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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Indonesian fish consumption: an analysis of dynamic panel regression
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4th International Conference on Tropical and Coastal Region Eco Development
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 246 (2019) 012005
IOP Publishing
Indonesian fish consumption: an analysis of dynamic panel
regression model
Firmans yah1, Shanty Oktavilia1,2*, Ryan Prayogi 1, Rus li Abdulah3
1Department of Economics, Diponegoro University, Jl. P rof Sudharto SH, Tembalang,
Semarang, Central Java P rovince, Indonesia
2Fac ulty of Economics, Se marang State University Jl. Se karan, Gunung Pati, Semarang,
Central Java Province, Indonesia
3Institute for Development of Economics and Finance , Jl. Batu Merah No.45, Pejaten
Timur, Jakarta, Indonesia
Corresponding author: oktavilia @ ma il. un nes.a c . id
Abstract. The level of Indonesian fish consumption is relatively lower than other countries in
Southeast Asian countries and Asia as a whole, while Indonesia is a large fish producing country
which is one of the archipelagic countries with the longest coastline in the world. The research
employs the panel co-integration analysis and panel-based Error Correction Models (ECM) to
examine the short and long-term relationship of 31-province incomes and fish prices toward fishery
consumption in Indonesia along 2010 2015. The res earch fin ds t ha t fish price and income
statistically s ignificant affect fish consumption in short and long -term, except the income in the short-
term model. Price and income elas ticity for fish cons umption is inelastic in the short and the long-
term in Indonesia.
1. Introduction
Indonesia has a highest fisheries production in Southeast Asian. In 2011, the produc tion of Indonesian fish
was rec orded a t 13.6 million tons; w hich is supe r ior compare d to othe r Southe a st Asia n countries such as
Vietnam (5.15 million tons ), Myanma r (2. 98 million tons ), the P hillipine s (2. 93 million tons ), Tha iland ( 2. 6
million tons ) a nd Ma la ysia 1.6 million tons. H ow e ver, the high of th e leve ls of fish pr oduction does not
indicate the levels of consumption. Based on 2011 data, it shows that the Indonesia’s fish consumption is
32.25 kg/capita/year, and 2017 fish consumption is 47.34 kg / capita. Compared to other countries in 2011,
the fish consumption of Indonesia is lower than Malaysia (58.1 kg/ca pita/year), Myanmar (55
kg/c a pita /ye a r), Viet na m ( 33.2 kg/capita/year) and the Phillipine s (32. 7 kg/ca pita / ye a r ) [1] [2].
Now, an intensive progra m called Gemarikan is implemented. The Gemarikan is a government
progra m to incre ase the community fish consumption. The program aims to improve the protein
consumption de rived from fish which relevant with the government's policies to improve the quality of life
of Indone sian pe ople, outright increasing the e conomic of marine a nd fisheries. Based on Ministry of Marine
Affairs and Fishe ries Republic of Indonesia data, the re are 9.9 million tons of po tentia l f is h r e sourc e s a nd
83.6 million hec t a res of cultivation potenc y t ha t a re expe c ted to improve e mployme nt , a nd incr e a se the
ava ila bilit y and c onsumption of fish prote in f or the c ommunity. T he incre a s e of fis herie s industr y a c tivity
by inves tme nt incr e a se will attrac t production inputs such as fuel-produc ing, trade of boats and fishe ry
4th International Conference on Tropical and Coastal Region Eco Development
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 246 (2019) 012005
IOP Publishing
equipment, and also promote the other industries which use fishery output as its inputs, suc h as t he fish
preservation industry [3].
In economics, the main dete rminant of the consumption of goods is the price of goods, which have a
negative re lationship betwee n the two. A rise in the price leads to a decrea se in the quantity consumed, and
vice versa. The other dete rminant was the consumer income, which has the positive relationship to the
quantity consumed. An increase in income lead to a rise in quantity consumed, vice versa [4]. The
percentage cha nge of quantity consumed is affe cted by the percentage change of the independe nt variables
is called the elasticity. The elasticity of the price of fish is the ratio of the percentage change in fish quantity
consumed to the percentage change in price of fish. Whereas the income elasticity of consumption is the
ratio of percenta ge c hange s in quantity of fish consumed for the percentage cha nges in income.
