... These properties are expressed in the form of relations among software inputs and outputs, formally known as metamorphic relations (MRs). Since its first publications in 1998 [4], [5], MT has been repeatedly found to be effective at alleviating the oracle problem in software testing across many different application domains and platforms, including biomedical applications [6], [7], [8], web services [9], [10], embedded systems [11], [12], component-based software [13], compilers [14], [15], [16], machine learning classifiers [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], online search engines [22], [23], [24], image processing [25], artificial intelligence (AI) systems [26], and autonomous car systems [27], [28], [29]. Although MT has demonstrated success in alleviating the oracle problem, its application consumes additional testing resources because it involves multiple program executions. ...