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  • father muller college of pharmaceutical sciences
  • Srinivas College of Pharmacy Mangalore


Green apples are as healthy as the red ones. However, they are a little sour and sweet in taste. Green apples have a lot of health and beauty benefits to offer. They are packed with nutrients, fiber, minerals and vitamins that are good for the overall health. The apple is an excellent dentifrice, Green apple apple is one of high in antioxidant activity. Used in the treatment of Obesity,ulcer, haemorrhoid, diarrhoea, dysentery, piles, colic, inflammations, rashes, burns, rheumatic pains and bowel complaints. antimicrobial, emollient. Green apples can help prevent diarrhoea as well as constipation and gout. The mechanical action of eating a fruit serving to clean both the teeth and the gums. It is used in prevention of Cancer, weight loss, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, asthma, alzheimer's and Parkinson, blood sugar regulation, boost immunity, anaemia, Rheumatism.
ISSN 2395-3411 Available online at 9
International Journal of Pharma And Chemical Research I Volume 5 I Issue 2 I Apr Jun I 2019
___________________________________________________________Review Article
Rohith kharvi K1*, Satish S2 and AR Shabaraya2
1Department of Pharmacology, Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Valachil, Post-
Farangipete, Mangalore - 574143, Karnataka, India.
2Department of Pharmaceutics, Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Valachil, Post-
Farangipete, Mangalore - 574143, Karnataka, India.
Green apples are as healthy as the red ones. However, they are a little sour and sweet in taste. Green apples have a
lot of health and beauty benefits to offer. They are packed with nutrients, fiber, minerals and vitamins that are good
for the overall health. The apple is an excellent dentifrice, Green apple apple is one of high in antioxidant activity.
Used in the treatment of Obesity,ulcer, haemorrhoid, diarrhoea, dysentery, piles, colic, inflammations, rashes, burns,
rheumatic pains and bowel complaints. antimicrobial, emollient. Green apples can help prevent diarrhoea as well as
constipation and gout. The mechanical action of eating a fruit serving to clean both the teeth and the gums. It is
used in prevention of Cancer, weight loss, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, asthma, alzheimer’s and Parkinson,
blood sugar regulation, boost immunity, anaemia, Rheumatism.
Keywords: Grany smith apple, Anti-oxidant, cancer, cardiovascular disease, phenolics, flavonoids, fruit.
In India it is mostly grown in Kashmir, hills of
Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh. Apple
cultivation also extended to Nagaland, Sikkim,
Arunachal Pradesh, and Meghalaya. A major
class of phytochemicals found commonly in
fruits are the flavonoids. Green Apples are a
very significant source of flavonoids. Green
Apples were one of the main sources of
dietary flavonoids that showed the strongest
associations with decreased mortality.1
Not only are apples commonly enjoyed by
many cultures, but they are also a good source
of antioxidants. When compared to many other
commonly consumed fruits in the United
States, apples had the second highest level of
antioxidant activity . Apples also ranked the
second for total concentration of phenolic
compounds, and perhaps more importantly,
apples had the highest portion of free
phenolics when compared to other fruits. This
means that these compounds are not bound to
other compounds in the fruits, and the
phenolics may be more available for eventual
absorption into the bloodstream.2
Family: Rosaceae
Synonyms: Granny smith apple ,crispin
apple ,
Common names: Green apple , Seb (Hindi),
Seva (Sanskrit), Sebu (Kannada)
Green apple The 'Granny Smith' cultivar
originated in Eastwood, New South Wales,
Australia (now a suburb of Sydney) in 1868.
Granny Smith apples are light green in colour.
They are popularly used in many apple dishes,
such as apple pie, apple cobbler, apple
crumble, and apple cake.
Part used: fruits
Maturity Season: Late Season, mid to late
October in BC. with Braeburn, often picked
earlier. “The time to pick is when the price is
Harvest Criteria: Based on starch conversion,
taste and market availability.
Fruit Description: Medium to large in size,
round in shape. Taste is distinctively tart with
some sweetness. Skin color green with
conspicuous white lenticels. The white flesh is
firm, crisp and juicy.
Tree Description: Vigorous, slightly weeping
in habit, and precocious. Has a tendency to tip
Production: Very productive.
