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Abstract and Figures

Drinking coffee has become part of our everyday culture. Coffee cultivation is devoted to over 50 countries in the world, located between latitudes 25 degrees North and 30 degrees South. Almost all of the world's coffee production is provided by two varieties, called 'Arabica' and 'Robusta' whereas the share of Arabica is 70% of the world's coffee harvest. Green (raw) coffee can not be used to prepare coffee beverages, coffee beans must first be roasted. Roasting coffee and reaching a certain degree of coffee roasting determine its flavor and aroma characteristics. In the present study the fate of sucrose, chlorogenic acid, acetic acid, formic acid, lactic acid, caffeic acid, total phenolic compounds and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural was studied in coffee (Brazil Cerrado Dulce, 100% Arabica) roasted in two ways (Medium roast and Full city roast). It has been found that almost all sucrose has been degraded (96-98%) in both roasting ways. During Medium roast 65% of chlorogenic acid contained in green coffee was degraded while during Full city roast it was 85%. During both Medium and Full city roasting, the formation of acetic acid but especially formic and lactic acid was recorded. The highest concentration of organic acids was recorded at Full City roasting at medium roasting times (3.3 mg.g-1 d.w. acetic acid, 1.79 mg.g-1 d.w. formic acid, 0.65 mg.g-1 d.w. lactic acid). The amount of phenolic substances also increased during roasting up to 16.7 mg.g-1 d.w. of gallic acid equivalent. Highest concentrations of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural were measured at medium roasting times at both Medium (0.357 mg.g-1 d.w.) and French city (0.597 mg.g-1 d.w.) roasting temperatures. At the end of roasting, the 5-hydroxymethylfurfural concentration in coffee were 0.237 mg.g-1 d.w. (Medium roast) and 0.095 mg.g-1 d.w. (Full city roast).
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Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Volume 13 344 No. 1/2019
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
vol. 13, 2019, no. 1, p. 344-350
Received: 10 February 2019. Accepted: 11 March 2019.
Available online: 28 May 2019 at
© 2019 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, License: CC BY 3.0
ISSN 1337-0960 (online)
Pavel Diviš, Jaromír Pořízka, Jakub Kříkala
Drinking coffee has become part of our everyday culture. Coffee cultivation is devoted to over 50 countries in the world,
located between latitudes 25 degrees North and 30 degrees South. Almost all of the world's coffee production is provided
by two varieties, called ‘Arabica’ and ‘Robusta’ whereas the share of Arabica is 70% of the world's coffee harvest. Green
(raw) coffee can not be used to prepare coffee beverages, coffee beans must first be roasted. Roasting coffee and reaching a
certain degree of coffee roasting determine its flavor and aroma characteristics. In the present study the fate of sucrose,
chlorogenic acid, acetic acid, formic acid, lactic acid, caffeic acid, total phenolic compounds and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
was studied in coffee (Brazil Cerrado Dulce, 100% Arabica) roasted in two ways (Medium roast and Full city roast). It has
been found that almost all sucrose has been degraded (96 98%) in both roasting ways. During Medium roast 65% of
chlorogenic acid contained in green coffee was degraded while during Full city roast it was 85%. During both Medium and
Full city roasting, the formation of acetic acid but especially formic and lactic acid was recorded. The highest concentration
of organic acids was recorded at Full City roasting at medium roasting times (3.3 mg.g-1 d.w. acetic acid, 1.79 mg.g-1 d.w.
formic acid, 0.65 mg.g-1d.w. lactic acid). The amount of phenolic substances also increased during roasting up to
16.7 mg.g-1 d.w. of gallic acid equivalent. Highest concentrations of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural were measured at medium
roasting times at both Medium (0.357 mg.g-1 d.w.) and French city (0.597 mg.g-1 d.w.) roasting temperatures. At the end of
roasting, the 5-hydroxymethylfurfural concentration in coffee were 0.237 mg.g-1 d.w. (Medium roast) and 0.095 mg.g-1
d.w. (Full city roast).
Keywords: coffee; roasting; hydroxymethylfurfural; sucrose; organic acids
Coffee is made up of modified seed of the fruit of various
tropical to subtropical trees or coffee shrubs. Coffee has
a large number of varieties, only a few of them have
economic significance. Almost all of the world's coffee
production is provided by two varieties, called Arabica
and Robusta (Butt and Tauseef Sultan, 2011). Arabica
(Coffea arabica), is the most important botanical species,
especially for the high quality of its fruits. It comes from
about 70% of the world's green coffee production. Robusta
(Coffea canephora), is the second most important variety
of coffee, and its share of world production is steadily
growing mainly due to its greater adaptability to habitats
and disease resistance. Other reasons to increase demand
of Robusta coffee in the market are the growing demand
for instant coffee, which is preferentially made from
Robusta coffee and last but not least, lower price of
Robusta coffee compared to Arabica coffee (Kemsley et
al., 1995). World coffee production in 2017 was about
9.5 million tonnes, which makes coffee the second most
important commodity of world trade (FAOSTAT, 2018).
After processing the coffee beans by wet or dry drying
technologies (Arya and Jagan Mohan Rao, 2007;
Guimar, Berbert and Silva, 1998), coffee beans are
roasted. During coffee roasting, coffee beans get brown
colour and their characteristic flavour and aroma
(Yeretzian et al., 2002). In different countries, different
roasting styles have been created according to population
preferences. These roasting styles differ from each other at
the roasting temperature used and the total coffee roasting
time (Moon, Yoo and Shibamoto, 2009; Dórea and
DaCosta, 2005).
Due to the popularity of coffee in the world many
researchers were involved in coffee research in the last
quarter of a century. Most studies on coffee are health-
related studies (Ciaramelli, Palmioli and Airoldi, 2019;
Poole et al., 2017; Ludwig et al., 2014; Butt and Tauseef
Sultan, 2011; Dórea et al., 2005). Other studies are
focused on the role of roasting conditions of the coffee in
the level of selected compounds. Information on what is
happening in roasted coffee beans is quite sufficient in the
available literature, but there are only few studies that deal
with the complex monitoring of changes in the chemical
composition of coffee beans during roasting (Wei et al.,
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Volume 13 345 No. 1/2019
In the present study the fate of sucrose, chlorogenic acid,
acetic acid, formic acid, lactic acid, caffeic acid, total
phenolic compounds and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural was
studied in coffee roasted in two ways (Medium roast and
Full city roast).
