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Does Executive Function Capacity Moderate the Outcome of Executive Function Training in Children with ADHD?


Abstract and Figures

Objective: Executive functioning (EF) training-interventions aimed at ADHD-symptom reduction have limited results. However, EF-training might only be effective for children with relatively poor EF capacity. This randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study examined if pre-training EF capacity moderates the outcome of an EF-training intervention on measures of near- (EF performance) and far transfer (ADHD symptoms and parent-rated EF behavior) immediately after treatment and at three months follow-up. Methods: Sixty-one children with ADHD (aged 8-12) were randomized to either an EF-training condition where working memory (WM), inhibition and cognitive-flexibility (CF) were trained, or to a placebo condition. Single moderation models were used. Results: All significant moderation outcomes had small effect-sizes. After Bonferroni correction there were no significant moderators of treatment outcome. Conclusions: Children with poor EF capacity do not benefit more from EF training than from placebo training. Training only EF-impaired children will probably not improve outcomes of EF training-studies.
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ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders
Does executive function capacity moderate theoutcome ofexecutive
function training inchildren withADHD?
SebastiaanDovis1,2 · MarijaMaric1,2 · PierJ.M.Prins1,2 · SaskiaVanderOord1,2,3
Received: 1 October 2018 / Accepted: 15 May 2019
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature 2019
Executive functioning (EF) training interventions aimed at ADHD-symptom reduction have limited results. However, EF
training might only be effective for children with relatively poor EF capacity. This randomized double-blind placebo-con-
trolled study examined whether pre-training EF capacity moderates the outcome of an EF-training intervention on measures
of near transfer (EF performance) and far transfer (ADHD symptoms and parent-rated EF behavior) immediately after
treatment and at 3-month follow-up. Sixty-one children with ADHD (aged 8–12) were randomized either to an EF-training
condition where working memory, inhibition and cognitive flexibility were trained, or to a placebo condition. Single mod-
eration models were used. All significant moderation outcomes had small effect sizes. After Bonferroni correction, there
were no significant moderators of treatment outcome. Children with poor EF capacity do not benefit more from EF training
than from placebo training. Training only EF-impaired children will probably not improve outcomes of EF training studies.
Keywords ADHD· Cognitive training· Moderation· EF training· Children
Theories of ADHD suggest that deficits in executive func-
tioning are at the core of the ADHD syndrome and play a
pivotal role in explaining the problems children with ADHD
encounter in daily life (e.g., Barkley 2006; Nigg 2006; Rap-
port etal. 2001). Via dorsal frontostriatal brain circuits,
executive functions (EFs) allow individuals to regulate
their behavior, thoughts and emotions and, thereby, enable
self-control (Durston etal. 2011). Evidence indeed suggests
that impairments in EF are related to deficits in attention,
hyperactivity and impulsivity (e.g., Crosbie etal. 2013;
Sarver etal. 2015; Tillman etal. 2011), and with associated
problems such as deficient academic and social functioning
(Titz and Karbach 2014; Kofler etal. 2018a, c). Moreover,
research suggests that EF capacity and its associated levels
of brain activity are not static, but may be altered by task
repetition or training (Klingberg 2010). Of the different EFs
especially working memory, and to lesser extent inhibition
and set-shifting are impaired in individuals with ADHD
(Martinussen etal. 2005; Willcutt etal. 2005) Therefore,
in the past decade, EF training interventions with often as
central aim training ofespecially working memory have
received considerable interest.
However, recent meta-analyses (Cortese etal. 2014;
Dovis etal. 2015a; Hodgson etal. 2014; Rapport etal. 2013;
Sonuga-Barke etal. 2013; also see Chacko etal. 2013) sug-
gest that these EF training interventions in children with
ADHD mainly improve performance on measures of near
transfer (measures similar to the trained tasks in terms of
format and processing requirements), but have very limited
effects on measures of far transfer (i.e., measures that assess
different constructs or domains, such as ADHD symptoms
or parent-rated EF behavior in everyday life): In most pla-
cebo-controlled EF training studies transfer to measures of
untrained EF has been limited at best, and effects on parent-
or teacher-rated behavior (e.g., ADHD or EF) are generally
not found (Dovis etal. 2015b).
* Saskia Vander Oord
1 Developmental Psychology, University ofAmsterdam,
Nieuwe Achtergracht 129B, 1001NKAmsterdam,
2 Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam, University
ofAmsterdam, Nieuwe Achtergracht 129B,
1001NKAmsterdam, TheNetherlands
3 Clinical Psychology, KU Leuven, Tiensestraat 102, bus 3720,
3000Leuven, Belgium
S.Dovis et al.
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Nonetheless, when clinicians, parents or teachers have
questions to whether a particular child with ADHD could
benefit from EF training, it is difficult to provide them with
a well-founded answer. This is mainly because current pla-
cebo-controlled EF training studies only focus on overall
treatment efficacy (i.e., “did my intervention work or not?”;
Maric etal. 2015), whereas variables that could influence
the relationship between treatment and outcome, including
“for whom” a certain treatment achieves its effects, remain
largely unstudied. These so-called treatment moderators are
“pretreatment or baseline variables that identify subgroups
of patients within the population who have different effect
sizes” (Kraemer etal. 2006, p. 1286). A treatment mod-
erator that is of particular interest for EF training studies is
children’s pre-training EF capacity. Evidence indicates that
ADHD is a heterogeneous disorder, with not all children
with ADHD having deficits in EF (e.g., Dovis etal. 2015c;
Fair etal. 2012; Nigg etal. 2005). It is suggested that espe-
cially EF-impaired children will benefit from EF training, as
they have more room for improvement (Diamond and Lee
2011; Diamond 2012), whereas in EF-unimpaired children
with ADHD, EF training will probably have less impact on
ADHD symptoms, as their symptoms are less likely to origi-
nate from impairments in EF.
To date, many placebo-controlled EF training studies
have been conducted. However, to our knowledge, none of
these studies in ADHD samples have investigated whether
the relation between EF training and improvements in
ADHD symptoms or parent-rated EF behavior is moder-
ated by children’ pre-training EF capacity (Van der Oord
and Daley 2015; for two non-placebo-controlled studies see
Hunt etal. 2014; Van der Donk etal. 2016). Identifying
such treatment moderators using decent placebo-controlled
comparisons may well be key to individualized and more
effective non-pharmacological treatments for children with
The goal of the present study is to determine whether pre-
training EF capacity is a moderator of near (EF performance)
and far transfer effects (ADHD symptoms and parent-rated
EF behavior) of a gamified, 5-week, home-based, EF train-
ing intervention titled Braingame Brian (BGB; Dovis etal.
2015b; Prins etal. 2013; Van der Oord etal. 2014). BGB
targets multiple EFs that are commonly impaired in children
with ADHD: visuospatial working memory (WM), response
inhibition, and cognitive flexibility (e.g., see Willcutt etal.
2012). Training multiple EFs has been suggested to be a
potentially more effective strategy to improve EF-related
ADHD behavior than single EF training (e.g., Cortese etal.
2014; Van Dongen-Boomsma etal. 2014). This is not only
because multiple EFs are involved in daily functioning (e.g.,
Isquith etal. 2013), but also because evidence suggests that
most children with ADHD show deficits in multiple EFs
(Fair etal. 2012), and that these EFs are largely related to
different brain regions (i.e., training one EF, will not auto-
matically result in improvement of another; e.g., McNab
etal. 2008; Schecklmann etal. 2013; Smith etal. 2006; for
a discussion of the unity and diversity of EFs see Miyake
and Friedman 2012).
To answer the current research questions we re-analyzed
part of the dataset from a recently published double-blind,
placebo-controlled study of BGB (see Dovis etal. 2015b).
In that study participants were randomized to one of three
conditions (i.e., versions of BGB): (1) a full-active condition
where visuospatial WM, inhibition and cognitive flexibility
were trained, (2) a partially active condition where inhibi-
tion and cognitive flexibility were trained and the WM train-
ing was presented in placebo mode, or (3) to a full placebo
condition. Overall short-term (1–2weeks) and long-term
(3months) treatment efficacy was evaluated. Regarding
near transfer, this study showed that visuospatial short-term
memory (STM) and WM only improved in the full-active
condition, inhibition only improved in the full-active and
partially active condition, and cognitive flexibility was not
improved in any condition. Regarding far transfer, both par-
ent- and teacher-rated ADHD symptoms and parent-rated
EF behaviors in everyday life improved in all conditions, but
no treatment x time interactions were found. These findings
are similar to those of other placebo-controlled EF training
studies in children with ADHD (Chacko etal. 2014a; Green
etal. 2012; Klingberg etal. 2002; Klingberg etal. 2005;
Kray etal. 2012). It was concluded that mainly nonspecific
treatment factors—as opposed to the specific effects of train-
ing EFs—seem related to far transfer effects (Dovis etal.
2015b). However, this and other placebo-controlled studies
did not account for potential moderators (i.e., pre-training
EF capacity) influencing treatment outcomes. These will be
investigated in the current study.
In the current study, to limit the number of analyses and to
assess moderation for the potentially most optimal condition
(the full-active condition), no specific hypothesis regarding
moderation for the partially active condition was formulated.
Therefore, we only compared the full-active condition to
the placebo condition. For clarity, from here onwards the
full-active condition will be referred to as the EF training
condition. Moderators of the short-term (1–2weeks post-
training) and long-term (3-month post-training) effects of
the EF training were evaluated using moderation analyses
(a conceptual moderation model illustrating proposed mod-
eration relations is presented in Fig.1).We expected that
pre-training EF performance would moderate change in out-
come measures of near transfer and far transfer (i.e., children
with poor pre-training EF would benefit more from EF train-
ing than from placebo, Diamond and Lee 2011; Diamond
2012). However, as largest differences between children
with ADHD and typically developing children are gener-
ally found in the EF working memory, this EF is the most
Does executive function capacity moderate theoutcome ofexecutive function training inchildren…
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likely candidate for a being a significant moderator of EF
training effects.
