Content uploaded by Adam Lefstein
Author content
All content in this area was uploaded by Adam Lefstein on Apr 25, 2020
Content may be subject to copyright.
Adam Lefstein
Personal Details
#"3 "!'!(,3444+561(3.-)5 %7
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Employment History
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Professional Activities
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English Teaching: Practice & Critique, "!'"%3"/').1$ #!
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Studia Paedagogica"!'"%' )-1$ #!
"!&!"'#"!'"%3" '''''0 "#&!"'#)61
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Teaching and Teacher Education"!'"%' )1$ #!
Dialogic Pedagogy Journal"!'"%' )1)-
Cambridge Journal of Education
Classroom Discourse
Critical Studies in Education
International Journal for Inclusive Education
International Journal of Educational Research
English Teaching: Practice and Critique
Journal of Curriculum Studies
Adam Lefstein $,D
Journal of Education Policy
Journal of Learning Sciences
Language and Education
Learning and Instruction
Linguistics and Education
Mind, Culture and Activity
Research in the Teaching of English
Research Papers in Education
Review of Educational Research
Teacher’s College Record
Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice
Teaching Education
<= ("$"#$' "'#%: &"#!""& '&"!"
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Educational Activities
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Post-doctoral fellow
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4%"O,%' !1'&!'%%%'/$!#!'&!"'#2)+
4O0 (3"%"' !1'&!'%%%'/$!#!'&!"'#2)8
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Doctoral students
3#'(#1L"($!#!'&!"'#2).<M'"#!% $3"
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%1 ($!#!'&!"'#2<?$&!=
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Masters students
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"3#( !#44$!#!'&!"'#2)+
'"2# $#44$!#!'&!"'#2)+
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Awards, Citations, Honors, Fellowships
<=;'#' "!!"'#/
Adam Lefstein $,D
)***1 &"&?&%%#& !#! ("$ %##"3 "!4
15 3 &(!#! ("$4
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Scientific Publications
)4 !!44H Lefstein, A.<.= Literacy: an Advanced Resource Book4 '#'#
4 ;" 4HLefstein, A.<))=Urban Classroom Culture: Realities, Dilemmas,
Responses4'#'##!'#,," &' #'#"&!"'#4
64 Lefstein, A. H#%%E4<)-=Better than Best Practice: Developing Teaching and
Learning through Dialogue4'#'#'!%,4
<="!''0 '&'%%&!"'#
1. '%%04,%4HLefstein, A.,"!' <)5=Pedagogy in Israel: Activity and
Discourse in Classrooms4A(3'!''!(!',',
$!#!'&!"'##12"'##"3 "!'!(,3<"#;/=4
Q(!!$::"%',"&$,',4&':" %"1$,',R
2. 1>" 4HLefstein, A.,"!' <)+=Facilitating Pedagogical Discourse
in Teacher Teams: Principles and Tools4'!''!(!',',
$!#!'&!"'##12"'##"3 "!'!(,3#'!# !"!!
Adam Lefstein $,D
Q(!!$::///4'!4&4&4"%:"!":"#:'&#! :( (01!''% 4$R
3. 1>" 4HLefstein, A."!' <)8=4Cultivating Teacher Pedagogical
Discourse and Leadership: Tools and Materials for Leading Teachers and Coaches4
'!# !"!! %<"#;/=4
Q(!!$::///4'!4&4&4"%:"!":"#:'&#! :'3"%"1!''% 14$R
4. 04Lefstein4@#1#4H(1'34"!' <)*=4
Academically Productive Dialogue: Introduction, Tools and Instructional Units4
#"3 "!'!(,3#'!# !"!! %<"#;/=4
Q(!!$::///4'!4&4&4"%:"!":"#:'&#! :'3"%"1!''% 14$R
5. Lefstein, A.,'"4,%4H&(4"!' <=4&(
'%%'!"3" &' <3"!% $&"%" =4Teaching and Teacher Education.
<= ($! "#&'%%&!"33'%
)4 !!44Lefstein, A.,H(%@4<8=F(!"'#%"!&!!,"#
#,%#&'#!"&!"'# '&'#!'%#&!"3"!G"# '#E4<4=Literacy as
snake oil: beyond the quick fix, 2nd edition </K'0!#,=4
4 Lefstein, A.<)=F';%$% '%!(#'%!"'#'$%"&!"'# '
"!!"#,"%',"#% '' G"#"!!%!'#@4H4;'/< 4=Educational
dialogues: Understanding and promoting productive interaction.%'##&" 4
64 Lefstein, A.<))=F(2!"!&! 0'3%3" "'#'! '#
2#'%"!"'#G"#2''/#4H4%% 4The Great Literacy Debate4
-4 Lefstein, A.H#%%E4<))=F% ''" &' !('" #'$%?"!'
"%',"&&!"&G4#%%" 4&!#4HE4'# 4Insight and Impact:
Applied Linguistics and the Primary School4",",#"3 "! 4
54 Lefstein, A.,# K4H# 4<)6=F% &!"'#"#(#,"#,
>'%B#"&("#,!(&!"'#%" &' G4## 4H &(4 4
Values Education in a Changing World4( %"!"'#%&'&"#&
#"!"!"3'$$%"&!"'#% &(E %<"#;/=4
Adam Lefstein $,D
+4 '3"# 04@#%4HLefstein, A.<)6=F('#!' ' %"&!"'#%
" &' '#% #% &!"'#G4## 4H &(4 4
Values Education in a Changing World4( %"!"'#%&'&"#&
#"!"!"3'$$%"&!"'#% &(E %<"#;/=4
84 #%%E4HLefstein, A.<)5=F'3"#,'S"#! !"#,!S!'$%" (%
&(!"&%11 '"#!$!"3#$ #!!"'#%"% "#%"#," !"&
!(#',$("&#% " G4# %", 3"% "&('% #
2""!( '/## 4International Handbook of Interpretation in Educational
Research Methods$"#,4
.4 Lefstein, A.H %"4<)5=F$$%"#,"#," !"&!(#',$(!'&!"'#%
&!"&B'! '#!(#!&!"'#' &(!(' #' "'#%
# ""%"!" G4##%%E4(/4H'$%#4Linguistic Ethnography:
Explorations in Interdisciplinarity4%,34
*4 Lefstein, A4'%%04 %"4H'O'1&(/!O4<)5=4F'$"#,/"!(
'$!"#,2'% "3"% "#3#"#! '# !&!"'#G4#'%%04
,%4H !"#4"!' Pedagogy in Israel: Activity and Discourse in
&!"'##12"'##"3 "!'!(,3$$4-615+<"#;/=4
)4 '%%04HLefstein, A4<)5=4F@#'/%,#$" !"&%"!"#% '' G4
#'%%04,%4H !"#4"!' Pedagogy in Israel: Activity and
Discourse in Classrooms4A(3'!''!(!',',
$!#!'&!"'##12"'##"3 "!'!(,3$$4*-1).<"#
))4 #",K4HLefstein, A.<)5=4F,',"# %"#&!"&1'#&% "'# G4#
'%%04,%4H !"#4"!' ,',"# %&!"3"!#
" &' "#% '' 4A(3'!''!(!',',
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)4 '%%04HLefstein, A4<2016=4F$" !"&&%"!!(3"/'/"!("#!(
$"&% ''G4#&04Information, Knowledge and Cognizance: The DNA
of Education4'!$%" ("#,<"#;/=4
)64 &(!#,1 %!'#4HLefstein, A.<)+=4'%'"%',"&&0
&'#3 !"'# 4##%134H'O'1&(/!O4"!' Making School:
Adam Lefstein $,D
Practical Knowledge about Pedagogical Leadership4E %3#"' (
# !"!!<"#;/=4
)-4 1>" 4,%4HLefstein, A.<)+=4&#,#!"#$'% 1
'1$&!"& " & "'# 4##%134H'O'1&(/!O4"!'
Making School: Practical Knowledge about Pedagogical Leadership4E %
3#"' (# !"!!<"#;/=4
)54 Lefstein, A.<)*=4(#'&"#&&!"'#"# ! "IK4E4H#E4
< 4=Primary Science Education in East Asia: A Critical Comparison of Systems &
)+4 Lefstein, A.H#%%E4<)*=T3%'$$%$T,',"!3 "%',
T$'#T"A#T%U3V3%'$"#,$,',!(',("%', $'#"#,!'
$$"%&(%%#,W4#%%'4H"#'24<4=T"!"'# 3'"
%%#,,VMediating Knowledge about LanguageW4 ##</"!O%#=
#!%"#," !"C! &"#& #,,<"##&(=4<(" &($!"
