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Shaping of Spatial Steel Rod Structures Based on a Hyperbolic Paraboloid


Abstract and Figures

The aim of the study was to develop a practical approach to parametric shaping of spatial steel rod structures formed based on a hyperbolic paraboloid. This design approach was realized by application of designing tools working in environment of Rhinoceros 3D, that is its plug-in Grasshopper for geometric modelling and Karamba 3D for structural analysis. The goal of this research was to elaborate an universal scripts in order to create rod structures’ models of various forms and grid patterns, as well as evaluating their structural behaviour dependently on various boundary conditions. The optimisation criterion was the minimum mass and deflection. Several proposals of coverings by means of single layer grid structures were presented and analysed to choose the best solution. The rod structures generated based on a hyperbolic paraboloid turned out to be structures with good static properties, so may be an interesting proposals to cover large areas.
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Summary: The aim of the study was to develop a practical approach to parametric shaping of spatial steel rod
structures formed based on a hyperbolic paraboloid. This design approach was realized by application of
designing tools working in environment of Rhinoceros 3D, that is its plug-in Grasshopper for geometric
modelling and Karamba 3D for structural analysis. The goal of this research was to elaborate an universal scripts
in order to create rod structures‘ models of various forms and grid patterns, as well as evaluating their structural
behaviour dependently on various boundary conditions. The optimisation criterion was the minimum mass and
deflection. Several proposals of coverings by means of single layer grid structures were presented and analysed
to choose the best solution. The rod structures generated based on a hyperbolic paraboloid turned out to be
structures with good static properties, so may be an interesting proposals to cover large areas.
Keywords:parametric modeling, structural analysis, optimization, Grasshopper, Karamba 3D, hyperbolic
paraboloid, rod structure, ruled surface
PhD., Eng., Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil, Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Al.
Powstancow Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszow, Poland, e-mail:
The complexity of contemporary free-form architectural objects has been a driving force for
development of new digital design methods over the last decade. Applied mathematics and
particularly geometry have initiated the development of a comprehensive framework for complex
modeling, especially smooth modeling based on Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS).
Flexible shapes of NURBS curves, controlled during the design process, constituted a base for
generation of various digital parametrically changeable topological forms. In turn, digital
parametric modeling has profoundly changed the processes of design and construction.
In parametric design a geometric form is shaped not by declaration of its shape and structure, but by
parameters and equations describing them [1,2]. Digital environment, on the one hand gives much
freedom in shaping free forms, on the other hand allows designers to use computer software for
optimization and simulation of projects. Due to this fact, it helps to make a right decision at the
early stage of designing, whereas a digital model becomes a single source of information which can
be generated, controlled and managed by a designer [3]. Along this line of thought the paper
discusses a novel parametric approach to shaping of spatial steel rod structures which can be
structures of building coverings. They are formed basing on a hyperbolic paraboloid surface.
Hyperbolic paraboloid surfaces due to their positive static properties are well established in the area
of shells. They are also easy-to–use elements for architectural design and offer many interesting
design possibilities [4]. Due to this fact, a hyperbolic paraboloid thanks to both its geometric and
aesthetic features is worth consideration as a base form for modeling of rod structures. The rod
structures which form grid shells are usually long span structures composed of a lattice of single
layer or multilayer members. They can be used in various both vertical and overhead applications as
they have great potential to form impressive structures [5, 6]. Recently, in the parametric
environment, optimization has been the subject of interest for many researchers, however, most
contributions in this field are concerned with the optimization of geometric properties of meshes
approximating free-form structures by planar faces. Our approach to shaping of rod structures is to
link geometric modeling of grid spatial forms with their structural analysis and optimization. The
flexible scripts elaborated by us in order to describe geometric forms are converted into simulation
models to perform structural analysis. The simulation enables us to evaluate various spatial grid
shapes, as well as to select an optimal design solution meeting established criteria. We analyse rod
structures based on a hyperbolic paraboloid surface composed of four repetitive modules. Our
comparative criterion to create the roof structures is the minimum mass and deflection.