This double-blind, placebo-controlled study is part of a large
study investigating the efficacy of BGB (Dovis etal. 2015b),
parts of it have been used in Sebastian’s Dovis Phd Thesis
(Dovis 2014). Not all measures that were used in that pre-
vious study are included in the current study as they are
not relevant for the current research questions. For details
regarding these measures, the original trial design, etc., see
the trial register: http://www.trial regis reg/admin /
rctvi ew.asp?TC=2728) and Dovis etal. (2015b).
Study settings
Fourteen outpatient mental-healthcare centers within pre-
dominantly urban type of communities in the Netherlands
were used for recruiting of children.
Eligibility criteria
Participants were all children in the age range between 8
and 12years with (a) a prior DSM-IV-TR (American Psy-
chiatric Association 2000) diagnosis of ADHD combined-
type 9 (b) absence of any autism spectrum disorder accord-
ing to a child psychologist or psychiatrist, (c) a score
within the clinical range (95th to 100th percentile) on the
Disruptive Behavior Disorder Rating Scale (DBDRS; Pel-
ham etal. 1992; Dutch translation: Oosterlaan etal. 2000),
more specifically the ADHD scales of both the parent- and
teacher-rated versions, (d) a confirmed diagnosis of ADHD
combined-type on the ADHD section of the Diagnostic
Interview Schedule for Children, parent version (PDISC-
IV; Shaffer etal. 2000). The structured diagnostic inter-
view PDISC-IV is based on the DSM-IV and has adequate
psychometric properties, (d) absence of conduct disorder
(CD) based on the CD sections of the structured diagnostic
interview the PDISC-IV, (e) an IQ score 80, which was
determined by a short version of the Dutch Wechsler Intel-
ligence Scale for Children (WISC-III; Kort etal. 2002).
This short version consisted of two subtests, Vocabulary
and Block Design, that were used to estimate full-scale IQ
Fig. 1 Conceptual moderation model. Note: BRIEF behavior rat-
ing inventory of executive function questionnaire, CBTT corsi block
tapping task, DBDRS disruptive behavior disorder rating scale, Far
transfer measures that assess constructs or domains different from
the trained tasks, Near transfer measures similar to the trained tasks
in terms of format and processing requirements, RCI reliable change
index (pre to post and pre to follow-up RCIs were used), STM short
term memory, TMT trail making task, WM working memory
S.Dovis et al.
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(FSIQ). This composite score has satisfactory reliability.
Moreover, it correlates highly with FSIQ (Sattler 2001),
(f) absence of any neurological disorder, sensory (color
blindness, vision) or motor impairment as reported by the
parents, (g) not taking any medication except for meth-
ylphenidate or dextroamphetamine. When children were
taking medication, children discontinued their regular
methylphenidate dose at least 24h before each test ses-
sion, allowing for a complete washout (Greenhill 1998).
Children taking dextroamphetamine discontinued their
medication 48h before each test session (Wong and Ste-
vens 2012); finally, (h) parents were requested to keep the
dose of their medication for ADHD unchanged between
the date of the intake and the 3-month follow-up session,
and parents consented to not initiate or participate in other
psychosocial treatments during the course of the study. For
treatment group comparisons of baseline demographics
and clinical characteristics, see Table1.
Treatment conditions
General characteristics oftheintervention
“Braingame Brian” (BGB; Dovis etal. 2015b) is a home-
based, computerized EF training, which is embedded in a
game world. The main character of the game is “Brian”.
Throughout the game, Brian, a young inventor, helps and
befriends inhabitants of the game world. He does this by
creating elaborate inventions (e.g., a delivery-rocket for the
grocery-store owner); throughout the game they become
more elaborate. The game has 25 training sessions. Within
each training session, the player can create inventions by
completion of the tasks in the training session: each train-
ing session consists of a WM task, a cognitive flexibility
task, and an inhibition task. The duration of every ses-
sion is about 35–50min (30min for task completion and
an optional amount of time for exploring the elaborate
game world). For all participants, an identical additional
Table 1 Baseline demographics
and clinical characteristics by
treatment group
CD conduct disorder; DBDRS disruptive behavior disorder rating scale; FSIQ full scale IQ; M: F, Male
Female; ODD, oppositional defiant disorder; PDISC-IV, diagnostic interview schedule for children, parent
a Continuous data were investigated using ANOVAs. Nominal data were investigated using Pearson’s Chi
squared tests
b Three children were taking dextroamphetamine (two in the EF training condition, and one in the placebo
Measure Treatment group
EF training Placebo
(n = 31) (n = 30)
M SD M SD F/χ2Group comparisona
Gender (M: F) 25 : 6 24 : 6 .04 ns (p = .949)
Age (years) 10.6 1.4 10.5 1.3 .58 ns (p = .752)
FSIQ 101 11.5 101 11.6 .05 ns (p = .850)
DBDRS parent
Inattention 22.0 3.6 21.9 4.6 .23 ns (p = .924)
Hyperactivity/impulsivity 21.3 3.8 20.5 5.1 .69 ns (p = .458)
ODD 11.6 5.8 11.7 5.9 .40 ns (p = .937)
CD 2.9 3.1 3.2 2.9 .20 ns (p = .701)
DBDRS teacher
Inattention 16.1 5.6 18.0 4.8 1.54 ns (p = .153)
Hyperactivity/impulsivity 13.8 6.2 16.6 6.0 1.84 ns (p = .082)
ODD 7.4 6.0 8.6 6.6 .49 ns (p = .466)
CD 1.1 1.7 1.9 2.5 1.22 ns (p = .184)
ODD diagnosis, N (%) 17 (55%) 15 (50%) 1.24 ns (p = .705)
ADHD medication–b, N (%) 20 (65%) 22 (73%) .56 ns (p = .475)
Computer game experience
(hours per week)
8.6 5.0 11.6 8.4 1.17 ns (p = .105)
Dyscalculia, N (%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Dyslexia, N (%) 2 (7%) 5 (17%) 2.03 ns (p = .211)
Does executive function capacity moderate theoutcome ofexecutive function training inchildren…
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standardized external reward system for completing ses-
sions was used to even further enhance the child’s motiva-
tion for doing the training (for more details see Dovis etal.
2015b). This consisted of receiving game-related stickers,
reward ribbons and medals for completing sessions.
EF training condition
In this condition WM, inhibition and cognitive flexibility
were all in active training mode. Training mode was that
after each block of training tasks, the level of difficulty of
the training task was adjusted automatically to the child’s
level of performance. Also in training mode (a) the WM
task (Dovis etal. 2008a) consisted of five training lev-
els: the first level aims at training visuospatial short-term
memory (STM) only, whereas the other four levels aim at
combinations of visuospatial STM, updating and manipu-
lation of information (i.e. these four levels aimed at both
STM and the central executive). Every level was trained
for 5 of the 25 sessions. The difficulty level increased as
the amount of information that had to be remembered,
updated and manipulated amounted, (b) the inhibition task
(Dovis etal. 2008b) aimed at decreasing the time needed
to inhibit a prepotent response (as in the stop signal reac-
tion time measured by the Stop task; Logan etal. 1997).
On most trials the child responded to a go stimulus by
pressing left or right within a specific time-frame (a green
colored response window between 550 and 850ms; see
Fig.1), thereby creating a prepotent response tendency.
On 25% of the trials, somewhere after the go stimulus and
before the middle of the response window, a stop signal
was presented (a tone and a visual cue). After the stop
signal, the child had to inhibit the prepotent response (stop
trials). Difficulty level increased by shortening the time
for inhibition of this response, (c) the cognitive-flexibility
task (Dovis etal. 2008b) aimed at decreasing the time
a child needs to adapt his/her behavior when task rules
change (i.e., switch cost). The child sorted objects with
various shapes and colors (e.g. blue or red colored plung-
ers and wheels) to either the left or the right according to
a specific rule. This rule was either to sort according to
shape or to sort according to color. In 25% of the trials, the
rule switched (switch trials). Difficulty level increased by
shortening the switch time between the two rules (for more
details of the three training tasks see Van der Oord etal.
2014). To assess whether the training actually improved
task performance on the EFs, improvement on training
performance from beginning to end of training was com-
puted; results showed there was a significant improvement
during the training on inhibition, cognitive flexibility and
for all levels of working memory (see Dovis etal. 2015a,
b, c).
Placebo condition
WM, inhibition and cognitive flexibility were all in placebo
mode in the placebo condition. For the inhibition task and
the cognitive-flexibility task, the stop trials and switch tri-
als were replaced by go trials and non-switch trials (i.e.,
no-stop trials and switch trials were presented), and there
was no adjustment of the difficulty level. Placebo mode in
the WM task was that the difficulty level was not adjusted
to the child’s level of performance and set to a maximum of
two (no more than two items had to be remembered); also
only the WM tasks’ first level was presented for all 25 ses-
sions. The number of trials in placebo mode was increased
to match the training time in training mode; for each EF
domain there was 10-min training per session.
Near transfer measures
Corsi block tapping task (CBTT)
The CBTT (Corsi 1972) assesses visuospatial STM and WM
capacity. The CBTT consists of nine cubes/blocks positioned
on a board. A similar task to Kessels etal. (2000) was used
(same size of board and blocks, distances between blocks),
and the same procedure was used as in Geurts etal. (2004).
