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Climatization-Negligent Attribution of Great Salt Lake Desiccation: A Comment on Meng (2019)



A recent article reviewed data on Great Salt Lake (Utah) and concluded falsely that climate changes, especially local warming and extreme precipitation events, are primarily responsible for lake elevation changes. Indeed climatically influenced variation of net inflows contribute to huge swings in the elevation of Great Salt Lake (GSL) and other endorheic lakes. Although droughts and wet cycles have caused lake elevation changes of over 4.5 m, they have not caused a significant long-term change in the GSL stage. This recent article also suggests that a 1.4 • C rise in air temperature and concomitant increase in the lake's evaporative loss is an important reason for the lake's decline. However, we calculate that a 1.4 • C rise may have caused only a 0.1 m decrease in lake level. However, since 1847, the lake has declined 3.6 m and the lake area has decreased by ≈50%, despite no significant change in precipitation (p = 0.52) and a slight increase, albeit insignificant, in river flows above irrigation diversions (p = 0.085). In contrast, persistent water extraction for agriculture and other uses beginning in 1847 now decrease water flows below diversions by 39%. Estimates of consumptive water use primarily for irrigated agriculture in the GSL watershed suggest that approximately 85% (2500 km 2) of the reduced lake area can be attributed to human water consumption. The recent article's failure to calculate a water budget for the lake that included extensive water withdrawals misled the author to focus instead on climate change as a causal factor for the decline. Stable stream flows in GSL's headwaters, inadequate temperature increase to explain the extent of its observed desiccation, stable long-term precipitation, and the magnitude of increased water consumption from GSL together demonstrate conclusively that climatic factors are secondary to human alterations to GSL and its watershed. Climatization, in which primarily non-climatic processes are falsely attributed to climatic factors, is a threat to the credibility of hydrological science. Despite a recent suggestion to the contrary, pressure to support Earth's rising human population-in the form of increasing consumption of water in water-limited regions, primarily to support irrigated agriculture-remains the leading driver of desiccation of inland waters within Earth's water-limited regions.
Climatization—Negligent Attribution of Great Salt
Lake Desiccation: A Comment on Meng (2019)
Michael L. Wine 1,* , Sarah E. Null 2, R. Justin DeRose 3and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh 2
Geomorphology and Fluvial Research Group, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva 8410501, Israel
2Department of Watershed Sciences & Ecology Center, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322, USA; (S.E.N.); (W.A.W.)
3Rocky Mountain Research Station, US Forest Service, Ogden, UT 84401, USA;
Received: 29 March 2019; Accepted: 11 May 2019; Published: 14 May 2019
A recent article reviewed data on Great Salt Lake (Utah) and concluded falsely that climate
changes, especially local warming and extreme precipitation events, are primarily responsible for lake
elevation changes. Indeed climatically influenced variation of net inflows contribute to huge swings
in the elevation of Great Salt Lake (GSL) and other endorheic lakes. Although droughts and wet
cycles have caused lake elevation changes of over 4.5 m, they have not caused a significant long-term
change in the GSL stage. This recent article also suggests that a 1.4
C rise in air temperature and
concomitant increase in the lake’s evaporative loss is an important reason for the lake’s decline.
However, we calculate that a 1.4
C rise may have caused only a 0.1 m decrease in lake level. However,
since 1847, the lake has declined 3.6 m and the lake area has decreased by
50%, despite no significant
change in precipitation (p=0.52) and a slight increase, albeit insignificant, in river flows above
irrigation diversions (p=0.085). In contrast, persistent water extraction for agriculture and other uses
beginning in 1847 now decrease water flows below diversions by 39%. Estimates of consumptive
water use primarily for irrigated agriculture in the GSL watershed suggest that approximately 85%
(2500 km
) of the reduced lake area can be attributed to human water consumption. The recent
article’s failure to calculate a water budget for the lake that included extensive water withdrawals
misled the author to focus instead on climate change as a causal factor for the decline. Stable stream
flows in GSL’s headwaters, inadequate temperature increase to explain the extent of its observed
desiccation, stable long-term precipitation, and the magnitude of increased water consumption from
GSL together demonstrate conclusively that climatic factors are secondary to human alterations to
GSL and its watershed. Climatization, in which primarily non-climatic processes are falsely attributed
to climatic factors, is a threat to the credibility of hydrological science. Despite a recent suggestion
to the contrary, pressure to support Earth’s rising human population—in the form of increasing
consumption of water in water-limited regions, primarily to support irrigated agriculture—remains
the leading driver of desiccation of inland waters within Earth’s water-limited regions.
Aral Sea Syndrome; Anthropocene; agriculture; water balance; saline lake; global change
1. Introduction
Meng [
] examines the water balance of the Great Salt Lake (GSL), Utah, USA, and determines
that “climate changes, especially local warming and extreme weather including both precipitation and
temperature, drive the dynamics (increases and declines) of the GSL surface levels,” contradicting
a large body of research implicating human water consumption as the primary driver of shrinkage
among lakes in Earth’s water-limited regions [
]. We therefore critically examine the methods and
claims of [1].