$!'&($!5'Better than Best Practice4=<"!!"'# :=
)84 4X'##'4HLefstein, A.<)*=" !"#&!"3%'&!"&" &' "#
% '' 4#>,"4&4HM'4The Routledge International
Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education4"#,'#'!%,4
).4 Lefstein, A.H#%%E4<)*="#," !"&!(#',$("&#% " '% ''
"%',4#>,"4&4HM'4The Routledge International
Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education4"#,'#'!%,4
)*4 Lefstein, A.H04<)*=' #"% "#&'"#,&% ''
"%',<&'#!=4#@ (#4;## 4>,"4H(4
Research Methods for Educational Dialogue: Chapter 64'#'#%''
4 !(#4HLefstein, A.<&&$!=# ",(! ' &('#!&($' "'#%
3%'$#! !&! !!," $"#&"$% #&!"3# 4#"0%"#&4H
O#"&(3 04"!' Effective Management of Teacher Professional
Development in the Education System: Status and Recommendations.E %(
#"!"!"3'$$%" &("#&!"'# %"&'&"#& 4
<&= !"&% "# &"#!""&M'#%
1. Lefstein, A.<=("#0"#,$,',#$'/$!B&'$"#,/"!(" &"$%"#"#
$', "3" ! &(''%'4Teachers College Record)-<.=)+81)+554
Adam Lefstein $,D
2. Lefstein, A.<5=("#0"#,'!!(!&(#"&%#!($ '#%"#!&("#,4
Cambridge Journal of Education65<6=666165+4
3. Lefstein, A.<.=4"!&0'3&!"'#% &(#!(%"&#! !
'#""4Teachers College Record))<5=)))5B))-+4
4. Lefstein, A.<.=4(#,"#,% ''&!"&!(',(!(#,%" (!"'#%
"!&!!,"&'1#!&!"'#% $&!"34American Educational Research
Note!(" !"&%( #$'&"#!/'#!('%',"
> '"#"&4<))=Literacy Teaching and Education (vol. 4: Teaching
English: Implications for Policy4='#'#,4<!'!(,"'
&!"'#%(',(!H&!"& " =
'/ %%E##"#(%@! 4<))=Early Childhood Literacy4'#'#
,4<!'!(,M'>'0 " =
5. Lefstein, A.<*=4(!'"&%,#!(,' &(''%"#,&("#,
F$'/%3 G"#!(#,%" (!"'#%"!&!!,4Linguistics and
Education, 20<-=68.1-4
6. Lefstein, A.<)=4'%!"O"#, &(B $'##!%!"'# !(',(#
?$%'!"'#'&'#"&!"3 !#&4Ethnography and Education5<)=.)1*+4
7. Lefstein, A.,H#%%E4<))=4' "'#%3" "'##!($'%"!"& '!&(
%#"#,4Teaching and Teacher Education8<6=5515)-4
8. Lefstein, A.,H#%%E4<))=4'" #'% '&("#,/"!('$%
%!"#," !"&!(#',$("&#% " '" &' 2#"?"#,4Reading
Research Quarterly, 46 <)=-1+*4
9. Lefstein, A.<)6=4(,%!"'#'&("#, '%"&'%"!"& "!% '
%#$!"'#4Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of
Education, 34<5=+-61+5*4
)4 Lefstein, A4H#%%E4<)6=4'##"!&'#&$!"'#'$,',"&$&
C#!"!!"3 #!#!(#',$("&?$"#&4British Educational Research
Journal, 39<)=861)+4
))4 Lefstein, A4 %"4'%%04H'O'1&(/!O4<)6=4#3 !",!"#,
"% "#&("#,'/ /'',',"&%&('% ("$4Studia
Paedagogica, 18 <-=*16+4
12. Lefstein, A.,H!;4<)-=4$'/"#,&('"& "##&!"'#'%"&
" & "'#'? '$ #!!"'#4Teaching and Teacher Education38661-64
Adam Lefstein $,D
13. #",K4HLefstein, A.<)-=4;'/'!!' '#/"!(!#'#"&
#3 !",!"'#4Journal of Education Policy, 29<+=.-51.554
)-4 Lefstein, A4 %"4H#%%E4<)5=4''3 !'C#& ?$#"#,!(
#"!'#% " "#!(!'% ''" &' 4British Educational Research
Journal, 41.++1..54
)54 ,%4HLefstein4<)+=4?#!3'"&% $!"&"$!"'###"#!#
&'# C#&'"%',"& # ""%"!" I'#!"!"'#!' $&"%" '##!#!"'#%
$&!"3 '#"%',"&('#&!"&"!"#%EO/"0
#%" '#>("!( !4L1: Educational Studies in Languages and Literature16)1
)+4 ,%4'%%04HLefstein4<)8=4'&&3'"&#"%',"&$,',
!( !,,%!'(#(4Language and Education, 31<)=+154
17. !O;4HLefstein, A4<)+=4' 1%!%#% " '" ,#! "#
% ''" &' '$!"3 !" '#,%## %4
Intercultural Pragmatics 13<=))155.
18. %3&(K4HLefstein4<)+=4!"3$ #!!"'# '$&!"&>(!
#('/&# !#!!&( %#'!(ITeaching and Teacher Education55
)*4 ,%4#%%E4HLefstein4<)+=4"%',"&!&("#,!'!((",(1 !0
!#" ! !IResearch Papers in Education)1)54
4 Lefstein, A.&(!#,1 %!'#4H'%%04<)8=40"#,'!'!(
,"$ '"&('!'' " &' "#!&($' !1' 3!"'#"
&'#3 !"'# 4Teaching and Teacher Education, 67-).1-.4
)4 #%%E4HLefstein, A.<).=4F'/"%"!G$!"&"$!"'##"#!"!"#"%',"&
$,',4American Educational Research Journal, 55)-18.4
4 '%%04,%4Lefstein, A. H (%4<).=&("#,&'#!'3 "%
" "#,"%'&& "#,%"!"'#"# %"$"&% '' 4
Journal of Curriculum Studies566.81-*4'")4).:84)84)6*88584
64 Lefstein, A41>" 404H,%4<).=#,#&"#
&'%"#,( ''&("#,&( ("$4International Journal of
Educational Research, 90*14
Adam Lefstein $,D
-4 ,%4Lefstein, A.H1>" 4<).=$$'$"!"#,'!'&'% '!(
,%!"'#'&(' "'#%'#3 !"'# 4Teaching and Teacher Education,
54 !O;4K"!O&(0"4HLefstein, A4<2018=#,,&'&!"'# #%#,,
"'%'," "# %";/1 $0"#,&% 4Language and Education, 32:-651
26. Lefstein, A.,'%%04H,%4<='$%%"#,!#!'"&
"%',"&&!"& '%"&'# "'#4Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of
Education. (!!$ ::'"4',:)4).:)5*+6+4).4)-866-)4
84 1>" 4,%4HLefstein, A4<)*=4&(&1/'0"#" & "'# '
3"'&'&% ''$&!"&'# !"#"#,'&!%O"#,'$$'!#"!" !'%#I
Journal of Teacher Education, 70 (5) 538–5514
.4 1>" 4Lefstein, A4,%4H'%%04<&&$!=4"% ' ("$
#$&"!"%"#,"# &(1&!"&!# ("$4Teachers College Record4
*4 Lefstein, A.,'"4,%4H&(4<=40"#,!'&0' &('#
&('%%'!"3" &' ('#!('"# &#!"%4Teaching and
Teacher Education, 88.
64 Lefstein, A41>" 4H,%4<&&$!=%'&!"#, &('#&(
#"#,'/,',"&%%'&!"3%04Educational Researcher.
31. Asterhan, C., Howe, C., Lefstein, A., Matusov, E., & Reznitskaya,
A. (2020) Controversies and consensus in research on dialogic teaching
and learning. Dialogic Pedagogy Journal, 8.
