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Analysing the Impact of Music on the Perception of Red Wine via Temporal Dominance of Sensations


Abstract and Figures

Several studies have examined how music may affect the evaluation of food and drink, but the vast majority have not observed how this interaction unfolds in time. This seems to be quite relevant, since both music and the consumer experience of food/drink are time-varying in nature. In the present study we sought to fix this gap, using Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS), a method developed to record the dominant sensory attribute at any given moment in time, to examine the impact of music on the wine taster’s perception. More specifically, we assessed how the same red wine might be experienced differently when tasters were exposed to various sonic environments (two pieces of music plus a silent control condition). The results revealed diverse patterns of dominant flavours for each sound condition, with significant differences in flavour dominance in each music condition as compared to the silent control condition. Moreover, musical correspondence analysis revealed that differences in perceived dominance of acidity and bitterness in the wine were correlated in the temporality of the experience, with changes in basic auditory attributes. Potential implications for the role of attention in auditory flavour modification and opportunities for future studies are discussed.
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Multisensory Research 32 (2019) 455–472
Analysing the Impact of Music on the Perception of Red
Wine via Temporal Dominance of Sensations
Qian Janice Wang 1,2,,Bruno Mesz 3,Pablo Riera 4,Marcos Trevisan 5,
Mariano Sigman 6,7,Apratim Guha 8and Charles Spence 1
1Crossmodal Research Laboratory, Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford
University, Oxford, UK
2Department of Food Science, Aarhus University, Aarslev, Denmark
3MUNTREF Tecnópolis, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina
4Laboratorio de Inteligencia Artificial Aplicada, Instituto de Ciencias de la Computación,
Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET, Argentina
5Department of Physics, University of Buenos Aires and Institute of Physics Buenos Aires
(IFIBA), CONICET, Argentina
6Laboratorio de Neurociencia, CONICET, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, C1428BIJ Buenos
Aires, Argentina
7Facultad de Lenguas y Educación, Universidad Nebrija, Madrid, Spain
8Production, Operations and Decision Sciences Area, XLRI, Xavier School of Management,
Jamshedpur, India
Received 7 January 2019; accepted 29 March 2019
Several studies have examined how music may affect the evaluation of food and drink, but the vast
majority have not observed how this interaction unfolds in time. This seems to be quite relevant, since
both music and the consumer experience of food/drink are time-varying in nature. In the present study
we sought to fix this gap, using Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS), a method developed
to record the dominant sensory attribute at any given moment in time, to examine the impact of
music on the wine taster’s perception. More specifically, we assessed how the same red wine might
be experienced differently when tasters were exposed to various sonic environments (two pieces of
music plus a silent control condition). The results revealed diverse patterns of dominant flavours
for each sound condition, with significant differences in flavour dominance in each music condition
as compared to the silent control condition. Moreover, musical correspondence analysis revealed
that differences in perceived dominance of acidity and bitterness in the wine were correlated in the
temporality of the experience, with changes in basic auditory attributes. Potential implications for the
role of attention in auditory flavour modification and opportunities for future studies are discussed.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
©Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2019 DOI:10.1163/22134808-20191401
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Crossmodal correspondences, temporal dominance of sensations, attention, wine evaluation, music
1. Introduction
Over the last decade, a rapidly-growing body of empirical research has demon-
strated the existence of what is often called ‘sonic seasoning’, whereby sound-
tracks with congruent taste/flavour attributes have been shown to influence
the perception of what we eat and drink (e.g., Crisinel et al., 2012; Reinoso
Carvalho et al., 2017; Wang and Spence, 2016). Crisinel et al. (2012) first
demonstrated sonic seasoning in a study in which the participants were given
samples of bittersweet cinder toffee to evaluate the taste while listening to one
of two soundscapes. The soundscapes had been specially composed to match
either sweetness or bitterness. Listening to the higher pitched sweet sound-
scape resulted in the toffee being rated as tasting significantly sweeter and less
bitter than while listening to the lower-pitched bitter soundscape instead.
One plausible theory behind sonic seasoning relies on the role of attention;
more specifically, the claim is that sound–flavour correspondences may help
direct (either automatically, or voluntarily) our attention to certain aspects of
the flavours in a food or drink (see Spence et al., 2019, for a review). Attention
is intrinsic to how we perceive sensory inputs (Chen et al., 2013), and likely
plays a crucial role in determining what we perceive in food (Spence et al.,
2000). For instance, Stevenson (2012) illustrated the role of attention in flavour
perception in his review by arguing that the reason why we perceive flavour
as coming from the mouth, even though smells are captured by the olfactory
receptors in the nasal cavity, is due to attentional capture by somatosensory
cues (i.e., over olfaction; though see Spence, 2016, for a critical evaluation of
the claim). Moreover, when it comes to flavour mixtures, attended flavour ele-
ments become relatively more salient than relatively less attended elements
(Ashkenazi and Marks, 2004; Marks and Wheeler, 1998; Rabin and Cain,
1989). Crossmodal correspondences between pitch and spatial location have
been shown to modulate attentional orienting (e.g., Chiou and Rich, 2012;
Klapetek et al., 2012; Mossbridge et al., 2011; Parrot et al., 2015), so it is
conceivable that auditory stimuli (specifically taste/flavour-congruent sound-
tracks) may also be able to shift our attention towards specific tastes/flavours.
Moreover, since music and food/drink are both time-varying in nature, it seems
only appropriate to take temporality into account when studying the impact of
music on the eating/drinking experience.
It should be noted that multisensory congruency has been documented to
influence attentional selection in the case of perceptually ambiguous stimuli
(van Ee et al., 2009). In their study, van Ee and colleagues demonstrated that
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congruent auditory or tactile information aided attentional control over com-
peting visual stimuli. Therefore, we might potentially view the phenomenon
of ‘sonic seasoning’ as a specific case of attentional selection, whereby sound–
flavour congruence aids attentional selection for congruent flavours present in
a mixture (e.g., wine).
In the present study, we used the method of Temporal Dominance of Sen-
sations (TDS). TDS is a relatively recent technique used to record several
sensory attributes simultaneously over time. TDS was first introduced at the
5th Pangborn symposium (Pineau et al., 2009) and quickly caught on within
the food science community. This technique requires the participant to keep as-
sessing the most dominant flavour attribute, among multiple possible flavour
attributes, over the period of assessment. The participant was instructed to
assess which flavour attribute is perceived as dominant at any given point in
time. TDS has been used to characterise beverages such as blackcurrant squash
(Ng et al., 2012) and wine (Meillon et al., 2009; Sokolowsky and Fischer,
2012). Recently, Kantono and his colleagues used TDS to study how liked/dis-
liked music might influence the perception of gelato in terms of basic tastes
(Kantono et al., 2016, 2018). We decided to use TDS in order to explore the
effect of music on how the taste of wine, a beverage with a complex array of
flavours, is perceived. In fact, various multisensory interaction effects on wine
flavour perception have been demonstrated with coloured lights (Oberfeld et
al., 2009; Spence et al., 2014), tactile stimuli (Wang and Spence, 2018a), mu-
sic (Spence et al., 2013; Wang and Spence, 2015, 2018b), and combinations
of light, soundscapes, and other ambient sensory effects (Velasco et al., 2013).