Climate 2019,7, 67; doi:10.3390/cli7050067
Climate 2019,7, 67 2 of 7
2. Errors of Prior Publication
2.1. Mistaken Water Balance
Meng’s [
] definition of inflows is erroneous in that it fails to account for how human water
consumption reduces river discharge. Instead the river discharge term is mistakenly assumed to be
free of human influence. Water withdrawals for agricultural and municipal uses in the GSL watershed
can be substantial, and appropriately accounting for them is standard practice when developing stream
flow reconstructions. Reconstructions of important GSL tributaries (i.e., Logan River, Weber River,
and Bear River) have all focused on upper headwater gages for precisely this reason [
]. Meng [
incorrectly states the water balance of GSL as:
“GSL water level =inflow (precipitation +river discharge)—outflow (human water use +
This water balance equation is in error as the units are inhomogeneous, with water level in units
of depth and flows in units of volume. The standard water balance equation balances changes in
storage in the control volume (
S) with volumetric inflows (Q_IN) less outflows (Q_OUT), all in units
of volume per time:
Q_OUT. Consumptive water uses reduce inflows to Great Salt Lake
rather than increase outflows from the lake as [1] asserted.
2.2. Impacts of Rising Temperatures
Meng [
] claims that “from the early 1970s, there is a significant trend of local climate warming
in the GSL region, which is primarily driving the declines of the GSL.” While the temperature trend
since the 1970s is legitimate, it is in part a local manifestation of global warming. Meng [
] provides
no quantitative evidence that lake evaporation flux rates have in fact increased or if so, by how
much. Nevertheless, a 1.4
C increase in air temperature has likely increased lake evaporation and
contributed to the decline in lake level, but far less than implied by [
]. Following the approach
of [
], a modified Penman equation was used to estimate open water evaporation as a consequence of
warming air temperature while accounting for reduced evaporation rates due to increased lake salinity.
The reported 1.4
C rise in temperature would have lowered the lake 0.12 m, whereas lake elevation
actually fell 0.81 m (USGS data) over the last 46 years. Consequently, increases in lake evaporation due
to temperature increases are important, but are insucient to explain the decline in the Great Salt Lake.
Any future changes in air temperature due to global climate change would have additional impacts,
although these are likely to have a larger influence on evapotranspiration in the watershed than on the
lake itself [
]. Other studies have empirically correlated temperature increases with the shrinkage
of lakes [
]. However, those studies that have also quantified the role of rising temperature on
agricultural evapotranspiration have found that warming-driven lake evaporation changes remain of
lesser importance, relative to agricultural water consumption, given the level of observed warming at
present [17].
Meng [
] makes a variety of additional claims concerning temperature increases that are
unsupported by past research:
In contrast to the claim that “evaporation caused by the increases in temperature can be the
dominant water loss of saline lakes,” past work has shown that: (1) Predicted increases in lake
evaporation are small in the near-term (0.1–0.25% per year [
]); and (2) a range of factors control
evaporation from open water, of which temperature is only one. Thus, ref. [
] found that evaporation
was lower on warmer days when the wind was weaker as a result of synoptic weather conditions.
Additionally, lake evaporation is the product of lake area and evaporative flux. With lakes in
water-limited systems shrinking globally [
], evaporative fluxes decrease proportionally to lost lake
area [31], and with increasing salinity [22,32].
The claim that “climate changes, especially increasing temperature, have caused significant water
loss through evaporation in semi-arid regions” confuses substantial future increases in lake evaporation
Climate 2019,7, 67 3 of 7
predicted to transpire by the end of the century [
] with substantially smaller increases in evaporation
from lakes that may have actually already occurred [17,29].
The suggestion that “increasing evaporation rates caused by climate warming have resulted in
approximately 40% of Australia’s total water storage capacity loss every year” is also misleading as
this loss is not a result of anthropogenic climate change, but rather primarily a consequence of natural
conditions of high evaporative demand [34].
2.3. Drivers of Changing Streamflow
Meng [
] postulates that “reduced river discharge is directly caused by the declining precipitation
and snowfall,” even though ref. [
] found that there has been no significant decline in precipitation
in the basin over a long timeframe (1875–2015; p=0.52). They also found that there was a slight
upward trend, albeit insignificant (p=0.085), in headwater streamflow above irrigation diversions
since pioneers began developing water resources in the mid-1800s. In contrast, river flows reaching
the Great Salt Lake have decreased by 39% due to water development for agriculture and other human
uses, which has significantly (p<0.0001) reduced lake elevation by 3.6 m (Figure 1) [
]. Meng’s [
analysis of the 1904–2016 precipitation, temperature, and lake level records is misleading because it
ignores the data showing that approximately 80% of water development for agriculture and other uses
occurred before 1904 (Figure 1) [18].
Climate 2019, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 7
evaporation predicted to transpire by the end of the century [33] with substantially smaller increases
in evaporation from lakes that may have actually already occurred [17,29].
The suggestion thatincreasing evaporation rates caused by climate warming have resulted in
approximately 40% of Australia’s total water storage capacity loss every yearis also misleading as
this loss is not a result of anthropogenic climate change, but rather primarily a consequence of natural
conditions of high evaporative demand [34].
2.3. Drivers of Changing Streamflow
Meng [1] postulates that “reduced river discharge is directly caused by the declining
precipitation and snowfall,” even though ref. [18] found that there has been no significant decline in
precipitation in the basin over a long timeframe (1875–2015; p = 0.52). They also found that there was
a slight upward trend, albeit insignificant (p = 0.085), in headwater streamflow above irrigation
diversions since pioneers began developing water resources in the mid-1800s. In contrast, river flows
reaching the Great Salt Lake have decreased by 39% due to water development for agriculture and
other human uses, which has significantly (p < 0.0001) reduced lake elevation by 3.6 m (Figure 1) [18].
Meng’s [1] analysis of the 19042016 precipitation, temperature, and lake level records is misleading
because it ignores the data showing that approximately 80% of water development for agriculture
and other uses occurred before 1904 (Figure 1) [18].
