Conference PaperPDF Available

Scheduling Charging Operations of Autonomous AGVs in Automotive In-house Logistics

  • Tesla Manufacutring Brandenburg SE
  • CNX Consulting Partners

Abstract and Figures

Scheduling approaches for the charging of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are based on three key components: the timing of charging processes, the selection of a charging station and the duration of the charging process. Based on literature research introduced in this paper, two scheduling approaches have been studied: a rigid approach, based on state-of-the-art solutions, captures the optimal case for a single AGV. A flexible approach, particularly focusing on autonomous behaviour of AGVs, aims for an optimum for the whole AGV fleet. Therefore, the concept of auction-based task allocation is transferred. A closed-loop simulation compares both scheduling approaches for the application of automotive in-house logistics. The flexible approach shows a higher scheduling effectiveness, although influenced by the charging station allocation.
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Scheduling Charging Operations of Autonomous
AGVs in Automotive In-House Logistics
Einplanung der Ladeprozesse autonomer Transportsysteme
in der Intralogistik
Maximilian Selmair, BMW Group, Munich (Germany),
Stefan Hauers, CNX Consulting Partners, Munich (Germany),
Linda Gustafsson-Ende, BMW Group, Munich (Germany),
Abstract: Scheduling approaches for the charging of Automated Guided
Vehicles (AGVs) are based on three key components: the timing of charging
processes, the selection of a charging station and the duration of the charging process.
Based on literature research introduced in this paper, two scheduling approaches have
been studied: a rigid approach, based on state-of-the-art solutions, captures the
optimal case for a single AGV. A flexible approach, particularly focusing on
autonomous behaviour of AGVs, aims for an optimum for the whole AGV fleet.
Therefore, the concept of auction-based task allocation is transferred. A closed-loop
simulation compares both scheduling approaches for the application of automotive in-
house logistics. The flexible approach shows a higher scheduling effectiveness,
although influenced by the charging station allocation.
1 Introduction
The increasing individualisation of products requires flexible production systems
including innovative logistics systems. For in-house logistics, this implies that rigid
conveyor technology is replaced by adaptable and connected systems to control the
increasing complexity and dynamics. Therefore, the organisation of material flow in
production plants is decentralised, which enables autonomously acting entities to
control themselves for the execution of transport tasks. In the vision ofLogistics
4.0”, vehicles are cooperating in self-learning systems, exchanging information and
making decentralised decisions supported by artificial intelligence (Hompel 2010;
Günthner et al. 2012; Hompel and Henke 2014).
Improved navigation by laser and sensor techniques has made it possible for AGVs to
move freely, avoid obstacles and handle material by themselves (Ullrich 2015). Given
this technological progress, autonomous AGVs are taking a key role in future in-house
logistics within automotive plants. One example among many others is the smart
transport robot (STR) that was developed in a cooperation between the BMW Group
and the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics. This vehicle is deployed
in supply logistics for production and assembly in BMW plants, shown in Figure 1
(BMW 2016).
Autonomous AGV-systems, organised by decentral control, are facing challenges
concerning charging activities (Oliveira et al. 2011). While scheduling of charging
activities for small systems with only a few vehicles seems to be trivial in the first
place, scheduling operations for large-scale systems turn out to be much more
challenging. Decisions regarding location, duration and timing of battery charging for
hundreds of AGVs, sharing several charging stations, gain importance to ensure well-
functioning charging processes. Charging processes are scheduled and performed
dynamically during system operations without endangering the running production. If
charging activities are not scheduled properly, bottlenecks for the availability of
AGVs occur and system efficiency declines (Kabir and Suzuki 2018b). Due to the
dynamic behaviour of in-house logistic systems, scheduling approaches are evaluated
through simulation-modelling.
2 Related Literature and Scientific Contribution
Three key components of a scheduling approach were identified by reviewing the
related literature: timing of the charging process, selection of the charging station and
the duration of charging processes. Table 1 compares scheduling approaches of
several studies on battery charging. Timing is mostly proposed to be based on charge-
thresholds (Zou et al. 2018; Kabir and Suzuki 2018a, 2018b) and opportunities
between transport jobs (Ebben 2001; Zou et al. 2018). Kawakami and Takata (2011)
determine the timing of charging operations in a way to minimise battery
deterioration. The selection of a charging station is mostly facilitated by heuristics,
like choosing the nearest station (Ebben 2001; Kabir and Suzuki 2018b). Different
heuristics are compared by Kabir and Suzuki (2018a), whereas two studies do not
consider this selection criteria (Kawakami and Takata 2011; Zou et al. 2018). The
duration of a charging operation is usually determined by the time it takes to swap a
battery or by fully charging it. Also, a charge-threshold is applied by Kabir and Suzuki
(2018b), and handling time is utilised by Zou et al. (2018) for charging during jobs.
Figure 1: BMW’s smart transport robot at the BMW plant in Regensburg
Table 1: Comparison of scheduling approaches in the literature
Kawakami &
Takata (2011)
Zou et al.
