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Proceedings of the International Conference on the Roles of Parents in Shaping Children’s Characters (ICECED), December 3-4,
2018, Anjong Mon Mata, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Department of Pancasila and Citizenship Education, Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Pancasila Education and Citizenship Education is one of the subjects that have an
important role in shaping the character of students as youth who can become the initial
capital of the nation and state to maintain their existence in the future.This research
was conducted at SMAN 1 Kutapanjang, Gayo Lues Regency during Praktek
Pengalaman Lapangan – PPL (Teaching Practice) and this study used a Qualitative
Approach. The subjects in this study were students of class XII IPA SMAN 1
Kutapanjang, which numbered 20 people who were deliberately taken according to the
purpose of this study (purposive sampling). Then the data collection technique of this
study uses observation and interviews, while the data analysis technique is done
qualitatively with steps (1) data reduction, namely simplification and selection of data
in accordance with the problems to be studied, (2) presentation of data, describing
collected narrative, and (3) drawing conclusions/verification which is the final stage of
analysis of research data. Research Results The citizen project model can develop the
disposition of student citizens, because this model involves students in each learning
process, so that the learning process becomes a valuable learning experience that
ultimately acquires knowledge, attitudes and skills. In addition, through the
application of the project citizen model, many civil dispositions were formed related to
the awareness of the community, nation and state. Civic disposition obtained is
responsibility, concern for problems, respect for opinions, participation, commitment
in learning, thinking critically, communicative, collaborating, and also innovative.
Keywords: Pancasila Citizenship Education, Project Citizen, Civic Disposition
Education is the most important aspect in human life in the effort of human
empowerment in facing global challenges. Through this education humans can
develop potential, intelligence, skills, personality and morality that can be formed and
directed. The same thing was conveyed in Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National
Education System, Education is a conscious and planned effort to realize the learning
atmosphere and development process so that students actively develop their various
potentials to have religious spiritual power, self-control, personality , intelligence,
noble character and skills needed by him, the people of the nation and the State.
Education is an investment in the future of the nation where the nation's children are
educated so that they can continue the movement of the nation's life into an advanced
and educated nation (Suwarno, 2006, pp.5-6).
According to Winataputra and Budimansyah (2012, p. 90) in this case it states that
idealism in the formation of national character and civilization is dignified in order to
educate the nation's life and make democratic and socially responsible citizens, filossofi
* Iwan Fajri, Rusli Yusuf, Ruslan
Iwan Fajri, Rusli Yusuf & Ruslan
and psychodegogis a mission. sacre from citizenship education. Citizenship education
in particular can be observed in the explanation of article 37 paragraph 1 of Law
Number 20 of 2003 concerning SISDIKNAS, in its explanation "Citizenship Education
is intended to form students into human beings who have a sense of nationality and
love of the country.". In this case we can see that citizenship education is basically
national education or national character education.
Pancasila and Citizenship Education is one of the subjects in the school that focuses on
applying moral formation and character of students to become good citizens and
citizens. Pancasila and Citizenship Education is a science in which there is a study of
democratic education so that it is set forth with the intent and purpose of preparing
students to be able to think critically and act democratically which is implemented
through awareness-raising activities to become democratic. Explanation of democratic
education is a form of social life in guaranteeing the rights of citizens.
Pancasila education and citizenship have three important components, namely the
Civil Knowledge component, the Civil Skills Component and the Civil Disposition
component (Winarno, 2013, p. 19). These three components constitute a unity that
complements the integrity of citizenship education content where each component
contributes to one another, so the learning process must be carried out thoroughly so
that there are no material errors.
Based on the above opinion, the component or Citizenship competency related to the
character of the student is the character of citizenship (civil disposition). Winataputra
(2012, p. 205) Personal characteristics such as moral responsibility, self-discipline and
respect for the human dignity of each individual are mandatory. Civic Disposition
competency is the ability and skills associated with citizens 'awareness and
commitment about commitment to gender equality, tolerance, pluralism, and
commitment to care and be involved in resolving citizens' problems related to human
rights violations (Rusnila, 2016, p. 2).
In the initial observations conducted by researchers when practicing at SMAN 1
Kutapanjang Gayo Lues, researchers found that most students in the learning process
often made noise, often making noise with friends and sometimes ignoring what was
explained by the teacher. When the teacher gave a feedback question, not a few
students seemed enthusiastic about answering questions from the teacher.
