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The Effects of Metacognition on Reading Comprehension Tests in an Intermediate Reading and Writing Course (Feature Article)


Abstract and Figures

Reading comprehension skills are paramount to the future success of Japanese students. Contextual clues and key word strategies help students take tests such as the TOEIC and EIKEN, as well as develop critical thinking skills for use in their lives. The introduction of reading comprehension strategies, in and of itself, helps students improve their scores, but the question if students are fully utilizing these skills during a reading comprehension test still remains. To determine whether students are better off with a "directed implementation" versus a "non-directed implementation" of these skills is examined with sixty-four university students of predominately Japanese ethnicity. The data clearly shows that students who are involved in a metacognitive process while utilizing these skills score higher on a reading comprehension test versus students that do not. These results suggest that having students actively utilize these skills, and showing examples of their metacognitive processes, positively influences test outcome. 英文読解力を高める事は日本の学生が、将来成功するために最も大切である。文 脈のヒントやキーワードを見極める力は、TOEICや英検といったテストにおいて学 生を助ける学習だけでなく、実生活において批判的思考力を伸ばすのに大いに 役立つ。また、テストの点数を上げるためには、それらの批判的思考力をふまえた 英語読解能力が必要である。しかしながら、学生のテストの点数が、手段の導入の 有無によってより有効かどうかを見極める必要がある。本研究結果より、英文読解 テストでメタ認知的アプローチをとった学生は、アプローチを行わなかった学生と比 べ、明らかに高い点数を記録したことが判明した。よって、これらのメタ認知的英文 読解プロセスを多く活用した方がテスト結果に良い影響があることが分かった。
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Feature Article
The Effects of Metacognition on
Reading Comprehension Tests in an
Intermediate Reading and Writing
James D. Dunn
Tokai University
Reading comprehension skills are paramount to the future success of Japanese students.
Contextual clues and key word strategies help students take tests such as the TOEIC and
EIKEN, as well as develop critical thinking skills for use in their lives. e introduction of
reading comprehension strategies, in and of itself, helps students improve their scores, but
the question if students are fully utilizing these skills during a reading comprehension test
still remains. To determine whether students are better o with a “directed implementation”
versus a “non-directed implementation” of these skills is examined with sixty-four university
students of predominately Japanese ethnicity. e data clearly shows that students who are
involved in a metacognitive process while utilizing these skills score higher on a reading
comprehension test versus students that do not. ese results suggest that having students
actively utilize these skills, and showing examples of their metacognitive processes, positively
inuences test outcome.
e landscape of learning English in Japan puts a great deal of weight on the
value of being able to score well on tests like the Test of English for International
Communication (TOEIC) and other, similar, standardized testing systems. All
of these tests have many types of assessments, but one common style of evaluation
among them is reading comprehension sections. ese sections oen represent a
substantial amount of the point total. One role of an educator, teaching reading
and writing in Japan, is to give students skills that will enable them to successfully
navigate these types of reading comprehension tests. Skills that help students
perform better on standardized tests are also applicable to other situations that
may arise in their future.
Reading Strategies and Their Place in Japan
David Moore (2012) identies seven reading comprehension strategies that
eective educators encourage in their students. e seven strategies stated are
planning and monitoring, determining importance, asking questions, making
inferences, making connections, synthesizing, and visualizing. ese strategies
help students to improve their mastery of the reading process and aord gains
in reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition (Short & Fitzsimmons,
It is widely agreed that expert reading is an interaction of four main areas: the
reader, the text, the uency of the reading, and the strategic aptitude of the reader
(Nuttal, 1996; Anderson, 1999, 2002; Rasinski, 2010). One major necessity
of reading comprehension is the realization that successful comprehension of
reading does not occur without concerted eort on the reader’s part (Weinstein
& Mayer, 1985; Weinstein & Underwood, 1985; Adams & Hamm, 1994;
Gettinger & Seibert, 2002; Baker, 2008). Furthermore, students must invoke the
strategies or risk losing the benets of the strategies taught to them (Alexander
& Jetton, 2000). is implies that simply teaching students the strategies to
employ when reading is not enough. Students must be made to employ strategies
in a clear and accountable way. One way to do this is to have the students show
their thought processes on the test paper. is practice is akin to a math teacher
e Eects of Metacognition, OnCUE Journal, 9(4), pages 329-343
who would require students to show their work on a math problem in order to
assist the formulas and algorithms becoming cemented in the student’s working
memory (Schoenfeld, 1992). Requiring English students to show their work
seems to be a logical extension of this teaching method.