Kabir & Suzuki
Kabir &
charge range
Min. battery
Swap time
Swap time
time / full
Swap time
Full /
Present approaches mainly pay attention to the currently considered vehicle. For
example, a vehicle’s decision on whether to choose the nearest charging station or a
different one only depends on its own state of charge. The point in time a vehicle
occupies a charging station is only determined by the time it takes to charge its own
battery to maximum level of charge (Kawakami and Takata 2011, Zou et al. 2018,
Kabir and Suzuki 2018a, Kabir and Suzuki 2018b). However, to achieve an efficient
overall system in autonomous AGVs, vehicles communicate with each other to find
compromises and try to achieve an optimum together. AGVs would consider the
occupation of stations by other AGVs, their state of charge and would, based on this
information, collectively determine a vehicle’s priority for charging. Therefore, a
flexible scheduling approach that considers multiple autonomously acting entities in
a dynamic environment is required.
3 Methodology
Two scheduling approaches are provided in this study: one rigid approach based on
common methods and one flexible approach, developed for autonomous AGV-
systems. Both the rigid and the flexible approach consider all of the components for
scheduling charging operations identified in the literature review.
3.1 Scheduling Approaches
To observe and compare differences in scheduling effectiveness, a simulation model
was developed. The following describes the simulation model, followed by the
experiment framework and the results.
3.1.1 Rigid Scheduling Approach
The rigid scheduling approach combines the most applied scheduling methods
introduced in Table 1. For timing of the charging process, a threshold level for the
state of charge is considered. For example, falling below 10% of charge triggers
charging operations, as soon as current transport jobs are finished. The nearest
available station is selected and charging is carried out until the battery has reached
100% level of charge. If an available station is not vacant, a parking space serves as
waiting zone. As a result, an AGV only pays attention to its own state and does not
consider its environment. This approach is easily replicable, applicable and ensures a
robust process for systems, with sufficient charging stations and replacement vehicles.
3.1.2 Flexible Scheduling Approach
The flexible approach developed by the authors includes common methods, which are
suggested in the introduced literature and methods transferred from correlated
research. Timing of charging operations is organised by two common criteria: (1) the
opportunity of idle time is utilised during periods when transport jobs are not given
and (2) a superordinate threshold level of 10 % battery charge applies that ensures that
sufficient charge remains for approaching a charging station.
The selection of charging stations is based on auctions, a concept used for the
allocation of tasks among autonomous vehicles. In this concept, tasks are published
to agents, which send an offer for accomplishment, calculated based on an objective
function. The best offer is accepted by the auctioneer, who assigns the job to the
respective agents (Schwarz 2014). Consequently, charging of AGVs corresponds to
such tasks, for which offers are sent from charging stations to the requesting vehicle
as a selection criterion. The proposed function for calculating offers is given by
Equation 1, which is based on the proposed objective functions by Schwarz (2014).
 = + + 1()  
indicates the requesting vehicle and a potentially competing vehicle that either
already occupies the station or has reserved it. A reservation is defined by a vehicle
that is on its way to the station. The result  denotes hypothetical costs if vehicle
selects station , which must be minimised. Three hypothetical cost factors are
considered: distance, occupation costs and costs for the difference of battery charge
among the competing AGVs. Distance costs are given by the distance  between
station and vehicle in m and represent unfavourable additional consumption of
battery charge while driving there. The binary variable owns the value 1, if the
station is currently occupied by and 0, if it is only reserved or available. Correlated
occupation costs  represent time-consuming effort for entering and leaving a
station. On the contrary, the binary variable owns the value 1, if the station is
currently occupied or reserved by and 0, if it is available. The variables  and
 denote the current level of charge in percent for both vehicles and the parameter
 relates battery charge to costs. Generally, should be preferred to if
significantly less charge remains for than for . By subtracting the difference of
charge from 1, high differences are rewarded with low costs and small differences are
punished with high costs.
This function is calculated within an algorithm that iterates through a list of charging
stations, ordered by ascending distance to vehicle . Costs are calculated for each
station until the first available station is found, as its offer cannot be surpassed by
subsequent stations. Finally, the station with the lowest costs among the considered
will be selected. Further assumptions are required to ensure reasonable auctions:
Vehicle must have a level of charge less than 60% to be allowed to consider
occupied or reserved stations. Otherwise the need for charging is assumed to be too
low for replacing other charging vehicles. For a release, vehicle must possess more
than 30 % level of charge to be considered as sufficiently charged. Also, there must
be a difference in charge between both AGVs higher than 10% to ensure a significant
difference in their need to charge. If these conditions are not confirmed, only vacant
stations are considered for the requesting vehicles charging. Furthermore, the cost
parameters  and  must be determined manually based on preferences for
system behaviour:  was set to 100 and  to 500, to strictly force high charge
differences of AGVs while rather allowing releases if beneficial.
