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A Case for Art Therapy as a Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder



Art therapy has the potential to address some of the core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by promoting sensory regulation, supporting psychomotor development, and facilitating communication. The multisensory nature of art materials and the relational aspect of art making lends itself to the treatment of the challenges inherent in ASD while enhancing psycho-emotional well-being. These areas offer promising pathways for research.
A Case for Art Therapy as a Treatment for Autism
Spectrum Disorder
'The Version of Record of this manuscript has been published and is available in <Art Therapy > <20.05. 2019 >< DOI: 10.1080/07421656.2019.1609326 >.'
Huma Durrani
Art therapy has the potential to address some of the core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
by promoting sensory regulation, supporting psychomotor development, and facilitating communication.
The multisensory nature of art materials and the relational aspect of art making lends itself to the
treatment of the challenges inherent in ASD while enhancing psycho-emotional well-being. These areas
offer promising pathways for research.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can manifest as difficulties with sensory motor functions,
communication, and relationships (Volkmar, Chawarska, & Klin, 2005). Art therapy has the
potential to address these complex issues due to its multisensory nature and rela- tional
approach (Hass-Cohen & Findlay, 2015). However, art therapy is not sufficiently recognized as a
significant intervention for autism due to a paucity of quantitative research, which is considered
the benchmark for evidence-based practice (Van Lith, Stallings, & Harris, 2017). Consequently,
caregivers of children with autism opt for therapies that emphasize the criticality of early
intervention for skill building and modifying behaviors. The common behavioral interventions
are supplemented with speech and language therapies, occupational therapy for sensory motor
issues and, in some cases, biomedical and dietary interventions.
As a parent of a child with autism, I can understand why behavioral approaches that promise
relatively quick results appeal to distressed parents struggling with non- communicative or
behaviorally challenging children. These treatments are in contrast to a more measured
approach like art therapy that focuses first on relation- ship building before attending to
behaviors (Kuo & Plavnick, 2015). However, there appears to be an over- sight with regard to
the psychoemotional needs of the child with autism, a fact that dawned on me first as a parent
and later as an art therapist. Ignoring this aspect has detrimental effects, which become
especially significant due to a high incidence of reported comorbidities of anxiety and
depression in children with autism (Ben- Sasson et al., 2007). In addition, art making can be fun
and could be an excellent resource for a child struggling under the weight of an otherwise
tiresome therapy schedule.
I do not intend to undermine either the importance or the efficacy of the commonplace
therapeutic interventions for ASD. Rather, my aim is to draw attention to a possible gap in the
regimen of autism-specific treatments. Thus, I propose a broader view of art therapy as a treat-
ment for autism that can address psychoemotional needs of the child as well as promote
sensory regulation, sup- port psychomotor development, and facilitate communication. These
areas also represent promising directions for further research. Rather than focus on the final art
product, I describe important elements of the creative process to demonstrate Evans and
Dubowskis (2001) claim, communication does not reside just within the finished pictures
made by the child, but within the emerging and shifting dynamics of the whole art therapy
process and its context(p. 57). What follows is a brief overview of how art therapy can address
some of the core symptoms of autism and indeed be a treatment of choice.
Sensory Regulation
Sensory integration dysfunction (SID) is a core symptom of ASD and can adversely affect the
behavior and learning of children experiencing it. SID refers to an individuals atypical response
to external stimuli per- ceived through the senses of smell, taste, vision, hearing, kinesthetic,
vestibular, or proprioception (Marco, Hinkley, Hill, & Nagarajan, 2011). Children with SID have a
varied sensory profile and might suffer from a high degree of anxiety resulting in behavioral,
psycho- social, and cognitive problems (Tomchek & Dunn, 2007). A child with SID might be
hypo- or hypersensitive to sensory stimuli; a child with tactile hypersensitivity might feel
extreme pain at the slightest touch,
whereas the hyposensitive child might seek extreme tact- ile stimulation. In my experience,
working with children with autism requires a keen understanding of sensory challenges and
familiarity with their sensory profiles. It is important to communicate with the childs
occupational therapist, interview the caregivers, and observe the child in action.