The experimenter tapped a sequence of blocks. The child
is asked to reproduce the sequence in the same (CBTT for-
ward) or in reversed order (CBTT backward). The minimum
sequence length was three, and the maximum sequence
length was eight blocks. Each sequence length was pre-
sented for three trials. The total score is the total amount of
sequences correctly reproduced. Total scores on the CBTT
forward and CBTT backward were used as outcomes for
visuospatial STM and visuospatial WM (for more details,
see the statistical analyses section). The CBTT shows good
reliability (Schellig 1997).
Stop task
The Stop task was used to measure inhibition (Logan etal.
1997). Two types of trials were presented: go trials and stop
trials. During go trials, a go stimulus (an arrow) pointing either
to the right or left was presented. Participants were instructed
to press a response button corresponding to the direction of
the stimulus as quickly and as accurately as possible. Stop
trials were identical to the go trials, but in addition a stop sig-
nal was presented (a tone and a visual cue). Once a stop trial
was presented, the participant had to withhold his/her ongo-
ing response. The delay between the go signal and stop signal
was dynamically varied (in steps of 50ms) so that inhibition
S.Dovis et al.
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was successful in 50% of the stop trials. At this point, the go
process and stop process are of equal duration, which makes
it possible to estimate the stop signal reaction time (SSRT;
Logan, 1997), the latency of the stop process. First two prac-
tice blocks were administered, followed by four experimental
blocks (of 64 trials each). SSRTs were used as inhibition out-
come (for more details, see the statistical analyses section).
Test retest reliability of the SSRT in children with ADHD is
.72 (Soreni etal. 2009).
Trail making test (TMT)
The TMT of the Delis–Kaplan Executive Function System
(D-KEFS; Delis etal. 2007) aims at measuring cognitive flex-
ibility. The TMT is a timed task that requires the individual
to connect a series of letters and numbers in ascending order
while alternating between numbers and letters. Outcomes for
the current study were scaled contrast scores—the contrast
between the scaled non-switch trials (number sequencing and
letter sequencing) and the scaled switch trials (number–letter
switching) (i.e., switch cost; for more details, see the statisti-
cal analyses section). Test–retest reliabilities range from .20
to .77 (Delis etal.).
Far transfer measures
DBDRS (parent andteacher versions)
The DBDRS has four DSM-IV scales; inattention, hyperac-
tivity/impulsivity, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), and
CD. The child’s behavior is rated by parents and teachers on a
4-point Likert-type scale. Adequate psychometric properties
have been reported (Oosterlaan etal. 2000). The scores on
the inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity scales were used
ADHD behavior outcomes.
Behavior rating inventory ofexecutive function
questionnaire (BRIEF; Gioia etal. 2000)
EF behavior in everyday life was assessed with the Dutch ver-
sion of the BRIEF. The BRIEF has 75 questions and eight EF
sub-domains: Inhibit, Shift, Emotional Control, Initiate, WM,
Plan/Organize, Organization of Materials, and Monitor. The
test has adequate psychometric properties (Smidts and Huiz-
inga 2009). T scores on the EF sub-domains WM, Inhibit and
Shift (cognitive flexibility) were used as outcomes.
Executive functioning
Pre-training total score on the CBTT backward, pre-training
SSRT, and the pre-training scaled contrast score on the TMT
was used as indicators of working memory, inhibition, and
cognitive flexibility capacity, respectively.
The faculty’s IRB (the Ethics Review Board of the Faculty of
Social and Behavioral Sciences of the University of Amster-
dam) approved the study. First, written informed consent
was obtained from the parents (on behalf of the participating
children). Next, parents and teachers filled in the DBDRS.
A 6-month version of the DBDRS was administered for
this first screening (regarding the child’s behavior over the
past 6 months). At the pre-test, post-test and follow-up, a
2-week version of the DBDRS was administered (regarding
the child’s behavior over the past 2-weeks). When inclusion
criterion was met on the DBDRS, children and parents were
invited to an intake session. The intake session consisted
of questions regarding demographics (see Table1), and the
PDISC-IV, and the short-form of the WISC-III. If follow-
ing this intake session inclusion criteria were met, parent
and child were invited to the pre-test session and the startup
session. Also they were allocated to one of the treatment
conditions using the process of randomization by minimiza-
tion (Altman & Bland 2005) on the basis of age, gender, IQ,
medication-use (yes/no), and parent- and teacher-rated inat-
tention and hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms (using the
6-month DBDRS). At pre-test session, outcome measures
were administered. Further, the teacher filled in the 2-week
version of the DBDRS in the same week of the pre-test ses-
sion. The pre-test was planned approximately 1–2weeks
before the startup session of the training. The startup session
was an instruction on the computer, training program and
the external reward system. Also a schedule was established
for implementing the intervention and for weekly coaching
calls. The research assistant that had done a startup session
with a particular family could not test or have further contact
with that family or the teacher (to preserve blinding). Dur-
ing the commencement of the 5-week training, a research
assistant blind to the treatment condition made weekly calls
to monitor progress in the training, motivation and compli-
ance, and assisted with solving technical and game-related
problems. There was an explicit instruction for parents and
children not to discuss the content of the training tasks with
this person. If this person did receive information revealing
the treatment condition, he/she was replaced and could no
longer have contact with the family or the teacher. Between
1 and 2weeks after the last training session the post-test was
planned. The teacher filled in the DBDRS in the same week.
The follow-up was scheduled 3 months after the post-test,
and the teacher completed the DBDRS in the same week
as the follow-up test. Experimenters were blind to condi-
tion in all testing sessions. The effectiveness of blinding, at
Does executive function capacity moderate theoutcome ofexecutive function training inchildren…
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post-test, was assessed by asking the parents to report the
condition they thought their child was assigned to.
Moderation models andstatistical analyses
Single moderation models were used to test whether pre-
training EF (using the pre-training total score on the CBTT
backward, the pre-training SSRT on the Stop task, and the
pre-training scaled contrast score on the TMT) moderated
near and far transfer outcomes of EF training.
Prior to conducting the moderation analyses, for each near
transfer measure and far transfer measure, reliable change
indices (RCI; Jacobson & Truax 1991; Wise 2004) were
calculated and used as measures of pre- to post-, and pre- to
follow-up training change. These RCIs of the near and far
transfer measures were subsequently subjected to modera-
tion analyses, using the PROCESS modeling tool (Hayes
2012), with treatment condition (EF training vs. placebo)
as independent variable, and pre-training EF task scores as
moderators (see Fig.2). The “R2-chng” parameter from the
“R-square increase due to interaction” output from the PRO-
CESS tool was used as a measure of effect size. This param-
eter (hereinafter referred to as R2-change) can be interpreted
as the percentage of variance in the outcome measure that
is due the interaction between the independent variable and
the moderator. Significant moderation effects were further
explored using the Johnson and Neyman method (available
in the PROCESS tool). This method is used to determine
for which values of the moderator the independent variable
significantly predicts the outcome (Field 2013; Hayes 2012).
Given the relation between age and EF (e.g., Westerberg
etal. 2004), EF task scores that were used as modera-
tor were adjusted for age using a regression procedure.
That is, in the entire sample we regressed EF task scores
on age, and the discrepancy between observed and pre-
dicted data was taken as the age-adjusted task score. These
age-adjusted EF task scores were used in the moderation
An intent-to-treat (ITT) approach, using single impu-
tations, was used (also see Dovis etal. 2015b). That is,
for each treatment group stochastic regression imputation
was used to predict the missing post-training and follow-
up values. The missing post-test values were based on
the non-missing pre-training and post-training scores of
each treatment group. The missing follow-up values were
based on the non-missing pre-training scores, post-training
scores, follow-up scores, and pre-training—post-training
difference scores of each treatment group (although the
overall percentage of missing data was low—only around
5% was missing—it must be noted that stochastic regres-
sion imputation can increase the probability of making
type I errors).
For each near and far transfer measures, RCI data points
were excluded from analyses (i.e., treated as outliers) if the
absolute value of the standardized residual was greater than
3, or when both of the following criteria were met: (1) a
standardized residual with an absolute value greater than 2,
and (2) a Cook’s distance ≥ 1 (Field 2013). Based on this cri-
terion, one data point was excluded for each of the analyses
that contained one of the following outcome variables: the
pre- to follow-up RCI of the CBTT backwards, the pre- to
post- and the pre- to follow-up RCI of the SSRT, the pre- to
post-RCI of the TMT, the pre- to post-RCI of the parent-
rated BRIEF WM sub-domain, and the pre- to follow-up
RCI of the teacher-rated DBDRS attention scale. Overall,
6 different data points, from 6 different participants, were
excluded (which is only 0.5% of the total amount of data
Fig. 2 The inhibition training
task with the green colored
time-frame (response window)
in the upper middle of the
S.Dovis et al.
1 3
Groups did not differ with respect to any of the baseline
demographics or clinical characteristics (see Table1).
Compliance to treatment was high; of the 31 participants
assigned to the EF training condition, 30 (96.7%) met com-
pliance criteria (completing 25 training sessions within
5weeks). Of the 30 participants assigned to the placebo
condition, 28 (93.3%) met compliance criteria. Further,
three participants (5%) of our total sample (i.e., 1 child in
the training condition and 2 children in the placebo condi-
tion) were, although they completed the training, lost to
post-training testing, and another three participants were
lost to follow-up testing (i.e., 2 children in the training
condition and 1 child in the placebo condition, reason:
unable to schedule or contact). There were no significant
differences on baseline demographics and clinical char-
acteristics between these children and those that did par-
ticipate in the post-training/follow-up assessments. Means
and SDs of the variables involved as well as other details
can be found in Dovis etal. (2015b).
