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Interactive Learning Environments User behavior pattern detection in unstructured processes -a learning management system case study User behavior pattern detection in unstructured processes -a learning management system case study


Abstract and Figures

Process mining methodologies are designed to uncover underlying business processes, deviations from them, and in general, usage patterns. One of the key limitations of these methodologies is that they struggle in cases in which there is no structured process, or when a process can be performed in many ways. Learning Management Systems are a classic case of unstructured processes since each learner follows a different learning process. In this paper, we address this limitation by proposing and validating the user behavior pattern detection (UBPD) methodology which is based on detecting very short user activities and clustering them based on shared variance to construct a more meaningful behavior. We develop and validate this methodology by using two datasets of unstructured processes from different implementations of a learning management system. The first dataset uses a gamified course where users have the freedom to choose how to use the system, and the second dataset uses data from a massive online open course, where again, system usage is based on personal learning preferences. The key contribution of the methodology is its ability to discover user-specific usage patterns and cluster users based on them, even in noisy systems with no clear process. It provides great value to course designers and teachers trying to understand how learner interact with their system and sets the foundation for additional research in this class of systems. ARTICLE HISTORY
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Interactive Learning Environments
ISSN: 1049-4820 (Print) 1744-5191 (Online) Journal homepage:
User behavior pattern detection in unstructured
processes– a learning management system case
David Codish, Eyal Rabin & Gilad Ravid
To cite this article: David Codish, Eyal Rabin & Gilad Ravid (2019): User behavior pattern
detection in unstructured processes– a learning management system case study, Interactive
Learning Environments, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2019.1610456
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Published online: 01 May 2019.
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User behavior pattern detection in unstructured processes a
learning management system case study
David Codish
, Eyal Rabin
and Gilad Ravid
Industrial Engineering and Management, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel;
Management, Science and
Technology, Open University of the Netherlands, Valkenburgerweg, Netherlands
Process mining methodologies are designed to uncover underlying
business processes, deviations from them, and in general, usage
patterns. One of the key limitations of these methodologies is that they
struggle in cases in which there is no structured process, or when a
process can be performed in many ways. Learning Management
Systems are a classic case of unstructured processes since each learner
follows a dierent learning process. In this paper, we address this
limitation by proposing and validating the user behavior pattern
detection (UBPD) methodology which is based on detecting very short
user activities and clustering them based on shared variance to
construct a more meaningful behavior. We develop and validate this
methodology by using two datasets of unstructured processes from
dierent implementations of a learning management system. The rst
dataset uses a gamied course where users have the freedom to choose
how to use the system, and the second dataset uses data from a
massive online open course, where again, system usage is based on
personal learning preferences. The key contribution of the methodology
is its ability to discover user-specic usage patterns and cluster users
based on them, even in noisy systems with no clear process. It provides
great value to course designers and teachers trying to understand how
learner interact with their system and sets the foundation for additional
research in this class of systems.
Received 31 October 2018
Accepted 1 April 2019
Learning analytics; learning
management systems;
process mining; spaghetti
processes; pattern detection;
Process mining is a method used to discover underlying business processes, or deviations from such
processes, through the analysis of system log les, which represent the actual behavior of users
within a system (Van den Beemt, Buijs, & Van der Aalst, 2018; van der Aalst et al., 2012; van der
Aalst & Weijters, 2004). While process mining has been successful in discovering well-structured pro-
cesses, it has been less successful in non-structured processes, resulting in spaghetti-like process
maps which are hard to interpret and use (Chinces & Salomie, 2015; Li, Bose, & van der Aalst,
2010). Well-structured processes are processes that are followed by all users, while less structured
processes allow users to perform them in dierent ways. These deviations from the process may,
or may not, be acceptable from a designers point of view.
Structured processes are common and desired in business environments where employees are
expected to follow a certain ow of actions to achieve an objective such as the completion of a pur-
chase order, reporting their monthly working hours, or lling a reimbursement form. Despite each of
the examples above having deviations in their processes such as in the case of a purchase order that
© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
CONTACT David Codish
does not match company guidelines or a reimbursement request for a large sum, they can still be
considered structured, as even these deviations from the processes are well-dened and structured.
Unstructured processes, on the other hand, have no single process to follow, and users can follow
any course of action at any point in time. Two such cases are the focus of this article. First, cases where
there is no clear process at all, such as in learning management systems (LMS), news consumption
sites or a social networking application where there is no point in searching for an overall process
since it does not exist. Second, processes which may have existed, but due to a change in the
system, such as adding gamication, the process is no longer structured. Gamication is the use of
game design elements in a non-gaming environment (Deterding, Dixon, Khaled, & Nacke, 2011)
with the intent of increasing user engagement (Kankanhalli, Taher, Cavusoglu, & Kim, 2012;
Werbach, 2014), hedonic motivation (Lowry, Gaskin, Twyman, Hammer, & Roberts, 2013; Van der
Heijden, 2004), or achieving other business goals (Hamari & Koivisto, 2015). The gamication of infor-
mation systems involves adding dierent game elements to existing systems which, as a result,
changes the way users interact with them. For example, granting points or badges for specic
actions is expected to incentivize these actions, and including user proles in an application is
expected to increase social interaction. Gamication typically involves adding several game elements
to a system, and given the voluntary nature of gamication, this means that dierent users would
interact with them dierently. As a result, even streamlined processes become less structured,
making process mining less benecial. Gamication of information systems is becoming common
within organizations and thus, should receive special interest from system developers and
Although most process mining methods are not suitable for less-structured processes such as in
the case of gamied systems, some methods can still address these limitations. For example,
sequence mining (Srikant & Agrawal, 1996), episode mining (Mannila, Toivonen, & Verkamo, 1997),
and the apriori and generalized sequential pattern (GSP) methods (Agrawal & Srikant, 1994;
Srikant & Agrawal, 1996) are designed to detect recurring patterns, or sub-processes, within an
overall noisy process. The sequence hierarchy discovery algorithm (Greco, Guzzo, & Pontieri, 2005)
attempts to detect sub-processes and reconstruct them into the full process, assuming it exists.
However, these algorithms assume that a process exists and that all users follow it similarly, which
is not always true. Our research question is thus: Within a non-structured process or system, can
we automatically identify recurring user-level behavior patterns and perform user clustering based
on these patterns?
In this paper, we develop and validate the user behavior pattern detection (UBPD) algorithm
employing system logs to automatically detects user behavior patterns and cluster users based on
these patterns. We dene user behavior patterns as usage patterns that certain users perform
more, or less than, others. Both case studies used in this paper are based on educational settings,
thus from an educational point of view, behavior patterns can easily be interpreted as learner behav-
ior patterns. Our key contributions in this paper are the development of an automated end-to-end
process to detect structured behavior patterns within an otherwise non-structured environment.
An additional benet is the algorithms ability to detect these sub-processes at the user level,
while most existing methods search for sub-processes at the system level. For instance, if half of
the users perform task A and then task B and half perform task B and then task A, a methodology
seeking for patterns at the system level, would not detect this as a pattern, while UBPD would.
The discovered user behavior patterns can be used for additional user clustering or a deeper under-
standing by system designers as to how their system is being used. Its main applicability is in cases in
which there is no structured process, or no process at all, such as LMSs where learners typically log in
to perform a specic task and then log out and news websites where users consume news in no par-
ticular order. With the advent of digital footprints analysis (Golder & Macy, 2014; Lambiotte & Kosinski,
2014;Williams & Pennington, 2018), where digital records of a person from many sources are com-
bined to create a user prole, such an approach can be useful since data would be unstructured by
nature and dicult to analyze.
The algorithm presented is based on a few stages. The rst is a data preparation stage in which
data are collected from various log les and organized. A sequence mining approach is used to
detect the most frequent sequences of actions and organizes them at the user level. The clustering
of these sequences per user is done through exploratory factor analysis (EFA), which results in factors
representing user behavior patterns. Last, causal nets are used to construct a representation of these
factors graphically. Two data sets from dierent LMSs were used to test the algorithm. The rst
dataset comes from a traditional, but gamied, academic course, meaning it had no structured pro-
cesses. A second case study was based on data from a standard massive open online course (MOOC).
The emerging patterns from both cases studies, indicating how dierent users approached these
courses, is presented. Lewis Carroll writes in Alice in wonderworld: If you do not know where you
are going, any road will get you there, therefore we were required to answer the question, how
do we know if the results are accurate or random. To validate the results, we generated random
user behavior patterns and inserted simulated data representing them into the dataset of the rst
cases study. The algorithm was executed again conrming that previous patterns as well as the
simulated patterns emerged.
This paper is structured as follows. First, a background on pattern discovery and process mining is
provided. A brief background on gamication and the way it can un-structure processes is given, and
the limitations of existing process mining methods are outlined. Next, the UBPD methodology is pro-
posed, and relevant considerations are discussed. Two real-life case studies and simulation data are
used to demonstrate how the methodology works and how results are achieved. Finally, a discussion
of the results, applicability, and limitations of the methodology, as well as future research directions
are provided.