If music does indeed direct the taster’s attention to specific flavours, those at-
tended flavours would be more salient/dominant (Ashkenazi and Marks, 2004;
Marks and Wheeler, 1998), and different patterns of dominant flavours would
be expected under different auditory conditions. Furthermore, we conducted
content analysis on the soundtracks used in the study, in order to understand
which auditory properties might lead to differences in the temporal patterns of
the dominant flavour attributes.
2. Methods
2.1. Participants
A total of 39 (see Note 1) participants took part in the study. Of these, 21
(11 women, 10 men), aged 21–69 years (M=37.6, SD =12.8), participated
in the main study and 18 (4 women, 14 men), aged 21–41 years (M=27.1,
SD =5.5), took part in a control experiment to assess the hypothesis that the
‘musical flavours’ dominate over the perceived wine flavours. The participants
were recruited at the University Tres de Febrero (UNTREF, Buenos Aires,
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Argentina). All the participants gave their informed consent to take part in the
study. None of the participants reported a cold or any other known impairment
of their sense of smell, taste, or hearing at the time of the study. The study
was approved by the Central University Research Ethics Committee of Oxford
University (MSD-IDREC-C1-2014-205).
2.2. Auditory Stimuli
Two pieces of music were chosen for the study that varied in tempo, mode, and
instrumentation. The first piece was Brian Eno’s “Discreet Music”, and the
second piece was Mussorgsky’s “A Night on Bald Mountain”. A 45 s excerpt
was taken from the beginning of each piece. Note that both of these pieces
have been used in various wine–music demos and talks related to sound–taste
interactions previously (e.g., Burzynska, 2018). A pre-test (n=19) revealed
that both pieces of music led to a significant change in the perceived fruitiness
and tannin levels of a light red wine (Georges du Boeuf’s Beaujolais-Village,
2014), with the Eno soundtrack enhancing the perceived fruitiness and de-
creasing the perceived tannin levels, as compared to the Mussorgsky sound-
track. The Eno soundtrack is fairly static throughout, with moderate tempo
(70 beats per minute) and consonant harmony, whereas the Mussorgsky sound-
track has dynamic changes in orchestration, register, and loudness; fast tempo
(121 beats per minute), and both consonant and dissonant harmonies.
2.3. Wine
The wine used in the study was a Pinot Noir produced in Argentina — Manos
Negras Red Soil Select Pinot Noir, 2014. The wine has 13.9% alcohol by vol-
ume, 3.92 pH, and 5.70 g/L of Total Acidity (TA), and had been aged for 12
months in 20% new French oak casks (Note 2). A Pinot Noir was used be-
cause relatively light-bodied red wines have been commonly used previously
in sound–taste demonstrations. The wine was served in 15 mL samples, inside
clear plastic 50 mL cups, at room temperature (between 16 and 22°C).
2.4. Design and Procedure
Each participant was seated in front of a computer monitor with headphones
and a cup of water to cleanse their palate. The experiment was programmed
using the Sensomaker tool for the sensorial characterisation of food products
(Nunes and Pinheiro, 2015; Pinheiro et al., 2013).
At the onset of each trial, the participants were given a sample of wine by
the experimenter. They were instructed to start the trial as soon as the wine
entered their mouth, and to hold it there for the 45 s duration of the trial. The
choice of 45 s was informed by other TDS studies (e.g., Kantono et al., 2016,
2019). During this time, the TDS computerised system displayed the entire list
of eight adjectives in two columns (red fruit, tannins, alcohol, woody, sweet,
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acidic, spicy, and bitter) to the participants. The attributes were selected on
the basis of a similar TDS study on Pinot Noir wines (Visalli, 2016). The
participants were instructed to click on the start button as soon as the wine
sample entered their mouth, and then to consider which attribute was perceived
as the most dominant. Each time they felt that their perception had changed,
they were to click on the new attribute that they perceived to be most dominant.
The participants were free to select an attribute several times during the course
of the trial, or not at all. The participants first practiced with a weak yerba
mate tea solution one to three times to ensure that they could operate the TDS
software with ease.
The order in which the adjectives were presented was randomised for each
participant in order to avoid any order effect of the list of attributes. However,
for a specific participant, the order was always the same and so learning the
terms and scoring was facilitated. We used a within-participant full factorial
design, with each participant tasting three wine samples in the three auditory
conditions, without knowing that the wines were indeed the same. The partic-
ipants always tasted the wine in the silent condition first, but the order of the
two music soundtracks was randomised. In those trials involving a soundtrack,
the experimenter started the music at the same time as the participant clicked
on the start button. Participants were informed at the start of the soundtrack
trials that background music would be presented, but they were not informed
about the purpose of the music nor how the music was selected. The entire
experiment lasted for around 10 minutes and the participants were debriefed
2.5. Data Analysis
TDS curves were produced by the SensoMaker software. They were averaged
over all participants and smoothing was applied. Each graph had two addi-
tional lines. One, the ‘chance level,’ is the dominance rate that an attribute
would be chosen by chance, in this case equal to 1/8, since there are eight
attributes. The second line shows the ‘significance level,’ which is the min-
imum value for the dominance level to be considered significantly greater
than chance, calculated using the confidence interval of a binomial proportion
based on a normal approximation (Pineau et al., 2009). In order to under-
stand specifically how music influenced TDS responses, pairwise correlations
between the musical features (frequency content, intensity, and musical seg-
mentation) and the reported dominant tastes were calculated.
