total of 83 features were extracted
from the PPG signal which includes 71 statistical features and
12 characteristic features. We have used random forest classifier
to train and test our predictive model. The proposed method is
evaluated on publicly available MIMIC database for 20 different
individuals. The database contains raw PPG data for different
users and Arterial Blood Pressure (ABP) to calculate the systolic
and diastolic blood pressure to be used as the ground truth for
training and validation purposes. We have achieved an overall
accuracy of 90.8% over the four classes of blood pressure levels.
The results indicate that the proposed model will be ideal for
integration into a non-invasive blood pressure monitoring system
with significant accuracy.
Index Terms—Photoplethysmogram (PPG), Blood Pressure
(BP), Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP), Diastolic Blood Pressure
(DBP), Frequency Spectrum, Arterial Blood Pressure.
Hypertension is a condition where blood exerts higher than
normal pressure in the blood vessels. High blood pressure
or hypertension is a common health problem that can affect
individuals of any age groups. With no initial symptoms,
hypertension can be difficult to detect and develops over years
causing serious health conditions like heart failure, vision loss,
stroke, and complications related to kidney function. American
Heart Association (AHA) estimated that about 85 million
people, one in every three adults in the US have high blood
pressure related complications [1]. However, monitoring blood
pressure on regular basis can prevent situation from getting
worse. The conventional method to measure blood pressure is
through Sphygmomanometer which is invasive and most of the
general population are not familiar with the interpretation of
blood pressure reading from Sphygmomanometer along with
the issue of portability and the complexity associated in using
the device. Although, there are portable devices that are used
for blood pressure estimation, these devices still requires the
use of cuff in the arm for monitoring blood pressure which
does not facilitate continuous monitoring. Hence, a cuffless
non-invasive blood pressure monitoring system is required
to meet the health needs of the growing population and to
improve the quality of life of the people.
In this work, we have presented a non-invasive cuffless
blood pressure classification model using PPG signal. The rest
of the paper is organized as follows: Section II presents the
related work, Section III presents the proposed model, Section
IV presents the results and Section V presents the conclusion
and future work.
Various works has been done in the literature to estimate
systolic and diastolic blood pressure. However, most of the
existing works focus on blood pressure estimation rather than
blood pressure classification. To the best of our knowledge,
in [2], an attempt has been made to classify blood pressure
and is the only work attempting the classification problem so
far. Also, in [2], the researchers has classified BP values using
both ECG and PPG and over three classes of BP values. In
the current work, we propose a model to classify BP values
over four classes [3] using only PPG signal. The purpose
of implementing a blood pressure classification model for
integration into continuous blood pressure monitoring is be-
cause the interpretation of the readings is more understandable
to the general population when blood pressure readings are
presented as classes rather than continuous values. Also, the
time complexity associated with classification is lower than
that of continuous prediction hence making it ideal for real
time monitoring.
In this work, the raw PPG signal and the corresponding
ABP signal collected from the MIMIC database [4] is used to
build and validate our model. The dataset contains 72 complete
records of varying length. Out of the 72 records, 20 records
were selected to build our model. The selection criteria is
based on two main factors: (i) only those subjects whose
records included both PPG signal streams and ABP signals,
(ii) of those subjects whose PPG data are available, subjects
were filtered out where the missing data consisted of more
than 10% of the length of the data. The ABP data is used
for calculating the systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood
pressure for training and validating the model.
Fig. 1. Overview of the proposed model
The proposed model broadly consists of three stages (Figure
1): (i) Data Preprocessing, (ii) Feature Extraction, (iii) BP
A. Data Preprocessing
The data preprocessing step takes as input raw PPG signal
stream and generates processed PPG signal stream. The raw
PPG data is first normalized so that all the values remain in
the range [0,1]. The normalized data is represented in such a
way that all the data points can be represented as a factor the
mean of the dataset as: , x(t) = n.mean(x), where x is the
signal stream and x(t) is the value of the signal at any instant
of time t and n is an integer. This step is done by calculating
the residue, when the sample point is divided by the mean of
the signal by using the modulus operation and then subtracting
the residue from the signal stream. This step performs some
preliminary noise removal. Subsequently, the processed signal
stream is filtered for noise removal by applying a butterworth
band pass filter with cut off frequency 40 hz. The filtered data
is then used for feature extraction.