Scientific hypothesis
Higher temperature and higher time of coffee beans
roasting cause higher amounts of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural,
organic acids and phenolic compounds while reducing the
carbohydrate content in the coffee beans.
Chemicals and reagents
All water used in this study was ultrapure water (Elga
pure lab classic, Veolia water systems, UK). All chemicals
used in this study were analytical grade chemicals
purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Germany) company
except of Karl-Fisher titration reagent and water standard
which have been purchased from Labicom (Czech
Sample preparation
The 100% Arabica coffee (Brazil Cerrado Dulce,
4coffee, Czech Republic) was used in this study. Total
amount of 25g of green coffee beans was roasted in a
home coffee roaster (Gene café CBR101, 4coffee, Czech
Republic). Coffee was roasted with two roasting degrees
as Medium roast and Full city roast. Roasting on Medium
roast degree was done at 210 °C and the total roasting time
was 14 min. Roasting on Full city roast degree was done at
225 °C and the total roasting time was 19 min. Extraction
of organic acids, sucrose, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and
total phenolic compounds was performed in 25 mL
Erlenmeyer flasks. One gram of sample weighted on
analytical balancer and 10 mL of solvent (80 °C water
mixed with ethanol in 60:40 volume ratio) were used for
extraction. Extraction was carried out on a magnetic stirrer
for 30 minutes. After the extraction, the samples were
centrifuged at 5000 rpm in centrifuge and the supernatant
was filtered using nylon syringe filters (0.45 m, Labicom,
Czech Republic) and used for analysis. All samples were
prepared in two replicates.
Chemical analysis
Acetic, formic and lactic acid were determined using ion
chromatography (Metroohm 850 professional IC,
Metroohm, Switzerland) with conductivity detector. An
Agilent Infinity 1260 liquid chromatograph (Agilent
Technologies, USA) equipped with ELSD detector was
used for determination of sucrose. Both methods are
described in detail at work published by Diviš et al.
(2018). Total phenolic compounds were determined using
Helios gamma spectrophotometer (Spectronic Unicam,
Great Britain) through the Folin-Ciocalteus method
(Singleton et al. 1999) and expressed as gallic acid
equivalent. Concentration of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural was
determined on Agilent Infinity 1260 liquid chromatograph
with DAD detector using Kinetex EVO-C18 column and
acetonitrile mixed with water in 15:85 volume ratio.
Chlorogenic and caffeic acid were determined on Agilent
Infinity 1260 liquid chromatograph with DAD detector
using Kinetex EVO-C18 column and mixture of 2.5%
formic acid and acetonitrile in 90:10 volume ratio as
mobile phase. Water content in all samples was
determined by Karl-Fisher titration (Verhoef and
Barendrecht, 1977) using KF Titrino 701 titrator
(Metroohm, Switzerland). The pH value was measured
using pH meter with combined electrodes (WTW,
Germany). All parameters for a single sample were
measured in three replicates. All measured concentrations
were recalculated to dry weight of coffee.
Statistic analysis
All experimental data were statistically processed using
software XLstat (Addinsoft, USA). Obtained data were
pre-treated by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to
find statistical significant differences between groups.
Tukey’s comparative test on the significance level 0.05 has
been performed for individual parameters observed during
coffee roasting. The pre-treated data were used as input
parameters in Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to find
correlation between the chemical composition changes
during the roasting process.
Coffee beans contain, in addition to water and minerals,
a large number of organic substances. The main
component of coffee beans are carbohydrates. The coffee
beans contain various hemicelluloses, starch,
oligosaccharides and mainly sucrose. The amount of
monosaccharides is relatively small. Other substances
contained in coffee are proteins, non-protein nitrogenous
substances, phenolic substances, non-volatile organic
acids, volatile substances and oils (Arya and Jagan
Mohan Rao, 2007; Farah and Marino Donagelo, 2006;
Redgwell and Fisher, 2006).
Concentration of sucrose in green coffee beans and in
roasted coffee beans is presented in Table 1 and Table 2.
The results show that sucrose degradation occurs during
the roasting process. Sucrose degradation is explained by
sucrose hydrolysis to glucose and fructose, which may be
further fragmented to form aliphatic acids, or which may
participate in Maillard reactions with proteins or amino
acids (Ginz et al. 2000). The sucrose concentration
decreased in the middle of the roasting process by 47% in
the case of Medium roast and by 59% in the case of Full
city roast. At the end of the roasting process, almost all
sucrose has already been degraded (96 98%).
Another substance that has been observed to reduce the
concentration during the roasting process was chlorogenic
acid. Concentration of chlorogenic acid in green coffee
beans and in roasted coffee beans is presented in Table 3
and Table 4. Chlorogenic acid concentration decreased in
the middle of the roasting process by 45% in the case of
Medium roast and by 42% in the case of Full city roast. At
the end of the roasting process, 67% of chlorogenic acid
contained in green coffee was degraded during Medium
roast and 85% during Full city roast. Chlorogenic acid is
involved in colour, flavour and aroma formation of coffee
Farah and Marino Donagelo, 2006; Farah et al., 2005).
Major degradation products of chlorogenic acid are
melanoids and low molecular weight compounds.
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Volume 13 346 No. 1/2019
Strong significant correlation was found between sucrose
concentration and concentration of organic acid during
coffee roasting (r >0.9).
Concentration of organic acid in coffee during the roasting
process is shown in Table 3 and Table 4. While the sucrose
concentration in coffee decreases during roasting, the
concentration of organic acids significantly increases. The
most significant change was found in the lactic and formic
acid content. The content of these acids in coffee beans
rose almost 100 times after coffee roasting. Trend of
changes in the concentration of organic acids was similar
for Medium roasting and French roasting, however in the
case of French roasting decrease in organic acid content
was observed in the later stage of roasting. Ginz et al.