Furthermore, based on the data in the field when the researchers conducted Field
Practice in SMAN 1 Kutapanjang, researchers often saw students arriving late at school
every morning, sometimes the scenery outside the school fence was filled with
students who were late. Like observing what researchers do, in SMAN 1 Kutapanjang
every morning doing activities before entering class. Morning activities start from the
bendara ceremony on Monday, reading activities, cultural activities, speeches, reading
yasin and gymnastics activities on Saturdays. Every morning the activity is carried out,
the teacher checks the attendance of students. students who are late present are not
present in the morning activities and if often late the teacher calls students and gives a
warning. Because when the end of the semester will be an assessment of the increase in
class for students.
Proceedings of the International Conference on the Roles of Parents in Shaping Children’s Characters (ICECED), December 3-4,
2018, Anjong Mon Mata, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Based on the above problems, it can be concluded that the habits or character of
students are still wrong, one of the characteristics of discipline. So it is very necessary
for the process of developing citizenship characters for students to do every morning
or even in the learning process so that habits can change for the better. In this case the
researcher tries to do the learning process of PPKn subjects by using the project of
learning citizens. Citizen projects are portfolio-based learning models, through this
model students are not only invited to understand scientific concepts and principles,
but also develop their ability to work together through empirical practical learning
activities, so learning will be more challenging, activating and more meaningful.
definitely form a good character.
Based on the background of the problem above, the formulation of the problem is: (1)
what is the development of civilian disposition through the student citizen model
project in SMAN 1 Kutapanjang? (2) What are the Civic Dispositions that have
emerged through the community project of SMAN 1 Kutapanjang?
Concept of Project Citizen Learning
The Project Citizen Model is one of problem-based instructional treatment to develop
knowledge, skills and character of democratic citizenship that enables and encourages
participation in government and civil society (Budimansyah, 2009, p. 1). The aim of the
citizen project model is to motivate and empower students to use democratic
citizenship rights and responsibilities through intensive portfolios on public policy
issues in schools or communities where they interact.
Budimansyah (2009, p. 23) instructional strategies used in this model, basically depart
from the strategy of "inquiry learning, discovery learning, problem solving learning,
research-oriented learning," which is packaged in a "project" model ala John Dewey. In
this case the following steps are set:
1) Identifying problems
In this step, students will identify problems that are considered important by the
community and students also determine which level or government agency is
responsible for the problem. After the problem has been collected, students then
interview parents and neighbors to record what they know about the problem and
how they behave in dealing with these problems.
2) Selecting a problem to study in class
In this second step, the class discusses all information that has been obtained
regarding the list of issues that have been found in the community. The purpose of
this stage is for the class to choose one problem as a class study material which is a
choice together.
3) Gather information related to the problem
At this stage, it will be done when the second stage has been completed or in other
words the class study problem has been determined, then the students look for
information that is used as a source of study material in developing the portfolio in
the following steps.
4) Developing a class portfolio
At this stage students begin to develop a class portfolio. Classes are divided into
four groups. Each group will be responsible for developing a part of the class
Iwan Fajri, Rusli Yusuf & Ruslan
portfolio. The materials intended in the portfolio should include the documentation
that has been collected in the research phase of the problem.
5) Presenting a portfolio before a jury
If the class portfolio is complete, students can present the results of their work
before the audience. The presentation or also known as the showcase is carried out
before the jury, with this activity the students will be equipped with experience
learning how to present ideas and thoughts to others.
6) Reflecting on the Learning Experience
Reflection on this learning experience is one way to learn, to avoid making mistakes,
and to improve the abilities students already have.
Citizenship Education
In language, the term Civic Education is partly translated into Indonesian into
Citizenship education. According to Susanto (2014, pp. 3-4) substantive Citizenship
education not only educates the younger generation to become citizens who are
intelligent and aware of their rights and obligations in the context of community life in
Citizenship Education, but also build citizens' readiness to become global citizens
(Global Society). David Kerr (as cited in Winataputra & Budimansyah, 2007, p. 4)
provides an explanation that Citizenship education broadly includes a process of
preparing young people to take on their roles and responsibilities as citizens.