Pattern discovery
Understanding user behavior in online systems helps site developers and designers understand how
their system is being used, what works well, and what needs to be improved (Srivastava, Cooley,
Deshpande, & Tan, 2000). System log les can partially answer these questions as they provide stat-
istics such as the most accessed page, the frequency of visits per user, and the duration of time on a
page. Error log les complement this data by providing information such as broken links, unauthor-
ized access attempts, general errors on the website, and more, depending on the richness of these
Understanding the bigger picture hidden within the log les requires going beyond basic stat-
istics. In systems where users are expected to follow a specic process (i.e. completing an online
order or purchase request), analysts might want to know if users are indeed following this process,
are there deviations from the process and which users are deviating from it. In systems where
there is no process to follow (i.e. news web sites or knowledge management systems), analysts
might be interested in questions such as what, if any, sub-processes exist, are all users behaving in
the same unstructured manner or are there dierent classes of users that emerge. As information
systems are often a mixture of structured and unstructured processes, in most cases, all the above
questions are relevant.
Several advanced methods exist to address these more complex questions. Clustering methods
(Ferreira, Zacarias, Malheiros, & Ferreira, 2007; Luengo & Sepúlveda, 2012) are used to group user
actions with similar characteristics, classication methods (Pennacchiotti & Popescu, 2011) are
used to classify user actions into a given set of classes, and association rules methods (Agrawal &
Srikant, 1994; Lau, Ho, Chu, Ho, & Lee, 2009) are used to detect user actions that frequently appear
together. Beyond user behaviors, it is sometimes interesting to detect hidden processes or parts of
processes. Methods such as process mining (van der Aalst, 2011b; van der Aalst et al., 2012; van
der Aalst & Günth, 2007) and sequence analysis (Van Helden, 2003) are used in such cases. Most
of these methods use system log les as input and assume a sequential set of activities are recorded
in them, indicating there is a process that led to the execution of these sequences of actions, hence,
the discovered process.
Sequence mining (Srikant & Agrawal, 1996) and episode mining (Mannila et al., 1997) examine
sequences of events and search for recurring usage patterns based on the most frequent sequences
of events. They do not necessarily require that an end-to-end process exists, and rather focus on
subsets of processes. The Apriori and generalized sequential pattern (GSP) methods (Agrawal &
Srikant, 1994; Srikant & Agrawal, 1996) are commonly used for this task by scanning the entire set
of sequences and searching for sequences that meet a minimum frequency threshold but may be
time consuming when datasets are large (Han et al., 2001). Episode mining (Leemans & van der
Aalst, 2014; Mannila et al., 1997) uses the notion of a sliding window based on time or number of
events and searches for frequent items within this window. Sequence hierarchy discovery is an algor-
ithm that looks at hierarchies of sub-processes (Greco et al., 2005) and tries to combine them into a
full process, assuming it exists. Some of the more recent algorithms use stochastic modeling and a
Markov chains approach (Balakrishnan & Coetzee, 2013; Faucon, Kidzinski, & Dillenbourg, 2016;
Geigle & Zhai, 2017) to address the fact that not all users interact with the system in the same
way and describe how users navigate within the system.
Web server log les are good candidates for sequence mining (Mobasher, Cooley, & Srivastava,
2000; Patel & Parmar, 2014; Sisodia & Verma, 2012; Spiliopoulou, 2000; Srivastava et al., 2000)
because pages are accessed sequentially, and there are several links a user can select at any given
moment. Studies have shown that sequence mining provides good results and is already in use in
generating personalized websites (Ferreira et al., 2007). Sequence mining is also commonly used
in genome studies to examine DNA sequences (Kaneko et al., 1996).
The aforementioned methods work well for systems with an underlying business process such as
in the case of purchasing (Ingvaldsen & Gulla, 2008), audit processes (Jans, van der Werf, Lybaert, &
Vanhoof, 2011), supply chain management (Lau, Ho, Zhao, & Chung, 2009; Trkman, McCormack, De
Oliveira, & Ladeira, 2010), and other business processes that have clear start and end points. However,
not all systems have an underlying business process. News websites allow users to consume news
dierently, in Learning Management Systems (LMS) the processes may be extremely short, such as
accessing a system to download a presentation, view a video, or submit an assignment, in MOOCs
participants can interact with the learning materials in any order and time that they choose, and
in social network sites, users can browse content and jump from topic to topic in what may seem
like a chaotic behavior.
While process mining methods have shown great success in discovering structured processes, they
are less successful with non-structured processes where processes do not have a clearpath and any step
can follow any step (Rebuge & Ferreira, 2012; van der Aalst, 2011b). Structured processes are processes in
which all activities are repeatable and have a well-dened input and output, while unstructured pro-
cesses are processes where activities have no pre- or post-activity and are determined based on experi-
ence, intuition, trail-and-error, and rules-of-thumb (van der Aalst, 2011a). Discovering specicusage
patterns in non-streamlined and non-structured processes is a promising research direction (Celino &
DellAglio, 2015). Even in cases in which there is a signicant underlying process, it may have so
many deviations, that the ratio between the deviations and main process is too large, and the existing
algorithms would struggle to fully understand what the intended process is and what are the deviations.
In such cases, sequence mining methods are typically used to identify sub-processes that may or may
not add up to a full process. When there is no clear process, the focus is switched from examining how a
system is being used, to how dierent users are using it, also referred to as user behavior patterns. User
behavior patterns are sequences of actions that are performed by a user sequentially (Tseng & Lin, 2006)
or almost sequentially. There is no denition to the amount of actions that constitute a pattern, and in
some cases, even two activities qualify as a pattern (Kang, Liu, & Qu, 2017).
For the detection of user behavior patterns to be useful, the process of detecting and analyzing
behavior patterns must be fully automated, which is missing in current research. In some studies
(Davis, Chen, Hau, & Houben, 2016; Hou, 2015; Huang, Chen, & Lin, 2019) the analysis process is
indeed automated using sequence and clustering methods, but the data collected and the pattern
detection processes are based on manual observations and interpretations, or on a set of predened
expected behaviors. The limitations of these methods are both in the manual classication step and
in their need for a predened set of behavior classes. Another issue with many of the existing pro-
cesses is that they work at the system level and not at the user level. They seek to understand the
overall process or sub-processes performed by users, ignoring the inherent dierences between
users. The above leads to the following research question: Within a non-structured process or
system, is it possible to automatically identify recurring user-level behavior patterns, and perform
user clustering based on these patterns?
The case of gamication when a process becomes unstructured
Gamied systems are good examples of loosely-structured processes. Gamication is the use of game
design elements in a non-gaming environment (Deterding et al., 2011) with the intent of increasing
user engagement (Kankanhalli et al., 2012; Werbach, 2014), hedonic motivation (Lowry et al., 2013;
Van der Heijden, 2004), or achieving other business goals (Hamari & Koivisto, 2015). In recent
years, gamication is commonly included into LMS (Buckley & Doyle, 2016) as a means to increase
motivation. The inclusion of game elements, into a utilitarian environment, such as LMS, is likely to
change the way users interact with the system due to the additional options and aordances pro-
vided, reducing the structure of existing business processes. Due to the unstructured nature of
gamied systems, using process or sequence mining to discover an underlying process would be
challenging and can become even more challenging if the system was initially unstructured.
The most common approach to studying the eects of game elements on users is to examine the
isolated eects of specic game elements and assess their contribution to the overall objectives of
the gamication implementation. The most common game elements studies are points (Mekler,
Brühlmann, Opwis, & Tuch, 2013), badges (Anderson, Huttenlocher, Kleinberg, & Leskovec, 2013;
Antin & Churchill, 2011; Hakulinen, Auvinen, & Korhonen, 2013), leaderboards (Butler, 2013; Costa,
Wehbe, Robb, & Nacke, 2013; Landers & Landers, 2015; Mekler et al., 2013), and levels. The majority
of studies focus on eects of a single game element on gamication success (Hamari & Koivisto, 2013;
Li, Grossman, & Fitzmaurice, 2012), providing insights at the game element level. In reality, gamied
systems do not include just a single game element, and the ability to understand user behavior pat-
terns provides the ability to study the interaction between game elements and their inuence on
gamication success, which is a line of research only a few scholars pursue (Codish & Ravid, 2014a,
The goal in gamication is to trigger user behaviors that support business objectives. Designers
may intentionally try to trigger a specic behavior through gamication (e.g. create a cooperative
environment or a sharing culture), however, they might also add game elements without fully under-
standing of how users would relate to them. In any case, even with proper design, it is hard to predict
precisely how users would interact with game elements. Due to the unexpected behaviors that may
arise (Callan, Bauer, & Landers, 2015; Werbach, 2014), measuring the outcomes of gamication is an
important activity that should be performed throughout the implementation phase.
One option for measuring success of gamied systems is to measure the desired business objec-
tives before and after gamication implementation. While such an approach has its benets, it lacks
the ability to provide insight into how individual users are inuenced. This latter point is important
since not all users would be inuenced in the same way, and while some users may be extremely
engaged, others may be negatively aected. Understanding how users interact with a system, be
it an expected behavior or not, requires systematic detection of these user behavior patterns,
which, as mentioned, is not trivial. To date, few authors (Ašeriškis & Damaševičius, 2014; Codish &
Ravid, 2015; Sisodia & Verma, 2012) have proposed going beyond the analysis of trivial user behavior
patterns in gamied environments and seek emerging patterns through log analysis. However, these
studies do not provide an automated method to perform these tasks and focus on the theoretical
conceptual steps that should be taken.
