Technical ReportPDF Available

E911 Location Accuracy

  • Joint Venture Silicon Valley


911 is a North American system that links emergency callers with public safety call centers. 911 was originally designed to support wired landline calls originating from a known location of record. As the use of mobile cellular phones has grown, the Federal Communications Commission has mandated that Enhanced 911 (E911) be implemented to provide location information of non-landline callers. Many of the techniques used to locate wireless 911 callers require that accurate locations of cellular antenna towers be recorded, and that the azimuthal alignment of sectored antennas be done precisely. In practice, the recorded locations of cellular antenna towers are often inaccurate and the azimuthal alignment of sectored antennas is often wrong. These errors if left uncorrected will lead to increased response times, increased loss of life, and negative economic impacts.
E911 Location Accuracy
By David Witkowski, President
Wireless Communications Alliance
911is a North American system that links emergency callers with public safety call centers. 911 was
originally designed to support wired landline calls originating from a known location of record. As the
use of mobile cellular phones has grown, the Federal Communications Commission has mandated that
Enhanced 911 (E911) be implemented to provide location information of non-landline callers. Many of
the techniques used to locate wireless 911 callers require that accurate locations of cellular antenna
towers be recorded, and that the azimuthal alignment of sectored antennas be done precisely. In
practice, the recorded locations of cellular antenna towers are often inaccurate and the azimuthal
alignment of sectored antennas is often wrong. These errors if left uncorrected will lead to increased
response times, increased loss of life, and negative economic impacts.
In February 2014 the Federal Communications Commission issued a Third Further Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (FCC 14-13) for “Wireless E911 Location Accuracy Requirements” as part of PS Docket
No. 07-114. The Third FNPRM is based on recognition that the majority of 911 calls from wireless
phones, and that Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) must have the ability to accurately identify
location of the caller. The press release associated with the NPRM notes that in California, 73% of 911
calls are made from wireless phones. [1] With wireline phones, the service address is recorded by the
provider and made known to the PSAPs – but this is not possible with wireless phones that are by
definition not used in fixed locations.
The Third FNPRM is part of an ongoing effort by the FCC to impose requirements that wireless carriers,
who operate as Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) providers, must adapt to shifting public
safety needs in the face of wireless technology evolution. The FCC’s E911 rules (47 C.F.R.§20.18 [2,
3]) require CMRS providers to make location information available to PSAPs based on the following
For network-based technologies: 100 meters for 67% of calls, 300 meters for 90% of calls
For handset-based technologies: 50 meters for 67% of calls, 150 meters for 90% of calls
Requirements which would enhance existing standards to require greater accuracy (using any technique
or combination of techniques) are being considered in the Third FNPRM. [3]
The dynamic nature of wireless phone usage means that the FCC’s E911 rules have been designed to
allow CMRS providers to select from a wide variety of location techniques, e.g. the best location
technique for a dense urban core is different than one which works best in suburban or semi-rural
locales. Handset-based location techniques in dense urban cores are adversely impacted by GPS signal
blockage inside buildings, and GPS signal mirroring at street-level caused by shallow angle of incidence
on tall building faces – a problem that is compounded by increasingly common use of low-E glass in
“green building” construction. Network-based location techniques in dense urban cores are primarily
affected by multipath – signals from the handset which reflect off surfaces and cause the location-
sensing equipment to see multiple copies of the same uplink signal. [4] In rural areas network-based
location techniques will fail if there are insufficient tower sites to obtain a location fix, and often a rural
cell may be served by only one or two tower – not the three towers which are required to determine an
accurate location.
FCC rules for E911 require that confidence and uncertainty data be provided to the PSAPS. CMRS
providers must file their conformance verification procedures with the FCC, and the FCC recommends
periodic conformance testing. Because wireless location accuracy can be greatly affected by multipath
[4] the need for periodic conformance testing is critical in areas where construction and growth are
actively occurring. However, costs for testing can be significant; ranging from $250 – $1,000 per base
station (costs are 2012 US dollars). [5]
Location solutions are broken down into two classes: Network and Handset. Network Location relies
entirely on CMRS provider infrastructure to determine location and can include techniques such as
Received Signal Strength (RSSI), Observed Time Difference of Arrival (Downlink OTDOA), Angle of
Arrival (AoA), Multipath Fingerprinting, and combinations of these. Handset Location relies on
location information provided by, or cooperative analysis with, the user device and can include
techniques based on Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates, Assisted Global Positioning System
(A-GPS), Enhanced Observed Time Difference (E-OTD), Enhanced Forward Link Triangulation (E-
FLT, CDMA-only), and combinations of these.
