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Sales play a very important role in efficient functioning of market economy. Personal communication has a great importance in selling. This is directed towards, that the seller should assist, should help and convince potential customers to buy the product (service). Trading personnel practically helps people make the right choice. Customers' attitude toward selling methods and trading personnel significantly changed in the last years in Georgia. The consumers requirements were improved and developed. The goal of the research was to study some modern views and approaches in sales, which determining to create a dependency towards sales staff and therefore, they influence on selling indicator.
Одеса – 2019
Seturi Maia
PhD, assistant professor of marketing Department,
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi
Abstract Sales play a very important role in efficient functioning of market
economy. Personal communication has a great importance in selling. This is
directed towards, that the seller should assist, should help and convince potential
customers to buy the product (service). Trading personnel practically helps people
make the right choice. Customers' attitude toward selling methods and trading
personnel significantly changed in the last years in Georgia. The consumers
requirements were improved and developed. The goal of the research was to study
some modern views and approaches in sales, which determining to create a
dependency towards sales staff and therefore, they influence on selling indicator.
Keywords Selling, sales personnel, trade, selling methods.
Trade and sale is one of the oldest human activities. The professional activity of the
sales personnel is difficult and requires great effort. Also, sometimes people have
negative attitudes and opinions towards the sales personnel. However, such attitude
is not groundless. It affects on the customers negatively when sellers mislead
customers. For example, in many US states accepted sales laws, in which is given
what is not permissible; sellers should not deceive customers, they should not
mislead them [1].
It must be noted that the interest in this issue is growing in Georgia. Local trading
companies will not be able to profitable function, if they do not pay serious attention
to the basic aspects of selling. In the field of trade is an important competition. The
number of retail trade companies in Georgia is quite numerous. Inside the country
are functioning hypermarkets, retail stores and supermarket chains, small shops in
the district, etc. It should be noted that in the recent years in Georgia significantly
increased number of employees in wholesale and retail trade.
Table 1.
Indicators of enterprises of wholesale and retail trade [2].
Volume turnover
(at current prices),
Annual average
number of the
employed, persons
22 819.9
119 638
25 249.5
138 411
26 690.5
156 089
29 284.7
169 699
32 816.3
183 884
People employed in sales play an important role in the country's economic system,
because practically on them depend how well and quickly will be sold produced
products. The efforts of salespeople have a direct impact on such diverse areas as
these: the success of new products; keeping existing products on the retailer’s shelf;
constructing manufacturing facilities; opening businesses and keeping them open
Various personnel involved in the sale have a relationship with potential buyers.
Therefore, they in many case, know the needs of customers and have information
about buyers. Creation of customer satisfaction is much depends on Trade staff. The
seller should listen to the potential buyer when he or she asks the question or when
wants to specify some aspect of the product before buying.
Trading personnel should have knowledge, mood and desire for listen to consumers,
consider their needs and help them. This is the most pressing issue for shop trade
today, because it has a great deal of competition with modern electronic forms of
selling. Similar to the processes ongoing in the world, the number of Internet users
is growing in Georgia as well and hence, the limits of its use for business are
expanding as well. More and more users have access to the wire Internet. In
addition, the number of wireless internet users increases as well [4].
It is impossible for trade staff to establish positive relations with consumers if they
only care about their own interests. It is also important that the seller does not
deceive the buyer, tell them truth about the product.
Among the modern theories about sales is worth mentioning "Golden Rule".
According to this approach, customer’s interests are the most important for the
seller. Sales personnel serve and help consumers as to dear and loved persons.
Sales personnel can’t be successful in his (her) case if does not like this job and
relationship with people. Sales personnel should be sure that products for sale are
useful for consumers [3]. Vendors serve other people in a good mood, and the
customer likes purchased products. Thus, the sales staff makes a great contribution
to the welfare of people. If we compare this approach with what we see in real life,
we will see that only a small number of companies use this approach [5].
To ensure the effectiveness of marketing activities, it is very important to consider
such aspects as, missing buyers, number of unsatisfied buyers, number of new
customers, etc. [6]. Therefore, the effectiveness of marketing activities to some
extent related to the results of the sales staff.
In our study we used marketing research methods. In the research process
researcher can gather secondary data, primary data, or both. In the work there are
used the concepts of marketing theories, statistic data, information existing on
web-pages of certain Georgian organizations, etc.