Systems and gamication implementations dier from each other, thus, any methodology for
detecting user behavior patterns must be completely automated and system independent. We
propose the User Behavior Pattern Detection (UBPD) methodology, which is based on sequence
analysis methods, as an automated process for detecting dierences in behavior patterns between
users. We consider a user behavior pattern as a pattern that is common to several users but not to
all users, which is the essential dierence between a user behavior pattern and a system level
usage pattern. To demonstrate and validate the methodology, we use a learning management
system, which has no streamlined processes, and include gamication to make it even less structured.
Extracting user behavior patterns from a system requires examining sets of common usage patterns and
looking for user-specic repeating patterns. Unlike methods such as episode mining (Mannila et al.,
1997) and sequence analysis (Van Helden, 2003),wheretheobjectiveistond frequently recurring pat-
terns, in this case the objective is to nd patterns that are frequent for only some of the users. Having
such patterns is an essential phase in the ability to cluster users based on their behavior patterns.
Using process mining terminology (van der Aalst et al., 2012), the following terms are dened as
summarized in Table 1.Anevent is an archetype action that can be recorded by the system. Events are
determined by the systems capability to generate them. Examples of an event are opening a le,
visiting a page, or viewing a video. An activity is a single event performed by a user and recorded
by the system. If a user performs an event many times, each occurrence of performing the event
will be recorded as an activity. Not all events need to be analyzed, such as system-generated
events, time-based events, or error messages. These can be considered irrelevant to user behavior
analysis, and at a certain point during the cleanup phase, they should be removed. However, it is
important to note that in some cases, these supposedly non-relevant events may trigger events
by the user and should perhaps not be ignored.
Systems often record many types of events that practically represent the same action. For
example, suppose there are dierent events called opening link A, opening link B, and opening
link C. If these events represent opening a link with no need to distinguish between them, we
should represent the three events as a single action called open link. This means that an action
is a superset of events that, for analysis purposes, represent similar events.
Asession includes all activities performed by the user between the timeframe of logging into the
system and logging out of the system. Thus, there is a need to identify these sessions. In cases where
a user logs in and logs out, this is straightforward, but in many cases, such as when systems remem-
ber user authentication, the login is automated and is not recorded as an event. Logging out of a
system depends on usershabits and awareness of privacy issues. In some cases, users close the
system without logging out, and in cases in which a personal device is used, a logout may never
happen. To overcome this limitation, it is common to use a threshold of 30 minutes of inactivity to
indicate the start of a new session (Clark, Ting, Kimble, Wright, & Kudenko, 2006).
Table 1. Behavior patterns methodology terminology.
Term Denition
Event An archetype action that can be recorded by the system
Activity A single event performed by a user and recorded by the system
Action A superset of events, that for analysis purposes represent similar events
Motif Recurring sequences of actions that appear in a network more frequently than expected in a random network
Session All activities performed by the user between the timeframe of logging into the system and logging out of the system. If a
user is not active for more than 30 minutes, a log out activity is automatically dened
Searching for user behavior patterns requires the identication of cases in which a specic
sequence of actions re-occurs more frequently for some users than it does for others. Most
process mining methods do not focus on user behavior dierences, and thus seek frequently per-
formed sequences of actions regardless of who performed them. The focus on user-specic behavior
patterns is the key dierence between UBPD and existing process and sequence mining methods.
Searching for frequent sub-sequences of actions within a given sequence is the focus of several
algorithms, such as the Apriori (Agrawal & Srikant, 1994), the GSP algorithm (Srikant & Agrawal,
1996) that expands the Apriori algorithm, and episodes nding (Mannila et al., 1997), in which epi-
sodes are dened as a collections of events that occur relatively close to each other in a given
partial order(Mannila et al., 1997, p. 259). These algorithms are good at nding overall frequent
sequences of actions. They do not, however, directly address our need for detecting user-specic
behavior patterns.
Borrowing a term from genetics research, where sequence mining is commonly used, a motif is
dened as a recurring pattern that appears in a network more frequently than expected in a
random network(Alon, 2007; Milo et al., 2002). Motif research originally focuses on detecting
how proteins regulate genes, but it is used in dierent domains as well, gaming among them,
where they are used to understand how specic actions regulate behavior (Ghoneim, Abbass, &
Barlow, 2008). In terms of behavior patterns, motifs are the recurring sequences that appear in
user sessions. Figure 1 shows how all the terms dened above relate to each other.
Algorithms dealing with nding frequent subsets of actions, i.e. motifs, dier in how they achieve
this. In our case, we seek to nd user specic usage patterns we can relate to a user behavior. The
most predominant question that needs to be addressed is what qualies as a frequent motif. Algor-
ithms address this by dening threshold values determining that any value above the threshold is
frequent, but how this threshold is calculated has not yet been determined.
User behavior pattern detection process
The following section outlines the UBPD methodology. A graphical overview of the methodology is
presented in Figure 2. The methodology is broken into four main parts: Extract transform and load
(ETL), sequence mining, clustering, and interpretation phases.
As with all process mining methodologies, the rst stage of the methodology is an extract, trans-
form, and load (ETL) process where the data to be analyzed are collected from the various data
sources and combined, cleaned, and organized in a format to which an algorithm can be applied.
Figure 1. Visual representation and links between methodology terms.
The ETL stage is unique for each system because data is stored and organized dierently in each
system, but the results need to be in a single dataset that includes, at a minimum, the user id, activity,
and time of event. Activities may or may not include additional information allowing for further data
analysis, but our methodology does not require it. Each activity represents an event that a user per-
formed, however, not all logged events need to be analyzed as they might represent time-based
events, error messages, or administrative tasks, that are not relevant to the understanding of user
behavior. As part of the ETL conguration, designers should consider which event to include in
the analysis dataset. It should be noted that in cases where a user behavior may be triggered by
an event, it should not be deleted.
Designers should determine which events should be clustered together using the same action,
and the ETL phase should then rename the activities dataset to include at a minimum, the user id,
action, and time of action. For data processing eciency reasons, it is useful to enumerate each
action with a unique identier to allow for faster data analysis and simplied results presentation.
If there is no need to cluster events into actions, this step is not necessary, but in many cases,
dierent events do have similar meanings.
In the second phase, the actions dataset is broken into user sessions. Each user session is prexed
with a login action and postxed with a logout action, if they did not already exist. The output of this
stage is a list of sessions that include a user identication and a time-ordered sequence of user
actions within each session (Figure 3[a]). Consecutive identical actions are ignored in this process
since we seek to understand the transition behavior between actions. If a user spends a long time
doing something, we consider this to be a single action. For instance, if a user is reading content
Figure 2. An overview of the UBPD methodology.
on a web page, and continues to read content, this is considered a single activity that does not tran-
sition from reading content to reading content.
A sliding window of size W is used to dene sequences of actions with a length of W. The size of W
can vary from as low as two actions and up to the size of the longest session. Smaller window sizes
(e.g. shorter sequences) have an advantage because they can detect short behavior patterns that are
masked when looking at wider window sizes. Due to the long tail eect, smaller window sizes also
guarantee that the motifs selected are those who are more frequent. Wider window sizes are
more likely to represent the true meaning of a sequence of actions, but they also reduce the
number of sequences that are extracted from each session, up to the point where the window
size is longer than the session length and nothing is extracted. Balancing between shorter window
sizes and more meaningful sequences, it is recommended to set the upper limit of the window
size to the rst quartile of the session length, which means that up to 25% of the sessions are
ignored. Allowing larger window sizes would result in loss of information to analyze which can
harm the analysis. Analyzing the ratio between the number of unique motifs and total number of
motifs, against the window size, would allow to determine the optimal window size which beyond
it, increasing the window size would have a minor eect on the ratio. The output of this stage is a
list of motifs of length W performed by each user. Figure 3(b) shows the output of this stage for a
window size of three using the example in Figure 3(a).
A single motif represents a very short sequence of actions. In systems where users can easily navi-
gate between dierent actions, we would like to understand which sequence of actions (i.e. motifs)
lead to which sequence of actions most frequently. A set of motifs which are frequently performed
together by some users more than others, represent a user behavior pattern. Detecting these groups
of user behavior patterns is done through clustering groups of similar behaviors using an exploratory
factor analysis (EFA) with the most frequent motifs as input. Each of the most frequent motifs is
assigned to a dummy variables and a count of the number of occurrences of that motif for each
user is done. The matrix of users and the number of occurrences for each motif (i.e. the dummy vari-
able) by user is used as the input to the EFA. The output of the EFA is a set of constructs that represent
user behavior patterns as they cluster motifs which load high on some users and low on others. The
selection of EFA as the clustering method was done after using dierent clustering methods such as
hierarchical clustering (Murtagh & Contreras, 2017), dendrograms, and K-means. All algorithms pro-
duced similar results but the EFA was the most ecient in terms of performance and the number of
conguration parameters.
Figure 3. Schematic output of the session identication stage: (a) session data and (b) motifs for a given user.
The exact number of the frequent motifs to include in the EFA is not straightforward, as research-
ers are not in agreement about the required ratio between variables and subjects. Ratios of 1:3
(Cattell, 2012), 1:5 (Bryant & Yarnold, 1995; Gorsuch, 1997), 1:10 (Everitt, 1975) and higher have
been recommended as rules of thumb. Other scholars have noted that this ratio depends on the
data characteristics and number of subjects, meaning that it is up to the researchers running the
analysis to decide the correct ratio based on communalities, sample size, and the number of
factors (MacCallum, Widaman, Zhang, & Hong, 1999). In cases where there is a clear-cut between fre-
quent and non-frequent motifs, only the frequent ones should be used, however, in cases where fre-
quency distinctions are not easy to make, system designers need to make a reasonable decision
about the ratio by optimizing the number of frequent sequences included in the analysis, the
number of factors generated by them, and the explained variance gained by adding more sequences
to the analysis.
