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... The basic skills of using web-based learning media have been mastered by students since junior high school (Prayogo, 2022). Web-based learning media is interactive multimedia (Wijaya, 2019), equipped with a controller that the user can use to choose what he wants for the next process (Wijaya, 2019). One of the benefits obtained from this web multimedia is that the learning process is more interesting, thereby increasing the attractiveness and attention of students (Herianto & Wilujeng, 2021;Abbas et al., 2019); Paul & Jefferson, 2019;Barut Tugtekin & Dursun, 2022). ...
... The basic skills of using web-based learning media have been mastered by students since junior high school (Prayogo, 2022). Web-based learning media is interactive multimedia (Wijaya, 2019), equipped with a controller that the user can use to choose what he wants for the next process (Wijaya, 2019). One of the benefits obtained from this web multimedia is that the learning process is more interesting, thereby increasing the attractiveness and attention of students (Herianto & Wilujeng, 2021;Abbas et al., 2019); Paul & Jefferson, 2019;Barut Tugtekin & Dursun, 2022). ...
The learning and teaching process in distance education, particularly through web-based learning media, requires learners to be independent and take responsibility for their educational journey. This flexibility allows students to engage with educational materials anytime and anywhere, provided they have access to the necessary digital tools. The primary objective of this research is to analyze web-based Biology learning media specifically designed for distance education. To achieve this, a systematic literature review was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The study aims to identify and evaluate effective web-based Biology learning resources that facilitate distance education. Findings from the literature review reveal that such web-based learning media empower students to search for and retrieve information or learning materials that align with the syllabus or specific criteria set by educators. This capability significantly enhances students' access to a diverse array of information relevant to their studies, fostering a more enriching learning experience. Moreover, the research highlights that the effectiveness of web-based Biology learning media can be further improved through the design of high-quality, professional, and engaging educational materials. Incorporating interactive features, multimedia content, and user-friendly interfaces can capture students' attention and motivate them to explore biological concepts more deeply. Additionally, the study emphasizes the importance of ongoing support from educators and educational institutions in guiding students through their learning process. By focusing on optimizing web-based learning resources, educators can create compelling learning environments that enhance student engagement and facilitate better understanding of complex biological topics. Overall, this research underscores the vital role of well-designed web-based Biology learning media in promoting autonomous learning and academic success in distance education settings.
... Penerapan multimedia interaktif sudah cukup banyak digunakan dalam sistem pengajaran jarak jauh (Astuti, 2019). Dampak penerapan multimedia interaktif terhadap pembelajaran sangat baik (Wijaya, 2019b). ...
At this time, computer lessons at the high school level still need a variety of materials to meet the progress of today's era. Computer training in various fields is indispensable for high school students. One of the fundamentals is training in filmmaking. This training teaches skills and knowledge in the fields of exposure, shooting techniques, and lighting techniques. This training is divided into eight meetings to deliver the material properly. The trainees have been very excited to participate in this filmmaking training. The final evaluation results for the training participants are given in the form of questions and practice of making films. Based on the results of the final evaluation, it was found that the average absorption capacity of the training participants reached 75%.
... Students have mastered the basic skills of using web-based learning media since junior high school (Prayogo, 2022). Web-based learning media is one type of interactive multimedia (Wijaya, 2019). namely a multimedia equipped with a controller that can be operated by the user, so that the user can select the desired one for the next process. ...
Learning media are all forms of tools or materials used in the learning process to help students understand and master the subject matter. This media can be in the form of physical objects, technology, or a combination of both designed to communicate information more effectively and facilitate understanding and retention of learning concepts. The learning and teaching process that uses web-based learning media for distance education is required to be independent and responsible for the learning process because one can learn anywhere, at any time. The important thing is that the tools are available. This research uses a systematic literature review method using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA). The research aims to explain web-based learning media for distance education. The research results show that through web-based learning media, students can search for and retrieve information or learning materials based on the syllabus or criteria set by the teacher or education manager. Students will have a wealth of information because they can access information from anywhere related to their learning material, through web-based learning media used for distance education can be increased by using learning materials that are well-designed professionally and pay attention to and use the characteristics of characteristics of multimedia.