In Japan, the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC)
is one of the most popular exams for the evaluation of English communication
ability (Childs, 1995). e TOEIC tests English ability in grammar, reading,
and listening. Many Japanese companies use the TOEIC as a gauge for linguistic
competence for their employees—requiring their score either during the
company hiring process, or during their employment at a company for purposes
of procuring a position with the company overseas (Chapman, 2003; Powers,
Kim, & Weng, 2008). In addition to English reading skills being important to
nding employment, they are also essential for Japanese employees who deal
with correspondence from other countries. Higher TOEIC test scores can
inuence both the employability and future opportunities of students, as higher
scores can translate into better jobs and, according to a student of the author, in
some companies, bonuses for scoring over a certain threshold. All of these factors
have the possibility of inuencing pedagogy in the language learning classroom
that employs reading comprehension.
Within the TOEIC, there are three reading sections—incomplete sentences,
reading comprehension passages, and double reading questions—which require
answering questions about email correspondence (
much of the TOEIC focused on reading comprehension, reading comprehension
skills could prove useful for students.
is need for reading comprehension skills, and the fact that the private
university at which this author teaches utilizes a TOEIC-style unied reading
comprehension test for both rst- and second-year students, led to the action
research described in this paper. Would skills and strategies be enough to help
students improve their reading comprehension scores, and would the students
need assistance in their metacognitive processes to fully utilize the strategies
introduced in class?
Metacognition in Education
Metacognition, or “thinking about thinking” (Alexander & Jetton, 2000),
includes actively knowing about when, where, and how to implement strategies
for learning or problem solving, as well as engaging in the use of said strategies.
e “thinking about thinking” denition of metacogn ition is something of a gross
oversimplication. Metacognition can be thought of as two overlapping areas in
this regard: metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive processes (Dunlosky
& Metcalf, 2009; Jacobs & Paris, 1987; Nelson & Narens, 1990; Schwartz &
Bacon, 2008). Metacognitive knowledge can be broken down into three aspects
(Jacobs & Paris, 1987). e declarative aspect is what students know about their
ability to learn. e procedural aspect is what the students know about how
to implement strategies. e conditional aspect regulates the when and where
strategies are used. Metacognitive processes can be broken down into monitoring
and control (Nelson & Narens, 1990). e metacognitive process of monitoring
is represented by a student understanding where they are in a task or learning
situation and judging if the task is able to be completed. e metacognitive process
of control is in charge of making choices as to which strategy to implement and
when to terminate a task if it is deemed, by the monitoring process, as unable to
be completed.
ese ve factors are all in play in a student’s brain at the same time (Carroll,
2008) and are relevant to the student’s educational life. is action research set
out to determine if requiring students to perform metacognitive processes and
utilizing metacognitive knowledge during a test would result in better reading
comprehension scores. Since students need to consciously employ strategies in
order for them to be eective (Alexander & Jetton, 2000), metacognition on
the reading comprehension strategies taught before a test is required during the
taking of a test. While there have been studies on reading comprehension skills
and metacognition (Carrell, Pharis, & Liberto, 1989; Cubukcu, 2008; Takallou,
2011;Tregaskes & Daines, 1989), none of them, save for Cubukcu (2008) in a
dierent manner, have required proof of a student’s metacognitive processes on a
reading comprehension test.
While there are studies that suggest metacognition has a positive eect on
e Eects of Metacognition, OnCUE Journal, 9(4), pages 329-343
reading comprehension (Cubukcu, 2008; Takallou, 2011;Tregaskes & Daines,
1989), further studies needed to be conducted to gauge if explicit teaching of
metacognitive strategies inuences the use of reading comprehension strategies.
e underlying hypothesis of this paper is that students who are required to
show proof of their metacognitive processes, during the employment of reading
comprehension strategies will achieve higher test scores than students who are
not required to show their processes.
is study compared the reading comprehension test scores of students who
were required to show their metacognitive processes and those who were not
on a reading comprehension test. For the purposes of this study, metacognitive
processes refer to participants consciously thinking about the implementation
of the previously introduced reading strategies during a reading comprehension
test. e current pilot study was conducted in order to nd an answer to
the following question regarding the eect of students illustrating their
metacognitive processes on a reading comprehension test.