Indonesian people’s c onsumptions of fish are dominated by the consumption of fresh fish. According to
Virgantari [5], the elasticity value of the fresh fish is inelastic in price or income. Dey [6] finds that the
demand of fish in Asia showing that the elasticity of estimated price a nd income of all fish types a re more
elastic in group of the poorer households. Omezzine [7] examines the elasticity of the demand of fre sh fish
in Oman, an Arabian Gulf country, and finds that the income and price elasticity of the fre sh fish are small
but pos itive , w hic h indicat ing that t he de mand of fis h will c ontinue t o increas e w ith the gr owing of
incomes, a driving force for market development a nd marketing efficienc y. It is sta ted that in the long run,
the fish consumption pe r c a pit a will be sta ble but its compos ition w ould s hift towards high va lue -adde d
products, which then are a profitable market segment for the Oman fish business. Ze raatkish, et al. [8] finds
that the importe d fishery products a re elastic to import prices. Can [9] indicates that the elasticity of fish
price and de mand is low, which are caused by the existing traditional eating habits. According to the
discussion above, this study aims to analyze the effect of fish price s and per capita income on fish
consumption in Indonesia in the long and short term.
2. Research Methods
This research e mploys panel co-integration and panel-based Error Correction Models (ECM) to examines
the short and long-term relationship of 31-province income and fish price toward fishery consumption in
Indonesia along 2010–2015 [12] [13] [14]. The econometric model for the relationship of the variables as
follow s:
_ =
 +
 +
 (1)
where the β0 is constant; β1, β2 are the regression coefficients and ε is the error terms, the subscript t and i
denote the time series and the c ross se ction indicator. LnFISH_ CONSUMPTION is the growth of fish
consumption (in percent), LnFISHPRICE is the growth of fish price (in percent) and LnINCOME is the
growth of income(in percent).
This study a pplied Engle-Granger (EG) procedure of Error Correction Model (ECM) to analyses the
dynamics of the short-run e ffect of economic growth on fish consumption, where the long-run re lationships
can be performed by estimating the regression of all co-integrated equations [9]. The c o-integration of the
tw o (or mor e ) time se r ies va riable s indicate s there is a long -run nexus or e quilibrium be tween the variables,
then the shor t-r un dis e quilibr ium rela t ionship betw e e n depe nde nt and independent va riable s can be
EG test is conducted to test the cointegration of the residual , using the Dicky-Fuller (DF) stationary
test [10] [11]:
ut = Ω1 + vt (2)
Following the stationarity and cointegration test, the short-term equation is run with the regre ssion model
as follow s:
∆_ =
∆ +
∆ +
 +
 (3)
4th International Conference on Tropical and Coastal Region Eco Development
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 246 (2019) 012005
IOP Publishing
In the equation of the short-term model  as an Error Correction Term.
3. Re sult and Discussion
The consumption of fish data collected from Statistics Indone sia [ 3], and include c onsumption of household
(fresh/wet fish and shrimp, preserved fish and shrimp, processed food and spices), consumption outside the
household (consumption in restaurants, restaurants, hotels, prisons, houses sickness, and school), and
consumption of processed fish such a s fish meatballs, nuggets, ‘somay’, ‘pempek’, fish c rackers, and others.
From data on consumer prefere nce s for fishery products consumed in 2017, fresh fish is the most
desirable part (76 percent). The other largest portion of consumption is fish and processed food (19 percent)
and salted fish by 15 percent. Based on the Indonesian Ministry of Ma ritime Affairs and Fisheries, the types
of fish most consumed by Indonesians per year (2010-2017) are Catalans a nd Tuna Fish (16.45 percent) and
processed fish and fish such as meatballs, sausages, nuggets a nd others (9.02 percent). Then followed by
groups of catfish, catfish, and cork (7.92 percent), mackerel (6.65 perc ent), Milkfish (5. 43 percent), Tilapia
(5.26 perc ent), Shrimp and Calamari (3.87 percent), Anchovy (3.36 percent), sa lted fish group (2 percent),
and salted mackerel (1.36 percent) [2].
This study applies a dynamic model of Error Correction Model (ECM) with Fix Effect Model (FEM).
