Traditionally Wood apple (Limonia acidissima) and Apple cider vinegar was found to be used to treat and prevent kidney stones. The present study is dedicated towards proving the same and providing scientific proof to these traditional ideas. Minerals like calcium, oxala tes, phosphates, uric acid etc. form insoluble aggregates through formation of monohydrates and di -hydrates. This process is initiated by nucleation and then aggregation of insoluble masses. Phytoconstituents like flavonoids, terpenoids, ascorbic acid, acetic acid, potassium, magnesium etc. contain inhibitory properties and hence are urolithiatic in nature. In vitro tests for nucleation and aggregation has been conducted for Wood apple, Apple cider vinegar and their (1:1) synergistic sample and absorbance at 620 nm was recorded to obtain a turbidity slope. The tests were conducted in presence of sodium acetate/ NaCl buffer of pH 5.7 to mimic the biological conditions. 1:10 dilution of commercially obtained Apple cider vinegar sample showed better % inhibition of nucleation and aggregation when compared to the inhibition shown by standard drug cystone. 10 mg/ mL methanolic extract of dried pulp of wood apple showed higher % inhibition when compared to cystone and Apple cider vinegar. Synergistic sample containing both wood apple and apple cider vinegar in equal proportion showed the highest % inhibition for nucleation and aggregation of calcium oxalate crystals. This proved the synergistic activity of wood apple and apple cider vinegar for urolithiasis. Further studies are being conducted check for aggregation and degradation activities of the mentioned test extracts.