1. Is there any signicant dierence in reading comprehension test scores
between learners who are required to engage in metacognition by showing
their reading comprehension strategies and those who are not?
e participants in this pilot study consisted of 64 college students split between
a control group (n = 31) and a test group (n = 33) including 62 Japanese students,
one Chinese student, and one Korean student. All students were sophomores
at a private university in Japan, enrolled in the required Reading and Writing
Two (RW2) classes which had been streamed into the high-beginner to low-
intermediate levels of English as dened by the Common European Framework
of Reference for Languages (CFER). Each participant was a member of either the
science or engineering department, and all participants had completed six weeks
of reading comprehension strategy instruction focusing on contextual clues to
nd meaning, key word identication, making connections, and synthesizing
information from multiple areas of a reading passage on intermediate (CEFR
A2 and B1 level) reading comprehension activities. e reading subjects that
the students were exposed to ranged from humorous stories and work emails to
general science topics and mechanical engineering. Each group attended class for
90 minutes twice a week, where they studied both reading comprehension and
process writing methods. Reading comprehension strategy instruction occurred
during one of their two classes a week, for the six-week period. As a result of reading
comprehension strategy instruction, all students were familiar with the reading
strategies prior to the taking of the test. e control group originally consisted of
33 members, but two participants did not take the reading comprehension test,
so the null scores were dropped for this pilot study.
Instructional Background
Of the seven reading comprehension strategies given by Moore (2012), this
study focuses on three—planning and monitoring, making connections, and
synthesizing—which were explicitly taught to the students in both the control
and test groups. ese three were chosen so as to give the students a broad range
of skills in a short amount of time that can assist in this aspect of a test like the
TOEIC. e planning and monitoring strateg y was chosen to give students a skill
to manage time during the test. Making connections and synthesizing strategy
was added to give students higher order thinking skills to assist in choosing
correct answers. Making connections as a reading comprehension skill is very
similar to the metacognitive strategy Cucukcu (2008) examined, i.e., searching
according to goals.
In both the control and test groups, reading comprehension test scores at
the start of the course were lower than expected. e control and test group
both scored an average of just over ten out of twenty-ve points on their rst
reading comprehension test, where the hope was that they would have an average
score that was in the passing range. is prompted the author to introduce
reading comprehension strategies into the classes to help bring students’ skills
up. From week four of the course, all participants were instructed in a variety of
reading comprehension strategies including, but not limited to the following:
developing a plan to read, identifying key words, identifying meaning from
e Eects of Metacognition, OnCUE Journal, 9(4), pages 329-343
context, making connections between the questions and reading passage, and
putting information from two or more locations in the text together to synthesis
new information. Making connections inside reading passages as well as between
the test questions and the reading passage is a skill that students can make use of
in their future professional lives. Similarly, being able to synthesize information
from multiple sections of a reading is an invaluable skill that translates beyond
the classroom into the students’ possible future employment areas. Planning and
monitoring was chosen to give students the ability to look at a text critically and
immediately start breaking down the questions and text to make sense of the
information presented.
Both groups were instructed on showing their metacognitive processes by
either drawing lines between the questions and reading passage or labeling the
area where the student felt the answer was with the numeral of the question
number. Since all of the participants were members of either the science or
engineering department, a small number of the reading exercises focused on
dierent aspects of science and engineering.
Reading Comprehension Test
e test of reading comprehension was taken from a reading comprehension
practice from the department of philosophy in the University of Venezia
(Gebhardt, 2012). is test was chosen for two primary reasons: one, it is freely
available and two, it contains reading passages of various topics and a variety of
question types. e test consisted of four reading passages of 100 to 150 words
each. e content of the four tests ranged widely with topics such as movies and
medicine. While the test was not designed for science and engineering students,
it did in a limited sense cover one science topic about medicine. e rst three
reading passages were paired with ve multiple-choice reading comprehension
questions each, and a fourth reading of 10 true/false questions. e maximum
score on the test was 25 points, and the time given to each group to complete
the test was 60 minutes. e students were not allowed to leave early if they
nished the test within the 60-minute window. It should be noted that this test
underwent no reliability testing and was used primarily for the two reasons stated
above. Future research should employ standardized reading comprehension tests
that are more commonly recognized in the educational community.