<= %" ( &"#!""&$'! #/'0"#,$$
1. Lefstein, A.<+=4"%',"# &(''% B!'/$,!"&$$'&(4Working
papers in Urban Language & Literacies, Y664'#'#@"#,A '%%,'#'#4
Q(!!$::///40&%4&40:$ !:&!"'#:/$%%4(!%R
2. Lefstein, A.<.=4"!% ''%H$!"'#'$"#,/"!("%"#,"#
/'0"#,&% &(''%4Working papers in Urban Language & Literacies, Y5)4'#'#
@"#,A '%%,'#'#4Q(!!$::///40&%4&40:$ !:&!"'#:/$%%4(!%R4
3. #%%E4HLefstein, A.<))='$!1 " ! !!"&' 3!"'#'
&% ''" &' H"#!&!"'#&(#"&%$'!'#!( !!"&" &'
#% " &'$'##!'!('/ "%', !4Working papers in Urban
Adam Lefstein $,D
Language & Literacies, Y884'#'#@"#,A '%%,'#'#4
Q(!!$::///40&%4&40:$ !:&!"'#:/$%%4(!%R4
4. #%%E4HLefstein, A.<)='"#!$!"3#$ #!!"'#%"% "#
%"#," !"&!(#',$("&#% " '3"#,'S"#! !"#,!S!'$%" (%
&(!"&%4Working papers in Urban Language & Literacies, Y*4'#'#
@"#,A '%%,'#'#4Q(!!$::///40&%4&40:$ !:&!"'#:/$%%4(!%R4
5. ,%4HLefstein4<)5=4?#!3'"&% $!"&"$!"'#"%',"&
# ""%"!" "#!( %$"&% ''4Working papers in Urban Language &
Literacies, Y)5+4'#'#@"#,A '%%,'#'#4
Q(!!$::///40&%4&40:$ !:&!"'#:/$%%4(!%R4
6. 1>" 4,%4HLefstein4<)+=4>X#'!(!' 0/#'#
&1/'0"#3"'1 !&(%#"#,4Working papers in Urban Language &
Literacies, Y)**4'#'#@"#,A '%%,'#'#4
Q(!!$::///40&%4&40:$ !:&!"'#:/$%%4(!%R4
<= #$' "'#%!"&% #$%"&!"'#
1. ;$OK4HLefstein, A.<='#"!" '!("#0"#,4Educational Leadership
2. Lefstein, A.<=>(!/!%0'!/(#/!%0'!&'#"!4Thinking
3. Lefstein, A.<=%##"#,/"!('! (4Thinking Education, )..)1)<"#
4. Lefstein, A.<=(&%' #A!,'/& '/",("!4Thinking Education,
5. Lefstein, A.<8=(' " ! ! &' !%'/&!"'#%C%"!B
&'#3 !"'#/"!(('#2/"!O4Hed HaChinuch.)<5=5+158 < %"!&(
M'#% "#;/=4
6. Lefstein, A.<*=#$#!!!'!(/"#" !'&!"'#B '# '
&';$&!"3&!"'#%'%"&10"#,"##,%#4Hed HaChinuch
< %"!&(M'#% "#;/=4
7. Lefstein, A.<))=>(' !"%C !"'#I3" "!"#,!(' !$'$%$%#0'!(
'#"!'("#0"#,$%!'4The Skilful Thinker#'4)<'!'
Adam Lefstein $,D
8. Lefstein, A.H2% E4<)="!%% #'? '"!"' &("#,4Hed
HaChinuch< %"!&(M'#% "#;/=4
9. Lefstein, A4'%%04 %"4H'O'1&(/!O4<)5=4F'$!"#,2'%
"3"% "#3#"#! G4Hed HaChinuch3'%4.*#'4$$4+1++< %"
10. '%%04HLefstein, A4<)5=4F@#'/%,>'0"#% '' G4Hed
HaChinuch3'%4.*#'4$$4818-< %"!&(M'#%"#;/=4
11. #",K4HLefstein, A.<)5=4F (# %",',IG4Hed HaChinuch
3'%4.*#'4$$4.-1.+< %"!&(M'#%"#;/=4
12.Lefstein, A. <)+=!$>(!?!ICambridge Primary Review Trustweb-
log4(!!$::&$! !4',40:&$!1%',:!1!$1/(!1#?!:
13.Lefstein, A. <)8=;'/!'/"!'!!&("#,"#/!(!" "#! !"#,&'#&"
&"%#&'# !&!"34Laboratory of Pedagogy web-log4
(!!$ ::$,',"& &(4/'$ 4&':)8:):+
14. Lefstein, A.<).='3"#,&(#"#,'!(,"# !'!("# !4
Practical Literacy,3'%46#'4)4
15.Lefstein, A. <).=>(' %&! !(%"#,!&( I"&%' !'$' %4
Laboratory of Pedagogy web-log4
(!!$ ::$,',"& &(4/'$ 4&':).:6:+:
<= ''03"/
1. Lefstein, A.<-=3"/'Standards deviation: how schools misunderstand
education policyE $"%%#4Education Review4
Q(!!$::34 4:3"/ :36664(!R<)5&-=4
4 Lefstein, A.<+=3"/'Rhetoric of rhetoric>#''!(4British
Educational Research Journal, 6<-=+6-1+6+4
3. Lefstein, A.<8=3"/'Writing for a Change: Boosting literacy and learning
through social action@" !"##!4%4Education Review4
Q(!!$::34 4:":84(!%R
-4 Lefstein, A.<.=3"/'Learning Identity: the joint, local emergence of social
identification and academic learning!#!'#>'!(4Linguistics and
Education, )*<=)8*1).)4
Adam Lefstein $,D
Lectures and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars
<=#3"!0#'! #$%#%&!
6 Lefstein, A.&(&'#!'%'!(%#1&#!&% ''B##3'"%
$'?INavigator Schools Consortium International Conference (Navcon2k3)4
%" !%"4):):64
- ;$OK4HLefstein, A.&("#,#%#"#,"#&'#"!'!("#0"#,B
&(%%#, #"% 4Second International Middle Schooling Conference4
%" !%"4):.:-4
+ ;$OK4HLefstein, A.&("#,#%#"#,"#&'#"!'!("#0"#,4
Victorian Principals Association Annual Conference%'# !%"4
+ Lefstein, A.2!!"#,'3'&! !'/$&!"&%$$'&(!'&% ''
"%',4ULearn06 Conference (" !&(&(/L%#45:*:+4
8 Lefstein, A.#!&!"#,/"!("#!(&% ''$'$%&%!
$'%"&#!($'" '"%',4Navigator Schools Consortium International
Conference (Navcon2k7)4#!%' ! !%"4+:*:84
. Lefstein, A.($'%/"!(!&(C !"'# 4Institute of Education PGCE
Partnership Annual Meeting.:8:.4
* Lefstein, A.N !"'#"#,''## 4The Leading Edge Annual Conference
for School Leaders'#'#:):*4
) Lefstein, A.( '3"'"#!&($' "'#%3%'$#!B!(% !/'I
Teacher Development with Video-recordings<$&!"!"'#&'##&'# $'# '
!('!( &("%'#!"'#=%(;(" (:)):)4
)) Lefstein, A.H#%%E4!"#,!((%%#,'"%',"&,',B',
#?!!$ 4Empowering Voices: dialogue in classrooms, schools and
) Lefstein, A.'#"!" '("#0"#, #!"%! #"!"&%'#"!"'# 4
Cluster Professional Development Conference. "0%#!"!&(''%
)6 Lefstein, A.(% ',',"&%" &' "# %; !(""3!'
0(IIsraeli Ministry of Education Central District Learning Day.
('3'! %):):)64
Adam Lefstein $,D
)- Lefstein, A.>(!($$# ("#&%' &% '''' I,#!"#"#,
'!(# ",',!4Israeli Ministry of Education Central District
Learning Day. (" %:5:)-4
)- Lefstein, A. !(# %",',IAvnei Rosha Institute for School
Leadership4E % %:8:)-4
)- Lefstein, A.&($' "'#%" &' #%#"#,/(!/!%0'!/(#
/!%0'!'$&!"&4ULearn 20144'!/L%#.:):)-4
<(!!$::!%0 4',:3"':!&(1$' "'#%1" &' 1#1%#"#,=
)- Lefstein, A.H'%%04 !(# %",',IConference for School
Supervisors43#"' (# !"!!'&(''% ("$@"!O&(# %
)- Lefstein, A.&($' "'#%" &' #%#"#,/(!'/!%0'!