No participant (child, parent, teacher, experimenter, or
coach) was unblinded at any point during the conduct of
the trial, and parents were not able to guess the condition
wherein their child was included (there was no significant
association between the conditions wherein participants
were actually included and the conditions whereof par-
ents afterward reported that their child was assigned to;
see Dovis etal. 2015b). Further, it was tested whether
children improved on the training tasks during the EF
training. Within the EF training condition, paired t-tests
showed a significant difference (improvement) between
the Start Index (result of day 2 and 3 of training) and the
Max Index (result of the 2 best training days) for the inhi-
bition training (p < .001), the cognitive flexibility training
(p < .001), and for all the levels of the WM training (all
p-values< .001). For more details see Dovis etal. (2015b).
Moderation analyses
The results of the moderation analyses are presented in
Table2. These analyses generated four significant modera-
tion effects (see Table2). However, none of these modera-
tion effects survived (Bonferroni) correction for multiple
testing (p values needed to be < .0013 [.05/38] to survive,
whereas actual p-values ranged between .017 and .046).
This suggests that the robustness of these effects is limited.
Nonetheless, to provide more insight into the direction
and effect size of these findings (are they in the expected
direction? are our results related to a lack of power?) the
moderation effects are described in more detail below.
Pre‑training WM
Pre-training WM performance moderated pre- to follow-up
change (RCI) in parent-rated hyperactive/impulsive behav-
ior, b = − 0.37, 95% CI [− 0.73, − 0.008], t = 2.04, p = .046
(also see Table2). R2-change was .040, indicating that only
4% of the variance in the RCI of parent-rated hyperactive/
impulsive behavior could be explained by the interaction
between treatment condition (EF training vs. placebo) and
the moderator (pre-training WM performance). Follow-up
analyses using the Johnson and Neyman method showed
that there only was a significant negative relationship
between treatment condition and the pre- to follow-up
RCI of the P-DBDRS hyperactivity/impulsivity scale in
children with high pre-training WM performance (1.25 SD
above the age corrected mean score on the CBTT back-
wards), whereas this relationship was non-significant in
children with lower pre-training WM performance (see
These results suggest that, with regard to follow-up
treatment change in parent-rated hyperactivity/impulsiv-
ity behavior, children with very good pre-training working
memory benefit less from the EF training condition than
from the placebo condition. However, the R2-change param-
eter indicates that this effect was small.
Pre‑training response inhibition
Pre-training inhibition performance moderated pre- to
follow-up treatment change in inhibition performance (as
measured by the RCI of the SSRT; see Table2), b = 0.01,
95% CI [0.004, 0.024], t = 2.08, p = .042). R2-change was
.049, indicating that only 4.9% of the variance in the treat-
ment change in inhibition performance could be explained
by the interaction between treatment condition (EF train-
ing vs. placebo) and the moderator (pre-training inhibi-
tion performance). Follow-up analyses using the Johnson
and Neyman method showed that there only was a sig-
nificant positive relationship between treatment condition
and the pre- to follow-up RCI of the SSRT in children
with medium to high pre-training SSRTs (note: higher
SSRTs means worse inhibition performance), whereas
this relationship was non-significant in children with lower
pre-training SSRTs (lower than 0.5 SD below the mean
[mean = 196ms; SD = 58ms]; see Fig.4).
These results suggest that, with regard to follow-up
treatment change in response inhibition, only children with
medium to poor pre-training inhibition benefit more from
the EF training condition than from the placebo condition.
However, the R2-change parameter indicates that this effect
was small.
Does executive function capacity moderate theoutcome ofexecutive function training inchildren…
1 3
Pre‑training cognitive exibility
Pre-training cognitive flexibility performance moderated
pre- to follow-up treatment change (RCI) in cognitive
flexibility performance, b = 0.15, 95% CI [0.027, 0.265],
t = 2.45, p = .017 (see Table2). R2-change was .071, indicat-
ing that only 7.1% of the variance in the treatment change
in cognitive flexibility performance could be explained by
the interaction between treatment condition (EF training vs.
placebo) and the moderator (pre-training cognitive flexibility
performance). Follow-up analyses using the Johnson and
Neyman method showed a significant negative relationship
between treatment condition and the pre- to follow-up RCI
of the TMT score in children with low pre-training cog-
nitive flexibility (lower than 1.25 SD below the mean), a
non-significant relationship in children with moderately low
Table 2 Moderation outcomes (EF training condition versus placebo condition)
Age corr., age corrected performance; Bkw., backward; BRIEF, behavior rating inventory of executive function questionnaire; CBTT, corsi block
tapping task; CF, cognitive flexibility; DBDRS, disruptive behavior disorder rating scale; Mod, moderator; P-, parent-rated; Pre, Pre-test; Pre-tr.,
Pre-training; R2-cng, “R2-change” parameter; RCI, reliable change index (for all outcome measures RCI scores were used); shift, cognitive flexibil-
ity; SSRT, stop signal reaction time; T-, teacher-rated; TMT, trail making task; treatment, treatment condition
*p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001; p < .07
Outcome measure (RCI) Pre- versus post-test Pre- versus follow-up test
Coefficient (b) Coefficient (b)
variable (Treat-
Mod Treatment x Mod
R2-cng Independent
variable (Treat-
Mod Treatment x Mod
Mod = Pre-tr. WM (age
corr. CBTT bkw. total
Near transfer
CBTT backward .59* − .13 .25 .057 .46* − .28*** .12 .012
CBTT forward 1.01** − .07 .11 .008 .89** − .01 .09 .020
Far Transfer
P-DBDRS att .33 − .21 − .17 .005 .24 − .02 .22 .010
P-DBDRS hyp/imp .03 − .03 − .24 .015 − .24 − .06 − .37* .040
T-DBDRS att .45 .08 .06 .001 .38 .29* .41† .058
T-DBDRS hyp/imp .22 .07 .35 .043 − .07 .23 .45 .054
P-BRIEF WM .21 − .17 − .30 .048 .01 − .12 − .24 .038
Mod = Pre-tr. Inh. (age
corr. SSRT)
Near transfer
SSRT 1.10 *** .01** .005 .009 1.14*** .02*** .01* .049
Far transfer
P-DBDRS att .46 − .001 .001 .001 .32 .01 .007 .006
P-DBDRS hyp/imp .005 − .004 − .001 < .001 − .23 − .003 − .002 .001
T-DBDRS att .42 .002 < .001 < .001 .22 .003 .014 .041
T-DBDRS hyp/imp .17 − .001 − .005 .004 − .23 − .002 < .001 < .001
P-BRIEF Inhibition − .65 − .01 − .16 .003 − .75 .07 − .14 .002
Mod = Pre-tr. CF (age corr.
Near transfer
TMT − .08 − .20*** .09 .021 − .03 − .24*** .18* .071
Far transfer
P-DBDRS att .46 .03 .04 < .001 .27 − .03 − .06 .001
P-DBDRS hyp/imp .06 − .08 − .06 .001 − .20 .03 − .10 .004
T-DBDRS att .41 − .06 .18 .015 .20 − .006 .02 < .001
T-DBDRS hyp/imp .21 − .15* .32* .057 − .22 .01 − .24 .025
P-BRIEF Shift − .65 − .07 − .18 .008 − .75 − .002 − .27 .016
S.Dovis et al.
1 3
Fig. 3 Pre-training WM per-
formance moderation on pre to
follow-up change in parent-rated
hyperactive/impulsive behavior
Fig. 4 Pre-training inhibition
performance moderation on pre
to follow-up change in inhibi-
tion performance
Does executive function capacity moderate theoutcome ofexecutive function training inchildren…
1 3
to moderately high pre-training cognitive flexibility, and a
significantly positive relationship in children with very high
pre-training cognitive flexibility (higher than 1.5 SD above
the mean; see Fig.5).
These results suggest that, with regard to post-treatment
change in cognitive flexibility, children with very poor pre-
training cognitive flexibility benefit more from the placebo
condition than from the EF training condition, whereas chil-
dren with very good pre-training cognitive flexibility show
a worse outcome in the placebo condition than in the EF
training condition. However, the R2-change parameter indicates
that this effect was small.
Pre-training cognitive flexibility performance also mod-
erated pre- to post-treatment change (RCI) in teacher-rated
hyperactive/impulsive behavior, b = 0.32, 95% CI [0.028,
0.611], t = 2.20, p = .03 (see Table2). R2-change was .057,
indicating that only 5.7% of the variance in the RCI of
teacher-rated hyperactive/impulsive behavior could be
explained by the interaction between treatment condition
(EF training vs. placebo) and the moderator (pre-training
cognitive flexibility performance). Follow-up analyses using
the Johnson and Neyman method showed that children with
very good pre-training cognitive flexibility (2 SD above the
mean) benefited more from the EF training condition than
from the placebo condition. However, inspection of Fig.6
suggests that pre-training cognitive flexibility capacity
only has impact on teacher-rated hyperactivity/impulsiv-
ity in the placebo condition. In the placebo condition better
pre-training cognitive flexibility seems to be associated with
worse hyperactivity/impulsivity outcomes. However, the R2-
change parameter indicates that this effect was small.
In sum, although pre-training inhibition performance and
pre-training cognitive flexibility performance were signifi-
cant moderators of near transfer, and pre-training WM per-
formance and pre-training cognitive flexibility performance
were significant moderators of far transfer, these modera-
tion effects were often not in the expected direction, did not
survive Bonferroni correction for multiple testing and were
characterized by small effect sizes.
The aim of this placebo-controlled study was to determine
whether pre-training EF capacity of children with ADHD
moderates the outcome of an EF training intervention on
measures of near transfer (EF performance) and far trans-
fer (parent- and teacher-rated ADHD symptoms and par-
ent-rated EF behavior in everyday life). We expected that
children with poorer pre-training EF capacity would ben-
efit more from EF training than from a placebo training, as
they have more EF-related room for improvement (Diamond
and Lee 2011; Diamond 2012), whereas in children with
good pre-training EF capacity, EF training would probably
have no more impact on ADHD symptoms than a placebo
Fig. 5 Pre-training cogni-
tive flexibility performance
moderation on pre to follow-up
change in cognitive flexibility
S.Dovis et al.