(2000) lists the content of organic acids in Robusta coffee
after roasting to be approximately 2 mg.g-1 in the case of
formic acid and acetic acid and 0.2 mg.g-1 in the case of
lactic acid. Formation of organic acids in coffee is
described by Lobry-deBruyn-vanEckenstein
rearrangement reaction in which fructose or glucose
produced by sucrose hydrolysis is involved, and by
formation of 1,2-endiole or 2,3-endiole as acid precursors
(Ginz et al., 2000). Formation of organic acids in coffee
during roasting process did not significantly affect the pH
of the coffee (Table 1 and Table 2.). This finding can be
caused due to highly complex buffering effects and the
wide distributions of salts and acids present in coffee.
Jeszka- Jeszka-Skowron et al. (2016) measured pH value
Table 1 Content of sucrose, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, total phenolic compounds and pH value of coffee roasted to
Medium roast degree.
(mg.g-1 ±SD)
(mg.g-1 ±SD)
(mg.g-1 ±SD)
(mg.g-1 ±SD)
6.09 ±0.05a
70.1 ±4.9a
8.5 ±0.8e
5.93 ±0.05ab
58.5 ±2.1b
8.9 ±0.8e
5.89 ±0.05ab
57.0 ±6.4bc
9.6 ±0.9de
5.78 ±0.05ab
50.1 ±3.5c
0.013 ±0.004d
10.8 ±0.6cd
5.89 ±0.05ab
38.8 ±3.8d
12.8 ±0.6ab
5.68 ±0.05ab
23.8 ±2.5e
0.136 ±0.013c
12.0 ±0.7bc
5.73 ±0.05ab
14.3 ±2.5f
0.281 ±0.031ab
12.7 ±0.3ab
5.68 ±0.05ab
12.2 ±1.9f
13.0 ±0.2ab
5.72 ±0.05ab
6.3 ±1.8gh
0.139 ±0.021c
13.7 ±0.3a
5.65 ±0.05ab
4.4 ±0.5gh
0.264 ±0.046b
14.4 ±0.4a
5.68 ±0.05ab
4.1 ±0.7gh
0.346 ±0.016a
14.0 ±0.5a
5.65 ±0.05ab
3.0 ±0.4h
0.224 ±0.018b
13.4 ±0.4ab
Note: Values in the same column with different letters are significantly different at p <0.05.
Table 2 Content of sucrose, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, total phenolic compounds and pH value of coffee roasted to Full
city roast degree.
(mg.g-1 ±SD)
(mg.g-1 ±SD)
(mg.g-1 ±SD)
6.09 ±0.05a
8.5 ±0.8e
5.95 ±0.05a
8.9 ±0.3e
5.95 ±0.05a
11.5 ±0.7d
5.76 ±0.05ab
0.017 ±0.003h
13.7 ±0.9c
5.73 ±0.05ab
0.091 ±0.006gh
13.9 ±0.5c
5.69 ±0.05ab
0.326 ±0.018bcd
13.1 ±0.7c
5.78 ±0.05ab
0.341 ±0.025bc
13.2 ±0.9c
5.77 ±0.05ab
0.259 ±0.021de
13.8 ±0.8c
5.75 ±0.05ab
0.207 ±0.013ef
14.9 ±0.9bc
5.69 ±0.05ab
0.549 ±0.029a
15.8 ±1.2ab
5.62 ±0.05ab
0.510 ±0.017a
14.0 ±0.3bc
5.59 ±0.05ab
0.408 ±0.022b
14.1 ±0.5bc
5.55 ±0.05b
0.406 ±0.019b
14.8 ±0.3bc
5.62 ±0.05ab
0.303 ±0.023cd
14.6 ±0.7bc
5.72 ±0.05ab
0.236 ±0.015de
16.7 ±0.8a
5.66 ±0.05ab
0.121 ±0.014fg
15.6 ±0.6ab
5.70 ±0.05ab
0.108 ±0.017g
Note: Values in the same column with different letters are significantly different at p <0.05.
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Volume 13 347 No. 1/2019
of water treated Brazil Arabica green coffee to be 4.92.
Ginz et al. 2000 monitored pH changes in Robusta coffee
during the roasting process and recorded pH change from
6.1 to 5.7 similar to this study (Table 1 and Table 2).
Another strong correlation was found between
chlorogenic acid concentration and caffeic acid
concentration in the case of Medium roast (r = 0.8025).
However, in the case of Full city roast, this correlation was
not significant and week (r = 0.2403). Chlorogenic acid is
an ester of quinic acid and phenolic acid, mostly caffeic,
ferulic or 3-hydroxycinnamic acid (Farah and Marino
Donagelo, 2006). During shorter roasting at lower
temperatures chlorogenic acid can be hydrolysed and
concentration of caffeic acid in coffee beans may
temporarily increase. On the other side, with longer
roasting times and higher temperatures, caffeic acid
released from chlorogenic acid can be further degraded.
From the results summarized in Table 4 it can be seen a
significant increase of caffeic acid concentration in roasted
coffee beans and subsequent reduction of caffeic acid
concentration over longer periods of roasting. The
formation of phenolic substances during roasting of coffee
is also evident from the total concentration of phenolic
compounds presented in Table 1 and Table 2. Measured
concentrations of chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid or total
phenolic compounds in this study are comparable with
data published in literature. Chlorogenic acid
concentration in green coffee beans is reported within the
Table 3 Content of organic acids in coffee roasted to Medium roast degree.
Organic acids
(mg.g-1 ±SD)
(mg.g-1 ±SD)
(mg.g-1 ±SD)
(mg.g-1 ±SD)
(mg.g-1 ±SD)
0.345 ±0.036gh
22.7 ±1.8a
0.741 ±0.082c
0.262 ±0.055h
0.032 ±0.005f
0.019 ±0.009e
17.8 ±0.5b
0.873 ±0.033c
0.345 ±0.013gh
0.055 ±0.016f
0.037 ±0.006e
15.7 ±0.9bc
0.971 ±0.021bc
0.378 ±0.033g
0.069 ±0.004f
0.036 ±0.004e
14.5 ±0.6cd
0.932 ±0.029bc
0.726 ±0.067f
0.133 ±0.027ef
0.039 ±0.007e
13.6 ±0.4de
1.03 ±0.08abc
1.07 ±0.08e
0.291 ±0.028de
0.114 ±0.011d
13.7 ±0.3de
1.05 ±0.11abc
1.16 ±0.06e
0.383 ±0.014d
0.099 ±0.021d
12.2 ±0.2def
1.17 ±0.12ab
1.21 ±0.03de
0.432 ±0.029cd
0.144 ±0.013d
11.7 ±0.3ef
1.03 ±0.07abc
1.39 ±0.04cd
0.571 ±0.025bc
0.198 ±0.009c
10.4 ±1.1fg
1.02 ±0.14abc
1.58 ±0.07c
0.633 ±0.063b
0.239 ±0.017c
8.9 ±0.9gh
1.18 ±0.05ab
1.81 ±0.04b
0.717 ±0.113ab
0.317 ±0.018b
7.9 ±0.8gh
1.17 ±0.08a
2.17 ±0.07a
0.875 ±0.057a
0.392 ±0.022a
7.2 ±0.4h
1.05 ±0.13abc
Note: Values in the same column with different letters are significantly different at p <0.05.