Thanks to the application of the new digital design tools for creating design representations that
change in relation to parameters new forms can be created, as well as they can be examined much
more comprehensively. The design approach to parametric modelling of spatial rod structures
proposed in this research is realized by utilisation of Grasshopper, a parametric plug-in of the 3D
modelling software Rhinoceros. The structural analysis is carried out using Karamba 3D, whereas
the optimisation issues by means of Galapagos, which work in the same Rhinoceros 3D
environment. Grasshopper is one of the most commonly used generative design editors in
architecture, which enables to create very complicated geometric forms. On the other hand
Karamba 3D combines parameterized complex geometric forms, load calculations and finite
element analysis.
Hyperbolic paraboloids are doubly ruled surfaces. Due to their positive static properties, which
allow the construction of shells with large span, as well as possibility of various arrangements of
single shells in compound ones, they offer many interesting complex design possibilities. Due to
this fact a hyperbolic paraboloid can always constitute an important basic shape for various
interesting, complex architectural forms.
A hyperbolic paraboloid is a saddle surface and it can be generated both as a translational surface
and as a ruled surface. For the need of the creation of its parametric model, we consider a
hyperbolic paraboloid as a ruled surface, the surface composed of straight rulings. These rulings can
be established by connecting proper corresponding points of two generating lines, which are
surface’s directrices [3, 6]. In order to create Grasshopper’s algorithms, a hyperbolic paraboloid
surface defined in a spatial system x,y,z should be described by two parameters (u, v), which
determine its shape. We start parametric modelling of a hyperbolic paraboloid from establishing
series of the same number of points on two arbitrary skew straight lines. The rulings join lines’
points which correspond to the same parameter value along direction u(here direction uis the same
as direction x). If all proper pairs of points included in the input straight lines are joined by straight
line segments, a strip of a hyperbolic paraboloid can be obtained, Fig1. Such an unit surface can be
a module for creating complex roof structures. Various shapes of the roofs compound of different
elements of the hyperbolic paraboloid surface are presented in [8, 9].
Fig. 1. Creation of the hyperbolic paraboloid’s module.
Further, we consider the surface compound of four similar modules of a hyperbolic paraboloid. The
modules can be arranged and joined in various ways. Due to this fact, we have distinguished four
compound forms: A, B, C, D, Fig.2. These compound surface forms can constitute the bases for
placing nodes of the steel rod structures.
Fig. 2. The compound surfaces of a hyperbolic paraboloid used for formation of spatial lattices.
In our research, several representative spatial rod structures formed basing on the hyperbolic
paraboloid surfaces presented above have been subjected to structural analysis. For each grid
structure three various mesh patterns were applied. Due to the fact that, triangular meshes are more
rigid and stronger than others, as well as they can approximate easily free form shapes, we have
chosen this kind of structures for further considerations. The rectangular projection of each grid
pattern is presented in the Fig.3.
Fig. 3. Considered types of grid patterns.
Each of the considered patterns constituted a triangular mesh with the same division into u=10
segments along direction u(x) and the division into v=10 segments along direction v (y). Due to this
fact each the rod structure of the pattern 1, 2 and 3 was composed of 121 nodes, 200 faces being
triangles and 320 rods, whereas the structure 4 was composed of 244 nodes, 400 faces being
triangles and 620 rods.
Taking into account geometric shape of the base compound surface (A, B, C or D), as well as the
possible grid pattern (1, 2, 3, 4), it could be achieved several various types of spatial rod structures.
Moreover, due to the fact that each type of the structure was modeled parametrically by
Grasshopper the range of possible structural forms for the each type increased. We have applied the
pattern 1 for surface A and surface C, whereas the pattern 2 for surface B and D. However, the
patterns 3 and 4 were applied for each kind of surfaces: A, B, C, D. It has been assumed similar
support system for all rod structures, that is four corner supports at boundary nodes. Moreover, it
has been assumed that each grid structure covers a square place with the border edges equal to 10.0
m, as well as each grid structure is of the same height of 2.0 m or 4.5 m.