In the new paradigm, Civic Education is one of the fields of study that carries out a
national mission in an effort to educate the Indonesian people through a corridor of
"value based education" with a systemic framework as suggested by Budimansyah in
(Susanto,2014) Citizenship Education curricular aims to develop various kinds of
potential individuals to become Indonesian citizens who are noble, intelligent,
participatory and responsible. Theoretically contains dimensions of cognitive, affective
and psychomotor (Civic Knowledge, Civic Skills) that are mutually penetrating and
integrated in the context of the substance of ideas, values, concepts and moral
Pancasila, democratic citizenship and state defense.
Citizenship Competence
Citizenship competency is the ability that must be mastered by a student which
includes knowledge, values and attitudes, as well as the skills of students who support
to become a participatory and responsible citizen in the life of the community, nation
and state. The National Standards for Civics and Government (Center For Civic
Education, 1994) formulated the main components of Civic Education including
knowledge of Civic Knowledge, Civic Skills and Civic Disposition.
Citizenship Knowledge
Civic Knowledge is a substance material that must be known by citizens.
Civic Skills
Civic Skills are skills developed from Citizenship knowledge so that the knowledge
gained becomes something meaningful, because it is used in dealing with life problems
of nations and countries.
Proceedings of the International Conference on the Roles of Parents in Shaping Children’s Characters (ICECED), December 3-4,
2018, Anjong Mon Mata, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Civic Disposition
Buchanan et al. (in Komalasari, 2011, p. 50-51) explain that civic disposition is the
attitude and habits of citizens thinking that supports the development of healthy social
functions and guarantees the general interests of the democratic system.
Branson in (Susanto, 2014. p. 8) asserted that Civic Diposition inspired the public and
private characters that were important for the maintenance and development of
constitutional democracy. Citizenship attitudes as citizenship skills develop slowly as a
result of what someone has learned and experienced both at home, school and in the
community and organizations of the Civil Society.
Winarno (2014, p. 177) stated that civic disposition is one component of Citizenship
education which is translated as the character, attitude, or character of Citizenship.
According to Setiawan (2012, p. 162) he explained that Civic disposition is a component
related to values that contribute to the formation of the character of citizens. According
to Winataputra (2012, p. 205) Civic Disposition is basically a public character and a
private character.
Based on theories above, this study only focuses on one component or competency of
Citizenship education, namely Civic Disposition competency. This is in accordance
with the aim of this study which is to see the attitude of students after implementing
the learning process with the Project Citizen model. In this case, the researchers
attempt to develop several characters or attitudes through the Project Citizen model.
This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Kutapanjang, Gayo Lues Regency and the
time of this research was carried out when researchers were on Teaching Practice (PPL)
from July to September 2018. This study uses qualitative methods and types of
research. The subjects in this study were students of class XII IPA SMAN 1
Kutapanjang who answered twenty people with Criteria according to the purpose of
this study (purposive sampling). Furthermore, the technique of collecting data from
this study uses observation and interview techniques. Observations are used to view
activities. Student learning activities and interviews are used to obtain information
from students about community projects in developing Civic Disposition. Then the
data are analyzed qualitatively with steps namely, (1) Data reduction, namely
simplification and selection of data that is in accordance with the desired, (2)
Presentation Data, which is describing data that has been collected narratively, and (3)
Drawing conclusions/ Verification which is the final stage of research data analysis.
Development of Citizenship Attitudes through the Citizenship Project Learning Model
for SMAN 1 Kuta Panjang students Gayo Lues
The results showed that the Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) subject
teachers at SMAN 1 Kutapanjang Gayo Lues in the learning process still used
conventional methods. This, causes a lack of student understanding of the material
being taught because it does not involve directly, only teaches abstract concepts.
Therefore, teachers need to apply new learning methods in accordance with the
development of student knowledge.