If an AGV is running out of charge but was not able to negotiate a charging station, a
parking space serves as buffer until a station is available. The charging duration is
determined on the one hand by reaching the maximum level of charge and on the other
hand by cancelling the charging operation. A cancelation can be triggered by a
transport job or by an auction-caused release. This approach is beneficial for dynamic
systems with limited resources, as vehicles cooperate in sharing those.
3.2 Simulation Model
To study the scheduling approaches, a simulation model of an AGV-system was
created for the material supply of an automotive final assembly line. The model does
not represent a specific production plant, rather an abstraction of its characteristics.
Thereby, universally applicable conclusions could be drawn without being focused on
one particular use-case. The discrete-event simulation software Siemens
Plant Simulation 14 was used. In addition, the logistics library developed by the
German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), was applied to integrate
aspects of agent-based simulation.
3.2.1 Model Layout
The model layout, seen in Figure 2, is arranged as a rectangular grid with an x-axis of
250 m and a y-axis of 150 m. The model includes a final assembly line which is
divided into seven sub-lines. 25 work stations are installed on each side along each
line, which generates 350 stations in total. The warehouse entry and exit points, by
which material enters and leaves the system, are located at the bottom of the model.
The interfaces and system boundaries are simplified to one position for pick-up and
one for drop of material and are not considered in detail. Within the warehouse
stations, space for vehicles and amount of simultaneous pick-up and drop operations
are unlimited. All other stations represent work stations for material consumption,
where there is only space for one vehicle at a same time.
Tracks are bi-directional and allow upcoming traffic. For delivery of material,
vehicles do not block the transport track. However, if a second vehicle wants to enter
an already occupied station, it must wait on the track, where it is blocking the road in
one way. Overtaking is not allowed. For all crossings, the FIFO-rule (first-in-first-out)
is followed and disturbance traffic or human interference do not exist. The central
parking space for idle vehicles is located at the bottom of the model. The allocation
Areas 1, 2 and 3 offer space for charging stations. Area 1 is located near the
warehouse, Area 2 includes locations near major pathways and Area 3 includes
locations between the assembly lines.
Figure 2: Model of material delivery to the final assembly line
3.2.2 Deployed Vehicle and Battery
Due to its particular purpose for deployment in an automotive plant, the STR of the
BMW Group (BMW 2016) was selected to be modelled. In Figure 1, the STR itself
and its transport capacity is illustrated. Space is provided for one load carrier that can
either carry one big container or several small ones. Furthermore, the speed of the
STR is simplified to 1.5 m/s, both in curves and on straight lanes. The STR contains
a lithium-ion battery for energy storage and hence allows rapid and frequent charging
processes, while maintaining a high state of health for a long time. These batteries are
utilised within the limits 20 % to 80 %, which is simplified in this study: 0 % and
100 % serve as the limits of battery utilisation and deterioration is excluded. It is
assumed that batteries are charged linearly and charge is consumed linearly,
depending on the current operation.
Four states of operation are defined: idle, handling, driving empty and driving with
load. The data regarding battery and charge consumption of the STR is provided in
Table 2. The consumption data is estimated based on current technologies and only
approximates real data. However, the level of detail is considered as sufficient, as
technical characteristics of the STR will vary depending on further developments. To
prevent that all AGVs charge at the same time, their initial charge level is uniformly
random-distributed when a simulation run is initialised. Batteries are considered to be
charged autonomously by approaching charging contacts. Transport processes are not
interrupted for charging and vehicles are not allowed to carry load when trying to
charge, to prevent bottlenecks in material supply.
Table 2: AGV battery and charge consumption data
Battery data
94 Ah
Charging current
40 A
3.2.3 System Operations
Transport jobs are generated according to a two-container pull-system that is
implemented at each work station to order material from the warehouse if the current
container is empty. This process is realised by two separate transportation jobs: one
for the full-load delivery and one for the disposal of empty-load. One delivery only
includes one container, as the STR’s capacity is limited to one load carrier. There is
an equal material consumption rate for all work stations without any stochastic
numbers. It is set to 30 parts per hour, corresponding the capacity of one container.
For a realistic production setup avoiding that all stations order at the same time, the
initial stock level at each station was generated random. Only one of the two
containers at each work station is initialised as full. The other one is filled based on a
uniform random distribution between one and 30. The procedure for transport job
allocation follows the disposition rule “nearest vehicle first” (Günthner et al. 2012).
Jobs are only assigned to available AGVs and are taken by FIFO-rule from a central
job list. The selection of routes for accomplishing a job is based on the shortest way
to the destination, calculated exclusively by distance.
The system is operating for 24 hours a day without any breaks or downtime. This is
an essential pre-condition for this study, as it is not possible to carry out charging
activities only when vehicles are not utilised otherwise. Therefore, charging activities
must be integrated within the system operations, in which opportunities occur in
between transport jobs. Furthermore, it is assumed that there are no failures for
vehicles, work stations or the warehouse. All handling activities last exactly 30s to
ensure stable underlying transport processes.
