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Perception of Students and Teachers towards the Implementation of Semester System of Examination at Undergraduate Level

  • Central University of Odisha
  • Anchal College Padampur
  • Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur


The present study investigates the perceptions of both students and teachers about the implementation of the semester system of examination at a higher level. The objectives were to study the perception of students and teachers towards the implementation of the semester system with reference to the prescribed curriculum, feedback and evaluation procedures, and students' performance under the semester system. The descriptive survey method was employed in conducting research. The present study was delimited to the students and teachers of Rajendra (Auto.) College, Bolangir, Odisha, from where 90 students and 30 teachers were selected as the sample through random sampling. A perception scale for both students and teachers were prepared separately for collecting data and the data was collected by giving a personal visit. The obtained data were analyzed by simple percentage techniques. The findings revealed that cent percent of teachers and students perceived the semester system as better than the traditional system of examination and opined that it was highly applicable for both UG and PG level. It was also found that all the teachers and students were satisfied with the curriculum and evaluation procedures under semester system examination. The teachers were satisfied with the implementation of the semester system at the undergraduate level in relation to feedback and evaluation procedures. Cent percent of students viewed that they were not getting the result in time, which is a major issue in the semester system.
Examination Reforms for Quality Higher Education in India:
Challenges and Opportunity
December 22-23, 2018
School of Education, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha, India
ISBN: 978-93-88879-10-1
New Delhi Publishers
New Delhi, Kolkata
Chapter-42 pp 246-252
Perception of Students and Teachers towards the Implementation
of Semester System of Examination at Undergraduate Level
1Miss Sasmita Behera
M.Phil. Scholar, Dept. of Education
D.P. Institute of Advance Study in Education, Berhampur-761008
*2Mr. Venkateswar Meher
Research Scholar, School of Education
Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur-768004, Odisha
3Dr. (Smt.) Rajashree Baral
Associate Professor of Education, School of Education
Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur-768004, Odisha
The present study investigates the perceptions of both students and teachers about the
implementation of semester system of examination at higher level. The objectives were to study
the perception of students and teachers towards the implementation of semester system with
reference to the prescribed curriculum, feedback and evaluation procedures, and students’
performance under semester system. The descriptive survey method was employed for
conducting research. The present study was delimited to the students and teachers of Rajendra
(Auto.) College, Bolangir, Odisha, from where 90 students and 30 teachers were selected as the
sample through random sampling. A perception scale for both students and teachers were
prepared separately for collecting data and the data was collected by giving a personal visit. The
obtained data were analyzed by simple percentage techniques. The findings revealed that cent
percent teachers and students perceived the semester system as better than the traditional system
of examination and opined that it was highly applicable for both UG and PG level. It was also
found that all the teachers and students were satisfied with the curriculum and evaluation
procedures under semester system examination. The teachers were satisfied with the
implementation of semester system at undergraduate level in relation to feedback and evaluation
procedures. Cent percent students viewed that they were not getting the result in time, which is a
major issue in the semester system.
Keywords: Semester system, prescribed curriculum, evaluation procedure, feedback system.
The world around us is a constant flux; everything is changing in this competitive world.
In the field of education also some sorts of reforms are being made with reference to curriculum,
methods of teaching, examination/evaluation system as a whole. The semester system of
examination is one of the most important examination reform brought in the higher level for the
minimization of academic burdens of the students. A semester system is an academic term. It is
a very effective system as it engages both the teachers and the students throughout the year in
academic activity. Semester system is not only an examination system rather it is a learner
centred system of education where primary concern is learning instead of teaching. In the
semester system of examination much more focus is given on the continuous internal assessment
where the learners’ progress is assessed in a systematic manner. However, in a semester the
course materials and aspects are divided into two subsequent parts which comprises six month in
each part. It is considered as an emerging approach in the field of teaching and learning process
which allows greater interaction between teachers and the students in a systemic manner. In
2015, two major academic reforms were undertaken at the undergraduate level in the higher
education. One was the choice based credit system (CBCS) and the other was the semester
system. Under CBCS, the curriculum was redefined to keep pace with the liberalization and
globalization in education and to look into the needs of the students and increase their job
opportunities. To improve quality of academics and put emphasis on continuous, comprehensive
and in-depth learning, aiming at capacity building of the students, the annual system was
replaced by semester system. Yousaf & Hasim (2012) conducted a case study on the difference
between the academic outcome of annual system of examination and semester system of
examination and found significant differences. Pathak & Rahman (2013) explored the
perception of students and teachers towards the semester system. The research result revealed
that the perception of students towards internal assessment and overall evaluation is not quite
satisfactory. Most of the respondents even didn’t understand about the evaluation in CGPA.