Representative examples of the rod structures of types: A3, B4, C1, D2 are presented respectively in
the figures Fig.4, Fig.5, Fig.6 and Fig.7.
Fig. 4. Representation of the grid structure of the type A3, B4.
Fig. 5. Representation of the grid structure of the type C1, D2.
In order to perform structural analysis by means of Karamba 3D, parametric geometric models of
each grid structure prepared by means of Grasshopper’s generative algorithmic modelling tool were
converted into structural models. Due to the fact that FEM simulation represents physical objects as
a collection of discrete components or elements, the geometry of rod structures was presented by
meshes. In order to study of the structural behaviour the following characteristics have been
considered: the way of supporting of the structure – four corner supports, material – steel resistant
against stress (S275), cross sections – circular hollows, assembly, as well as external loads
properties [5].
The first simulation by means of Karamba 3D was performed for 24 types of rod structures when
being subjected to the dead load. The dead load which acted in negative z direction constituted the
self-weight of the spatial steel grid structure. The pipes’ cross section diameters were assumed to be
of 101.6 mm, whereas the pipes’ wall-thickness of 36 mm. The structural behaviour was analysed
both for the steel rod structures of 2.0 m height and of 4.5 m height.
We have taken into account the minimal mass of the structure and maximum displacement both at
the end-points and mind-points of the mesh elements as the main criteria for assessing structural
stability. The achieved results of the performed structural analysis are presented in Table1 and
Table 2. Table 3.
Table 1. Results of the structural analysis of the rod structures with the grid pattern 1 and 2.
Surface’s type
Pattern of a
Height of the
structure [m]
Rods’ radius/
thickness [mm]
Mass of the
structure [kg]
A12.0 101.6/3.
3211.26 0.8
A 1 4.5 101.6/3.
3455.57 0.3
B 2 2.0 101.6/3.
3180.55 4.8
B 2 4.5 101.6/3.
3362.07 2.3
C 1 2.0 101.6/3.
3211.26 0.8
C 1 4.5 101.6/3.
3455.57 0.3
D 2 2.0 101.6/3.
3190.55 4.8
D 2 4.5 101.6/3.
3362.07 2.3
Table 2. Results of the structural analysis of the rod structures with the grid pattern 3.
Surface’s type
Pattern of a
Height of the
structure [m]
Rods’ radius/
thickness [mm]
Mass of the
structure [kg]
Table 3. Results of the structural analysis of the rod structures with the grid pattern 4.
Surface’s type
Pattern of a
Height of the
structure [m]
Rods’ radius/
thickness [mm]
Mass of the
structure [kg]
Analysing the achieved results we can state that the structure of each type is stable. However, the
minimal mass of the rod structure was obtained in the case of the structures with pattern 1 or 2. Due
to the fact that the structures with the pattern 4 are relatively heavy, they have been excluded from
further considerations. Next, the structure A1 with good structural characteristic (Table 1) has been
chosen for further analysis to check its behaviour when subjected to the load combination of self-
weight and external forces. Due to this fact, in the second structural analysis performed by us, it was
assumed that the structure was covered by glass panels and it was subjected to the snow pressure of
1,3 KN/m2and wind pressure of 1KN/m2 being applied in various load combinations. Karamba’s
optimisation results for the worst load combination scenario is presented in Fig.6. The results shows
that maximum displacement increases under the environmental loads, however the structure is still
a b
Fig. 6. Results of the structural analysis for the worst load combination scenario: a- a considered structure,
b- results.
The considered steel rod sructures can constitute modules for more complex rod forms. The
examples of such compound structures with various arrangements of the moduls and various grid
patterns are presented in Fig 7.
a b
Fig. 7. Modular structures of various topology: a-with the pattern 1, b-with the pattern 4.