Iwan Fajri, Rusli Yusuf & Ruslan
The results of the study show that through the application of citizenship project
learning models students can reason, present information about resolving the rights
and obligations of citizens in the values of Pancasila. This needs to be done because it
involves students in the learning process. Thus, the application of citizenship project
learning models is better able to improve students' skills in carrying out life both in
society, nation, and country. When researchers carry out the learning process, students
do all activities and work, each student does not have a job in this citizenship project
The results obtained by researchers when observing students doing palajar
assignments are assisted by citizenship projects, researchers find that various types of
attitudes or skills are raised by students when performing tasks with the model. This
attitude or skill begins to emerge from the first step of identifying the problem until the
sixth step reflects the learning experience. In addition, researchers also collected data
through interviews to explore what the researchers wanted. This is because the
citizenship project model is also done when returning home from school. The results
obtained were, of the twenty students interviewed, only three people from each group
did not participate in the task with the citizenship project model. The reason they do
not have time to help with work is because they have other activities. Interviews of 20
people indicate that the citizenship project model can improve citizens' attitudes or
skills. When they implement this citizenship project model, they do it well and this
model can develop citizenship attitudes as an example when students gather
information in the second step. In the second step, students gather information by
interviewing community leaders about the problems they are working on.
Based on the research findings above, it can be concluded that the citizenship project
model can develop students' citizenship attitudes in daily life. This attitude of
citizenship was raised from each step undertaken by each student who had been given
each assignment before. The citizenship project model develops citizenship attitudes
such as: Responsibility, collaboration, polite behavior, caring about problems,
participating, respecting opinions, discipline, critical thinking, participating,
innovative, commutative and commitment to learning.
The Forms of Civic Attitudes that Emerged through the Citizenship Project Learning
Model at SMAN 1 Kuta Panjang students Gayo Lues
The results of the study show that through the application of citizenship project
learning models many attitudes of students can be formed related to awareness of
community, nation, and state. The skills acquired or that can be developed through the
Project Citizen learning model are creativity, sense of responsibility, compassion for
the problem, respect for opinions, participation, discipline, participation, comintent
learning, critical thinking, communicative, collaborative and innovative.
Thus, the application of a very effective citizenship project learning model is applied in
the learning process by Pancasila Education teachers and citizenship as an effort to
build student character in accordance with Pancasila values. The following is a
character table that appears from each step of the citizenship project model
Tabel 1. Steps to the Citizen Project learning model
Proceedings of the International Conference on the Roles of Parents in Shaping Children’s Characters (ICECED), December 3-4,
2018, Anjong Mon Mata, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Identifying Problems
Responsibility, Students are trained with the task given in the
Choosing Problems
for Study in Class
Responsibility, students are responsible for the assignments
given by the teacher or given by group friends
Appreciating the opinions of group friends when conducting
group discussions.
Compromising, students together in choosing problems that
will be used as study material.
A sense of caring, students after compromising on choosing
their study material feel concerned about what is used as
Courtesy, students in speaking propose arguments to be
chosen as material for study with good and polite behavior.
Responsibility, Students are responsible for finding sources of
information on the task problems that have been agreed upon
in the previous step.
Critical Thinking, students in gathering information by
sorting out according to the problem.
Participate actively, students are involved in the process of
gathering information.
Discipline, students are divided into each task in gathering
information with a specified time
Courtesy and good behavior, students when meeting other
people in information gathering
Developing a
Responsibility, we have a responsibility attitude in completing
research by making a portfolio and completing a portfolio.
Discipline, students in making portfolio with time and portion
that has been determined in completing.
Courtesy, students in working on portfolios have good
behavior towards group friends
Critical Thinking, students in making portfolios carefully and
thoroughly enter the appropriate information
Compromising, students cooperate with each other in
bringing together ideas in making a portfolio
Respect, students in expressing opinions of other students
respect it.
Participate in making portfolios together.
Presenting a
Responsibility, each student has responsibility in presenting
Kepudulian as citizens, students in presenting portfolios by
explaining information about the problems that occur in the
form of identifying problems that exist in the community.
Polite and good behavior, In this case students in finding
problems in the community well and polite behavior when
meeting with the community.
Care for social problems, students look for problems related to
the community environment
Participate in problems together with open ways between
groups and communities.
Iwan Fajri, Rusli Yusuf & Ruslan
Heeding the rules of the game, students in the portfolio
presentation have sorted in the presentation.
Learning Commitments, students explain the portfolio well
because they have learned before the presentation.
Confidence, students in explaining the portfolio with good
tone and voice in conveying.
Willing to listen to the opinions of others, students from other
groups who listen to their friends' presentations
Reflection on
Experiential Learning
Responsible, students have responsibility in completing
portfolio presentations.