3. Results
Figure 1 shows the TDS curves for each of the three auditory conditions. Con-
centrating on dominance ratings above the significance levels, three major
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Figure 1. Experiment 1’s TDS graphical representation for Manos Negras Pinot Noir wine, in
the three auditory conditions. Top: Silent control condition; Middle: Eno soundtrack; Bottom:
Mussorgsky soundtrack. The curves were averaged over all participant data and smoothed.
differences can immediately be seen. First, onset time for acidity occurred
at around 9 s in the silent baseline condition, whereas acidity peaked at 23 s
for the Eno soundtrack and at 27 s for the Mussorgsky soundtrack. Second,
bitterness was prominent during 25–38 s for the Eno soundtrack, whereas it
was prominent during 8–14 s for the Mussorgsky soundtrack (and was barely
registered at 29 s in the silent condition). Finally, in the silent condition, both
alcohol and astringency were at significant dominance levels (alcohol between
5 and 10 s, astringency at 10–20 s, then 35–45 s), but was not significant when
either of the two soundtracks were played. For the Eno soundtrack, acidity
was registered before bitterness, whereas for the Mussorgsky soundtrack, bit-
terness was registered before acidity.
For each sound condition, the total number of citations (i.e., number of
times chosen) as well as the duration of dominance for each of the eight
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descriptors were calculated. Since none of the measures were normally dis-
tributed according to the Shapiro–Wilk test, we used non-parametric rank-sum
tests. A Friedman test revealed there to be no significant differences in the
total number of adjectives participants’ used for each of the three auditory
conditions [χ2(2)=4.00, p=0.14]. Neither were there any significant dif-
ferences in dominance durations of acidity [χ2(2)=2.00, p=0.37], alcohol
[χ2(2)=2.92, p=0.23], woodiness [χ2(2)=3.86, p=0.14], sweetness
[χ2(2)=1.81, p=0.41], spiciness [χ2(2)=2.68, p=0.26], or red fruit
[χ2(2)=1.27, p=0.53].
There was, however, a significant difference in dominance durations for bit-
terness [χ2(2)=7.75, p=0.021] and astringency [χ2(2)=7.55, p=0.023].
Post-hoc analysis with Wilcoxon signed-rank tests revealed that compared
to the silent condition, there were significant increases in bitterness domi-
nance durations for both the Eno soundtrack (Z=−2.28, p=0.023) and the
Mussorgsky soundtrack (Z=−2.30, p=0.021). There were, however, no
differences in bitterness between the two soundtrack conditions (Z=−0.024,
There were also significant reductions in the durations of astringency dom-
inance for both the Eno soundtrack (Z=−2.04, p=0.042) and the Mus-
sorgsky soundtrack (Z=−2.19, p=0.029), as compared to the silent con-
dition. There were, once again, no differences between the two soundtrack
conditions (Z=−0.75, p=0.45).
In order to determine the effect of each soundtrack on the perceived taste
of the wine more clearly, TDS difference curves were plotted (see Fig. 2) to
reveal the net influence of background music on wine perception, while con-
trolling for how the wine tastes in the silent control condition. To calculate
the difference curves, the differences between each soundtrack and the silent
condition were plotted at points where they were significantly different from
zero by comparing two binomial proportions (Pineau et al., 2009). The effect
of the Eno soundtrack, compared to the silent baseline condition, highlights
an enhancement of bitterness and a reduction of alcohol in the 0–15 s time-
frame, and then a reduction in alcohol around the 30 s mark. The effect of
the Mussorgsky soundtrack, compared to the silent condition, is a longer and
more prominent enhancement of bitterness during the 0–15 s timeframe along
with a reduction in acidity and astringency. There follows an enhancement in
acidity around the 25–30 s timeframe.
3.1. Analysis of Individual Musical Features in Relation to Taste
Pairwise Pearson correlations were computed between the TDS curves for the
tastes that reach significance in the presence of music (bitterness and acidity,
see Fig. 1), and different types of time-varying musical features: 1) acous-
tic features: frequency content (measured by spectral centroid), and sound
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Figure 2. TDS difference curves between (A) the Eno soundtrack and silence condition, and (B)
the Mussorgsky soundtrack and silence condition. Only significant differences in dominance
ratings between the silent and soundtrack conditions are plotted. In other words, these TDS
curves showcase the net influence of background music on wine perception.
intensity (measured by root mean square energy, RMSE); 2) psychoacous-
tic features: roughness, brightness, inharmonicity; 3) emotion-related features:
valence, activity, and tension. These features include many of the major fac-
tors in crossmodal taste–sound correspondences that have been documented
to date (see Knöferle and Spence, 2012, for a review): spectral centroid (also
called spectral balance) is related to timbre brightness/sharpness; energy is
related to loudness; roughness, brightness and inharmonicity are timbre fea-
tures while valence is connected with pleasantness. Another relevant feature,
tempo, was almost constant for each musical excerpt. Pitch was not analysed
since the music is polyphonic (that is, several pitches are present at the same
time). We used MIRToolbox (Lartillot and Toiviainen, 2007) for the compu-
tation of the musical curves from the audio files, with an overlapping running
window (window length =0.05 s, overlap =0.025 s). If there were to be an
influence of a musical feature on taste, we would expect a positive time delay
between the music onset time and its effect on the TDS response (due to the
time required for auditory processing, choosing an attribute, and finally click-
ing on it). This delay was estimated as the averaged time T1of first response,
corresponding to the time it took the participant to choose a first attribute after
the start of the music. We calculated similar average delays for the two music
pieces (Mussorgsky: T1Muss =8.4 s with SD σMuss =4.2 s, Eno: T1Eno =8.1s
with SD σEno =2.6 s), and for the silent condition (T1silence =6.9 s with SD
σsilence =1.9s).
In Fig. 3, we plotted the pairwise correlations among the musical param-
eters and taste attributes for different positive delay windows of the taste
curves. We take the relevant lags as those in the intervals (T1music σmusic,
T1music +σmusic)and(T1silence σsilence ,T1silence +σsilence )markedbythe
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Figure 3. Pearson correlations between musical features and lagged taste curves in the music
condition (blue) and silent condition (orange). Stars denote significant correlations. Coloured
vertical bars delimit the span of relevant lag times (see text for details).
coloured vertical bars in the figure. The specific pairs of music parameters
and taste curves plotted in Fig. 3 were the only ones for which significant
correlations were found in the music condition (in blue), while no significant
correlation was observed in the silent control condition (in orange) for the rele-
vant delay windows. Moreover, they have important and perceptible variations
during the music: the spectral centroid ranged from 946 Hz to 3336 Hz in the
Mussorgsky soundtrack, and from 790 Hz to 1091 Hz in the Eno soundtrack;
RMSE varied from 0.0006 to 0.09 in the Mussorgsky soundtrack (45 dB to
3 dB), and from 0.003 to 0.05 in the Eno soundtrack (34 dB to 11 dB).