1 3
training, as their symptoms are less likely to originate from
impairments in EF.
However, our results are not in line with these expec-
tations. That is, although we found that pre-training
inhibition performance and pre-training cognitive flex-
ibility performance were significant moderators of near
transfer (pre- to follow-up treatment change in inhibition
performance and cognitive flexibility performance), and
pre-training WM performance and pre-training cognitive
flexibility performance were significant moderators of far
transfer (treatment change in parent-rated and teacher-
rated hyperactive/impulsive behavior, respectively), these
moderation effects were often not in the expected direc-
tion, did not survive Bonferroni correction for multiple
testing, and were characterized by small effect sizes. This
suggests that these effects are not robust and are unlikely
to be of clinical significance. To illustrate the latter, the
effect sizes indicated that only 4–7% of the variance in
the observed treatment change could be explained by the
interaction between the type of treatment (EF training vs.
Placebo) and pre-training EF. Although the non-robustness
of our effects might be explained by our relatively small
sample size, using a larger sample is unlikely to change
the effect sizes and the conclusions regarding the clinical
significance of the effects. In sum, these results suggest
that children’s pre-training EF capacity is not a clini-
cally significant moderator of the relation between type
of treatment (EF training vs. Placebo) and improvements
on measures of near transfer (EF performance) and far
transfer (parent- and teacher-rated ADHD symptoms and
parent-rated EF behavior in everyday life). Hence, com-
pared to a placebo training, children with poor EF capacity
do not seem to benefit more from EF training than children
with good EF capacity.
EF training interventions in children with ADHD mainly
improve performance on measures of near transfer, but
have very limited effects on measures of far transfer (Cor-
tese etal. 2014; Dovis etal. 2015a; Hodgson etal. 2014;
Sonuga-Barke etal. 2013; also see Chacko etal. 2013). Con-
sequently, it has been suggested that these findings might
have been more positive if only those children with ADHD
who actually have EF impairments were selected for training
(e.g., Cortese etal. 2014). However, our current findings do
not support this suggestion and imply that the strategy of
training only those children who have EF impairments will
probably not change the conclusions of these meta-analyses.
Furthermore, our findings do not change the conclusion
from our previous placebo-controlled study (Dovis etal.
2015b) stating that changes in EF performance seem unre-
lated to the changes in ADHD symptoms and EF behavior
(EF performance only improved in the EF training condition,
whereas the far transfer indices improved irrespective of the
type of treatment received; see Dovis etal. 2015b), and are
in line with the notion that improvement of EF might not
be the mechanism of change when it comes to improving
ADHD symptoms or EF behavior in everyday life.
Fig. 6 Pre-training cognitive
flexibility performance modera-
tion on pre to post treatment
change in teacher-rated hyperac-
tive/impulsive behavior
Does executive function capacity moderate theoutcome ofexecutive function training inchildren…
1 3
If not improvement in EF, what else could this mecha-
nism of change be? The improvements in ADHD and EF
behaviors are probably not caused by a Hawthorne effect,
nor by effects of multiple testing or the passage of time, as a
previous study investigating the EF training (Van der Oord
etal. 2014) found no improvement on parent- and teacher-
rated ADHD and EF behaviors in a wait-list control group.
Nonetheless, at this point we can only speculate about the
nature of the underlying mechanism(s) of change. It must
be something that is common to both treatment conditions.
For instance, in both the EF training and the placebo condi-
tions, training tasks were gamified and parents were pro-
vided with a standardized external reward system to keep
children motivated to adhere to treatment. If children were
indeed motivated to adhere to this 25-session, home-based
treatment, which is consistent with the high compliance rate
in our study, then one could imagine that parents may have
had less need for negative interactions and more opportuni-
ties for positive interactions with their child. To elaborate on
the latter; the achievements in the game (e.g., creating new
inventions) and in the standardized external reward system
(e.g., earning stickers, ribbons and medals) may have made
it easier for parents to detect and use these opportunities
for positive interactions with their child. Evidence suggests
that decreased negative and increased positive parent–child
interactions can improve ADHD-related behavior, even in
the classroom (e.g., see Hinshaw 2007; Matos etal. 2009).
Future EF training studies should include process measures
to further investigate this and other potential mechanisms of
change (such as effects of expectancies, self-fulfilling proph-
ecies, or attribution; see Dovis etal. 2015b; Hinshaw 2007).
In its current form, regardless of children’s pre-training
EF capacity, EF training seems not more effective than
a placebo training in improving symptoms of ADHD or
EF behavior in everyday life. Nonetheless, there are still
opportunities that need further exploration. For example,
to increase chances of finding far transfer effects that result
from EF training specifically, training tasks should be
made more ecologically valid (e.g., by using EF training
tasks that resemble the complexity of problematic situa-
tions in everyday life) and should be intertwined with rel-
evant real-life EF-taxing activities (e.g., completing chores
in everyday life could be an additional goal in the EF
training; for more suggestions see Gathercole 2014; also
see Van der Donk etal. 2016). Also potentially training
focused on enhancing mainly the central executive com-
ponent of working memory may be more effective as the
central executive is most disturbed in ADHD and related
to deficits in functioning (Chacko etal. 2014b; Rapport
etal. 2013), for a promising example see (Kofler etal.
2018b). Furthermore, the domains of far transfer that were
investigated in this study were limited to indirect meas-
ures of behavior (e.g., ADHD behavior as rated by parents
and teachers). Future studies should also include more
direct measures of behavior or potentially more relevant
far transfer measures. More relevant far transfer measure
than EF and ADHD ratings of parents may be social and
academic functioning, research shows clear associations
between working memory capacity and these domains
(Kofler etal. 2018a, c). For example, a placebo-controlled
WM-training study (Green etal. 2012) found no specific
treatment effects on parent-rated behavior (teacher-rated
behavior was not investigated), but found specific effects
on aspects of experimenter-observed off-task behavior dur-
ing an academic task. Finally, future studies should use
larger sample sizes. Given the performed moderation anal-
yses, our sample size was relatively small (N = 61). This
suggests that the null findings in this moderation study
should be interpreted with caution (due to the possibility
of type II error). Nonetheless, all null findings were char-
acterized by small effect sizes suggesting that a replication
study using a larger sample is not likely to find more clini-
cally relevant results.
With regard to operationalization of our moderators, a
potential limitation of the current study is that we used the
scores on the CBTT (forward and backward) as measure-
ment of WM, with as limitation that this measure seems to
be mainly associated with the STM component of WM, but
less with its central executive (CE) component (Kessels etal.
2008). Given the evidence that children with ADHD seem
to be impaired on both the STM and CE component of WM
(e.g., see Dovis etal. 2015a, b, c) and the fact that the WM-
training paradigm of the EF-training condition was designed
to target both the STM and CE component of WM, it would
have been interesting to investigate our research questions
with a more CE-oriented WM task such as the Chessboard
task (e.g., Dovis etal. 2013) or the N-Back task (Kane etal.
2007). Further, although the theoretical reasons for using
the contrast score from the D-KEFS TMT as the measure
of cognitive flexibility (task switching) are strong, it must
be noted that its test–retest reliabilities are low (see Craw-
ford etal. 2008). One could argue that including the results
from the original switch trials (scores from D-KEFS TMT 4)
might reduce this limitation as these “non-contrasted” scores
are comprised of only one source of measurement error
instead of two (Crawford etal. 2008). However, evidence
suggests that these “non-contrasted” scores also have low
test–retest reliability (r = .20; Delis etal. 2001) but, in con-
trast to the TMT contrast scores, have low construct validity
(see Sánchez-Cubillo etal. 2009: they found that the TMT
switch trials primarily reflect working memory, whereas the
TMT contrast scores primarily reflect task switching). We
therefore chose to only use the TMT contrast scores as meas-
ure of cognitive flexibility/task switching in our moderation
analyses. Finally multiple measures of one EF construct is
preferred; however, given that multiple EFs were trained in
S.Dovis et al.
1 3
this study and children already had long pre- and post-test
sessions, adding more EF measures was not feasible for the
Based on our current findings, what would be our answer
when clinicians, parents or teachers ask us whether a par-
ticular child with ADHD could benefit from EF training?
It would probably be something like this: “In general, per-
formance on outcome measures of working memory and
inhibition seem to improve more than after placebo training
(Dovis etal. 2015b). However, since many of these outcome
measures are very similar to the training tasks themselves
we do not know if and to what extend this improvement is
the result of a learned strategy instead of improved cognitive
capacity (Thompson etal. 2013). ADHD symptoms and EF
behavior in everyday life might also improve (according to
parents ADHD symptoms improve in about 39–55% of the
cases, and EF behavior improves in about 26–55% of the
cases; according to teachers ADHD symptoms improve in
about 16–39% of the cases; see Dovis etal. 2015b), but the
same improvement is found after placebo training. More-
over, these outcomes seem independent of the child’s EF
capacity. That is, compared to a placebo training, children
with poor EF capacity do not seem to benefit more from
EF training than children with good EF capacity. In sum,
these findings suggest that if the ADHD or EF behavior of
the child improves after EF training, this is probably not the
result of the actual improvement of EFs, but of some other
yet unknown mechanism of change. At this point, we can
only speculate about the nature of this unknown underlying
mechanism(s) of change (e.g. effects of expectancies, self-
fulfilling prophecies, attribution, or improved parent–child
interactions); however, improvement of EFs seems to have
little to do with it.”