3.3 Experiment Framework
The initial number of AGVs was set to 100, which is enough to fulfil the required
target throughput of 350 containers per hour, given the assumption that batteries do
not need to be charged. We examined suitable parameters for the number of available
charging stations to achieve an appropriate throughput in the system and to prevent
any bottlenecks in charging capacity. Therefore, we ascertain 40 charging stations for
the further experiments, which are distributed equally among selected allocation
areas. Having more capacity does not lead to significantly higher throughput as the
utilisation decreases. Two experiment steps were defined to be passed:
First, both scheduling approaches are compared by throughput and tested for different
allocations of charging stations. A combination of both is defined as a strategy for the
subsequent comparison. The throughput is evaluated by the number of full material
containers leaving the warehouse per hour. Material delivery and disposal of empty
containers are triggered simultaneously and fulfilled one after the other. Therefore,
throughput for both processes was equal and hence only full-load deliveries are
considered. Second, the numbers of deployed AGVs and charging stations are adapted
for each approach to achieve the initial target throughput and to maintain a closed-
loop experiment framework. Thereby it is tested how much additional resources are
needed for each approach to compensate the charging operations. In detail, the vehicle
number was varied between 100 and 160 in steps of 10 and charging stations between
40 and 75 in steps of five.
The simulation run-time was set to one day with 24 hours of continuous operations,
as within that time it is possible to recognise whether or not the AGV-system can fulfil
the constant demand for material. A shorter simulated-time is inappropriate, as there
should be enough time to carry out several charging operations per vehicle to evaluate
the scheduling approach. The experiment results are based on average values
calculated on three observations per parameter setting, which is sufficient, as only two
uniformly distributed random numbers appear: the initial battery charge of AGVs and
the initial material stock per work station.
4 Simulation Results
The main takeaways of the study are the results regarding the rigid approach (RA) and
the flexible approach (FA). Both approaches were compared in different settings.
Figure 3 presents the throughput by using both charging approaches in combination
with different utilised allocations of charging stations: (1) central locations,
(2) major traffic pathways, (3) minor traffic pathways. Even though the differences
seem small at the first sight, it is important to consider that throughput is measured
per hour. Therefore, a difference of ten units per hour results in 240 more transported
containers per day, which is significant and hence justifies the modified y-axis.
In general, two groups of strategies are distinguished in Figure 3: strategies with the
rigid approach and those based on the flexible approach. Using the flexible one
achieves between 7 and 13 additional containers per hour. On that account, frequent
and rapid charging operations by opportunities are beneficial compared to rare, but
long charging processes. As a result, enabling vehicles to return quickly after charging
is preferred to binding these transport resources in long charging processes during
which charging capacity is occupied continuously. Furthermore, different allocations
influence the throughput although to a lesser extent. Including Area 1 and 2 is
beneficial, whereas Area 3 is not recommended to be included due to the respective
distances to charging-stations that AGVs face.
Among the tested charging strategies, there are two strategies that deliver superior
results measured by throughput, both including the flexible approach but differ in
allocation of stations. For positioning of charging stations, one of them includes
Area 1 and the other combines Area 1 (central allocation) and
Area 2 (major traffic pathway allocation). The strategy based on the area combination
was selected as best-suited strategy for the following reason: the flexible approach
Figure 2: Throughput for various charging strategies
Table 3: Results of parameter experiment for the flexible and the rigid approach
increases the traffic volume by nature as charging processes are started and finished
more frequently. For a higher number of vehicles, a concentration of all charging
stations near the warehouse was considered too risky for this approach in terms of
deadlock prevention. If charging stations are spread over several locations in the
layout, the risk of deadlocks due to the additional traffic is reduced.
For the above described flexible approach, as well as for the respective rigid approach,
different combinations of the number of vehicles and charging stations were varied to
reach the target values while minimising additional resources. Table 3 compares the
rigid versus the flexible approach with different parameter settings for numbers of
vehicles and charging stations with focus on a throughput target of 350. The result
table indicates that combinations with at least 140 vehicles and 50 charging stations
are required to approximately reach the target value by using the flexible charging
approach. For the rigid approach, 150 vehicles and 55 charging stations are enough to
reach the target throughput.
Consequently, in our experiment case, the flexible approach saves 10 vehicles (6.6%)
and 5 charging stations (9%) by reaching the same throughout as the rigid approach.
The savings can not only be pronounced in acquisition cost, furthermore they are also
resulting in higher flexibility of the overall system by using the flexible approach in
contrast to the rigid approach.
5 Conclusion
This study has focused on approaches for scheduling charging operations of AGV-
systems based on the requirements of an automotive plant. Two different scheduling
approaches were tested: a rigid approach based on state-of-the-art solutions and the
flexible charging approach that particularly focuses on autonomous behaviour of
AGVs. A simulation model was designed for the evaluation of the approaches given
different allocations of charging stations. The flexible scheduling approach and the
allocation of charging stations in proximity to the main process operations is
preferred. Thereby charging processes are enabled, which can be triggered
spontaneously by AGVs themselves and can be interrupted quickly to react to
changing circumstances. As a result, additional vehicles and charging capacity can be
reduced and system performance can be increased.