Another important factor, sensorial dissonance, measured by psychoacoustic
roughness (Bigand et al., 1996; Johnson-Laird et al., 2012), gave very simi-
lar correlations to those of the RMSE, which are not shown in Fig. 3. Note
that even if there were a significant correlation between a music parameter
and a taste curve in the silent condition, this would be merely coincidental
(since in fact people were not listening to any music!). We also considered
the significant correlations that appear outside the relevant delay window to
be meaningless in this context: since the delay between the curves would be
either too short or too long in comparison to the estimated response delay, we
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do not consider these correlations as representing an influence of music on
In agreement with previous results in the literature (Knöferle and Spence,
2012; Mesz et al., 2011), when the Eno soundtrack was playing in the back-
ground, the dominance of acidity was positively correlated with a high spectral
centroid, and the dominance of bitterness was correlated with a low spectral
centroid. Furthermore, the dominance of bitterness was positively correlated
with sound intensity (RMSE) and sensorial dissonance for the Eno soundtrack.
On the other hand, for the Mussorgsky soundtrack, a correlation was observed
between the dominance of bitterness and a high spectral centroid, contrary to
what we observed for the Eno soundtrack.
3.2. Influence of Musical Structure on Taste
We also explored a possible correspondence between the structural segments
in the musical excerpts and regions where significant taste evaluations were
prominent. A method for novelty-based segmentation was used to help in
locating those points in time from a music signal that would correspond to
the changes on instrumentation and dynamics (Müller, 2015). Novelty was
computed by inspecting the recurrence matrix of the Mel Frequency Cepstral
Coefficients (MFCC) audio descriptor and measuring the edges in the block-
like structures typically found in the recurrence matrix. This was achieved by
convolving an edge detection kernel over the recurrence matrix following the
principal diagonal direction. The output of this process was a signal that indi-
cates the novelty as a continuous signal, and the peaks of this novelty signal
gave the boundaries of the musical segments (Foote, 2000).
We plotted acidity and bitterness taste curves and overlaid novelty bound-
aries on top (see Fig. 4). Only for the Mussorgsky soundtrack did we find
significant differences between bitterness and acidity, which occur after the
Figure 4. Musical segments and taste curves averaged across participants. Black vertical bars
mark novelty peaks in the music. Asterisks mark points of significant difference between bitter-
ness and acidity curves.
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boundaries with a delay within one standard deviation of T1. Between the first
and second boundaries there was significantly more bitterness than acidity,
and between the second and third boundaries, there was significantly more
dominance in acidity than bitterness. The three boundaries correspond to im-
portant points in the music (see video in the Supplementary Materials): the
first boundary, at 4.08 s, marks the entrance of excited glissandos in the high
register of the woodwind (simultaneously there are chromatic triplets in the
violins and a rumbling bass line in the low strings). It is also during this period
where bitterness is perceived as significantly more dominant than acidity. The
second boundary, at 14.39 s, coincides with the first theme in bassoons, trom-
bones, tuba, violas and low strings. Next, the horns and trumpets enter playing
a D, creating a dissonance with the C in the melody. The dissonance continues
until it is halted by two loud chords, occurring during the period when per-
ceived acidity was more dominant than bitterness. At the third boundary, the
orchestra decays together with the acidity curve, then two more accentuated
chords lead to a trill and a general pause (see videos of the music vs the taste
curves in the Supplementary Material).
4. Discussion
The results of the present study demonstrate that tasting wine while listening
to different soundtracks leads to different perceptions of dominant flavours.
Overall, the onset of acidity was earlier in the silent condition than in either
of the soundtrack conditions, and astringency was less noticeable when there
was music playing. Bitterness was more prominent in the beginning when the
wine was tasted when listening to the Mussorgsky soundtrack, whereas for
the Brian Eno soundtrack, bitterness in the wine came after the initial regis-
tration of acidity. Analysing dominance durations supported results from TDS
difference curves, where bitterness was dominant longer — but astringency
shorter — during the two soundtrack conditions when compared to the silent
condition. Furthermore, while alcohol was dominant in the 10–20 s interval in
the silent condition, it was not at a significant dominance level during either of
the soundtracks. This implies that music could potentially distract participants
from perceiving alcohol accurately, especially when music was presented in
combination with the cognitively demanding task (Stafford et al., 2012, 2013).
There were no significant differences in the number of adjectives partici-
pants selected — on average the number was around four, or half of the eight
available adjectives. For this group of participants, basic tastes such as acid-
ity and bitterness were used more often (Duracid =9.1 s, Durbitter =7.4 s)
than more descriptive terms such as red fruit and woody (Durred_fruit =1.6 s,
Durwoody =3.7 s). This might either be attributable to the fact that the partic-
ipants simply did not taste the more descriptive attributes in the wine, or that
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Figure 5. TDS bandplot curves of results with music and wine vs just music, for the Mussorgsky
and Eno soundtracks. Only dominant flavours significantly greater than zero are plotted.
basic tastes were simply more dominant (or more easily came to mind) in the
wine, especially under experimental conditions.
What are the mechanisms underlying the changes in taste perception in the
presence of music? A plausible hypothesis concerning the influence of the
music on the flavour in this experiment is that, at least at some moments, the
flavour labels are associated with the music, independently of the taste of the
wine, and then attributed to the wine. To examine this hypothesis, we per-
formed a control test in which a group of participants (n=18) had to evaluate
the music alone, without drinking, using the TDS protocol with the same la-
bels used for the wine. The dominance regions of different musical ‘flavours’
for this test are shown in Fig. 5. While, in the case of the Eno soundtrack,
there is no immediate correspondence between the music-only TDS test and
the music +wine TDS test, for Mussorgsky’s music, we found an overlap of
the acidity-dominant regions in both tests (from 23 s to 27 s), with a delay
between them within one standard deviation of T1(see Fig. 5).
A number of possible explanations can be advanced for the overlap of
semantic regions for music and taste. On the most superficial level, the par-
ticipants could have been applying a recognition heuristic (Goldstein and
Gigerenzer, 2002). Recognition heuristics consist, in general, in choosing a
known alternative over an unknown one; in our case, this implies that having
picked a descriptor significant in the music, a participant would prefer to ap-
ply this label (e.g., acidity) to an ambiguous, unrecognized taste. However, if
the participants merely applied labels from the music to the wine, we would
have expected to have seen sweet being chosen for the Eno soundtrack, both
when there was music alone or with the combination music and wine. This
implies that the recognition heuristic was not the only mechanism involved in
the participants’ TDS ratings.