B. Feature Extraction
The PPG signal is characterized by two main points systolic
and diastolic points. Figure 2 shows a typical PPG signal.
The diastolic point marks the lowest point of the diastole
where the pressure exerted by the blood flow is minimum
and the beginning of systole where the heart begins pumping
blood to the lungs and the blood pressure reaches a maximum
value at the systolic point. The period from systolic point
to the next diastolic point is known as the diastole period
where blood begins filling into the heart for replenishing
oxygen content. PPG signal is also characterized by Dicrotic
notch and point of second wave. However these points of
inflection are not easily identifiable from the original PPG
signal. The information obtained from the first derivative and
second derivative of the PPG signal when combined with the
information obtained from original PPG signal can provide
reliable information about the critical points of a PPG signal.
For example the diastolic point is the point of the PPG signal
where the first derivative of the signal is closest to zero. The
second derivative of the PPG signal also called Acceleration
PlethysmoGram (APG), has five critical points which are
helpful in providing important information required to monitor
Fig. 2. A typical PPG signal and its components
Fig. 3. Original PPG signal and its first and second derivative
cardiac functionality. This concept is illustrated in figure 3 [5].
The frequency spectrum of the PPG signal along with the
derivatives can also provide critical information about the
cardiac function that are otherwise not readily extracted from
PPG signal alone. Hence, features are extracted from six signal
streams of PPG signal: (i) first derivative of PPG signal, (ii)
second derivative of PPG signal, (iii) frequency spectrum of
PPG signal, (iv) first derivative of the frequency spectrum and
(v) second derivative of frequency spectrum.
Table I presents the feature type and their characteristics.
The statistical feature consists of estimation of important
statistical features like mean, variance, kurtosis, skewness
etc. The characteristic features of the frequency spectrum
consists of estimation of the peak amplitude and the frequency
associated with the signal in a given window.
C. Blood Pressure Classification
The Blood pressure classification functionality takes the
original PPG signal stream and predicts class of the blood
Signal Stream Feature Type No. of Features Window Size Overlap
PPG first derivative Statistical 14 2 1
PPG second derivative Statistical 14 2 1
PPG signal Statistical 15 2 1
PPG frequency spectrum Characteristic 12 1 0.5
Frequency Spectrum first derivative Statistical 14 2 1
Frequency Spectrum second derivative Statistical 14 2 1
pressure based on the computed features. The blood pressure
ranges are classified in four classes:
(i) Normal: SBP <120 mmHg and DBP <80 mmHg.
(ii) Elevated: SBP (120 139) mmHg and DBP (80 90)
(iii) Stage 1: SBP (140159) mmHg and DBP (90-99)mmHg.
(iv) Stage 2: SBP >=160 mmHg and DBP >= 100 mmHg.
The training class of the classifier assigns labels to each sample
in the feature set according to the ground truth of observation.
The blood pressure classification is implemented using the
Random Forest classifier. The Random Forest classifier is
an ensemble for various base estimators (decision trees in
this context) to fit different sub samples of the data. In our
model, we have used the number of estimators as 1000 and
the criterion gini is used to measure the quality of a split and
the maximum depth to which a solution is explored is chosen
at 30.
The classification model achieved an overall accuracy of
90.8% across all classes. The confusion matrix is shown in
Table II.
Predicted/True Normal Elevated Stage 1 Stage 2 Accuracy
Normal 962 78 154 2 79.83%
Elevated 92 4269 10 0 96.86%
Stage 1 145 47 1277 139 80.9%
Stage 2 6 13 137 1669 92.2%
The performance of the proposed classification model is
further evaluated using different metrics namely specificity,
sensitivity and precision, which are calculated from the con-
fusion matrix . These metrics are evaluated for all classes and
are listed in Table III.
Class Specificity Sensitivity Precision
Normal 0.96 0.79 0.80
Elevated 0.97 0.96 0.97
Stage 1 0.95 0.80 0.79
Stage 2 0.97 0.92 0.91
From Table III, it can be seen that the specificity (true neg-
ative rate) is almost equal to 1 (perfect specificity). Although
the sensitivity for normal and stage 1 classes are a little lower
than that of elevated and stage 2 classes, the number obtained
is sufficiently good for a real time model.