... Penggunakan aplikasi yang baik dan tepat akan membuat proses peminjaman dan pendataan buku-buku diperpustakaan dapat berjalan dengan baik Suistiani et al., 2022 (Wijaya et al., 2021). Saat ini Program Studi Sistem Komputer Maranatha mempunyai berbagai jalur pengabdian dalam bentuk pelatihan di bidang perangkat keras komputer, perangkat lunak komputer dan bidang sistem multimedia (Wijaya, 2019a(Wijaya, , 2019bYapinus et al., 2023). Demikian pula dengan program studi Teknik Sipil Maranatha yang telah banyak membantu masyarakat dalam bidang pengabdian pada masyarakat di pelosok pedesaan. ...
SMP Swadaya Karya Cibuni Desa Indragiri Kabupaten Bandung merasakan adanya kebutuhkan sistem pembelajaran yang yang lebih baik. Salah satunya adalah pembuatan materi pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan secara daring dan luring. Oleh karena itu akan diajarkan pembuatan materi pengajaran menggunakan power point yang disertai dengan video. Selain itu pula dalam rangka membuat proses peminjaman buku diperpustakaan SMP Swadaya Karya Cibuni lebih terorganisasi dengan baik, maka perlu adanya penggunakan aplikasi komputer. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini adalah sistem pelatihan secara langsung di sekolah. Universitas Kristen Maranatha mempersiapkan materi pelatihan tersebut dan juga membuat aplikasi perpustakaan yang dapat digunakan oleh SMP Swadaya Karya. Pelatihan diberikan bagi guru-guru di SMP Swadaya Karya secara langsung di sekolah. Hasil pelatihan ini dinilai baik oleh para peserta pelatihan berdasarkan hasil survei. Para peserta pelatihan merasa bahwa materi pembuatan bahan pengajaran ini sangat berguna. Selain itu juga para peserta merasa bahwa aplikasi perpustakaan mudah dipakai dan sangat berguna.
... Selama ini Program Studi Sistem Komputer telah melakukan pelatihan serupa berupa pelatihan multimedia untuk kegiatan ibadah (Yapinus et al., 2021). Program Studi Sistem Komputer mempunyai roadmap penelitian dan pelatihan yang cukup baik dalam bidang multimedia (Wijaya, 2019a(Wijaya, , 2019b. ...
Dengan adanya kondisi pandemi Covid-19 maka sebagian rumah ibadah harus melaksanakan kegiatan kebaktian secara daring. Kendala yang ada adalah sumberdaya manusia dalam suatu rumah ibadah yang belum memiliki kemampuan atau terbiasa membuat kebaktian secara daring. Salah satu materi yang dapat diajarkan adalah arahan pengambilan gambar video kebaktian secara daring. pelatihan-pelatihan diharapkan pemuda pada organisasi Vihara Buddha Gaya Bandung dapat menambah wawasan dan keahlian dalam pembuatan konten video kebaktian daring. yang digunakan adalah dengan menggabungkan pelatihan secara daring dan luring. Cara daring digunakan pada saat melihat dan mempelajari kebutuhan yang diperlukan untuk kegiatan pelatihan. Cara luring digunakan untuk memberikan secara langsung pelatihan bagaimana cara mengambil video dengan baik dan benar. Tujuan dari pelatihan ini untuk menghasilkan Hasil dari penilaian tes praktek didapatkan bahwa para peserta pelatihan telah berhasil 100% membuat video kebaktian daring dengan baik dan benar.
... Guru dan siswa dapat berinteraksi langsung, tanya jawab, mengumpulkan ide-ide baru, dan lain-lain secara virtual. Hasil penelitian sebelumnya menyatakan bahwa pembelajaran melalui web juga mampu meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran dan minat serta motivasi peserta didik (Syahruddin & Pongpalilu, 2014;Priyambodo et al., 2012;Wijaya, 2019) Dengan adanya masa pandemi yang masih belum usai, maka pembelajaran jarak jauh merupakan salah satu alternatif yang memungkinkan untuk dilaksanakan demi berlangsungnya pembelajaran. Secara umum, pembelajaran daring mampu mengatasi berbagai persoalan, seperti jarak, waktu, biaya, dan terbatasnya sumber daya pengajar (Fuady, 2016). ...
