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Background. Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Fam.: Simaroubaceae), known as Tongkat Ali (TA), has been known as a symbol of virility and sexual power. The aim of the study was to screen E. longifolia aqueous extract (AE) and isolates for ROCK-II inhibition. Results. The AE (1-10 μ g/ml) showed a significant inhibition for ROCK-II activity (62.8-81%) at P < 0.001 with an IC 50 (651.1 ± 32.9 ng/ml) compared to Y-27632 ([(+)-( R )- trans -4-(1-aminoethyl)- N -(4-pyridyl)cyclohexanecarboxamide dihydrochloride]) (68.15-89.9 %) at same concentrations with an IC 50 (192 ± 8.37 ng/ml). Chromatographic purification of the aqueous extract (AE) allowed the isolation of eight compounds; stigmasterol T1 , trans- coniferyl aldehyde T2, scopoletin T3 , eurycomalactone T4 , 6 α - hydroxyeurycomalactone T5 , eurycomanone T6 , eurycomanol T7 , and eurycomanol-2- O - β -D-glucopyranoside T8 . This is the first report for the isolation of T1 and T3 from E. longifolia and for the isolation of T2 from genus Eurycoma . The isolates (at 10 μ g/ml) exhibited maximum inhibition % of ROCK-II 82.1 ± 0.63 (T2), 78.3 ± 0.38 (T6), 77.1 ± 0.11 (T3), 76.2 ± 3.53 (T4), 74.5 ± 1.27 (T5), 74.1 ± 2.97 (T7), 71.4 ± 2.54 (T8), and 60.3 ± 0.14 (T1), where the newly isolated compound trans- coniferyl aldehyde T2 showed the highest inhibitory activity among the tested isolated compounds and even higher than the total extract AE. The standard Y-27632 (10 μ g/ml) showed 89.9 ± 0.42 % inhibition for ROCK-II activity when compared to control at P < 0.0001. Conclusion. The traditional use of E. longifolia as aphrodisiac and for male sexual disorders might be in part due to the ROCK-II inhibitory potential.
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Research Article
Rho-Kinase II Inhibitory Potential of Eurycoma longifolia New
Isolate for the Management of Erectile Dysfunction
Shahira M. Ezzat ,1,2 Mona M. Okba ,1Marwa I. Ezzat,1
Nora M. Aborehab,3andShanazO.Mohamed
1Pharmacognosy Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Kasr El-Ainy Street, Cairo 11562, Egypt
2Pharmacognosy Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA),
6𝑡ℎ October 12566, Egypt
3Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA), 6th October 12566, Egypt
4School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Correspondence should be addressed to Mona M. Okba;
Received 31 January 2019; Revised 18 March 2019; Accepted 21 April 2019; Published 15 May 2019
Guest Editor: Arielle Cristina Arena
Copyright ©  Shahira M. Ezzat et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background. Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Fam.: Simaroubaceae), known as Tongkat Ali (TA), has been known as a symbol of virility
and sexual power. e aim of the study was to screen E. longifolia aqueous extract (AE) and isolates for ROCK-II inhibition.
Results. e AE (- 𝜇g/ml) showed a signicant inhibition for ROCK-II activity (.-%) at P<. with an IC50 (.
±. ng/ml) compared to Y- ([(+)-(R)-trans--(-aminoethyl)-N-(-pyridyl)cyclohexanecarboxamide dihydrochloride])
(.-. %) at same concentrations with an IC50 ( ±. ng/ml). Chromatographic purication of the aqueous extract (AE)
allowed the isolation of eight compounds; stigmasterol T1,trans-coniferyl aldehyde T2, scopoletin T3,eurycomalactoneT4,𝛼-
hydroxyeurycomalactone T5, eurycomanone T6,eurycomanolT7, and eurycomanol--O-𝛽-D-glucopyranoside T8. is is the
rst report for the isolation of T1 and T3 from E. longifolia and for the isolation of T2 from genus Eurycoma.eisolates(at
𝜇g/ml) exhibited maximum inhibition % of ROCK-II . ±. (T), . ±. (T), . ±. (T), . ±. (T), . ±
. (T), . ±. (T), . ±. (T), and . ±. (T), where the newly isolated compound trans-coniferyl aldehyde T2
showed the highest inhibitory activity among the tested isolated compounds and even higher than the total extract AE. e standard
Y-  (𝜇g/ml) showed . ±. % inhibition for ROCK-II activity when compared to control at P<.. Conclusion. e
traditional use ofE. longifolia as aphrodisiac and for male sexual disorders might be in part due to the ROCK-II inhibitory potential.
1. Introduction
Libido refers to a uctuating state of sexual desire [].
e st century has seen the evolution of a lot of rms
Studies have reported a prevalence of the Hypoactive Sexual
Desire Disorder (HSDD) in men between  and % [].
It is estimated that -% of people around the world
experience lack of sexual interest for at least several months
in any given year []. Nowadays, sexual desire is controlled
by some external factors including psychiatric disorders as
depression, some types of medications including antide-
pressants, some diseases as diabetes and hypothyroidism,
social and interpersonal problems, and other conditions
causing inhibited or decreased dopamine release, leading
to sexual dysfunction, general lack of sexual desire, and
decreased libido []. Alteration in libido also may be due
to some biochemical messengers, such as levels of serum
steroid hormone (mainly testosterone), feedback aer sexual
stimulation, and disturbances in the brain neurotransmitters
[]. Till this moment, the only available medicines indicated
to increase male libido are some herbal drugs and hormonal
therapy in cases of testosterone deciency [].
E. longifolia (Tongkat Ali, Genus: Eurycoma; Family:
Simaroubaceae) is one of the most well-known tropical
plants, indigenous to Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam,
Malaysia, and Indonesia. It is known as ‘Tongkat Ali’ where in
Malaysia ‘Ali’ refers to “walking stick” because this plant roots
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Volume 2019, Article ID 4341592, 8 pages
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
are twisted and long. e plant (particularly roots) has been
traditionally used for reducing fever and fatigue and for its
properties. Body builders have been recently focusing on
regular intake of its root extracts to improve muscular mass
and strength [–].
A large number of phytochemicals have been detected
and identied from E. longifolia roots including eury-
comanone, eurycomaoside, eurycolactone, eurycomalac-
tone, canthin--one alkaloids, quassinoid diterpenoids, 𝛽-
carboline alkaloids, tirucallane-type triterpenes, biphenylne-
olignans, laurycolactone, and squalene derivatives [, ]. E.
longifolia has gained wide appreciation for its uniqueness
in enhancing sexual power which was supported by some
literature in experimental animals [–]. It has been utilized
by Malaysian men for hundreds of years to enhance the
quality and performance of sexual exercise [, ].