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Besides semantics, more general crossmodal associations between musical
features and taste can be relevant for altering wine’s flavours. As we hypoth-
esised, specific crossmodal associations can shift people’s attention to certain
flavours in the wine, which could then make it appear dominant. For instance,
acidity/sourness has been reliably associated with a high spectral centroid
(Knoeferle et al., 2015; Simner et al., 2010) and correspondingly, a higher
spectral centroid in the music was correlated with the dominance of perceived
acidity in the Eno soundtrack. Is should be said that some conflicting evidence
also appeared for the Mussorgsky soundtrack, where the spectral centroid was
positively correlated with bitterness, but according to the literature, bitterness
is associated with a low spectral centroid (Knoeferle et al., 2015). However,
it is worth noting that this initial section was also highly dissonant, which
is correlated in the literature with both bitterness and acidity. Therefore, the
Mussorgsky soundtrack, while technically having a high spectral centroid,
contained auditory attributes associated with bitterness as well as sourness.
An important theoretical question here regarding the attention hypothesis
concerns the temporal resolution of auditory and flavour attention. In the anal-
ysis of musical structural correlations to perceived tastes, we took into account
the delay time between the participant hearing a feature in a given piece of
music, and the participant choosing a specific flavour as dominant. This lag
time was approximated by the average time it took the participant to choose
an attribute following the onset of the music. For both soundtracks, the lag
time was around 8 s (8.1 s for the Eno soundtrack, and 8.4 s for the Mus-
sorgsky soundtrack). For the silent condition, the average lag time was not
significantly shorter at 6.9 s. This agrees with the average time before first ci-
tation in other TDS studies involving wine (Galmarini et al., 2018; Meillon
et al., 2009). That is to say, it would appear to take participants around 7 to
8 s to perceive and select a dominant taste in wine, no matter whether music
is present or not (which is understandable as it takes approximately 200 ms
for people to register auditory loudness; von Békésy, 1963). Interestingly, this
delay time also agrees with the time required before a participant can make
emotional judgments about a piece of music, which is also 8 s (Bachorik et al.,
2009). Therefore, it is plausible that differences in TDS ratings could also be
due to sensation transference (Biggs et al., 2016; Kantono et al., 2019; Wang
and Spence, 2018c), where participants could have transferred emotions ex-
perienced from listening to the music to the TDS task (for instance, negative
feelings from the music could have resulted in ratings of acidity or bitterness).
However, the difference in TDS responses between the music-only condition
in the control study and the music +wine condition in the main study does
not entirely support the sensation transfer hypothesis.
It is worth stressing that the present study has several limitations. First,
we had a fairly small sample size (n=21 for the main study, n=18 for
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the control study), so that any variability in individual taste perception could
have altered the pattern of results obtained. Furthermore, we did not control
for the levels of wine expertise, although all participants were self-identified
wine novices. Wine novices might make less consistent ratings when it comes
to wine compared to wine experts (Tempere et al., 2016). Another limitation
with the design of the present study was that the silent condition was always
presented first, so when participants experienced the soundtrack conditions
they had already tasted the wine on one previous occasion (even if they might
not have known that it was the same wine). Research has shown that when
it comes to tasting several wines in a flight, the order in which the wines are
tasted can play a large role in the judgment of the wines (Mantonakis et al.,
2009). Therefore, the TDS difference curves between wines tasted while lis-
tening to music compared to wines tasted in silence could be due, in part, to the
fact that the silent condition always came first. However, it should be stressed
that the order of appearance of the two soundtracks was fully randomised, so
between-music comparisons are not compromised by any possible order ef-
Moreover, we did not account for the participants’ level of musical exper-
tise. The same segment of music might possibly be associated with different
tastes depending on the participants’ musical expertise. For instance, Wang et
al. (2015) found that a high-pitched piano piece with dissonant tonality was as-
sociated with sweetness by musical novices, but with bitterness by those with
musical training. This could be due to the fact that people attend to different el-
ements in the music depending on their level of expertise; for example, novices
may tend to focus on timbre, whereas experts may tend to focus on har-
mony (Wolpert, 1990). Furthermore, Reinoso Carvalho and colleagues (2015)
have demonstrated that using participants’ individual music–chocolate associ-
ations produced more robust crossmodal effects (i.e., modulations in chocolate
ratings) compared to the music–chocolate matches designed by the experi-
menters. Given the evidence for individual differences, it is possible that, in
the present study, different participants could have attended to different tastes
while listening to the same segment of music.
Looking to the future, the fruitful use of TDS in the present study opens
many potential avenues of research, with a focus on the temporal aspects of
the music listening experience as well as the tasting experience. As discussed
in Spence and Wang (2015), most off-the-shelf music is not ideal for research
purposes since stylistic changes often occur and, unless one is careful, there
is a real danger in a piece of music corresponding to different tastes/flavours.
For instance, both Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody as well as the second move-
ment of Mozart’s Piano Sonata No. 12 in F Major (K332) vary between major
and minor modes, which would correspond to sweet and sour/bitter tastes, re-
spectively (Knöferle and Spence, 2012). Learning more about the temporal
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characteristics of such ‘sonic seasoning’ effects could free researchers from
such constraints, as well as enable experience designers to create more fluid
and sophisticated experiences which take advantage of the evolving nature of
both the listening and the eating/drinking experience.
Supplementary Material
Supplementary material is available online at:
1. The number of participants was determined by a convenience sampling.
As there was no precedence for music–food TDS analysis at the time of
study, it was difficult to run a power analysis. However, the sample sizes
used in the studies are in line with typical TDS panel sizes (Meillon et al.,
2009; Pineau et al., 2009).
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... Here, the main instruments used were the Likert scale, the Visual Analogue Scale, multiple choice, and the bipolar scale. On top of that, 10% of the experiments used time-based techniques such as Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS; Kantono et al., 2016Kantono et al., , 2019Wang et al., 2019b;Xu et al., 2019;Lin et al., 2022), Temporal Check-All-That-Apply (TCATA; Kantono et al., 2018;Lin et al., 2019;Mitchell et al., 2019), and Time Intensity (TI; Wang et al., 2017b). Some experiments considered a qualitative methodology to measure olfactory perception, using video recordings and interviews as measurement instruments (Choi and Cheok, 2015;Mesfin et al., 2020). ...
... The associations reported in the present review align with potential mechanisms through which sonic seasoning soundtracks can give rise to perceptual differences (Wang, 2017); for example, sensory expectations (Velasco et al., 2014a;Padulo et al., 2021;Rodríguez et al., 2021), attention capture (Wang et al., 2017b(Wang et al., , 2019b, and emotion mediation (Reinoso-Carvalho et al., 2016, 2020aVandenberghe-Descamps et al., 2022). Furthermore, these experiments also address potential explanations for the origin of auditoryflavor associations as proposed by Knöferle and Spence (2012). ...