Table 4 Content of organic acids in coffee roasted to Full city roast degree.
Organic acids
0.345 ±0.036j
22.7 ±1.8a
0.741 ±0.082abc
0.214 ±0.015k
0.011 ±0.005i
0.013 ±0.004i
17.1 ±0.3b
0.852 ±0.130 abc
0.484 ±0.016i
0.061 ±0.008h
0.046 ±0.006h
16.2 ±0.7bc
0.97 ±0.112 abc
0.492 ±0.012i
0.104 ±0.011gh
0.053 ±0.006h
15.3 ±0.6bcd
0.932 ±0.091 abc
0.856 ±0.025h
0.293 ±0.041fg
0.051 ±0.004h
14.1 ±0.5cde
0.974 ±0.133 abc
1.26 ±0.08g
0.421 ±0.013ef
0.180 ±0.025g
12.9 ±0.8def
1.25 ±0.18ab
1.46 ±0.09fg
0.519 ±0.038e
0.208 ±0.028g
12.5 ±0.9def
1.42 ±0.19a
1.41 ±0.03fg
0.559 ±0.029de
0.217 ±0.025fg
12.2 ±0.6efg
1.03 ±0.09 abc
1.72 ±0.08ef
0.732 ±0.047cd
0.315 ±0.023ef
11.1 ±0.5fgh
0.95 ±0.07 abc
1.85 ±0.09de
0.786 ±0.040bc
0.343 ±0.013de
9.9 ±0.6ghi
1.45 ±0.15a
2.17 ±0.17cd
0.906 ±0.045abc
0.394 ±0.029cde
9.5 ±0.4ghi
1.22 ±0.13ab
3.22 ±0.11a
1.13 ±0.21a
0.628 ±0.043a
9.0 ±0.7hij
1.05 ±0.09 abc
1.07 ±0.09a
0.442 ±0.041bcd
8.6 ±0.5ij
0.951 ±0.141 abc
2.51 ±0.14b
0.917 ±0.048abc
0.497 ±0.021bc
7.5 ±0.4jk
0.873 ±0.062bc
2.43 ±0.05bc
0.921 ±0.050abc
0.410 ±0.016bcde
6.8 ±0.8jk
0.852 ±0.015bc
2.61 ±0.06b
0.984 ±0.033ab
0.454 ±0.061bc
5.8 ±0.5k
0.755 ±0.073bc
2.51 ±0.05b
1.02 ±0.05a
0.513 ±0.032b
3.2 ±0.9l
0.613 ±0.082c
Note: Values in the same column with different letters are significantly different at p <0.05.
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Volume 13 348 No. 1/2019
range of 34 57 mg.g-1 while in roasted coffee beans in
the range of 2 19 mg.g-1 (Ludwig et al., 2014; Narita
and Inouye, 2015; Farah and Marino Donagelo, 2006;
Moon, Yoo and Shibamoto, 2009).
Total phenolic compounds content in coffee is reported to
be 14 30 mg.g-1 (gallic acid equivalent) while caffeic
acid content in coffee is reported to be 1.4 3 mg.g-1
(Bauer et al., 2018; Hall, Yuen and Grant, 2018).
Almost all foods that are heat-treated are monitored for
content of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. This compound is
generated in food by the Maillard reaction (Antal et al.,
1990). Increased interest in 5-hydroxymethylfurfural stems
from a partially verified suspicion that this compound is
a health hazard compound that may be mutagenic,
carcinogenic and cytotoxic (Abraham et al., 2011). The
content of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in roasted coffee is
reported to be 0.3 1.9 mg.g-1 (Murkovic and Pichler,
2006). In this study, maximum concentration of
5-hydroxymethylfurfural was measured to be 0.549 mg.g-1
in coffee during Full city roast. During Medium roast
Figure 1 PCA score of the monitored analytes in coffee beans roasted on Medium roast degree. Note: S = short time of
roasting (0 6 min), M = medium time of roasting (7 10 min), L=long time of roasting (8 14min). CGA =
chlorogenic acid, SUC = sucrose, LAC = lactic acid, FOR = formic acid, AAC = acetic acid, HMF =
TPC = total phenolic compounds, CFA = caffeic acid.
Figure 2 PCA score of the monitored analytes in coffee beans roasted on Full city roast degree. Note: S = short time of
roasting (0 7 min), M = medium time of roasting (8 14 min), L = long time of roasting (15 19 min).
CGA = chlorogenic acid, SUC = sucrose, LAC = lactic acid, FOR = formic acid, AAC = acetic acid,
HMF = hydroxymethylfurfural, TPC = total phenolic compounds, CFA = caffeic acid.
-8 -6 -4 -2 02468
F2 (5.93 %)
F1 (85.56 %)
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
F2 (15.99 %)
F1 (68.47 %)
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Volume 13 349 No. 1/2019
maximum content of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural was found
to be 0.346 mg.g-1. Relatively interesting is the course of
5-hydroxymethylfurfural concentration during roasting.
During both Medium and Full city roast two sharp maxima
in 5-hydroxymethylfurfural concentration were recorded,
which could correspond to the first and second crack in
coffee beans. After reaching the second maximum,
concentration of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in coffee
decreases, because of its degradation to organic acids
(Murkovic and Bornik, 2007).
To investigate the overall composition changes during
the roasting process, PCA was performed on the data for
all coffee bean extracts at different time of roast. The
roasting process was divided into three categories
according to the total roasting time (short, medium and
long time). The results are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
The PCA plots confirmed that sucrose and chlorogenic
acid degraded during the roasting process and also that
with longer roasting times the content of organic acids in
coffee increases. Both Figures 1 and Figures 2 also show
that content of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural is the highest in
medium roasting times.