is study was conducted in week 10 of a 15-week course in a private Japanese
university. e control group (n = 31) and test group (n = 33) were both given
the same reading comprehension test. For the control group, the instruction was
to take the test normally. For the test group, in addition to taking the test and
checking their answers, they were required to show their thought processes by
connecting key words in the questions to the area in the reading passage where
they thought the answers were located. Out of four sets of reading comprehension
and questions, participants in the test group were required to show their thought
process on at least one. Students were not directed in how to show their thought
processes, but were encouraged to draw lines to utilize the making connections
strategy (Figure 1), as was practiced in the training sessions. Some participants in
the test group only showed where they found the answers by indicating the point
in the passage with a number that corresponded to the number of the question,
but this did demonstrate that they were making connections between the
questions and the locations of the answers in the text. All of the participants in
this study were required to answer all the questions to avoid articially lowering
the group’s mean score.
Figure 1. Example of drawing lines to utilize the making connections strategy.
e Eects of Metacognition, OnCUE Journal, 9(4), pages 329-343
Data Analysis
An unpaired t-test was employed to analyze the two sets of test scores. A
statistical representation of the analyzed data is given in Table 1. Table 1
comprises of data that addresses the question— Is there any signicant dierence
in reading comprehension test scores between learners who are required to engage in
metacognition by showing their reading comprehension strategies and those who are
As the data shows (Table 1), the test group displays a mean of 13.39 points
with a standard deviation of 1.97, and the control group displays a mean of
11.48 points with a standard deviation of 1.86. is data suggests that the two
groups diered signicantly in their average and mean test scores (t = 3.9855; p
= 0.0002).
In previous reading quizzes, the dierence between two groups’ scores was not
statistically signicant (t = 1.7059; p = .2301) (Table 2), which is particularly
Table 1
Final Test Data Analysis
Mean SD n
Control Group 11.48 1.86 31
Test Group 13.39 1.97 33
p = 0.0002 d = 1.0
Table 2
Control vs. Test Score Comparison
Control Mean Test Mean
Quiz 1 10.40 10.64
Quiz 2 11.04 11.10
Study Test 11.48 13.39
noteworthy when comparing them to the scores in this study. It bears noting that
the students in the test group were only required to show their metacognitive
processes on one of the four test items. Only one reading passage was required
due to time restraints of the reading comprehension test. Future experiments
could investigate the eect of requiring the students to show their metacognitive
processes on every test item.
As the results indicate (Table 1), the required metacognitive processes while
participants actively employing reading comprehension strategies resulted in
better overall scores. e t-test value of 3.9855 and standard error of dierence
of 0.479 are very promising for future studies. e p-value of 0.0002 is also
very exciting in that it shows a strong statistical signicance, even with such a
small sample size (n=64). e scores reect the direct and positive inuence
of engaging in metacognitive processes during reading comprehension strategy
implementation. In order to gauge the eect size of this study, a Cohen’s d was
determined (Table 1). e d value of 1.0 shows a very large eect size. e
combination of the large eect size and the high statistical signicance is exciting
in that it suggests this study could easily be scaled up to larger numbers with
similar results as those found in this action research.
e ability to increase the likelihood of nding correct answers on a reading
comprehension test by requiring metacognitive activity during the test makes
this study interesting. By requiring proof of reading strategies during the taking
of the test, scores increased signicantly. is also supports previous work on
metacognition and education where a positive impact was observed when
introducing metacognition to a class (Cubukcku, 2008). e hypothesis put
forth is supported but will need future studies to replicate the ndings. e
correlation between showing the participants’ strategy application on one part
of a four-part test also begs the question of what would happen if they were
required to show this implementation on all parts of a test. It is the belief of
this author that the dierence between the control group and test group would
widen even further.
e Eects of Metacognition, OnCUE Journal, 9(4), pages 329-343
Pedagogical Implications
As the data suggests, having students show their work on a test resulted in better
scores on reading comprehension tests. is pilot study suggests that requiring
the students to actively participate in thinking about implementation of reading
strategies, as well as showing proof of these thought processes, may be eective in
helping to improve test scores. It is interesting to note that in subsequent lessons
this author observed students in the test group continue to show their work,
albeit at a reduced rate, aer the study.
Metacognition has the potential to oer a wide range of benets for students.