... Furthermore, these experiments also address potential explanations for the origin of auditoryflavor associations as proposed by Knöferle and Spence (2012). For instance, intensity matching across sensory modalities (Fiegel et al., 2014(Fiegel et al., , 2019Wang et al., 2019b) and semantic matching (Crisinel and Spence, 2012a;Chambaron et al., 2015;Kontukoski et al., 2015;Vandenberghe-Descamps et al., 2022). ...
Full-text available
This is the first systematic review that focuses on the influence of product-intrinsic and extrinsic sounds on the chemical senses involving both food and aroma stimuli. This review has a particular focus on all methodological details (stimuli, experimental design, dependent variables, and data analysis techniques) of 95 experiments, published in 83 publications from 2012 to 2023. 329 distinct crossmodal auditory–chemosensory associations were uncovered across this analysis. What is more, instead of relying solely on static figures and tables, we created a first-of-its-kind comprehensive Power BI dashboard (interactive data visualization tool by Microsoft; on methodologies and significant findings, incorporating various filters and visualizations allowing readers to explore statistics for specific subsets of experiments. We believe that this review can be helpful for researchers and practitioners working in the food and beverage industry and beyond these scopes (e.g., cosmetics). Theoretical and practical implications discussed in this article point to computational approaches that facilitate decision-making regarding multisensory experimental methodology design.
... Drinking and eating experiences in our daily life involve the multiple senses, both associated with the internal aspect of the food or drink and related to the importance of the external stimuli (Wang et al., 2019a, b). Presently, there has been a growth of interest in understanding whether sound, specifically environmental sounds (Lin et al., 2019;Istiani et al., 2023Istiani et al., , 2023a and music (Reinoso Carvalho et al., 2015;Wang and Spence, 2015) can influence the aroma (Seo and Hummel, 2011) and basic taste attributes associated with food and beverage items (such as sweetness, bitterness, sourness) (Knoferle and Spence, 2012; for a review see Guedes et al., 2023). ...
... Besides, additional studies have validated the finding that altering the tempo of the background music might influence the speed at which individuals navigate through supermarket aisles (e.g., Milliman, 1986). Furthermore, previous studies have reported that fast tempo was associated with sourness as well as acidity flavour (Knoeferle et al., 2015;Wang and Spence, 2015) and affected bitterness dominance taste (Wang et al., 2019a, b), while, on the other hand, the slow tempo was congruent with the sweet taste (Guetta and Loui, 2017;Peng-Li et al., 2020). Still, the abovementioned studies left open the question on whether the cross-modal congruency between music tempo and beverage taste itself has any overarching taste enhancement on the drinking experience. ...
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There has been a recent growth of interest in understanding whether sound (specifically music) in the dining environment can enhance the taste perception of food and drink. Most of the previous research within the music-taste association utilized music soundtracks which were specifically designed to correspond to taste characteristics, for example, sweet taste/sweet music or sour taste/sour music. However, only a few studies have focused on the effect of each music attribute on aroma and taste. Moreover, freshness and thickness, as an oral somatosensory aspect, are concepts that lack the multisensory research of their sensory perception. This study investigated the effect of music on the taste of orange juice in a multisensory and controlled indoor environment laboratory (Sens i-Lab). In this current study, participants tasted orange juice samples while listening to eight music soundtracks and one silent sound. The music soundtracks were designed by combining two levels in each of three sonic attributes: Articulation (Legato, Staccato), Tempo (70 and 120 Bpm), and Pitch (Low, High). Overall, results showed that the variety in music attributes influences the orange juice about aroma, sweetness, sourness, bitterness, freshness, and thickness perceptions. The findings of this research can contribute to the development of multisensory design strategies for interactive design innovation in the context of food service. Moreover, the music stimuli in the dining experience can exalts the sensory perception of food and beverage as a part of creative gastronomic experience.
... In particular, the combined observation of a positive correlation with lower pitch and weaker concentration of energy in the low partials may offer a partial explanation for certain discrepancies highlighted in the literature concerning the acoustic correlates of bitterness. Indeed, Knoeferle et al. (2015) reported a negative association between bitterness and spectral centroid, while more recent work by Wang et al. (2019) observed a positive correlation between perceived bitterness in wine tasting and the spectral centroid of background music. The current findings suggest that a combination of lower spectral centroid (due to low pitch) with a spectral balance skewing toward the higher partials may contribute to the correspondence between sound characteristics and bitterness perception. ...
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The examination of cross-modal correspondences between auditory and olfactory senses opens up an intriguing perspective into the study of extra-musical meaning. In a behavioral experiment, musically trained participants were presented with 26 complex synthetic tones and 12 aromatic stimuli. Their task was to report potential associations between the two. The data analysis revealed that the majority of scents featured at least one association with a sound that was above chance. The salient acoustical correlates of basic aromatic categories could be summarized as follows: both fruity (e.g., cherry, melon, and pomegranate) and sour aromas exhibited a positive correlation with pitch. Fruity scents, in addition, were more likely to be associated with sounds featuring pronounced low harmonic partials (1st-4th), low noise content, low roughness, and a greater number of distinct pitches. Conversely, sour aromas were linked with stronger energy in the higher frequencies. Sweet scents correlated with sounds characterized by a lower spectral centroid, whereas aromas in the spicy/other category were associated with weak lower partials (fundamental frequency in particular) and stronger noisy components.
... One likely hypothesis is that the crossmodal associations between sounds and tastes (e.g., perceiving a song as sweet) somehow shift the attention toward the congruent attributes in the oral modality, thus making it more salient in the flavor matrix (Wang et al., 2019a). It has also been proposed that music may set up taste expectations that, in turn, influence the subsequent taste evaluation. ...
Full-text available
The presence of music while eating can influence how foods are perceived. One line of inquiry has focused on the potential of music to evoke taste-related associations (such as perceiving a song as “sweet”) to enhance the perception of congruent taste/flavor attributes in foods. However, music is also an expression of emotion, and its influence on mood has been put forward as an alternative explanation to why music changes taste perception. Disentangling both effects remains a challenge since taste and affective dimensions (e.g., valence) are usually highly correlated. This work examines the effectiveness of two pairs of soundtracks with different degrees of association with the sweet taste (Experiment 1a) or varying valence (Experiment 1b) in shaping food perception. In the two experiments, participants tasted foods differing in sugar content (i.e., cucumber, croissant, banana, and chocolate) while listening to the soundtracks and evaluated each sample on sweetness, liking, valence, and probability of future consumption. The results show that the higher (vs. lower) sweetness soundtrack significantly increased ratings in all dimensions. In contrast, no differences were observed in any of the dependent measures when listening to the higher valence (more positive) versus the lower valence (less positive) soundtrack. These findings seem to support the hypothesis that taste correspondences can contribute to modulating the multisensory eating experience. In contrast, it appears that when controlling for sweet taste correspondences, differences in the valence of music stimuli have a less salient impact on food evaluation. The theoretical implications of these findings and their potential applications to promoting healthier eating are discussed.