This study proved that coffee roasting is a complex
chemical process. The basic processes detectable during
coffee roasting are the decomposition of sucrose and
chlorogenic acid. Almost all sucrose is degraded during
roasting independently of the roasting method.
Degradation of chlorogenic acid is higher with longer
roasting at higher temperatures. During the Full city roast
(225 °C, 19 min) up to 85% of chlorogenic acid was
degraded. Degradation products of sucrose and
chlorogenic acid are low molecular organic acids and
phenolic acids. Formic or lactic acid concentrations in
coffee beans increased up to 100-fold during roasting. The
increase in the concentration of phenolic compounds was
not so steep, but it was observable. From the measured
results, it cannot be clearly stated that with higher
temperature and with higher roasting time concentration of
5-hydroxymethylfurfural is increasing. Highest
concentrations of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural were measured
at medium roasting times at both Medium and French city
roasting temperatures. Conversely, at shorter roasting time
and lower temperature higher concentrations of
5-hydroxymethylfurfural were found at the end of roasting.
Abraham, K., Gürtler, R., Berg, K., Heinemeyer, G.,
Lampen, A., Appel, K. E. 2011. Toxicology and risk
assessment of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural in food. Mol. Nutr.
Food Res., vol. 55, no. 5, p. 667-678.
Antal, M. J., Mok, W. S. L., Richards, G. N. 1990.
Mechanism of formation of 5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-furaldehyde
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This work was financially supported by project FCH-S-18-
5334 (The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the
Czech Republic).
Contact address:
*Pavel Diviš, Brno University of Technology, Faculty of
Chemistry, Department of Food chemistry and
Biotechnology, Purkyňova 118, 612 00 Brno, Czech
Republic, Tel.: +420541149454,
Jaromír Pořízka, Brno University of Technology, Faculty
of Chemistry, Department of Food chemistry and
Biotechnology, Purkyňova 118, 612 00 Brno, Czech
Republic, Tel.: +420 54114 9320,
Jakub Kříkala, Brno University of Technology, Faculty
of Chemistry, Department of Food chemistry and
Biotechnology, Purkyňova 118, 612 00 Brno, Czech
Republic, Tel.: +420541149393,
Corresponding author: *
... Sinamik, kafeik, ferulik, isoferulik ve sinapik asit ile degredasyon ürünü olan kinik asit kahvede acılığa neden olmaktadır (19). Orta derecede kavrulmuş kahvede klorojenik asidin %65'inin parçalandığı, kavurma derecesi arttıkça parçalanmanın da arttığı belirlenmiştir (48). ...
... Söz konusu asitler kavurma ile laktonlar, fenoller gibi kahve aromasını etkileyen uçucu bileşenlere dönüşmektedir. Orta ve çok kavrulmuş kahvede asetik, formik ve laktik asit miktarlarının arttığı saptanmıştır (48). ...
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Dünyada yaygın olarak tüketilen içeceklerden biri olan kahve ekonomik olarak petrolden sonra en önemli tarımsal üründür. Dünyada günde ortalama 2.5 milyar fincan kahve tüketilmektedir. Kahve tüketiminin en önemli nedenlerinden biri kahvenin lezzetidir. İyi kalite kahve lezzeti, lezzet, gövde, aromanın dengeli karışımı ve kusur içermeyen hoş bir duygu olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Kahve lezzetine etki eden birçok faktör olması nedeniyle kahve lezzeti karmaşık bir olgu olarak nitelendirilmektedir. Kahve lezzeti ile ilgili bugüne kadar birçok çalışma yapılmış olmakla birlikte, lezzet oluşumuna etki eden faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi önem taşımaktadır. Kahve lezzetine etki eden faktörlerden biyokimyasal etkiler kahve bitkisi ve kahve tanesinin gelişimi ile başlamakta, kahvenin işleme aşamaları ve hazırlama teknikleri ile devam etmektedir. Kahvenin bileşiminden kaynaklanan etkiler ise kavrulmuş tanedeki uçucu olmayan bileşenler ve uçucu bileşenler nedeniyle oluşmaktadır. Kahvenin bileşimi ile ilgili kimyasal veriler, lezzete etkisi olan temel bileşenlerin kahve lezzetine katkısını tam olarak açıklamaya yeterli değildir. Kahve lezzetine katkısı olduğu düşünülen bileşenlerin neden olduğu duyusal özelliklerin belirlenmesi duyusal değerlendirme ile mümkündür. Kahvenin duyusal özellikleri ve kahve bileşenleri ile ilgili verilerin birlikte değerlendirilmesi kahve lezzetinin tanımlanması açısından ve hangi bileşenin nasıl bir lezzet özelliğine neden olduğunun belirlenmesi açısından önem taşımaktadır. Kahve çekirdeği, işleme koşulları ve kahvenin bileşimi farklı duyusal karakteristiklere neden olmakta, hepsi birlikte kahve lezzetini oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, kahve lezzetine etkisi olan işleme, bileşim ve duyusal özelliklere genel bir bakış sağlanması amaçlanmıştır.
... These microorganisms utilize the substrate on the cell wall layer of the coffee beans, making it a precursor that forms features such as body, aroma, and others (Wang et al., 2020). Apart from that, the roasting process can also affect changes in the chemical components of coffee which have an impact on changing its taste (Diviš;Pořízka;Kříkal, 2019). In this study show that at medium roasting shows the best condition for Liberica coffee either fermented and non-fermented, the aroma components of the coffee beans begin to emerge. ...
... These microorganisms utilize the substrate on the cell wall layer of the coffee beans, making it a precursor that forms features such as body, aroma, and others (Wang et al., 2020). Apart from that, the roasting process can also affect changes in the chemical components of coffee which have an impact on changing its taste (Diviš;Pořízka;Kříkal, 2019). In this study show that at medium roasting shows the best condition for Liberica coffee either fermented and non-fermented, the aroma components of the coffee beans begin to emerge. ...