Their structural behaviour is partly dependent on the behaviour of the single module. However, it
can be establish by modification of the scripts for structural analysis utilized for a single module.
This modification should include the number of modules and supports applied, as well as their
arangements and location.
The conducted research showed a practical framework of parametric approach to shaping steel rod
structures based on a hyperbolic paraboloid. Although a hyperbolic paraboloid surface is used as a
base surface for various coverings in building industry, the present study is innovative for some
reasons. This is due to the fact that the elaborated approach consists in testing mechanical
performance of structures in an initial stage of design, as well as it uses the set of tools completely
outside of the scope of traditional structural engineering software. Grasshopper, and Karamba 3D
utilizing the same modelling software- Rhinoceros 3D seemed to be especially useful.The
elaborated scripts for parametric shaping of steel rod structures created basing on the hyperbolic
paraboloid surface work well. They allowed us to create various geometric types of rod structures
and analyze their structural performance using various boundary conditions. Our research showed
that the grid pattern of the rod structure affected load bearing capacity of the structure as it
influenced the distribution of loads along its rods. Rod structures generated based on the hyperbolic
paraboloid shape are structures with good static properties and may be an interesting proposals to
cover large areas.
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6. S. Krivoshapko, V. Ivanov, Encyclopaedia of Analytical Surfaces; Springer International Publishing,
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Fig. 1. Creation of the hyperbolic paraboloid’s unit.
Rys.1. Tworzenie jednostkowego elementu hiperboloidy parabolicznej.
Fig. 2. The compound surfaces of a hyperbolic paraboloid used for formation of spatial lattices.
Rys.2. Złożone powierzchnie paraboloidy hiperbolicznej do formowania przestrzennych siatek
Fig. 3. Considered types of grid patterns.
Rys.3. Rozważane rodzaje wzorów siatek.
Fig. 4. Representation of the grid structure of the type A3, B4.
Rys.4. Odwzorowanie siatkowej struktury typu A3, B4.
Fig. 5. Representation of the grid structure of the type C1, D2.
Rys.5. Odwzorowanie siatkowej struktury typu C1, D2.
Fig. 6. Results of the structural analysis for the worst load combination scenario: a- a considered structure, b-
Rys.6. Rezultaty analizy strukturalnej dla najbardziej niekorzystnej kombinacji obciążeń: a-rozważana
struktura, b-wyniki.
Fig. 7. Modular structures of various topology: a-with pattern 1, b-with pattern 4.
Rys.7. Struktury modularne o różnej topologii: a- ze wzorem 1, b-ze wzorem 2.
Tab. 1. Results of the structural analysis of the rod structures with the grid pattern 1 and 2.
Tab. 1. Rezultaty analizy strukturalnej struktur prętowych ze wzorem siatki 1 i 2.
Tab. 2. Results of the structural analysis of the rod structures with the grid pattern 3.
Tab. 2. Rezultaty analizy strukturalnej struktur prętowych ze wzorem siatki 3.
Tab. 3. Results of the structural analysis of the rod structures with the pattern 4.
Tab. 3. Rezultaty analizy strukturalnej struktur prętowych ze wzorem siatki 4.
Keywords: modelowanie parametryczne, analiza strukturalna, Grasshopper, Karamba 3D, paraboloida hiperboliczna,
struktura prętowa , powierzchnia prostokreślna
W ciągu ostatniej dekady projektowanie parametryczne w architekturze i budownictwie zyskuje coraz większą
popularność. W artykule prezentuje się parametryczne podejście do kształtowania przestrzennych stalowych struktur
prętowych. Racjonalne projektowanie tego rodzaju struktur wynikające z analizy geometrycznej, topologicznej i
strukturalnej przedstawia się na przykładzie siatek przestrzennych utworzonych na bazie hiperboloidy parabolicznej .