Figure 1. (A) Estimated water use for agriculture and other applications in the Great Salt Lake
watershed from 1850–2013. Note that [1] failed to analyze the period from 1850–1903, during which
approximately 80% of water development occurred. See [18] for methods. (B) Yearly and long-term
changes in the actual elevation of the south basin of Great Salt Lake derived from the U.S. Geological
Survey data (red). Droughts and wet years emphasized by [1] cause large swings in lake elevation
but cannot account for the significant (p < 0.001) decline since water development began in the basin.
The green line shows [18] estimate of the natural lake elevation if consumptive water use had not
occurred. The lake has declined approximately 3.6 m due to consumptive water use.
Figure 1.
) Estimated water use for agriculture and other applications in the Great Salt Lake
watershed from 1850–2013. Note that [
] failed to analyze the period from 1850–1903, during which
approximately 80% of water development occurred. See [
] for methods. (
) Yearly and long-term
changes in the actual elevation of the south basin of Great Salt Lake derived from the U.S. Geological
Survey data (red). Droughts and wet years emphasized by [
] cause large swings in lake elevation
but cannot account for the significant (p<0.001) decline since water development began in the basin.
The green line shows [
] estimate of the natural lake elevation if consumptive water use had not
occurred. The lake has declined approximately 3.6 m due to consumptive water use.
Climate 2019,7, 67 4 of 7
Additional analyses show that when all long-term and active stream gages in the Great Salt Lake
watershed are considered, Meng’s [
] assertion that decreasing precipitation is reducing streamflows is
erroneous (Figure 2). In low order headwater streams above agricultural diversions, streamflow is
stable. In contrast, in higher order rivers proximal to irrigated agricultural areas, streamflow decreases
are observed. Indeed, such a pattern is a telltale sign of increasing agricultural water consumption over
time [
]. As of 2015, GSL had shrunk by 2874 km
from 5966 km
]. In the Great Salt Lake watershed,
3894 km
of agricultural land is irrigated [
]. MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
(MODIS)-derived annual evapotranspiration (ET) for irrigated areas in the GSL watershed suggest
mean ET is 370 mm
], implying an annual consumption of water for irrigated agriculture in the
GSL basin of 1.5
, similar to the estimate by [
]. If evaporation excess (evaporation—direct
precipitation) from the lake’s surface is 0.61 m
on average [
], then approximately 2500 km
the reduced lake area can be attributed to irrigated agriculture, over 85% of the observed lake area loss.
Climate 2019, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 7
Additional analyses show that when all long-term and active stream gages in the Great Salt Lake
watershed are considered, Meng’s [1] assertion that decreasing precipitation is reducing streamflows
is erroneous (Figure 2). In low order headwater streams above agricultural diversions, streamflow is
stable. In contrast, in higher order rivers proximal to irrigated agricultural areas, streamflow
decreases are observed. Indeed, such a pattern is a telltale sign of increasing agricultural water
consumption over time [5]. As of 2015, GSL had shrunk by 2874 km
from 5966 km
[35]. In the Great
Salt Lake watershed, 3894 km
of agricultural land is irrigated [36]. MODerate resolution Imaging
Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-derived annual evapotranspiration (ET) for irrigated areas in the GSL
watershed suggest mean ET is 370 mmyr
[37], implying an annual consumption of water for
irrigated agriculture in the GSL basin of 1.5 × 10
, similar to the estimate by [18]. If evaporation
excess (evaporation—direct precipitation) from the lake’s surface is 0.61 myr
on average [22], then
approximately 2500 km
of the reduced lake area can be attributed to irrigated agriculture, over 85%
of the observed lake area loss.
Figure 2. River discharge trends and irrigated agriculture in the Great Salt Lake watershed. Dots show
long-term (50 year) discharge trends through 2018 in 16 rivers. Streamflow is steady in low order
headwater streams. Only higher order rivers that discharge into the lake have sharply decreasing
streamflow. This is consistent with increasing water consumption from irrigated agriculture. (Mann
Kendall tau values indicate the strength and direction of a trend over time.)
Figure 2.
River discharge trends and irrigated agriculture in the Great Salt Lake watershed.
Dots show
long-term (
50 year) discharge trends through 2018 in 16 rivers. Streamflow is steady in low
order headwater streams. Only higher order rivers that discharge into the lake have sharply
decreasing streamflow. This is consistent with increasing water consumption from irrigated agriculture.
(Mann Kendall tau values indicate the strength and direction of a trend over time).
2.4. Time Scales
Meng [
] highlights extreme weather events, which he suggests support an extremely changing
point analysis of “the so-called current declines of the world’s saline lakes”. He describes “extreme
weather events” as those that are more that
2 S.D. of the mean. Meng [
] is correct that periods of
Climate 2019,7, 67 5 of 7
extreme precipitation or drought cause large changes in runoand the level of Great Salt Lake. This is
true for all closed-basin lakes (e.g., Lake Abert—[
]; Lake Urmia—[
]). For example, above average
precipitation in the Great Salt Lake watershed from 1967–1981 increased the lake level by 2.0 m and
then back-to-back 100-year precipitation events of 1982 and 1983 increased the lake level by another
2.4 m. This phenomenal increase, however, was followed by a 5.0 m decrease from 1987 to 2016,
when the lake reached its lowest recorded level of 1277.5 m [
]. Meng incorrectly indicated that the
lake’s lowest level was in 1963 because he failed to calculate changes in both the north and south
arms of the lake that are divided by a causeway [
]. Meng’s analysis highlights the importance of
weather-induced changes in the quasi-cyclic elevations of saline lakes, but without conducting a careful
water balance analysis, he failed to identify the more important long-term driver of change in most
saline lakes: persistent water withdrawals from their tributaries for agricultural and other forms of
evaporative consumption [2,510,12,18,39,40].