The variety of textures, colors, smells, and tastes of art materials have an inherent capacity to
inhibit or induce emotional and sensory responses (Hinz, 2016). The visceral quality of art
materials and application techniques can involve whole body movements. These in turn can
stimulate different somatosensory and emotional regions of the brain, thereby generating
psycho- somatic reactions that can regulate affect (Hass-Cohen & Findlay, 2015). Therefore, art
therapists can harness the inherent qualities of art materials and their uses to supplement
sensory regulation.
For example, Max (pseudonym), a 6-year-old boy with autism, had extreme sensory-seeking
behavior that required heavy tactile input. At the beginning of each of our art therapy sessions,
he would regulate his anxiety by rolling dozens of balls of clay between his fingers while I sat
next to him. The tactile input from handling the clay calmed him sufficiently to allow him to
move on to other activities such as joint art making with me. Increased sensory regulation could
set the foundation for learning, communication, and relationship building (Durrani, 2014).
Psychomotor Regulation
Recent research has broadened its lens to consider the neurological deficits underlying autism
rather than the singular focus on the relational aspect of the spectrum (Devito et al., 2007). This
shift in perspective regards autism as a whole mind and body disorder involving sensory and
psychomotor difficulties that underlie autistic behaviors. Whereas sensory difficulties arise
from inappropriate responses to environmental stimuli, psychomotor challenges are the result
of impairment in cognitive functions and bodily movement (Donnellan, Hill, & Leary, 2013). The
stories of individuals on the spectrum have contributed immensely to our understanding of the
challenges that can hamper simple chores and daily functioning. For instance, a seemingly
straightforward task such as smiling or walking into a room might involve multiple challenges
in perception, organization, control, and execution (Robledo, Donnellan, & Strand-Conroy,
Art therapists can support psychomotor regulation by adapting art materials and the art-
making space to suit the needs of their clients. It is important to have brushes in a number of
sizes and grips to aid fine motor skills. Handgrips might be necessary for pencils and cray- ons.
Rather than finger dexterity, hands and limbs can take over the function of tools. The kinesthetic
component of art making might involve cross lateral, bilateral
and whole-body movement (Lusebrink, 1992). Accordingly, artwork can be made on material
placed vertically on walls, horizontally on a table or floor, and at other angles on custom-built
surfaces to accommodate disabilities. Clients can make art while static or moving, sitting,
standing, or even lying down. Art therapists who are sensitive to the needs of their clients can
incorporate various aspects of psychomotor development within their session by the prudent
use of art tools, art materials, and directives.
For example, I encouraged 14-year-old Raj (pseudonym), a boy with autism who was low on
motivation, to spray shaving foam in large circles on a mirrored wall in my studio. I
demonstrated and joined him to spread the foam using large bilateral movements of his arms
and hands. Once Raj was engaged in the activity, I urged him to jump up, bend down, and stretch
as far as he could to reach the farthest ends of the mirror. To stimulate Raj further, I added paint
to the foam, which sustained and extended the activity into finger drawings.
Communication and Expression Within the Context of Attachment
The early attachment relationship with a primary caregiver is how human infants, born
completely help- less, learn about themselves and their environment through interaction with
others (Bowlby, 1973). Healthy physical, psychological, and emotional development is
contingent on their relationship with the significant other. A securely attached child is likely to
be resilient as well as possess the ability to self-regulate and relieve dis- tress. An insecurely
attached child might be anxious, have impaired regulation, suffer low self-esteem, and have
relational problems among other effects (van der Kolk, 2014).
The quality of attachment between a child and care- giver is subject to specific synchronous
behaviors (Schore, 2003; Snyder, Shapiro, & Treleaven, 2012). Many of these behaviors,
including reciprocal communication, attunement, coregulation, eye gaze, gestures, and
vocalizations, could be difficult for children with autism. Developmental delays and social and
emotional differences can negatively affect the attachment pattern of a child with ASD as
compared to his or her neurotypical peers (Sivaratnam, Newman, Tonge, & Rinehart, 2015).