The details of running a factor analysis are beyond the scope of this paper for a detailed analysis
see Cattell (2012); however, the result of this process is a set of constructs that includes motifs that
users perform together. The exact number of constructs to expect depends upon the complexity of
the system analyzed. The standard cut-ocriteria of eigenvalues smaller than one can be used, unless
it is possible to clearly dene the number of expected behavior patterns. Since each construct
includes a set of motifs (e.g. sequences of activities), the best visual representation of a construct
is a causal net. Causal nets are directed networks showing the ow of activities from node to node
Figure 4 shows how drawing the relations between all motifs in a construct provides a view to the
user behavior pattern.
Factor analysis provides a score for each subject on each construct. A high score on a specic con-
struct means that the behavior represented by the construct is more salient for that user. The com-
bination of scores given to each user on each construct represent the usersoverall behavior
classication. For instance, if a system has two constructs being interpreted as competitiveness
and curiosity, and we can dene a high-medium-low scale for each construct, nine dierent
classes of users can be drawn from these two constructs.
The last phase in the process is interpreting the meaning of the construct. Factor analysis eec-
tively detects when there are commonalities between the behaviors in a construct but cannot inter-
pret their meaning, which is something that system designers and analysts should determine. System
designers should also be the ones to determine the course of action to take as a result of these
The methodology presented so far is based on a myriad of existing methods in process and
sequence mining that are combined to interpret usage logs and detect specic recurring user behav-
ior patterns. Executing this methodology requires the extraction of sequences of activities, which is
typically a system-specic manual process, and a standard statistical software package to perform the
factor analysis. While these methods are all grounded in theory, combining them to identify user
Figure 4. A sample representation of motifs of size three belonging to the same construct.
behavior patterns is a novel approach. In the next section, we demonstrate the use of this method-
ology using two dierent real-life examples.
Case studies and simulation
Both case studies presented in this paper are based on the Moodle LMS but represent dierent learn-
ing scenarios. The rst case study is based on a standard academic course where various gamication
elements were added causing the usage of the LMS to be more chaotic. The second case study is
based on a MOOC with users mostly viewing videos and submitting assignments. The behaviors
expected in both case studies are dierent. In the MOOC case study, we expect to discover users
with dierent learning strategies, while in the gamied course we expect to nd behaviors that
are impacted by the gamication. Existing research already uses behavior patterns to
Figure 5 provides a visual representation, using a Petri-net structure, of the two case studies
showing their actual data, along with a standard academic course with no modications. This rep-
resentation highlights the dierences between courses and the inability of producing meaningful
insights based on such a representation.
LMSs carry a major promise for adaptive learning and enriched learning experiences (Costa,
Alvelos, & Teixeira, 2012); however, in many cases, student interactions with them are centered
around downloading class material, handing in assignments, and reading announcements (Costa
et al., 2012). Such tasks are atomic, or very short processes that are less interesting from a process
mining lens because each task is only two or three steps long (see Figure 5-II).
Case study A gamied academic course
This rst case study is based on an existing learning environment which was gamied by adding
dierent game elements. The data used for the analysis are from four consecutive semesters in
which the course was oered in the same format. Students participating in the course were under-
graduate students in their third year out of four with more than 95% of the students majoring in
industrial engineering and management.
Course setting
The main objective of the gamied course was to increase student engagement with course materials
by encouraging more frequent and meaningful interactions. The main functionalities of the standard
LMS were kept, and game mechanics were added. First, a discussion board was added where
Figure 5. Network representation based on actual data of three types of courses. (I) Gamied course Case study A, (II) Reference
structure Standard academic course, and (III) MOOC Case study B.
students and stacould discuss items relevant to the course material. Discussion boards include
good design principles for the incorporation of games in education (Aviv, Erlich, & Ravid, 2005;Li
et al., 2012; Lieberoth, 2015) providing interaction opportunities between students and sta, allowing
students to create content, build online identities, explore ideas, and take risks (Gee, 2005a,2005b).
For each contribution to the discussion board, students received a default value of 10 credit points,
and for more meaningful contributions, participants received up to 50 points. Meaningless contri-
butions, such as I agree with the comment above, did not grant points. Each post was graded auto-
matically and in real-time using software developed for this purpose. The number of points each
participant had was visible to all students through a leaderboard. Contribution to the discussion
board was partially mandatory, as students were required to reach 600 points over the semester.
However, there were other mechanisms of earning points available to those who did not feel com-
fortable posting their thoughts online. The average number of points achieved by students (n= 303)
was 792, with a standard deviation of 502, and a median of 700. The minimal amount of points was
300, and the maximum was 4418, indicating that some of the participants were extremely engaged
while others were not. Many of the students continued discussions way after having reached the
mandatory 600 points. Students were granted badges for completing certain activities in the discus-
sion boards, such as contributing posts (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100), responding to questions, and parti-
cipating in various activities online.
Additional game mechanics aimed to increase engagement included voluntary weekly
quizzes about the material taught that week. The weekly quiz scores were summed and presented
in a dedicated leaderboard that ranked students. Logic riddles or small game-theory experiments
in which students could voluntarily participate were made available at certain points throughout
the course.
The use of points, badges, and leaderboard game mechanics is often criticized by gamication
scholars, who claim that they are trivial implementations that harm long-term intrinsic motivation
(Barata, Gama, Jorge, & Goncalves, 2013; Hanus & Fox, 2015; Mekler et al., 2013). While this may be
true in some cases, for students whose intrinsic motivation is weak to begin with, these mechanics
have been found to be successful for short-term tasks (Anderson et al., 2013; Butler, 2013; Hakulinen
et al., 2013; Landers & Landers, 2015; Mekler et al., 2013) and were thus used in this study.
Data preparation
The log le used for analysis included 504,040 activities performed by 381 students participating in
the course. The number of unique activities was 127 out of which 57 were deemed as system events
such as emails sent and password reset requests or other redundant activities, leaving 70 activities in
the analysis. These activities were mapped to 29 distinct actions combining, where appropriate,
similar activities into a single action.
A Perl program developed for this purpose takes the base dataset and processes it, separating
the base dataset into sets of sessions. Using the sessions dataset, a separate dataset is created for
dierent window sizes, which will later assist in the selection of the appropriate window size for
the specic case. The window size selection is a key factor that must be determined at the begin-
ning of the analysis. Analyzing the eect of increasing the window size on the average number of
motifs per unique motif is shown in Figure 6. We would like to increase the window size up to the
point where increasing it further, simply creates many unique motifs with very few instances in
each. Based on the knee demonstrated in Figure 6 it is possible to determine that the right
window size is three and that beyond that window size, the number of motifs per user does
not change much.
Table 2 summarizes the impact of the window size on the number of motifs extracted and the
number of unique motifs extracted. As window size grows, fewer motifs are extracted, and more
of them are unique making them harder to analyze. A smaller window size means fewer actions
are included, making the results less robust.
Pattern detection
Next, the motif dataset for a window size of three was processed by an R program developed for this
purpose using the psych package and the embedded factanal procedure. The program summarizes
the dierent motifs per user and performs an EFA based on the most frequent motifs using a varimax
rotation. Since there is no prior assumption as to the number of factors to extract, the eigenvalue
lower or equal to one criterion (Kaiser, 1960) was used. While additional methods exist for making
this decision, such as parallel analysis (Horn, 1965), the method we use examines many dierent com-
binations of motifs and factors, allowing us to determine the optimal number for this problem. Eigen-
value was selected due to it being computationally simple and commonly used in research.
The results of this analysis are Petri nets representing user behavior patterns. Petri nets in this
context, are used as a graphical tool similar to owcharts, block diagrams, and networks (Murata,
1989) and are commonly used to represent processes (De Medeiros & Weijters, 2005). Dening
what counts as most frequent is not straightforward. Ideally, the entire population of motifs would
be included in the analysis, but since there are signicantly more motifs than users, there is a limit
on the ratio between motifs and users. A high ratio of 1:100 would result in fewer factors that do
not explain variability, while a low ratio of 1:3 may result in an unreliable model since EFA is sensitive
to such cases (MacCallum et al., 1999). The model was executed several times with dierent ratios, to
assess the optimal ratio. As more motifs are included in the analysis, it is expected that the number of
factors discovered will increase, and this is indeed what happened. However, more factors do not
necessarily mean a better result, as factors may either be meaningless or repeat themselves with
slight variations if the model is overtted.
The frequency and variability of motif occurrences may also inuence the ratio selection. As shown
in Figure 7, there is a signicant long tail eect, and the top 20 motifs account for nearly 65% of all
motifs. However, the ratio between the frequency of appearance and variability is noisy, meaning
that some of the less-frequent motifs create more variability, indicating that a higher number of
motifs should be used to include more variability in the analysis.
Figure 6. The ratio between the number of motifs and unique motifs Case Study A.
Table 2. Window size calculations for case study A.