In conclusion, we found that children’s pre-training EF
capacity is not a clinically significant moderator of the rela-
tion between type of treatment (EF training vs. Placebo)
and improvements on measures of near transfer (EF perfor-
mance) and far transfer (parent- and teacher-rated ADHD
symptoms and parent-rated EF behavior in everyday life).
Hence, it does not seem to be the case that especially chil-
dren with poor pre-training EF capacity benefit more from
EF training than from placebo training.
Acknowledgements We are grateful to Jeugdriagg Noord Holland
Zuid, GGz Noord Holland Noord (Centrum voor Kinder- en Jeug-
dpsychiatrie), Regionaal Centrum voor Kinder en Jeugdpsychiatrie
Gooi en Vechtstreek (RCKJP), Bosman GGz, Stichting De Praktijk,
Stichting Kram, PuntP, Academisch Behandelcentrum UvA Minds,
and Kinderpraktijk VIS, to multimedia company ShoSho for the gami-
fication of Brian Game Brian, to Hilde Huizenga and Joost Agelink
van Rentergem Zandvliet for their comments and statistical advice, to
Marloes van der Arend, Tim van den Broek, Josje de Bont, Annette
Brouwer, Tycho Dekkers, Lucie van den Eertwegh, Rebecca Goedee,
Roza van der Heide, Lisanne Klink, Astrid Nauta, Inge Meulenberg,
Muriël Musa, Pascale Riaskoff, Elise Tilma, Marije Voermans, Ida de
Vries, and Pamina Warmbrunn for their help with data collection, and
to all participating children and families.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest S.D., S.VDO and M.M. declare no competing in-
terests relating to this paper. P.J.M.P. was member of Stichting Gaming
& Training (until 2017), a nonprofit organization that facilitates the
development and implementation of the above-mentioned EF training;
“Braingame Brian.”
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... Indicate that all studies obtained one star for adequate case defi- (Bikic et al., 2017;Davis et al., 2018;Kollins et al., 2021;Lim et al., 2012;Ou et al., 2020;Weerdmeester et al., 2016), hyperactivity and impulsivity (Dovis et al., 2015(Dovis et al., , 2019García-Baos et al., 2019;Kollins et al., 2021;Lim et al., 2012;Ou et al., 2020;Weerdmeester et al., 2016), executive functions (Benzing & Schmidt, 2019;Bikic et al., 2018;Bul et al., 2016Bul et al., , 2018Dovis et al., 2019;García-Baos et al., 2019;García-Redondo et al., 2019;Kollins et al., 2020), working memory (Bul et al., 2016;Chacko et al., 2014;Davis et al., 2018;Dovis et al., 2015Dovis et al., , 2019, social skills (Bul et al., 2016), motor skills (Benzing & Schmidt, 2019), and visual skills (Dovis et al., 2015;García-Baos et al., 2019;Rajabi et al., 2020). On the other hand, some studies (Bikic et al., 2017;Rodrigo-Yanguas et al., 2021) found no significant differences between the groups tested. ...
... Indicate that all studies obtained one star for adequate case defi- (Bikic et al., 2017;Davis et al., 2018;Kollins et al., 2021;Lim et al., 2012;Ou et al., 2020;Weerdmeester et al., 2016), hyperactivity and impulsivity (Dovis et al., 2015(Dovis et al., , 2019García-Baos et al., 2019;Kollins et al., 2021;Lim et al., 2012;Ou et al., 2020;Weerdmeester et al., 2016), executive functions (Benzing & Schmidt, 2019;Bikic et al., 2018;Bul et al., 2016Bul et al., , 2018Dovis et al., 2019;García-Baos et al., 2019;García-Redondo et al., 2019;Kollins et al., 2020), working memory (Bul et al., 2016;Chacko et al., 2014;Davis et al., 2018;Dovis et al., 2015Dovis et al., , 2019, social skills (Bul et al., 2016), motor skills (Benzing & Schmidt, 2019), and visual skills (Dovis et al., 2015;García-Baos et al., 2019;Rajabi et al., 2020). On the other hand, some studies (Bikic et al., 2017;Rodrigo-Yanguas et al., 2021) found no significant differences between the groups tested. ...
... Indicate that all studies obtained one star for adequate case defi- (Bikic et al., 2017;Davis et al., 2018;Kollins et al., 2021;Lim et al., 2012;Ou et al., 2020;Weerdmeester et al., 2016), hyperactivity and impulsivity (Dovis et al., 2015(Dovis et al., , 2019García-Baos et al., 2019;Kollins et al., 2021;Lim et al., 2012;Ou et al., 2020;Weerdmeester et al., 2016), executive functions (Benzing & Schmidt, 2019;Bikic et al., 2018;Bul et al., 2016Bul et al., , 2018Dovis et al., 2019;García-Baos et al., 2019;García-Redondo et al., 2019;Kollins et al., 2020), working memory (Bul et al., 2016;Chacko et al., 2014;Davis et al., 2018;Dovis et al., 2015Dovis et al., , 2019, social skills (Bul et al., 2016), motor skills (Benzing & Schmidt, 2019), and visual skills (Dovis et al., 2015;García-Baos et al., 2019;Rajabi et al., 2020). On the other hand, some studies (Bikic et al., 2017;Rodrigo-Yanguas et al., 2021) found no significant differences between the groups tested. ...
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Background Attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder in children and adolescents. Recent studies show that video games have great potential for the treatment and rehabilitation of ADHD patients. The aim of the present review is to systematically review the scientific literature on the relationship between video games and ADHD, focusing on adherence to treatment, frequency of the intervention, and the long‐term follow‐up of video games in children and adolescents with ADHD. Methods The preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta‐analyses guidelines were adopted. The review protocol was registered in PROSPERO database. We searched in three databases, PubMed, Medline, and Web of Science to identify studies examining the association between video game interventions in ADHD patients. Results A total of 18 empirical studies met the established inclusion criteria. The results showed that video games‐based interventions can be used to improve ADHD symptoms and display high adherence to treatment. In addition, in the studies reviewed, the most common intervention frequency is 30 min three to five times per week. However, there is little evidence from studies with video games showing long‐term effects in patients with ADHD. Conclusion Video games are useful and effective interventions that can complement traditional treatments in patients with ADHD.
... The geographical distribution of the studies indicates the global interest in the evaluation of the effects of CCTs to improve executive functions in children with ADHD, which can be observed in the frequency of studies distributed in the continents: Europe (38%), America (33%), Asia (24%) and multicenter with American and Asian samples (5%). The Netherlands had the highest European participation (14%) with three studies (Bul et al., 2018;Dovis et al., 2019;van der Donk et al., 2020). The United States and Iran represented their continents (28.8%) with five studies (Davis et al., 2018;Kofler et al., 2018Kofler et al., , 2020Kollins et al., 2020;Meyer et al., 2020;Smith et al., 2020) and four studies (Barzegar et al., 2020;Hamidi et al., 2020;Nejati, 2020;Pahlevanian et al., 2017), respectively. ...
... Sixty-seven percent had a two-group design, while 19% and 14% included three and four groups, respectively. Regarding the measures, 76% reported results of the initial and final evaluation, 30% presented findings of post-training follow-up evaluation (Barzegar et al., 2020;Bigorra et al., 2016;Bikic et al., 2018;Dovis et al., 2019;Kofler et al., 2020;Orylska et al., 2019) (See Table 1). ...
... Two of the studies included evoked potentials with electroencephalography (Meyer et al., 2020;Smith et al., 2019). Most of the studies implemented pen-and-paper assessments, and seven of the studies (35%) were computerized (Bioulac et al., 2020;Dentz et al., 2020;Dovis et al., 2019;Kofler et al., 2018;Kollins et al., 2020;Lee et al., 2021;Nejati, 2020;20% incorporated secondary measures to evaluate safety, acceptability (Davis et al., 2018), usability, feasibility, and satisfaction with respect to training (See Table 3). ...
Background: The purpose of this systematic review is to synthesize the existing literature reporting the effects of computerized cognitive trainings on the executive functions of children with ADHD. Method: A systematic review was carried out following the PRISMA statement; the primary sources used were five electronic databases (Scopus, Science Direct, Pubmed, Springer, Taylor & Francis). Results: 20 articles met the eligibility criteria, data on the training characteristics and the effects on executive functions were extracted, followed by an analysis of bias and the methodological quality of the studies. The results of the studies were widely heterogeneous, largely associated with the variety of training programs and the measurement instruments used. The most studied executive functions were working memory and inhibitory control. Some of the studies reported that the intervention led to significant effects on working memory and attention (N = 7), and improvements in inhibitory control (N = 5) and planning (N = 4) were also reported. At the same time, others did not report the effects of the intervention on these processes. The assessment of the quality of the evidence showed important risk biases among the reviewed studies. Conclusion: Some training based on computer systems showed positive effects on the executive functions of working memory, attention, and inhibitory control in children with ADHD. However, other training sessions did not show significant effects. In general, the evidence shows mixed results, a high diversity of measurement instruments, and high risks of bias between the studies. Therefore, the evidence has not been consistent about the general benefits of computerized training on the executive functions of children with ADHD.
... The assumption that there exists a cognitive transfer between skills is a highly controversial topic within the realm of neuropsychology (Owen et al., 2010;Simons et al., 2016). To suggest that interacting with AI chatbots leads to cognitive changes may be a risky assertion, given that numerous studies indicate the absence of the cognitive phenomenon known as near and far cognitive transfer (Cassetta et al., 2019;De Lillo et al., 2021;Dovis et al., 2019;Ripp et al., 2022;Roording-Ragetlie et al., 2022). Furthermore, some meta-analyses point to inconsistent conclusions in clinical trials supporting this view (Kassai et al., 2019;Melby-Lervåg & Hulme, 2013;Nguyen et al., 2022;Sala & Gobet, 2020). ...