Fortunately, later relationships in life can replace earlier patterns of impaired attachment
(Siegel, 2003). Therefore, an attachment between an art therapist and child with autism has
positive implications (Martin, 2009).
Children with autism face challenges in verbal and nonverbal communication; social skills
including under- standing othersmotivations, reading and responding to gestural cues, and
maintaining joint attention; as well as recognizing and understanding their own emotions
(Greenspan, 2002). Art therapy can alleviate frustration
by helping the child with autism express emotions and communicate with others. One way that
art therapists can support clients with autism is by adopting a relational art-making approach
(Hass-Cohen & Findlay, 2015). An art therapist can emulate a secure base for the child with
autism by incorporating attachment behaviors such as reciprocal cueing (responding to
gestures or vocalizations of the child), attuning to the child (paying attention to rhythm and
body language; Evans & Dubowski, 2001), and mirroring or reflecting the feelings or affect of
the child (Gallese, 2009).
For example, Ali (pseudonym), a 7-year-old boy with autism, was initially averse to social
interactions. He gradually began to relate with me through paint, a medium he enjoyed touching
and smearing. Although paint was the route through which Ali engaged with me, excessive use
of the material made him overexcited. Nevertheless, I was able to modulate Ali by directing him
to a more grounding material such as clay. Over time, Ali was able to return to paint and use it
alternatively with clay as a means to regulate his physical and emotional state. Once Ali was
calm, he was willing to remain in longer periods of engagement with me, which sustained our
cycle of communication through joint art making.
The multisensory nature of art therapy and the rela tional aspect of art making contextualized
within the psychological expertise of the art therapist present a strong case for art therapy as a
treatment option for ASD. Art therapists can help clients with autism by designing sessions with
attention to sensory regulation, psychomotor development, and communication. Rather than
see these three areas in isolation, an art therapist can incorporate sensory regulation through
the use of the art materials concurrent to relationship building, communication, and expression.
Art therapists must advocate more actively for their profession through research and its
dissemination, continuing to broaden the scope of art therapy.
Huma Durrani has a doctorate in art therapy from Mount Mary University in Milwaukee, WI, and is a part-
time lecturer in the Art Therapy Program LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore. Correspondence
concerning this article should be addressed to the author at
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... Another overlooked viable intervention to support joint attention is art therapy. Art therapy is mainly focused on the functions of eyes, vision, and joint attention toward the art object since "Looking together" is the common routine setting in art therapy (Durrani, 2020;Durrani, 2019;Emery, 2004;Isserow, 2008). A systematic review of the clinical application of art therapy on students presenting ASD emphasizes the efficacy of art therapy to the profound ability of students with ASD to relate, socialize and enhance their joint attention skills (Gazeas, 2012). ...
... The results of physical activities intervention agreed with previous studies (Bass et al., 2009;Chan et al., 2020;DeJesus et al., 2020;Howells, et al., 2019;Kaur et al., 2021;Radhakrishna, 2010;Yu et al., 2018). Similar to the results of art activities intervention agreed with previous studies (Durrani, 2020;Durrani, 2019;Emery, 2004;Gazeas, 2012;Isserow, 2008;Schweizer et al., 2014). However, the study did not reveal any significant differences in JTAT as withing subject factors, namely, age, gender, ASD level, fellow assistant in the post-measurement. ...
... Pelatihan yang mengasah seni, indra sensorik dan motorik ini, sejalan dengan pernyataan Ortopedagog Nuryanti Yamin yang juga co-founder sekolah khusus anak autisme Drisana Center ini menyatakan bahwa ada banyak manfaat kegiatan seni untuk autisme, antara lain membantu masalah pemrosesan sensorik, seperti perabaan dan penglihatan (Anna, 2019). Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, siswa dari program multimedia LSBA, diharapkan mampu mengedit video sesuai dengan kemampuan mereka, yang tidak hanya mengasah keterampilan teknis, tetapi juga membantu mereka dalam pemrosesan sensorik dan peningkatan kemampuan psiko-emosional (Durrani, 2019). Namun demikian, terdapat tantangan signifikan dalam bagaimana pengajar dapat menyesuaikan metode pengajaran mereka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan siswa autistik yang beragam, terutama dalam komunikasi dan interaksi di dalam kelas. ...