Additional subjects in relation to charging strategies were identified, which are of
relevance for further research. However, charging operations can be integrated to a
central control unit that includes information from many sources for decisions on
charging processes. Further, the design of scheduling approaches and sensitivity for
preconditions on charge levels are suggested to be analysed.
Further research might take into account the physical attributes of a battery. For
example, the nonlinearity of charging lithium-ion batteries leads to a varying charging
duration. Consequently, our method can be improved by integrating this circumstance
into Equation (1).
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... When a vehicle's SoC falls below the threshold, the vehicle is forced to charge [9][10][11] [12]. [10] also utilizes idle time to charge. The charging station has been selected based on the shortest distance [12], the shortest travel distance and waiting time jointly [10][11] [12], or predefined station [9]. ...
... [10] also utilizes idle time to charge. The charging station has been selected based on the shortest distance [12], the shortest travel distance and waiting time jointly [10][11] [12], or predefined station [9]. The vehicle is charged at its selected station until its battery is full [9], or until a predefined SoC [10][11] [12]. ...
... The charging station has been selected based on the shortest distance [12], the shortest travel distance and waiting time jointly [10][11] [12], or predefined station [9]. The vehicle is charged at its selected station until its battery is full [9], or until a predefined SoC [10][11] [12]. ...
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Substituting fuel-based and manual delivery for the last miles with electric automated guided vehicles (e-AGVs) promises to substantially reduce CO2 and noise emissions, and traffic congestion in urban areas. As they are battery-based vehicles, efficient battery charging which alleviates range and recharging limitations is crucial for the delivery system’s performance. However, when, where, and how many parcels should be transported is uncertain and so is the energy demand of e-AGVs. In this work, we develop three recharging heuristics to ensure the energy supply for e-AGVs in the last-mile delivery. We propose a simulation framework that enables a search for the best combinations of heuristics’ parameters (charging goal, state of charge lower limit, etc.) and a multi-criteria comparison among the charging heuristics regarding six key performance indicators (KPIs). We find recharging processes have a significant impact on the system performance. Only using forced emergency charging performs the worst. Interval charging performs slightly better than opportunity charging and both can be chosen based on different preferences. The parcel volume distribution also affects the system performance. The results from the three heuristics in this paper can be used as references in further work, which should focus on energy demand forecasting to design charging strategies to intervene emergency charging. In this way, the impact of recharging processes on the delivery system can be reduced.
... The increasing environmental flexibility means that vehicles can be used for a greater range of scenarios [5]. Taking into consideration the progressing flexibility and technological advances, Automated Guided Vehicles have the potential to play an important role in factory logistics [9]. Yet, it is proposed that the organisational complexity increases alongside with greater flexibility of application [10]. ...
... The trigger that prompts the charging process is usually a predefined low battery charge level and it coincides with a point in time when a vehicle is not performing a task [9] [11] [22] [24] [25] [27]. In an effort to determine the optimal timing, Kawakami et al., for instance, focus on minimising battery deterioration [23]. ...
... Charging idle vehicles, even if their battery charge levels are above the triggering SOC, also referred to as intermediate charging, is also suggested to be a feasible tool to enhance a charging strategy [9] [22] [24]. Possibilities for intermediate charging and the consideration of the SOC in comparison with other vehicles on the field or in charging stations could lead to an increase in flexibility, efficiency and scalability of the system. ...
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This paper presents our work in progress for the development of an efficient charging & parking strategy. Our research aim is to develop a strategy that not only provides an efficient approach to charging AGV batteries, but also reduces traffic density in a highly utilised large-scale AGV system. Alongside the current state-of-the-art solution, three new allocation methods are introduced: Trivial+, Pearl Chain and a method based on the Generalised Assignment Problem (GAP). These four methods vary in their scope, in terms of number of vehicles considered, when calculating a decision for a specific vehicle. Furthermore, two types of availability rules for vehicles are introduced and evaluated. Their combination with the allocation methods lay the foundation for future research. All allocation methods and availability rules are explained in detail and this is followed by a summary of the expected outcomes.
... Most of the up-to-date recharging schemes still utilize these two concepts. 6,24 Another timing criteria presented in the literature is to recharge on idle periods between tasks if any. 25 Although the majority of papers suggest always recharging up to the full battery, the robot ability to interrupt the charging process because of emerged tasks or other discharged vehicles 26 can significantly increase flexibility. ...
... Therefore, a flexible and intelligent time-scheduling approach that considers multiple autonomously acting heterogeneous entities in a dynamic environment is required. 26 A literature review may reveal a notable scientific gap in intelligent approaches to simultaneously manage energy and communications constraints while coordinating mobile groups of functionally heterogeneous vehicles. As can be seen from the issues above, there is a general need for an efficient time-scheduling scheme within the group control system to allocate all events related to energy and communication constraints. ...