3. Conclusions
The dominance of water development, rather than climate change, for influencing most saline
lakes has important implications for managers. A warming climate and changes in precipitation
will have very important consequences for saline lakes and other ecosystems. Managers should
not, however, let climate change and the high variability of these ecosystems obscure the very
real desiccation of saline lakes caused by water development. Meng’s erroneous analysis is an
example of climatization, in which primarily non-climatic processes are falsely attributed to climatic
factors [
], thus absolving local governments of responsibility for sustainable management.
In many cases, discriminating between climate impacts and water development [
] will only
be understood with more thorough analyses than those attempted by [
]. Managers must be aware
of this issue and support thorough water balance analyses, and then take the appropriate actions to
preserve these ecosystems [
]. We support the recommendation of [
] that: “Aquatic ecosystems
may be most eectively managed in the context of global climate change if both the more pressing
anthropogenic threats [of water development] and the occurrence of extreme events are considered
and incorporated into management plans.”
Author Contributions: All authors contributed to conceptualization, investigation, and writing.
Acknowledgments: The comments of two anonymous reviewers were appreciated.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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... An extremely uncommon wet period in the 1980s temporarily refilled the lake (Wine et al. 2019, p. 5, Trentelman 2020), but since peaking in 1987, GSL's level has been in structural decline ( Fig. 31; Hall et al. 2023, p. 16, Wurtsbaugh et al. 2017. In November 2022, the lake level dropped to its lowest-ever recorded elevation of 4188' (USGS 2023, entire, Baxter & Butler 2020, p. 27; annual record-keeping began in 1847). ...
... Thus, the low lake levels and high salinity of recent GSL elevations have severely threatened, and already caused degradation of the Wilson's phalarope prey base and habitat extent. The decline of GSL has been caused predominantly by human water consumption (Wurtsbaugh et al. 2019, p. 3, Wine et al. 2019. Approximately 85% of the reduction in GSL's area as of 2019 was attributed to human consumption of water (Wine et al. 2019, p. 1). ...
... Climate change is a secondary contributor to the decline of GSL (Wurtsbaugh et al. 2019, p. 4, Wine et al. 2019, p. 1, Great Salt Lake Strike Team, 2023. Human greenhouse gas emissions have caused ~4°F of warming in the GSL region since 1900 and exacerbated drought throughout the southwestern U.S. , p. 4, 2022, p. 1, Zhang et al. 2022, p. 1, Wilson et al. 2022. ...
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The Wilson’s phalarope (Phalaropus tricolor) is a shorebird that breeds in interior North America and undertakes a long-distance migration to South America for winter. It is facing the imminent threat of becoming an endangered species due to the ecological collapse and desiccation of saline lakes in the Great Basin, a critical link in its migratory journey. After breeding in wetland areas in Canada and the U.S., Wilson’s phalaropes migrate to “staging” sites where they rapidly molt feathers and double their body weight in preparation for a 3,000–4,000-mile-long migration to South America. Much of the world population concentrates at large saline lakes during this post-migration staging period, especially at Great Salt Lake, Utah; Lake Abert, Oregon; and Mono Lake, California. Forty to sixty percent of the world population, and up to 90% of the adults in the world, typically occur simultaneously at these sites each year. Large saline lakes provide the unique habitat required by migrating phalaropes, in particular an extreme abundance of alkali fly, brine fly, and brine shrimp prey. Wilson’s phalaropes overwinter in South America, where they specialize on saline lake habitat in the High Andes and in lowland Argentina. Wilson’s phalaropes’ specialization on saline lakes makes them highly dependent on a small number of crucially important sites. Saline lakes are some of the most threatened habitats on Earth, due to declining water levels primarily caused by diversion of freshwater inflows. Anthropogenic climate change is exacerbating the global decline of saline lakes by increasing evaporation rates and the frequency and intensity of drought. Shrinking saline lakes become increasingly salty, negatively affecting aquatic invertebrates first through sub-lethal impacts on growth and development. Eventually, if lakes become too saline, there are lethal impacts on the ability of algae and invertebrates to reproduce and survive, causing the base of the food web to collapse. Such a collapse at Great Salt Lake, Lake Abert, or Mono Lake would trigger a trophic cascade affecting hundreds of thousands to millions of birds of many species, including the Wilson’s phalarope population across a significant portion of its range. The threat of ecosystem collapse at saline lakes is an imminent near-term reality globally and in the western U.S. In 2022, Great Salt Lake reached its lowest water level in recorded history, exceeding the salinity tolerance thresholds for brine fly and brine shrimp reproduction. Lake Abert dried up in 2014–2015 and 2021–2022, with major negative impacts on brine shrimp, alkali fly, and bird populations. Mono Lake also reached water levels dangerous for its ecological health in 2022. In all these cases, diversion of freshwater for human use was the primary driver of the decline of water levels. An exceptionally wet winter in 2022–2023 resulted in a moderate, likely short-term, rise in lake levels at these sites. However, one wet winter has not changed the chronic water overuse that keeps these lakes on the brink of collapse. Without major changes to water policy, Great Salt Lake and Lake Abert will be lost as Wilson’s phalarope habitat in the near future. Simply put, these sites are currently on track to become dry playas or lifeless brine pools too salty for invertebrates and the web of life they support. Wilson’s phalarope has life history traits that make it particularly vulnerable to habitat loss, including reliance on this small number of saline lakes for the rapid energy-refueling necessary for long-distance migration. The species is estimated to have declined in total population by approximately 70% since the 1980s. Average counts at four of the most historically important staging sites declined by 36-98% from the 1980s to 2019–2021. While the global population of Wilson’s phalarope is estimated to be 1 million individuals, the loss of a single large site like Great Salt Lake or Lake Abert could cause abrupt decline. Many smaller and/or more ephemeral staging habitats for Wilson’s phalaropes have already been degraded or lost, reducing “back-up” habitat and increasing the