/(#/!%0'!$,',IPedagogical Administration, Israeli Ministry of
Education4!% %-:):)-4
)5 Lefstein, A.#"#,%#"#,;'/&#/'3'"% &%' !'!(
%"!IPedagogical Administration, Israeli Ministry of Education4%13"3
)5 Lefstein, A.>(!($$# ("#!(&% ''''IThe Ma’of Initiative
Annual Meeting, ;"#"&"$%"! %.:5:)54
)5 Lefstein, A.%!"3!"#,' "'#% ("$#" &' 4Israeli Ministry
of Education Central District <&'##&'$"#&"$% #%"#,!&( =. %1
3"3 %):8:)54
)5 Lefstein, A. #!&($' "'#%" &'3"% !!,'&!"'#%
"$'3#!I'#'#!"#, !&!%&%!%#$" !"&&(%%#, !!(
&(''%# !%3% 4Teacher Professionalism and Educational Change
conference4"&' "$ )):*:)54
)8 Lefstein, A.%'&!"#,&(' "'#%3%'$#!'F#"#,G!'
>'04The Australian Association of Teachers of English and Australian Literacy
Education Association National Conference4;'! #"*:8:)84
)8 Lefstein, A.&(%#"#,'#!(M'!'/ $,',"&%%$'&!"3!%04
Literacy and Contemporary Society: Spaces, Discourses, Practices."&' "
$ .:)):)84
Adam Lefstein $,D
)8 Lefstein, A.%!%(#,'!"#&(''%4Israeli Ministry of Education
Central District <&'##&'$"#&"$% #%"#,!&( =. X# %
)8 Lefstein, A."#,&( ' "'#%3'%!"'#' ""%"!" #
" 0 4Israeli Ministry of Education Southern District <&'##&'$"#&"$%
#%"#,!&( =. X(3 %).::).4
)* Lefstein, A.;'/ ('%!( !!,%!#"$'3!&("#,I'
$'%!"& !!," 4Israeli Ministry of Education Pedagogical Secretariat
<&'##&'&'&( # $3" ' '#,%" ("# !&!"'#=. 3%# %
)* Lefstein, A.'"&"#!(!'% ''"%',4Learning Interactions:
Symposium on Educational Dialogue.#"3 "!'E3Z 0%Z"#%#
<= #!!"'#'$$ !&'##& :!"#,
2003 Lefstein, A.'#!('# M&!"3"!"#%"!&&!"'#4Oxford
Ethnography and Education Conference4:*:64
6 Lefstein, A. !!"&3"/ '&!"'#% &(" '!(#',$(4
" & "'#!UKLinguistic Ethnography Forum,("%%'%%,4::64
- Lefstein, A."%',"# &(''% B!'/$,!"&$$'&(4Philosophy of
Education Society of Great Britain Annual Meeting4?'46:-:-4
- 2%OE4HLefstein, A.# "'# #!' "#!( ",#'"# !&!"'#%
"$'3#!4American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting4#
+ Lefstein, A.&!"'#% &(#!($%"&"#! !'#$"!"B!%3" "#,
!("#,/ 4American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting4
## " &'%"'#"4*:-:+4
+ Lefstein, A.#&!"#,!(#,%" (!"'#%"!&!!,!(& ',
!&("#,. Penn Ethnography Forum4#"3 "!'## %3#"4544+4
+ Lefstein, A.# !&!"'#%&(#,#!($'%'"#!&!"'#%,# 4
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting4##&" &'
Adam Lefstein $,D
+ Lefstein, A.(!'"&%,"#!(#,%" (!"'#%"!&!!,&
!'&"&%#&!#!4British Association of Applied Linguistics Annual
8 Lefstein, A.FK'A3,'!!'(3 '!("#,&'"#,&0GB &(
&'#3 !"'#4Oxford Ethnography Conference?'):*:84
8 Lefstein, A.(#,"#,!&($&!"&!(',(!(!"'#%"!&!!,
"&'1"#!&!"'#%$ $&!"34British Educational Research Association Annual
8 Lefstein, A.'%!" "#,&% ''"%',4International Association for the
Improvement of Mother Tongue Education6th Biannual Conference?!
8 Lefstein, A.(!'"&%2%!"3!"#,%!"'#!'&"&#,,4
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting("&,'
* Lefstein, A.H#%%E4% '''#"!' #>"! I"%',"&
'#! ##!&!"'#%(%%#, "#""!& '# 4UK Literacy
Association 45th International Conference#"3 "!'2#/"&():8:*4
* Lefstein, A.H#%%E4>(!>%0'!>(#>%0'!&!"&
$%""##% " '3"'1 !&($' "'#%3%'$#!/'0 ('$4
Explorations in Ethnography Language and Communication, !'##"3 "!
) Lefstein, A.H#%%E4"'1 &(' "'#%3%'$#!$#"#,
!(%&0'?' '&"%%#"#,$'& 4American Educational Research
Association Annual Meeting4#3'%''):5:)4
) #%%E4HLefstein, A.F!("#A!&%3!("#A!&%3G3 "%',"&
$,',$$"%"#!"! "!'&'$!"#,"'%'," 4Sociolinguistics
Symposium 18#"3 "!''!($!'#-:*:)4
) #%%E4HLefstein, A.F!("#A!&%3!("#A!&%3G3 "%',"&
$,',$$"%"#!"! "!'&'$!"#,"'%'," 4Explorations in
Ethnography, Language and Communication !'##"3 "!61-:*:)4
)) Lefstein, A.("#" & #!'F('"O"#,# &("#,&!"&
'&( !'# (%%#, #$$'&( G$' "4American Educational
Research Association Annual Meeting4/%# '" "#*:-:))4
Adam Lefstein $,D
)) Lefstein, A." & #!'F3#&"#,&!"'#'"##!%"O
! '# ' %G'#!%4American Educational Research
Association Annual Meeting4/%# '" "#.:-:))4
)) Lefstein, A.H#%%E4'/ "%',"#," !"&!(#',$("&!'
% ''#!&!"'##(#,4Socializing Intelligence Through
Academic Talk and Dialogue<1 $'# '&'##&=#"#, &(
#3%'$#!#!#"3 "!'"!! ,(-:*:))4
) Lefstein, A.H#%%E4% ''#!&!"'##"%','& '
'#!"#"!#(#,4American Educational Research Association Annual
) Lefstein, A.H#%%E4$"%"#!"!$&"3"%"!#"%',"&$,',4
Symposium On Communication Practices In The Classroom: Visible And Hidden
Dimensions Of Teaching4 0#"3 "!#'O&($%"&.:):)4
)6 Lefstein, A.H#%%E4%""#'! '#"%',"&!#&1!0"#,"#% ''
" &' 4American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting4#
# " &'6:-:)64
)- K"!O&(0"4HLefstein, A.!#;/"#!(#,,% ''
#,,'%',#'&"%#!&!"'#4Towards a New Educational Language
Policy in a Multilingual Era: Challenges, Innovations and Future Thinking4%1
3"3#"3 "!)+:):)-4
)- Lefstein, A." &' #"#!&!"'#,##"&'1#% " 4Learning
Sciences: between learning, teaching and design4;"#"3 "!.:):)-4
)- !O;4#Lefstein, A." ,#!"# %"% ''" &'
' 1%!% $&!"34The 32nd International National Association of
Professors of Hebrew (NAPH) Conference on Hebrew Language and Literature4
#12"'##"3 "!'!(,3-:+:)-4
)5 ,%4HLefstein, A4(#!$%'"%',"&'%'," % ''&!"&
#$"%'"& "# %""#,,! % 4American Association
of Applied Linguistics Conference4''#!'-:6:)54
)5 'O'1&(/!O4HLefstein, A4#"#,'" !0 I&(#'%
&0"# $'# !'$"%'4American Educational Research Association
Annual Meeting("&,')*:-:)54
Adam Lefstein $,D
)5 ,%4Lefstein, A4##%%E4"%',"&&("#,!'!(;",(!0
!#"O !IAmerican Educational Research Association Annual Meeting4
)5 Lefstein, A.##%%E4' "'#%3%'$#!'"%',"&,',
#(#&"#,&(E,#!4European Association for Research in Learning
and Instruction4" '%$ +:.:)54
)5 ,%41>" 4#Lefstein, A.$$'$"!"#,$'!'&'% '!(
,%!"'#'!&($' "'#%&'#3 !"'# 4European Association for
Research in Learning and Instruction4" '%$ .:.:)54
)+ 1>" 4,%4#Lefstein, A.&/'0"#3"'1 !&(
%#"#,412th International Conference of the Learning Sciences4"#,$'
)+ 1>" 4,%4HLefstein, A.&1/'0#,#!!"'#"#
!&(&'%%'!"3" & "'#4European Association for Research in Learning
and Instruction (EARLI) SIG 26: Argumentation, Dialogue and Reasoning meeting4
)8 Lefstein, A.,%4#'%%04'$%%"#, !#!3'"&"%',"&$&!"&
'$%"&&'# "'#4American Educational Research Association Annual
)8 ,%41>" 4#Lefstein, A4!"3?&(#,"#!&(
$' "'#%" &' 4American Educational Research Association Annual
)8 Lefstein, A4" &' #&'%%'!"'#"#!&(/'0,'$ "#!""#,
"#'%%#"#,$'& "#%, &% !4Working Conference on
Discourse Analysis in Education4#"##"3 "!%''"#,!'#:5:)84
). O0 (3"%"41>" 4HLefstein, A."#,!&(&'&( X
$' "'#%"#!"!&'# !&!"'###% " '#!(#"& !