Window size # of motifs # of unique motifs # of motifs / # of unique motifs
2 1,19,662 273 438.32
3 68,187 1931 35.31
4 56,534 5203 10.87
5 47,953 7581 6.33
6 41,683 8801 4.74
Determining the right number of motifs to include in the analysis was done by running the analy-
sis several times with dierent numbers of motifs and optimizing between the explained variance of
the model and the number of motifs used. The results of this analysis are summarized in Figure 8. The
x-axis shows the number of motifs introduced into the model. Left y-axis shows the number of factors
discovered by the model, and the right y-axis shows the actual ratio used by the model after remov-
ing motifs that do not signicantly load on any factor. The right y-axis also show the explained var-
iance of the model. Ideally, a parsimonious model is preferred allowing for a minimal number of
motifs and factors, explaining the maximum variance in the data. Taking this into account, a
Figure 7. Variability and frequency of top 20 motifs.
Figure 8. Summary of executing the model several times using dierent ratios case study A.
model using 36 motifs representing a 1:16 ratio was selected, explaining 75% of the variance, gen-
erating ve distinct usage behavior patterns.
The model using 36 motifs was nally executed resulting in ve factors. Patterns are presented as
Petri nets, making them easier to understand visually. While EFA provides the understanding that a
certain behavior is salient, the reason for the pattern being salient is a matter of interpretation.
Table 3 shows the emerging patterns and a subjective interpretation based on our understanding
of the environment in case study A.
While the results of case study A are plausible, we wanted to test the validity of the results by sup-
plementing the actual data with simulated data of patterns that do not exist in the original dataset. If
the methodology can detect these new patterns, our condence in the correctness of the results is
higher. In addition, if the results, can reproduce the same patterns as the data prior to simulation, our
condence in the validity of results is higher.
The data generated through the simulation process included the two patterns shown in Figure 9.
The procedure for generating the data for pattern A was such that for each user, a random number
of motifs representing actions that appear in the new patterns was generated, using a normal distri-
bution. To include some variability, 30% of the motifs were set to be positive-false, i.e. represent a
sequence of actions that involve the additional actions but do not match the pattern. Pattern B was
simulated such that 40 motifs that match the patterns were randomly generated for every third
user, ensuring signicant variation between users. While adding variability to the patterns is necessary
as the methodology is based on detecting variability, the value of 30% was arbitrarily chosen. As the
Table 3. Usage patterns case study A.
pattern Pattern Possible interpretation
A1 Content contribution. The user logs in and is curious
about his leaderboard position. He contributes and
reads posts checking its inuence on his position
compared to others.
A2 Content reading. The main focus of this behavior is
viewing content. It may include viewing the
leaderboard or checking the status of the usersor
other users status.
A3 Badge collection pattern. Badges were given for
contributing data and were presented on the
users prole page. The key reason for a user to
visit his prole page was to view their badges. In
this behavior, the user logs in and looks existing or
newly received badges, which leads him to explore
additional status items such as the leaderboard,
and to contribute more content.
A4 Knowledge points collection pattern. Two
mechanisms were available for collecting
knowledge points and in this pattern, users
performed both sequentially. Knowledge points
were the second type of points available for
A5 Social networking pattern. Users reading content
that other users posted would be curious about
the userspostings and visit their prole pages to
read about them and view their badges.
variability increases, there would be no pattern to detect while on the other hand, with very low varia-
bility clustering method based on variability would not detect these patterns.
A window size of three was used for both the simulated model and the actual model, allowing
better comparison between them. The simulated data included 80,943 motifs, out of which 2001
were unique motifs. These values are comparable with those found in Table 2 for the non-simulated
data. A descriptive view of the data is shown in Figure 10 showing comparable results to Figure 7.
Next, the model was executed several times using dierent numbers of motifs as input to the EFA
to determine the correct number of motifs to include in the analysis. The selection criteria were as
before: fewer motifs, higher explained variability, and fewer factors. While Figure 11 indicates that
a simple model of 18 motifs can be used, we selected a model with 36 motifs, which provides
close results to that of 18 motifs but richer behavior patterns. As expected, the simulated model suc-
cessfully identied the simulated patterns and behaviors A1, A2, and A4, as shown in Table 3. Increas-
ing the number of motifs above 51 resulted in identifying behaviors A3 and A5 as well.
To summarize case study A, the UBPD algorithm detected ve key behaviors performed by stu-
dents in a gamied academic course using an LMS. The detected behaviors were related to the
gamication of the course and how dierent students interacted with them. Unlike existing algor-
ithms, there was no prior knowledge required about the existence of these behaviors, and their dis-
covery and relating them to students was fully automated. The discovered pattern supports prior
research indicating that dierent people are engaged dierently by gamication (Codish & Ravid,
2014b; Hamari, Koivisto, & Sarsa, 2014).
Figure 9. Simulated patterns.
Figure 10. Frequency and variability of top 20 motifs simulated data.
Including simulated data into the original data makes it possible to examine the validity of the
algorithm. Original patterns were reproducible but required the inclusion of a larger number of
motifs in the model, which is reasonable considering that instead of generating the original ve
behavior patterns, the simulation data were required to generate at least seven patterns. The simu-
lated patterns appeared as they were expected to appear, despite the inclusion of positive-false
motifs to the data indicating the algorithms ability to deal with noise.
Case study B MOOC
In the second case study, data derived from system logs of a mid-sized MOOC on the recent history of
the Middle East delivered in Hebrew were examined. The MOOC was oered by the Open University
of Israel between 4 April 2015, and 7 July 2015. Students considered in this analysis were those who
enrolled in the MOOC to get access to all the course materials and teachers (Kalz et al., 2015) and did
at least one activity in the course. The course was freely available to the public without any prerequi-
sites on knowledge or any other obligation and did not oer an academic recognition for completion
of the course. During the course, participantsactivities were recorded in a log-le.
MOOCs have specic characteristics that make them excellent candidates for learning analytics
(Clow, 2013;Corin, Corrin, de Barba, & Kennedy, 2014; Kizilcec, Piech, & Schneider, 2013). They typi-
cally include many participants, have detailed log les, a good diversity of participants, and a process
which is loosely dened. In most MOOCs, learners are expected to follow a standard process of watch-
ing video lectures in a specic order, answer quizzes and participate in online discussions. The key
benet of a MOOC is that it allows users to follow dierent paths that suit their learning styles, objec-
tives from the course, time constraints, and other factors inuencing their decisions. Therefore, while
a main process does exist, learners will often deviate from it. Figure 5(c) shows a process map for a
standard MOOC where it is clear there is an overall process, but various deviations are apparent.
Data preparation
The data le included data from 367 out of 1942 participants in the course, who agreed to have their
data included in this analysis. Participants age ranged between 18 and 85 years (M= 61, SD = 14.01).
Fifty-six percent were males. For most (63.7%), this MOOC was their rst online learning experience,
Figure 11. Summary of executions using dierent input variables simulated data.
and they indicated themselves as having high Internet skills (M= 6.23, SD = .65, in a scale range from
1Has very low Internet skillsto 7 Has very high Internet skills).
The data le was clean of non-relevant data and included 93,942 log entries with 86 unique activi-
ties. As done in the rst case study, an analysis to determine the best window size was executed. The
results of this analysis appear in Figure 12 and show that as before, beyond a window size of three,
the ratio between motifs and unique motifs becomes very low, which would result in low variability,
making EFA less eective.
Pattern detection
Based on the window size analysis, motifs of window size three have been included in the pattern
detection algorithm, and the model was executed 20 times with a dierent number of motifs each
time to determine the best model. The results of this analysis can be viewed in Figure 13. Forty-
two motifs were included in nal analysis based on the observation that at this number, the explained
variance was almost the highest while keeping a low ratio and fewer factors. Finally, patterns were
extracted through the EFA process, and interpretations of the factors are shown in Table 4. The visu-
alization of patterns through Petri nets are available in Appendix A.
To assess the impact of selecting more motifs into the analysis, the same model was executed with
57 motifs, which as shown in Figure 13, provide a similar level of explained variance while producing
two additional behavior structures. For the analysis to be sound, it is expected that adding more
motifs into the analysis will produce a similar set of behaviors, with richer data, which indeed hap-
pened. All behaviors detected with 42 motifs. The additional motifs detected appear in Table 4 as
behaviors C8 and C9.
Case study B demonstrated the ability to extract the behavior patterns of students participating in
a MOOC. A total of seven behaviors were extracted using a minimal set of motifs, and an additional
two behaviors were extracted when using a larger number of motifs. While some of the behaviors
were expected, such as in the case of B4 in Table 4, others were more surprising, such as in C8
where there are users who focus mostly on the rst video lectures for every week.
Discussion and conclusion
Process mining is typically used to uncover underlying business processes and deviations from them
by discovering actual user behavior and comparing it with the expected behavior (van der Aalst et al.,
Figure 12. The ratio between the number of motifs and unique motifs case study B.
2012; van der Aalst & Weijters, 2004). While successful at discovering well-structured processes, it is
less successful in less structured processes where users have the freedom to execute the process in
dierent ways. The challenge in the latter case is to detect these dierences and understand if there is
a reason for dierent users to behave dierently. Our research question in this paper is: Within a non-
structured process or system, can we automatically identify recurring user-level behavior patterns
and perform user clustering based on these patterns? Specically, as we focused on learning environ-
ments, these user behavior patterns can be viewed as learning processes.