importance of the remaining large saline lake habitat. Land use and climate change are also threatening Wilson's phalaropes in their wintering and breeding grounds. In South America, their core wintering habitat in the Andes is the center of the “lithium triangle.” This area—one of the driest on Earth—has seen a rapid expansion of lithium mining and the accompanying depletion of groundwater and surface water. These and other mining activities are diminishing Wilson’s phalarope wintering habitat, putting additional pressure on the species. At their North American breeding grounds, climate change is projected to cause an additional 30–46% loss of suitable nesting habitat by 2100 primarily by reducing surface water in areas used for breeding and staging. Without immediate protection, Great Salt Lake and Lake Abert, which together constitute a significant portion of the species range, could cease to provide viable Wilson’s phalarope habitat in the near future. Likewise, wintering habitat in the Andes will be seriously degraded in the foreseeable future. Wilson’s phalarope currently has no specific national or international legal protections, except the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which only prohibits direct take of birds. Nor are there legally binding state-level protections for the species except in Minnesota. Great Salt Lake and Lake Abert have no legal mechanisms for protection, and little to no guaranteed water rights. There is a lack of regulatory oversight over lithium mining development in South America, with governments promoting mining over environmental protection. Given the present and impending destruction of its habitat, lack of regulatory mechanisms to protect it or its habitat, and other factors, in particular climate change, that threaten its continued existence, Wilson’s phalarope is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range, qualifying it as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act.
... 14 Since the late 1800s, water diversions in the GSL catchment (predominantly associated with local agricultural activities 15 ) have substantially lowered its water levels, exposing roughly half of the lake bed to the atmosphere by the time of our study. 14,16 The lake is on course to become fully desiccated by as early as 2030 without immediate measures being implemented to halt its desiccation. 17 To date, the alarm being raised around this issue has focused on the social, economic, and environmental consequences of losing the lake but not on the impacts of generating new GHG emissions to the atmosphere. ...
... Meng (2019) suggested that the increased evaporation and low precipitation over the last 50 years are the main reasons for the water decline of the Great Salt Lake in the northern part of the US state of Utah. However, Wurtsbaugh et al. (2017) and Wine et al. (2019) rebutted the findings of Meng (2019). Their conclusion is that the Great Salt Lake has been minimally affected by climate change; instead, the primary factor leading to its desiccation has been increased exploitation in the basin, including activities such as irrigation, dam construction, and water abstraction. ...
The hypersaline Lake Urmia, located in Iran, has undergone a significant reduction in size and is currently facing the risk of desiccation. The decrease in water levels, coupled with elevated salinity levels, has initiated ecological degradation, leading to a substantial decline in the region’s waterbird population. This study employs breakpoint analysis to determine the year when the drought event affecting the lake commenced. Additionally, canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) is utilised to elucidate the interaction between environmental parameters and the waterbird assemblages in Lake Urmia over the period 1970–2018. Our investigation identifies the year 2000 as the initiation of the water crisis in Lake Urmia, synchronously coinciding with the decline in the waterbird populations. This finding highlights a significant connection between the majority of waterbird species and the axes of CCA, intricately linked with water availability within Lake Urmia. This revelation underscores the pivotal role of fluctuations in water levels in shaping the dynamics of the lake’s waterbird assemblages. Furthermore, our observations emphasise the importance of even minor improvements in hydrological conditions of the lake, resulting in substantial positive impacts on waterbird populations.
... The GSL has no minimum lake level, and extensive and consistent water use (primarily in the form of agricultural diversions) since the mid-1800s, coupled with warming and a succussion of below-average snow years, have resulted in all-time low GSL levels (Null and Wurtsbaugh, 2019; United States Geological Survey -USGS). The GSL itself plays a critical role for the Utah economy, supporting the $1.48 billion / year mineral extraction, lake recreation, and brine-shrimp industries (Null and Wurtsbaugh, 2019). Additionally, the GSL is a vital hub for migratory bird species, and recent declines have increased lake salinity and threatened biological collapse of the GSL's ecosystem (Barns and Wurtsbaugh, 2015). ...
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Seasonal snowmelt from the Wasatch Mountains of northern Utah, USA is a primary control on water availability for the metropolitan Wasatch Front, surrounding agricultural valleys, and the Great Salt Lake (GSL). Prolonged drought, increased evaporation due to warming temperatures, and sustained agricultural and domestic water consumption have caused GSL water levels to reach record low stands in 2021 and 2022, resulting in increased exposure of dry lakebed sediment. When dust emitted from the GSL dry lakebed is deposited on the adjacent Wasatch snowpack, the snow is darkened, and snowmelt is accelerated. Regular observations of dust-on-snow (DOS) began in the Wasatch Mountains in 2009, and the 2022 season was notable for both having the most dust deposition events and the highest snowpack dust concentrations. To understand if record high DOS concentrations were linked to record low GSL levels, dust source regions for each dust event were identified through a backward trajectory model analysis combined with aerosol measurements and field observations. Backward trajectories indicated that the exposed lakebed of the GSL likely contributed 23% of total dust deposition and had the highest dust emissions per surface area. The other potential primary contributors were the Great Salt Lake Desert (45%) and the Sevier + Tule dry lakebeds (17%), both with lower per-area emissions. The impact on snowmelt, quantified by mass and energy balance modeling in the presence and absence of snow darkening by dust, was over two weeks (17 days) earlier. The impact of dust on snowmelt could have been more dramatic if the spring had been drier, but frequent snowfall buried dust layers, delaying dust-accelerated snowmelt later into the melt season.