The dynamic model of ECM is use d to balanc e e conomic relations. The results of the long-term empirical
model are as follows:
LnFISHCONSUMPTION= 0.342124807326 - 0.1018*LnFISHPRICE + 0.1320*LnINCONME (4)
The results of the short-term model equation, after cointegration tests are as follows:
LnFISHCONSUMPTION= 0.0631 - 0.0622*LnFISHPRICE + 0.1604*LnINCONME – 0.1044ECT (5)
Table 1. Estimation result
Short -term
Notes: *) significant at 5%
Table 1 displays the short and long-term estimation results. It shows the same direction of independe nt
variables to de pende nt. The price of fish ha s a negative effect and people's income has a positive effect
towa rds fish consumption. All indepe ndent variables in all models are statistically significant affect the fish
consumption, except the income at the 5 percent significance level in the short-term. The short-term fish
pr ic e coef f icient indicate s tha t a fish pr ic e incre a s e of 1 pe rcent the n f ish cons umption w ill de c rease by
0.062 percent in the short-term.
T he long-t e rm c oe f ficient indic a t es that 1 pe rcent inc rease by fish pr ic e s will de c rease f ish consumption
by 0.102 percent. The effect of income on fish consumption is significantly positive at 5 percent level of
significant. The coefficient value is 0.132 indicates that the increase of income by 1 percent leads to increase
the fish consumption by 0.132 percent.
Overall results of the study indicate the consistency in the relationship betwee n the ef fect of income and
fish prices for fish consumption in Indonesia. The negatively effect of fish price towa rd fish consumption,
and the percentage effect of fish prices is very small or inelastic. The changes of price of fish leads small
changes in fish consumption. In fa ct, the society de pende nce on animal protein source and plant-based food
4th International Conference on Tropical and Coastal Region Eco Development
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 246 (2019) 012005
IOP Publishing
sources is also large. The income variable, in both models shows consistency in the direction of the
relationship, but only in the long-term model that shows a positive and significant relationship.
4. Conclussion
Price and income elasticity of the consumption of fish in Indonesia is inelastic for the short and long-term.
Fish price and income are statistically significant affect the fish consumption in sort and long-term, except
the income in the short-term, in a ll province a long 2010-2015. Fish price stabilit y import a nt to be ma inta ined
by the government. In addition, it suggest that for the future researc h on fish production and consumption
betwee n regions.
Government policies, which are direc ted to improve the f ish consumption, inc lude: (1) P rovision of
quality fishery products through guidance and certification of Fish Processing Units; (2) Implementation of
Gema rika n’ massively, es pecially in provinces w here fis h cons umpt ion is still low; (3) C oope rating w ith
local governments, fostering culinary centers and hygienic fish marke ts; (4) Deve lopment of the modern
fish market in big cities to bring fish products closer to consumers; (5) Maintaining the availability of fis h
products tha t have quality and hygienic standards.
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... Fish consumption in Indonesia tends to be low compared with that of other countries in Southeast Asia, even though fish production in Indonesia is higher than that of other countries. Based on a report from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia in 2022, people's consumption of fish was around 56.48 kg per capita per year, although this figure had increased from the previous 55.16 kg per capita per year in 2021 [16]. ...
... These results provide an assessment of the contribution of omega-3 LCPUFAs to preterm birth, concerning dosage, timing of supplementation, omega-3, and examination of the relative DHA and EPA balance. These findings are similar to those of previous studies [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. Moreover, mothers with omega-3 supplementation containing DHA and EPA have a longer gestational age and their babies have a greater birth weight compared with control groups [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. ...
... These findings are similar to those of previous studies [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. Moreover, mothers with omega-3 supplementation containing DHA and EPA have a longer gestational age and their babies have a greater birth weight compared with control groups [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. Fatty acids are thought to play a role in the mechanism of preterm birth [24,31]. ...