Implementation of Cerry Lalaland Method in Distance Learning ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan langkah-langkah implementasi Cerry Lalaland sebagai metode alternatif pembelajaran sastra anak dan mengetahui sikap responden terhadap metode tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan skala likert. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Cerry Lalaland dilakukan dengan pengumpulan nursery rhymes dan lagu dolanan Jawa, menganalisis nilai moral, sejarahnya, pembuatan web, implementasi dalam pembelajaran dan pengisian kuesioner. Hasil uji menggunakan skala likert menunjukkan bahwa metode Cerry Lalaland ini berada dalam kategori “Baik” dengan indeks prosentase 68,6%. Dengan demikian, simpulannya adalah bahwa metode cerry lalaland ini baik untuk diimplementasikan pada pembelajaran sastra anak dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh. Kata kunci: Sastra anak, nursery rhymes, lagu dolanan jawaABSTRACTThis study aimed to describe the implementation stages of Cerry Lalaland as an alternative method of learning children’s literature and to find out the respondents’ agreement to the method. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative and quantitative method. Questionnaire was used to collect data and analyze them through likert scale. The results were Cerry Lalaland was carried out by collecting nursery rhymes and lagu dolanan jawa, analyze moral and historical values, create web, implementate in learning and filling out questionnaires. The test results by using the likert scale showed that the Cerry Lalaland method was in the “good” category with a percentage index of 68.6%. The conclusion was cerry laland is a good method to be implemented in distance learning. Keyword: Children’s literature, nursery rhymes, lagu dolanan jawa
Historically, the Multimedia community research has focused on output modalities, through studies on timing and multimedia processing. The Multimodal Interaction community, on the other hand, has focused on user-generated modalities, through studies on Multimodal User Interfaces (MUI). In this paper, aiming to assist the development of multimedia applications with MUIs, we propose the integration of concepts from those two communities in a unique high-level programming framework. The framework integrates user modalities —both user-generated (e.g., speech, gestures) and user-consumed (e.g., audiovisual, haptic)— in declarative programming languages for the specification of interactive multimedia applications. To illustrate our approach, we instantiate the framework in the NCL (Nested Context Language) multimedia language. NCL is the declarative language for developing interactive applications for Brazilian Digital TV and an ITU-T Recommendation for IPTV services. To help evaluate our approach, we discuss a usage scenario and implement it as an NCL application extended with the proposed multimodal features. Also, we compare the expressiveness of the multimodal NCL against existing multimedia and multimodal languages, for both input and output modalities.
This paper addresses the issue of authoring XML multimedia content on the web. It focuses on methods that apply to different kinds of contents, including structured documents, factual data, and multimedia objects. It argues in favor of a template-based approach that enhances the ability for multiple applications to use the produced content. This approach is illustrated by AXEL, an innovative multipurpose client-side authoring framework (previously described in Sire et al. (2010)), intended for web users with limited skills. The versatility of the tool is illustrated through a series of use cases that demonstrate the flexibility of the approach for creating various kinds of web content.
The evolution of multimedia document production and diffusion technologies has lead to a significant spread of knowledge in
form of pictures and recordings. However, scholarly reading tasks are still principally performed on textual contents. We
argue that this is due to a lack of critical and structured tools: (1) to handle the wide spectrum of interpretive operations
involved by the polymorphous scholarly reading process; (2) to perform these operations on a heterogeneous multimedia corpus.
This firstly calls for identifying fundamental document requirements for such reading practices. Then, we present a flexible
model and a software environment which enable the reader to structure, annotate, link, fragment, compare, freely organise
and spatially lay out documents, and to prepare the writing of their critical comment. We eventually discuss experiments with
humanities scholars, and explore new academic reading practices which take advantage of document engineering principles such
as multimedia document structuring, publication or sharing.
