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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Preliminary study on Bandung sustainable urban mobility policy: the
contribution of public transportation on emission
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International Conference on SMART CITY Innovation 2018
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 248 (2019) 012032
IOP Publishing
Preliminary study on Bandung sustainable urban mobility
policy: the contribution of public transportation on emission
A Z Miftah1, S Sasmono2, A Sunarwibowo3, A F Khairani4, and K Moroga5
1Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung, Jl. Palasari No.9A, Lkr. Sel., Lengkong,
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, 40262
2Quadran Energi Rekayasa, AP Research Group, Gedung Salman Business Center
Lantai 3, Jl. Gelap Nyawang No. 4, Lb. Siliwangi, Coblong, Bandung, West Java,
Indonesia, 40132
3Bandung Municipal City Transportation Office, Jl. Soekarno-Hatta No.205, Situsaeur,
Bojongloa Kidul, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, 40233
4Research Centre of Health System, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jl.
Raya Bandung Sumedang KM.21, Hegarmanah, Jatinangor, Sumedang, West Java,
5Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Studies, Kyushu University,
Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Abstract. Transportation policy in Bandung has advanced to fundamental changes that are
environmentally oriented. Mobility is the key driver for development, while type of
transportation links between areas and connecting each other to facilitate their economic and
social needs. Development of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is one of the solutions to reduce the use
of private vehicles with the provision of mass transportation. The objective of this study was to
describe the existing service of Trans Metro Bandung (TMB) and its emission. The TMB’s
emission factor is analyzed by using Vehicle Kilometers Travelled (VKT) and fuel consumption
in a year. The results showed that the emissions of TMB have influenced the air quality of
Bandung. Thus, other alternatives energy is suggested in the development of public
transportation (BRT) that supports eco-transportation.
1. Introduction
Increased gas emissions have serious impacts on environmental sustainability, such as pollution,
extreme weather, or global warming, and trigger other natural disasters, which can disrupt agricultural
production, resources, infrastructure, and public health [1,2,3]. From various research results, it has been
known that the source of gas emissions in urban areas consists of three sectors, namely the industrial
sector, the transportation sector, and the housing sector [4]. Mitigation efforts need to be done to
overcome these problems so that the idea of increasing energy efficiency in the urban transportation
sector will arise and buildings have great potential to overcome carbon gas emissions mitigation [4].
Reduction of fuel use and production of exhaust emissions in the transportation sector became the basis
for the application of the concept of sustainability transportation. Besides that, there were also terms of
International Conference on SMART CITY Innovation 2018
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 248 (2019) 012032
IOP Publishing
eco-transportation and green mobility [5,6,7,8]. As a step towards realizing eco-transportation, the
choice of fuel use and the improvement of vehicle engines are important components in the fuel
combustion engine to reduce exhaust emissions [7].
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is an alternative mode of public transportation that become the choice of
countries in the world to reduce the problem of public transportation, especially for developing countries
with limitations in funding of urban transportation infrastructure such as train-based mode of
transportation [9,10,11]. BRT is also considered as one of the mitigation efforts in reducing carbon
emission, which is more effective than the use of public transportation similar to conventional buses
with diesel engines in each gram of CO2 produced by passengers per distance of travel [12,13].
Indonesia's contribution to increasing greenhouse gas emissions was also quite high, with a 4.6%
emission rate as the highest increase in Southeast Asia in 2016 [14]. For this transportation problem, in
2006 the City of Bandung began to adapt BRT by implementing Trans Metro Bandung (TMB).
TMB travel routes continue to grow until now they have four travel routes. The implementation of
TMB as planned public transportation will continue to be developed. However, there has been no
publication that presents data regarding carbon gas emissions resulting from the use of TMB and its
relation to the environmental sustainability of Bandung. This research attempts to identify data related
to carbon gas emissions produced by TMB. It is expected that with the identification data of TMB carbon
gas emissions, it can be known the possible impacts on the environment. In the future, the choice of the
best mitigation measures can then be determined for the environmental sustainability of Bandung, which
is better and more beneficial for Bandung residents.
2. Method
Data collection was carried out by employing primary and secondary data sources, which were obtained
directly from the Bandung City Transportation Agency and direct observations from TMB operations
in the city of Bandung. The research is carried out by conducting a review of literature in advance to
determine the point of view that can explain the research problem and the right method for calculating
Emissions Emissions per unit of fuel Total transport service
demanded Fuel consumption per unit of
transport service
= x x
(Sources: Gwilliam et al. 2004)
Figure 1 Factors contributing to Transport Emissions
In calculating carbon dioxide gas emissions from the TMB, we referred method from the IPCC
document [15] as follow:
Equation 1 Estimation of Carbon Dioxide Gas Emissions (CO2)
aEFFuelEmission •=
3. Findings and Discussion
As a country with an annual increase in population and vehicles, Indonesia experiences phenomena that
is also happening in other developing countries, where the dependence on private vehicles is quite high
and the growth of fuel consumption reaches 4.5% every year [16]. Meanwhile, an increase in the
Emission = Emission of CO2
Fuelα = fuel sold (TJ)
EFα = emission factor (kg/TJ)
α = Type of fuel (e.g. petrol, diesel, natural gas, etc
International Conference on SMART CITY Innovation 2018
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 248 (2019) 012032
IOP Publishing
population in the city of Bandung, which is known to increase to 2.6 million annually [17], is also
accompanied by the number of motorized vehicles each year, especially private motorized vehicles (see
Table 1).