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Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi adaptasi interaksi pengajar dalam program pembelajaran graphic design dan multimedia untuk anak-anak autisme di LSBA, khususnya dalam materi video editing yang dianggap sulit karena membutuhkan peningkatan indra sensorik dan motorik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, melibatkan wawancara dan observasi partisipatif sebagai sumber data primer, serta studi literatur untuk data sekunder. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan lima konsep dasar teori adaptasi interaksi: faktor persyaratan, faktor harapan, faktor keinginan, posisi interaksi, dan perilaku aktual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengajar menyesuaikan perilaku mereka untuk mencapai tujuan bersama dengan siswa, mengatasi keterbatasan pola interaksi dalam proses pembelajaran, serta memahami dan menanggapi kebutuhan siswa autistik. Implikasi dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal yang digunakan oleh pengajar sangat penting dalam membantu siswa-siswi autistik untuk mengikuti instruksi pembelajaran, dengan penekanan pada pemahaman kebutuhan dibandingkan dengan harapan atau keinginan dalam interaksi pembelajaran. Abstract This study aims to explore the interaction adaptation of instructors in the graphic design and multimedia learning program for children with autism at LSBA, particularly in video editing, which is considered challenging due to the need to enhance sensory and motor skills. The research employs a descriptive qualitative method with a case study approach, involving interviews and participatory observation as primary data sources, along with literature review for secondary data. The analysis is based on five fundamental concepts of interaction adaptation theory: requirement factors, expectation factors, desire factors, interaction position, and actual behavior. The findings reveal that instructors adjust their behavior to achieve shared goals with students, overcome the limitations of interaction patterns during the learning process, and understand and respond to the needs of autistic students. The implications of this study indicate that the verbal and non-verbal communication used by instructors is crucial in helping autistic students follow learning instructions, with an emphasis on understanding needs over expectations or desires in the learning interaction.
... The importance of the emotional wellbeing of children with autism cannot be overemphasized (Durrani, 2019a(Durrani, , 2020. A fundamental aspect of a child's emotional development is the first or primary relationship also known as the attachment relationship (Snyder et al., 2012;Stern, 1977). ...
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The Covid-19 pandemic necessitated adaptation from in-person to on-line delivery of interventions for autistic children. This article explores the potential of delivering the Sensory-based Relational Art Therapy Approach (S-BRATA) on-line through a case study based on a triadic relationship, including the therapist, a mother and her two autistic sons. The vignettes of the sessions illustrate how the therapist facilitated relational artmaking based on the framework, employing the mother as the third hand to engage her sons. The case study affirms the online deliverability of the SBRATA mediated by a caregiver. Keywords: S-BRATA; online; art therapy; sensory; autism
... A child with SID might be hyposensitive or hypersensitive to sensory stimuli; for example, a child with tactile hypersensitivity might feel extreme pain at the slightest touch, whereas the hyposensitive child might seek extreme tactile stimulation. And so, working with children that have autism requires a detailed understanding of sensory challenges, and familiarity with varied sensory profiles is key for providing efficient therapeutic intervention (Durrani 2019). While there are various interventions and therapies available for autistic individuals, art therapy seems to be one that has the potential to address these complex issues as it is multisensory in nature and takes on a relational approach (Hass-Cohen and Findlay, 2015). ...
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Museums are destinations that are made for all sectors of the society, and as a social entity they undergo evolution as time passes by. With their growing social image, functions and scope, museums are becoming rather diverse, inclusive and accessible for all segments of the society. Autistic visitors are considered to be one among the most marginalised groups when visiting museums. And so, they deserve to be given appropriate attention from the museum community. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that leads to hindered physical and mental growth, reduced communication abilities, and social interaction and behavior are primarily affected. The purpose of this article is to discuss the importance and need of creating museums, that are socio-cultural spaces accessible to marginalised visitors, focusing on those with the autistic spectrum disorder. This paper discusses the role museums can play in providing opportunities to autistic visitors while making them feel included and accepted in the museum setting. To do so, this article elaborates upon some commonly used techniques for autistic visitors, such as art therapy, art-making activities, enactments alike ventriloquism and hands-on sessions. The author's first-hand experiences gained by participating in ventriloquism and 'touch and feel' sessions are also discussed thereon.