Strains: Regular Granny Smith is the only
strain worth planting. Spur type Granny’s are
very inferior in fruit quality.
Advantages: Unique taste has a consumer
following. World class apple. Good storage
ISSN 2395-3411 Available online at 10
International Journal of Pharma And Chemical Research I Volume 5 I Issue 2 I Apr Jun I 2019
potential. Consumer acceptance has allowed
Granny to maintain its market and returns
Disadvantages: Can have a very long
growing season. Fruit can exhibit, sunscald,
and watercore. Fruit with pink/red blush may
be undesirable in the market place. Moderately
susceptible to apple scab, powdery mildew
and fireblight.
Storage: Good with very good CA potential
and long shelf life. Storage scald may develop
if picked too early.
Planting Trends: The world market for green
apples is stable.
M. Sylvestris (Green apple) fruit
Green Apple contains a large concentration of
flavonoids, as well as a variety of other
phytochemicals, and the concentration of
these phytochemicals may depend on many
factors, such as cultivar of the apple, harvest
and storage of the apples, and processing of
the apples. Concentration of phytochemicals
also varies greatly between the apple peels
and the apple flesh. Vitamin C in apples
contributes less than 0.4% of the total
antioxidant activity.
Active constituent of Green apple fruit
Apple, raw, with skin
Carbohydrates (1g), Sugars (30pg),
Minerals Calcium (6mg ),Magnesium(5mg),
Phosphorus (11mg), Potassium(107mg),
Vitamins Thiamines B1 ( 0.017mg),Niacin B3
(0.1mg), Pantothelic acid B4 (1mg), Folate B9
High Fibre Content: It contains a lot of fiber,
which helps clean the system and increases
metabolism. This, therefore, helps in free
bowel movement. It is always advisable to eat
an apple with its skin on. The cleaner intestine
and systems are the happier and healthier.
Mineral Content: It contains, a number of
minerals iron, zinc, copper, manganese,
potassium, etc. which are trace minerals and
are a must for human health and well-being.
The iron in apples is a trace element and it
helps in raising the levels of blood oxygen and
helps in increased metabolic rate.
Low in Fat Content: This is a great food
when it comes to weight watchers. People on
diet and/or are regular gym goers should and
must include one apple in their every day diet.
It also collects the fats in the blood vessels
and helps in maintaining proper blood flow to
the heart preventing the chances of strokes.
Prevents Skin Cancer: It contains Vitamin C
that helps in preventing skin cells damage by
free radicals and thus reduces the chances of
skin cancer. Rich In Anti-Oxidants, anti-
inflammatory: It contains anti-oxidants which
help in cell re-building and cell rejuvenation.
This also helps in maintaining healthy and
glowing skin. The antioxidants also protect
liver and ensure its proper functioning. Green
apple juice, as mentioned above, contains a
good dose of antioxidants. These antioxidants
actually help in safeguarding your body from
oxidative stress-induced painful inflammatory
conditions, such as rheumatism and arthritis.
Asthma: Studies suggest that regular use of
green apple juice can cut down the risk
associated with the onset of asthma. People
who are regular smokers can also rely on this
fresh delight to safeguard themselves from
obstructive pulmonary diseases.
Vision: Green apple juice is a source of
various vitamins. The Vitamin A present in this
juice is known to possess the potential to
strengthen and improve your vision.
Blood Clotting: This green juice is a potential
source of Vitamin K, the element that helps the
blood to coagulate and clot . People who drink
this juice possess a better wound repairing
and healing potential. Women, who have
extremely heavy periods, can also use this
drink to bring the bleeding under control.
Healthy Strong Bones: Green apple juice
has a rich presence of calcium, which is
essential for strengthening the bones and
teeth and keeping them healthy . Women,
especially, in their menopause, should include
this drink in their diet to prevent osteoporos.