In our opinion, sales staff should have the following characteristics and skills:
Love for his work,
Knowledge of the properties of products presented for sale,
The ability to properly perform the procedures associated with his case,
Constant willingness to listen to customers and serve them,
Diligence, etc.
We consider some of the main recommendations to improve customer service:
It is of great importance to employ qualified people at selling work, who
have personal characteristics (communication skills, etc.), which are
essential for sales career;
It is important to increase the salaries of those workers who are selling,
which are in direct contact with the consumers. Because this personnel
serves other people, contributing to their well-being, helps consumers get
the buying decisions. Unfortunately, the salary of such personnel in our
country (in most cases) is very low; Only truly motivated sales personnel
will be able to put customers in the first place and take care of them as
Today, special importance is given to keep the buyers, to ensure full
satisfaction of consumers [7], to establish relationships with customers
based on their trust. Such events are known as relationship marketing.
[1] Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Principles of Marketing, 14th edition, (translate in
Georgian), Tbilisi, 2015, p.489
[2] Statistical Yearbook of Georgia: 2018 / National Statistics Office of Georgia.
Tbilisi, 2018. p.211
[3] Charles M. Futrell, Fundamentals of Selling Customers for Life Through Service
, Twelfth Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Texas A & M University.
pp. 5, 9, 17.
[4] Mghebrishvili B., Seturi M. (2015) Trade Personnel and Shop Trade Challenges
in Contemporary Conditions. The 7th international Research
Conference “Management Challenges in the 21st Century”, May, 2015, School of
Management, Bratislava. (PDF) Trade Personnel and Shop Trade Challenges in
Contemporary Conditions. Available
d_Shop_Trade_Challenges_in_Contemporary_Conditions . p. 1
[5] Todua, N., Vashakidze, B. (2018) Consumers Attitudes towards Personal Selling
on the Georgian Market. Economics and Business. Vol.11, No.1, pp.114-130
TEACHING UNIVERSITY. Vol.3, Publishing House “UNIVERSAL” ,Tbilisi
[7] University Project of translating books. Scientific editor Todua N., TSU
publishing house, 2015. Authorized translation from the English language edition,
entitled MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 14 Edition; ISBN 0132102927; by
KOTLER, PHILIP; and by KELLER, KEVIN; Published by Pearson Education,
Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. Pearson. p.168
... The company should also take care to increase the level of customer satisfaction, for which marketers and other specialists in the organization periodically meet and discuss customer satisfaction issues, analyze the current situation, develop recommendations. Customer satisfaction is directly influenced by the behav ior of service personnel, their attentiveness and warm at titude [26]. However, this is achieved through motivation, for which the company must have a proper system. ...
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The object of the research is the role of creating customer satisfaction in retaining them and establishing long-term relationships with customers. Establishing market relations is accompanied by many challenges. Among them is increasing the competitiveness of companies to gain more success in the market. Without it, local business development is impossible. In this case, companies are greatly helped by realizing the role and importance of relationship marketing and using its approaches in practical activities. This has become one of the most relevant topics. Marketing is important for organizations to continue operating in business. Earnings are necessary to ensure the processes of production of goods. In the company, it is mainly marketing that is of decisive importance in generating revenues. It is important to know the key determinants that influence customer acquisition and subsequent retention. The work aimed to find out and determine the importance and role of creating customer satisfaction in retaining them and establishing long-term relationships with customers. Various indicators are used to determine this. There are different views and opinions regarding the named issues. Secondary data from the websites of various organizations and companies are used in this study. Taking into account the results of this work, companies will be able to make a critical analysis of their work with customers in the market, identify their weaknesses in this regard, and then take real steps to improve the situation. The paper discusses some approaches to the calculation of customer satisfaction indices, some different views and approaches expressed in this direction. A clear picture of the current situation in Georgia in the mentioned direction is created based on various reliable information sources. It is found that companies use only accumulation of points systems. In this article, the author discusses the conceptual aspects of relationship marketing, the opinions of various scientists and specialists are analyzed in this direction. The article presents a number of conclusions and recommendations of the author in the direction of increasing the effectiveness of the use of relationship marketing.