... Costs and cost-savings are sensitive to alternative allocation, inflow, and cost assumptions [22]. In addition, global warming and changes in rainfall will have major consequences for salt lakes and other ecosystems [23,24]. Global warming has already begun to influence the natural state of lakes [25,26]. ...
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The present research brings an input of information regarding the evolution of several physico-chemical parameters of two salt lakes (Lake Ocnei and Lake Rotund), part of the ”Salina Turda” resort, Cluj County, Romania, by means of on-site determinations. Measurements were carried out at six depths for each sampling point. We attempted to describe the behaviors of the two lakes under different natural conditions, in order to identify the impact of anthropogenic activities on the quality parameters of the two lakes. Our studies showed that the qualitative parameters of the water fluctuate as an effect of anthropogenic activities. A comparative analysis of the results gathered during three monitoring campaigns in 2016, 2018, and 2020 indicated that water quality was affected by anthropogenic activities such as mixing water layers which were characterized by different salinity values. The lakes tended to lose basicity, pH values varying between 9 at the surface level and 7 at −4 m. The thermal stratification phenomenon was only evident in the first year of monitoring; later on, the waters of both lakes appeared thermally homogenous down to the depth of −2 m. It was determined that the lakes had an uppermost freshwater layer, which disappeared during the bathing season because of vertical mixing. Interestingly, the two lakes showcased different behaviors at depths beyond −3 m. In addition, the infiltration of meteoric water that was polluted with nitrites and nitrates demonstrated the fact that anthropogenic activities that take place in the vicinity of the lakes generate negative effects on water quality. The presence of the heliothermal phenomenon was confirmed by the measurements made in the upper segment of the lakes. This layer of water consists of a mixture of fresh and salt water. The purpose of the research was to evaluate the water quality of the lakes, monitor its evolution during the bathing season and update the situation regarding the water quality of the two salt lakes by testing specific parameters.
... Human greenhouse gas emissions have caused ~4°F of warming in northern Utah since 1900 and exacerbated drought in the southwestern U.S. 66,[72][73][74] . This climate change has reduced runoff to Great Salt Lake and increased evaporation, accounting for ~9% of the lake's decline based on current estimates 2,23,43,66 . Streamflow is projected to decrease in the future, making water conservation even more important 66,75,76 . ...
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Great Salt Lake is facing unprecedented danger. Without a dramatic increase in water flow to the lake in 2023 and 2024, its disappearance could cause immense damage to Utah's public health, environment, and economy. This briefing provides background and recommends emergency measures. The choices we make over the next few months will affect our state and ecosystems throughout the West for decades to come. We thank all those already working on solutions, and we thank you for considering this information.
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The Great Salt Lake has been rapidly shrinking since the highstand of the mid-1980s, creating cause for concern in recent decades as the lake has reached historic lows. Many investigators have assessed the evolution of lake elevation, geochemistry, anthropogenic impacts, and links to climate and atmospheric processes; however, the use of remote sensing to study the evolution of the lake has been significantly limited. Harnessing recent advancements in cloud-processing, specifically Google Earth Engine cloud computing, this study utilizes over 600 Landsat TM/OLI and Sentinel MSI satellite images from 1984-2023 to present time-series analyses of remotely sensed Great Salt Lake water area, exposed lakebed area, surface cover types, and chlorophyll-a analyses paired with modelled estimates for water and exposed lakebed area. Results show that a analyses paired with modelled estimates for water and exposed lakebed area. Results show that area has increased to ~3,500 km2 from ~500 km2. The area of unconsolidated sediments not protected by vegetation or halite crusts has risen to ~2,400 km2. Significant halite crusts are observed in the North Arm, having a max extent of ~150 km2 between 2002 and 2003, while only small extents of halite crusts are observed for the South Arm. Vegetation is more prevalent in the Bear River Bay and South Arm, with surface area increases over 400% since 1990. Gypsum is widely observed independent of halite crusts. The results highlight multiple instances of land-use/water-management that led to observable changes in water/exposed lakebed area and halite crust extent. This study demonstrates the important benefits of maintaining a lake elevation above ~4,194 ft to maximize lake and halite crust area, which would help mitigate possible dust events and maintain a broad lake extent.
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The study employs a comparative analyses using case study approach to identify the main drivers and factors for saline lakes and inland seas’ decline. Additionally the study investigates the potential outcomes and negative consequences and adverse effects associated with this issue. Furthermore, the research focuses on emergence of a new threat in the face of climate change and it’s implication for the decline of saline lakes and inland seas. The main objective of the study is to provide an overview of the current situations and potential scenarios and provide solutions in the context of changing climatic conditions which is very crucial to efficiently managing the issue of saline lakes and inland seas’ decline across the globe.
Lakes have shown great changes in recent years in the face of both climatic fluctuations and human activities. Some lake basins have been reclaimed for agriculture. More serious has been the desiccation that many lakes, particularly in dry regions, have undergone as a result of such factors as overexploitation of surface and groundwaters and interbasin water transfers. Examples include the Aral Sea, Caspian Sea, Dead Sea, Lake Urmia, Lop Nor, the East African Rift Valley lakes, Owens Lake, and the Great Salt Lake.