... the verity of textures, colors, smells, and tastes of art materials have a latent capacity to prevent or motivate emotional and sensory responses. The intuitive property of art tools and application 8 techniques can inset whole body movements. goals of art therapy are to promote healing through creativity and step up the physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being.You are in charge when you are 9 doing art. ...
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BACKGROUND: Autism is a complex neurological and developmental disability that appears within the early developmental stages of life. Outdoor play is seen as a crucial and valuable experience for all children. The goals of art therapy are to promote healing through creativity and enhance the physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being. AIM AND OBJECTIVES: AIM:The study aims to nd out the effectiveness of the Outdoor Treatment program along with art therapy in children with autism spectrum disorder and determine the better of these get best results & greater benets for autistic children. OBJECTIVES: To nd out the effectiveness of outdoor treatment program along with art therapy in increasing child's interest in treatment, improve verbal & nonverbal communication skills, improve coordination function, and minimize the aggression & repetitive movements in the autistic child. METHOD: Thirty patients selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The details of the treatment were explained to the subjects and written consent was taken from the participant's parents. They were treated with outdoor treatment program along with art therapy for 6 days/week, the patient were reassessed with CARS after 6 weeks. RESULTS: The data was analyzed using SPSS version 22.0. Parametric test was used within the group analysis. A Greater signicant improvement in sensory & motor function was found after 6 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: Outdoor treatment program along with Art therapy is effective to reduce aggressive & improvement in sensory & motor function of autistic child.
... Parents had reported that children with autism had anxiety, stress, and insecure attachment [14]. In study of role-playing storytelling on communication and social skills effects on children with autism, it was shown that storytelling by role play is one of the effective and cost-effective therapeutic interventions to improve communication and social functioning of children with autism [38] Painting has that potential to improve some of the major symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder [39].The present study has shown that painting and storytelling help to improve children's attachment. This study helps parents to communicate with their children through storytelling and painting. ...
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Introduction: We can see Attachment manners in spectrum disorder of children with autism, when they feel stressed. Drawing and storytelling are low-cost, and simple ways for the least literacy families to improve clinical conditions in children with autism. So this study is comparing the painting and storytelling impacts on children with autism. Materials and Methods: This study was a quasi-experimental interventional study conducted in 2020. The research samples included 35 children with autism who referred to the rehabilitation centers of Iran University Medical Sciences (12 in the storytelling group, 11 in the painting group and 12 in the control group). Data collection tools were included demographic characteristics questionnaire and CSHQ sleep habits questionnaire which were collected in two stages before and after the intervention. It was conducted at least 5 nights a week for a month. Data analysis of and the results was performed at a significant 0.05 level. Results: Storytelling group average age was 7.58 1 1.78, for painting was 1.36 75 1.75 and control was 6.58 78 1.78. The results indicated that attachment mean in the two groups storytelling and painting was consist of a significant difference (p <0.05). However, in the control group, for the two of pre-test and post-test periods, no significant difference of the average sleep was seen (p> 0.05). The attachment average differences for the storytelling group are significantly lower than the painting group, so the average differences are reported to be-3.3. (-2.27 t =, p = 0.034). Discussion and Conclusion: Storytelling and painting were effective in attachment improvement of children with autism. And of course, as it was observed, painting was more effective than story. Based on results, for performing more interventions, especially in children with autism, painting is recommended, because it is inexpensive, effective and practical in sleep disorder management.