Skin Benefits: Green apple is an excellent
beauty enhancer. Lots of skin care and hair
care benefits are associated with green
Anti-Aging Ingredient: The antioxidants, such
as Vitamin C, and phenols present in green
apple juice play a major in delaying premature
aging. Free radicals present in the body cause
ISSN 2395-3411 Available online at 11
International Journal of Pharma And Chemical Research I Volume 5 I Issue 2 I Apr Jun I 2019
the early onset of wrinkles, fine lines, and dark
spots. Regular use of this antioxidant rich
drink can help the body fight these free
radicals and control or even better, eliminate
the damages
Improves Skin Texture: A face mask
involving the use of green apple can deeply
moisturize your skin and help to eliminate the
appearance of wrinkles while improving the
overall texture of your skin. You can take the
help of green apple juice to improve the
hydration levels of your skin. It can either be
consumed or even be used as a face wash to
prevent the skin from drying out.
Nourishes the Skin: Owing to its dense
vitamin content, green apple helps in
maintaining your skin and has great whitening
and nourishing effects on your complexion.
Packed with assorted vitamins and minerals,
you can incorporate this drink into your skin
care regimen. The collagen and elastin
proteins get a boost, which in turn, improves
your complexion by nourishing and healing the
skin from deep within .
Prevents Skin Diseases: Many a time, lack of
nourishment leaves the skin at the risk of
various skin disorders, including eczema and
cancer. Green apple juice ensures that the
skin gets the necessary levels of nourishment.
It also offers protection from various skin
Controls & Prevents Pimple Eruptions:
Green apple is a highly effective anti-acne
treatment as well. Regular consumption of
green apple help you control and prevent
pimple eruptions.
Eliminates Dark Eye Circles: The deep
brown circles along with puffiness around your
eyes are signs of your skin getting older .
Topical application of fresh apple juice as well
as internal consumption is known to have a
positive impact on these undesirable changes.
Hair Benefits Of Green Apples: Green apple
is not only good for our skin but for our hair as
well. Here we have a few of the benefits of
green apples for your hair listed for you.
Cures Dandruff: A paste created with the
leaves and skin of green apple works wonders
to fix dandruff. You should use this paste as a
shampoo. Green apple juice also has the
same effects if massaged regularly onto the
Enhances Hair Growth: Packed with a
tempting array of vitamins and minerals, green
apple juice is a potential natural remedy for
strengthening your tresses. Along with that, it
also makes sure that your hair fall is under
control. Plus, regular use of this juice is also
known to promote hair growth. In short, using
green apple juice could help you show off long,
strong, and lush hair.
Infusion of teaspoon of dry flower and leaves
to reduce blood pressure in case of
hypertension due to it contains vasodilator
value of histidine.
Several studies have specifically linked apple
consumption with a reduced risk for cancer,
especially lung cancer. In the Nurses' Health
Study and the Health Professionals' Follow-up
Study, involving over 77,000 women and 47,
000 men, fruit and vegetable intake was
associated with a 21% reduced risk in lung
cancer risk in women, but this association was
not seen in men. Very few of the individual
fruits and vegetables examined had a
significant effect on lung cancer risk in women,
however apples were one of the individual
fruits associated with a decreased risk in lung
cancer. Women who consumed at least one
serving per day of apples and pears had a
reduced risk of lung cancer. Of the men
involved, there was no association seen
between any individual fruit or vegetable and
lung cancer risk.4
A reduced risk of cardiovascular disease has
been associated with apple consumption. The
Women's Health Study surveyed nearly
40,000 women with a 6.9-year follow-up, and
examined the association between flavonoids
and cardiovascular disease . Women ingesting
the highest amounts of flavonoids had a 35%
reduction in risk of cardiovascular events.