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Background Preterm birth is one of the main causes of neonatal death worldwide. One strategy focused on preventing preterm birth is the administration of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) during pregnancy. Omega-3 LCPUFAs, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are essential in metabolic and physiological processes during embryonic and fetal development. This study aimed to compare DHA and EPA levels in 44 women with preterm births and 44 women with term births at a tertiary hospital in West Java Province, Indonesia, between November 2022 and March 2023. Material/Methods A total of 88 patients in this study consisted of 44 patients with term births (≥37 gestational weeks) and 44 patients with preterm births (<37 gestational weeks) at a tertiary hospital in West Java Province, Indonesia. This observational, cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2022 to March 2023. Using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test, maternal DHA and EPA levels were investigated. IBM SPSS 24.0 was used to statistically measure outcomes. Results Average maternal DHA and EPA levels in patients with preterm births were significantly lower than those in term births. Preterm labor risk was further increased by DHA levels of ≤5.70 μg/mL (OR=441.00, P=0.000) and EPA levels ≤3971.54 μg/mL (OR=441.00, P=0.000). Conclusions Since the average maternal DHA and EPA levels were significantly lower in patients with preterm births, adequate intake of omega-3 LCPUFA in early pregnancy and consistency with existing nutritional guidelines was associated with a lower risk of preterm delivery for pregnant women.
... Selain itu ikan juga merupakan protein hewani yang lebih murah dan lebih mudah didapat terutama di negara tropis (Mohanty et al., 2019). Namun di Indonesia, tingkat konsumsi akan ikan masih lebih rendah dibandingkan negara asia tenggara lainnya (Firmansyah et al., 2019). Menurut Thorsdottir et al., (2012), tingkat konsumsi ikan dipengaruhi oleh keterampikan cara mengolah dan memasak ikan. ...
... Ikan merupakan salah satu makanan yang bernilai gizi tinggi yang sebagian besar kandungannya merupakan asam lemak tidak jenuh serta memiliki peran penting bagi metabolism tubuh manusia (Tilami & Sampels 2017). Namun tingkat konsumsi ikan di Indonesia masih relatif rendah jika dibandingkan dengan potensi sumber perikanan yang ada (Djunaidah 2017, Firmansyah et al., 2019. Untuk meningkatkan konsumsi ikan banyak kegiatan dilakukan di seperti kegiatan gemar makan ikan (Gemarikan) yang terdapat dalam Intruksi Presiden RI tahun 2017 (Inpres 2017). ...
... 47 The research data revealed that the majority of respondents were already aware of the benefits of consuming fish. This is also supported by another study., 48 conducted in 2017, which indicated that 76% of Indonesians consume fresh fish. This can be attributed to the abundant fish resources in Indonesia and the public's knowledge that fish is a good source of essential nutrients for overall health, including dental health. ...
... This can be attributed to the abundant fish resources in Indonesia and the public's knowledge that fish is a good source of essential nutrients for overall health, including dental health. 48 More than 55% of the respondents had reduced their consumption of red meat and processed meat. Excessive consumption of red meat can have negative health effects as it is a source of animal protein that contains relatively high cholesterol. ...
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Introduction: The governments globally, including in Indonesia, aimed to return to pre-pandemic conditions via widespread vaccination. Indonesia mandated full and booster doses. The pandemic had impacted oral health, leading to increased stress and difficulties in oral cavity checks. This study investigated the link between dental/oral health and confidence in Medan City post-COVID-19 booster vaccination. Methods: The study was a descriptive correlational research on oral health's connection to confidence among Medan City residents who had received a COVID-19 vaccine booster. It employed non-probability sampling with convenience samples. The respondents were individuals who completed an online Google Form questionnaire. The research took place from May to June 2023, and the relationship between dental/oral health and confidence was analyzed using the Spearman correlation test. Results: The gathered data that met the population criteria consisted of 460 individuals. 