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Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) experience core difficulties in social interaction and communication. Teaching and interacting with them can be challenging for their families and those surrounding them. Art-based interventionas an approach engaging in the creative process and integrating internal sensations to express thoughts and feelings nonverbally. It has the potential to enhance self-esteem, awareness, and exploration, among other benefits that all are good for people with ASD. The objective of this study is to develop and implement an art-based intervention for children with ASD in Macau, with the goal of enhancing their communication and reducing the problems behaviors. Utilizing single-subject design and a one-group pre-test with post-test design involves three participants who are similar in age and same gender but differ in terms of their ASD level and comorbidities to evaluate the results. The results of Social Skills Improvement System - Rating Scales (SSIS-RS) demonstrate positive effects on both social skills and problem behaviors. Additionally, based on the Clinical Observation Reports (COR) children showed improvements in the frequency of interaction and communication. This study indicated that art-based intervention has a positive effect on children with ASD in Macau. Furthermore, implementing this intervention with children with ASD is highly significant, and the outcomes of this study can serve as a reference for the future well-being of children with ASD in Macau.
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This study sought to observe the therapeutic relationship experience of art therapists working with children on the autistic spectrum through a psychodynamic paradigm, in light of the unique role of art in the therapeutic dynamics. The study examined how art influenced therapists’ experience, their ability to cope with the complexity of the autistic experience, and its contribution in promoting communication and mentalization processes. A qualitative methodology included thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews and the use of an art-based evaluation with 10 art-therapists, to enable in-depth understanding and integration of explicit and implicit aspects of the therapists’ experience. It has emerged that when facing elusive states of loss of meaning and lack of knowledge, therapists searched and discovered anchors that helped them regain and preserve the cohesion of their personal and professional self. Professional connections with a multidisciplinary team, the use of the supervision space, the acquisition of professional knowledge and enrichment, and above all, the use of art as a channel for processing and self-containment, contributed significantly to therapists self-restoration, and to the establishment of a richer and more complete personal and professional experience.
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An active engagement with arts in general and visual arts in particular has been hypothesized to yield beneficial effects beyond arts itself. So-called cognitive and socio-emotional “transfer” effects into other domains have been claimed. However, the empirical basis of these hopes is limited. This is partly due to a lack of experimental comparisons, theory-based designs, and objective measurements in the literature on transfer effects of arts education. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to design and experimentally investigate a theory-based visual-arts education program for adolescents aged between 12 and 19 years (Mage = 15.02, SDage = 1.75). The program was delivered in a museum context in three sessions and was expected to yield specific and objectively measurable transfer effects. To conduct a randomized field trial, three strictly parallelized and standardized art courses were developed, all of which addressed the topic of portrait drawing. The courses mainly differed regarding their instructional focus, which was either on periods of art history, on the facial expression of emotions, or on the self-perception of a person in the context of different social roles. In the first and more “traditional” course portrait drawing was used to better understand how portraits looked like in former centuries. The two other courses were designed in a way that the artistic engagement in portrait drawing was interwoven with practicing socio-emotional skills, namely empathy and emotion recognition in one course and understanding complex self-concept structures in the other. We expected positive socio-emotional transfer effects in the two “psychological” courses. We used an animated morph task to measure emotion recognition performance and a self-concept task to measure the self-complexity of participants before and after all three courses. Results indicate that an instructional focus on drawing the facial expressions of emotions yields specific improvements in emotion recognition, whereas drawing persons in different social roles yields a higher level of self-complexity in the self-concept task. In contrast, no significant effects on socio-emotional skills were found in the course focussing on art history. Therefore, our study provides causal evidence that visual-arts programs situated in an art-museum context can advance socio-emotional skills, when designed properly.
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This study examined the effectiveness of an antecedent art intervention on reduction of off-task behavior for a 3-year-old child with autism. A single-case reversal design was used to show that one-on-one art task instruction occurring prior to large group instructional sessions produced decreased levels of off-task behavior when compared to baseline conditions. The results support previous antecedent-based interventions by demonstrating the effectiveness of an individualized art task as a procedure for reducing problem behavior.
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The understanding, expression, and regulation of emotion have been identified as core to everyday communication and psychosocial adjustment in children. The aim of this paper is to review and to compare current clinical and empirical knowledge on emotion recognition, reciprocity, and expression deficits in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The paper reviews current neurobiological, neuroendocrine, and neurocognitive explanations for the emotion-processing deficits seen in ASD, while considering the potential influence of attachment on the presentation of emotion-processing deficits seen in this disorder, which is characterised by organic emotion-processing deficits. This review adopts a multi-disciplinary approach, proposing that in order to further compound the established organic explanations for emotion-processing deficits in ASD, more investigations are warranted to delineate the specific impact that attachment orientations have on the inability to appropriately recognise and regulate emotion in this disorder. Further research is required to improve our understanding of the neural processes which underlie emotion-processing abilities in the context of parent-child developmental factors.