While the market penetration of “Smartphones” allows increased use of Handset Location, the continued
use of “Legacy Handsets” (older GSM and CDMA devices) requires that Network Location techniques
also be available. It’s estimated that in the US (as of Q2 2014) less than 85% of AT&T user handsets
and less than 75% of Verizon user handsets can be classified as “Smartphones”, and these legacy
handsets are incapable of providing or cooperating in Handset Location techniques. In terms of
approximate numbers, this means that there are more than 18 million AT&T subscribers and more than
24 million Verizon subscribers in the US which must rely on the PSAPs being able to provide accurate
Network Location when placing 911 calls. [6] Even smartphones with Handset Location capability
cannot provide location information if a GPS lock cannot be obtained due to signal blocking and signal
scattering situations which often occur in dense urban areas, so Network Location is still often needed to
service E911 calls made from even the most modern smartphone.
Network Location techniques rely on accurate placement and alignment of provider infrastructure.
Observed Time Difference of Arrival (OTDOA) uses calculations based on a set of hyperbolas where
some of the serving tower antennas serve as foci in the hyperbolic curves. The intersection of the
hyperbolas provides the location of the handset. [4] The non-linear equation which defines these curves
is given as:
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  
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When we plot the hyperbolic equations, we observe that variations in recorded location of the tower
antenna(s) affect the calculated position of the handset. This extent of this effect can range from
problematic to catastrophic. In Figures 1 & 2 we consider a case where the placement of tower antennas
is fairly even around the target handset. Recorded location errors of 30 – 50 meters are not uncommon
for tower antennas, and some rooftop sites have the sectors of the antenna system located around the
building perimeter – often a few hundred feet apart – so it’s possible that three estimated locations based
on measurements from a single rooftop site could be grossly wrong in three different ways. Target
location errors will tend to be approximately twice the tower antenna location error, resulting in E911
location errors of up to 100 meters – well outside the FCC-defined accuracy guidelines for even current
E911 location. In cases where the emergency call is being made from a person who is capable of
interacting with first responders, an error of up to 100 meters may result in an extended time to contact.
If the emergency call is being made from a person who is incapable of responding (e.g. a person who
loses consciousness after dialing 911), or by a person who is being threatened while in a dense crowd,
then 100 meters inaccuracy may be significant.
Figure 1 – Accurate OTDOA (Urban) Figure 2 – Error in recorded location slightly skews OTDOA
In Figures 3 & 4 we consider the case where tower antennas placement results in unfavorable hyperbolic
geometries. This may occur for example in sparse suburban or rural areas where tower antennas are
distant and located along similar azimuths as observed from the handset. In this case, the hyperbolic
curves are nearly coincident and thus recorded tower antenna location errors are multiplied – a location
error of 15 – 30 meters could result in a handset location error of over 500 meters. A call for help from
a hiker fallen into a ravine, a car driven down an embankment, or a victim rendered unconscious may
not be easily found – resulting in the need for additional first responders and reducing response time.
Figure 3 – Accurate OTDOA (Rural) Figure 4 – Error in recorded location greatly skews OTDOA
Because the OTDOA technique is limited, E911 deployment may require the use of additional
techniques such as Angle on Arrival (AoA) to meet FCC requirements. When used in conjunction with
OTDOA, AoA can reduce uncertainty and decrease response time to contact. Combined AoA +
OTDOA systems require installation of additional equipment in the form of specialized antenna arrays.
Commonly referred to as “triangulation” – standalone AoA requires at least three tower antenna sites,
and AoA + OTDOA requires at least two tower antenna sites and works best with three or more.
Obviously the accuracy of the AoA directional data is heavily dependent on proper azimuthal alignment
of the tower’s AoA antenna array. Figure 5 shows accurate alignment and the target fixed at the graph
origin. Figure 5 shows inaccurate alignment of just one base station with commensurate skewing of the
target. Clearly in accurate alignments of multiple towers would further degrade accuracy, likely
resulting in not meeting FCC mandates. Errors in recorded tower antenna location will also reduce
accuracy and result in increased response times.
Figure 5 – Accurate AoA Figure 6 – Error in azimuth alignment skews target
Target location inaccuracy caused by incorrect tower antenna location data for OTDOA systems and/or
inaccurate azimuthal alignment for AoA systems has real consequences above and beyond not meeting
FCC E911 mandates. In 2001 a study conducted by Columbia University in the Salt Lake City area
found that, on average, a one minute reduction in emergency medical (EMS) response time equates to a
17 percent decrease in the likelihood of 90-day mortality. [7] 90-day Mortality is the medical standard
for measuring effectiveness of treatment or intervention, and refers to the rates at which patients
receiving EMS intervention for catastrophic medical conditions (heart attack, stroke, major trauma from
vehicular accidents, etc.) are likely to be alive 90 days after the EMS intervention. Improved EMS
response time is directly correlated to reduced rates of 90-day mortality. Approximately 25 million
people call for an ambulance each year. [8] Using rough but reasonable assumptions, it can be estimated
that improved location accuracy which results in reducing EMS response time by one minute can result
in saving over 10,000 lives annually. Aside from the humanitarian aspect, the US Department of
Transportation’s guidance on the “Economic Value of a Statistical Life – 2014” is given at US$9.2
Million. [9] Thus improving EMS response times by one minute through better E911 location accuracy
has a societal monetary benefit of over US$92 billion.