This paper introduces a novel mission-planning scheme to coordinate a heterogeneous team of mobile robots under fuel and communication constraints. The proposed scheme has a two-level structure, where the upper level is responsible for scheduling team communication, recharging and regrouping activities, while the lower level provides plans and routes for individual group members. Such decomposition allows us to relieve an overall group routing problem by singling out the harshest constraints as a separate time-management problem. Thus, the high-level planning problem is to construct a group schedule ensuring both the efficient refuelling order and the required communication periodicity. The problem is formulated in terms of workforce scheduling problems and a hybrid evolutionary algorithm is developed to solve it. The lower-level module is to arrange emergent team communication sessions in case of unpredicted events. This original problem combines features of vehicle routing problems and special aspects of multi-agent network spreading models. A few simple ruled-based heuristics are presented to treat the problem in a timely manner.
... Second, the Market-Based methods use bidding for the charging station allocation problem. [12]- [14] proposed a decentralized charging scheduling strategy according to the tasks' situation, i.e., when robots have no tasks, they are charged in advance to prepare for future tasks, whereas when they are busy, efficient charge dispatching is used. However, while some tasks are scheduled beforehand, many are urgently demanded, such as rush orders. ...
Conference Paper
The availability of electrical autonomous mobile robots is a main topic addressed by many researchers. Notably, the battery-powered Forklifts, recognized as battery consumers, have disadvantages of short autonomy and long charging time, which would require an accurate prediction of the charging queue waiting time to optimize the charging strategy. This paper proposes a machine learning approach to predict the charging queue waiting time for the electrical autonomous Forklifts (EAFLs) fleet. Results show accurate predictions with a mean absolute error of 1.52 min in comparison to the naive mean and median methods, which achieved a mean absolute error of, respectively, 5.54 min and 5.46 min.
... In the former case, a decision can be made based on the remaining energy [19] or the current robot workload [20]. For the latter type of decision, a negotiation approach [21] is usually applied with the emerging demands [22] as an alternative. A big advantage of this approach is its simplicity, reliability, and speed. ...
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The rapid development of marine robotic technology in recent decades has resulted in significant improvements in the self-sufficiency of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). However, simple scenario-based approaches are no longer sufficient when it comes to ensuring the efficient interaction of multiple autonomous vehicles in complex dynamic missions. The necessity to respond cooperatively to constant changes under severe operating constraints, such as energy or communication limitations, results in the challenge of developing intelligent adaptive approaches for planning and organizing group activities. The current study presents a novel hierarchical approach to the group control system designed for large heterogeneous fleets of AUVs. The high-level core of the approach is rendezvous-based mission planning and is aimed to effectively decompose the mission, ensure regular communication, and schedule AUVs recharging activities. The high-level planning problem is formulated as an original acyclic variation of the inverse shift scheduling problem, which is NP-hard. Since regular schedule adjustments are supposed to be made by the robots themselves right in the course of the mission, a meta-heuristic hybrid evolutionary algorithm is developed to construct feasible sub-optimal solutions in a short time. The high efficiency of the proposed approach is shown through a series of computational experiments.
... Distance and time of travel to and from an AGV present location and the location of the AGV battery charging port are important parameters for AGV fleet optimization. Also important are the sizing and type of battery in use, types of charging employed (namely contact and contactless battery charging), life cycle of battery and possible integration of alternative energy sources in AGVs and AMRs [202]- [204]. In [205], a WPT method based on magnetic coupling resonance for AGV was proposed. ...
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In industrial environments, over several decades, Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) have served to improve efficiencies of intralogistics and material handling tasks. However, for system integrators, the choice and effective deployment of improved, suitable and reliable communication and control technologies for these unmanned vehicles remains a very challenging task. Specifics of communication for AGVs and AMRs imposes stringent performance requirements on latency and reliability of communication links which many existing wireless technologies struggle to satisfy. In this paper, a review of latest AGVs and AMRs research results in the past decade is presented. The review encompasses results from different past and present research domains of AGVs. In addition, performance requirements of communication networks in terms of their latencies and reliabilities when they are deployed for AGVs and AMRs coordination, control and fleet management in smart manufacturing environments are discussed. Integration challenges and limitations of present state-of-the-art AGV and AMR technologies when those technologies are used for facilitating AGV-based smart manufacturing and factory of the future applications are also thoroughly discussed. The paper also present a thorough discussion of areas in need of further research regarding the application of 5G networks for AGVs and AMRs fleet management in smart manufacturing environments. In addition, novel integration ideas by which tactile Internet, 5G network slicing and virtual reality applications can be used to facilitate AGV and AMR based factory of the future (FoF) and smart manufacturing applications were motivated.
... However, the development of such kind of code can be really arduous, time expensive and difficult to maintain. Optimal task scheduling and planning, enriched by domain-based heuristics, requires a huge amount of code lines if written with an imperative language [17]. ...