412 (89.6%) individuals were categorized as having good oral health, while 448 (97%) were categorized as having good self-confidence. There was a positive and moderate correlation between oral health and self-confidence in the people of Medan City after receiving the COVID-19 booster vaccine, with a Spearman correlation coefficient of p=0.363. There was a positive correlation between oral health and self-confidence in the people of Medan city after receiving the COVID-19 booster vaccine. Conclusion: The relationship between oral health and confidence in health of Medan City residents after the COVID-19 booster vaccination based on this study was a positive correlation with moderate strength.KEY WORDS: dental health, community, confidence, post vaccination, COVID-19, booster.Hubungan kesehatan gigi dan mulut dengan kepercayaan diri masyarakat kota medan pasca vaksin COVID-19 taraf booster: studi deskriptifABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Pemerintah secara global, termasuk di Indonesia, bertujuan untuk kembali ke kondisi sebelum pandemi melalui vaksinasi massal. Indonesia mewajibkan dosis penuh dan dosis penguat. Pandemi telah berdampak pada kesehatan gigi dan mulut, meningkatkan stres dan kesulitan dalam pemeriksaan rongga mulut. Studi ini menyelidiki hubungan antara kesehatan gigi/mulut dan kepercayaan diri masyarakat di Kota Medan setelah vaksinasi penguat COVID-19. Metode: Studi ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif korelasional tentang hubungan antara kesehatan gigi dan mulut dengan rasa percaya diri di antara penduduk kota Medan yang telah menerima vaksin booster COVID-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sampling non-probabilitas dan convenience. Responden penelitian adalah individu yang telah menyelesaikan kuesioner Formulir Google secara daring. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari Mei hingga Juni 2023. Hubungan antara kesehatan gigi/mulut dan rasa percaya diri dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil: Data yang terkumpul yang memenuhi kriteria terdiri dari 460 individu. Sejumlah 412 (89,6%) individu dikategorikan memiliki kesehatan gigi yang baik, sedangkan 448 (97%) dikategorikan memiliki kepercayaan diri yang baik. Terdapat korelasi positif dan sedang antara kesehatan gigi dan kepercayaan diri di masyarakat Kota Medan setelah menerima vaksin booster COVID-19, dengan koefisien korelasi Spearman p=0,363. Terdapat korelasi positif antara kesehatan gigi dan kepercayaan diri di masyarakat Kota Medan setelah menerima vaksin booster COVID-19. Simpulan: Hubungan antara kesehatan gigi dan kepercayaan diri penduduk Kota Medan setelah menerima vaksin booster COVID-19 memiliki korelasi positif dengan kekuatan sedang. KATA KUNCI: kesehatan gigi, masyarakat, kepercayaan diri, pasca vaksin, COVID-19, booster.
... The EDI of the HMs was calculated using the following Eq. (8): where the body weight and consumption rate were set at 61.4 kg and 130 g/d/individual, respectively, for Indonesian adults (Firmansyah et al., 2019;NCD-RisC, 2020). ...
... The THQ was determined using the following Eq. (9): where EF is the exposure frequency (156 days per year, assuming three fish meals per week), ED is the period of exposure (70 years, assuming a lifetime of 70 years), FIR is the food ingestion rate (130 g/d/person for Indonesian adults (Firmansyah et al., 2019)), C represents the HM content in fish muscles (µg/g wet weight), WAB represents the mean weight (NCD-RisC 2020), and TA is the mean period of exposure to noncarcinogens (365 days/year × ED). The RfD represents the reference dose of the individual HMs, and the values of RfD for Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn were 0.5; 4.0; 40; and 300 g/kg/day, respectively (DeForest et al., 2007). ...
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The sustainability of the Rawa Jombor Reservoir (RJR) in Indonesia is threatened by microplastic (MP) pollution. This issue requires critical investigation owing to possible detrimental consequences in humans, especially due to the growing concern regarding the adsorption of hazardous compounds by MPs. This study investigated the accumulation and characteristics of MPs in aquatic fauna (zooplankton, benthos, and fish), water samples, and sediments of the RJR, determined their interactions with heavy metals (HMs) (Cd, Cu, Zn, and Pb), and assessed their potential risk. The MPs extracted from aquatic fauna were characterized by stereomicroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscope energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM–EDS), and flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS). Their potential risk was assessed from the polymer hazard index (PHI), pollution load index (PLI), potential ecological risk index (PERI), estimated daily intake (EDI), target hazard quotient (THQ), total target hazard quotient (TTHQ), and target cancer risk (TR). MP concentrations were highest in the water near the main inlet (S1) and floating restaurant (S5), and the sediments near the densely populated water hyacinth area (S2). The pattern of MP accumulation in aquatic fauna, except the benthos, was similar to that of the MP concentrations in water. The MPs adsorbed high concentrations of HMs on their surface. MP concentrations in aquatic fauna increased through the food chains, indicating possible biomagnification. The fishes were safe for consumption, but their long-term consumption may induce cancer, primarily due to Cd. Therefore, the management of plastic waste by involving all stakeholders is crucial for mitigating this issue.
