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Solar Panel's Current-Voltage Characteristics


Abstract and Figures

This article checks the relation between current-voltage characteristics, to evaluate the impact of solar radiation and temperature on the productivity of a solar photovoltaic module. Photovoltaic systems have become an urgent requirement to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and reduce air pollutants from burning. In Iraq, this rich country in fossil fuels such as natural gas and crude oil, is suffering from a shortage of electricity supplies and long hours of disruption. It seems that the solution using natural gas or diesel plants is no longer feasible and switching to photovoltaic stations is the best option to this day. The results of the study showed that the current is affected slightly by the increase in the radiation intensity whilethe module voltages is affectedhighly by the intensity of radiation, especially when the load on the cell is increasedcausing an increase in power produced.
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International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 6(3), ISSN: 2394-9333
IJTRD | May June 2019
Available 5
Solar Panel's Current-Voltage Characteristics
1Khaleel I Abass, 2Ali A K Al-Waeli and 3Kadhem A N Al-Asadi,
1Mechanical Eng. Dept., University of Technology-Iraq
2Ibn Rushed College, Baghdad University, Iraq
3Education College for Human Science, University of Basra, Iraq
Abstract-This article checks the relation between current-
voltage characteristics, to evaluate the impact of solar radiation
and temperature on the productivity of a solar photovoltaic
module. Photovoltaic systems have become an urgent
requirement to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and reduce
air pollutants from burning. In Iraq, this rich country in fossil
fuels such as natural gas and crude oil, is suffering from a
shortage of electricity supplies and long hours of disruption. It
seems that the solution using natural gas or diesel plants is no
longer feasible and switching to photovoltaic stations is the
best option to this day. The results of the study showed that the
current is affected slightly by the increase in the radiation
intensity whilethe module voltages is affectedhighly by the
intensity of radiation, especially when the load on the cell is
increasedcausing an increase in power produced.
Keywords - PV Module, Solar Radiation, Temperature,
Voltage, Current.
Iraq (a country rich in natural resources such as oil and natural
gas) suffers from significant problems in the processing of
electricity to citizens. The power outages for long hours caused
the Iraqi citizens to rely on generators running by diesel and
gasoline [1]. The use of these generators has been aggravated
by air pollution (already contaminated and hard). The
extraction of crude oil has caused significant pollution in the
atmosphere of Iraq because of the spread of oil wells
throughout the country [2]. Rainfall lack for more than two
decades has caused the Fertile Crescent (Mesopotamia) to turn
into a source of dust to Iraq and neighboring countries [3]. It
also increased the salinity of water in the rivers and thus
reduced the large cultivated areas [4].Also, Iraq has suffered
from many wars that caused the destruction and deterioration
of services, especially for power generation facilities [5].
The shift towards the use of renewable energies in electricity
production has become very vital in Iraq to reduce the
environmental impact of excessive combustion of fossil fuels
[6]. Some may consider wind power to be limited in certain
parts of Iraq, making it useless [7]. Many consider the use of
solar energy to produce heat and electricity in Iraq necessary
and successful, as Iraq's environment is characterized by high
solar radiation is very high because of the country is located
next to the solar belt [8]. Solar heat can be used to heat
domestic water [9], solar distillation [10-13], heating air for
comfort purposes [14, 15], and heating Trombe wall for
ventilation and heating rooms [16-18].Electricity can be
produced using solar chimney [19], concentrated solar power
plants [20], and photovoltaic cells [21]. Among these
applications, photovoltaic cells are considered the most
acceptable, because of their high elasticity, which can be
operated in various areas of Iraq topography, desert,
mountains, and green plains [22]. It can also work in areas far
from the national grid [23].
In addition to the possibility of installation PV modules in
different areas, its applications are multiple, for example it can
be set for street lighting [24], health clinics [25], electricity
telecommunication towers [26], pumping systems [27], and
lighting cars parking [28]. Dependence on electricity produced
from photovoltaic cells is determined by the weather
conditions as they are affected by solar radiation [29, 30], air
temperature [31, 32], relative humidity [33, 34], wind [35],
shadow [36], dust [39, 40], and other factors such as air mass
[41], and tilt angle [42].