... Furthermore, some meta-analyses point to inconsistent conclusions in clinical trials supporting this view (Kassai et al., 2019;Melby-Lervåg & Hulme, 2013;Nguyen et al., 2022;Sala & Gobet, 2020). In experiments where a positive effect seemed to occur, these could be attributed to poor quality design, publication bias, low heterogeneity, or statistical artifacts (Dovis et al., 2019;Nguyen et al., 2022;Sala & Gobet, 2019. Furthermore, to provide a robust demonstration of the existence of cognitive transfer, it must be assessed through multiple valid psychometric tools (Melby-Lervåg & Hulme, 2013). ...
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Background: Chat generative retrained transformer (ChatGPT) represents a groundbreaking advancement in Artificial Intelligence (AI-chatbot) technology, utilizing transformer algorithms to enhance natural language processing and facilitating their use for addressing specific tasks. These AI chatbots can respond to questions by generating verbal instructions similar to those a person would provide during the problem-solving process. Aim: ChatGPT has become the fastest growing software in terms of user adoption in history, leading to an anticipated widespread use of this technology in the general population. Current literature is predominantly focused on the functional aspects of these technologies, but the field has not yet explored hypotheses on how these AI chatbots could impact the evolutionary aspects of human cognitive development. Thesis: The “neuronal recycling hypothesis” posits that the brain undergoes structural transformation by incorporating new cultural tools into “neural niches,” consequently altering individual cognition. In the case of technological tools, it has been established that they reduce the cognitive demand needed to solve tasks through a process called “cognitive offloading.” In this theoretical article, three hypotheses were proposed via forward inference about how algorithms such as ChatGPT and similar models may influence the cognitive processes and structures of upcoming generations. Conclusions: By forecasting the neurocognitive effects of these technologies, educational and political communities can anticipate future scenarios and formulate strategic plans to either mitigate or enhance the cognitive influence that these factors may have on the general population.
... Also, different people can indicate different neuropsychological profiles, which only add to the complex and heterogenic characteristics of the condition [8][9] . Despite the diversity in cognitive profiles, deficits in executive functions (EF) components have been pointed as some of the main characteristics of ADHD [10][11][12] . Executive functions are a group of cognitive processes that work together to produce, execute, monitor, regulate, and readjust adequate conducts to attain complex goals 13 . ...
... These paradigms are considered to be intensive and rather boring (Bieleke, Barton, & Wolff, 2020). Despite the efforts in this WELCOME protocol to provide a clear rationale and several motivational elements (such as an attractive interface, the use of a puzzle during training, etc.), it might be necessary to rethink the content and approach of future training paradigms (Dovis, Maric, Prins, & Van der Oord, 2019;Forman et al., 2018;Lumsden, Edwards, Lawrence, Coyle, & Munafò, 2016). ...
Research points to self-control as a possible mechanism for facilitating health behaviour and weight loss. The dual pathway model underpins the role of strong bottom-up reactivity towards food and weak top-down executive functions in obesity. Despite flourishing lab studies on attention bias modification or inhibition trainings, relatively few focused on training both processes to improve self-control in children and adolescents in inpatient multidisciplinary obesity treatment (MOT). Being part of the WELCOME project, this study investigated the effectiveness of Brain Fitness training (using the Dot Probe and Go/No-Go) as an adjunct to inpatient MOT in 131 Belgian children and adolescents. Changes in self-control (performance-based inhibitory control and attention bias as well as self-reported eating behaviour) in the experimental group were compared to sham training. Multiple Imputation was used to handle missing data. Inhibitory control and external eating improved over time (pre/post/follow-up), but we found no evidence for a significant interaction between time and condition. Future research should pay more attention to the role of individual variability in baseline self-control, sham training, and ecological validity of self-control training to improve real-life health behaviour and treatment perspectives for children and adolescents with weight problems.
... First, given that at the individual level there is considerable neuropsychological heterogeneity that might dilute the group level impact of CCT, the first option would be to more precisely match the training to the needs of the patients (e.g., WMT could be given to those with WM difficulties at baseline). However, the evidence from studies investigating moderating/mediating factors for this is limited and conflicting [51][52][53], and we were unable to explore the impact of baseline cognitive performance on the CCT treatment effect as only one study screened based on impairment in the trained cognitive domain at baseline [46]. Second, because there is greater plasticity earlier in development, the second option could be to focus training on younger age groups than those currently studied (typically between 8 and 14-years or older). ...
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This meta-analysis investigated the effects of computerized cognitive training (CCT) on clinical, neuropsychological and academic outcomes in individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The authors searched PubMed, Ovid, and Web of Science until 19th January 2022 for parallel-arm randomized controlled trials (RCTs) using CCT in individuals with ADHD. Random-effects meta-analyses pooled standardized mean differences (SMD) between CCT and comparator arms. RCT quality was assessed with the Cochrane Risk of Bias 2.0 tool (PROSPERO: CRD42021229279). Thirty-six RCTs were meta-analysed, 17 of which evaluated working memory training (WMT). Analysis of outcomes measured immediately post-treatment and judged to be “probably blinded” (PBLIND; trial n = 14) showed no effect on ADHD total (SMD = 0.12, 95%CI[−0.01 to −0.25]) or hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms (SMD = 0.12, 95%[−0.03 to−0.28]). These findings remained when analyses were restricted to trials ( n : 5–13) with children/adolescents, low medication exposure, semi-active controls, or WMT or multiple process training. There was a small improvement in inattention symptoms (SMD = 0.17, 95%CI[0.02–0.31]), which remained when trials were restricted to semi-active controls (SMD = 0.20, 95%CI[0.04–0.37]), and doubled in size when assessed in the intervention delivery setting ( n = 5, SMD = 0.40, 95%CI[0.09–0.71]), suggesting a setting-specific effect. CCT improved WM (verbal: n = 15, SMD = 0.38, 95%CI[0.24–0.53]; visual-spatial: n = 9, SMD = 0.49, 95%CI[0.31–0.67]), but not other neuropsychological (e.g., attention, inhibition) or academic outcomes (e.g., reading, arithmetic; analysed n : 5–15). Longer-term improvement (at ~6-months) in verbal WM, reading comprehension, and ratings of executive functions were observed but relevant trials were limited in number ( n : 5–7). There was no evidence that multi-process training was superior to working memory training. In sum, CCT led to shorter-term improvements in WM, with some evidence that verbal WM effects persisted in the longer-term. Clinical effects were limited to small, setting specific, short-term effects on inattention symptoms.
... Computational modeling seems promising because its parameters (i.e., latent components) are often better predictors of individual differences than conventional performance measures (Ging-Jehli, Ratcliff et al., 2010); and initial evidence from schizophrenia research (Geana et al., 2021) suggests that they can help to personalize treatments. Only a few studies have recently begun to concentrate on the use of cognitive markers as moderators of psychosocial therapies (Dovis et al., 2019;Fosco et al., 2018;van der Donk et al., 2020). Most of them used summary statistics (mean RTs or test scores) to index cognitive characteristics and all of them found significant moderations only on near transfer outcome measures such as the performance in cognitive tasks that tap into similar concepts as the tasks used in psychosocial therapy. ...
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Background: Exploring whether cognitive components (identified by baseline cognitive testing and computational modeling) moderate clinical outcome of neurofeedback (NF) for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Method: 142 children (aged 7-10) with ADHD were randomly assigned to either NF (n = 84) or control treatment (n = 58) in a double-blind clinical trial (NCT02251743). The NF group received live, self-controlled downtraining of electroencephalographic theta/beta ratio power. The control group received identical-appearing reinforcement from prerecorded electroencephalograms from other children. 133 (78 NF, 55 control) children had cognitive processing measured at baseline with the Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test (IVA2-CPT) and were included in this analysis. A diffusion decision model applied to the IVA2-CPT data quantified two latent cognitive components deficient in ADHD: drift rate and drift bias, indexing efficiency and context sensitivity of cognitive processes involving information integration. We explored whether these cognitive components moderated the improvement in parent- and teacher-rated inattention symptoms from baseline to treatment end (primary clinical outcome). Results: Baseline cognitive components reflecting information integration (drift rate, drift bias) moderated the improvement in inattention due to NF vs. control treatment (p = 0.006). Specifically, those with either the most or least severe deficits in these components showed more improvement in parent- and teacher-rated inattention when assigned to NF (Cohen's d = 0.59) than when assigned to control (Cohen's d = -0.21). Conclusions: Pre-treatment cognitive testing with computational modeling identified children who benefitted more from neurofeedback than control treatment for ADHD.
... First, some argue that cognitive training may be especially indicated for those children with ADHD that present with most severe cognitive difficulties, instead of offering it as a one-size-fits-all treatment to all children with ADHD. However, a trial in children with ADHD that directly tested whether executive functioning capacity moderated response to cognitive training showed no such effect (Dovis, Maric, Prins, & Van der Oord, 2019). Indirect evidence from a study on a large sample of young adults without ADHD actually suggests the opposite pattern: those with higher working memory capacity improved more from working memory training relative to those with low working memory capacity (Foster et al., 2017). ...
... Also, different people can indicate different neuropsychological profiles, which only add to the complex and heterogenic characteristics of the condition [8][9] . Despite the diversity in cognitive profiles, deficits in executive functions (EF) components have been pointed as some of the main characteristics of ADHD [10][11][12] . Executive functions are a group of cognitive processes that work together to produce, execute, monitor, regulate, and readjust adequate conducts to attain complex goals 13 . ...