Around the world, there has been a gigantic increment
in the utilization of this plant. ere are about two hundred
Tongkat Ali products, mostly focusing on the sexual enhanc-
ing properties. It is available either as crude root powder,
in capsules blended with dierent aphrodisiac drugs, as an
added substance blended with ginseng or coee, or in other
healthcare products as a substitute for ginseng [].
Corpus cavernosum smooth muscle (CCSM) and penile
arteries relaxation results in blood trapping in the penis
leading to raised intracavernous pressure (ICP) which plays
a pivotal role as penile erection [].
RhoA and ROCK are found in dierent tissues in the
body and responsible for regulating many functions. In spite
of their presence in the neural and endothelial tissues of the
human corpora, but their prominent eects are obvious in
penile erection through modulation of cavernous sinusoidal
and arteriolar smooth-muscle cells contractile state [].
Although Tongkat Ali traditional use as an aphrodisiac
herb is well-recognized, there is no sucient information on
the possible underlying mechanisms. erefore, this study
was designed to evaluate E. longifolia AE and isolated biophy-
tochemicals potential in management of erectile dysfunction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Plant Material. e roots of Eurycoma longifolia Jack
were obtained from HCA products Sdn Bhd. Spring . e
plant was kindly identied in the Forest Research Institute,
Malaysia. A voucher specimen (--) was kept in
the herbarium of Pharmacognosy Department, Faculty of
Pharmacy, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
2.2. Preparation of the Aqueous Extract (AE). e collected
roots were washed with running water and then dried on an
open surface and dried by exposure to sunlight for  or  days
to ensure freedom of humidity. e dried roots were then
were boiled with  liters of RO water (water puried with
reverse osmosis) for  hours; the extract was concentrated in
a rotary evaporator for  hours at C to  liters. e extract
was then dried in a spray dryer by heating for h and  min
at a temperature of C and yielded . kg powdered extract
where the extract yield is %.
2.3. Rock-II Inhibition Assay. e assay was done as
mentioned in ADP-GloKinase Assay (SER-THR KINASE
SERIES: ROCK Kinase assay) (Promega, USA) and Y-
 [(+)-(R)-trans--(-aminoethyl)-N-(-pyridyl)cyclo-
hexanecarboxamide dihydrochloride] was used as standard
drug; luminescence was recorded using Topotecan, USA,
Standard curve for ROCK-II enzyme was done (Figure ).
Serial dilution and IC50 of the AE was performed in triplicate.
2.4. Fractionation of the AE and Isolation of
Its Major Phytochemicals
2.4.1. General. Silica gel  ( -  mesh ASTM; Fluka,
Steinheim, Germany), Diaion HP- AG, Sephadex LH-
 (Pharmacia Fine Chemicals AB, Uppsala, Sweden), and
reversed phase silica gel (RP-) (- mesh) for column
chromatography (- 𝜇m, Mitsubishi Chemical Indus-
tries Co. Ltd). in-layer chromatography (TLC) (silica
gel GF254 precoated plates- Fluka) was done using this
solvent systems: Sa:n-Hexane: ethyl acetate (: v/v); Sb;
ethyl acetate-methanol-water-formic acid (:.:.: v/v).
Chromatograms detections were performed under UV light
(at  and  nm) and sprayed by p-anisaldehyde sulphuric
acid spray reagent. Bruker NMR was used for 13C-NMR (
MHz) and 1H-NMR ( MHz). e NMR spectra were
observed in DMSO and CD3OD.Chemicalshisaregiven
in 𝛿(ppm) relative to internal standard TMS.
2.4.2. Isolation of the Major Phytochemicals. For isolation of
the major compounds,  grams of AE were suspended in
 ml distilled water then defatted with methylene chloride
( mLx ). e organic and aqueous layers were separated.
e organic layer was evaporated using rotary evaporator
under reduced pressure at Ctoyieldgmofmethylene
chloride residue (MeCl). e aqueous layer was kept for
further fractionation.
MeCl ( g) was fractionated over a silica gel column
( g). Gradient elution was done using n-hexane-methylene
chloride then methylene chloride-methanol mixtures. e
polarity was increased by  % incriminations of methylene
chloride in n-hexane every   ml till % methylene chloride
then further % incriminations of methanol in methylene
chloride till % methanol. Fractions ( ml) were collected
to obtain  fractions which were then monitored by TLC
using solvent system (S1). Subfraction (% methylene
chloride in n-hexane) was washed with methanol to yield
pure compound T1 (white crystals,  mg). Subfraction
(%methylenechlorideinn-hexane) was chromatographed
over a silica gel column. e elution carried out using
n-hexane-ethyl acetate (: v/v). Similar fractions were
pooled together to yield compound T2 (white crystals, 
mg). Fraction (% methanol in methylene chloride) was
chromatographed over a sephadex LH using methanol-
water (: v/v) as eluent to yield one compound T3 (yellowish
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
white crystals,  mg). Fraction (% methanol in methylene
chloride) was chromatographed over a sephadex LH using
n-butanol-isopropanol-water (:: v/v) as eluent to yield a
fraction containing two major spots with minor impurities.
is fraction was further puried by rechromatography over
silica gel column. It was gradient eluted using n-hexane-ethyl
acetate (-%) mixtures to yield two pure compounds T4
(white crystals,  mg) and T5 (white crystals,  mg).
e defatted aqueous solution was chromatographed on
diaion HP- AG ( g) column. Elution was carried out
with water, followed by methanol-water (%), methanol-
water (%), and methanol (%) to give four fractions (D-
D), respectively. e solvent in each case was evaporated
using rotary evaporator to yield solid residues weighing
, , and  g, respectively. Methanol-water (%) (D)
fraction (g) was further fractionated over a silica gel
( g) column where elution was carried out by n-hexane:
ethyl acetate. Gradient elution was carried out by n-hexane-
ethyl acetate and ethyl acetate-methanol-water mixtures. e
polarity was increased by  % incriminations of ethyl acetate
every  ml till % ethyl acetate then further incrimination
of methanol (till .%) and water (till .%). Fractions (
ml, each) were combined to give  fractions which were
monitored by TLC using solvent systems (Sb). Subfraction
(% ethyl acetate in n-hexane) was fractionated over a silica
(RP) column. e elution carried out using water-methanol
as eluent. e fractions eluted with % and % methanol
give compounds T6 (white powder,  mg) and T7 (white
powder,  mg), respectively. Subfraction (.% methanol,
.% water in ethyl acetate) was chromatographed over a
sephadex column eluted with % methanol then silica gel
column eluted with ethyl acetate-methanol (: v/v) to give
compound T8 (white crystals,  mg).