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Jambi Province, particularly in Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency, Indonesia, is a crucial producer of Liberica coffee known as Liberika Tungkal Komposit (Libtukom). This variety of Liberica coffee (Coffea liberica) thrives in lowland regions, particularly peatlands. It grows best in slightly acidic soil with a pH between 6.0 and 6.5, which helps the plant absorb nutrients and resist pests more effectively. A significant post-harvest method to improve the quality and yield of Liberica coffee involves fermentation using cellulolytic bacteria, Alcaligenes sp. And Exiguobacterium indicum, found in civet digestive tracts. Fermentation enhances the coffee’s flavour, aroma, and quality, mimicking that of civet coffee. The primary objective of this study was to refine the sensory characteristics of Liberica coffee, improve its proximate composition, preserve its bioactive compounds, and boost its antioxidant properties. The fermentation was conducted over 24 hours and 48 hours periods, with roasting temperatures set at light (170 ºC), medium (190 ºC), and dark (210 ºC). The process began with the preparation of bacterial inoculum, followed by fermentation, roasting, and grinding. Sensory evaluation, proximate analysis, and chemical profiling (via FTIR, LC-MS, antioxidant activity, and total phenolic content) were then performed. The findings revealed that fermented Liberica coffee exhibited improved sensory attributes, achieving specialty-grade status at medium roasting temperatures. There was a decrease in moisture and ash content, an increase in fat content, and a reduction in carbohydrate and protein levels. The FTIR analysis showed the preservation of existing compounds, while LC-MS identified bioactive components based on their retention times and molecular weights. Additionally, the fermented coffee demonstrated increased antioxidant activity and total phenolic content compared to non-fermented samples. This study highlights the potential of fermentation technology to enhance the quality and health benefits of Liberica coffee significantly.
... The phenolic content declined slightly at roasting temperature of 225°C for 19 min (13.34 mg/g). However, the total phenolic content increased at the roasting temperature of 210°C for 14 min (Diviš et al. 2019). ...
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Swasti YR, Leong LP, Purwijantiningsih E, Pranata FS. 2024. The effects of Lactobacillus plantarum addition to robusta coffee (Coffea canephora L.) during wet fermentation. Biodiversitas 25: 3132-3140. Robusta coffee from the slopes of Merapi volcano in Indonesia is processed using a wet fermentation method. Its chemistry compound quality depends on the spontaneous microorganism during wet fermentation. This study aimed to investigate the effect of Lactobacillus plantarum in increasing the antioxidant activity and reducing the concentration of caffeine and mutagenic compounds during fermentation. After fermentation, the chemical compounds of green and roasted beans were determined. The furfuryl alcohol compound and protein were only analyzed in the roasted beans. Results showed that the addition of L. plantarum was able to alter the Chlorogenic Acid (CGA) concentration of robusta coffee. The concentration of CGA in the unroasted robusta coffee with the addition of L. plantarum after 6-hour of fermentation tends to be higher than in without the addition of L. plantarum, while caffeine concentration was slightly reduced. The CGA in unroasted and roasted coffee with 12-hour fermentation period resulted in the highest radical ABTS scavenging capacity. Moreover, caffeine in unroasted and roasted coffee with 6-hour fermentation period showed high radical ABTS scavenging capacity. The furfuryl alcohol content tends to be stable.
... The correlation between 'amber' and 'bitterness' could possibly be ascribed to the formation of bitter compounds during coffee bean roasting (Fujimoto et al., 2021). The correlation of acetic acid with 'amber' colour and 'bitterness' may be an indirect association due to roasting, with the concentration of acetic acid reported to increase significantly after light roasting (Diviš et al., 2019). Other than the contribution of acetic acid from fermentation, fructose and glucose produced from sucrose can be hydrolysed to acetic acid (and other organic acids) as a thermal degradation product (Ginz, Balzer, Bradbury, & Maier, 2000). ...
... Arabica coffee, known for its mild flavor profile and minimal bitterness (Arai et al. 2015), comprised in the coffee year 2022/23 (i.e., October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023) approximately 53%-56% of the global coffee production and is estimated to 57% for the 2023/2024 period (International Coffee Organization (ICO) 2024b; United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) 2024). The remaining portion is predominantly sourced from Robusta coffee (Castillejos-Mijangos et al. 2022;Diviš, Pořízka, and Kříkala 2019), which boasts higher caffeine content but is accompanied by increased bitterness and weaker aroma (Abubakar et al. 2020;Arai et al. 2015;Zaukuu et al. 2022). Notwithstanding, the latter is frequently incorporated into commercial coffee blends to offer a more cost-effective option in the market (Aouadi et al. 2022;Bertone et al. 2016). ...
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Coffea arabica L. (Arabica) is considered the highest quality coffee species and provides the majority of the worldwide production. Among its groups are rare and expensive coffees; consequently, Arabica is subject to fraudulent practices. Currently, a selection of methods allow to precisely discriminate between the primary commercial coffee species (Arabica and Robusta). However, Arabica coffees offer a very restricted genetic diversity, and the authentication of its groups by spectroscopy has not yet been demonstrated to be feasible. This study aimed to step beyond the current state‐of‐the‐art, evaluating the possibility of a multispectral approach to discriminate shelf‐ready coffee beans of the most significant Arabica groups, Typica and Bourbon. Spectral analysis was performed by a benchtop near‐infrared (NIR; 1000–2500 nm), a benchtop ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis; 200–1000 nm), and a handheld Vis‐NIR (350–2500 nm) spectrometer, hyphenated with nonlinear classification techniques, including artificial neural networks (ANNs). Additionally, low‐level (LLDF) and mid‐level (MLDF) data fusion as well as variable selection (VS) methods were evaluated in their predictive performance. This study successfully demonstrates that closely related Arabica groups are discriminable from each other using a rapid multispectral approach, including direct on‐site analysis. The NIR region provided precise classification of the Arabica coffees (94%–98% accuracy), the Vis‐NIR (88%–93 %), and the UV–Vis (82%–93 %) region showed also good discrimination but left room for improvement. However, an LLDF of the Vis‐NIR and the UV–Vis region in combination with VS proved to be a potent tool to further refine the authentication of coffee groups and showed very good classification accuracies (91%–97%).
... The beans are heated in a roaster until they reach a temperature between 188 • C to 282 • C. The rate at which they reach this temperature is known as the rate of rise (ROR) and has an impact on the overall roast [45]. Roasting times can last up to twenty minutes [46][47][48][49]. As the beans heat up, their colour slowly shifts from green to a shade of yellow before progressing to different shades of brown depending on the darkness of the roast. ...