Introduction Executive function (EF) deficits are common in youth with ADHD and pose significant functional impairments. The extent and effect of interventions addressing EF in youth with ADHD remain unclear. Methods We conducted a systematic literature review using PRISMA guidelines. Included studies were randomized controlled trials of interventions to treat EF in youth with ADHD. Results Our search returned 136 studies representing 11,443 study participants. We identified six intervention categories: nonstimulant pharmacological ( N = 3,576 participants), neurological ( N = 1,935), psychological ( N = 2,387), digital ( N = 2,416), physiological ( N = 680), and combination ( N = 366). The bulk of the evidence supported pharmacological interventions as most effective in mitigating EF, followed by psychological and digital interventions. Conclusion A breadth of treatments exists for EF in youth with ADHD. Pharmacological, psychotherapeutic, and digital interventions had the most favorable, replicable outcomes. A lack of outcome standardization across studies limited treatment comparison. More data on the persistence of intervention effects are necessary.
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Objective: Working memory deficits have been linked experimentally and developmentally with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)-related symptoms/impairments. Unfortunately, substantial evidence indicates that extant working memory training programs fail to improve these symptoms/impairments. We hypothesized that this discrepancy may reflect insufficient targeting, such that extant protocols do not adequately engage the specific working memory components linked with the disorder’s behavioral/functional impairments. Method: The current study describes the development, empirical basis, and initial testing of central executive training (CET) relative to gold-standard behavioral parent training (BPT). Children with ADHD ages 8–13 (M = 10.43, SD = 1.59; 21 girls; 76% Caucasian/non-Hispanic) were treated using BPT (n = 27) or CET (n = 27). Detailed data analytic plans for the pre/post design were preregistered. Primary outcomes included phonological and visuospatial working memory, and secondary outcomes included actigraphy during working memory testing and two distal far-transfer tasks. Multiple feasibility/acceptability measures were included. Results: The BPT and CET samples did not differ on any pretreatment characteristics. CET was rated as highly acceptable by children and was equivalent to BPT in terms of feasibility/acceptability as evidenced by parent-reported high satisfaction, low barriers to participation, and large ADHD symptom reductions. CET was superior to BPT for improving working memory (Group × Time d = 1.06) as hypothesized. CET was also superior to BPT for reducing actigraph-measured hyperactivity during visuospatial working memory testing and both distal far-transfer tasks (Group × Time d = 0.74). Conclusions: Results provide strong support for continued testing of CET and, if replicated, would support recent hypotheses that next-generation ADHD cognitive training protocols may overcome current limitations via improved targeting.
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Reading problems are common in children with ADHD and show strong covariation with these children’s underdeveloped working memory abilities. In contrast, working memory training does not appear to improve reading performance for children with ADHD or neurotypical children. The current study bridges the gap between these conflicting findings, and combines dual-task methodology with Bayesian modeling to examine the role of working memory for explaining ADHD-related reading problems. Children ages 8–13 (M = 10.50, SD = 1.59) with and without ADHD (N = 78; 29 girls; 63% Caucasian/Non-Hispanic) completed a counterbalanced series of reading tasks that systematically manipulated concurrent working memory demands. Adding working memory demands produced disproportionate decrements in reading comprehension for children with ADHD (d = −0.67) relative to Non-ADHD children (d = −0.18); comprehension was significantly reduced in both groups when working memory demands were increased. These effects were robust to controls for foundational reading skills (decoding, sight word vocabulary) and comorbid reading disability. Concurrent working memory demands did not slow reading speed for either group. The ADHD group showed lower comprehension (d = 1.02) and speed (d = 0.69) even before adding working memory demands beyond those inherently required for reading. Exploratory conditional effects analyses indicated that underdeveloped working memory overlapped with 41% (comprehension) and 85% (speed) of these between-group differences. Reading problems in ADHD appear attributable, at least in part, to their underdeveloped working memory abilities. Combined with prior cross-sectional and longitudinal findings, the current experimental evidence positions working memory as a potential causal mechanism that is necessary but not sufficient for effectively understanding written language.
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Objective: Social problems are a key area of functional impairment for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and converging evidence points to executive dysfunction as a potential mechanism underlying ADHD-related social dysfunction. The evidence is mixed, however, with regard to which neurocognitive abilities account for these relations. Method: A well-characterized group of 117 children ages 8-13 (M = 10.45, SD = 1.53; 43 girls; 69.5% Caucasian/Non-Hispanic) with ADHD (n = 77) and without ADHD (n = 40) were administered multiple, counterbalanced tests of neurocognitive functioning and assessed for social skills via multi-informant reports. Results: Bayesian linear regressions revealed strong support for working memory and cross-informant interfering behaviors (inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity) as predictors of parent- and teacher-reported social problems. Working memory was also implicated in social skills acquisition deficits, performance deficits, and strengths based on parent and/or teacher report; inattention and/or hyperactivity showed strong correspondence with cross-informant social problems in all models. There was no evidence for, and in most models strong evidence against, effects of inhibitory control and processing speed. The ADHD group was impaired relative to the non-ADHD group on social skills (d = 0.82-0.88), visuospatial working memory (d = 0.89), and phonological working memory (d = 0.58). In contrast, the Bayesian ANOVAs indicated that the ADHD and non-ADHD groups were equivalent on processing speed, IQ, age, gender, and socioeconomic status (SES). There was no support for or against group differences in inhibition. Conclusions: These findings confirm that ADHD is associated with impaired social performance, and implicate working memory and core ADHD symptoms in the acquisition and performance of socially skilled behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record
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Objective: To explore whether clinical variables and initial cognitive abilities predict or moderate (far) transfer treatment outcomes of cognitive training. Method: A total of 98 children (aged 8-12 years) with ADHD were randomly assigned to Cogmed Working Memory Training or a new cognitive training called "Paying Attention in Class." Outcome measures included neurocognitive assessment, parent and teacher rated questionnaires of executive functioning behavior and academic performance. Predictor/moderator variables included use of medication, comorbidity, subtype of ADHD, and initial verbal and visual working memory skills. Results: Parent and teacher ratings of executive functioning behavior were predicted and moderated by subtype of ADHD. Word reading accuracy was predicted by subtype of ADHD and comorbidity. Use of medication and initial verbal and visual spatial working memory skills only predicted and moderated near transfer measures. Conclusion: Cognitive training can be beneficial for certain subgroups of children with ADHD; individual differences should be taken into account in future trials.
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Background: Computer-based working memory training exercises produce improvements in performance on ability measures that are similar to the trained tasks (near-transfer), but results have been inconsistent regarding generalization of training outcomes to other abilities and behaviors, particularly those reflecting symptoms of attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In contrast to the growing body of efficacy research in this area, almost no studies have systematically investigated characteristics of subjects that predict response to working memory training. This study is an investigation of subject characteristics that predicted change in near-transfer immediate memory span performance following working memory training. Methods: Children and adolescents aged 9-16 years (N=62) with a broad range of reported symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) completed working memory training for a 25-day period. Assessments of verbal and visual working memory span and ADHD symptoms were completed at the beginning and end of working memory training. Results: Greater improvement in working memory span from baseline to post-training was predicted by poorer memory span, more hyperactivity- impulsivity symptoms, and fewer inattention symptoms at the baseline. Conclusions: For baseline memory span and hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms, study results are consistent with a remediation or rehabilitation model in which working memory training produces more near-transfer improvement for individuals who have more baseline delay or impairment. However, the opposite relationship was found for inattention, perhaps because poor attention skills interfere with the ability to actively engage in working memory training. Clinically, this information may be useful for identifying individuals who are more likely to benefit from working memory training.
Despite impressive progress and achievements in child psychotherapy research over the past six decades, which have yielded many effective treatments for a large variety of child problems, there is an increasing need to move beyond the questions of efficacy or effectiveness (“Did the intervention work?”) to questions of mediation and moderation of intervention outcomes (“How and why did it work, and for whom?”). Moderation research may determine conditions under which treatments are most effective and for whom, and mediation research may result in the improvement of interventions by showing which processes may be considered important mechanisms of action, and which intervention elements are critical in influencing these important processes. This book aims to give an up-to-date overview of the extant research on moderation and mediation in treatment outcome research of major child problems. The authors of the chapters, all experts in their various domains, provide theoretical conceptualizations of important moderation and mediation models underlying youth interventions, summarize evidence from empirical research, and highlight current challenges and solutions related to the conduct of moderation and mediation research in youth populations. Moderators and Mediators of Youth Treatment Outcomes is primarily written for clinical researchers in child and adolescent mental health. However, the book will also be of interest to all child and adolescent mental health clinicians in training and practicing professionals, including psychotherapists, psychiatrists, and pediatricians.
Objective: A relatively small number of functional imaging studies of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have shown abnormal prefrontal and striatal brain activation during tasks of motor response inhibition. However, the potential confound of previous medication exposure has not yet been addressed, and no functional imaging study exists to date on medication-naive children and adolescents with ADHD. The aim of this study was to investigate the neural substrates of a range of motor and cognitive inhibitory functions in a relatively large group of children and adolescents with ADHD who had never previously been exposed to medication. Method: Nineteen boys with ADHD and 27 healthy age- and IQ-matched boys underwent functional MRI to compare brain activation during performance of tasks that assessed motor response inhibition (go/no go task), cognitive interference inhibition (motor Stroop task), and cognitive flexibility (switch task). Results: Boys with ADHD showed decreased activation in the left rostral mesial frontal cortex during the go/no go task and decreased activation in the bilateral prefrontal and temporal lobes and right parietal lobe during the switch task. No significant group differences were observed during motor Stroop task performance. Conclusion: Abnormal brain activation was observed in medication-naive children and adolescents with ADHD during tasks involving motor inhibition and task switching, suggesting that hypoactivation in this patient group is unrelated to long-term stimulant exposure. Furthermore, functional abnormalities are task-specific and extend from frontostriatal to parietal and temporal cortices.