Courtesy, students politely ask questions to other group
Willingness to listen, students listen to the answers to
questions raised by other groups.
advance the general good, students provide arguments
against the answers given by the group that answers.
Figure 1. Developing a portofolio
Proceedings of the International Conference on the Roles of Parents in Shaping Children’s Characters (ICECED), December 3-4,
2018, Anjong Mon Mata, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Figure 2. A ready portofolio
Figure 3. Presenting a portofolio
Development of Citizenship Attitudes through the Citizenship Project Learning Model
for SMAN 1 Kuta Panjang students Gayo Lues
Efforts to develop citizenship are a necessity, not only by parents and the wider
community. In this case, the development of this citizenship attitude is a duty and
responsibility, especially by teachers of Pancasila and Citizenship Education in all
types, levels and levels of education. Lubis (2018, p. 5) Pancasila and Citizenship
Education is an Increasing Subject from the Course of Citizenship Education (PKn)
which was initially known in the 2006 curriculum. This improvement was carried out
on the basis of considerations: (1) Pancasila as the basis of the nation and the life view
of the nation played and interpreted as the core of the reference source and the success
criteria for achieving the level of competence and organization of the entire scope of
the PPKn subject. (2) The substance and spirit of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic
of Indonesia, the values and spirit of Unity in Diversity and Commitment of the
Unitary Republic of Indonesia were placed as an integral part of the PPKn which
became a Psychological-Pedagogical vehicle for the distribution of Indonesian citizens
with Pancasila characteristics .
Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system article 3 states about "for
the development of potential students to become human beings who believe and serve
the Almighty God, have noble, healthy, knowledgeable, creative, independent, and
become citizens who democratically responsible. Thus, it is realized that the efforts to
develop smart and good citizens can be done with a number of approaches, one of
which is the approach of the theory of psychological logic development. Psychopathic
logic development is an approach that assumes that character development will
succeed if the character is internalized, implanted or educated in students (Kurniawan,
Iwan Fajri, Rusli Yusuf & Ruslan
The results of the research conducted by Ai Ida Suraya show that the most prominent
component of citizenship is that students respect the opinions of friends; have concern
for problems that occur around them (local, regional, national, global); have empathy
for others affected by the problem; and have high social responsibility (in
Budimansyah and Sapriya, 2012, p. 12). Character values can beto be integrated in this
citizen project because this model involves students in each learning process, so that
the learning process becomes a valuable learning experience and students will
eventually acquire the knowledge, attitudes and skills.
The Forms of Civic Attitudes that Emerged through the Citizenship Project Learning
Model at SMAN 1 Kuta Panjang students Gayo Lues
Many citizenship attitudes must be possessed by students as a part that cannot be
separated from citizens. The government has formulated several citizenship attitudes
that must be owned by citizens. Regarding the findings in this study, the application of
this learning model wants to develop citizenship attitudes given the awareness of the
community, nation and state. Citizenship Citizenship or Citizenship character is a
component of Citizenship Competence (Citizenship Citizenship) that is related to the
character, attitude, and character of citizens. In short, the character of citizenship is
aimed more at the personal character and public character of citizens. According to
Winataputra and Budimasyah (2012, 205) explaining personal character is a character
associated with a sense of moral responsibility, self-discipline and respect for the
human dignity of each individual. Then while public character is a character associated
with caring as a citizen, politeness, heeding the rules of the game and compromise.
School is one of the most efficient character building places, because in schools the
citizens of the students with a system that has been made is very good. Citizens at
school age character formation is very good to do, because it is still easy to be taught
something especially about character problems. Seeing a lot of character problems
carried out by students, of course there is something wrong during the learning
process. Even though schools are expected to make a good contribution in forming the
character of the nation's children.
Development of citizenship attitudes through the citizenship learning model of
students in Gayo Lues SMAN 1 Kuta Panjang students enables them to think and
provide information about the struggles of the rights and needs of citizens in the
values of Pancasila. Moreover, the forms of citizenship attitudes arise through the
application of citizenship learning models to Gayo Lues students of SMAN 1
KutaPanjang about the awareness of the community, nation and state.
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Iwan Fajri, Rusli Yusuf & Ruslan