One outcome an educator might expect would be better self-monitoring of
learning behavior in students and ease of strategy implementation when needed
on tests such as TOEIC. Metacognition also inuences other learning skills and
dispositions by aiding in planning, monitoring, and regulation of a student’s
cognitive processes which are relevant to both deductive and inductive thinking,
as well as critical thinking (Dimmitt & McCormick, 2012; Pintrich, 2002). In
regards to this author’s students, metacognition can provide benets past the
classroom. Science and engineering elds require a great deal of critical thinking.
Metacognition and the associated skills and dispositions not only help to pass a
reading comprehension test, but those same cognitive processes will help them
in their future endeavors. It has been shown in this action research that students
can benet from top-down instruction of skills and strategies, but it is perhaps
more important that the students are expected to use metacognitive processes to
fully utilize what they have learned.
Future Research
is study must be replicated using a larger pool of participants from a greater
range of skills. is author hopes to include other teachers and classrooms
in similar studies in the near future. Larger sample sizes and expanding the
requirement of showing the implementation of strategies to the entire test should
result in more denitive data that this style of metacognition has a positive
impact on scores. Standardization of the reading comprehension test and using
more sophisticated methods of data analysis would also benet the collection
of data. As previously mentioned, students in the test group continued to show
their work in later quizzes, which is another avenue of study that needs to be
explored. e question of lasting benets of any method is incredibly important
for teachers and students alike. Further research into metacognition with other
styles of cognitive processes, such as Cubukcu (2008) examined, would be
Ultimately, the best strategies for students are the ones that are actually employed
when needed. Giving students every possible way to do better in their lives, be
it on a TOEIC test or in their future jobs, is essential. By giving students the
opportunity to engage in metacognitive processes of “thinking about their
thinking” or actively thinking about what they know, teachers help them to build
skills that will stay with them beyond the walls of the classroom.
I would like to thank Simeon Flowers for his assistance in determining the
statistics for data contained in this paper.
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Author bio
James Dunn is a full time teacher at Tokai University. His research interests are in
Cognitive Linguistics and Critical inking skills. His educational goal is to help
students understand that they are capable of more than they might expect om
Received: February 4, 2015
Accepted: December 18, 2015
... In an article published in Japan Today (Kuchikomi, 2010), it is suggested that this "dumbing down" of education in Japan has two negative effects on Japanese youth: first, it fosters a lack of critical thinking in Japanese students which could dissuade students from thinking more deeply in English; and second, rote memorization does nothing to help students master new, lasting language skills in areas such as vocabulary learning. This paper builds upon previous insights into metacognition in language learning (Dunn, 2016a) and proposes a theoretical vocabulary learning activity to help students learn vocabulary with both depth and breadth, as well as encourage students to expand their social awareness skills through sharing experiences in a directed manner utilizing critical thinking skills (Dunn, 2016b). The methodology presented also utilizes the brain's network of interconnected meanings, known as semantic networks, to help build a richer understanding of a new word. ...
... While affording students with depth and breadth of knowledge, developing contextual clues skills within a framework of explicit instruction can help students to build their higher-order thinking skills, while also freeing them from relying on a dictionary during testing and daily life. This combination of depth and breadth of vocabulary knowledge and well developed higher-order thinking skills have proven to be a strong indicator of standardized test performance gains (Dunn, 2016a) on tests like the TOEIC and standardized reading tests. The background cognitive processes involved are numerous but do require some clarification for the purposes of this paper. ...
... Emotionally charged learning where students are required to share their life experiences has also recently started to show itself to be a powerful tool in the language teacher's repertoire (Christianson, 2014;Dirkx, 2001;Dunn, 2016a;Imai, 2010;Pekrun, 2014). By having students share information about themselves, in the context of utilizing a newly acquired vocabulary item, emotional thematic connections are mapped in the brain and thus the learning is more likely to be retained. ...
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In some ESL/EFL classrooms, especially in Japan, vocabulary learning's focus is still on rote memorization for test taking. There has been little movement in the direction of a style of vocabulary learning that both increases the depth and breadth of understanding of a vocabulary item and provides an opportunity for meaningful practice that can promote thinking skills and social awareness. Cognitive Linguistics, the intersection of neuro-science and linguistics, gives some insight and clarity as to how vocabulary information is stored in the brain. This paper details a theoretical vocabulary learning methodology, based in Cognitive Linguistic theory, that allows for higher-order thinking skills development, integration and improvisation of vocabulary items into existing schema, and expansion of social awareness skills. This method provides students with a systematized manner of finding the contextual meaning of difficult words using a higher-order thinking skills methodology. It also provides self-study techniques to integrate the newly learned words into existing semantic networks with thematic clustering. Finally, students share their life experiences connected to the newly learned word with their peers while focusing on metacognitive thinking to strengthen the its connection to existing semantic networks in the brain. This method is also designed to allow students to critically analyze the information shared to them to expand their awareness of students' personal histories and give the student a chance to better understand the life experiences that make their partner who they are. This paper will also share avenues for vocabulary expansion, as well as special considerations of the method detailed within.