'%''%"#!"!<=4 Israeli Conference of Qualitative ResearchA
( %4
). O0 (3"%"41>" 4HLefstein, A. '& #!# "'# "#
&'&( X$' "'#%'%"#!"!&'# !&!"'#4The 4th Learning Sciences
Conference%13"3#"3 "!%3"3 %4
Adam Lefstein $,D
). 1>" 4Lefstein, A.,%4H'%%04'? ',#&#
("$"# &(1&!"&!# ("$4American Educational Research
Association Annual Meeting4/K'0K)6:-:).4
). !12#4Lefstein, A.H1>" 4'"$$% &%"#,
&'#!?!%"O!"'#4American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting4
). !(#4;'#4Lefstein, A.H1>" 4'#&$!%#$&!"&%
!''% '#% "#,$,',"&%" &' "#!&(! <%%1/'0 ('$=4
13th International Congress of the Learning Sciences4'#'#@6:+:).4
). !(#4O#"! 04;'/4! '34HLefstein, A4%"&
!&'#!'3 " #&'# # '#&% ''"%',4Argumentation and
Inquiry as Venues for Civic Education: European Association for Research in
Learning and Instruction SIG20-26 conference4E % %*:):).4
). &(!#,1 %!'#41>" 4Lefstein, A.,H %"4
%"!"3#" $!!"3" &' "#!&(" ,#! '! #!
$&!"& 4Argumentation and Inquiry as Venues for Civic Education: European
Association for Research in Learning and Instruction SIG20-26 conference4
E % %):):).4
). Lefstein, A.,%4H'%%04'$%%"#, !#!3'"&"%',"&$&!"&
'$%"&&'# "'#4Argumentation and Inquiry as Venues for Civic Education:
European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction SIG20-26
conference4E % %):):).4
). '%%04HLefstein, A.'# !&!"3" #$" !"&$', "# %"$"
&% (3"/'$" !"&$&!"& 4Argumentation and Inquiry as Venues
for Civic Education: European Association for Research in Learning and
Instruction SIG20-26 conference4E % %):):).4
)* 04HLefstein, A."%',"&,',#"3'&%?! 3#&"#,"%',
/"!("#!(?" !"#,%#,,! &"&%4Symposium on Better Learning
Through Argumentation4 0#"3 "!#'O&($%"&))::)*4
)* "%;4HLefstein, A.'$1'/#,'3##&''!!'1$&(#,$'&
# %"$'%"&#!/'0& !4American Educational Research Association
Annual Meeting4''#!'#5:-:)*4
)* Lefstein, A.'"4,%4H&(40"#,!'&0' &('#
&('%%'!"3" &' ('#!('"# &#!"%4
Adam Lefstein $,D
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting4''#!'#
)* Lefstein, A.1>" 4,%4H !(#4 ",#(%%#, '
#1!(1E'"'1 &(#"#,!>"&%4American Educational
Research Association Annual Meeting4''#!'#*:-:)*4
)* (&(1!O41>" 4HLefstein, A4!###'3"&!&(
$!"&"$!"'#"#&'%%'!"3%&!"3"#C"4European Association for Research
in Learning and Instruction(EARLI) Conference.&(#2#4):.:)*4
)* 2 3"&4@4 ("E4Lefstein, A.H(4>4#3"!
$' "'#&#!" #!"&!"'# 'C#!"!!"3!(#',$(4
International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography." '#>" &'# "#
' "'#%:$&!"!"'#
- Lefstein, A.'$!"#,3" "'# '!&("#,' F,''$&!"&G%!',''
$&!"&I$'!%",(! !Navigator Schools Consortium International
Conference (Navcon2k4)4(" !&(&(/L%#46:*:-4
+ Lefstein, A.&("#,"$'3#!'#$"!"4Third International Middle
Years of Schooling Conference4%" !%"4+:.:+4
) Lefstein, A.<)="%',"#&% '' 1C !"'#"#,&'#3#!"'#%/" '4
The Leading Edge Annual Achievement Show'#'#)5:+:)4
)6 Lefstein, A.<)6="%',"&&("#,/#&"#!4The Moshinsky
Conference for School Principals4 %&"1&(&(''% !/'0<!=%1
)6 Lefstein, A.<)6=!"&"$!"'#"# $' "!'##&'#Video
Recordings of Lessons as a component in Teacher Professional Development4(
#"!"!"3'$$%"&!"'# &(!( %&'&"#& #
;#"!" E %))::)64
)5 Lefstein, A.<)5=#"#,%!&("#,#!&($' "'#%3%'$#!!(
3"/'!(&% ''4The Branco Weiss Education Conference4!%
)+ Lefstein, A.$"%"#!"! "!'&'$!"#,"'%'," !%'!/'
&% '' 4Literacy by the Lakes conference4" '#.:).:)+4
Adam Lefstein $,D
)8 Lefstein, A.!!!(#F !$&!"&G&'#'#!"#,B#%#"#,'B
$'% '$&!"&4The Australian Association of Teachers of English and
Australian Literacy Education Association National Conference4;'!
)8 Lefstein, A.;'/#>SS!("#,&( IIsraeli Ministry of
Education Central District <&'##&'$"#&"$% #%"#,!&( =.
X# %)*:)):)84
). Lefstein, A.;'/#>@#'/>(!2' '#"#&('#"!" [4#
# '&(''% IHashkafa (leading teachers) Research Conference. %13"3
<&= #!!"'# !"#'% "# #/'0 ('$
5 Lefstein, A."#,&'$(# "'##!(!"'#%"!&!!,B
(##!"&$ $&!"34London English Group4)6:+:54
. $!'#4HLefstein, A.#1>'0 ('$'#!(#',$(#,,H
'#"&!"'#4Workshop for Social Science Researchers,"% ?#"3 "!
. Lefstein, A.F"%',G"#&!"'#% &($'%"&#$&!"&4 Linguistic
Ethnography and Socio-Cultural Psychology in Conversation: A workshop on
educational dialogue and classroom interaction, $##"3 "!)+::.4
* Lefstein, A.H#%%E4"#," !"&!(#',$("#&!"'##"!"%"%% !!"3
#% " '%"!&% '#4Ethnography, Language & Communication
Workshop#"3 "!'2% ,'/:5:*4
) $!'#4%'!E4HLefstein, A.Key Concepts and Methods in
Ethnography, Language & Communication4(1/'0 ('$!?%#&0
# !"!!'!(!'%","' H!(#"&"3 "!2\!!"#,#2#)1
) $!'#4OE4%'!E4E/"!!4Lefstein, A.H'! 4
# " &"$%"# &("#"#,!(@'#&$! #!(' "#
!(#',$(#,,#'#"&!"'#&' 4Teaching and Learning
Linguistic Ethnography Workshop. #"3 "!'""#,()*:6:)4
Adam Lefstein $,D
) #%%E4HLefstein, A.'" #"% '"'1 &(' "'#%
3%'$#!4WLE Centre Research Workshop4# !"!!'&!"'##"3 "!