Modelowanie parametryczne konstrukcji proponuje się w oparciu o program Rhinoceros 3D oraz jego parametryczną
wtyczkę Grasshopper. Analizę strukturalneą przeprowadza się w oparciu o wtyczkę Karamba 3D. Powierzchnią bazową
do kształtowania geometrii przestrzennych struktur kratowych, na której rozmieszczono węzły jednowarstwowej siatki,
jest powierzchnia utworzona z regularnych modułów będących wycinkami hiperboloidy parabolicznej. Analizie
poddano struktury prętowe z rur stalowych o różnej topologii zakładając, że każda ze struktur stanowi konstrukcję
przekrycia nad kwadratową powierzchnią o polu równym 100 m2 .
W programie Grasshopper utworzono algorytmy opisujące geometrię oraz topologię rozważanych struktur kratowych.
Na podstawie modeli geometrycznych opracowano ich modele strukturalne. Dla każdego z czterech sposobów ułożenia
prętów siatki (1, 2, 3, 4) przeanalizowano modele strukturalne utworzone na bazie czterech różnych form
powierzchniowych (A, B, C, D) z czterema punktami podparcia przyjętymi w węzłach zewnętrznych siatki. Na wstępie
przeprowadzono analizę strukturalną każdego modelu przekrycia przy obciążeniu ciężarem własnym. Analizy
dokonano dla struktur o wysokości 2 m oraz 4,5 m przyjmując wstępnie pręty w postaci rur o średnicy 10,16 cm i
grubości ścianek równej 0,36 cm. Wybrano strukturę A1 jako strukturę o dobrej charakterystyce (małym odkształceniu i
małej masie). Dla powyższej struktury przeprowadzono analizę statyczną pierwszego rzędu uwzględniając obciążenia
stałe i zmienne oraz dokonano wymiarowania. Obciążenie stałe stanowiło obciążenie własne będące sumą ciężaru
konstrukcji kratowej oraz ciężaru pokrycia w postaci paneli szklanych, natomiast obciążenie zmienne obciążenie od
śniegu oraz wiatru. Najbardziej niekorzystną kombinacją obciążeń okazała się kombinacja uwzględniająca obciążenia
stałe oraz zmienne od śniegu oraz wiatru.
Parametryczne projektowanie z jednoczesnym wdrożeniem analizy strukturalnej w fazie wstępnej projektowania
pozwala na racjonalne kształtowanie konstrukcji. Opracowane w pracy skrypty do parametrycznego kształtowania
stalowych konstrukcji prętowych działają dobrze i wydają się być szczególnie użyteczne, gdyż umożliwiają tworzenie
modeli geometrycznych różnorodnych struktur prętowych oraz szybkie analizowanie ich właściwości statycznych przy
użyciu różnych warunków brzegowych. Badania pokazały, jak topologia siatek analizowanych konstrukcji prętowej
wpływa na nośność konstrukcji oraz pozwoliły na wybór najlepszego rozwiązania. Hiperboloida paraboliczna jest
powierzchnią minimalną o ciekawym kształcie, jednak stosowaną w budownictwie głównie do kształtowania
konstrukcji żelbetowych. Badania wykazały że struktury prętowe utworzone w oparciu o hiperboloidę paraboliczną
mają nie tylko duże walory estetyczne ale również dobrą charakterystykę statyczną, zatem przedstawione w pracy
rozwiązania konstrukcyjne mogą stanowić ciekawą propozycję przekryć budowlanych.
... This article is a continuation of the author's considerations on the shaping of effective steel rod structures, whose geometries were generated by division of the base surfaces using parametric design tools, which were presented in previous publications [9,[12][13][14][15]. There, as the base surfaces, the surfaces composed of straight lines have been used, that is, ruled surfaces such as cylindroid or hyperbolic paraboloid, which are advisable due to their easy discretization [9,[12][13][14][15]. ...