Shoukat & Muhammad (2015) investigated the perception of teachers and students towards the
functionality of semester system at university level. The result of the study showed that 70% of
students were satisfied with the teacher-student ratio, 71% with fairness of the teachers in
evaluating students’ performance. Almost equal percentages of teacher-students were satisfied
with the implementation of semester system. Bista (2016) studied the opinion of teachers
towards semester system in mathematics education. The result showed that the teachers have a
positive opinion towards the semester system, the semester system is m ore efficient than the
annual system. Das (2016) studied on students' perception about the implementation of semester
system in the undergraduate college under Dibrugarh University. The findings revealed that the
perception of students towards internal assessment and over all evaluation system under semester
system is not quite satisfactory.
Rationale of the Study
In the traditional system of examination at higher level, the students were appearing the
examination towards the end of the academic session through a written examination at the end of
a course. If any students could not appear the annual exam, he has to wait for the next academic
year, which was a major problem in the academic life of students. The students were not much
conscious about the annual examination because it was very time consuming. In order to avoid
these difficulties semester system of examination was implemented in the higher education level
both in undergraduate and postgraduate level. The related literatures revealed that a few studies
have been undertaken in Odisha, most particularly in Bolangir district about the semester system
of examination, so the investigator was intended to undertake research on this ground. However,
major reforms have been made by the government in the field of examination to make it smooth
and bringing about all round development in the students, so the present study has been
undertaken to investigate the perception of semester system of examination at undergraduate
Research Questions
As per the above rationale of the study, the following research questions were emerged in
the mind of the investigator;
1. What is the perception of student and teachers towards the implementation of semester
system at undergraduate level?
2. What is the perception of the students towards the implementation of semester system with
reference to the prescribed curriculum?
3. What is the perception of the teachers towards the implementation of semester system with
reference to the prescribed curriculum?
4. What is the perception of the students towards the implementation of semester system with
reference to the feedback and evaluation procedures?
5. What is the perception of the teachers towards the implementation of semester system with
reference to the feedback and evaluation procedures?
Objectives of the Study
The followings were the objectives of the present study;
1. To study the perception of student and teachers towards the implementation of semester at
undergraduate level
2. To study the perception of student and teachers towards the implementation of semester
system with reference to the prescribed curriculum
3. To study the perception of student and teachers towards the implementation of semester
system with reference to the feedback and evaluation procedures
Hypotheses of the study
The hypotheses of the present study were as follows;
1. The perception of teachers towards the implementation of semester system is favourable.
2. The perception of the students towards the implementation of semester system is favourable.
3. The perception of the students towards the implementation of semester system with reference
to the prescribed curriculum is favourable.
4. The perception of the teachers towards the implementation of semester system with reference
to the prescribed curriculum is favourable.
5. The perception of the students towards the implementation of semester system with reference
to the feedback and evaluation procedures is favourable.
6. The perception of the teachers towards the implementation of semester system with reference
to the feedback and evaluation procedures is favourable.
Scope & Delimitations
The scope and delimitation of the present study were as follows;
The study was delimited to Rajendra College (Auto.) Bolangir, Odisha.
The study was delimited to 30 teachers and 90 students of Rajendra College (Auto.)
Bolangir, Odisha.