)) Lefstein, A4H#%%E4!(#',$(#,,#'#"&!"'# &(
"#"#,>'0 ('$#,," &' #'#"&!"'##!@"#,A
)- Lefstein, A4 !(# %"$,',INational Institute of Education
' "'#%:$&!"!"'#
5Lefstein, A.&(#&!#!'!(#,%" (!"'#%"!&!!,B
"$%"&!"'# ' %"&!"'#4Mandel School for Educational Leadership4
E % %46:):54
. Lefstein, A.(#,"#,&% ''$&!"&!%, &%!(& '!(#,%" (
!"'#%"!&!!,4Avnei Rosha!( %"# !"!!'&!"'#%
* Lefstein, A.&(#"#,'] !&!"&A$ #!!"'# <"#;/=4
Policy for improving practice – learning from the English experience. "#'
%,!"'#' Avnei Rosha!( %"# !"!!'&!"'#% ("$
# !"!!'&!"'#)6::*4
* Lefstein, A4H#%%E4#!""#"#, '!('/ "%',$'M&!4
#!!"'#!' #"'#,#!''#'#'',('0"#,#,#(
("%#A 3"& $!#!)5:+:*4
* Lefstein, A.'#&%"#,0 4 Reviving Talk'#'# '&"!"'#'&(
'#,%" (@"#, !'#)8:):*4
) Lefstein, A.N !"'#"#,#"%',"#!(% ''4Teacher professional
development workshop4E/" (&(''%'#'#-:5:)4
) Lefstein, A.H!;4&"%"!!"#!#!"'#%!&( /'0 ('$4The ITEC
Van Leer Education Conference on Teachers and Teaching Policies4#
# !"!!E %8:)):)4
) Lefstein, A.&($' "'#%3%'$#!B#"#!#!"'#%$ $&!"34
'%"&10/'0"#,,'$'#!&(3%'$#!## !"!!
E %:):)4
Adam Lefstein $,D
)) Lefstein, A."'1 !&($' "'#%3%'$#!4Meeting of the
Pedagogical Secretariat"#" !'&!"'# %+::))4
)) Lefstein, A4&($' "'#%3%'$#!/"!(#/"!('!3"'<&!
#>'0 ('$=4Media as a Resource for Learning, Learning day for School
Inspectorate%13"3" !"&!"#" !'&!"'# %+:6:))4
) Lefstein, A4&($' "'#%3%'$#!B(!"&%%&!"'# 4School
Leadership Workshop,3#"# !"!!E % %).:6:)4
) Lefstein, A.#% "#,3"'1&'"#, '!&("#,$&!"&B&% ''
" &' $ $&!"34Programme development workshop#&'>" # !"!!
"!; ('#" %:6:)4
) Lefstein, A.&"%"!!!/'1"#!#!"'#%/'0"#,,'$'$'%"&10
$"#&"$% #!&( 4The ITEC Van Leer Education Conference: From
Regulation to Trust4## !"!!E %*16:5:)4
) Lefstein, A." &' #"#,## !#"#,B##'3!"3&!"& I
Teaching staff workshop3'A'!;#,3&'#&(''%@"!O('3%
)6 Lefstein, A. ",##&"%"!!"'#'%#"#,$'& '#3"'1&'
% '# <%&!#/'0 ('$=4How can teachers learn from filmed lessons? study
group(#"!"!"3'$$%"&!"'# &(!( %&'
&"#& #;#"!" E %)8:-:)64
)6 Lefstein, A.!!"#,$,','#!(!%4Seminar of the Ministry of Education
Central District Management Team.:8:)64
)- Lefstein, A.&!"'#%&(#,! &%4Branco Weiss Institute senior staff
workshop4E %8:):)-4
)- Lefstein, A. H;"'3"!&(4&!"'#%(#,!" !"&!&%4Round Table
on Master Teachers as Agents for Educational System Improvement(#"!"!"3
'$$%"&!"'# &(!( %&'&"#& #;#"!"
)- Lefstein, A. (# %",',IMandel School for Educational
LeadershipE %::)-4
)- Lefstein, A.&!"'#%##'3!"'#'%!"'#''%IInnovation 2014,#1
2"'##"3 "!'!(,3).:+:)-4
)5 Lefstein, A. !(# %",',IMeeting of the Pedagogical Secretariat
"#" !'&!"'# %6:-:)54
Adam Lefstein $,D
<="#$ #!!"'# !#"3 "!" #'!(&!"'#"# !"!!"'#
5 Lefstein, A.>((#,"#,&(&!"&" '""&%!'! '!(
#,%" (!"'#%"!&!!,. Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice,
National Institute of Education"#,$'4)-:):54
8 Lefstein, A.(#,"#,!&($&!"&!(',(!(!"'#%&(!!,
"&'1"#!&!"'#%$ $&!"3'#$'%"&#&!#!4Oxford Centre for Socio-
cultural and Activity Theory Research (OSAT)#"3 "!'?')::84
. Lefstein, A.(#,"#,&% ''$&!"&!($'%'"#!&!"'#%,# 4
Languages, Discourses & Society Academic Group#"3 "!'""#,(
* Lefstein, A.H#%%E4"'$ #!!"'# '!&("#,4 Video data analysis
seminar4#!'%!"'% &(# !"!!'&!"'##"3 "!'
* Lefstein, A.H#%%E4'% #$' ""%"!" "#!('3' ",#!'!
1#'! '!('/ "%',$'M&!4Research Workshop in Language and
Literacy@"#,A '%%,'#'#):6:*4
* Lefstein, A.H#%%E4%"#,^1&!'"#!(%"!&&% '''#!($' $&!
#$'% '" &' ,#"#!$#!!"'#4Lancaster Literacy Research
* Lefstein, A.H#%%E4>(#" &' 2# '%%"%"#,^1&!'"#
"!& '#4London English Research Group@"#,A '%%,'#'#
* Lefstein, A.H#%%E4#% "#,&% ''&%!!(',( !!"&%!"1
'%#% " '$$"%#,,#!4 Video data analysis seminar4#!'
%!"'% &(# !"!!'&!"'##"3 "!''#'#:):*4
) Lefstein, A.(,'/"#,S0'3S'%"!&!&("#,#'! '#,#
$'%"!"'#4Centre for Critical Education Policy Studies (CeCeps) seminar
series – Policy Futures: From the global to the local4# !"!!'&!"'#
#"3 "!''#'#):8:)4
) Lefstein, A.H#%%E4 !1$&!%%I !!"&" &' #% " 3
!(#',$("&?$"#&'/('%1&% !&("#,4Research Workshop in
Language and Literacy@"#,A '%%,'#'#)::))4
Adam Lefstein $,D
)) Lefstein, A4H#%%E4% ''#!&!"'##"%','& '
'#!"#"!#(#,4#"3 "!'?!2!&(''%'&!"'#
)) Lefstein, A.H#%%E4"%',"&&("#,'F'/"%"!G$"% %'(
% '' 4&(''%'&!"'#%13"3#"3 "! %):):))4
) Lefstein, A4(#!&!"'#'&"" &' 2# ^1
&!'"#"!& '#4Doctoral Fellows programme#%&(''%'
&!"'#% ("$)::)4
) #%%E4HLefstein, A4"%',"&&("#,'F'/"%"!G$"% %'(
% '' 4&(''%'&!"'##'&"%>'0#"3 "!' ?
) Lefstein, A4"#," !"&!(#',$("&#% " B""#!'&!"'#4$!#!'
&!"'#%&"#& 0#"3 "!#'O&($%"&*:):)4
) Lefstein, A.%"#," !"&#!('$'%',"&%$$'&(!'"#!"! $!'
$' "'#"#!"! &(4#12"'##"3 "!'!(,3$!#!
)- Lefstein, A." &' #%#"#,!/#!(%'!'#!("%!(
&'#"!"'# '$'&!"3&"&!%0"# %"$" &(''% 4&(''%'
&!"'# ;/#"3 "!'E %)6:5:)-4
)- Lefstein, A4'%%04,%4H#",K4F# " %",',&!"3"!
#" &' "#&%E/" ("% '' 4G$!#!%"#
$!#!'&!"'##12"'##"3 "!'!(,3)+:):)-4
)+ Lefstein, A. !(# %",',IKay College5:-:)+4
)+ Lefstein, A.&("#'%%#"#,!(',($!"&"$!"'#"#$' "'#%
" &' B ",#1 "$%#!!"'# &(&'%%'!"'#4Weizmann
). Lefstein, A4%'&!"#,!&(%#"#,'!''#1!(1M'!%04(
%!"%"#,%&!"'# &("#Tel-Aviv University)5:6:).4
Research Grants
5 King’s College London Development Fund. Lefstein, A.<"#&"$%$$%"&#!=
' !%4<=($(4<= ;'' &(!#! "#$!#!'