Conference Paper
The increasing number of robots and autonomous vehicles involved in logistics applications leads to new challenges to face for the community of Artificial Intelligence. Web-shop giants, like Amazon or Alibaba for instance, brought this problem to a new level, with huge warehouses and an huge number of orders to deliver with strict deadlines. Coordinating and scheduling such high quantity of tasks over a fleet of autonomous robots is a really complex problem: neither simple imperative greedy algorithms, which compromises over the quality of the solution, nor precise enumeration techniques, which compromises over the solving time, are no more feasible to tackle such problems. In this work, we use Answer Set Programming to tackle real-world logistics problems, involving both dynamic task assignment and planning, at the BMW Group and Incubed IT. Different strategies are tried, and compared to the original imperative approach.
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Рассматриваются различные задачи планирования стратегий и управления группой мо-бильных роботов в сложных динамических условиях при неполной информации о внешней среде.Представлены подходы к решению задач составления эффективного рабочего расписания вусловиях непостоянного состава действующей группы, поиска источника нестационарногополя концентрации, супервизорного управления дискретно-событийными системами. Для зада-чи составления верхнеуровневого расписания групповой работы разработана оригинальная математическая модель, сформулированная в терминах задач планирования рабочих смен,а также проблемно-ориентированная модификация эволюционных алгоритмов со специализи-рованных набором эвристик для ее эффективного решения. Поиск и мониторинг источниканестационарного поля концентрации осуществляется с помощью децентрализованной муль-тиагентной стратегии управления, объединяющей элементы бионических и градиентных под-ходов, а также метода генерации искусственных потенциальных полей. Рассмотренная стра-тегия управления обладает низкой вычислительной сложностью, высокой вариативностью поотношению к типам обследуемых полей и легко масштабируется для управления любым дос-тупным количеством мобильных роботов. Последнее имеет особое значение, в частности, прирассмотрении задачи параллельного и независимого мониторинга нескольких источников.Для решения различных задач теории супервизорного управления дискретно-событийными сис-темами, используемыми на различных уровнях иерархической системы управления робототех-ническими комплексами, предложено использовать средства логического вывода, а именно,автоматическое доказательство теорем в исчислении позитивно-образованных формул. Осо-бенности исчисления позволяют эффективно решать сложные задачи управления динамиче-скими системами, а также осуществлять обработку и контроль событий на основе данных обокружающей среде в режиме реального времени в процессе логического вывода. Основанный напозитивно-образованных формулах подход позволяет исследовать свойства дискретно-событийных систем в автоматной форме, синтезировать и моделировать конечные автома-ты для построения и реализации монолитных и модульных супервизоров. Предложена общаясхема, объединяющая рассмотренные подходы к управлению группой мобильных роботов наразличных уровнях и масштабах времени в рамках единой иерархической системы управления
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The fifth generation of mobile communication (5G) is expected to bring immense benefits to automated guided vehicles by improving existing respectively enabling 5G-distinctive network control systems, leading to higher productivity and safety. However, only 1% of production companies have fully deployed 5G yet. Most companies currently lack an understanding of return on investment and of technical use-case benefits. Therefore, this paper analyses the influence of 5G on an automated guided vehicle use case based on a five-step evaluation model. The analysis is conducted with a use case in the Digital Experience Factory in Aachen. It shows a difference of net present value between 4G and 5G of 1.3 M€ after 10 years and a difference of return of investment of 66%. Furthermore, analysis shows an increase of mobility (13%), productivity (20%) and safety (136%). This indicates a noticeable improvement of a 5G-controlled automated guided vehicle compared to a 4G-controlled automated guided vehicle.
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Das Buch vermittelt praxisnahes und anwendungsorientiertes Wissen im Logistikmanagement der Automobilindustrie. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Sicht des Automobilherstellers, da er innerhalb des globalen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerks die höchste Anforderungs- und Komplexitätsstufe aufweist. Das Buch gliedert sich analog der Planungs- und Serienphase eines Fahrzeugherstellers in die beiden Bereiche Logistikmanagement im Produktentstehungsprozess und Logistikmanagement im Kundenauftragsprozess.
Conference Paper
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When it comes to AGVs (Automated Guide Vehicles) working in intelligent warehouse systems it is necessary to take into account that the use of batteries may impact the performance of the overall system. They need to be recharged or changed, and the time required to execute these operations might interfere in the AGV availability. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a battery management procedure to ensure that the batteries have sufficient charges to perform the desired tasks. This paper describes a method based on the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to estimate the Batteries State of Charge (SOC). The estimated consumption is compared with the SOC obtained by the EKF. A series of experiments using mini-robotic forklifts were performed to evaluate the method. The experimental results have shown its effectiveness using resistive loads. This methodology allowed estimating the battery consumption for a certain route of the mini-robotic forklift in the warehouse and verifying the load capacity available for the mini-robotic forklift to accomplish a task assigned by the warehouse routing system.