... This means metacognition involves understanding of Metacognitive knowledge, which is also known as metacognitive awareness (Pintrich et al., 2000, p. 45), and the ability to regulate the knowledge, that is, when, where and how to use that knowledge. Nonetheless, Metacognitive knowledge is categorized into declarative, procedural and conditional Knowledge (Brown, 1987;Dunn, 2017;Garner, 1987;Jacobs & Paris, 1987;Paris et al., 1983;Schraw & Moshman, 1995;Soto et al., 2019). However, Flavell (1979) confers metacognitive knowledge into: person, task, and strategy. ...
... Metacognitive knowledge is broken down into declarative, procedural, and conditional knowledge (Brown, 1987;Dunn, 2017;Garner, 1987;Jacobs & Paris, 1987;Paris et al., 1983;Schraw & Moshman, 1995;Soto et al., 2019). Harris et al. (2010) state that the effective use and coordination of all these three facets of metacognitive knowledge ensures academic development and performance. ...
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Previous studies related to metacognition and reading have extensively investigated metacognitive awareness of reading/reading strategies of students at a particular point in time and/or relation between metacognitive awareness and reading ability. However, research illustrating the changes in students’ awareness and use of the reading strategies over a period of time is strikingly absent from the literature. The present study was designed to explore qualitatively the impact of the metacognitive reading strategy instruction on students’ awareness and use of the reading strategies introduced over a period of time in university level ESL classrooms in Pakistan. It also offers a view of the students’ experience of such instruction. The study comprised of two action research cycles spanned over 4 months each. Eight undergraduate university students were selected as the participants of the study. Data collection instrument included interviews, think aloud protocols, learner diaries, end of class feedback, note-taking, researcher journal, and Survey of Reading Strategies (SORS) questionnaire. The findings revealed that metacognitive reading strategy instruction not only raised metacognitive awareness of the introduced reading strategies in students in a “real” classroom setting but also made them use the knowledge they gained during the study. Implications of the study are discussed.
... Students are also required to make connections, with pen and paper, between the questions and a reading passage, which helps to reduce the amount of errors made while taking a test. Something as simple as showing their implementation thought processes during a test can make a marked difference in a student's performance on a reading comprehension test (Dunn, 2014). These and others skills such as recalling information in a reading passage when answering a question, implementing communicative, or test taking, strategies in the correct context, categorizing adjectives into proper sentence structures, and inferring information from contextual infor- mation are activities that can prove useful beyond the original context they are taught in. ...
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As the debate between Atkinson and Kubota rages on, what does classroom experience tell us of critical thinking in the Japanese EFL context? This paper will attempt to express one teacher's experiences trying to impart critical and independent thinking skills to groups of university students in Japan. Cultural barriers are inspected for authenticity and other avenues of critical thinking impairment are offered. Some critical thinking activities are introduced for the EFL classroom to encourage critical thinking. Individual students, not cultural norms, are going to be the ones who can make the largest difference in critical thinking ability.
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This research aimed to figure out the strategies used by the English teachers in teaching reading and how they applied the strategies. This research was designed as descriptive qualitative research. The research was conducted at Junior High School 09 Bengkulu City. Participants of the research were two English teachers who teach in second grade of that school. Each English teacher had eigh meetings that observed by the researcher. The instruments of the research were strategies checklist and interview. The instruments were used to figure out the strategies used and how the English teachers applied the strategies in teaching reading comprehension. The result of the data were analyzed and broken down into three stages; they were Data Reduction, Data Display, and Drawing Conclusion or Interpretation. The result showed that the teacher one used several strategies in teaching reading comprehension. The strategies were brainstorming, reading aloud, and asking for specific information. While the teacher two used nine strategies. They were encouraging the use of dictionaries, reading aloud, reread for checking comprehension, evaluating comprehension in particular tasks, and asking questions for specific information. Both teachers applied and combined the strategies divided into three stages of teaching reading comprehension. The stages were pre-reading stage, while reading stage, and post reading stage. The strategies applied were very effective in teaching reading comprehension in that school. It was proven by the students’ motivation, students’ attention, and teachers’ ease in teaching and learning process. Keywords: Reading Comprehension and Teachers’ Strategies.