The World Wide Web, with its paradigms of surfing and searching for information, has become the predominant system for computer-based information retrieval. Media resources, however information-rich, only play a minor role in providing information to Web users. While bandwidth (or the lack thereof) may be an excuse for this situation, the lack of surfing and searching capabilities on media resources are the real issue. We present an architecture that extends the Web to media, enabling existing Web infrastructures to provide seamless search and hyperlink capabilities for time-continuous Web resources, with only minor extensions. This makes the Web a true distributed information system for multimedia data. The article provides an overview of the specifications that have been developed and submitted to the IETF for standardization. It also presents experimental results with prototype applications.
In this paper, we consider the problem of automatic verification of SMIL documents and present a tool which can assist the
user in the complex task of authoring a multimedia presentation. The tool is based on a formal semantics defining the temporal
aspects of SMIL elements by means of a set of inference rules. The rules, in the spirit of Hoare’s semantics, describe how
the execution of a piece of code changes the state of the computation of a player. If any temporal conflict is found, the
system returns a message to the user pointing out the element which contains the conflict and its motivation. This helps the
user to develop robust and clear code.
In this paper we present a generalized autho-rization model for digital libraries. Our aim is to support the enforcement of access control requirements of the original data sources without without the need to create a new, unified model for the digital library. We integrate the three most widely used access control models (i. e., Mandatory, Discretionary, and Role-Based Access Con-trol) within a single framework, allowing seamless ac-cesses to data protected by these security models. In par-ticular, we address the access control needs of continu-ous multimedia data, while supporting Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, and preserving operational seman-tics. The technical core of the paper focuses on the devel-opment of metadata and corresponding metastructure to represent authorization policies and QoS requirements, and show their applicabilty to continuous multimedia. More specifically, we define our security objects based on the Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL), that controls multimedia presentation. Follow-ing the synchronization constructs and of SMIL, we define a normal form for multimedia streams, called SMIL Normal Form. SMIL Normal Form pro-vides a syntax independent representation of semanti-cally equivalent multimedia data. SMIL Normal Form compositions are extended (decorated) with RDF state-ments, representing security and QoS metadata. Inter-pretation of these statements, and therefore the autho-rization and QoS requirements of the decorated multime-dia object, is defined by the metastructure, represented as a DAML+OIL ontology. We propose the concept of generalized subject that encompasses all access permis-sions of a given user, regardless of the multiple permis-sions in di erent access control models. Finally, we de-velop methods to generate secure views for each general-ized subject and retrieve them using a secure multimedia server.
Personalized delivery of multimedia content over the Internet opens new business perspectives for future multimedia applications and thus plays an important role in the ongoing MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 multimedia standardization efforts. Based on these standards, next-generation multimedia services will be able to automatically prepare the digital content before delivery according to the client's device capabilities, the network conditions, or even the user's content preferences. However, these services will have to deal with a variety of different end user devices, media formats, as well as with additional metadata when adapting the original media resources. In parallel, an increasing number of commercial or open-source media transformation tools will be available, capable of exploiting such descriptive metadata or dealing with new media formats; thus it is not realistic that a single tool will support all possible transformations.
In this paper, we present a novel, fully knowledge-based approach for building such multimedia adaptation services, addressing the above mentioned issues of openness, extensibility, and concordance with existing and upcoming standards. In our approach, the original media is transformed in multiple adaptation steps performed by an extensible set of external tools, where the construction of adequate adaptation sequences is solved in an Artificial Intelligence planning process. The interoperability issue is addressed by exploiting standardized
Semantic Web Services technology. This technology allows us to express tool capabilities and execution semantics in a declarative and well-defined form. In this context, existing multimedia standards serve as a shared domain ontology.
The presented approach was implemented and successfully evaluated in an official ISO/IEC MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) Core Experiment and is currently under further evaluation by the standardization body.