2.5. Rock-II Inhibition Assay. e assay was repeated as
mentioned in Section . on the AE fractions and the isolates
e assay performance measure was used to validate
the screening assay quality through calculation of Z-factor
according to methodology of Zhang et al.,  [].
2.6. Statistical Analysis. Enzyme inhibition by tested samples
is expressed as mean ±SD and analyzed using Prism program
version  (GraphPad Soware, Inc., San Diego CA); com-
parisons among tested samples were carried out using one-
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Bonferroni’s
multiple comparisons test. P*. was considered signicant.
3. Results
3.1. Evaluation of AE Rock-II Inhibition Potential. Concen-
trations at (- 𝜇g/ml)oftheAEandY-asastandard
showed a signicant inhibition for ROCK-II activity (.-
%). e inhibition of ROCK-II activity at P<. was
recorded in Table . IC50 in ROCK-II inhibition assay of AE
(. ±. ng/ml) and Y- were recorded in Table .
3.2. Fractionation of AE and Isolation of the Major Phy-
tochemicals. Chromatographic fractionation of E. longifolia
roots AE allowed the isolation of one sterol: stigmasterol,
T1;aphenoliccompound:trans-coniferyl aldehyde T2;
one coumarin: scopoletin T3; and  known quassinoids
namely eurycomalactone T4,𝛼-hydroxyeurycomalactone
T5, eurycomanone T6,eurycomanolT7, and eurycomanol-
-O-𝛽-D-glycopyranoside T8.eisolatedcompoundswere
identied via their co-TLC comparison to authentic reference
samples, physicochemical characters, and spectroscopic anal-
ysis and through comparing their D and D NMR data with
the previously published data. 1HNMRand13CNMR data
of the isolated phytochemicals are presented in Tables S and
S in the supplementary le. e structures of the isolated
phytochemicals are shown in Figure .
3.3. Evaluation of Rock-II Inhibition Potential of AE Fractions
and Isolates. All tested samples and Y- standard at
concentration range (.- 𝜇g/ml) showed a signicant
inhibition for ROCK-II activity.
At dose 𝜇g/ml,MeCl,D,D,D,Dshoweda
maximum inhibition % of (. ±.), (. ±.), (.
±.), (. ±.), (. ±.), respectively.
e isolates (at  𝜇g/ml) exhibited maximum inhibition
%of.±. (T), . ±. (T), . ±. (T),
. ±. (T), . ±. (T), . ±. (T), .
±. (T), and . ±. (T). e standard Y-
( 𝜇g/ml) showed (. ±.) inhibition % for ROCK-
II activity when compared to vehicle control at P<..
Nonsignicant dierence was found between MeCl, D, D,
D, D at concentration  𝜇g/ml compared to Y- at
the same concentration against the inhibition of ROCK-II
activity at P<. as presented in Table .
IC50 of ROCK-II inhibition assay of all tested AE frac-
tions, isolates, and Y- were recorded in Table .
Nonsignicant dierence was found between MeCl, D,
D, D and D with IC (. ±.,  ±.,  ±
., .±., and . ±., respectively) compared to Y-
 IC50 ( ±.); these fractions showed a prominent
eect as the same eect as Y- in ROCK-II inhibition.
e assay performance measure was evaluated by calcu-
lation of Z-factor which was equal to . which indicated
that it is an excellent assay [].
4. Discussion
E. longifolia roots AE has gained wide recognition for
enhancing the virility and sexual prowess. It has been utilized
by Malaysian men for hundreds of years to enhance the
quality and performance of sexual exercises [, ]. Although
traditional use of E. longifolia asanaphrodisiacherbiswell-
recognized, there is a paucity of information on the possible
underlying mechanisms. erefore, the present study aimed
at substantiating the aphrodisiac activity of E. longifolia.
ROCK-II inhibition assay was performed using ADP-
GloKinase Assay and Y- was used as standard; this
method was preferred more than ELISA technique due to the
absence of several washing steps and false results that may
happen due to the interference with horseradish peroxidase
as the extracts have ant-oxidant activity.
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
T : Eect of aqueous extract (AE), fractions and isolates on percentage inhibition of ROCK-II activity.
Treatment (s) Concentrations (𝜇g/ml) % of inhibition of ROCK-II ±SD
Control -0
Vehi c l e c o n t r o l % . ±.
AE   ±.
AE .±.
AE . . ±.
AE . . ±.
MeCl  86.3±.
MeCl . ±.
MeCl . . ±.
MeCl . . ±.
D1  90.1±.
D1 . ±.
D1 . . ±.
D1 . . ±.
D2  86.1±.
D2 . ±.
D2 . . ±.
D2 . . ±.
D3  90.25±.
D3 . ±.
D3 . . ±.
D3 . . ±.
D4  87.05±.
D4 . ±.
D4 . . ±.
D4 . . ±.
T1  . ±.
T1 .±.
T1 . . ±.
T1 . . ±.
T2  . ±.
T2 . ±.
T2 . . ±.
T2 . . ±.
T3  . ±.
T3 . ±.
T3 .  ±.
T3 . . ±.
T4  . ±.
T4 ±.
T4 . . ±.
T4 . . ±.
T5  . ±.
T5 .±.
T5 . . ±.
T5 . . ±.
T6  . ±.
T6 .±.
T6 . . ±.
T6 . . ±.
T7  . ±.
T7 .±.  
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
T  : C ontinu e d .
Treatment (s) Concentrations (𝜇g/ml) % of inhibition of ROCK-II ±SD
T7 . . ±.
T7 . . ±.
T8  . ±.
T8 . ±.
T8 .  ±.
T8 . . ±.
Y-2 76 32  89.9±.
Y-2 76 32 . ±.
Y-2 76 32 . . ±.
Y-2 76 32 . . ±.
AE: aqueous extract; D1:water(%); D2: methanol-water (%); D3:methanol-water(%); D4:methanol(%)diaionfractions;MeCl: methylene
chloride fraction; T1: stigmasterol; T2: trans-coniferyl aldehyde; T3: scopoletin; T4: eurycomalactone; T6:𝛼- hydroxyeurycomalactone; T6: eurycomanone;
T7:eurycomanol;T8: and eurycomanol--O-𝛽-D-glucopyranoside.