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Coffee is one of the most widely traded commodities worldwide and its popularity is only increasing. The International Coffee Organisation (ICO) reported a 6% increase in global production in 2020 to 10.5 million tonnes. Coffee production is quite involved (from sowing to harvesting, processing, packaging, and storage); consequently, the industry faces major challenges in terms of the assessment of its quality, flavour, and the components which contribute to coffee's characterisation, as well as the sustainability of coffee production and global trade. This has prompted multiple studies on the nature of the aroma and taste of the many varieties of coffee around the world, which has resulted in the identification of approximately 1000 volatile compounds and the development and implementation of upwards of 100 lexicons to describe the specific sensory characteristics of coffee. The complex nature of coffee has necessitated the development and incorporation of new analytical methodologies, such as multidimensional separation technologies and spectroscopy coupled with multivariant analysis, to qualify the essential characteristics of coffee's flavour. This work aims to review the research on coffee's flavour, covering the roasting process of coffee beans, the volatile and non-volatile components generated by this process, and the chemical reactions responsible for their formation, as well as coffee's sustainability, the coffee value chain, and various forms of regulation, particularly the current emphasis on 'fair trade'.
... This difference may be due to acid accumulation in beans during the roasting process. During coffee roasting, the choice of equipment and roasting method significantly influence the bean chemical composition (Diviš et al. 2019). This study used a coffee roaster (Gene Café CBR-101) that operated at a medium-roast level (240 °C for 14 min). ...
... Next, the dried cherries were separated from the pericarp until the testa so left the clear green beans (Worku et al. 2018). Furthermore, the green beans were roasted in a coffee roastery house with a medium-todark roasting level with a roasting temperature of 210-225°C (Diviš et al. 2019). Roasted coffee beans then ground into a fine powder and ready for laboratory examination. ...
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Authors. 2021. Genetic diversity of Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner in Temanggung District, Indonesia based on molecular marker RAPD. Biodiversitas 22: 4775-4783. Temanggung District in Central Java Province, Indonesia is one of robusta coffee production centers. The condition of coffee plantations in Temanggung shows variations in some morphological traits. Variations in coffee phenotypes are considered less profitable for farmers because they produce yields of undesirable quality in the global market. This study aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity of robusta coffee in Temanggung. The coffee plants were derived from six villages located at two levels of altitude. The morphological traits were observed from canopy width, trunk diameter, plant height, cherry volume, and bean volume, while the biochemical compositions were determined by caffeine content and brew's pH value. The molecular assays were performed using PCR-RAPD with ten primers and species identification was based on the ITS rDNA. Our finding showed a variation in all morphological characters and biochemical compositions based on the LSD test 5%. The molecular marker RAPD revealed the genetic diversity by showing the DNA polymorphism levels of 95%, with the genetic similarity coefficient ranged from 0.35 to 0.86. The species identification also demonstrated that our robusta coffee was 97.11-99.70% similar to robusta coffee MK615737.1 from Philippines and robusta coffee DQ153593.1 from Cameroon. Thus, genetic diversity on six populations of robusta coffee was found, along with its variations on phenotypes which might lead the coffee yield quality to become uneven.
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Coffee, a popular beverage throughout the world, has been shown to have numerous beneficial health effects, including reducing the risk of developing depression. This effect has only been shown with the consumption of caffeinated coffee and not decaffeinated coffee or caffeine alone and one of many hypotheses attributes this to the loss of key constituents during the decaffeination process. The aim of this study was to investigate whether any of the key bioactive coffee constituents with known anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects are lost during the decaffeination process. The analysis of nine caffeinated and nine decaffeinated samples of various brands and batches of commonly consumed coffee in Australia using HPLC analysis found that, with the exception of caffeine, there were no significant differences in the quantity of other key bioactive coffee constituents in caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee. These results suggest that there may be an alternative explanation for the observed inverse correlation between caffeinated coffee consumption and the risk of developing depression.
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Coffee is a popular drink consumed all over the world. Besides its long-recognized stimulant effect, it has important nutritional and health effects. However, the type of bean processing modifies the composition of brewed coffee and possibly its bioactivity. In this study, extracts obtained from green and roasted beans of Coffea canephora (Coffea canephora var. robusta) were submitted to spray- or freeze-drying and were tested for antiproliferative activity, using MTT assay, and their influence on the cell cycle and apoptosis by flow cytometry analysis. Moreover, colors and nutrient contents were measured to identify the changes due to the roasting process. The results obtained showed that extracts from green and light roasted beans exhibited strong bioactive capacity. Coffee extracts promoted a decrease in cell viability, modulated cell cycle and induced apoptosis in human prostate carcinoma cell line (DU-145). The level of roasting reduced this property, but the type of drying did not in all cases.
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Ketchup is a tomato-based condiment with a tang contributed by vinegar, sugar, salt and spices. Physical and chemical quality requirements for ketchup are regulated in the Czech Republic by Decree No. 157/2003 as amended. The main monitored parameters determining the quality of ketchups are total tomato content, total soluble solids, total organic acids and total salt content. In this work the following parameters were monitored in a total of eight ketchups from the commercial markets in the Czech Republic: pH, total solids, total soluble solids, citric acid content, acetic acid content, lycopene content, fructose, glucose and sucrose content and content of Ca, K, Mg and Na. In addition to chemical analyses, rheological measurements were performed and dynamic viscosity and yield stress were determined. The results obtained were statistically processed and the hypothesis i) whether the sales price of ketchups is related to the quality of ketchups expressed in chemical composition and ii) whether the chemical composition affects the rheological properties of ketchups has been verified. The Pearson correlation matrix showed very good correlation between the total solids and tomato content in the ketchup (R = 0.8464) as well as between the total soluble solids and tomato content in the ketchup (R = 0.8583). Another significant correlation was found between total soluble solids and total saccharides content in ketchup (R = 0.7309) as well as between potassium content and and tomato content in the ketchup (R = 0.8864). The chemical composition of ketchups did not significantly affect the dynamic viscosity of ketchups, however strong correlation between tomato content in ketchup and between yield stresses was found (R = 0.8436). No correlation was found between the ketchup price and chemical composition of ketchup, however cheaper ketchups contained more salt.