This paper presents the user behavior pattern detection (UBPD) methodology along with two case
studies based on LMS implementations, demonstrating its usage, and thus, answering this research
question. Simulation data were included to present the eectiveness of the methodology in
Figure 13. Summary of executions using dierent input variables case study B.
Table 4. Usage patterns case study B.
Pattern Possible interpretation
B1 Users were motivated to complete all weekly quizzes. The weekly quiz is a self-evaluated activity that enables
learners to evaluate their knowledge base on materials covered in the previous week.
B2 Sporadic rst-week behavior. Users expressing this behavior viewed the rst videos of the course one at a time
and not sequentially.
B3 Users who mostly viewed the rst videos of weeks 24 non-sequentially. This is a sporadic behavior that can be
interpreted as an exploration behavior of merely checking on each weeks topic, but not completing it.
B4 Users who viewed each weeks lectures in sequential order. This is the expected behavior of a learner.
B5 Users who viewed lectures 1.4 and 1.5 not sequentially. Unlike B2 where users viewed lectures 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3
Users who are strong on this behavior also viewed lectures 1.4 and 1.5 in a non-sequential manner. Users low
on this behavior are those who did not continue to view the remaining lectures of the week.
B6 Users who accessed the site to view announcements in the general discussion forum. The general discussion
forum was used as a social tool enabling learners to receive updates about the course progress and to
introduce themselves to the learners` community.
B7 Users accessing the site to view week four forum. This behavior received no plausible explanation from the
course sta.
C8 Users viewing the rst lectures for each week. People with this behavior viewed the rst and sometimes also the
second lecture of each week non-sequentially. These might be people who are interested in the introduction
to each topic without going into more detail.
C9 Users who viewed all of the rst weekslectures sequentially. These would be people who were fully engaged
only at the beginning.
discovering patterns that were injected into the data. In the rst case study, a simple academic course
was used, but after adding several game elements into it, it has become a complex, unstructured
system. The second case study was based on a MOOC, where users have the freedom to decide
what to do and how to do it. The dierences between these two cases are evident when looking
at Figure 3.
UBPD is unique in its focus on nding user behavior patterns that exist for only some users. It uses
EFA to detect groups of activities performed together that explain the variability in the system.
However, in processes with no variability in which all users perform a process in the same way,
UBPD would not be of use. In systems where some of the processes are structured, and some are
not, UBPD would detect the unstructured processes, ignoring the structured processes. In such
cases, UBPD does not replace existing methods but rather complements them. The user clustering,
which has been described above, is another key benet of the methodology, as it provides insight
into dierent user behavior patterns.
Several parameters and decisions were included in the methodology and are discussed in the
order they appear within the methodology. The selection of actions to include in the analysis has
a direct inuence on the resulting patterns. Grouping activities into actions is often a straightforward
task since it should be clear which activities should be grouped; however, it is important to ensure
that the grouped activities represent a clear action. For instance, in the educational setting used in
this study, all activities related to the submission of an assignment were grouped into an assignment
submission action since they all have the same meaning. In both cases studies, activities such as
resetting a password or downloading a presentation were not included in the analysis, however,
this does not always have to be the case. Resetting a password is an administrative task, and thus
not included, but if it is included, and UBPD detects it as a user behavior pattern (i.e. enough varia-
bility exists between users with regards to that activity), perhaps it indicates that some users are more
forgetful than others. If actions only have a few occurrences, they will be removed later as part of the
EFA process since they would not be considered frequent motifs.
In both case studies and the simulation data, a window size of three was selected. Figure 6 and
Figure 12 show that beyond this size, the number of unique motifs grows signicantly, resulting in
many motifs with only a few occurrences per user. This window size might dier in other systems,
and it is recommended validate this number for dierent situations and dataset sizes. In case
study A, the dataset was larger and included fewer users and fewer actions. This resulted in a stronger
tail eect than in case study B, which had a smaller dataset, signicantly more users, and more actions
analyzed. An additional reason for keeping a smaller window size is that using a large window size
carries the risk of missing short usage patterns of two or three actions.
It can be assumed there is no known number of factors to expect during the EFA stage. Typically,
EFA tries to maximize the explained variance, which in both case studies resulted in a minimal
number of motifs to include as variables, and as a result, extracted factors. Including too many
motifs into the analysis can result in overtting and extracting meaningless patterns. Also, in cases
in which there are few subjects, as in case study A, there is a limit on the ratio between subjects
and motifs that must be kept (MacCallum et al., 1999). Since we are interested in extracting rich
behavior patterns, we executed the model several times with a dierent number of motifs and
selected a point that balanced these limitations. In case studies A and B, we demonstrated how
adding motifs to the analysis does not change the discovered factors and can only result in additional
factors. While this step was executed manually, it is possible to automate this step to determine the
right number of motifs to include.
The validity of the resulting factors has been tested in several ways. First, simulation data have
shown that when known patterns were injected into the existing dataset, the methodology was
able to detect them correctly without impacting the existing patterns. This ability provides the con-
dence that the detected patterns are correct. Additionally, while increasing the number of motifs in
the analysis increased the number of factors, only new patterns were added without impacting exist-
ing patterns, emphasizing the stability of the discovered patterns. The objective of process mining is
to discover an underlying process, but the meaning or reasons for a discovered process are left in the
hands of system analysts to explain. In both of our case studies, the resulting patterns were presented
to analysts and their interpretation of the results is included in Tables 3 and 4. Case study B, however,
includes a pattern that was repeated in the two executions of the UBPD that had no plausible expla-
nation by designers. It is possible that such a pattern indeed exists, but designers are unaware of it. It
is also possible that it is a factor that should have been removed since it is based on a single motif
(Streiner, 1994). Even if we ignore the unexplained patterns, UBPD was capable of automatically
detecting user behavior patterns within unstructured processes, which is a task with which existing
methodologies struggle (Rebuge & Ferreira, 2012; van der Aalst, 2011b).
This paper presents three key contributions to the world of process mining, as well as several con-
tributions to the development and analysis of interactive learning environments. From a process
mining perspective, it provides the ability to discover dierent usage patterns of dierent users.
While existing methodologies focus on the detection of the processes or sub-processes of a
system, UBPD seeks to nd the variance in how users interact with the system. To demonstrate
Table 5. Usage patterns case study B.
Behavior Pattern Pattern
this point, assume that all learner in a LMS perform a specic task similarly, such as reading an essay
and immediately answering some questions about it. Methodologies such as episode nding, Apriori,
or GSP would easily detect this pattern; however, UBPD would not since it would be performed by all
users similarly. On the other hand, if dierent users performed that process dierently (e.g. some read
and answer questions immediately while others read part of the essay, answer a question, leave, and
then come back to complete the task), the algorithms above might not detect any process at all,
whereas UBPD would detect the process and the dierent ways people performed it. UBPD will
even provide insight into which users are doing what. This was evident in the simulation we per-
formed in case study A, where UBPD did not detect a pattern that was included to all users.
However, when adding a pattern to only a few users, it was immediately detected.
The second contribution is the ability to deal with noise even within a sub-process. Existing meth-
odologies seek stable processes or, such as in the case of association rules, stable relations between
activities. UBPD detect similar motifs and through EFA, groups them into meaningful patterns rep-
resented as Petri-nets in Table 3. Finally, the methodology produces factor scores from the EFA to
each user for each pattern, indicating how salient this behavior is for each user. A user can receive
a high score on several behavior patterns, indicating those are the behaviors they perform most,
or a low score on all behaviors meaning the discovered patterns do not represent their behavior.
Using these scores to produce on-the-y user clustering, is a unique capability that UBPD introduces
and can be further explored.
From an educational point of view, UBPD detects how dierent learners interact in a learning
environment. When designing a learning environment, educators often have a specic course of
action that learners would follow, such as view all lectures sequentially, yet many do not follow
that path. Being able to understand learner preferences, can help designers ensure that their
design addresses these dierent preferences. In this study, we examined learner behaviors across
a full semester, but it is possible to use shorter time frames such as a week or a month, and under-
stand how learning preferences evolve.
Table 5. Continued.
Behavior Pattern Pattern
Being able to provide close to real-time feedback on individual learning processes and comparing
these processes with other learners and learning objectives carries a great potential for future devel-
opments in the eld of personalized learning and adaptive learning. Detecting the learning processes
currently being used and giving each learner a score on them can be used in many ways. Learners can
see their learning process compared to other, which can be further used to modify or enhance certain
behaviors. Teachers can use this data to assist specic learners and adapt their teaching styles, system
designers can use this data to redesign or improve learning environments, and last, adaptive systems
can automatically modify themselves based on actual usage data to encourage required changes in
learning behaviors.
Limitations and next steps
Although simulation has been used to demonstrate the ability of UBPD to detect processes success-
fully, additional simulations should be done to determine the sensitivity of the methodology to varia-
bility. If there is no variability, processes would not be detected, and if the process is too variable
processes would not be discovered since EFA would remove the actions from the analysis. This
additional analysis was not included in this study to keep the focus on the paper on the methodology
and should be further examined.
The process of selecting activities for analysis and combining activities into actions requires
additional analysis. In the proposed methodology, this is part of a manual ETL process, but ideally,
it can be automated using clustering methods. Additional manual steps, such as determining the
correct number of motifs to include in the EFA, should be automated.