Flavonoid intake was not associated with risk
of stroke, myocardial infarction, or
cardiovascular disease death. Quercetin did
not have any association with cardiovascular
disease, cardiovascular events, myocardial
infarction or stroke. However, both apple
intake and broccoli intake were associated
with reductions in the risk of both
cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular
events. Women ingesting apples had a 13
22% decrease in cardiovascular disease risk.5
ISSN 2395-3411 Available online at 12
International Journal of Pharma And Chemical Research I Volume 5 I Issue 2 I Apr Jun I 2019
Apple consumption has been inversely linked
with asthma and has also been positively
associated with general pulmonary health. In a
recent study involving 1600 adults in Australia,
apple and pear intake was associated with a
decreased risk of asthma and a decrease in
bronchial hypersensitivity, but total fruit and
vegetable intake was not associated with
asthma risk or severity. Specific antioxidants,
such as vitamin E, vitamin C, retinol, and β-
carotene, were not associated with asthma or
bronchial hypersensitivity. Previously it had
been found that apple intake, as well as
selenium intake, was associated with less
asthma in adults in the United Kingdom. This
study surveyed nearly 600 individuals with
asthma and 900 individuals without asthma
about their diet and lifestyle. Total fruit and
vegetable intake was weakly associated with
asthma, and apple intake showed a stronger
inverse relationship with asthma. 6
Apples help decrease the risk of diabetes. In
the previously discussed Finnish study of
10,000 people, a reduced risk of Type II
diabetes was associated with apple
consumption. Higher quercetin intake, a major
component of apple peels, was also
associated with a decreased risk in type II
diabetes. Myrectin and berry intake were also
associated with a decreased risk in type II
diabetes, but onion, orange, grapefruit and
white cabbage intake were not associated with
a lowered risk.7
Some of the apple's protective effect against
cardiovascular disease may come from its
potential cholesterol-lowering ability. Aprikian
et al. (2001) found that when cholesterol fed
rats were supplemented with lyophilized
apples, there was a significant drop in plasma
cholesterol and liver cholesterols and an
increase in high-density lipoproteins (HDL).
Furthermore, they found that cholesterol
excretion increased in the feces of rats fed
apples, suggesting reduced cholesterol
absorption. In a second study, a similar
cholesterol lowering effect was seen in
cholesterol fed rats when rats were fed apples,
pears, and peaches. Apples had a greater
cholesterol lowering affect than the other two
fruits. The three fruits also increased the
plasma antioxidant potential, with apple having
the greatest effect. Apples, pears, and
peaches all had similar fiber content, but
apples contained more phenolic compounds
suggesting that perhaps the phenolics in
apples contribute to this effect.8
Apple and especially its peels have been
found to have a potent antioxidant activity and
can greatly inhibit the growth liver cancer and
colon cancer cells. The total antioxidant
activity of apples with the peel was
approximately 83µmol vitamin-C equivalents,
which means that the antioxidant activity of
100 g apples is equivalent to about 1500 mg of
vitamin-C. However, the amount of vitamin-C
in 100 g of apples is only about 5.7 mg.
Vitamin-C is a powerful antioxidant, but this
research shows that nearly all of the
antioxidant activity from apples comes from a
variety of other compounds. Vitamin-C in
apples contributed less than 4% of total
antioxidant activity.9
Aside from chronic disease, apples may be
used to help combat other prevalent disease
in the world. Recently it has been found that
crude extracts from immature apples actually
inhibited enzymatic activities of cholera toxin
in a dose dependent manner. Additionally,
apple extracts reduced cholera toxin induced
fluid accumulation in a dose dependent
manner. The apple extracts were fractionated
and each fraction was tested for inhibitory
action on enzymatic activities of cholera toxin.
The two apple extract fractions that contained
highly polymerized catechins inhibited
cholera toxin catalyzed ADP-ribosylation by
95% and 98%. The fraction containing non-
catechin polyphenols caused only 3.5%
inhibition and the fraction containing
monomeric, dimeric, and trimeric catechins
caused 39% inhibition.10
The present review reveals the description,
active constituents, therapeutic uses and
pharmacological activities. Apples contain
different vitamins reportedly vitamin A, B and
C. Apples have high content of organic acids
like malic, citric, tartaric acid, etc. which give
the fruit its acid flavour and improve its
keeping qualities.
The fruit has been studied for its various
pharmacological activities like cancer,
cardiovascular disease, anti-oxidant, diabetes
and Cholesterol-lowering effect. Green apple
has a great perspective for the treatment of
diseases like antacid, anti-diarrheal, soft
laxative, diuretic and depurative, hearing loss
etc. Further studies and investigations can be
ISSN 2395-3411 Available online at 13
International Journal of Pharma And Chemical Research I Volume 5 I Issue 2 I Apr Jun I 2019
performed on the fruit for its various
pharmacological activities.
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