... This article is a continuation of the author's considerations on the shaping of effective steel rod structures, whose geometries were generated by division of the base surfaces using parametric design tools, which were presented in previous publications [9,[12][13][14][15]. There, as the base surfaces, the surfaces composed of straight lines have been used, that is, ruled surfaces such as cylindroid or hyperbolic paraboloid, which are advisable due to their easy discretization [9,[12][13][14][15]. ...
... The optimal structures in terms of their weights were obtained by genetic optimization methods. Namely, the multicriteria optimization method of shaping canopy roofs of hyperbolic paraboloid and cylindroid shapes using genetic algorithms is presented in [9,15], whereas a single criteria optimization method with the application of genetic algorithms is presented in [12][13][14]. ...
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The article deals with shaping effective curvilinear steel rod roof structures using genetic algorithms by implementing them for the analysis of various case studies in order to find new and efficient structures with positive characteristics. The structures considered in this article are created on the basis of the Enneper surface and minimal surfaces stretched on four arcs. On the Enneper surface, a single layer grid is used, while on the other surfaces, two-layer ones. The Enneper form structure with four supports and the division into an even number of parts along the perimeter of the covered place proved to be the most efficient, and the research showed that small modifications of the initial base surface in order to adapt the structure to the roof function did not significantly affect its effectiveness. However, the analysis and comparison of single and double-shell rod structures based on minimal surfaces stretched on four arcs have shown that a single-shell structure is much more effective than a double one. The paper considers the theoretical aspects of shaping effective structures, taking their masses as the optimization criterion. The optimization helped to choose the best solutions due to structures’ shapes and topologies. However, the obtained, optimized results can find practical applications after conducting physical tests.
... The genetic algorithm approach to structural topology optimization is applied in [32][33][34][35]. However, some attempts to design and optimize steel bar structures using visual scripts were undertaken in [24,36,37]. ...
... Due to their double curvature, hyperbolic paraboloids are exceptionally stiff and this is the reason for their common application. They are also widely discussed in the literature [24,37]. The cylindroid and the conoid are not as popular; however, they deserve attention as they can constitute interesting modular forms for the composition of compound roofs. ...
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Rationalization in structural design in the field of steel structures mostly consists inreducing structural material. The aim of this work was to develop an algorithmic-aided, original and practical approach to shaping curvilinear steel bar structures of modular roofs, enabling their optimization. The first stage of shaping consists in creating algorithms that define the structures of shelters made of four roof units. Algorithmic definitions of the structures made it possible to obtain many variants of the roof structures with the adopted preliminary criteria. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the individual variants, the genetic optimizations of the structures’ forms were carried out. Assuming that the structures were loaded with self-weights, the cross-sections of the structures’ members were optimized with the permissible deflections, while the structures’ weights were the optimization criteria. This allowed us to eliminate the design variants unfavorable in terms of shape and weight. In contrast, the structures with the most advantageous properties were then optimized for weight under snow and wind loads. The research allowed us to notice how the shapes of the structures influenced their efficiency. The dual approach proposed for shaping, which takes advantage of the generative design and consistent flow of information during shaping, allowed us to achieve better solutions compared to the traditional approach.
... Hyperbolic paraboloids are exceptionally stiff, due to their double curvature [10]. They exhibit membrane action, wherein internal forces are efficiently transmitted through the surface, which is the subject of various publications [11,12]. Most of the research concerns theoretical, experimental and constructional problems related to hyperbolic paraboloid concrete or reinforced concrete shells [9,13]. ...
... Although a hyperbolic paraboloid as a ruled surface constitutes a good basis for creating lattice grids, there is little research into the effect of the division of this surface, as well as received grid pattern, on the bearing capacity of the bar structure created. However, the variety of compound roof structures that can be obtained by combining several hyperbolic paraboloid grid modules is presented in [12]. The canopy roofs of hyperbolic paraboloid shape are worth considering due to both their interesting form and relative simplicity of construction. ...