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Objectives To evaluate the existing evidence for associations between coffee consumption and multiple health outcomes. Design Umbrella review of the evidence across meta-analyses of observational and interventional studies of coffee consumption and any health outcome. Data sources PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and screening of references. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies Meta-analyses of both observational and interventional studies that examined the associations between coffee consumption and any health outcome in any adult population in all countries and all settings. Studies of genetic polymorphisms for coffee metabolism were excluded. Results The umbrella review identified 201 meta-analyses of observational research with 67 unique health outcomes and 17 meta-analyses of interventional research with nine unique outcomes. Coffee consumption was more often associated with benefit than harm for a range of health outcomes across exposures including high versus low, any versus none, and one extra cup a day. There was evidence of a non-linear association between consumption and some outcomes, with summary estimates indicating largest relative risk reduction at intakes of three to four cups a day versus none, including all cause mortality (relative risk 0.83, 95% confidence interval 0.83 to 0.88), cardiovascular mortality (0.81, 0.72 to 0.90), and cardiovascular disease (0.85, 0.80 to 0.90). High versus low consumption was associated with an 18% lower risk of incident cancer (0.82, 0.74 to 0.89). Consumption was also associated with a lower risk of several specific cancers and neurological, metabolic, and liver conditions. Harmful associations were largely nullified by adequate adjustment for smoking, except in pregnancy, where high versus low/no consumption was associated with low birth weight (odds ratio 1.31, 95% confidence interval 1.03 to 1.67), preterm birth in the first (1.22, 1.00 to 1.49) and second (1.12, 1.02 to 1.22) trimester, and pregnancy loss (1.46, 1.06 to 1.99). There was also an association between coffee drinking and risk of fracture in women but not in men. Conclusion Coffee consumption seems generally safe within usual levels of intake, with summary estimates indicating largest risk reduction for various health outcomes at three to four cups a day, and more likely to benefit health than harm. Robust randomised controlled trials are needed to understand whether the observed associations are causal. Importantly, outside of pregnancy, existing evidence suggests that coffee could be tested as an intervention without significant risk of causing harm. Women at increased risk of fracture should possibly be excluded.
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Chlorogenic acids and caffeine are important for flavor formation as well as the health effect of green coffee brews and its extracts. The content of these compounds was determined by HPLC–DAD analysis in twelve samples of coffee from Robusta and Arabica types of different geographical origin including steamed and decaffeinated coffees. Generally, Robusta coffee extracts contain twice as much caffeine as Arabica, and its content varies from 3.41 % per dry mass in Arabica type from Laos or Rwanda to 8.16 % in Robusta coffee from Indonesia. The highest concentration of 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid (5-CQA) was obtained for both coffees from Uganda. Decaffeination process does not affect the concentration of this main chlorogenic acid, but steaming of the coffee beans with hot water produced a significant decrease in the level of 5-CQA. Antioxidant activity of coffee extracts was measured by CUPRAC and F–C assays, which really measure the reducing power of the sample components. Extracts of green coffee beans from Vietnam possessed the highest antioxidant activity in both assays.
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The effect of roasting of coffee beans and the extraction of ground coffee with different volumes of hot pressurised water on the caffeine and the total caffeoylquinic acids (CQAs) content of the resultant beverages was investigated. While caffeine was stable higher roasting temperatures resulted in a loss of CQAs so that the caffeine/CQA ratio was a good marker of the degree of roasting. The caffeine and CQA content and volume was determined for 104 espresso coffees obtained from coffee shops in Scotland, Italy and Spain, limited numbers of cappuccino coffees from commercial outlets and several instant coffees. The caffeine content ranged from 48-317 mg per serving and CQAs from 6-188 mg. It is evident that the ingestion of 200 mg of caffeine per day can be readily and unwittingly exceeded by regular coffee drinkers. This is the upper limit of caffeine intake from all sources recommended by US and UK health agencies for pregnant women. In view of the variable volume of serving sizes, it is also clear that the term "one cup of coffee" is not a reproducible measurement for consumption, yet it is the prevailing unit used in epidemiology to assess coffee consumption and to link the potential effects of the beverage and its components on the outcome of diseases. More accurate measurement of the intake of coffee and its potentially bioactive components are required if epidemiological studies are to produce more reliable information.
In this chapter, we describe the contents of chlorogenic acids (CGAs) of various species of green and roasted coffee beans. CGAs are a family of esters that are structural analogs of quinic acid with various cinnamate derivatives. A total of 82 CGAs have been detected in green coffee beans. The contents of CGAs of Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora, two of the major cultivated species, are in the range of 3.40-7.24% and 5.17-14.4% w/w dry matter, respectively, although those of some Coffea species, such as Coffea pseudozanguebariae and Coffea rhamnifolia, are <1%. The contents may decrease with roasting of green coffee beans, and the extent of this decrease depends on the degree of roasting. Reportedly, the average contents of total CGAs, caffeoylquinic acids, feruloylquinic acids, and dicaffeoylquinic acids in 12 commercial roasted coffee beans are 2.66%, 2.26%, 0.21%, and 0.19% w/w dry matter, respectively. The contents of CGAs in commercial instant coffee are in the range of 3.61-10.73% w/w dry matter (instant coffee powder).
This review provides details on the phytochemicals in green coffee beans and the changes that occur during roasting. Key compounds in the coffee beverage, produced from the ground, roasted beans, are volatile constituents responsible for the unique aroma, the alkaloids caffeine and trigonelline, chlorogenic acids, the diterpenes cafestol and kahweol, and melanoidins, which are Maillard reaction products. The fate of these compounds in the body following consumption of coffee is discussed along with evidence of the mechanisms by which they may impact on health. Finally, epidemiological findings linking coffee consumption to potential health benefits including prevention of several chronic and degenerative diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, and Parkinson's disease, are evaluated.
The Karl Fischer titration procedure for the determination of water has been studied. In view of the results of previous investigations, a methanolic sodium acetate—sulfur dioxide solution is recommended as solvent and an iodine solution in methanol as titrant. The advantages of this procedure over a conventional Karl Fischer titration are: a much more rapidly reacting reagent, the possibility of a visual end-point detection, a titrant of constant titre over a long period of time, and the absence of the disagreeable odour of pyridine.