The study was delimited to the perception of both students and teachers towards the
implementation of semester system at undergraduate level.
Materials & Methods
Research Method
As the main purpose of the present study was to investigate the perception of both student
and teachers towards the implementation of semester system at undergraduate level at present
context, descriptive survey method was undertaken for conducting research.
Depending upon the feasibility, Rajendra College (Auto), Bolangir, Odisha was
purposively selected, which constituted the population of the present study. From the selected
college, 30 teachers and 90 students were selected randomly which constituted the sample of the
present study.
The following tools were prepared by the investigator in consultation with the expert for
collecting relevant data from the sample groups.
Teacher’s perception scale on semester system of examination
Student’s perception scale on semester system of examination
The tools were based on five points, such as; Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Undecided
(U), Disagree (D), Strongly Disagree (SD).
Data Collection
After preparing the five point perception scales for both student and teachers the
investigator visited to the selected sample groups personally and collected relevant data by
administering the tool.
Statistical Technique
In order to analyse the obtained data simple percentage technique was used in the present study.
Data Analysis, Results & Discussion
In the present study, the tabulation was made of the collected responses from the sample
group and analysed with reference to percentage technique. The perception scale was based on
five points, such as; Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Undecided (U), Disagree (D), Strongly
Disagree (SD).
However, the data of both teacher and students were analysed separately in the following
Analysis of data on views of Students
Hypothesis-1: The perception of the students towards the implementation of semester system is
It is better than traditional system
Appropriate for both UG and PG level
Getting sufficient time in each semester
Courses are completing in time
It improves the study habits
The above table showed that near about cent percent students favoured the view that
semester system is better than traditional system of examination. It was matched with the
findings of Pathak and Rahman (Pathak & Rehman, 2013). Near about 78% were strongly agreed
and 22% were agreed that it is appropriate for both UG and PG level. Near about 60% students
were agreed and 20% strongly disagreed about the time getting in each semester for completing
the course. In relation to the completion of courses for each semester in time near about 50%
students were disagreed and 20% strongly disagreed over it. Cent percent students favoured that
it improved study habits of the students. This finding was matched with the findings of Shoukat
and Muhamaad (Shoukat & Muhamaad, 2015) and contrast to the findings of Das (Das, 2016).
Hypothesis-2: The perception of the students towards the implementation of semester system
with reference to the prescribed curriculum is favourable.
The contents prescribed in the course is
sufficient for present context
Proper availability of course materials
Satisfied with the prescribed theoretical
and practical aspect of curriculum
It is improving heavy curricular load
The above table represents that near about 90% students favoured that the contents
prescribed in the course was sufficient for the present context, where as only 10% students were
in contrast with the same. Near about 70% students were not satisfied the course materials
provided to them for the semester examinations, where as only 30% were satisfied. Near about
90% students were satisfied with the theoretical and practical aspects of curriculum under
semester system, where as only 10% were not satisfied. It was matched with the findings of
Pathak and Rahman (Pathak & Rahman, 2013). Near about 90% students were did not favour the
view that it improved heavy curricular load on them, where as only 10% favoured it.
Hypothesis-3: The perception of the students towards the implementation of semester system
with reference to the feedback and evaluation procedures is favourable.
Joining the next semester before
completing the previous semester
Getting result in time
The result of previous semester gives
inspiration for next semester
Satisfied with internal assessment
There is provision for improvement in
It is an excessive burden to appear six
The tabled revealed that cent percent students favoured the joining of the next semester
before the completion of the previous semester. Cent percent students viewed that they were not
getting the result in time, which is a major issue in the semester system, on the other hand they
viewed that the result of previous semester inspired them for the next semester, this findings of
the study is supported with the findings of Das (Das, 2016). Near about 90% students were
satisfied with the internal assessment, where as only 10% students were in contrast with the
same. This was contrast to the findings of Pathak and Rahman (Pathak & Rahman, 2013) Cent
percent students favoured the provision of improvement examination. Near about 90% students
viewed that it was not an excessive burden to appear six semesters throughout the entire course,
where as only 10% assumed it as a burden.