Adam Lefstein $,D
&!"'##' "'#%!" . $"!%"#3 !#!"# &("# !&!
+ Economic and Social Research Council (UK)4Lefstein, A.<=&(
#&!#!'"&% ",# B#!,!"#,$""&%#("%' '$("&%
#% 4' !'&!'% &(%%'/ ("$):5!')):+P66..
8 Economic and Social Research Council (UK).$!'#4<=%'!E4
E/"!!4'! 4Lefstein, A.HOE4!(#',$(#,,#
'#"&!"'#"#(#,"#,'&"!Q///4"1%&4',40R4 &(
. Economic and Social Research Council (UK).Lefstein, A.<='/
"%',"#," !"&!(#',$("&!'% ''#!&!"'##(#,4
* Economic and Social Research Council (UK).;" 4<=$!'#4
Lefstein, A.H#,4#% ''%!H#!&!"'#'
&(!'' "'#%&!"&4):*1*:)P.))6<_)65*=4
* Centre for Excellence in Work-Based Learning for Education Professionals (WLE
Centre).#%%E4<=HLefstein, A.,'" #"% '"'1 &(
' "'#%3%'$#!4*:*1-:)P)6<_)8=4
) Israeli Science Foundation4Lefstein, A.<=,'!"!"#,$' "'#%3" "'# "#
$' !1% '#&0&'#3 !"'# 4):)1*:)5-<_++.=4
) Israeli Science Foundation4Lefstein, A.<='"%%'!''#!%" !"&
!'&% ''" &' #"#!&!"'#4$"!%"#3 !#!"# &(
"# !&!-**<_++=4
) Philanthropic Foundation4Lefstein, A.<#"&!'=#",K4<=H!O
;4# " %",',4*:)1.:)-5+<_)5+=.
)- Philanthropic Foundation4Lefstein, A.<#"&!'=#",K4<=
!(#4# 4H,%4, &%3%'$#!'!&(
$' "'#%" &' #% ("$4*:)-1.:)866.)<_*-=.
)5 Philanthropic Foundation41>" 4<#"&!'=HLefstein, A.<=
3%'$#! &(#$&"!1"%"#,!'$$'!&( 4
)+ Philanthropic Foundation41>" 4<=HLefstein, A.<= !(#4
#",K4'!(24H,%4"#,&( (#,"#,%"!1
Adam Lefstein $,D
3%'$#!# &(',4*:)+1.:)*-5
)8 Israeli Science Foundation4 !(#4<=Lefstein, A.<=1>" 4
$'&!"3"%',%!"1%3%%,1 &% ",#1 "$%#!!"'# !4
)8 Philanthropic Foundation4Lefstein, A.<=1>" 4<=,%4
!(#4#",K4H'!(24 !"#%(#,!'& '
&(#" !"&!$'/#!4):)81*:-<_)))-5=4
). Israeli Science Foundation4!O;4<=HLefstein, A.<=4'&"%%
#,,#&"&'#&"#!(% ''4):).1*:)-+5
)* Philanthropic Foundation4Lefstein, A.<=H1>" 4<=4#/%'
3%'$#!# &(/*)*+B"#,&( "#!('!(#
" !"&!4*:)*1.:)*<_.+=
`Present Academic Activities
)4 Meaningful learning through academically productive dialogue: a multi-level, large-scale,
design-based implementation study/"!((" ! !(##1>" 2'!(
;!O#!#0. ?$&!&'$%!"'#*:4
4Teacher professional discourse and leadership, part of Research-Practice Partnerships
with two Israeli districts/"!(#1>" %"O,%K"3#",(" !
64Social Class, Language and Academic Performance in the Classroom/"!(;!O4
Under review:
)4 '$'/#,'3##&''!!'$&(#,$'& # %"$'%"&#!/'0&
4 '"$$% &%"#, &'#!?!%" !"'# </"!(%"!=
Adam Lefstein $,D
64 &(!&!"3"!#&'%%'!"3"#C""#!'$&!"&&'$"#,3"'
#% " &'# %!!"'##$%##"#,</"!("""&(#0'#(" ! !(#=4
-4 &("#, %"#"&%' "'#3" "!"#,!("&%'%'' "'#%>'0
In preparation:
)4 S'/(" !(&(S$$'?"!"'# $ #!!"'# '&!"&</"!(K%
4 "%',"&,',#"3'&%?! 3#&"#,"%',/"!("#!(?" !"#,%#,,
! &"&%</"!(!#0=
64 3("#&(!"#, S,%S&( "#,$&"%&!"'#%
-4 &(" ,#! '! #!$&!"& </"!('!&(!#,1
%!'##1>" #""! %"=4
54 E" "&!"'#%,'!"!"'#!/#"#,&( #2"#&'# %' </"!(
`Additional Information
(3#"#!3"/'#'&!"'#!"&% #'&#!" "#&%"#,
!%0 #'#1%"#&'%%&!"'#'"#!3"/ " & "'# #$ #!!"'# '!
&!"'#<(!!$::!%0 4',:3"': &("#,1!&(1!%0=4
!((##%)F0"#,"#&G&#!" $',<-:):)6"#
/'%#,!(<-1+$$=&'#3 !"'# /"!(!("!''!( %!&(M'#%Hed
HaChinuch<"#;/=;$OK4<-:)6=FA#'!!%% !(!!(" &(
/ !'" G4
#"#!3"//"!((#$(''03"/ "!''Teaching and Teacher
Education <(!!$::?4'"4',:)4))+:M4!!4)64*45=7#
'%E4<)6=4("!"#,!($"'& "#,!(& '"%',"&&!"'#"#
&'#&% '' 4Language and Education,)1)-=4
Adam Lefstein $,D
`Synopsis of research
("#'&"' &($,',&% ''"#!&!"'#!&(%#"#,#
&!"'#%&(#,4#"#3 !",!"#,!( " !0%"#," !"&!(#',$("&$$'&("#
/("&( 0!'"#,!',!(!(('%" !"&"#!$!!"'#!(!&(&!"O !(#',$(#
!(",'' !''% # !!"&$$'&('%"#," !"& 4$!"&%%"#! !"#!(
"#! &!"'# !/# &(#$' "'#%$&!"&#('/!'&'#&! &(!(!"
#"#,%",'' #(%$%'&!' 4'##&'1%</"!(4#1
>" =!('!''!(!',',/("&(&#!%"#&% '!("!
&%! $' !1'&!'%%%'/ '&!'% &( ! !#! # &(
#"#" !!"3 !4#/(!'%%'/ "%3"/&#!% &(&!"3"!"
&("3#! #&'#!"!"'# 4
1. Israeli culture and pedagogy. ;'/ ' !(#"C&"& !#& ' %"(" !' '&"!
&%!#&!"'# ! ($$,',"&%" &' #$&!"&I',!(/"!(K"3
#",#;!O"#3 !",!!(" C !"'#"#Inside Israeli Pedagogy!/'1
!!(! #!%" !"&' 3!"'#3"'&'"#, #'& ,'$ !'?$%'$"
$&!"&"# &% &(''% "# %<#!(K;"3'#!"'#'#' %A
%, !#'% !$("%#!('$" =4(&'#!"!"'# '!(" &("#&%
<=( !#&'3##!%!# "'# &#!%!'!&("#,#%#"#,"# %"
$"< &%E/" (=%#,,&% '' !/#3% &!"'##&"&
"#!$ '#%&"#,#&"&&(%%#,< ''0#'4-&($! #' 4*1)!"&%#'4
))=4>% '&'#&!&' 1&%!%&'$!"3 !" ' %"$,',"#%!"'#!'