Through 2019, the Caspian Sea excluded, the majority (54–60%) of Earth’s irrigation-impacted endorheic lake and sea (ELS) areal extent has been lost in basins that contain as much as 20% of global irrigated agricultural land. Estimates of irrigated agriculture contribution to ELS desiccation based on a steady-state water balance equation for endorheic basins generally agree that this contribution is on the order of 70–90% at the global scale. However, large uncertainties or errors in attribution – as large as 100% – are observed with respect to particular ELS, suggesting that attributions based on a single irrigated agriculture dataset, should be treated cautiously. The observed areal contraction in ELS attributed to irrigated agriculture corresponds to an estimated one-third decrease in ELS volume, excluding the Caspian Sea. Such volumetric decrease is expected to at least double solute concentration in 40–47% of Earth’s ELS.
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Plain Language Summary Past studies have shown that global evapotranspiration has been increasing between the 1980s and 2000 and has been decreasing since 2000. These studies were done assuming surface water body areas (i.e. lakes and rivers) are constant throughout their study periods. However, surface water bodies on earth are changing constantly. Over the past 30 years, more than 90000 km3 of permanent water has disappeared while over 180000 km3 has emerged elsewhere. The conversion between land and water introduces a significant change of evapotranspiration from the earth's surface which has been neglected by past studies. Here, we quantify this change in evapotranspiration caused by such land‐water conversion to reduce the uncertainties in the estimation of global evapotranspiration trend. We find an increase in evapotranspiration caused by land‐water conversion of 30.38 {plus minus} 15.51 km3/yr between 1984‐1999 and 2000‐2015. The magnitude of this change is comparable to that of annual global evapotranspiration change assuming stationary surface water areas. Thus, surface water dynamics can lead to considerable changes in global evapotranspiration and should not be neglected in future global water budget studies.
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A viewpoint of a temporal trend with an extremely changing point analysis is proposed to analyze and characterize the so-called current declines of the world’s saline lakes. A temporal trend of a hydrological or climate variable is statistically tested by regressing it against time; if the regression is statistically significant, an ascending or declining trend exists. The extremely changing points can be found out by using the mean of a variable, adding or subtracting two times of its standard deviation (SD) for extremely high values and extremely low values, respectively. Applying the temporal trend method to the Great Salt Lake’s (GSL) relationship between its surface levels and precipitation/temperature in the last century, we conclude that climate changes, especially local warming and extreme weather including both precipitation and temperature, drive the dynamics (increases and declines) of the GSL surface levels.
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A novel quantitative assessment of late Holocene precipitation in the Levant is presented, including mean and variance of annual precipitation and their trends. A stochastic framework was utilized and allowed, possibly for the first time, linking high-quality, reconstructed rises/declines in Dead Sea levels with precipitation trends in its watershed. We determined the change in mean annual precipitation for 12 specific intervals over the past 4500 yr, concluding that: (1) the twentieth century was substantially wetter than most of the late Holocene; (2) a representative reference value of mean annual precipitation is 75% of the present-day parameter; (3) during the late Holocene, mean annual precipitation ranged between −17 and +66% of the reference value (−37 to +25% of present-day conditions); (4) the driest intervals were 1500–1200 BC and AD 755–890, and the wettest intervals were 2500–2460 BC, 130–40 BC, AD 350–490, and AD 1770–1940; (5) lake-level rises and declines probably occurred in response to trends in precipitation means and are less likely to occur when precipitation mean is constant; (6) average trends in mean annual precipitation during intervals of ≥200 yr did not exceed 15 mm per decade. The precipitation trends probably reflect shifts in eastern Mediterranean cyclone tracks.
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Correction to: Nature Geoscience, published online 30 November 2018. In the version of this Article originally published, in the section ‘Defining endorheic regions’ in Methods, the sentence starting “These watersheds were aggregated…” contained the phrase “(~100,000 thousand km2)”; this should have read (~100,000 km2) and has now been amended.
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Endorheic (hydrologically landlocked) basins spatially concur with arid/semi-arid climates. Given limited precipitation but high potential evaporation, their water storage is vulnerable to subtle flux perturbations, which are exacerbated by global warming and human activities. Increasing regional evidence suggests a probably recent net decline in endorheic water storage, but this remains unquantified at a global scale. By integrating satellite observations and hydrological modelling, we reveal that during 2002–2016 the global endorheic system experienced a widespread water loss of about 106.3 Gt yr⁻¹, attributed to comparable losses in surface water, soil moisture and groundwater. This decadal decline, disparate from water storage fluctuations in exorheic basins, appears less sensitive to El Niño–Southern Oscillation-driven climate variability, which implies a possible response to longer-term climate conditions and human water management. In the mass-conserved hydrosphere, such an endorheic water loss not only exacerbates local water stress, but also imposes excess water on exorheic basins, leading to a potential sea level rise that matches the contribution of nearly half of the land glacier retreat (excluding Greenland and Antarctica). Given these dual ramifications, we suggest the necessity for long-term monitoring of water storage variation in the global endorheic system and the inclusion of its net contribution to future sea level budgeting. © 2018, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.