... Indonesia, which has cultural heterogeneity (Pangaribowo et al. 2019), makes stingrays one of the popular culinary delights and is considered common so that the availability of fish in the market is considered a normal item (Arthatiani et al. 2018). Additionally, the reasonable cost of fish and the huge measure of individuals' pay influence fish utilization in the short and long term (Firmansyah et al. 2019). Consumers assume a significant part in reducing food impacts to more reasonable levels through dietary changes (Lucas et al. 2021); moreover, the future direction for the fisheries sector is still uncertain (Chan et al. 2019). ...
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Nawastuti D, Darwanto DH, Mulyo JH, Suadi. 2023. Consumer perceptions of stingrays in coastal areas of Indonesia. Biodiversitas 24: 6844-6851. Stingray populations harvested for food may pose risks to food security and conservation goals. The purpose of this research is (i) to determine the type of fish product based on how consumers obtain the product, (ii) to determine the gender of consumers based on the type of product, and (iii) ii) to determine the type of fish product for consumption purposes. Primary data were collected from Google Forms and followed by interviews with selected households. The number of respondents was 125 people from Java Island, Timor Island, Sumba Island, Adonara Island, Lembata Island, Bangka Belitung Island and Flores Island. The information obtained was investigated using Chi-square analysis to understand consumer preferences for fish consumption using an adaptation of SPSS 25 programming. The results of the research show that there are two relationships, namely (i) the type of fish product has a significant relation to fishing, the way consumers fish, the fishery products they buy and (ii) consumer gender has a significant relationship with product type because male consumers find it easier to get stingrays by fishing so they are easier to consume individually, in groups, or to sell. A proper understanding of gender differences in stingray consumption can help determine the sustainability of stingray fisheries in a region because it can be known exactly who can access sustainable food. Although there are several types of stingrays that are protected, other types of stingrays should not be consumed. The results we obtained can be useful for increasing public awareness regarding the use of fish catching and its impact on the carrying capacity of fisheries in Indonesia.
... Another similar study by [10] has been conducted in Indonesia. They employed panel co-integration and panel-based Error Correction Models (ECM) to evaluate the relationship of the 31-province income and fish price toward fishery consumption in Indonesia from 2010 to 2015. ...
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The study is made to predict the amount of fish consumption in Indonesia throughout the years 1960 to current year. The amount of fish production and catches will be used as supplementary information to help validate the fish consumption rate. This study is conducted using the Go programming language to prove that even though Go is a general programming language that is rarely being used for data science, it can still be used to perform analytics and machine learning while out-performing other languages that are usually used to do data science like Python and R. There are two primary datasets that are being used in this study, them being the fish captures dataset and the fish consumption dataset. These two datasets will later be parsed and processed to a single file before being fed to the linear regression and decision tree models to achieve the objective of predicting Indonesia’s fish consumption. The Linear Regression model created from our Go Program has predicted a successful model that has a very low R² score of the predicted regression value vs the true value. Additionally using Go a Decision Tree model has also been created to further strengthen the results of our models given they agree with each other. Both models actually show very high correlation with their final predictions which is 92%. The result of this study solidifies 3 points and that is that Go is a very capable language to be used for data science, linear regression performs better than decision tree in this given scenario that is being used, and finally the fish consumption rate of Indonesia is rising at a much greater rate the world has seen in 1900s.
... Indonesia is an archipelago country and the highest fisheries producent country in South-east Asia. Indonesian consumed fish 47.34 kg/capita in 2017 and increasing every year (Firmansyah et al., 2019). Pelagic type of fish is widely obtained commercially in market at many cities especially in East Indonesia and it has high economic value for export trade including Frigate Tuna (Auxis thazard). ...