Analysis of data on views of Teachers
Hypothesis-4: The perception of teachers towards the implementation of semester system is
It creates healthy academic atmosphere
It is appropriate for both UG & PG level
Improves academic achievements of
It hinders research activities of faculty
Better than annual system of exam
The above table represented that cent percent teachers viewed that semester system of
examination creates healthy academic atmosphere and it is applicable for both UG and PG level.
They also viewed that it improved the academic achievements of students, so as a whole it is
better than the annual system of examination. Near about 80% teachers did not favour that
semester system of exam hindered the research activities for them.
Hypothesis-5: The perception of the teachers towards the implementation of semester system
with reference to the prescribed curriculum is favourable.
Prescribed course is based on present
demands and needs
There is heavy burden in the course
Availability of course materials properly
Prescribed curriculum is helpful for
preparing for entrance examinations
It includes required curricular and co-
curricular activities
The above table reveals that cent percent teachers were satisfied with the prescribed
courses under semester system and viewed that the curriculum was helpful for the students in
preparing with different entrance examinations. They were also satisfied with the curricular and
co-curricular activities under semester system. This finding was supported with the findings of
Bista, Pthak & Rahman, Shoukat & Muhammad (Bista, 2016, Shoukat & Muhammad, 2015,
Pathak & Rahman, 2013). In relation to the availability of course materials the satisfaction of the
teacher was not quite well, so near about 80% teachers were disagreed over it. However, all the
teachers viewed that semester system did not increase the burden for the students and teachers a s
Hypothesis-6: The perception of the teachers towards the implementation of semester system
with reference to the feedback and evaluation procedures is favourable.
Supporting internal assessment of exam
It is the wastage of valuable time
Helps to secure high percentage of marks
Provision for re-evaluation
The above table revealed that the teachers were satisfied with the implementation of
semester system at undergraduate level in relation to feedback and evaluation procedures. As per
the table, cent percentages of teachers were in favour of the internal assessment, they also
viewed that this semester system helps to secure high percentage of marks, also supported the
provision of re-evaluation. These findings were supported with the findings of Bista (Bista,
2016). However, near about 80% percentage of teachers were strongly disagreed and 20%
disagreed with the view that it is the wastage of valuable time.
Suggestions or Recommendations
From the above results and discussion some problems in implementing semester system
of examination were found, so the following recommendations were made;
The content prescribed in the courses under semester system is not sufficient, it may be
There should be proper gap between two semesters.
Sufficient time is be provided for the completion of the courses.
Different types of seminars and workshops are to be organised.
Sufficient numbers of teachers are to be appointed for teaching through semester pattern.
Sufficient teaching materials are to be provided to the students.
Sufficient numbers of books are to be available for every semester, so that the learners will
be benefited.
The result of the semester examination is to be declared in appropriate time, so that the
students will be self-motivated.
Suggestions for further research
The sample size may be increased and research study can be undertaken on this ground.
A comparative study can be undertaken by comparing the achievement of students studying
under semester system of examination and annual system of examination.
Other aspects of semester system can be included which are not covered in the study and
research study can be carried out.
In other districts also the same research work can be carried out to know the perception of
stakeholders regarding the implementation of semester system of examnation.
From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the annual system of examination is
replaced by the semester system of examination due to the drawbacks of annual system. The
semester system of examination can be used to measure students’ achievement and also to
enhance the quality of the learner through the continuous internal assessment. However, the
result of the present study revealed that both the teachers and students are satisfied with the
implementation of semester system of examination; still some sorts of problems are being faced
in this 21st century concerning to the excellence and quality in higher education, so remedial
measures are to be undertaken by the authorities for its eradication
Bista, M. (2016). Opinion of teachers towards semester system in mathematics education,
Unpublished MA dissertation, University of Tribhuvan, Kathamandu.
Das, R. (2016). A study on students' perception about the implementation of semester system in
the undergraduate college. Unpublished MA dissertation, Dibrugarh University, Assam, India.