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The paper concerns shaping curvilinear steel bar structures that are hyperbolic paraboloid canopy roofs by means of parametric design software Rhinoceros/Grasshopper and Karamba 3D. Hyperbolic paraboloid shape has found applications in various solutions of building roofs, mainly as reinforced concrete or steel coverings made of bent sheets. The hyperbolic paraboloid as a ruled surface can be a good base surface for forming bar grids. However, there are few studies on the effect of its division and the obtained topology of bar structures on their load-bearing capacity. In order to fill this gap, the aim of the presented research was to compare the effectiveness of various curvilinear steel bar structures of hyperbolic paraboloid canopy roofs covering the same plane, as well as defining both the most effective pattern of their structural grids and the optimal supporting system. This analysis was carried out thanks to the application of genetic algorithms enabling the free flow of information between geometrical and structural models, as well as thanks to the obtained result of multi-objective optimizations of the shaped structures for given boundary conditions. Minimal mass of the structure as well as minimal deflection of the structural members were assumed as the optimization criteria.
A number of factors affect the redistribution and value of axial forces in the cores of structural slabs, such as the location and quantity of supports, the presence or absence of prestress in the structure, the shape of the base crystal of the slab, which is the forming element, and the height (thickness) of the slab, which can be varied within certain permissible limits. A change in one of these features with the rest of the parameters remaining unchanged significantly changes the stress-strain state of the structure. The paper describes the description of finite element models of a structural grid slab with a plan dimension of 12.0×24.0 m. Four models of the slab are adopted, differing only in one parameter ‒ the thickness of the structure. The following values of the structure height were adopted: 1.5 m (model No. 1), 1.3 m (model No. 2), 1.1 m (model No. 3), 0.9 m (model No. 4). The analysis and design of all models were performed, which were accepted. New profiles of the structural groups of rods were selected so that they met the check conditions for the first and second groups of limit states and the percentage of rod cross-section utilisation was as high as possible. The maximum deflections of the models after the analysis were compared. The lowest weight as an optimality criterion is the most common criterion for structures, in particular metal structures, as this criterion is quite easy to formalise. The weight of each slab model was calculated and it was found that the optimal design solution is model No. 1 with a height of 1.5 m, since only for this model the deformability is within the permissible limits. The model characterised by the lowest weight is model No. 3, but the maximum vertical deflection of this structure is greater than the maximum limit. In conclusion, the analysis of the displacements of the slab model nodes revealed that only the maximum deflection of the slab in model No. 1 does not exceed the maximum permissible deflection of 4.8 cm. The maximum deflections in models No. 2, 3, 4 exceed the maximum permissible value of the absolute deflection. Consequently, the check condition for the second group of limit states is not met in models 2, 3, and No. 4, and model No. 3, which has the lowest weight, cannot be recognised as the most effective among the others. Considering the condition of sufficient stiffness, the optimal design solution is model No. 1. The difference in weight between model No. 1 (8.9 tonnes) and model No. 3 (8.33 tonnes) with the lowest weight is 6.8 %.
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The successful and effective shaping of curvilinear steel bar structures is becoming an increasingly complex and difficult task, due to the growing demands to satisfy both economic and environmental requirements. However, computer software for algorithmic-aided design makes it possible to take into account many aspects affecting structures, as early as the initial design stage. In this context, the paper presents an optimization method for shaping the curvilinear steel bar canopies of hyperbolic paraboloid and cylindroid shapes, in order to obtain effective structures adapted to external environmental conditions. The best structural solutions in terms of the structure’s shape, topology and support positions are obtained as the effects of multi-criteria optimizations with the application of genetic algorithms. The following are used as the optimization criteria: minimal structure mass and minimal deflections of the structure’s members, as well as their maximal utilization. Additionally, the best canopy locations in relation to the sides of the world are determined through analyzing their shadow casts for various locations, so the structures have the least impact on the surroundings. This research, with its interdisciplinary character, aims to present the possibility of applying generative shaping tools to obtain structurally effective and environment-adaptive curvilinear steel bar structures in the first phase of their design, which can support sustainable designing.