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There are two species of plant that grow flourishing all around Indonesia including in Banten and West Java which are Merremia vitifolia and Bidens pilosa. In this study we evaluate how these plants could be potentially used as natural preserver of fish product especially Auxis thazard, to inhibit the histamine formation, and to find out how this activity correlates to the substances in polar extract of B. pilosa flowers and M. vitifolia leaves. Liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were used to identify the substances of the plant's part extracts. There are 27 chemicals in M. vitifolia extract and 14 chemicals in B. pilosa extract that have been detected. A triglyceride has been detected, isolated, and characterized by FTIR, 1 H-NMR and 13 C-NMR from n-hexane extract of M. vitifolia supported by LC-MS/MS data. Histamine formation in fish was determined after 30 min treatment with 4-hydroxybenzoic acid solution is around 40-51 mg / 100 g of fish, while treatment with M. vitifolia and Bidens pilosa extracts were less than 10 mg / 100 g of fish. This is the indication of high potential of both extract as preserver of fish products. Many of the identified substances have bioactivity like antimicrobial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and more, which influence the extracts' ability to inhibit the formation of histamine in fish.
... Produksi sumber daya laut di Indonesia mencapai 13,6 juta ton, lebih tinggi dibandingkan Vietnam (5,15 juta ton), Myanmar (2,98 juta ton), Filipina (2,93 juta ton), Thailand (2,6 juta ton), dan Malaysia (1,6 juta ton). Tinggi produksi sumber daya laut yang dihasilkan Indonesia mirisnya tidak disertai dengan tingginya tingkat konsumsi sumber daya laut (Firmansyah, 2019). ...
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Improving the quality of health services has resulted in a high elderly population. The elderly are more susceptible to various degenerative diseases, including dementia. The high prevalence of dementia is a major health issue that has an impact on global socioeconomic problems. Indonesia is one of the world's largest archipelagic countries. As an archipelago-based region, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) has numerous marine resources that could be utilized as potential dementia therapies. This program aims to conduct health screenings for dementia and educate about the potential of marine resources for dementia treatment. This program consists of two phases. The first phase consists of a health screening to assess the risk of dementia. This phase includes measuring blood pressure, measuring blood sugar, and evaluating cognitive performance. The second phase consists of health education regarding the potential of marine resources. Based on dementia screening revealed that 96% of participants need additional evaluation. About 47.3% of the patients were diagnosed with hypertension, 61.1% required further confirmation for diabetes mellitus, and 5.6% were diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. Health education explains the importance of marine resources in preventing degenerative diseases, the nutritional value of marine resources, and the proper treatment of marine resources as food and medication. The community's enthusiasm for health education is high. The high interest of the people was evidenced by a large number of attendees and queries asked. The community participates actively, and the programs run as intended.
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Streams are regarded as a pathway for spreading microplastics from land to various aquatic systems. The contamination of streams connected to the Rawa Jombor Reservoir may increase microplastic concentrations in the reservoir. The water coming out of the reservoir carries microplastics that spread out into the stream networks around the reservoir. Heavy metals have a high affinity for microplastics, increasing metal burdens on the surface of microplastics. The transfer of microplastics along the food chain leads to the possibility of increased adverse effects on organisms, mainly top predators. This research evaluated the accumulation and characterization of microplastics in water, sediment, and aquatic fauna (zooplankton, benthos, and fish); interactions with heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Cd, and Zn); and health risk assessment. Microplastics were collected from six sampling locations. The density, type of polymers, and color of microplastics were analyzed, as well as heavy metal concentrations on the surface of microplastics and a health risk assessment. The results showed microplastic contamination at a moderate level. The accumulation of microplastics in aquatic fauna showed the same pattern as microplastics in the environment. Microplastic concentrations in aquatic fauna showed an increase through trophic transfer and indications of biomagnification. Heavy metals were adsorbed on the surface of microplastics in high concentrations. Based on the health risk assessment, microplastic contamination of fish at the inlet and outlet of the Rawa Jombor Reservoir is still safe, but further monitoring is needed because of the possible long-term health hazards that may arise.