As an extension of this work, we propose to build a
continuous blood pressure prediction model alongside blood
pressure classification model. Combining the results from the
two models will increase the efficiency and robustness of the
proposed model. Although, the blood pressure classification
can also be done by predicting the blood pressure and then
classifying the stages using a look up table, the process is not
reliable due to errors in predicting the blood pressure with high
deviation in any instances, the model might give inaccurate
classification of the blood pressure range. However, if different
models are employed to perform the tasks separately, it is
highly unlikely that both the models will provide erroneous
readings at the same instance.
In this paper, we have presented a blood pressure classifi-
cation model which can predict over four classes of BP values
with an overall accuracy of 90.8%. The proposed model can
predict normal, elevated, stage 1 and stage 2 classes with an
accuracy of 79%, 96%, 80% and 92% respectively and with
a precision of 80%, 97%, 79% and 91% respectively.
[1] Christian Nordqvist, “What’s to know about high blood pressure?. Avail-
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November 2017.
[2] M. Kachuee, M. M. Kiani, H. Mohammadzade and M. Shabany,
”Cuffless Blood Pressure Estimation Algorithms for Continuous Health-
Care Monitoring,” in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.
64, no. 4, pp. 859-869, April 2017. doi: 10.1109/TBME.2016.2580904
[3] National High Blood Pressure Education Program. The Seventh Re-
port of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Eval-
uation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. Bethesda (MD):
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (US); 2004 Aug. Ta-
ble 3, Classification of blood pressure for adults. Available from:
[4] G. B. Moody and R. G. Mark, ”A database to support development
and evaluation of intelligent intensive care monitoring,” Computers
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[5] Millasseau, Sandrine C. et al. Determination of age-related increases in
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103 4 (2002): 371-7.
... Wearable healthcare devices have gained a lot of attention from researchers in recent years [15] - [19]. These healthcare devices play a key role in monitoring health conditions at home. ...
... The recent COVID-19 epidemic significantly highlighted the importance of these devices for real-time diagnosis and treatment of patients of different diseases at home. The blood pressure classification using PPG signals is also a hot topic and different researchers have proposed different machine learning algorithms for BP classification [15] - [19]. ...
... The proposed processor provides higher classification results than similar works [15], [16], [18] and utilizes only PPG signals. Some of the other works also require ECG signals [16], while other works does not provide any hardware based solution for the high BP classification [17], [19]. ...
... The PPG trace has a distinctive shape, as presented in Fig. 1. The characteristic points marked in Fig. 1 are described in the literature and are commonly used for PPG data analysis [6]. ...
... The aim of this work was to review articles not older Fig. 1. Example of PPG signal with marked characteristic points, adapted from [6]. than ve years to present the main problems in the development prospects of PPG and to bring closer typical as well as non-obvious applications of that method. ...
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Photoplethysmography is a non-invasive physical method used for monitoring arterial blood flow in the subject's body by measuring the amount of light absorbed or reflected by the pulsatile blood flow within the vessels. It is commonly used in wearable devices, primarily for pulse measurement. In ambulatory and clinical practice, it is implemented in pulse oximetry for the estimation of pulse and blood oxygen saturation levels. However, this method has the potential for a much broader range of measurements, such as detecting atrial fibrillation episodes. Innovative applications of this field continue to emerge in the analysis of the cardiovascular system, along with the implementation of new technological solutions aimed at analyzing and improving signal quality. Thus, we have decided to collect information on the current advancements in the field of photoplethysmography. Also, the aim of this mini-review was to bring closer non-obvious applications of photoplethysmography and its development prospects.