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Sensory marketing has garnered significant attention from researchers due to its ability to effectively influence consumer behavior at a subconscious level. However, existing reviews are constrained by either limited scope or methodology, often focusing on specific senses, or domains, or using solely quantitative or qualitative methods. This offers an opportunity to comprehensively synthesize the existing literature and provide direction for future research. Building on this, the present study examines 535 articles assembled, arranged, and assessed using the SPAR‐4‐SLR protocol for a thorough review of sensory marketing literature spanning four decades (1984–2023). The review employs both quantitative and qualitative methods to summarize the diverse research and provide detailed insights from the existing body of literature. The quantitative approach, utilizing keyword co‐occurrence analysis identifies five thematic clusters—sensory cues as communication strategy, sensory experiences in technologically advanced era, taste perception and food consumption, visual perception, and olfactory perception. Furthermore, the qualitative review technique, utilizing the Theory, Context, Characteristics, and Methodology (TCCM) framework reveals prevalent theories and primary research contexts, along with distinctive characteristics and methodologies. Based on these analyses suggestions for potential areas of future research have been stated.
Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) is a temporal sensory methodology that consists in identifying and rating sensations perceived as dominant until the perception ends. This method does not require long training and enables the evaluation of several attributes at the same time. This method has been used to describe the temporality of sensations in wines.
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Among descriptive sensory evaluation methods, temporal methods have a wide audience in food science because they make it possible to follow perception as close as possible to the moment when sensations are perceived. The aim of this work was to describe 30 years of research involving temporal methods by mapping the scientific literature using a systematic scoping review. Thus, 363 research articles found from a search in Scopus and Web of Science from 1991 to 2022 were included. The extracted data included information on the implementation of studies referring to the use of temporal methods (details related to subjects, products, descriptors, research design, data analysis, etc.), reasons why they were used and the conclusions they allowed to be drawn. Metadata analysis and critical appraisal were also carried out. A quantitative and qualitative synthesis of the results allowed the identification of trends in the way in which the methods were developed, refined, and disseminated. Overall, a large heterogeneity was noted in the way in which the temporal measurements were carried out and the results presented. Some critical research gaps in establishing the validity and reliability of temporal methods have also been identified. They were mostly related to the details of implementation of the methods (e.g., almost no justification for the number of consumers included in the studies, absence of report on panel repeatability) and data analysis (e.g., prevalence of use of exploratory data analysis, only 20% of studies using confirmatory analyses considering the dynamic nature of the data). These results suggest the need for general guidelines on how to implement the method, analyze and interpret data, and report the results. Thus, a template and checklist for reporting data and results were proposed to help increase the quality of future research.
Purpose The aim of this paper is to examine the existing literature circa 2010–2023 of introductory wine education involving sensory experience components in an objective, transparent and replicable manner. Sensory experience education normally involves the usage of the five senses (smell, taste, sight, feel and hearing) as means to demonstrate, scaffold and illuminate introductory-level wine curricula. This study identifies the methodologies used in existing in educational wine sensory experience literature, identifies the pedagogical utilities of current wine research and explores findings useful for wine educators. Design/methodology/approach This paper uses the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) for literature review reporting. Findings From the existing body of literature involving wine sensory experience in education (N = 20), five pedagogical utilities emerged from the dataset: wine sensory experience training (n = 7), wine sensory analysis techniques (n = 5), teaching environment (n = 5), wine and food pairing (n = 2) and psychological context (n = 1). Furthermore, experimental design is the preferred method (n = 14) of research related to wine sensory experience in education. Practical implications This study provides utility for wine educators at the college and university level and may provide perspective and tools for firms seeking consumer engagement through wine education. Originality/value To the researchers' knowledge, there are no literature reviews that explore wine sensory experience in education. Thus, the primary contributions of this study are threefold: identification of current gaps in wine education research, identification of future research questions and avenues of study, and resources for curriculum improvement of introductory wine courses.
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Food product-extrinsic sounds (i.e., those auditory stimuli that are not linked directly to a food or beverage product, or its packaging) have been shown to exert a significant influence over various aspects of food perception and consumer behaviour, often operating outside of conscious awareness. In this review, we summarise the latest evidence concerning the various ways in which what we hear can influence what we taste. According to one line of empirical research, background noise interferes with tasting, due to attentional distraction. A separate body of marketing-relevant research demonstrates that music can be used to bias consumers' food perception, judgments, and purchasing/consumption behaviour in various ways. Some of these effects appear to be driven by the arousal elicited by loud music as well as the entrainment of people's behaviour to the musical beat. However, semantic priming effects linked to the type and style of music are also relevant. Another route by which music influences food perception comes from the observation that our liking/preference for the music that we happen to be listening to carries over to influence our hedonic judgments of what we are tasting. A final route by which hearing influences tasting relates to the emerging field of 'sonic seasoning'. A developing body of research now demonstrates that people often rate tasting experiences differently when listening to soundtracks that have been designed to be (or are chosen because they are) congruent with specific flavour experiences (e.g., when compared to when listening to other soundtracks , or else when tasting in silence). Taken together, such results lead to the growing realization that the crossmodal influences of music and noise on food perception and consumer behaviour may have some important if, as yet, unrecognized implications for public health.
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Experimental psychologists, psychophysicists, food/sensory scientists, and marketers have long been interested in, and/or speculated about, what exactly the relationship, if any, might be between color and taste/flavor. While several influential early commentators argued against there being any relationship, a large body of empirical evidence published over the last 80 years or so clearly demonstrates that the hue and saturation, or intensity, of color in food and/or drink often influences multisensory flavor perception. Interestingly, the majority of this research has focused on vision’s influence on the tasting experience rather than looking for any effects in the opposite direction. Recently, however, a separate body of research linking color and taste has emerged from the burgeoning literature on the crossmodal correspondences. Such correspondences, or associations, between attributes or dimensions of experience, are thought to be robustly bidirectional. When talking about the relationship between color and taste/flavor, some commentators would appear to assume that these two distinct literatures describe the same underlying empirical phenomenon. That said, a couple of important differences (in terms of the bidirectionality of the effects and their relative vs. absolute nature) are highlighted, meaning that the findings from one domain may not necessarily always be transferable to the other, as is often seemingly assumed.