The problem of tower antenna misalignment is very real. An audit conducted in the first half of 2013
found that 2,541 out of 6,046 antennas were out of tolerance. 27% of the antennas were 4 – 10 degrees
out of tolerance, and shockingly 15% of the antennas were more than 10 degrees out of tolerance.
Clearly the E911 Network Location data provided by these problematic sites would be less than useless
– it would be grossly misleading and ultimately very costly in both humanitarian and financial terms.
Sunsight Instruments offers test solutions for E911 system integrators, site contractors, and
communication shops. Sunsight’s Antenna Alignment Tool (AAT) has the ability to measure and record
latitude and longitude to within 30 centimeters – 3 times more accurately than competitive instruments.
When used to align the azimuth of a sectored cellular antenna, the Sunsight AAT provides ±0.3° RMS
(and less than ±1.0° based on 3 standard deviations aka “R99”) a 2.5 times increase in accuracy over
competitive instruments. Using Sunsight’s industry-leading technology to ensure proper azimuth
alignment and record more accurate antenna location data for PSAP and RF databases will help ensure
that E911 cellular location systems will work upon commissioning, will require fewer periodic
adjustments, and will be less likely to need costly and time-consuming system troubleshooting and
Sunsight Instruments AAT-30 quickly measures and records antenna
location, azimuth, tilt, and roll to ensure accurate E911 location.
Providing PSAPs with a highly accurate database of tower antenna location is critical to meeting FCC
mandates for E911 system performance. Accurate azimuthal alignment of antennas is also critical to
ensuring system performance. Improving antenna position data capture is one of the solutions to
improving E911 Network Location based determinations. Achieving both success metrics will provide
citizens with a system that better serves an increasingly mobile community with accuracy and lowered
public safety response times.
About the Author
David Witkowski is the founder and Principal Consultant of Oku Solutions, a firm
specializing in market-entry and business development for the wireless
industry. Over a career spanning 30 years David has held positions of leadership and
responsibility in the wireless and telecommunications industry at companies ranging
in size from Fortune 500 multi-nationals to early stage startups.
David serves as President of the non-profit Wireless Communications Alliance, as an advisor to the
Carnegie Institute of Technology Dean’s Council at Carnegie Mellon University, and as a member of the
Wireless Communications Initiative committee for Joint Venture Silicon Valley. David is a Senior
Member in the Radio Club of America, and a Senior Member in the IEEE. He obtained his BSEE from
University of California with a study emphasis on modulation theory and RF/wireless design.
AAT Classic, previous Sunsight Model.
CALLERS," 2014. [Online]. Available:
Federal Communications Commission, "FCC DA 13-66 - E911 Rules Deadline," 16 Jan 2013. [Online]. Available:
Federal Communications Commission, "FCC 14-13 - Third Notice of Proposed Rulemaking," 21 Feb 2014. [Online]. Available:
Y. R. Hamdy and D. S. A. Mawjoud, 18 July 2012. [Online]. Available:
CSRIC WG 3, "Final Report – Outdoor Location Accuracy," 14 March 2012. [Online]. Available:
J. Dawson, "US wireless market trends Q2 2014," JACKDAW, 11 Aug 2014. [Online]. Available:
Columbia University, "Do emergency medical system response times matter for health outcomes?," 14 Jun 2012. [Online]. Available:
C. B. Key MD, P. E. Pepe MD, D. E. Persse MD and D. Calderon MD, "Can First Responders Be Sent to Selected 9-1-1 Emergency
Medical Services Calls without an Ambulance?," Apr 2003. [Online]. Available:
US Department of Transportation, "Guidance on Treatment of the Economic Value of a Statistical Life," 13 Jun 2014. [Online].
US Government, "GPS Accuracy," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 29 Oct
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
US wireless market trends Q2
  • J Dawson
J. Dawson, "US wireless market trends Q2 2014," JACKDAW, 11 Aug 2014. [Online]. Available:
Can First Responders Be Sent to Selected 9-1-1 Emergency Medical Services Calls without an Ambulance?
  • C B Key
  • P E Pepe
  • D E Persse Md
  • D Calderon
C. B. Key MD, P. E. Pepe MD, D. E. Persse MD and D. Calderon MD, "Can First Responders Be Sent to Selected 9-1-1 Emergency Medical Services Calls without an Ambulance?," Apr 2003. [Online]. Available: