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Journal of Agricultural Science; Vol. 11, No. 6; 2019
ISSN 1916-9752 E-ISSN 1916-9760
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Management of Propagation Techniques of the Specie
Croton lechleri Muell.Arg
Jorge Zamir Erazo Amaya
, Kaoru Yuyama
, Edvan Alves Chagas
, Ismael Montero Fernández
Roberto Tadashi Sakazaki
& João Luiz Lopes Monteiro Neto
Postgraduate Program in Agronomy, University Federal of Roraima, Campus Cauamé, Boa Vista, RR, Brazil
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Agricultura, Catacamas, Olancho, Honduras
National Institute of Amazonian Research, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation-Embrapa, Boa Vista, RR, Brazil
Postgraduate Program in Biodiversity and Biotecnology, Campus Cauamé, Boa Vista, RR, Brazil
Correspondence: Jorge Zamir Erazo Amaya. Postgraduate Program in Agronomy, University Federal of Roraima,
POSAGRO/UFRR, Campús Cauamé, BR 174, s/n, Km 12, District Monte Cristo, Boa Vista, RR, Brazil. Tel:
55-504-9608-4252. E-mail:
Received: September 22, 2018 Accepted: March 25, 2019 Online Published: May 15, 2019
doi:10.5539/jas.v11n6p486 URL:
With the aim of increasing the production of Croton lechleri Mull.Arg plants due to its attributes as a medicinal
plant, the effect of different types of stakes and substrates as root promoters under intermittent nebulization
conditions was evaluated. The work was conducted through a randomized complete block scheme adapting a
factorial of 4 × 3, being the factors types of stakes (apical with leaves, apical without leaves, medium and basal)
and substrates (sand, sand + Aserrin (1:1) and Aserrin (100%) at the rate of 10 stakes per repetition totaling 360
stakes throughout the experiment. The percentage of root (%), dead stakes (%), sprouted stakes (%), dead stake
diameter was evaluated. (mm), shoot length (cm) and root length (cm) The Aserrin provided the highest number
of dead stakes and the smallest number of shoots in the species, with apical stakes with leaves and the
combination of sand + Aserrin as a substrate providing the highest percentage of roots formed, therefore these
two factors influence the production of plants in the dragon blood species.
Keywords: Dragon Blood, Amazon, medicinal plant
1. Introduction
In the Amazon region, there are a large number of medicinal species, many of which are used in medicine,
produce leaves, fruits, stems and quality sap to treat the greatest number of human diseases (Froldi et al., 2009).
Some of the developed countries import these products, provided by these exotic species, being these used as a
supplement in diets (Almeida et al., 2008; Salatino et al., 2007).
Dragon Blood (Croton lechleri Mull. Arg), popularly known as blood grade, blood of water, Sangue de Dragão,
belongs to the family of Euphorbiaceae, measures approximately between 35-45 m in height, its leaves are
simple, with two small glands to join the petiole with the limb, its fruits are globose green yellow with size of 3
mm in length and 4 mm in width, it is a monoecious tree the hermaphrodite flowers of yellow color, its seeds in
the form of ovoid with 3 mm in length and 2 mm wide (Palomino & Barra, 2003; Gumarães & Secco, 2010).
The species is a pioneer of rapid growth, tolerates floods and waterlogging, shows medicinal importance due to its
sap used to heal wounds, treatment for gastric diseases and infections (Rossi et al., 2013; Savietto et al., 2013).
Presenting in its chemical composition the Taspina alkaloid with antibacterial, anti-hemorrhagic, antiviral and
antioxidant properties treating gastric problems of the stomach and intestine (Scalon et al., 2008).
The vegetative propagation by cuttings is used in most of the medicinal, fruitful and ornamental species
generating quality plants where the agronomic characteristics are very efficient in terms of survival in final field,
however results vary according to the species, internal factors and external to the plant (Bastos, 2005; Vernier &
Cardoso, 2013). For dragon blood most of the seedlings are removed from the place where it normally occurs, its
propagation is still very unknown, obtaining negative results in some investigations, to produce roots of the Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 11, No. 6; 2019
species, inadequate management in the production of sap, the increase of the agricultural frontier, the occurrence
of small populations in Brazil, are some of the difficulties that predominate, therefore necessary studies are
necessary to domesticate and diversify the species (Osakada & Yuyama, 2009).
The use of organic substrates in the production of plants is another factor to take into consideration since these
provide nutrients that the stake needs to form roots. According to Sadhu (2005), any nutrient available for the
associated metabolic processes in cell differentiation and root system formation is considered essential for their
formation. Edaphoclimatic factors and others need control and care so that the induction of roots happens in a
satisfactory way (Andrade, 2014). Therefore, this research aims to determine the capacity of roots formation of
dragon blood stakes evaluated in organic substrates under an intermittent nebulization system.
2. Material and Methods
2.1 Local
It was developed in the fruit growing sector of the Brazilian agricultural research company (Embrapa, RR), in
the summer season, located on the BR 174 highway, km 8, CP 133, Industrial District, Boa Vista, RR, in
conjunction with the Federal University of Roraima. The municipality of Boa Vista is located at a latitude of
02°49′12″ N and longitude 60°40′23″ W, at an altitude of 85 m above sea level, its climate is Aw type according
to the classification of Köppen, annual rainfall of 1,667 mm, relative humidity of 70% and room temperature
around 27.4 °C respectively (Neto et al., 2016).
2.2 Collect of Vegetative Material
The vegetative material comes from a small plantation of seven years old, on the mainland, in a particular place,
located at BR 174, km 8, municipality of Manaus, AM. The collection was done in the morning using a pruning
scissors, the branches were removed with 20 cm in length being kept in water, conditioned in plastic boxes
containing ice in its base with the purpose of avoiding dehydration, then transported for the Fruit growing sector
of Embrapa Roraima. In the nursery the stakes were prepared according to the treatment at a ratio of 20 cm in
length the stem diameter varied by the different sizes of the evaluated stakes.
2.3 Experimental Design
The experiment was conducted under an experimental delineation of randomized complete blocks in a factorial
scheme (4 × 3), with the factors being types of cuttings (apical with leaves (E1), apical without leaves (E2),
median (E3) and basal (E4) and three types of substrates (sand (S1), sand + Aserrin (S2) and Aserrin (S3) Each
experimental plot was composed of 10 stakes with four repetitions, after which the stakes were placed and
conducted in greenhouse with a cover plastic and an intermittent nebulization system, the irrigation was
programmed for 4 times a day lasting 6 minutes this with the purpose of avoiding stress generated by the
environmental conditions of the region.
2.3.1 Preparation of Treatments
The substrates used in the experiment were prepared with the purpose of improving the conditions for the
production of roots, the sand was obtained from the river bank branco, cast to facilitate the filling of the banks,
the Aserrin obtained from the mountainous area industrial of the city of Boa Vista, this was cast using a 5 mm
mesh, mineralized for a period of 3 months, the combination sand + Aserrin (1:1) has the purpose of
intermediate effects of both substrates. The analysis of the materials was carried out following the methodology
of (Silva, 2009).
2.3.2 Variables Evaluated and Statistical Analysis
Root production (%), dead stakes (%), shoots with shoots (%), dead stake diameter (mm), shoot length (cm) and
root length (cm) at 84 days after installation of the experiment. These data were subjected to analysis of variance
by the test of F, and the means compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability, being processed through the
statistical program SISVAR (Ferreira, 2011).
3. Results and Discussion
The summary of the analysis of variance (Table 1) showed a significant effect on the stake x substrate interaction
for the variables of the dead stake diameter (DEM) and shoot length (LB). For the percentage variables of dead
stakes (% EM), percentage of stakes with shoots (% EB), percentage of roots (% R) and length of roots (LR)
there were only significant simple effects of the type of stake and substrate. Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 11, No. 6; 2019
Tablet 1. Summary of the analysis of variance of number of dead stakes (% EM), diameter of dead stake (DEM),
number of stakes com brotos (% EB), compression of broto (CB), percentage of enraizamento (% E) and root
compression (CR) of mutant drags (Croton lechleri Mull.Arg) produced by the type of stakes and different
substrates. Boa Vista, RR, 2016
FV GL Medium Squares
Block 3 61.1
Piles (E) 3 250.0
Substrates (S) 2 1706.3
E × S 6 64.58
Residue 33 44.44 1.81 44.44 3.44 44.44 21.98
C.V (%) 12.12 14.77 14.81 19.34 14.81 20.43
Note. Legend: ns, * and **: Not significant, significant at 5% and significant 1% probability, respectively, by the
test F. FV: source of variation; GL: degrees of freedom. EM: percentage of dead cuttings; DEM: diameter of the
dead stake; %EB: percentage of cuttings with shoots; CB: sprout compliance; %E: rooting percentage; CR: root
In the percentage variable of dead stakes, the highest results were for the Arena and Aserrin treatments with
55.63 and 65% respectively (Table 2). Probably, the high mortality was provided due to the low and high
humidity in the substrates, associating the high temperatures in Greenhouse, one of the observations was that in
the first 35 days of evaluation the stakes showed many shoots until they reached their death one week later,
where medium and basal stakes presented the highest percentages of 57.5 and 60.0% respectively.
Palomino and Barra (2003) mention that the species does not present positive results in the propagation by
cuttings in the species. According to Da Silva et al. (2009) deficiencies in essential elements of substrates
increase the percentage of mortality. Another characteristic can be attributed to the absence of leaves in medium
and basal stakes, these have the ability to capture solar energy for the production of carbohydrates that stimulate
root formation (Abanto et al., 2014). However, Days et al. (2015) attribute this phenomenon to the thermal stress
caused by the same greenhouse conditions, with intermittent coverage and nebulization.
For the diameter of the dead stake the basal stakes were the ones with the highest average 17.87 (mm) in
treatment S2 (Sand + Aserrin), followed by S1 (Sand) 16.12 (mm) and S3 (Aserrin 12.39 mm).
The apical stakes with and without leaves in all the evaluated substrates (Table 2) presented the lowest averages.
This variable is very important at the time of selecting, with the advantage that some contribute higher amounts
of auxins and other nutrients that help the process of root formation and outbreaks of plant species. According to
Santos et al. (2011) the anatomy of the stalk in larger diameter stakes can act negatively in root formation and
root quality formed. However, Ferreira et al. (2010) mention that the smaller diameters present high mortality
percentages in Manihot glaziovii Mull.Arg, differing statistically in the results of this investigation.
The substrate that presented the highest percentage of sprouts sprouted was (Sand + Aserrin) in apical stakes
with and without leaves at the rate of 55.62 and 44.37%, it is attributed to the capacity of balanced moisture
retention provided conditions to mobilize and use efficiently their nutritional reserves, where apical stakes with
leaves obtained 50% of outbreaks, this factor is attributed to their hormonal reserves (Table 2). According to
Cunha et al. (2012) this phenomenon is influenced to the levels of hormones, however an imbalance between
axins, gibberalins and cytosines do not favor the process of bud formation in apical stakes. Luz et al. (2007)
show that the highest percentage of shoots is provided in the sand as an ideal substrate in the vegetative
propagation of herbaceous cuttings. Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 11, No. 6; 2019
Table 2. Average values in percentage for number of dead cuttings (% MS), dead cutting diameter (DEM),
number of cuttings with shoots (% EB), length of shoot (CB), number of cuttings with root E) and root length
(CR) of dragon blood seedlings (Croton lechleri Mull.Arg) produced on different substrates. Boa Vista, RR,
(%)EM DEM (mm)
S1 S2 S3 Average S1 S2 S3 Average
E1 45.0 42.5 62.5 50.0 c 5.71 Ac 5.17 Ac 6.87 Ab 5.92 c
E2 55.0 42.5 60.0 52.5 bc 5.97 Ac 5.64 Ac 6.93 Ab 6.17 c
E3 60.0 47.5 65.0 57.5 ab 8.84 Ab 8.97 Ab 8.93 Ab 8.91 b
E4 62.5 45.0 72.5 60.0 a 16.12 Aa 17.87 Aa 12.39 Ba 15.46 a
Average 55.63 B 44.4 C 65.0 A 9.16 A 9.41 A 8.78 A
(%)EB CB (cm)
S1 S2 S3 Average S1 S2 S3 Average
E1 55.0 57.5 37.5 50.0 a 9.77 ABab 11.25 Ab 7.0 Ba 9.34 ab
E2 45.0 57.5 40.0 47.5 ab 9.55 Bab 15.0 Aa 5.30 Ca 9.95 ab
E3 40.0 52.5 35.0 42.5 bc 6.85 Bb 13.0 Aab 4.25 Ba 8.03 b
E4 37.5 55.0 27.5 40.0 c 11.85 Ba 16.0 Aa 5.25 Ca 11.03 a
Average 44.37 B 55.62 A 35.0 C 9.51 B 13.81 A 5.45 C
(%)E CR (cm)
S1 S2 S3 Average S1 S2 S3 Average
E1 55.0 57.5 37.5 50.0 a 35.63 20.95 24.87 27.15 a
E2 45.0 57.5 40.0 47.5 ab 25.2 15.05 14.70 18.30 b
E3 40.0 52.5 35.0 42.5 bc 33.43 21.17 17.12 23.90 a
E4 37.5 55.0 27.5 40.0 c 32.8 12.43 22.23 22.47 ab
Average 44.4 B 55.6 A 35.0 C 31.74 A 17.4 B 19.73 B
Note. Means followed by the same letter, lowercase in the columns and upper case in the lines, do not differ by
Tukey test at 5% probability.
E1 = Apical with leaves, E2 = Apical without leaves, E3 = Median, E4 = Basal; S1 = Sand, S2 = Sand + Sawing
(1:1), S3 = Sawing.
It was verified that the basal stakes evaluated in the substrate Sand + Aserrin presented the best results in length
of shoots at a rate of 16.0 (cm), followed by the apical ones without leaves 15.0 (cm) and medium stakes 13.0
(cm) respectively, stakes with greater Diameters accumulate more reserves and photoassimilates in the formation
of outbreaks (Santos et al., 2016). The lowest values were obtained in Aserrin as a substrate, attributing humidity
as the main factor, observing that some shoots dried in all the cuttings (Table 2). These results agree with Pereira
and Yuyama (2002) being that the length of shoots is greater in basal stakes due to their nutritive reversals,
carbohydrates as an energy source for the production of new tissues and diameter of the stakes (Marchese et al.,
2010; Biondi et al., 2008). Aserrin negatively influenced the length of shoots, a fact that is attributed to high
humidity, can also be attributed to the genetic variability of the parent plants or the time of stalk collection
(Abanto et al., 2014).
For percentage of roots formed (Table 2), the best means were obtained for apical stakes with leaves, tested on
substrates composed of Sand and Sand + Aserrin, with 55 and 57.5% respectively. According to Junior et al.
(2009) the presence of leaves provides quantities of photo assimilates used in root formation. Same as the
substrate allows greater availability of oxygen to the base of the stake, favoring the process of root formation
(Gomes et al., 2015). These results show that the species has an affinity between moisture equilibrium, porosity
and substrate temperature and the presence of leaves, which determined the greatest amount of root formed,
being a determining factor for the success of the vegetative propagation of the plant species (Dias et al., 2012;
Pereira et al., 2015). Aserrin provided the lowest percentages of roots in all types of stakes evaluated at a rate of
40% respectively, presenting greater callus formation, a particular feature of the pure substrate (Ristow et al.,
In length of roots apical stakes with leaves, medium and basal provided 35.65, 33.43 and 32.8 (cm) containing
sand as a substrate, the presence of leaves and the diameter of the stake influenced physiologically providing Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 11, No. 6; 2019
translocation of solutes and photo assimilates becoming quality factors (Pacheco & Franco, 2008). The apical
stalks without leaves obtained the smallest length of 18.30 (cm) in all the substrates evaluated, this due to the
process of cell division that has a greater influence on the formation of apical meristems in this type of stakes
(Vignolo et al., 2014).
4. Conclusions
The apical stakes with leaves presented the highest percentages of roots in the species Croton lechleri, being
possible their propagation by the method of stakes if one has these morphological characteristics.
The best substrate was the combination Sand + Aserrin (1:1), in the formation of roots of the species Croton
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Appendix A
Table A1. Chemical analysis of the sawdust used as substrate in the dragon blood cutting experiment (Croton
lechleri Muell.Arg)
Substrate Chemical Characteristics
P Mn Cu Zn Fe B
---- g kg
---- -------------- cmolc dm
------------- ------------------------ mg dm
Sawdust 1.5 0.1 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.01 4.2 7.2 2.2 1.1 0.1 0.2
Note. Analysis carried out in the laboratory of Chemistry and soil fertility of the Center of Agrarian Sciences,
Cauamé Campus. Federal University of Roraima, Campus Cauamé (Brazil).
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