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The rapid shrinkage of Lake Urmia, one of the world's largest saline lakes located in northwestern Iran, is a tragic wake-up call to revisit the principles of water resources management based on the socio-economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. The overarching goal of this paper is to set a framework for deriving dynamic, climate-informed environmental inflows for drying lakes considering both meteorological/climatic and anthropogenic conditions. We report on the compounding effects of meteorological drought and unsustainable water resource management that contributed to Lake Urmia's contemporary environmental catastrophe. Using rich datasets of hydrologic attributes, water demands and withdrawals, as well as water management infrastructure (i.e. reservoir capacity and operating policies), we provide a quantitative assessment of the basin's water resources, demonstrating that Lake Urmia reached a tipping point in the early 2000s. The lake level failed to rebound to its designated ecological threshold (1274 m above sea level) during a relatively normal hydro-period immediately after the drought of record (1998-2002). The collapse was caused by a marked overshoot of the basin's hydrologic capacity due to growing anthropogenic drought in the face of extreme climatological stressors. We offer a dynamic environmental inflow plan for different climate conditions (dry, wet and near normal), combined with three representative water withdrawal scenarios. Assuming effective implementation of the proposed 40% reduction in the current water withdrawals, the required environmental inflows range from 2900 million cubic meters per year (mcm yr⁻¹) during dry conditions to 5400 mcm yr⁻¹ during wet periods with the average being 4100 mcm yr⁻¹. Finally, for different environmental inflow scenarios, we estimate the expected recovery time for re-establishing the ecological level of Lake Urmia.
In transboundarywatersheds drainingwater-limited regions equitable water sharing plays a key role in peaceable relations amongst nations. In the simplest sense, a water sharing agreement (WSA) involves determining: 1) the quantity of water naturally available, 2) what proportion of available water is allocated to each riparian, and 3) how global change will impact future water availability over the term of the WSA—an Anthropocene Epoch consideration. Wine et al. (2019) examines changes in the water balance of the Sea of Galilee (SG) as a consequence of changing flows in the Upper Jordan River (UJR), a transboundary watershed in which Lebanon, Israel, the Kingdom of Jordan (KOJ) and the Palestinian Authority hold riparian water rights.
Lake Urmia—a shallow endemic hypersaline lake in northwest Iran—has undergone a dramatic decline in its water level (WL), by about 8 m, since 1995. The primary cause of the WL decline in Lake Urmia has been debated in the scientific literature, regarding whether it has been predominantly driven by atmospheric climate change or by human activities in the watershed landscape. Using available climate, hydrological, and vegetation data for the period 1981–2015, this study analyzes and aims to explain the lake desiccation based on other observed hydro-climatic and vegetation changes in the Lake Urmia watershed and classical exploratory statistical methods. The analysis accounts for the relationships between atmospheric climate change (precipitation P, temperature T), and hydrological (soil moisture SM, and WL) and vegetation cover (VC; including agricultural crops and other vegetation) changes in the landscape. Results show that P, T, and SM changes cannot explain the sharp decline in lake WL since 2000. Instead, the agricultural increase of VC in the watershed correlates well with the lake WL change, indicating this human-driven VC and associated irrigation expansion as the dominant human driver of the Lake Urmia desiccation. Specifically, the greater transpiration from the expanded and increasingly irrigated agricultural crops implies increased total evapotranspiration and associated consumptive use of water (inherently related to the irrigation and water diversion and storage developments in the watershed). Thereby the runoff from the watershed into the lake has decreased, and the remaining smaller inflow to the lake has been insufficient for keeping up the previous lake WL, causing the observed WL drop to current conditions.
Uncertainty is a defining characteristic of hydrologic investigations, with increasing recognition of parameter, structural, measurement, and prediction uncertainty. Here we suggest that an additional form of uncertainty—(geo)political uncertainty—is locally important, but commonly neglected. We define geopolitical uncertainty in hydrology as indefiniteness of water balance processes, the relative magnitude of hydrologic fluxes, or causality as a consequence of complex international relations amongst riparians of a transboundary basin forced by internal economic, political, and nationalistic drivers (as well as interactions amongst these drivers) under a regime of non-stationary climate. We suggest that such (geo)political uncertainty has developed in the Jordan River basin as a consequence of intentionally ambiguous language in the Israel Jordan Peace Treaty, outstanding discussions regarding water allocations to the Palestinian Authority, and lobbying by the powerful agricultural sector. In the presence of economic motives requiring consumption of water these drivers promote securitization manifested as secrecy regarding water management and consumption by the upstream riparian, which given non-stationary climate opens a void of (geo)political uncertainty in which the relative importance of climate variability and change becomes indeterminate relative to changing water consumption, thereby perhaps allowing the upstream riparian to increase water consumption. The consequence of this (geo)political uncertainty for hydrologic studies is large water balance uncertainty, inability to reproduce water consumption studies due to data secrecy, and disagreement regarding the relative importance of pertinent drivers (i.e., climate versus consumption). Greater acknowledgement and awareness of (geo)political uncertainty’s impacts on hydrologic studies is needed, as are concerted efforts to reduce this uncertainty for the benefit of transparent water dialogue among riparians and knowledge-based management of common-pool resources.
The world's saline lakes are shrinking and human water diversions are a significant contributor. While there is increased interest in protecting the ecosystem services provided by these lakes, the cost of protecting water levels has not been estimated. To explore this question we consider the case of Great Salt Lake (Utah, USA) where human diversions from three rivers have caused the lake level to decline during the last century. Recent work has suggested the restoration of inflows is necessary to maintain a target elevation consistent with well-functioning ecosystems. We construct cost estimates of increasing water inflows using conservation opportunity cost curves for each river basin. We then compare the cost of uniform cutbacks to cap-and-trade systems which allow intra- and inter-basin trading. The cost of water to permanently implement uniform water right cutbacks to increase inflows by 20% above current levels is $37.4 million. Costs and cost-savings are sensitive to alternative allocation, inflow, and cost assumptions, and we estimate significant cost reductions from intra-basin water conservation markets (5–54% cost decrease) and inter-basin water conservation markets (22–57% cost decrease).