Video-based techniques have become central to many areas of social science research, although their use has been limited by the expense and complexity of tools for working with video information. New standards for the representation of digital video make the manipulation of video for observational research a far less time-consuming and expensive process than it once was. We provide an overview of SMIL, a cross-platform markup standard, and guidelines on how it can be used to edit, synchronize, caption, and present video clips with no need to modify the original digital video files. We also present TransTool, a free Windows program that can generate SMIL files for playing video clips of interest along with captions and codes. TransTool can also be used as a transcribing and coding tool that synchronizes video and text such as transcripts. These tools greatly facilitate tasks such as creating video events with multilanguage transcripts, showing synchronized views of the same event, quickly extracting clips from longer video files, and incorporating video clips into presentations and web pages. Example SMIL files and the TransTool program can be downloaded from
In this paper, an authoring tool named SMILAuthor for SMIL-based multimedia presentations is proposed. SMILAuthor adopts standard SMIL language as the format of the presentation to generate reusable and easily accessible presentations. Moreover, powerful editing functions such as cut, copy, and paste are supported by the system in a timeline-based manner. In order to support timeline-based editing functions, the playback duration of each object in the input SMIL script is first calculated by the parsing process of the system. The parsing process extracts and converts the temporal relationship of the input script to Real-Time Synchronization Model (RTSM), and the playback duration of each object in the script is then computed by traversing the RTSM. Editing results are converted to the SMIL format and saved in the output file. Language structure of SMIL is hidden by the system and the temporal information is visualized in the timeline manner to provide users an easy way to understand and control the timing of each object. Implementation of the system provides a friendly WYSIWYG environment and multiple views/windows are provided by the system to help authors compose multimedia presentations efficiently.
The focus of much of the research on providing user-centered control of multimedia has been on the definition of models and
(meta-data) descriptions that assist in locating or recommending media objects. While this can provide a more efficient means
of selecting content, it provides little extra control for users once that content is rendered. In this article, we consider
various means for supporting user-centered control of media within a collection of objects that are structured into a multimedia
presentation. We begin with an examination of the constraints of user-centered control based on the characteristics of multimedia
applications and the media processing pipeline. We then define four classes of control that can enable a more user-centric
manipulation within media content. Each of these control classes is illustrated in terms of a common news viewing system.
We continue with reflections on the impact of these control classes on the development of multimedia languages, rendering
infrastructures and authoring systems. We conclude with a discussion of our plans for infrastructure support for user-centered
multimedia control.
The SMIL 2.0 multimedia standard has been designed for use on the Web. It supports keyboard and mouse as input devices. Typically,
SMIL players can play out text, images, audio, and video. SMIL also has a strong support for declarative synchronization and
timing. Being an open standard, SMIL could well be utilized in custom applications, in environments such as info kiosks and
multimedia consoles. However, these environments usually require better input and output capabilities not available in SMIL.
This paper presents nine methods to extend SMIL for custom multimedia applications. The methods include ways to attach new
input sources, output capabilities, and extended internal logic. Also, an implementation of an extensible SMIL player is given.
As a conclusion, SMIL can be extended in several ways for custom multimedia applications. These extensions will provide new
ideas for the future multimedia languages.
Media Promosi Universitas Dengan Teknologi Syncronized Multimedia Integration Language (Smil)
Jan 2017
E P W Mandala
Mandala, E.P.W. (2017). Media Promosi Universitas
Dengan Teknologi Syncronized Multimedia
Integration Language (Smil). Jurnal Pendidikan
dan Teknologi Informasi, 4(1). 196-206
A design-oriented method to build correct hypermedia document
Jan 2018
D J Pincini
J M F Farines
C A.S Santos
C Koliver
Pincini, D.J., Farines, J.M.F, Santos, C.A.S, Koliver, C.
(2018), A design-oriented method to build correct
hypermedia document. Journal of Multimedia Tools
and Application, 77(16), 21003-21032.
Pemrograman Multimedia Menggunakan Syncronized Multimedia Integration Language
Video Klip Universitas Kristen Maranatha Interaktif Menggunakan Smil. Proceeding Konferensi Nasional Sistem dan Informatika
Jan 2008
M C Wijaya
S Tjiharjadi
Wijaya, MC., Tjiharjadi, S. (2008). Video Klip Universitas
Kristen Maranatha Interaktif Menggunakan Smil.
Proceeding Konferensi Nasional Sistem dan
Informatika, 283-287, Denpasar, STMIK STIKOM