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As learners have an important role in new teaching methodologies, raising their awareness of learning strategies and helping them utilize these strategies is a crucial aim of teachers. One type of these learning strategies is metacognitive strategies including planning, self-monitoring and selfevaluation. The present study aimed at examining the effect of metacognitive (planning & self-monitoring) strategy instruction on EFL learners' reading comprehension performance (on authentic and inauthentic texts) and their metacognitive awareness. To this end, two tests (TOEFL and a reading comprehension test) and Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) were administered to 93 male and female EFL learners in four phases of this study. At the first phase, TOEFL was administered to all the students both to homogenize students regarding language proficiency and to validate the reading comprehension test. At the second phase, SILL was administered to two experimental and one control groups before strategy instruction. SILL assesses the frequency with which the subjects use a variety of techniques for foreign language learning. At the third phase, two experimental groups received five sessions of instruction on metacognitive strategies, one on planning and the other on self-monitoring strategy based on the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA). Both experimental and control groups worked on authentic and inauthentic texts (some articles from Readers' Digest and Reading Skillfully III). At the fourth phase, after completion of instruction, the reading comprehension test and SILL questionnaire were administered to all groups. Data analysis revealed that two experimental groups which received instruction on 'planning' and 'selfmonitoring' outperformed the control group on the reading comprehension test. Moreover, text type played an important role in the subjects' reading comprehension. The subjects performed better on authentic texts. In addition, the results showed that experimental groups' awareness to metacognitive strategies significantly increased after instruction. The findings of the present study have implications for learners, teachers, and textbook writers in the realm of TEFL in particular and education in general.
This study investigated the effectiveness of improving the reading comprehension of sixth‐grade social studies students through the use of metacognitive strategies. The control and experimental groups for this field based study consisted of 152 white and Hispanic, lower‐middle‐class students from an elementary school in rural, southeastern Arizona. Teachers were trained in the instruction of five metacognitive strategies which they implemented in their classrooms for 12 weeks. Cloze and error detection tests were designed and administered as pre and posttests to determine improvement in reading comprehension of the control and experimental groups. The results indicate students who are instructed in the use of metacognitive strategies increase their reading comprehension more than students who do not receive such instruction. The findings also suggest support for training classroom teachers to provide instruction in metacognitive skills.
Recent research in second language reading has focused on metacognition, literally, cognition of cognition. These studies investigate metacognitive awareness of reading strategies and the relationships among perception of strategies, strategy use, and reading comprehension.Strategy research suggests that less competent learners may improve their skills through training in strategies evidenced by more successful learners. Relatively little research on metacognitive strategy training has been done in a second language context or, more specifically, in second language reading.This article reports a study of metacognitive strategy training for reading in ESL. Strategy training was provided to experimental groups. Control groups received no strategy training, but participated in pre-and posttesting. Several research questions are addressed: “Does metacognitive strategy training enhance L2 reading?” If so, “Does one type of strategy training facilitate L2 reading better than another?” “How is the effectiveness of metacognitive strategy training related to the learning styles of the students?” Results show that metacognitive strategy training is effective in enhancing second language reading, and that the effectiveness of one type of training versus another may depend upon the way reading is measured. Further, our results show that the effectiveness of the training is related to differences in the learning styles of the students.
This article presents a study of the teacher trainees in an English department who have received instruction in metacognitive awareness for reading comprehension. Metacognition or 'thinking about thinking' involves the awareness and regulation of thinking processes. Metacognitive strategies are those strategies which require students to think about their own thinking as they engage in academic tasks. Within this study, students have been taught metacognitive strategies for reading in a five week program they have joined voluntarily. The students have used reading logs to reflect on their own thinking processes as they have been engaged in reading tasks. The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of systematic direct instruction of multiple metacognitive strategies designed to assist students in comprehending text. Specifically, the reading comprehension and vocabulary achievement of 130 third year university students has been investigated to determine whether instruction incorporating metacognitive strategies has led to an increase in the reading comprehension of expository texts. In addition, the investigation is also designed to determine the impact of the metacognitive strategies on vocabulary.