The clustering method used in this study was EFA which loads most of the variance on the rst
cluster. While dierent clustering methods have been examined throughout the study, a more in-
depth comparison of dierent methods should be done, acknowledging that for dierent
domains, dierent clustering methods might be more suitable. In addition, once a clustering is vali-
dated, dierent machine learning methods can be applied to further improve the clustering.
The two case studies came from a similar domain of LMS. Data from other types of systems should
be analyzed to ensure the external validity of the methodology. Finally, in LMS and MOOCs speci-
cally, user behavior changes over time. In future studies, a temporal model should be included check-
ing user behaviors over time and providing meaningful data to system analysts as to what is
happening right now in the system, not merely an overall of how the system is being used. The stab-
ility of behaviors can be tested as well over time since some behaviors might be salient at the begin-
ning of a course and not at the end.
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the authors.
This work was supported by Paul Ivanier Center for Production Management.
Notes on contributors
David Codish Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheba, Israel ( Dr. Codish competed his
Ph.D. and M.Sc. in the Industrial Engineering and Management department at Ben-Gurion University, Israel. For the past
20 years he managed several Information Systems organizations for a variety of hi-tech organizations and is now focus-
ing most of his time on research. His key research area is gamication and its inclusion in various information systems as a
means of making tedious tasks more fun, increasing user acceptance, improving the learning processes and achieving
higher performance.
Eyal Rabin The Open University of the Netherlands ( Mr. Eyal Rabin is a PhD student at the faculty
of Management, Science and Technology at the Open University of the Netherlands. His M.A. in Social Psychology from
the Hebrew University, Israel and his B.A. in Psychology from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. Eyal is working as
a statistical counselor and tutorial in the Education and Psychology department at the Open University of Israel. His
research focuses on the relations between learners` characteristics, learning processes and study outcomes at
massive, online, open courses (MOOCs) and other forms of online learning.
Gilad Ravid Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheba, Israel ( Prof. Ravid is a senior faculty
member in Information Systems at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Ben-Gurion University
of the Negev, Israel. His Ph.D., titled Information Sharing With CMC in Small Groups: Communication Groups and
Tasksis from Haifa University, his MBA from the Hebrew University, and his B. Sc. in Agricultural Engineering from
the Technion. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Annenberg Center for Communication, University of Southern Califor-
nia, Los Angeles. Dr. Ravids main interests are focused on the relationship between social structure and human behavior,
games and gamication and computer-mediated communication systems. His work includes such research as infor-
mation overload phenomena, social structure in web-based educational forums, wiki-based education and wikipedia
as a social space, celebrity formation, the social structureof lightning synchronization, civil information needs and
information sharing in groups, learning with games and gamication solutions. He has published in top peer-reviewed
journals including Information Systems Research,First Monday, and Information Systems Journal.
David Codish
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Appendix A. Factor analysis results for dierent window sizes.
Behavior patterns B1B7 shown in Table 5 are patterns that appeared when using 42 motifs in the EFA phase. These
behaviors occurred again when using 57 motifs, mostly with richer patterns.
... Характерные фрагменты поведения студентов в образовательной системе могут рассматриваться как шаблоны [43]. Поиск нежелательных (или, наоборот, желательных) шаблонов в типичных траекториях студентов позволяет получить более полное понимание того, как устроен образовательный процесс, а также выявить недостатки организации образовательной программы [44]. ...
Full-text available
Modern educational process involves the use of electronic educational environments. These are special information systems that are both a means for storing educational materials and a tool for conducting tests, collecting homework, keeping a grade book, and working together. Such environments produce a large amount of data containing the recorded behavior of students and teachers within the educational process. This paper proposes an approach that allows one to analyze such data and discover typical student trajectories that lead to successful or unsuccessful learning outcomes. It is shown how process mining can be used to build models of the educational process based on the available data. We also show how you can evaluate the extent to which the synthesized model reflects the actual behavior of the system recorded in event logs. The paper contains not only a description of the proposed approach, but also a case study with its application to a real data set for an undergraduate educational program. It is clearly shown how, using our approach, it is possible to find out what factors lead to the formation of successful and unsuccessful student trajectories. The bottlenecks of the educational process were identified, as well as errors in the data, indicating the incorrect operation of the system. As a result of the analysis, points of special attention for administrators of the educational program were identified, as well as some signal events, the appearance of which in a student’s individual trajectory can be an alarm. The application of the approach involves the use of free open source software, which further facilitates its deployment in a variety of educational organizations.
... It has been suggested that artificial intelligence and machine learning are among the most promising emerging areas in gamification research [29]. Previous studies have applied clustering techniques in education to identify different types of students [30,31]. However, as far as the authors know, such techniques have not yet been applied to gamified fitness applications. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
A promising solution to increase user engagement in gamified applications is tailored gamification design. However, current personalisation relies primarily on user types identified through self-reporting rather than actual behaviour. As a novel approach, the present study used an exploratory machine learning analysis to identify seven clusters of users in a gamified fitness application based on their behavioural data (N = 19,576). The clusters were then conceptually compared to common user typologies in gamification, identifying possible relationships between behavioural user clusters and user types motivated by achievement, sociability, and extrinsic incentives. The findings shed light on nuanced behaviour patterns of user types in the fitness context and how knowing these patterns can inform the way in which tailored gamification could be implemented to meet the needs of specific types. Thereby, they contribute to the discussion on utilising behavioural data and user typologies for tailored gamification design.
... The changes are seen from how the conventional technology turns into smart technology (Haryanto, 2013). One of the characteristics of 4.0 industrial revolution is the implementation of artificial intelligence as well as the utilization of 4.0 industry in vocational high schools, by implementing Learning Management System (LMS) (Codish et al., 2019). LMS is an internet-based software designed to control the e-learning program (Hu, X., Ng et al., 2020). ...
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Computers have taken on a large role in education, including testing and evaluation. Traditional tests that aren't comprehensive and don't distinguish between students' beginning talents lead to measurement findings that aren't representative of their true abilities. This study aims to develop and test assessment tool eligibility class that is used as an LMS-based adaptive. This type of research includes development research. The respondents of this study were experts who assessed the validation and students of SMK Electrical Power Installation Engineering Expertise Competencies. The data analysis technique used item response theory, classical test theory and descriptive statistics. Item analysis using the Rasch Model showed 10 items were not fit and the remaining 50 items were fit. Classical test theory analysis items with less validity there are 0 items, moderate there are 55 items, and high there are 5 items, with an Alpha reliability of 0.934. The attitude questionnaire developed consists of 8 items. There are 0 items with less validity, 6 items being moderate, and 2 items high, with an Alpha reliability of 0.731. The developed observation guide contains 16 observations. Items with less validity have 0 items, while there are 15 items, and 1 item high.
... For example, PM can be applied to discover underlying processes and patterns, analyze bottlenecks, uncover hidden inefficiencies, check compliance, explain deviations, predict performances, and guide users toward "better" processes (Aalst et al., 2015). In addition, PM methodologies can also uncover underlying business processes, deviations, and in general, usage patterns in an unstructured process in noisy systems with no clear processes, or when processes can occur in many ways, such as in MOOCs (Codish et al., 2019). ...
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MOOCs are different from formal educational courses in the sense that participants may have diverse goals and expect a variety of different learning outcomes that can be defined by the participants themselves rather than by the course instructors. As a result, the focus of this dissertation in learner-centered outcomes and in their antecedes. The aim of this dissertation was to answer the central research question: How to evaluate learner-centered outcomes and their antecedents in open online education? To address this question, two learner-centered outcomes, namely, learner satisfaction and learner intention-fulfillments were identified as alternative course outcome measures. To guide the research project, five studies were conducted. These five studies defined the theoretical problem and empirically revealed some of the answers using several learning analytics techniques.
... Outside the domain of education for health professionals, individual differences in age, gender, culture, and personality play a role in a person's preferences for specific types of play, games, and responses to different game-based learning designs [20]. Linking personality traits with game-based learning design solutions that best fit each particular trait has been shown to improve learner experience (eg, perceived playfulness) [12,[21][22][23][24][25][26][27], motivation [28][29][30][31], and performance [28,30]. Hence, preferences should be considered in designing game-based learning strategies to engage and motivate an entire cohort of students (not only a subgroup). ...
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Background Game-based learning appears to be a promising instructional method because of its engaging properties and positive effects on motivation and learning. There are numerous options to design game-based learning; however, there is little data-informed knowledge to guide the choice of the most effective game-based learning design for a given educational context. The effectiveness of game-based learning appears to be dependent on the degree to which players like the game. Hence, individual differences in game preferences should be taken into account when selecting a specific game-based learning design. Objective We aimed to identify patterns in students’ perceptions of play and games—player types and their most important characteristics. Methods We used Q methodology to identify patterns in opinions on game preferences. We recruited undergraduate medical and dental students to participate in our study and asked participants to sort and rank 49 statements on game preferences. These statements were derived from a prior focus group study and literature on game preferences. We used by-person factor analysis and varimax rotation to identify common viewpoints. Both factors and participants’ comments were used to interpret and describe patterns in game preferences. Results From participants’ (n=102) responses, we identified 5 distinct patterns in game preferences: the social achiever, the explorer, the socializer, the competitor, and the troll. These patterns revolved around 2 salient themes: sociability and achievement. The 5 patterns differed regarding cheating, playing alone, story-telling, and the complexity of winning. Conclusions The patterns were clearly interpretable, distinct, and showed that medical and dental students ranged widely in how they perceive play. Such patterns may suggest that it is important to take students’ game preferences into account when designing game-based learning and demonstrate that not every game-based learning-strategy fits all students. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to use a scientifically sound approach to identify player types. This can help future researchers and educators select effective game-based learning game elements purposefully and in a student-centered way.