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Fish consumption preferences are affected by individuals’ socioeconomic characteristics. The aims of the present paper were (i) to obtain information on fish consumption level and frequency; (ii) to investigate the associations between the socioeconomic characteristics of consumers and their preferences; and (iii) to examine the influence of determinants on fish consumption. Data were gathered through a questionnaire completed by a total of 127 randomly selected individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds from the Antakya, Turkey. The average consumption was found to be 2.98 kg/person/year for fish. Anchovies, gilt-head sea bream, and sea bass were reported as the most consumed three species, respectively. Significant differences in fish consumption were found among age groups, gender groups, and education groups, as well as between marital statuses. A majority of the consumers eat fish once a month throughout the year or only during the winter months. Fish consumption level and frequency were significantly positively correlated with education (p<0.01), income (p<0.05) and total meat consumption (p<0.01). The stepwise multiple regression model explained 41.7% (p<0.01) of the total variance for fish consumption. The amount and frequency of the consumption in the region, which is very far below the world and Turkey average especially for lower socioeconomic groups and for less-consumed fish species, can be increased by certain policies, such as training, advertising and different marketing strategies. Moreover, consumption should be distributed equally throughout the year instead of consuming only in certain seasons. © 2015, Sociedade Brasileira de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos, SBCTA. All rights reserved.
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The objective of this paper was to estimate price and income elasticities of fresh fish commodities using a single equation estimation procedure. Demand elasticities consitute relevant market information for policy decisions for both the private and the public sectors. Results of a case study from Oman, an Arabian Gulf country, showed that income and price elasticities were small but positive, indicating that fish demand will continue to increase with growing incomes, a driving force for market development and marketing efficiency. It was argued, however, that in the long run per capita fish consumption will stabilize but its composition will shift toward high value added products, a profitable market segment for Omani fish businesses.
The price transmission from the international market to the domestic market of tunas was investigated in the present research. For this purpose, the elasticity of substitution between tuna imports with goods produced in Iran (Armington Elasticity) was calculated. Armington elasticity reflects a degree of substitution between commodities produced domestically and those produced abroad. A greater elasticity indicates that buyers did not discriminate between domestic and foreign produced commodities and the buyers considered them the same. Therefore, any policy to influence the price of imported commodities will be effective in regulating the prices of commodities produced domestically. In the present study, in order to calculate Armington elasticity, the annual data for the year between 1974 and 2014 were used along with the technique of maximum entropy (ME). In addition to Armington elasticity, the least square estimated and vector error correction model (ECM) was estimated using entropy maximization. The results showed that Armington tension in the long-term was greater than that in the short-term. Even though this means the product has been imported, it serves as an alternative for domestically produced commodities; therefore, buyers do not see any difference between them. Additionally, the prices of these products have been affected by global prices and the swings in global prices can be transported more easily to the internal market for these products in the long-term than in the short-term. © 2018 Iranian Fisheries Research Organization. All rights reserved.
Fish demand patterns in nine Asian countries were investigated using a multistage budgeting framework allowing a disaggregated approach to analysing fish consumption. This paper highlights the heterogeneity of fisheries products in terms of species, sources and cultural responses of consumers, factors that are important in fish demand under the Asian setting. Specifically, fish demand by income groups were compared to determine how the low- and high-income households respond to price and income changes. Results showed that the estimated price and income elasticities of all fish types included in the study were relatively more elastic among the poorer households. Copyright 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation 2008 Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Inc. and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.
Jakarta: Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia)
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia 2018 Work report 2017 (Jakarta: Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia) [in Indonesia]
Analysis of fish demand in Indonesia: quadratic almost ideal demand system (QUAIDS) model approach Marine and Fisheries Socio
  • Daryanto Virgantari
  • Harianto
Virgantari, Daryanto, Harianto and Kuntjoro 2011 Analysis of fish demand in Indonesia: quadratic almost ideal demand system (QUAIDS) model approach Marine and Fisheries Socio-Economic Journal 6 (2) 191-203 [in Indonesia]
Demand for fish in Asia: a cross-country analysis The Australian
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  • T Yolanda
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  • L Radam
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  • T N Koeshendrajana
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Gujarati D N and Porter D C 2009 Basic Econometrics 5th ed (New York: McGraw-Hill)
Per Capita Gross Regional Domestic Product at 2010 Constant Market Prices by Province
BPS 2018 Per Capita Gross Regional Domestic Product at 2010 Constant Market Prices by Province 2010-2017 (Jakarta: BPS)