Low End Theory probes the much-mythologized field of bass and low-frequency sound. It begins in music but quickly moves far beyond, following vibratory phenomena across time, disciplines and disparate cultural spheres (including hauntings, laboratories, organ workshops, burial mounds, sound art, studios, dancefloors, infrasonic anomalies, and a global mystery called The Hum). Low End Theory asks what it is about bass that has fascinated us for so long and made it such a busy site of bio-technological experimentation, driving developments in science, technology, the arts, and religious culture. The guiding question is not so much what we make of bass, but what it makes of us: how does it undulate and unsettle; how does it incite; how does it draw bodily thought into new equations with itself and its surroundings? Low End Theory is the first book to survey this sonorous terrain and devise a conceptual language proper to it. With its focus on sound’s structuring agency and the multi-sensory aspects of sonic experience, it stands to make a transformative contribution to the study of music and sound, while pushing scholarship on affect, materiality, and the senses into fertile new territory. Through energetic and creative prose, Low End Theory works to put thought in touch with the vibratory encounter as no scholarly book has done before.
This review deals with the question of the relative vs absolute nature of crossmodal correspondences, with a specific focus on those correspondences involving the auditory dimension of pitch. Crossmodal correspondences have been defined as the often-surprising crossmodal associations that people experience between features, attributes, or dimensions of experience in different sensory modalities, when either physically present, or else merely imagined. In the literature, crossmodal correspondences have often been contrasted with synaesthesia in that the former are frequently said to be relative phenomena (e.g., it is the higher-pitched of two sounds that is matched with the smaller of two visual stimuli, say, rather than there being a specific one-to-one crossmodal mapping between a particular pitch of sound and size of object). By contrast, in the case of synaesthesia, the idiosyncratic mapping between inducer and concurrent tends to be absolute (e.g., it is a particular sonic inducer that elicits a specific colour concurrent). However, a closer analysis of the literature soon reveals that the distinction between relative and absolute in the case of crossmodal correspondences may not be as clear-cut as some commentators would have us believe. Furthermore, it is important to note that the relative vs absolute question may receive different answers depending on the particular (class of) correspondence under empirical investigation.
Research into the influence of auditory cues upon food perception has increased in the past decade. Mechanisms evoked to explain crossmodal interactions between the auditory and gustatory senses include attentional, emotional, and affective mediators. In this study, the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method was utilised to document the changes in taste and flavour of chocolate gelato while participants listened to music. After each TDS trial, the participants rated their emotions using intensity scales. Additionally, electrophysiological measures including heart rate, respiration rate, and skin conductance were obtained. As anticipated, listening to liked music evoked positive emotions (enjoyment, happiness, love, and satisfaction), while disliked music elicited negative emotions (disappointment, and disgust). No significant difference in terms of respiration parameters were observed while listening to music differing in liking. When compared to neutral and liked music, listening to disliked music exhibited the greatest change in skin conductance. Additionally, neutrally liked music significantly decreased blood volume pulse amplitude, while listening to liked music significantly increased heart rate. Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR) analysis was employed to explore associations between electrophysiological and sensory measures. Skin conductance and cardiovascular measures were both linked to the perception of gelato. Partial Least Square Path Modelling (PLS-PM) was also utilised to investigate the relationships between the electrophysiological measures, subjective ratings of emotion, and perception. The PLS-PM model showed that changes in cardiac and skin conductance measures were correlated with subjectively-rated emotions. Furthermore, these self-reported emotions evoked by music were significantly correlated with flavour.
Many people talk admiringly about the complexity of wine. However, it is often unclear what exactly they have in mind when using the term. In this review, we summarize why the appealing notion of chemical complexity is presumably not what is being referred to. Instead, we argue that a more plausible explanation is in terms of perceived complexity. It would appear that some writers use the term ‘complex’ upon tasting a wine that exhibits a number of distinct, yet harmoniously-balanced, elements that may be experienced over the course of a single prolonged mouthful, over a glass, or over the lifetime of the wine as it ages in the bottle. However, another use of the term that has emerged from studies conducted on both experts and social wine drinkers relates to a single unitary perceptual experience of complexity. Perhaps, though, the latter account is better described as inferred rather than directly perceived complexity. Ultimately, according to the evidence that has been published to date, it would appear that different groups of consumers use the term ‘complexity’ consistently while, at the same time, describing something different in, or about, the wine. We focus, in particular, on differences in the usage of the term between wine experts and social wine drinkers.
Recent developments in neuroscience and psychology have confirmed what many artists have long intuited; that our senses are connected. Research into crossmodal correspondences - the universal tendency of a sensory feature in one modality to be matched with one from another sensory modality - has highlighted strong connections between flavour and sound that have only just begun to be explored by artists working in these sensory realms. This article investigates Oenosthesia, a practice-led art research project that aimed to harness crossmodal correspondences in an artwork that combines a soundscape created from field recordings of the winemaking process with wines consumed as part of the piece. Its success in achieving this was tested through data gathered from participants at presentations of the work in London in September 2016 and in Sydney in March 2017. This article presents the results of this study, which suggest that sound can significantly change perceptions of flavour in an experimental audio-gustatory artwork and highlights the potential for the design of crossmodally congruent sound works that heighten specific flavour characters of a wine.
Although product-extrinsic touch is often overlooked as far as flavour perception is concerned, recent research unequivocally demonstrates that the perceived flavour and hedonic evaluation of foods and drinks can be modulated by the surface texture of packaging materials and servingware (as well, of course, as by the oral-somatosensory texture of the food and drink itself). The present study was designed to assess the impact of touching markedly different surface textures on the wine-tasting experience, both in terms of orthonasal olfaction as well as for in-mouth sensations. A preliminary study conducted at a science and wine symposium confirmed that touching velvet, as opposed to sandpaper, enhanced the perceived sweetness of an off-dry white wine. In the main study, participants (N = 60) evaluated a red dessert wine whilst simultaneously touching either a swatch of velvet or sandpaper with their dominant hand. The participants first smelled the wine while touching each material. They rated the aroma of the wine in terms of its intensity, acidity, fruitiness, and pleasantness. Next, the participants tasted the wine while stroking each material. The wine was rated in terms of its acidity, sweetness, tannin level, and pleasantness. Overall, the aroma of the wine was judged to be significantly fruitier when participants simultaneously touched the velvet rather than the sandpaper. When it came to tasting, the wine was rated as significantly sweeter and more pleasant when the participants touched the velvet rather than the sandpaper. These results imply that product-extrinsic surface textures can influence not only the in-mouth flavour experience, but also orthonasal olfactory evaluations as well. One explanation for the tactile influence on smell, taste, and liking may be due to the hedonic mapping between stimuli. These results could have important implications for the hospitality industry, e.g., when thinking about innovative coatings for new drinking receptacles or beverage packaging.