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Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that may be broadly defined as a developmental disorder characterized by impairment in an individual’s verbal and nonverbal communication skills. Autism manifests as multiple symptoms, such as inappropriate social interaction, restricted interests, sensory dysfunction, self-regulatory issues, and repetitive behaviors. This paper describes a case study of a 12-year-old boy, Tom (pseudonym), with autism spectrum disorder who received art therapy for severe sensory dysfunction and self-regulatory issues. In this case study, we hypothesize that the presence of chronic sensory withdrawal may have impaired Tom’s attachment to his primary caregiver, resulting in insecure attachment and subsequent social engagement difficulties. We propose that an art therapy intervention that lasted over a period of 1 year may have facilitated sensory modulation and self-regulation in Tom, thereby lowering his anxiety levels, aiding attachment to his therapist, and improving his social engagement in general. As such, we suggest that in the context of children struggling with autism, art therapy may be an important intervention worth further exploration and study. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved)
The purpose of this study was to gain a clearer understanding of how art therapists currently practice with children who have ASD. In order to target art therapists who had this specialized experience, participants were selectively chosen based on their known expertise in the United States. As a result, 14 art therapists’ perspectives were gathered, which were analyzed loosely following the Consensus Qualitative Research Guidelines by the research team. As a result, a number of domains of importance were identified, which were: Art therapists’ level of experience and scope, unique aspects of using art therapy with children who have ASD, preferred choice of art materials for children with ASD, primary aims when using art therapy for children with ASD, and preferred theoretical approaches and their practical application. The findings were then further reviewed to develop best practices for art therapy with children who have ASD. These practical guidelines may serve as a basis of successful practice for new art therapy professionals as well as can be used as a standardized art therapy intervention. Nevertheless, this is only a first step towards aiding the expansion of an evidence-base and valuing art therapy as a routine form of treatment for ASD. Going forward, there is a need to use these best practices as a guide to help investigate the level of effectiveness of art therapy for the improvement of the cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physical aspects of ASD in children.
Art therapists are obliged to understand media properties in order to safeguard clients' well-being and to promote excellent therapeutic outcomes. This chapter explores media properties, media fit, and unconventional media uses in art therapy. Directions for future research are proposed in each subject area. Art therapy has proved to be effective in decreasing depression in male and female prison inmates, with interesting gender differences noted. It is essential that art therapists are educated about the specific cultural groups that they will come into contact with and about how art therapy can be uniquely helpful to them. While elderly clients with dementia respond well to sensory-stimulating materials that can reduce sensory deprivation and aid memory reconstitution, child and adolescent clients enjoy various media, particularly digital applications.
We initiate a dialog between two central areas in the field of psychology today: attachment theory/research and mindfulness studies. The impact of the early mother-infant relationship on child development has been well established in the literature, with attachment theorists having focused on the correlation between a mother’s capacity for self-regulation and connection (e.g., attunement) with children’s health and developmental outcomes. Because the transition to parenthood is often a stressful one, research has also focused on the importance of the mother’s external and internal support (e.g., self-awareness, recognition of needs) in promoting healthy mother-infant relationships. One promising field in relation to increased internal support is mindfulness, a practice shown to increase emotional regulation while decreasing stress and anxiety. Described as non-judgmental, present-moment awareness, mindfulness has received significant empirical attention over the past three decades and has recently been theorized as an important contributing factor in healthy mother–child relationships. Recognizing the potentially beneficial effects of mindfulness training on healthy attachment, this article reviews relevant literature in presenting a case for exploratory and empirical research into the dynamic relationship between mindfulness, attachment style, maternal health, and children’s development. Grounds for this convergence, as well as suggestions for future research, are presented.