... On the other hand, forcing patients with hypertension to perform some physical exercise intensely, can be a cause of death, [11] according to the World Health Organization (WHO), physical inactivity is the fourth risk factor for global mortality that causes approximately 4.3 million deaths annually related to high blood pressure [12], figure that can decrease if the health of people with hypertension who cannot perform any physical activity is carefully examined, since hypertension is a disease in which the blood exerts greater pressure on the blood vessels, causing a common health problem that affects people of any age, that has no initial symptoms and can be difficult to detect as it develops over the years, causing serious health problems such as heart failure, vision loss, strokes, and complications related to kidney function. [13] The objective of this research work is to perform a blood pressure measurement system for the care of patients at risk of hypertension monitored by mobile application and to know the value of blood pressure on the walls of the arteries to determine if the patient has normal or elevated blood pressure, So it can be diagnosed if the patient is at risk of suffering from high blood pressure and prevent them from acquiring any disorder in their health. To perform the system, the patient's arm is taken to measure two determining values, systolic pressure, and diastolic pressure, by means of a blood pressure sensor connected to an Arduino UNO programmed in Arduino IDE. ...
... database using only PPG information. Nath et al. [43] reported an overall accuracy of 90.8% for classifying normotension, stage 1 and 2 of pre-hypertension, and hypertension; Liang et al. [44] obtained F-scores of 80.52%, 92.55% and 82.95% for classifying normotension against pre-hypertension, normotension against hypertension, and pre-hypertension against hypertension, respectively; and Xiaoxiao et al. [45] reached F-scores of 88.03%, 70.94% and 84.88% for the same classification tasks as the previous study. The last two studies used deep learning models for the identification of blood pressure states. ...
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the capability of features extracted from photoplethysmography (PPG) based Pulse Rate Variability (PRV) to classify hypertensive, normotensive and hypotensive events, and to estimate mean arterial, systolic and diastolic blood pressure in critically ill patients. Methods: Time-domain, frequency-domain and non-linear indices from PRV were extracted from 5-min and 1-min segments obtained from PPG signals. These features were filtered using machine learning algorithms in order to obtain the optimal combination for the classification of hypertensive, hypotensive and normotensive events, and for the estimation of blood pressure. Results: 5-min segments allowed for an improved performance in both classification and estimation tasks. Classification of blood pressure states showed around 70% accuracy and around 75% specificity. The sensitivity, precision and F1 scores were around 50%. In estimating mean arterial, systolic, and diastolic blood pressure, mean absolute errors as low as 2.55 ± 0.78 mmHg, 4.74 ± 2.33 mmHg, and 1.78 ± 0.14 mmHg were obtained, respectively. Bland-Altman analysis and Wilcoxon rank sum tests showed good agreement between real and estimated values, especially for mean and diastolic arterial blood pressures. Conclusion: PRV-based features could be used for the classification of blood pressure states and the estimation of blood pressure values, although including additional features from the PPG waveform could improve the results. Significance: PRV contains information related to blood pressure, which may aid in the continuous, noninvasive, non-intrusive estimation of blood pressure and detection of hypertensive and hypotensive events in critically ill subjects.
Recent advancements in deep learning for predicting Arterial Blood Pressure (ABP) have prominently featured the use of photoplethysmography (PPG) signals. Notably, PPG signals exhibit significant variability due to differences in measurement environments, alongside stark disparities in the distribution of collected signal data among different labels. To address these challenges, this study introduces a Bi-Guided Diffusion Model designed to generate PPG signals with expected features of ABP within a few-shot setting for each label group. We propose a guided diffusion model architecture that can simultaneously consider both the determinant group condition and the continuous label condition for each group in a few-shot setting. To our knowledge, this is the first study to use a diffusion model for generating PPG signals with a limited dataset. Initially, we categorized them into four groups based on SBP and DBP values: Hypo, Normal, Prehyper, and Hyper2. In each group, we sample an equal number of data points according to the few-shot setting and then generate appropriate PPG signals for each group through guidance. Additionally, Our study proposes a post-processing technique to address the limitations of generative models in few-shot settings, consistently boosting performance across various methods such as training from scratch, transfer learning, and linear probing. When benchmarked, our methodology demonstrated performance improvements across all datasets, including BCG, PPGBP, and SENSORS. We confirmed data quality by comparing training, generated, and actual data and analyzed error cases, morphology features, and t-SNE distribution to highlight the role of synthetic data in enhancing performance.
