
A new species of the emesine assassin bug genus Emesopsis (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) from Vietnam

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Emesopsis konchurangensis sp. nov. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Emesinae: Ploiariolini) is described from central Vietnam as the fourth species of the genus in this country. A key to the Vietnamese species of Emesopsis is presented.

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... New discoveries made in the past five years greatly improved our understanding of the diversity of the South and Southeast Asian fauna of Emesini (e.g., Ghate et al. 2018Ghate et al. , 2021Truong 2019;Chen et al. 2020aChen et al. , b, 2021. The four Onychomesa species are widely distributed in South and Southeast Asia (Fig. 13), three of them are island-endemic species and, whilst O. alata stat. ...
The thread-legged bug genus Onychomesa Wygodzinsky 1966 (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Emesinae: Emesini, formerly Metapterini) and its three described species are reviewed. The Sri Lankan species Ischnonyctes alatus Distant 1903 is resurrected from the synonymy with Schidium marcidum (Uhler, 1896) and transferred to Onychomesa, and O. susainathani Wygodzinsky, 1966 is considered a junior synonym of this species, resulting in the following taxonomic changes: O. alata (Distant 1903), stat. rev. et comb. nov. = O. susainathani Wygodzinsky 1966, syn. nov. The lectotype of I. alatus is designated. A new species, O. schuhi Chen et Cai, sp. nov., is described from Hainan Island, southern China. An updated key to the species of Onychomesa is provided.
The reduviid genus Emesopsis of Japan is revised. Four species are recognized. Two new species, E impar and E kazutakai, are described, and E. plagiata Miller is reported from Japan for the first time. Emesopsis nubilaUhler, which was once captured at plant quarantine of the Port of Tokyo, is confirmed to occur on Ishigaki Island of the Ryukyus.
Abstract The emesine assassin bug genus Emesopsis is reported from Vietnam for the first time and is briefly diagnosed, and two new species of the genus, E. longipilosa and E. albispinosa, are described. They were collected by beating dead, drooping leaves of the banana, Musa acuminata (Musaceae).
The assassin bug genus Emesopsis (Heteroptera, Reduviidae, Emesinae) in Thailand
  • S Okajima