&% ''" ,#! <!"&%#'4)8="%',#3'"&<!"&% #' 4)5)+H+=
" & "'#'&'#!'3 "%" <!"&%#'4=#%#,,"'%'," <!"&%#'45=4
<=( &("#3'%33%'$#!'#/%!"1"# "'#%("&("&%&'"#,
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&'$ '.% '# =4
<&= " ! !!"&",'' #% " ' %"$,',!(" !( "#'$%"&
#$'%"&" &' '!/(!($$# "# %"&% '' #/(4>$%" (!(
!"##'$#1&& ''0# $&"%" 'Hed Hahinuch!( %"!&(M'#%
<'!(3"%%!(!!$::"%',"&$,',4&':" %"1$,',=#(3$ #!#
" & "#"#, /"!( %"$'%"&10 $3" ' !&(&!' #$"#&"$%
"#"!#$ #!!"'# !/#:)-#5:)54
<="#,!("#% !,'!( !/&'#&! " '"3%%1/'0 ('$ /"!(
%%)"# $&!' # $3" ' "#!(#!%" !"&!'!("#" !'&!"'#"#
/("&(/$ #!"#"#, #" & "$%"&!"'# 4(" #%!"'# ("$!(!
3%'$'!'!(" &'%%'!"'#'!( " '' !'#!&($' "'#%
" &' #% ("$< &!"'#-%'/=4
2. Dialogic pedagogy. &(3#& %!"1"# "'#%$$'&(!'"%',"&
$,',!(!" "#'&!%$&!"&" ,'#"#?" !"#,&% ''&'#"!"'#
#&0#'/%, !(&'$%?"!" #$'% "#(#!"#"%',4% '"#3 !",!!(
Adam Lefstein $,D
""&%!" '#&!"#,"%',"&$,', $&"%%'#/" &%#/ ' "#,
!(4/'0'#!( " "#&% !( !"
=Towards Dialogue: A Linguistic Ethnographic Study of Classroom Interaction and
Change.(" &'#'"&#'&"% &('#&"%<=1# !"#3 !",!
"%',"&$,',3"'1 !&($' "'#%3%'$#!#$'& '
&!"'#%&(#,#&'#!"#"!"## !'#'#"&(''%4($'M&!(
$'& 3#M'#%!"&% <#' 48.))-)8)*H)=!/'''0&($! <#' 4-H
8=#'#''0<#'46=4(M'#%!"&% "#&%
#"#3 !",!"'#'!("#!&!"'#'$'$%&%!#&"&" &' ,#
"#!(&% ''#"$%"&!"'# ' '&"%%!"'# $'/#"& #$$"%
%#"#,<!"&%#'4.$%" ("#Reading Research Quarterly!(!'$1#0
&"!"&%?"#!"'#'!($$'$"!"'#'!(&'#&$!'F$' "'#%3" "'#G"#
&!"'#% &(#& !"#3 !",!"'#'!($'%"!"& '!&(
$' "'#%3" "'##%#"#,"#3"'1 $' "'#%3%'$#!/'0 ('$
&'$!"3& !'('/!&( #,!($!"&"$!"'##"#!"!" '
S%'/"%"!S$$"% "#"%',"&!&("#,4( !'# '# !#"#,'!(
"$"#! !'"%',#'!("$%"&!"'# '"%',"&$,','&% ''
'&"%"#!""&!"'#$'& <!"&%#'4)$%" ("#!($ !","' American
Educational Research Journal=4
(Towards Dialogue$'M&!&("3!((",( !!"#,'F'! !#"#,G'%%'/"#,$
=Inside Israeli Pedagogy4 $!'!(" !< '3=%"O,%!'%%0#
3%'$ " '"#3 !",!"'# "#!'!(/ !(!$'%"&"$!"3 !'!&("%',"&%%
"# %"&% '' #&!!&( #$$"% #!(""$%"&!"'# '!(
%"O!"'#'$$"%3'"&4"%"#,'#0(!"#%'!#; /"#!"'
&'#"!"'# '?&" "#,3'"&<='$$'!#"!!' $0<=?$ "#,'#A '/#" <&=
'#'#A '/#! #<="#,('!( 4$$%"#,!(" /'0/"#"#
%"&% '' " &' '/(3&%%S?#!3'"&% $!"&"$!"'#S
$$"% &!"3%# '!" 3#?#!%$!"&"$!"#!(" & "'#!!!(%3%
'3'"&!(%&'#!"!!("'/#" /("&(3#'%!0#$#
$'#!''!( <!"&%#'4)5=43!(% 3'"&' ,'#!(,"# '
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!!$! !'%"&"! !#!3'"& &#!0!(''$%"&&'# "'#<!"&%#'4+=4
&=Meaningful learning through academically productive dialogue: a multi-level, large-scale,
design-based implementation study </"!((" ! !(##1>" 2'!(
;!O#!( %"&"#&'#!"'#=4(" !/"%%"#3 !",!!(
&"$'&%%!"'# ("$!/#"%',"#!(&% ''#&',#"!"3 0"%% '!"3!"'##
&("3#!7!( '&"%&',#"!"3#'!"3!"'#%&!' !(! ($$'&!"3&% ''
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!&! #"#'%$'& '%#"#,'#!(M'4>(3M !&'$%!!("#"!"%
!!1$'!(" "31"%?$"#!4
Adam Lefstein $,D
3. Teacher collaborative discourse and learning. #"!"%/'0'#!&(&'%%'!"3
" &' / &'#&! $!'!('/ "%',$'M&!"#/("&(&'%%,
#%&!'#!("#& !/#('/ &( #!&( !%0'!&% ''
$&!"&<!"&%#'48''0&($!#'4.=4&'#!"#!(" %"#'"#C""## %&"#&
'#!"'#1# !,'!"!"#,$' "'#%3" "'# "#$' !1% '#&0
&'#3 !"'# /("&(!(# !#"#,'!('%'#!"3 "#$1 3"&!&(
&!"'#<!"&%#'4).=#'!(/ "#/("&(!&( &'$/"!("&('!''
&!"'#%" &' '!$$"%'!"3!"'##" &"$%"#<!"&%#'4=4(" /'0(
&%"#!"#%,1 &% ",#1 "$%#!!"'# &( !""#,!'&%!"3!
# !$,',"&%%$'&!"3!%0"# &(''%1 !&(!!"#, <&'1%/"!(
#1>" #!(K;"3'#!"'#=4( !"#3'%3 &%'
&'%%'!"'#/"!(!&( $"#&"$% &'&( # $3" ' "#!/' &(''%" !"&!
$!'#!"'#%!&(% ("$"#"!"!"34#"!"%$%"&!"'# '#!(" /'0"#&%
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6=?"#!"'#'&1/'0"#!&("#3 !",!"'# '3"'<!"&%#'48=" & "'#'
dilemmas of leadership capacity building in a research-practice
partnership <!"&%#'4.=# !!"&3"/'!('!('#"#"#, "#
&('#!&(&'%%'!"3" &' <!"&%#'4*=4!(!'$"& / !"#,
"#&%&!"3"!" # '#"#,$!!# "#!&(!!"#, !(#,#!'
" ,#! !('%'!(%"#,!&(!(#&!#!'S$' "'#%%#"#,
&'#"!S"# &(''% " &"$%"#"#& !/#!&(! !(&(%%#,
&"#," !"&! 0"#,!'&(#,$&!"&'#/" &%#!(#"& ' &(1
$&!"&$!# ("$ "#&#!%"O !4
-4Developing Linguistic Ethnographic methodologies4"#," !"&!(#',$(" &(''%"#
4@4 '&"% &"#&!(!"#, !',!(!(#',$("&'$## #('%" /"!(%"#," !"&
&'#&$! #!(' 4(3#"#3'%3"#!(3%'$#!#" "#!"'#'
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@"#,A '%%,'#'#4#$!"&%(3&'#!"!!'!(3%'$#!'%" !"'#
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"#&%"#,!#&'#!?!%#% '!(#&!#!'&"&%!"% "#!(#,%" (
!"'#%"!& !!,<!"&%#'4-$%" ("#!(American Educational Research
Journal='!(!M&!''!(&'#&$!'$' "'#%3" "'#"#&!"'# &(<!"&%
#'48=#'!(" :$'/#!'!&(3'"&"##"#!#!"'#%!&(/'0 ('$
<!"&%#'4)=7,##% '" &' ,#"?"#,"#%"!&% '#<!"&%#'4.=
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(3#"#3"!!'&'#&! &(!"#"#,/'0 ('$ "#%"#," !"&!(#',$("&
Adam Lefstein $,D
&'#&$! #!(' "#!(O&($%"&#,%#"#%#2#&'!%#'!(
"&# %4