Continuous measurement of the Blood Pressure (BP) is important in hypertensive patientsand elderly population. Traditional cuff based methods are difficult to use since it is uncomfortable towear a cuff throughout the day. A more suitable method is to estimate the BP using the Photoplethysmography(PPG) signal. However, it is difficult to estimate a BP when the PPG is corrupted withMotion Artifacts (MAs). In this paper, Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) an extension of RecurrentNeural Networks (RNN) is used used to improve the accuracy of the estimation of the BP from thecorrupted PPG. It shows that an accuracy of 97.86 is achieved.
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Goal: Continuous Blood Pressure monitoring can provide invaluable information about individuals' health conditions. However, BP is conventionally measured using inconvenient cuff-based instruments, which prevents continuous BP monitoring. This work presents an efficient algorithm, based on the Pulse Arrival Time (PAT), for the continuous and cuff-less estimation of the Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP), Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP), and Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) values. Methods: The proposed framework estimates the BP values through processing vital signals and extracting two types of features, which are based on either physiological parameters or whole-based representation of vital signals. Finally, the regression algorithms are employed for the BP estimation. Although the proposed algorithm works reliably without any need for calibration, an optional calibration procedure is also suggested, which can improve the system's accuracy even further. Results: The proposed method is evaluated on about a thousand subjects using the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) and the British Hypertension Society (BHS) standards. The method complies with the AAMI standard in the estimation of DBP and MAP values. Regarding the BHS protocol, the results achieve grade A for the estimation of DBP and grade B for the estimation of MAP. Conclusion: We conclude that by using the PAT in combination with informative features from the vital signals, the BP can be accurately and reliably estimated in a non-invasive fashion. Significance: The results indicate that the proposed algorithm for the cuff-less estimation of the blood pressure can potentially enable mobile health-care gadgets to monitor the BP continuously.
Conference Paper
Development and evaluation of automated decision support systems requires large amounts of well-characterized, reproducible test data. The MIMIC (Multi-parameter Intelligent Monitoring for Intensive Care) Database is intended to meet these needs. The database, currently nearing completion, will include 100 patient records, each typically containing between 24 and 48 hours of continuous data recorded from patient monitors in the medical, surgical, and cardiac intensive care units of Boston's Beth Israel Hospital. Each record will be accompanied by detailed clinical data derived from the patient's medical record and from the hospital's on-line medical information systems. We select patients to record from those likely to be hemodynamically unstable during the planned recording period. We expect to complete the selection of the recordings to be included in the database by the end of 1996, and to make the database available to other researchers shortly thereafter.
The stiffness of the aorta can be determined by measuring carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV(cf)). PWV may also influence the contour of the peripheral pulse, suggesting that contour analysis might be used to assess large artery stiffness. An index of large artery stiffness (SI(DVP)) derived from the digital volume pulse (DVP) measured by transmission of IR light (photoplethysmography) was examined. SI(DVP) was obtained from subject height and from the time delay between direct and reflected waves in the DVP. The timing of these components of the DVP is determined by PWV in the aorta and large arteries. SI(DVP) was, therefore, expected to provide a measure of stiffness similar to PWV. SI(DVP) was compared with PWV(cf) obtained by applanation tonometry in 87 asymptomatic subjects (21-68 years; 29 women). The reproducibility of SI(DVP) and PWV(cf) and the response of SI(DVP) to glyceryl trinitrate were assessed in subsets of subjects. The mean within-subject coefficient of variation of SI(DVP), for measurements at weekly intervals, was 9.6%. SI(DVP) was correlated with PWV(cf) ( r =0.65, P <0.0001). SI(DVP) and PWV(cf) were each independently correlated with age and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) with similar regression coefficients: SI(DVP)=0.63+0.086 x age+0.042 x MAP ( r =0.69, P <0.0001); PWV(cf)=0.76+0.080 x age+0.053 x MAP ( r =0.71, P <0.0001). Administration of glyceryl trinitrate (3, 30 and 300 microg/min intravenous; each dose for 15 min) in nine healthy men produced similar changes in SI(DVP) and PWV(cf). Thus contour analysis of the DVP provides a simple, reproducible, non-invasive measure of large artery stiffness.
What’s to know about high blood pressure?
  • Christian Nordqvist
Christian Nordqvist, "What's to know about high blood pressure?. Available from:, November 2017.