Pathak, T. & Rahman, A. (2013). Perception of students and teachers towards semester system:
A study in some selected degree colleges of Nagaon town of Assam. Journal of Education and
Practices. 4(1), 84-92.
Shoukat, L. & Muhammad, W. (2015). Perception of teachers and students towards the
functionality of semester system at university level in Pakistani social and administrarive set-ups.
International Journal of Teaching and Education, 3(4), 68-80.
Yousaf, A. & Hasim, M. (2012). A case study of annual and semester systems of examination on
government college of management sciences, Peshawar, Pakistan. International Journal of
academic Research in Business administration and Social Science, 2(9), 53-71.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
The present study was conducted on 133 undergraduate students and 44 teachers selected at random from four selected degree colleges affiliated to Gauhati University from Nagaon town of Nagaon district of Assam to find out their perception towards semester system. Self structured questionnaire revealing perception towards five dimensions of semester system-curriculum, syllabus coverage and regularity of classes, teachers and methods of teaching, evaluation and feedback, and availability of resources was administered. The collected data were analyzed through using frequency, percentage, mean and sd. The research result revealed that the perception of students towards internal assessment and overall evaluation is not quite satisfactory. Most of the respondents even don't understand the evaluation in CGPA. The study further revealed lack of required resources particularly information resources in degree colleges to make semester system effective and successful. In this way, the findings of the present study yielded the necessity of developing strategies by all the stakeholders to arrange for minimum resources and facilities which have a direct bearing on students' achievement.
Full-text available
The Purpose of this study is to pin point as well expose differences between marks scored by the students in annual system of examination and semester system of examination. In the study the readers will see an obvious difference in marks grading secured by students through semester system of examination and Annual system of examination. Now a day, in competitive challenging environment every student has desires to get maximum marks to be on top in admission, recruitment and selection process. This paper aim to critical analysis these two systems both from teachers as well students perspectives, for the purpose to evaluate its significance and validity by its outcomes, the data have collected through questionnaire from different universities staff and students. This study focused on the objectives to differentiate annual and semester systems and to identify the intrinsic worth of both systems, to present or differentiate systems in term of merits and demerits regarding students and teachers perspective. Thus, to know in which system they perform efficiently and effectively.
The present research was conducted to find out the functionality and compatibility of the semester system at University level in the light of perceptions of Teachers and students with the existing specific Pakistani social norms and administrative structure. Pakistani educational institutions have been operating annual and composite systems for a long time, and these are still in operation in various universities especially for private students. The prevailing majority of teachers and administrative personnel studied under the annual system. HEC directed Universities to introduce semester system almost a decade ago. This system is quite different in its philosophy, composition and implementation strategy. Semester system gives more freedom and flexibility to the teachers in deciding teaching-leaning activities ranging from designing the curriculum to the evaluation of the performance of students. The data showed that teachers used this freedom to gain more authoritative control, take less number of lectures and manipulate their biases. The academic and administrative priorities are different, and many compromises have to be made to counter the external and internal pressures and to cover the inefficiencies of the system. Irregularities in the academic calendar are due to lack of planning, inappropriate monitoring system, political instability and strikes. However, a reasonable percentage (70%) of students was satisfied with the teacher-students ratio; 71% with the fairness of the teachers in evaluating students' performance. Almost equal percentages of teachers and students showed their satisfaction with the standard and knowledge structure of the students. The findings of the research showed a strong need for revamping the system according to its natural trends and to countering the negatively affecting social and administrative norms.
Opinion of teachers towards semester system in mathematics education, Unpublished MA dissertation
  • M Bista
Bista, M. (2016). Opinion of teachers towards semester system in mathematics education, Unpublished MA dissertation, University of Tribhuvan, Kathamandu.
A study on students' perception about the implementation of semester system in the undergraduate college
  • R Das
Das, R. (2016). A study on students' perception about the implementation of semester system in the undergraduate college. Unpublished MA dissertation, Dibrugarh University, Assam, India.