The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of a particular
photovoltaic (PV) cell module or array are giving a detailed
description of its solar energy conversion ability and
efficiency. Knowing the electrical I-V characteristics (more
importantly (Pmax) of a solar cell, or panel is critical in
determining the device’s output performance and solar
The main electrical characteristics of a PV cell or module are
summarized in the relationship between the current and
voltage produced on a typical solar cell I-V characteristics
curve[44]. A large part of the solar radiation falling on the
solar cell turns into heat while the smaller part of the radiation
turns into electricity. Increasing the intensity of solar radiation
to the photovoltaic cell turns into (I), while increases in the
temperature of the solar cell reduce its voltage (V).
In this study, I-V and P-V properties were tested for an in-vitro
photoelectric unit to assess the possibility of using such
techniques in the solar radiation environment in Iraq. Iraq is
characterized by high solar radiation, which is an average of
460 W/m2 in winter and reaches 1000 W/m2in summer.
A. Effect of Light Intensity
Figure 1 shows the characteristics of the I-V curve of a
photovoltaic cell system with a light intensity of 1000, 800 and
500 W / m 2. The figure shows a significant difference in the
characteristics of V-I
Figure 1: V-I Characteristics of Solar Cell under Several Solar
Radiation Intensity
Photovoltaic cells change as the intensity of the solar radiation
reaches them. The resulting current is proportional to the flow
of photons of light energy, while the difference of the open
circuit voltage increases logarithmically as the light intensity
International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 6(3), ISSN: 2394-9333
IJTRD | May June 2019
Available 6
To evaluate the performance of an array of PV cells, attention
should be paid to the sequence and transition resistors, which
can be considered very important in this assessment because of
their direct effect on the solar cell filler (FF). The filler is
defined as the power ratio at the maximum power point (MPP)
divided by the short circuit current (Isc) and the voltage of the
open circuits (Voc). From this definition, the refill factor (FF)
can be considered as a measure of a distinctive I-V curve, and
by moving away from this curve, the efficiency of the PV
array becomes impaired.
The internal losses of the semiconductor layer resulting from
communication describe the RS resistance series. These losses
directly affect the forward shape of the I-V solar system
around the MPP and thus fill the filler. The effect of
degradation on short circuit current (Isc) by increasing the
chain resistance is obviuos. This is evident when the radiation
density is high, while the open circuit voltage remains
unaffected. This feature is undesirable as it causes a reduction
in peak power and results in degradation of the efficiency of
the PV system.
The RP (or parallel) resistivity represents the currents of the
leakage of electrons from the surface of the solar cell via PN
junctions. This transformation affects the slope of the
characteristic I-V curve near the short circuit current point and
results in the deterioration of the FF. This deterioration in
general has a practical effect on the efficiency of the solar cell
system less than the resistance of the chain. Low conversion
resistance results in higher open loop decay especially under
low voltages, and there is no effect on short circuit current in
this case. Resistivity is directly affected by solar radiation
absorbed in the short circuit current. When the absorbed
radiation is increased, the slope of the characteristic I-V curve
decreases near the short circuit current point and the effective
conversion resistance decreases proportionately.
A. Simulation and experimental results
Figure 2 represents the characteristic curves of I-V and P-V for
a 250V-rated PV system when changing the intensity of solar
radiation and cell temperature. In this case, the temperature
was set at 25 ° C and the intensity of the solar radiation was
changed by 200, 600, 1000 W/m2. Experimental data obtained
using current and voltage measurement devices enabled the I-
V curve to be plotted for the studied units.
Figure 2: V-I and P-VCharacteristics of Solar Cell Affected by
Different Temperature and Solar Radiation
Using the curves of Fig. 2, a specific point is found where the
MPP is maximized. This point depends entirely on the
maximum or optimal solar radiation intensity. The PV output
characteristic curve is divided into two parts: the left part: The
source at which the output current approaches the constant,
and the right part: the voltage source area where the output
voltage is barely changed. The MPP point changes by
changing the intensity of the solar radiation, the angle of the
cell's tilt, and the temperature of the cell itself. It is always
recommended to operate PV systems in MPP (shaded area)
mode to optimize the system output. This method requires
constant modification to face the solar cells and perpendicular
to the sun to reach maximum power output.
B. Equipment
The solar panel used in the tests incorporates a module of (85
W, 12 V). It contains a sensor for the Irradiation and
Temperature. These sensors are Red and Black; to provide the
solar panel power output. Also, the 5-pin terminal provides
irradiation and temperature data. To make it easy to be
handled, the light weight solar module is placed on wheels.
Side of the panel contains a meter for measuring the angle of
the solar panel inclination towards the horizontal surface.The
solar irradiation intensity and the PV temperature sensors used
in the tests were type DELLENZO. These sensors are used to
transfer the heat and the irradiation from the Solar Source
using the connections to the DL Solar device.
Figure3: Solar Panel Equipment Used.
D. Tests procedure
1. Change the light from (100 ,75, 50, and 25)
2. Change the resistances from 0 to 1000 Ω and take
reading of power, current, and voltage.
3. Draw a relationship between current and voltage.
4. Draw a relationship between power and voltage.
The tests were conducted to evaluate the impact of temperature
and radiation on PV module inside the laboratory. Table 1
shows thedaily generated power with changing the light
intensity (25, 50, 75 and 100 W).The PV module outcomes are
positively affected by solar radiation intensity while the
temperature effect is negative.The tests results reveals that the
impact of solar radiation increase voltage with increasing the
load resistance on the module while its effect on current is low.
Figure 4 is known as an I-V curve, it shows how current and
voltage relate to each other in each of the four colors lines is
describes the behavior of radiation, the above graph shows I/V
curves for four different time that is the current presents a
slightly descending behavior until it reaches to down and its
decreases quickly into reach to zero, also we found the
maximum current is 0.22 amps. On the other hand, Figure 5
known as a P-V curve where we get the maximum power is
International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 6(3), ISSN: 2394-9333
IJTRD | May June 2019
Available 7
equal to 3.2 Watts, we noted when the power is increased the
voltage will increase for four different lights intensities. In
general, the PV module output power is increased with
elevated solar radiation intensity. This outcome power increase
is related tovoltage increase.
Table 1: data from experiment
Light at (100)
Light at (50)
Light at (75)
Light at (25)
Figure 4: I-V Characteristic of Different Solar Radiation
Figure 5: P-V Characteristic of Different Solar Radiation.
Iraq suffers from a severe shortage of electricity supplies, and
to this day, this problem has not been solved because of the
decision makers prefer to establish high-cost steam power
stations, which run with fossil fuels. Although Iraq has one of
the world's largest reserves of oil and natural gas, such stations
emit millions of tons of pollutants into the air every year.
Therefore, the shift towards the use of photovoltaic stations
has been introduced as an alternative to these stations. In this
study, the behavior of the photovoltaic cell was understood
0 5 10 15 20
C (A)
V (v)
light at maximum (100)
light at (75)
light at (50)
light at (25)
0 5 10 15 20
P (W)
V (v)
light at maximum (100)
light at (75)
light at (50)
light at (25)
International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 6(3), ISSN: 2394-9333
IJTRD | May June 2019
Available 8
when solar radiation was increased. The solar cell was tested
by exposing it to four light intensities (25, 50, 75, 100 W) and
found that cell productivity was increased by light intensity, as
the intensity of the radiation increased the energy. There was a
noticeable effect on solar module due to temperature.
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... Upon observing Table (6), it becomes clear that the months (May, June, September, October) have a very dangerous climate, while (alarm of danger) is represented in the month of April, while the climate (danger) is represented during the months (July, August), The very dangerous climate was not represented in the school. The indication of the apparent nocturnal temperature is shown from Table (7), and by applying the equation using the lowest temperature rates with maximum relative humidity (1) . When comparing the ladder in Table (2), all months in the study station during the months (winter, spring, and autumn) will be at (20-21). ...
The study of different criteria for climatic comfort and its application to school have (21 rooms and two rooms as management rooms, one room to the rest to the teachers, so we find a library and kitchen and large area and Garden with accept Bulled ) as a virtual temperature provides a scientific material useful in understanding the reality and different levels of comfort, it helps in determining the monthly patterns of the physiological climate, and in the appointment of the best times and places and most suitable for the comfort of the human body ( spicily the student ) for the exploitation and development for tourism purposes.
... 4. The results of the analyzes of water samples in the three sites and for the summer season showed that the value of potential hydrogen PH was (7,62,8,12,7,34) respectively. We noticed that the highest value was in site two which indicates that the water was more salty in this site while the results of winter season were (7,41,7,48,7,36) which indicates that the water is moderate salinity during this season [11]. ...
Introduction Physical and chemical properties are regarded an important factor in determining the validity and quality of water which give indications for use on the content of the water from organic and non-organic elements and compounds .temperatures affect chemical interactions in the soil .Also affect the solubility of gases in them.By analyzing the samples we noticed differences in results between both summer (July) and winter (January) seasons.and the reason behind that is the increasing hours of solar radiation, evaporation and lack of downfall in summer, besides lack of water drainage of the valley and the water which existed came originally from winter raining in witch exposed to evaporation along summer season in the area.Accordingly we found differences in physical and chemical properties, amount of dissolved salts very high on the contrary in winter season (January) which characterized by heavy rain, flood coming from eastern highlands caused increasing water drainage in the valley accompanied with reduction in temperature and rate of evaporation. We will discuss physical and chemical properties in details in this study. Problem ofthe Research Problem of the research could be explained via the following questions:-1. What are the physical and chemical properties of the surface water in khweisah valley basin? 2. Is there a variance inphysical and chemical property valuesof the surface water in khweisah valley basin? Hypothesis ofthe Research The research has put a hypothesis to Treatment the problem of the research and achieve its objectives represented by the main hypothesis as in the following:-"Physical and chemical properties values of the surface water in khweisah valley basin differ according to the seasons .Also these values differ even in the same season among selected sites." Objective of the Research This research mainly aims to uncoverPhysical and chemical properties values of the water in khweisah valley basin .In order tohighlight the differences in the values of these properties between seasons and during the single season according to selected sites. Limits of Research Area Khweisah valley basin located with Ali Al-Gharbi district in Maysan governorate betweenboth latitude to the north (32°.23َ , 32°.33َ) and both longitude to the east (46°.44َ .30ً-47°.5َ ,0ً) (see the map No.1), is bordered to the north by the Ajlat area, from east by Iran , from the north by Alteeb river while from west bordered by Tigris river. As is it clear in the figure no. (1), the valley basin sjowed in winter season,second figure shoed the basin in summer season. Physical Properties of Surface Water Temperature (T): Water temperature differs from month to another and from season to another due to differences of the temperature of the air touching it and solar absorption and wind movement, besides water density.Temperature of the water of the study area was measured by taking samples directly by gradated mercury thermometer (0-100°C) in the water for (15 Minutes)[1].The temperature in summer season of the three samples (31, 2, 30, ABSTRACT The study dealt with some physical and chemical properties of khuweisah I order to Clearfy andhighlight contrast in those properties between two seasons, summerwho represented by (July) andwho represented by winter (January). Also high light contrast on differences among the sites during the same season for the period from (1987-2018).Three samples were chosen for each season in order to explain the differences. By analyzing the results of the properties temperature values are gradually increasing during the summer season due to atmospheric and solar radiation effects. Also showed the results that the values of turbidity had increased during summer seasondue to total suspended materials in the water.The dissolved oxygen concentrations in summer season were high due to increased concentrations of salts in this season, value of (PH) more salty in summer season, moderate during winter. Concentrations of other elements were variable among sites in the same season.
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The use of nanofluids as a heat transfer agent has spread and expanded as its thermal conductivity is higher than the base fluid, so its use has been increased in heat exchangers and PVT systems. In this study, water was used as a base fluid and nano-silicon carbide as an additive to improve the thermal conductivity of the resulted nanofluid and its thermophysical properties were studied using five surfactants. In this study, the stability time of nanofluid was the main variable investigated. The stability of nanofluid depends on the surfactant used to slow the suspended nanoparticles deposition in the emulsion. The deposition process significantly reduces the thermal conductivity of nanofluids and thus reduces heat transfer. The study results indicated that the time of nanoparticles suspended in emulsion depend mainly on the type of the surfactant used and the ultrasonication time. The used surfactants are: ammonium cetyl cetyl (CTAB), sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), tannic acid+ammonia solution, dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS), and Sodium deoxycholate. Ammonium cetyl cetyl (CTAB) and tannic acid+ammonia solution gave the highest stability period (more than two months) with ultrasonication mixing time for six hours by adding 0.1ml. The addition of larger amounts of surfactant (more than 0.75ml) increased the stability time for all nanofluids used. The maximum stability time achieved was 88 days when cetyl cetyl (ammonium cTAB) was added by 0.5ml. The density, viscosity, and thermal conductivity measurements showed that there was no significant change with the change of the surfactant used. The addition of larger amounts of surfactant (more than 0.5ml) caused a very limited increase in the density and viscosity of nanofluids. It also caused a small reduction in thermal conductivity.
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Photovoltaic cells today have spread widely around the world and have begun to be popularly accepted and their stations have increased dramatically. The electricity provided by solar cells has become a significant part of the world's generated electricity. Because they are located outdoors, they are exposed to all weather variables such as air temperature, solar radiation, wind, dust and pollutants, as well as relative humidity. In this study, many previous published studies were reviewed which focused on the effect of relative humidity with the rest of the weather variables on the performance of the solar cell. Inhalation of moisture into the cell causes its parts to eat yellowish and corrode metal connections, and result in reduced cell life and productivity. Studies have shown that cell work in high air temperature and high humidity conditions causes a significant reduction in cell efficiency. High relative humidity also has negative effects on solar radiation and reduces cell performance.
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The deposition of dust on the solar cell surface causes an obvious degradation in its performance efficiency, and as the cell is always exposed to outdoor conditions the dust always accumulates on it. The recent study aimed to investigate the photovoltaic cells pollution with dust. As dust consists of several components, the formation of the deposit dust on solar cells located Baghdad (Capital of Iraq) on the roof of the Energy and Renewable Energies Technology Center in The University of Technology campus was tested. Experimental tests were conducted to measure the current, voltage, power, and efficiency of the PV cells. The study results declared that there is a relation between the clean and polluted cells, and this relation is linear. This relation attaches the effect of dust with current, voltage, power, and efficiency. The study used an equation connect between the variables of the clean and
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Nanofluids have become widely used in different applications. One of these applications, it may be used in Photovoltaic/Thermal PV/T systems, as there is many research that works to determine the best type of nanofluids for this important application. In this study, differences in the thermo-physical properties of three types of nanofluids were emphasized, which used nano-SiC as additive and cetyl-trichromyl ammonium bromide as surfactant. Water was mixed with 35% ethylene glycol, and with 35% of propylene glycol. The study aims to find the best base fluid for use in solar PV/T applications. The increase in density and viscosity of all studied nanofluids was evident as well as the superiority of the density of ethylene glycol water mixture (for the tested temperature range, nano-EG-water density was higher than nano-water and nano-PG-water densities by 15.51% and 0.066%, respectively compared to water). The propylene glycol-water mixture has higher viscosity than the other two nanofluids (it was higher than nano-water and nano-EG-water viscosities by 16.066% and 0.212%, respectively compared to water). The thermal conductivity of the three nanofluids was close to each other in the studied temperatures region. Glycol solutions were more stable than water when ultra-shaking hours were from four to six hours.
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In this study, two air heaters were designed and manufactured from locally available materials. Two cases of storage were studied: The first case used concrete as the main part of the air heater and depends on the sensible heat stored in the concrete. In the second case: Paraffin wax was added as PCM to concrete, which was considered the main part of the air heater. In the second case, the effect of the underlying heat storage will be studied with the calculated output heat from the heater. Practical experiments were conducted on the air heaters in the winter conditions of the city of Baghdad-Iraq for the period during the months of January and February 2018. The results of the study showed that the temperature of the air outside the heater increased significantly for the second case (addition of the paraffin wax) compared to the first case (use of concrete only). The efficiency of the system has also improved and the maximum storage efficiency has increased to 54.13% compared to the first condition. In the second case, air temperature increased to a maximum of 54.97% when the heater was installed in February.
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This book focuses on solar energy and its applications in Iraq and its neighboring countries. Iraq suffers from electricity shortages and faces many challenges to meet and overcome current and future increases in electrical demand. Although Iraq relies primarily on petroleum as an energy source, many scientists agree that the future of energy efficiency and safety will rely heavily on the implementation of green and renewable energies. This book is aimed at researchers, policymakers, and students and discusses how PV systems can be successfully implemented in order to reduce dependency on fossil fuel resources. • Contains case studies and examples to enhance practical application of the technologies presented; • Presents actual adopted Iraqi PV projects; • Explains the use and application of photovoltaic cells.
A Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) system combines PV and thermal collector, which is considered promising technology especially for building integrated PV/T system. The PV/T cooling systems using water, water-PCM and nanofluid/nano-PCM moves through the cooling pipes were investigated, in this study. However, this paper focuses on testing different PV/T systems (conventional PV, water-based PVT, water-nanofluid PVT, and nanofluid/nano-PCM) under the same conditions and environment using one artificial neural network (ANN) based Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) system. Also, investigate the differences in the efficiency of these systems on both thermal and electrical when using only one simulation system (MLP). The proposed ANN approach proved that using of nanofluid/nano-PCM was enhanced the electrical efficiency from 8.07% to 13.32% and its thermal efficiency reached 72%. Also, the voltage was improved significantly. Many measurement methods were used for validating the results of the proposed ANN model like the Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Square Error (MSE), Correlation (R), and coefficient of determination (R2). The proposed ANN model achieved a final MSE of 0.0229 in the training phase and 0.0282 in the cross-validation phase. The sensitivity analysis showed that the influence of solar irradiation and Amb-temp almost has a constant effect on electrical efficiency. However, the Ambient temperature had a significant impact on thermal efficiency. The results of the network were consistent with the experimental results of the current study and published works.
The demand for electricity in Iraq increased from 11,000 MW in 2007 to 16,000 MW in 2013, and is expected that this demand will be increased to more than 20000 MW in 2020. Iraq has been suffering from a shortage of processed electricity since 1991 and will increase if the current demand continues. The Iraqi government has begun to use solar energy to produce electricity as one of its future goals as part of its focus on reducing environmental damage and pollution of the country's atmosphere, soil, and water as well as working to determine the best ways to use renewable energy in the country. The Iraqi government is working with many local and international research bodies to study renewable resources to generate electricity. The availability of renewable energy sources locally and renewable, in addition to being environmentally friendly, is one of the most important factors determining the choice of new sources of energy. It can be said that solar energy in Iraq meets all these requirements. The level of solar energy density in this country is very high and among the desirable rates globally. As it is free energy for all, renewable for a long time, and does not harm the environment.
The improvement of heat transfer in any system stores latent heat as a thermal energy enhances the system's efficiency. In this study, nanoparticles were dispersed in paraffin wax (as a phase change material) to increase the thermal conductivity of the latter compared to the base material. The mixing of nanoparticles with the wax changes the thermophysical properties of the used wax. The thermophysical properties as density, viscosity, and thermal conductivity showed increasing values in contrast to the specific heat where it reduced relatively. Three distillers were made to study the effect of adding these nanoparticles to simple solar distillers. The first of which was without any modification and the second had paraffin wax as additional material. In the third distiller, a combination of paraffin wax with a nano-Al2O3 spread on it that was used to promote thermal conductivity. The addition of nanoparticles to paraffin wax increased significantly the rate of heat transfer, resulting in higher yields of the solar distiller. Paraffin wax addition caused an increase in the daily distillation yield up to 10.38% while the addition of nano-Al2O3 to paraffin wax improved distillate yield up to 60.53% compared to the simple distiller yield due to continuous distillation after the sunset.