Conference Paper
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Wine tourism is one of the relatively young tourist activities in the Czech Republic, wine as a tourist product has only recently begun to be promoted to a greater extent. The beginnings of wine tourism can be traced mainly to southern Moravia, where wine growing is traditionally associated with a specific rural culture and folk architecture. On the example of a particular wine region, this paper captures natural as well as cultural and material-technical prerequisites for tourism development and introduces it to potential tourists. The aim is to apply localization and implementation factors within a wine tourism field on a territory of Moravia in the Czech Republic. The Moravia wine region has a high potential for wine tourism and further development by natural as well as cultural and historical predisposition, followed by well-spread cycling routes, number of touristic attractions and services facilities together with quality wine production.
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The article analyzes the main directions of using marketing communications, in which special attention is paid to the role and modern approaches to personal selling. To determine the attitude of Georgian consumers to personal selling, conducted a marketing research. On the basis of the research identified levels of interest, awareness, reliability and satisfaction of Georgian consumers about a personal selling. Established also the frequencies of interest and reliability of consumers on information about personal selling. The article reflects the assessments of both the current situation and individual characteristics of personal selling on the Georgian market. From the point of view of the relation to personal selling, in the work are identified the main types of consumers. In the paper is given a dispersion analysis of the impact of interest on consumer awareness about personal selling, as well as the influence of awareness, reliability and satisfaction consumers about personal selling on buying behavior. On the basis of the conducted study, conclusions have been drawn that give a possibility of marketing vision on the attitude of the Georgian consumers towards personal selling.
Conference Paper
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Development of technologies in the 21 st century has posed big challenges for shop trade, especially in economically developed countries. However, it also faces problems in less developed countries. Development of the Internet and gradual expansion of electronic trading has complicated the work of shops to some extent. Marketing has become necessary to activate and strengthen the positive image of the shop. According to the authors of the article, trade personnel and their reputation can play an important role in formation and further improvement of the images of shops taking into account formation of the image of managers and sellers as well. The image of shop managers is formed, first of all, through the level of their professional education and personal qualities. Naturally, great importance is also attached to managers' organization, clothing, communication skills and the ability to complete the case. Managers have influence on the entire staff of the shop, first of all, on motivation of sellers, which encourages enhancement of service culture and, therefore, attraction of consumers. Consumers in moderation enjoy attention paid to them by sellers. The authors believe that the image of shops is directly related to the following characteristics of sale personnel: professional skills, communication skills, listening skills, diligence, and the ability to complete the case.
Fundamentals of Selling Customers for Life Through Service , Twelfth Edition
  • Charles M Futrell
Charles M. Futrell, Fundamentals of Selling Customers for Life Through Service , Twelfth Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Texas A & M University. pp. 5, 9, 17.
School of Management, Bratislava. (PDF) Trade Personnel and Shop Trade Challenges in Contemporary Conditions
  • B Mghebrishvili
  • M Seturi
Mghebrishvili B., Seturi M. (2015). Trade Personnel and Shop Trade Challenges in Contemporary Conditions. The 7th international Research Conference -Management Challenges in the 21st Century‖, May, 2015, School of Management, Bratislava. (PDF) Trade Personnel and Shop Trade Challenges in Contemporary Conditions. Available from: publication/308994957_Trade_Personnel_and_Shop_Trade_Challenges_in_Contemporary_Conditions. 5. Todua, N., Vashakidze, B. (2018) Consumers Attitudes towards Personal Selling on the Georgian Market. Economics and Business. Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 114-130.
For evaluation of marketing efficiency
  • M Seturi
Seturi, M. (2013). For evaluation of marketing efficiency. Scientific proceedings of Guram Tavartkiladze teaching university. Vol. 3, Publishing House -UNIVERSAL‖, Tbilisi. Available from: CIENCY.
Authorized translation from the English language edition, entitled MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 14 Edition; ISBN 0132102927
  • By Keller
University Project of translating books. Scientific editor Todua N., TSU publishing house, 2015. Authorized translation from the English language edition, entitled MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 14 Edition; ISBN 0132102927; by KOTLER, PHILIP; and by KELLER, KEVIN; Published by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. Pearson. p.168
Trade Personnel and Shop Trade Challenges in Contemporary Conditions. The 7th international Research Conference "Management Challenges in the 21st Century
  • B Mghebrishvili
  • M Seturi
Mghebrishvili B., Seturi M. (2015) Trade Personnel and Shop Trade Challenges in Contemporary Conditions. The 7th international Research Conference "Management Challenges in the 21st Century", May, 2015, School of Management, Bratislava. (PDF) Trade Personnel and Shop Trade Challenges in Contemporary Conditions. Available from:
Publishing House "UNIVERSAL
  • M Seturi