Signicant from Vehicle control at P<.
T  : I C 50 of aqueous extract (AE) of E. longifolia root, its
fractions, and its isolates expressed as mean ±SD. Assay was
performed in triplicates
Sample IC50 (ng/ml)
AE . ±.
MeCl .±.
D  ±.
D  ±.
D . ±.
D . ±.
T  ±
T  ±.
T  ±.
T  ±.
T  ±
T  ±.
T  ±.
T  ±
Y-   ±.
IC values are mean ±SD. Statistical analysis was carried out by one-way
ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post-hoc test. n=
Signicantly dierent from Y- at P<.
 Signicant dierent from Y- at P<.
AE: aqueous extract; D1:water(%); D2: methanol-water (%); D3:
methanol-water (%); D4:methanol(%)diaionfractions;MeCl:
methylene chloride fraction; T1: stigmasterol; T2: trans-coniferyl aldehyde;
T3: scopoletin; T4: eurycomalactone; T6:𝛼- hydroxyeurycomalactone;
T6: eurycomanone; T7:eurycomanol;T8: and eurycomanol--O-𝛽-D-
Smooth-muscle contraction is regulated by the cytoso-
lic Ca2+ concentration and by the calcium sensitivity of
myolaments. e major mechanism of Ca2+ sensitization
of smooth-muscle contraction is achieved by the inhibition
of the myosin light chain phosphatase (MLCP) that dephos-
the small GTPase RhoA activates a serine/threonine kinase,
Rho-kinase (ROCK-II), which phosphorylates the regulatory
subunit of MLCP and inhibits phosphatase activity leading
to contraction of smooth muscle through Ca2+ sensitivity.
MLCP converts the active phosphorylated myosin light chain
(MLC) to inactive one so relaxation of the muscle occurs [].
AE purication led to the isolation of eight compounds.
Compound T2 was isolated as needle crystals. Its 1HNMR
spectrum showed three aromatic protons arranged in ABX
system which was characterized by three doublets at 𝛿H.
(H, d, J=. Hz), . (H,d, J=. Hz), and . (H, dd,
J=.,. Hz) assigned to H-, H-, and H-. In addition two
trans-olenic protons appeared at 𝛿H.   (  H , d , J=. Hz,
H-) and . (H, dd, J=.,. Hz, H-) and an aldehydic
group which appeared as a doublet at 𝛿H. (H, d, J=.
Hz,H-)andnallyamethoxygroupat𝛿H. as a singlet.
e coupling constants J7,8 and J8,9 indicated that Δ7,8 is trans
and that CHO is linked to H-; this was conrmed from
HMBC correlations between . (H, d, J=. Hz, H-) and
C- at 𝛿C. and CHO at 𝛿C.andalsothecorrelations
of 𝛿H. (H, d, J=. Hz, H-) with C- at 𝛿C. and
C- at 𝛿C.. e position of OCH3at C- was deduced
from long-range coupling between 𝛿H. and C- at 𝛿C
.. e assignments of carbons were deduced from 1H-
13C correlations in HSQC. is compound was identied as
trans-coniferyl aldehyde [], which is isolated here for the
rst time from genus Eurycoma.
ment with the reported data of stigmasterol [], scopoletin
[], eurycomalactone, 𝛼-hydroxyeurycomalactone[],
eurycomanone [], eurycomanol [], and eurycomanol--
O-𝛽-D-glycopyranoside []. is is the rst report for the
isolation of T and T from E. longifolia and for the isolation
of T from genus Eurycoma.
Among the dierent doses used for the AE, MeCl,
fractions and isolates, all of them exhibited more than %
of ROCK-II inhibition at higher dose which indicate the use
of this potent herbal drug in the management of erectile
dysfunction. It is worth noting that maximum inhibition
of ROCK-II was recorded for trans-coniferyl aldehyde (T)
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
T1: Stigmasterol
T2: Coniferyl aldehyde
T3: Scopoletin
T4: Eurycomalactone R=H
T5: 6- hydroxyeurycomalactone R=OH
T6: Eurycomanone T7: Eurycomanol
T8: Eurycomanol-2-O--D-glucopyranoside
F : Structure of the isolated compounds (T-).
.% which is isolated from Eurycoma for the rst time. Pre-
vious studies reported the potential antimutagenic, antiox-
idant [], and anti-inammatory properties of coniferyl
aldehyde [], but its eect on erectile dysfunction was not
studied before.
Although the ROCK-II inhibitory potential of E. longi-
folia crude extract was studied once before [], this is
the rst report to evaluate the inhibition activity of E.
longifolia isolates (T-T) on ROCK-II that manage erectile
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
ROCK II y = 20198Ln(x) + 23361
Log. (RLU)
10 20 30 40 500
F : ROCK-II enzyme standard curve. x-axis represents the concentration from ( ng/ml,  ng/ml,  ng/ml,  ng/ml, . ng/ml, .
ng/ml and . ng/ml) and Y-axis represents ΔRLU.
In a recent review about E. longifolia chemistry and
evidence-based pharmacology, many E. longifolia isolated
compounds pharmacological activities were reported [].
All E. longifolia previously isolated compounds activities on
ties rather than improvement of sexual behavior; euryco-
malactone and eurycomanol--O-𝛽-D-glycopyranoside anti-
malarial activity [], 𝛼-hydroxyeurycomalactonecytotoxic
activity [], and eurycomanol are the regulators of signaling
pathways involved in proliferation, cell death, and inam-
mation [], except for eurycomanone which was reported
to improve sexual behavior by other mechanisms more than
aecting erectile dysfunction.
Beside the herein reported potent eect in managing the
erectiledysfunction,thepositiveeectofE. longifolia in the
improvement of sexual behavior may be attributed to its
active constituents such as quassinoids and in particular the
major one, eurycomanone, which was isolated and identied
in the present work. Eurycomanone was reported to induce
testosterone production [] and was also reported to enhance
testosterone steroidogenesis at the Leydig cells through its
inhibitory eect on the nal step of transformation of testos-
terone to estrogen through aromatase enzyme inhibition
[]. Moreover, high concentration of eurycomanone has
inhibitory eect on phosphodiesterase [].
It is worth mentioning that the IC50 of the MeCl and
the diaion fractions (D–D) is less than that of the isolated
pure compounds (Table ). Hence, these fractions have better
ROCK inhibitory potential than the isolated compounds
(T-). Further studies are highly recommended to verify
if this is due to the synergistic eects of the compounds
in the mentioned fractions or there are much more potent
5. Conclusion
Our research revealed that the traditional use of E. longifolia
as aphrodisiac and for male sexual disorders might be
partially due to the ROCK-II inhibitory activity. To conrm
our hypothesis, our future work is to study the in vivo
aphrodisiac eect of the plant in animal model.
Data Availability
included within the article.
e study was not funded by a third party.
Conflicts of Interest
e authors declare no conicts of interest.
is research was made possible as part of the Ministry of
Areas Entry Point Project on High Value Herbals awarded to
Natural Wellness Biotech (M) Sdn Bhd. e authors express
their gratitude and appreciation for the trust and opportunity
given. Authors extend their gratitude to Cairo University for
their collaboration and excellent teamwork.
Supplementary Materials
1H NMR data of the isolated phytochemicals are presented
in Tables S. 13CNMR data of the isolated phytochemicals are
presented in Tables S. (Supplementary Materials)
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... The ROCK-II inhibitory potential of E longifolia may explain its traditional use as an aphrodisiac and for male sexual disorders. 68 Zhongcao, an edible mushroom with an unusual association between a fungus (Cordyceps sinensis) and an insect larva, is a well-known traditional medicine in China for treating general debility and certain cancers, as well as sexual enhancement. A protein component in C sinensis contributes to the herb's observed hypotensive and vasorelaxant properties. ...
Abstract Introduction: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of the most common urologic problems in men worldwide, with an approximately high incidence rate, significantly affecting patients’ quality of life and their sexual partners. Objectives: Due to the association of this disorder with essential diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, its prevention and treatment are vital for overall human physiologic and psychological health. Along with reviewing the history of treatment and current methods, we seek new approaches to curb this issue in the future. Methods: In this review, investigations were based on the focus of each section’s content or conducted on an ad hoc basis. Searches were performed in Scopus and PubMed. Results: In recent years, many treatments for ED have been reported besides oral administration of phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors such as sildenafil and tadalafil (approved by the Food and Drug Administration). Common oral medications, intracavernous injections, herbal therapies (eg, herbal phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors), and topical/transdermal medications are routine ED treatment approaches. Moreover, some novel medications are innovative candidates for completing ED’s treatment protocols: stem cell injection, low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy, platelet-rich plasma injection, gene therapy, amniotic fluid matrices, rho-kinase inhibitors, melanocortin receptor antagonists, maxi-K channel activators (ie, large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels), guanylate cyclase activators, and nitric oxide donors. Conclusion: Due to the importance of this complicated problem in men’s society, a faster course of treatment trends toward new methods is needed to increase efficiency. Combining the mentioned treatments and attentively examining their efficacy through programmed clinical trials can be a big step toward solving this global problem.
... E. longifolia is used to treat various diseases and conditions such as cancer, diabetes (Tsai et al. 2020), leukaemia, fever, male and female reproductive disorders (Khanam et al. 2015;Thu et al. 2017a, b;Rahman et al. 2018;Chinnappan et al. 2020) and for ergonomic purposes (Khanijo and Jiraungkoorskul 2016), etc. Above all, E. longifolia is used as an aphrodisiac. Both against cancer (Tong et al. 2015;Tung et al. 2017;Moses et al 2021;Ye et al. 2022;Yunos et al. 2022;Okba et al 2023); and aphrodisiac properties (Kotirum et al. 2015;Jayusman et al. 2017;Thu et al. 2017a, b;Ezzat et al. 2019aEzzat et al. , 2019b have been clinically tested. ...
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Eurycoma longifolia Jack. is a commercially valuable medicinal plant with clinically proven anti-cancer and aphrodisiac properties. To ensure the sustainability of the production of E. longifolia products on a commercial scale, hairy roots (HR) were engineered. In this study, we used light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as elicitation agents to enhance the synthesis of three (3) anticancer compounds (eurycomanone, 9-hydroxycanthin-6-one and 9-methoxycanthin-6-one). HR cultures were cultured for 12 weeks under four different LED treatments, including blue light (100%), red light (100%) and a combination of blue and red light (60%: 40%). In addition, a white LED was used as a control. The effects of the treatments on growth, synthesis and anti-cancer properties were determined. The results show a significant difference (p < 0.05) between the treatments. The combination of blue and red LED produced the highest dried biomass of 0.316, 0.391 and 0.459 g/50mL at weeks 6, 8 and 10, respectively, which is 2.2, 1.7 and 1.5 times that of the white LED. In addition, the red LED produced the highest level of eurycomanone at the 8th and 12th week of culture, the combination of blue and red LED produced the highest level of 9-hydroxycanthin-6-one at the 8th and 12th week of culture, and 9-methoxycanthin-6-one at the 4th and 8th week of culture. The MTT assay showed significant activity of the crude extracts from all treatments against MCF-7 cancer cells. These results indicate that LED excitation is a promising technique for the production of anticancer agents from HR cultures of E. longifolia.
... Compound (1) White The previous data of compound (2) were consistent with those reported in the literature (Lim et al., 2005;Ezzat et al., 2019); thus, it was identified as trans-coniferyl aldehyde, and this is the first report for its isolation in the family Amaryllidaceae. ...
... Many in vivo animal studies and human clinical trials have been carried out worldwide in the last few decades to investigate the potential benefits of Eurycoma longifolia in the treatment of low libido, male infertility, erectile dysfunction, and testosterone deficiency. According to a number of investigators, Eurycoma longifolia is a safe and natural alternative for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) that improves men's sexual health, bone health, physical condition, glycemic profile, and may even have a preventive effect on prostate cancer (Jayusman et al. 2018;Ezzat et al. 2019;Tsaiet al. 2020;Chanet al. 2021). The use of this phytobooster was found to be significantly and reliably correlated with positive treatment outcomes for male sexual disorders in 7 out of 11 randomized placebo-controlled studies, multiple cohort studies, and pilot studies conducted between 2000 meyenii on several parameters of ejaculate quality in healthy men. ...
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Introduction: Male infertility is an topical medical and social problem of modern reproductive medicine. Its pharmacotherapy is often empirical in nature, and the most popular method remains the use of various herbal substances (phytotherapy), the effectiveness of which remains still understudied in the framework of evidence-based medicine. Materials and Methods: The results of research, thematic, systematic and Cochrane reviews and meta-analyses were searched in Medline/PubMed medical databases over the past 5 years using the search queries "plants male infertility", "plants sperm", "phytotherapy male infertility", "phytomedicinal therapeutics male infertility", "systematic review", "meta-analysis", and "review". Results: The vast majority of herbal substances offered for the treatment of male infertility demonstrate insufficient or contradictory evidence base for their clinical effectiveness, although some of them can be very useful pharmacotherapeutic options in the combined therapy of male infertility. Conclusion: Not all plant substances with a "reproductive effect" positioned in them actually have proven reproductive effects in studies in humans, therefore, the choice of phytotherapeutic agents in the treatment of idiopathic male infertility should be currently approached extremely carefully, especially in cases when we choose phytotherapy as an option for empirical monotherapy of male reproductive disorders.
... can increase man's vitality ability [1,2]. Pasak bumi is known by Indonesian people especially Borneo district having a benefit as anti-fever, anti-malaria, aside from increasing man's libido and stamina, the name of pasak bumi in Malaysia and Vietnam is tongkat ali [3,4]. So far, Pasak bumi has been taken from the forest without any cultivation, even though its presence in the forest is dwindling [5]. ...
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Pasak bumi as a rare plant with eroded status is benefit as aphrodisiac for Borneo men. This study investigate the effect of pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia) on spermatozoon cell stages development. The research was conducted by giving pasak bumi steeping doses of 18 mg/200 g (=90 mg/kg) of bodyweight (bw) for three days to 15 white male rats as the experiment group, and 15 white male rats also given with distilled water as the control group. Micromorphological analysis was carried out using histological staining of Hematoxylin Eosin (HE) in the seminiferous tubule tissue. The result showed that pasak bumi treatment until day-3 is: 1) clearly the amount of mature spermatids was increased, 2) maintaining the amount of spermatogonia, 3)meanwhile the amount of primary spermatocyte was decreased, in term of related to primary spermatocyte formation. It is concluded that pasak bumi increased mature spermatids formation. Keywords: Eurycoma longifolia;Pasak bumi;endemic of Borneo;Hematoxylin Eosin;mature spermatids.
Eurycoma longifolia Jack is one of traditional herbal medicines in South-East Asia. This study evaluated the anticancer, cell-cycle arrest, and apoptotic induction potentials of eurycomanone (EONE) and eurycomanol (EOL), highly oxygenated quassinoids previously isolated from its roots, against large (H460) and small (A549) lung cancer cells. EOL and EONE exhibited IC50 of 386 and 424 µg/mL on normal human lung cell line. EONE exhibited higher anticancer activity with an IC50 of 1.78 µg/mL and 20.66 μg/mL than EOL which exhibited an IC50 of 3.22 µg/mL and 38.05 µg/mL against H460 and A549, respectively. Both reduced the viability of H460 and A549 and arrested G0/G1 phase. The increase in the apoptotic rates was mainly in the percentage of late apoptosis. Moreover, they inhibited A549 by inducing the accumulation of S and G2/M phases. This study revealed EOL and EONE potential as novel leads exhibiting cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis induction potentials.
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Erection is a physiological process that involves vascular, hormonal, and nervous factors. Erectile dysfunction is one of the male sexual problems that occur globally and is reported to affect men's quality of life. Herbal plants have been widely used for disease treatment, including the problem of erectile dysfunction. This paper aims to review the molecular potential of various plants in the physiology of erection and to treat erectile dysfunction. The literature search was carried out through the Pubmed and Google Scholar databases regarding the molecular mechanisms of herbal plants and their potential involvement in the physiology of erection and overcoming erectile dysfunction. This paper focuses on six herbal plants: Panax ginseng, Ginkgo biloba, Epimedium, Black pepper , Tribulus terrestris, and Eurycoma longifolia . The six herbal plants have involvement in the erection process and have molecular potential in the treatment of erectile problems
The root extract of Eurycoma longifolia Jack has been shown to be effective against different type of cancers. Present study was carried out to study the effect of three biotic elicitors, yeast extract, pectin, and valine, on the cytotoxicity activity of the bioactive compounds produced in the cell suspension culture of E. longifolia against human colon cancer cell lines. Yeast extract consists of vitamin B complex, chitin, N-acetyl-glucosamin, β-glucan, glycopeptide, and ergosterol, while pectin contains cell wall components. Yeast extract and pectin, along with the branched chain amino acid valine, were evaluated as biotic elicitors to trigger the production of plant defense–related compounds. The different stages of cell growth influenced the production of the bioactive compounds; hence the administration of the elicitors at different stage of cell growth is vital for enhancement of their production. The results showed that all three biotic elicitors were effective in enhancing cytotoxic activity similar to that of root extract from the mature plant against human colon cancer cell line, HCT116, without affecting its cell growth. Crude extract derived from cells elicited with 2.0 g L−1 pectin supplemented on the 17th d showed good inhibition of HCT116 cell proliferation with IC50 of 19.4 μg mL−1. Hence, cell suspension culture of E. longifolia with elicitation is an alternative time-saving tool for production of valuable anti-cancer compounds and the conservation of this valuable plant due to indiscriminate harvesting from its natural habitat.
Several medicinal plants are traditionally used in different regions of Africa for the treatment of male infertility, sexual asthenia, erectile dysfunction, and impotency or used as an aphrodisiac. Scientific studies, mostly conducted in vitro or in animals, have proven the acclaimed traditional use of these plants to enhance sexual activities or sperm concentration, motility, and viability. Some of the mechanisms of actions associated with these plants include increased level of testosterone and the relaxation of the smooth cavernosal muscles. However, some plants were also shown to have detrimental effects on the male reproductive system. This may be due to the varying modes of plant extraction, duration of treatment, experimental design, dosage used, quality of the plant, or toxic effects. There is a need to standardize the protocols as well as to better understand the mechanism of actions of the respective plants. Further studies should be conducted using human subjects.
The quest for herbal products that have medicinal values has uncovered several plants that have medicinal values of extreme health benefits that benefit men as well as women. One such herbal product that favors men’s health and can treat “andrological” problems is Tongkat Ali or Eurycoma longifolia jack. A decoction of its roots and bark has been used by the Malayan natives as health tonic and cures a host of ailments. Since it was uncovered by the British Colonist in 1930, this plant has been studied and found to be truly of value to men’s health. The water-soluble concentrate of E. longifolia extract is nontoxic and has been standardized and patented. Biochemical research and clinical trials have confirmed its use as an energizer, an ergonomic supplement, a natural testosterone booster, a powerful adaptogen, and a profertility supplement for men as well as a pro-erectile remedy. It can also be used to manage osteoporosis. The extract assists glycolysis and is beneficial for men with diabetes considering that hyperglycemia is one of the health factors affecting erectile dysfunction. Early studies have found E. longifolia to have anticancer properties on human prostate cancer cell lines and may well be beneficial for men with prostate cancer or acts as a prostate cancer protectant. All these properties are narrated in the treatise in the following.
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Eurycoma longifolia Jack (known as tongkat ali), a popular traditional herbal medicine, is a flowering plant of the family Simaroubaceae, native to Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and also Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos and Thailand. E. longifolia, is one of the well-known folk medicines for aphrodisiac effects as well as intermittent fever (malaria) in Asia. Decoctions of E. longifolia leaves are used for washing itches, while its fruits are used in curing dysentery. Its bark is mostly used as a vermifuge, while the taproots are used to treat high blood pressure, and the root bark is used for the treatment of diarrhea and fever. Mostly, the roots extract of E. longifolia are used as folk medicine for sexual dysfunction, aging, malaria, cancer, diabetes, anxiety, aches, constipation, exercise recovery, fever, increased energy, increased strength, leukemia, osteoporosis, stress, syphilis and glandular swelling. The roots are also used as an aphrodisiac, antibiotic, appetite stimulant and health supplement. The plant is reported to be rich in various classes of bioactive compounds such as quassinoids, canthin-6-one alkaloids, β-carboline alkaloids, triterpene tirucallane type, squalene derivatives and biphenyl neolignan, eurycolactone, laurycolactone, and eurycomalactone, and bioactive steroids. Among these phytoconstituents, quassinoids account for a major portion of the E. longifolia root phytochemicals. An acute toxicity study has found that the oral Lethal Dose 50 (LD50) of the alcoholic extract of E. longifolia in mice is between 1500-2000 mg/kg, while the oral LD50 of the aqueous extract form is more than 3000 mg/kg. Liver and renal function tests showed no adverse changes at normal daily dose and chronic use of E. longifolia. Based on established literature on health benefits of E. longifolia, it is important to focus attention on its more active constituents and the constituents' identification, determination, further development and most importantly, the standardization. Besides the available data, more evidence is required regarding its therapeutic efficacy and safety, so it can be considered a rich herbal source of new drug candidates. It is very important to conserve this valuable medicinal plant for the health benefit of future generations.
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Caylusea absyssinica, a plant used as vegetable and for medicinal purposes was selected for in vitro antibacterial evaluation in this study. The main aim of this study was to isolate compounds from the plant roots and evaluate their antibacterial activities on clinical bacterial test strains. Compounds from roots of Caylusea absyssinica (fresen) were identified based on observed spectral (1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and IR) data and physical properties (melting point) as well as reported literature. Disk diffusion method was employed to evaluate the antibacterial activities of the isolated compounds on four test bacterial strains namely, Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC25903), Escherichia coli (ATCC25722), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (DSMZ1117) and Salmonella thyphimurium (ATCC13311). Two compounds, CA1 and CA2 were isolated from the methanol crude extract of the roots of Caylusea absyssinica (fresen). The compounds were identified as β-sitosterol and stigmasterol, respectively. Evaluation of antibacterial activities revealed that the compounds are active against all the bacterial strains in the experiment, showing inhibition zones ranging from 12 mm-15 mm by CA1 and 11 mm-18 mm by CA2 against the different test strains. However, the compounds were less active than the reference drug (Gentamycine), which showed minimum inhibition zone of 21 mm (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and maximum of 28 mm (Escherichia coli) inhibition zone. The isolation of the compounds is the first report from roots of Caylusea abyssinica and could be potential candidates for future antibacterial drug development programs.
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Eurycomanone and eurycomanol are two quassinoids from the roots of Eurycoma longifolia Jack. The aim of this study was to assess the bioactivity of these compounds in Jurkat and K562 human leukemia cell models compared to peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy donors. Both eurycomanone and eurycomanol inhibited Jurkat and K562 cell viability and proliferation without affecting healthy cells. Interestingly, eurycomanone inhibited NF-κB signaling through inhibition of IκBα phosphorylation and upstream mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling, but not eurycomanol. In conclusion, both quassinoids present differential toxicity towards leukemia cells, and the presence of the α,β-unsaturated ketone in eurycomanone could be prerequisite for the NF-κB inhibition.
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In this study, we isolated scopoletin from Cirsium setidens Nakai (Compositae) and tested its effects on melanogenesis. Scopoletin was not toxic to cells at concentrations less than 50 µM and increased melanin synthesis in a dose-dependent manner. As melanin synthesis increased, scopoletin stimulated the total tyrosinase activity, the rate-limiting enzyme of melanogenesis. In a cell-free system, however, scopoletin did not increase tyrosinase activity, indicating that scopoletin is not a direct activator of tyrosinase. Furthermore, Western blot analysis showed that scopoletin stimulated the production of microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) and tyrosinase expression via cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation in a dose-dependent manner. Based on these results, preclinical and clinical studies are needed to assess the use of scopoletin for the treatment of vitiligo.
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Procreation was an important moral and religious issue and aphrodisiacs were sought to ensure both male and female potency. Sexual dysfunction is an inability to achieve a normal sexual intercourse, including premature ejaculation, retrograded, retarded or inhibited ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, arousal difficulties (reduced libido), compulsive sexual behavior, orgasmic disorder, and failure of detumescence. The introduction of the first pharmacologically approved remedy for impotence, Viagra (sildenafil) in 1990s caused a wave of public attention, propelled in part by heavy advertising. The search for such substances dates back millennia. An aphrodisiac is an agent (food or drug) that arouses sexual desire. The hunt for natural supplement from medicinal plants is being intensified mainly because of its fewer side effects. In this review, we have mentioned the pharmacologically tested (either in man or animal or in both) aphrodisiac plants, which have claimed for its uses.
Quassinoids, the major secondary metabolites of Eurycoma longifolia roots, improve male fertility. Hence, it is crucial to investigate their quantitative level in E. longifolia extracts. A profile was established to identify the primary metabolites and major quassinoids, and quantify quassinoids using external calibration curves. Furthermore, the metabolic discrimination of E. longifolia roots from different regions was investigated. The (1)H-NMR spectra of the quassinoids, eurycomanone, eurycomanol, 13,21-dihydroeurycomanone, and eurycomanol-2-O-β-D-glycopyranoside were obtained. The (1)H-NMR profiles of E. longifolia root aqueous extracts from Perak (n = 30) were obtained and used to identify primary metabolites and the quassinoids. Selangor, Kedah, Terengganu (n = 5 for each), and Perak samples were checked for metabolic discrimination. Hotelling's T(2) plot was used to check for outliers. Orthogonal partial least-squares discriminant analysis was run to reveal the discriminatory metabolites. Perak samples contained formic, succinic, methylsuccinic, fumaric, lactic, acetic and syringic acids as well as choline, alanine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, α-glucose, eurycomanone, eurycomanol, 13,21-dihydroeurycomanone, and eurycomanol-2-O-β-D-glycopyranoside. The extracts from other locations contained the same metabolites. The limit of quantification values were 1.96 (eurycomanone), 15.62 (eurycomanol), 3.91 (13,21-dihydroeurycomanone), and 31.25 (eurycomanol-2-O-β-D-glycopyranoside) ppm. The Hotelling's T(2) plot revealed no outlier. The orthogonal partial least-squares discriminant analysis model showed that choline, eurycomanol, eurycomanol-2-O-β-D-glycopyranoside, and lactic and succinic acid levels were different among regions. Terengganu and Perak samples contained higher amounts of eurycomanol and eurycomanol-2-O-β-D-glycopyranoside, respectively. The current approach efficiently detected E. longifolia root metabolites, quantified the quassinoids, and discriminated E. longifolia roots from different locations. These findings could be applicable to future research on E. longifolia where the higher content of quassinoids is required.
Urgent needs still exist for selective control of excessive inflammation. Despite the therapeutic potential of natural compounds against inflammation-associated chronic conditions, lack of specific molecular targets renders these bioactive compounds difficult for further development. Here we examined the bioactivity of coniferyl aldehyde (CA), a natural phenolic compound found in several dietary substances and medicinal plants, elucidating its efficacy both in vivo and in vitro with underlying molecular mechanisms. IFN-γ/TNF-α-stimulated human keratinocytes and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated murine macrophages were used to examine the effect of CA in vitro and to elucidate the underlying mechanisms. In vivo models of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (TPA)-induced ear edema and carrageenan (CRG)-induced paw edema were employed to investigate the topical and systemic anti-inflammatory effects of CA, respectively. CA significantly reduced nitric oxide (NO) production and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression in LPS-stimulated macrophages. While nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPKs) pathways, the representative cellular pathways for iNOS induction, were not affected by CA, phosphorylation of Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) and signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription 1 (STAT1) and subsequent nuclear translocation of p-STAT1 were significantly decreased by CA. The effect of CA on JAK2-STAT1-iNOS axis was also observed in human keratinocytes stimulated with IFN-γ/TNF-α. Topical application of CA to mice produced significant protection against TPA-induced ear edema along with suppressed epidermal hyperproliferation and leukocyte infiltration. Systemic administration of CA significantly reduced CRG-induced paw edema in rats, where CRG-induced iNOS expression and STAT1 phosphorylation were decreased by CA. In summary, CA has significant anti-inflammatory properties both in vitro and in vivo, mediated by significant selective inhibition of JAK2-STAT1-iNOS signaling. CA is an attractive novel candidate for treating inflammatory diseases associated with excessive production of NO.
The induction of detoxifying enzymes and antioxidant proteins by chemopreventive agents protects cells from oxidizing substances capable of damaging DNA integrity and initiating carcinogenesis. Coniferyl aldehyde, a naturally-occurring substance, was found in many foods and edible plants. We and others previously demonstrated that trans-coniferylaldehyde (t-CA) has potential antimutagenic and antioxidant properties. However, the mechanism underlying its Nrf2-mediated antioxidant effect remains largely unknown. In the present study, we demonstrated that t-CA significantly stimulated antioxidant-responsive element (ARE)-driven luciferase activity in cell model and increased the expression of ARE-dependent detoxifying/antioxidant genes and their protein products in vitro and in vivo. The observable detoxifying/antioxidant genes activation by t-CA, especially heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), was found to be involved in the cytoprotective effects against carcinogen tert-butylhydroperoxide- and arecoline-elicited oxidative stress and cell injuries. Furthermore, the t-CA-induced phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) played a crucial role in the ARE-mediated cellular defense. Moreover, we found that p38 MAPK and protein kinase C (PKC) signaling pathways participated in the t-CA-induced, Nrf2 -mediated cytoprotective effect. Among them, p38α/MAPKAPK-2 and an atypical PKC, PK-N3, were critical for the activation of the Nrf2/HO-1 axis by t-CA. In conclusion, we demonstrated for the first time that t-CA attenuates carcinogen-induced oxidative stress by activating Nrf2 via the novel p38α/MAPKAPK-2- and PK-N3-dependent signaling. In addition, t-CA increased the level of Nrf2-mediated detoxifying/antioxidant proteins in vivo, suggesting that t-CA may have potential in the management of carcinogenesis, and merits for further investigation.
The roots of Eurycoma longifolia Jack have been used as traditional medicine to treat malaria. A systematic bioactivity-guided fractionation of this plant was conducted involving the determination of the effect of its various extracts and their chemical constituents on the lactate dehydrogenase activity of in vitro chloroquine-resistant Gombak A isolate and chloroquine-sensitive D10 strain of Plasmodium falciparum parasites. Their antiplasmodial activity was also compared with their known in vitro cytotoxicity against KB cells. Four quassinoids, eurycomanone (1), 13,21-dihydroeurycomanone (3), 13α(21)-epoxyeurycomanone (4), eurycomalactone (6) and an alkaloid, 9-methoxycanthin-6-one (7), displayed higher antiplasmodial activity against Gombak A isolate but were less active against the D10 strain when compared with chloroquine. Amongst the compounds tested, 1 and 3 showed higher selectivity indices obtained for the cytotoxicity to antiplasmodial activity ratio than 14,15β-dihydroxyklaineanone (2), eurycomanol (5), 6 and 7.
Eurycoma longifolia has been widely used for various traditional medicinal purposes in South-East Asia. In this study, five new quassinoids, eurylactone E (1), eurylactone F (2), eurylactone G (3), eurycomalide D (4), and eurycomalide E (5), along with ten known quassinoids (6-15) were isolated from the roots of E. longifolia. Their structures were determined by extensive spectroscopic methods, including 1D and 2D NMR, and MS spectra data. Among the isolated compounds, 13β-methyl,21-dihydroeurycomanone (6) has been reported as a synthetic derivative. However, it was isolated from the natural product for the first time in this study. The cytotoxic activities of fifteen compounds were evaluated against human lung cancer cell line, A549 and human cervical cancer cell line, HeLa.