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Pre-rationalized parametric designing of roof shells formed by repetitive modules of Catalan surfaces Jolanta Dzwierzynska1, Aleksandra Prokopska2 Abstract: The aim of the study is to develop an original, methodical and practical approach to the early stages of parametric design of roof shells formed by repetitive modules of Catalan surfaces. It is presented on the example of designing the roof shells compound of four concrete elements. The designing process proposed by us consists in linking geometric shaping of roofs’ models with their structural analysis and optimization. Contrary to other methods, which use optimization process in order to find free roof forms, we apply it in order to explore and improve design alternatives. It is realized with the application of designing tools working in Rhinoceros 3D software. The flexible scripts elaborated by us in order to achieve roofs’ models of regular and symmetrical shapes, are converted into simulation models to perform structural analysis. It is mainly focused on how the roof shells perform dependently on their geometric characteristics. The simulation enables one to evaluate various roof shells’ shapes, as well as to select an optimal design solution. The proposed approach to the conceptual design process may drive the designing to achieve geometric and structural forms which not only follow the design intentions but also target better results. Keywords: civil engineering; architecture; conceptual design; parametric design; structural analysis; Grasshopper; Karamba 3D; finite element method (FEM); ruled surface; roof shell, multi criteria decision making
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This paper examines Parametric Design (PD) in contemporary architectural practice. It considers three case studies: The Future of Us pavilion, the Louvre Abu Dhabi and the Morpheus Hotel. The case studies illustrate how, compared to non-parametrically and older parametrically designed projects, PD is employed to generate, document and fabricate designs with a greater level of detail and differentiation, often at the level of individual building components. We argue that such differentiation cannot be achieved with conventional Building Information Modelling and without customizing existing software. We compare the case studies' PD approaches (objected-oriented programming, functional programming, visual programming and distributed visual programming) and decomposition, algorithms and data structures as crucial factors for the practical viability of complex parametric models and as key aspects of PD thinking.
The paper highlights aspects of a particular parametric design thinking (PDT) distilled from practice. It describes the components of PDT – cognitive model, design method and information processing model – that are critical to an efficacious, collaborative search for solutions to architectural problems. The aspect related to the information processing model is afforded a detailed examination, synthesising the state-of-the-art in practice and research. Lastly, case studies spanning six years trace the transfer of methods and knowledge from collaborations and prototypes into projects of Zaha Hadid Architects Computation and Design group (ZHCODE). These exemplify the role of a shared language of geometry and several process related aspects of parametric design critical to its success.
Geometry lies at the core of the architectural design process. It is omnipresent, from the initial form-finding stages to the actual construction. Modern constructive geometry provides a variety of tools for the efficient design, analysis, and manufacture of complex shapes. This results in new challenges for architecture. However, the architectural application also poses new problems to geometry. Architectural geometry is therefore an entire research area, currently emerging at the border between applied geometry and architecture. This book has been written as a textbook for students of architecture or industrial design. It comprises material at all levels, from the basics of geometric modeling to the cutting edge of research.
The network of single-layered spherical grids consisting of triangles is geometrically analyzed. The answer sought for is how a sphere surface might be divided into the greatest possible number of spherical triangles with a small number of different side-lengths in such a way that the division be as uniform as possible. A new method of division is suggested and the resulting configurations are compared to those obtained by R. B. Fuller's methods of subdivision.
Descriptive Geometry in Construction
  • S Przewlocki
S. Przewlocki, Descriptive Geometry in Construction, 1st ed.; Arkady: Warsaw, Poland, pp. 57-209, ISBN 83-213-3036-3, 1982
Structural coverings in Polish
  • Brodka
Architectural Geometry Institute
  • Pottman
Descriptive Geometry in st ed pp ISBN
  • Przewlocki
Encyclopaedia of Analytical Surfaces International Publishing
  • Krivoshapko