... The role of teachers is important in leading the efforts to form a community of teachers and students in which a mutual understanding of teacher and student is essential for bond and harmony [11]. This relationship is based on interpersonal communication through teaching with learning technologies [12]. ...
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This study explores how new communication technology is implemented in education by mainly focusing on the teacher’s role. With a questionnaire and interview surveys, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was carried out to understand the factors that affect implementing new communication technology in education. New technologies such as the fifth-generation (5G) technology contribute to the realization of ubiquitous and effective learning. Effective adoption of this technology for education is pedagogically based on teachers’ capability and determination to improve students’ learning activities. The results indicate that teachers and students prefer traditional teaching methods to the new technological methods, with a high weight recorded for the “maintaining the traditional teaching tools” criteria in the solution layer. The importance of the criteria layer shows that there are possibilities of implementing new technologies into education with appropriate support. When considering teachers’ effort, time spent, and resources used to prepare adequate materials, teachers are hesitant about using new technology. However, support helps to implement new communication technology successfully into education, especially teaching. Even with the many advantages of new technology, such as 5G, its problems prohibit teachers from actively using new technology. To provide a basic understanding of how to encourage teachers to successfully implement new technology into education, especially teaching, the results of this study help promote the applications used for sustainable education to narrow the educational divide.
... La evolución de WBT ha propiciado el surgimiento de Sistemas de Gestión de Aprendizaje (LMS -Learning Management System) y sus variantes; los Sistemas de Gestión de Contenidos de Aprendizaje (LCMS -Learning Content Management System) y los Sistemas Manejadores de Cursos (CMS -Course Management System) [8]. Estos sistemas se usan para mediar el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes en ambientes híbridos de aprendizaje [12]. La información en estos sistemas se produce de las interacciones de los estudiantes con la plataforma y se almacena en forma de registros generados automáticamente [6]. ...
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The processes of creating legal acts must meet such criteria as transparency, controllability, compliance with regulations. However, currently the procedures are extremely bureaucratic, pre-planned and go through many instances during the preparation, approval and signing. Of course, most of these processes are necessary, time-tested and legally fixed. At the same time, there are operations that require optimisation, including due to their automation or robotisation. To identify them and ensure that the procedure meet the changing needs of the state, it is important to create conditions for continuous monitoring, timely identification and operational adaptation and optimisation of the rule-making activities of the authorities. In this regard, the issue of applying contemporary technologies and approaches to analysis and the formation of recommendations for improving proactive processes seems extremely relevant. The purpose of this study is to examine the currend specifics of the preparation of the legal acts by the federal executive authorities and to identify areas for this normative documents’ improvement based on the process mining. The research methods used were a literature review and the Russian legal framework analysis, a questionnaire survey and process modelling. The authors analyse how draft legal documents (government and presidential acts, federal laws) are developed in the Russian Federation. They demonstrate the need for a transition to smart management. Its principles will ensure efficiency and flexibility in the preparation of normative legal acts. The metrics for monitoring and controlling the execution of the relevant instructions are formulated and the prospects for the development of their information support as a result of the implementation of process mining technologies are highlighted.
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This combination of research analysis and motivation will be able to see a certain way in class. The aim of the study is to analyze the articles in which learning analytics and motivation variable are used together, according to their years, countries, methods, technology tools used, keywords, number/levels of participants, results and suggestions. As a result of the search in the Web of Science database, 146 articles suitable for the purpose of the research were analyzed. According to the results of the research, there has been an increase in the number of articles prepared in this field in the last three years, experimental designs from quantitative methods are preferred more in research, Moodle system is the most preferred learning management system, Mass Open Online Course (MOOC) platforms are mostly used as a teaching environment, It was seen that the participants of the articles were mostly undergraduate students, and the most studies were prepared in the United States. In order to get more efficiency from learning analytics, it is suggested that studies should be focused on designing different learning environments that can evaluate student behaviors from the beginning to the end of the teaching process. In addition, in order to ensure effective learning in MOOCs, it is recommended to support teaching with dashboards that will make students more active.
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The ability to allow users to create online communities of interest and to share a variety of personal information, collectively referred to as social media, is gradually being built into an expanding range of applications. Some of these applications, such as computer operating systems, were not originally intended to collect information from the user. Thus, users may not be aware that their digital information is being collected. Devices such as smart televisions, smart cars, and even smart grids, are now collecting massive quantities of user data without the user's knowledge. Users of social media, and the internet in general, leave fragments of their activities and intentions behind them across an increasing range of technologies. These fragments collectively and passively create a hidden identity built up from metadata of which the user is mostly unaware. Given that the user builds this hidden identity during the normal course of their day, without editing elements that the user may not wish to share with others, might the passive digital footprint more accurately reveal the individual's genuine or authentic self than the individual realises? We propose that an aggregated, passively collected digital portrait of a user's unconscious but connected activities may reveal a more genuine view of that person's self than would be deduced from sources over which the user has conscious control. This more accurate and potentially revealing portrait of the individual requires a review of how privacy has been classically defined in both legal as well as ethical constructs.
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Research has shown how open-ended serious games can facilitate students' development of specific skills and improve learning performance through problem-solving. However, understanding how students learn these complex skills in a game environment is a challenge, as much research uses typical paper-and-pencil assessments and self-reported surveys or other traditional observational and quantitative methods. The purpose of this study is to identify students' learning behavior patterns of problem-solving and explore behavior patterns of different performing groups within an open-ended serious game called Alien Rescue. To accomplish this purpose, this study intends to use gameplay data by incorporating sequential pattern mining and statistical analysis. The findings of this study confirmed the results from previous research (using ex situ data such as interviews) and at the same time provide an analytical approach to understand in-depth students' sequential behavior patterns using in situ gameplay data. This study examined the frequent sequential patterns between low- and high-performing students and showed that problem-solving strategies were different between these two performing groups. By using this integrated analytical method, we can gain a better understanding of the learning pathway of students’ performance and problem-solving strategies of students with different learning characteristics in a serious games context.
Conference Paper
The trend of employing game mechanisms and techniques in non-game contexts, gamification, has dramatically increased in recent years. Gamification can be viewed as a new paradigm for enhancing brand awareness and loyalty, innovation, and online user engagement. With the novelty and potential of gamification, until now there is limited understanding and research in this area. Particularly, previous literature falls short in explaining the antecedents of engagement, the mechanisms, and the impacts of gamification. Hence, in this study, we attempt to achieve three objectives. First, we provide an initial review of concepts and example cases related to gamification and summarize sample applications based on their objectives, design elements, rewards, and outcomes. Second, we articulate potential theories that can be extended to understand the motivations, design mechanisms, and impacts of gamification. Last, we provide directions for future research in this area by outlining salient research questions on various aspects of gamification
Knowledge-rich learning environments like simulation learning sessions call for the adoption of knowledge technologies to effectively manage information and data related to the learning supply and to the observation analysis. In this chapter, the authors illustrate the benefits and the challenges from the adoption of Linked Data and Semantic Web technologies to model, store, update, collect, and interpret learning data in simulation environments. The experience gained in applying this approach to a Simulation Learning system based on Serious Games proves the feasibility and the advantages of knowledge technologies in addressing and solving the issues faced by trainers and teachers in their daily practice.
We survey agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithms and discuss efficient implementations that are available in R and other software environments. We look at hierarchical self‐organizing maps and mixture models. We review grid‐based clustering, focusing on hierarchical density‐based approaches. Finally, we describe a recently developed very efficient (linear time) hierarchical clustering algorithm, which can also be viewed as a hierarchical grid‐based algorithm. This review adds to the earlier version, Murtagh F, Contreras P. Algorithms for hierarchical clustering: an overview, Wiley Interdiscip Rev: Data Mining Knowl Discov 2012, 2, 86–97. WIREs Data Mining Knowl Discov 2017, 7:e1219. doi: 10.1002/widm.1219 This article is categorized under: Algorithmic Development > Hierarchies and Trees Technologies > Classification Technologies > Structure Discovery and Clustering
3D modeling is the core technique and the basis of 3D printing which becomes popular in 2010s. To respond the growing needs of industrial community, this study apply the cognitive-apprenticeship strategy using various teaching materials, including three-view diagram and tangible 3D materials, in the 3D modeling course. The lag sequential analysis and interviews are adopted to explore the pattern transformation of the learners' meta-cognition behavior during the problem-solving tasks. The results show that different teaching methods and materials lead to differentiated metacognitive behaviors. Moreover, comparing to traditional instruction strategy, using 3D tangible object in cognitive-apprenticeship instruction stimulates more meta-cognition behaviors, further leads to successful problem-solving.
Knowledge-rich learning environments like simulation learning sessions call for the adoption of knowledge technologies to effectively manage information and data related to the learning supply and to the observation analysis. In this chapter, the authors illustrate the benefits and the challenges from the adoption of Linked Data and Semantic Web technologies to model, store, update, collect, and interpret learning data in simulation environments. The experience gained in applying this approach to a Simulation Learning system based on Serious Games proves the feasibility and the advantages of knowledge technologies in addressing and solving the issues faced by trainers and teachers in their daily practice.