This paper explores how different routing techniques for the battery management of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) can affect the performance of a system. Four heuristics available in the literature were the basis of this study. Simulation models were developed to investigate how the routing of an AGV towards a battery station can affect the productivity of a manufacturing facility. Results show that the best productivity can be achieved when a routing heuristic tries to jointly minimise the total travel distance and waiting time at a battery station. The gain in productivity, when compared with the highest possible gain theoretically achievable, is quite substantial. It was also found that higher frequency of decision-making (i.e. decisions with smaller time interval) about battery swapping helps to increase the productivity of a system.
Purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility of increasing manufacturing capacities in the short run through battery management of automated guided vehicles (AGVs). The paper investigates how the duration of battery charging for AGVs can be varied to increase flexibility of a manufacturing system. The key concept is that a lead acid battery, the most widely used battery type for AGVs, receives most of its charge during the initial phase (time) of charging as opposed to the later phase. Consequently, more productive hours can be obtained from the AGVs by reducing the duration of each charging occurrence (i.e., by recharging the batteries to less than full capacity). In this approach, an AGV needs to be recharged more frequently, but the total productive hours available from the AGVs can increase. Simulation models were developed to investigate the effect of this approach. Results show that productivity of a manufacturing system increases significantly through this approach. This approach can be quite helpful for a firm if AGVs are the bottleneck in its manufacturing plant and the firm needs to have a significant improvement of its productivity in the short-run. Also, this approach does not require a firm to make a large investment to add more AGVs to its facility.
Robotic mobile fulfillment systems (RMFS) have seen many implementations in recent years, due to their high flexibility and low operational cost. Such a system stores goods in movable shelves and uses movable robots to transport the shelves. The robot is battery powered and the battery depletes during operations, which can seriously affect the performance of the system. This study focuses on battery management problem in an RMFS, considering a battery swapping and a battery charging strategy with plug-in or inductive charging. We build a semi-open queueing network (SOQN) to estimate system performance, modeling the battery charging process as a single queue and the battery swapping process as a nested SOQN. We develop a decomposition method to solve the analytical models and validate them through simulation. Our models can be used to optimize battery recovery strategies and compare their cost and throughput time performance. The results show that throughput time performance can be significantly affected by the battery recovery policy, that inductive charging performs best, and that battery swapping outperforms plug-in charging by as large as 4.88%, in terms of retrieval transaction throughput time. However, the annual cost of the RMFS using the battery swapping strategy is generally higher than that of the RMFS using the plug-in charging strategy. In the RMFS that uses the inductive charging strategy, a critical price of a robot can be found, for a lower robot price and a small required retrieval transaction throughput time, inductive charging outperforms both plug-in charging and battery swapping strategies in terms of annual cost. We also find that ignoring the battery recovery will underestimate the number of robots required and the system cost for more than 15%.
Battery management for automatic guided vehicle (AGV) systems is important to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of the AGV systems. Valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) batteries, which are generally used in AGVs, should be charged at appropriate time intervals, to avoid the deterioration of batteries and to extend their lives. On the other hand, frequent charging affects the efficiency of AGVs. The cost of chargers, which determines the charging time of the batteries, should also be taken into account. It is not easy to select a proper battery management strategy that considers all these factors. To solve these problems, a battery management simulation is developed for evaluating battery related costs under various AGV operation modes and for designing battery management strategies. To verify its effectiveness, the simulation is applied to a body in white at the finishing line of an automobile manufacturing plant.
Die Individualisierung als postmodernes Lebensprinzip hat mit dem Aufkommen der Internetgesellschaft eine neue Dimension erreicht. Individuelle Lebensentwürfe sind heute ebenso selbstverständlich wie die individuelle Gestaltung der Lebensräume und Produkte oder die zeitlich und räumlich individuelle Versorgung mit Waren und Informationen. Ubiquitäres Computing sorgt für permanente Erreichbarkeit, und virtuelle Habitate überlagern zunehmend die reale Welt.
Algorithmen und Kommunikationssysteme für die Zellurare Fördertechnik
  • W Günthner
  • M Ten Hompel
  • P Tenerowicz-Wirth
  • H Büchter
  • M Schipplick
Günthner, W.; ten Hompel, M.; Tenerowicz-Wirth, P.; Büchter, H.; Schipplick, M.: Algorithmen und Kommunikationssysteme für die Zellurare Fördertechnik. Laboratory report, TU München, Lehrstuhl für Fördertechnik Materialfluss Logistik, 2012.
Untersuchung zur Steigerbarkeit von Flexibilität, Performanz und Erweiterbarkeit von Fahrerlosen Transportsystemen durch den Einsatz dezentraler Steuerungstechniken. Dissertation
  • C Schwarz
Schwarz, C.: Untersuchung zur Steigerbarkeit von Flexibilität, Performanz und Erweiterbarkeit von Fahrerlosen Transportsystemen durch den Einsatz dezentraler Steuerungstechniken. Dissertation, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Fakultät II -Informatik, Wirtschafts-und Rechtswissenschaften, 2014. Ullrich, G.: Automated Guided Vehicle Systems -a primer with practical applications, 2. ed. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer 2015.