Content uploaded by Alexandre Castagna
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All content in this area was uploaded by Alexandre Castagna on May 20, 2019
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Expectation from in situ data: slope between 0.85
and 1, depending on the presence of phycocyanin.
Validation of the Operational Land Imager orange contra-band
retrieval for inland water quality applications
Matchups with OLCI/Sentinel-3
Alexandre Castagna, Stefan Simis, Heidi Dierssen, Quinten Vanhellemont, Koen Sabbe, Wim Vyverman
A m e t h o d i s n o w a v a i l a b l e t o extract
a d d i t i o n a l s p e c t r a l i n f o r m a t i o n f r o m
overlapping wavebands (Castagna et al.,
2018). When applied to OLI/Landsat 8, an
o r a n g e c o n t r a - b a n d ( 6 1 3 n m ) c a n b e
retrieved from the Green, Red and Pan
b a n d s . T h i s c o n t r a - b a n d c o v e r s t h e
phycocyanin absorption peak and can be
used for cyanobacteria detection at high
spatial resolution. Here we further evaluate
its performance with comparison against
OLCI/Sentinel-3 orange band (620 nm),
taken as a calibrated reference. The goal is
to validate the absolute magnitude of the
orange contra-band.
C a s t a g n a e t a l . , 2 0 1 8 , E x t e n d i n g t h e
O p e r a t i o n a l L a n d I m a g e r / L a n d s a t 8 f o r
freshwater research: retrieval of an orange
band from PAN and MS bands. Ocean Optics
XXIV, Dubrovinik, Croatia.
Example application
Floating vegetation
Validation approach
Embalse Cerron Grande, SV, 2018-09-06
To compare the absolute reflectance magnitude
be tw ee n OL I and OLCI it i s n ec es s ar y tha t
at m os p her ic e ff e ct s a re rem o ved and any
residual atmospheric bias be equal for both
sensors. Compensation for atmosphere effects is
challenging over turbid inland waters in the
absence of SWIR bands, therefore OLI processed
with ACOLITE was taken as reference in the
multispectral bands other than the orange. OLCI
imagery was first partially compensated for
Rayleigh effects only with SeaDAS and then
subtracted by the median difference to OLI
multispectral bands. The OLCI orange band (620
nm) was corrected with the interpolated median
difference between Green and Red bands. Spatial
aggregation and bandshifting was performed
before the correction.
80 matchups between OLI and OLCI were
processed, covering 10 lakes between 2016
and 2019.
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