Table 1 The Vehicle Potency in Bandung in 2013-2017
Vehicle Type
/Year (Unit)
A. Private
B. Public
C. Government owned
A. Private
B. Public
C. Government owned
Truck, light truck, pick up
A. Private
B. Public
C. Government owned
Heavy Vehicle
A. Private
B. Public
C. Government owned
A. Private
B. Public
C. Government owned
So far, emissions emitted by private vehicles dominate the transportation sector's contribution to
urban emissions in several developing countries where increasing numbers of motorized vehicles
continue to increase [18]. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) has become an alternative mode of public
transportation, which is the choice of countries in the world to reduce the problem of public
transportation related to the effectiveness and magnitude of emissions issued. This alternative mode in
the form of BRT is particularly useful for developing countries with limitations in funding of urban
transport infrastructure such as train-based mode of transportation [9,10,11]. BRT is also considered one
of the mitigation efforts in reducing carbon emission that is more effective than the use of public
transportation similar to conventional buses with diesel engines in each gram of CO2 produced by
passengers per distance of travel [12,13]. In another study, it is also stated that in calculating CO2
estimates, BRT has the greatest potential in reducing emissions with relatively low capital and
operational costs compared to Light Rail Transit (LRT) [19]. The use of BRT can accommodate mass
transportation needs with more efficient operational and maintenance costs, flexibility in the route of
travel, and the use of fuel [13]. In line with various sources and experiences of several countries, in
2006, the city of Bandung adapted BRT by implementing Trans Metro Bandung (TMB). Until now,
TMB has four travel routes. The characteristics and maps of the four TMB travel routes are as follows:
International Conference on SMART CITY Innovation 2018
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 248 (2019) 012032
IOP Publishing
Table 2 Characteristics of Trans Metro Bandung
Cibeureum - Cibiru
Cicaheum - Cibeureum
Cicaheum - Sarijadi
Antapani - Leuwipanjang
22 Km
12 Km
10.5 Km
11.5 Km
Number of Bus
29.2 Km/Hour (min – max: 0 – 35 Km/Hour)
Idle Traffic Light
85 seconds
Idle at the stop
30 seconds
Distance to Pool
3,8 Km
8,9 Km
8,9 Km
12,3 Km
Vehicle Characteristics
Figure 2 TMB Travel Route Map
Of the four TMB travel routes, the distance traveled and estimated TMB fuel consumption in the
related routes is analyzed (Table 2).
Table 3 Mileage and TMB Fuel Consumption Estimation
Number of
Fuel consumption
1. Cibeureum – Cibiru
44 Km
Hino RKT
2. Cicaheum –
24 Km
Hino RKT
3. Cicaheum – Sarijadi
21 Km
Hino RKT
4. Antapani –
23 Km
Hino RKT
At present, corridor 1 of Trans Metro Bandung has a 22 Km journey with a route from the Cibeureum
area to Cibiru and back to Cibeureum, thus traveling 44 Km on one route. In one year, one bus unit on
corridor 1 travels 190,080 Km with 20 bus units up to now. Corridor 2 of Trans Metro Bandung has a
12 Km journey with the route from Cicaheum area to Cibeureum and back to Cicaheum, so that it travels
International Conference on SMART CITY Innovation 2018
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 248 (2019) 012032
IOP Publishing
24 Km on one route. Within one year, one bus unit on the corridor 2 travels 103,680 Km with 15 bus
units up to now. Corridor 3 of Trans Metro Bandung has a 10.5 Km journey with the route from
Cicaheum area to Sarijadi and back to Cicaheum, so that it travels 21 Km on one route. In one year, one
bus unit on corridor 3 travels 90,720 Km with 10 buses units up to now. Corridor 4 of Trans Metro
Bandung has an 11.5 Km trip with a route from Antapani to Leuwipanjang and back to Antapani, so that
it travels 23 Km on one route. In one year, one bus unit on corridor 3 travels 97,200 Km with 10 bus
units up to now.
Consumption of fuel oil (solar) on the average of Trans Metro Bandung Hino RK8 brand/type with
R 260 bus engine is 1 Liter: 3.8 Km = 0.263157895 Liter/Km. Based on the details of the number of
buses and the length of travel in every corridor of Trans Metro Bandung above, the total journey of all
corridors in one year is 7,236,000 Km with fuel/oil (solar) consumption of all Trans Metro Bandung
buses reaching 1,904,210 Liters/year. If it is converted in terajoules (TJ), where 1 Liter solar is equal to
38.2904317 megajoule (MJ), then solar consumption is 1,904,210 Liters/year which is equal to 72,913
terajoules (TJ). The magnitude of the CO2 Emission Factors in Indonesia based on the Research and
Development Centre For Oil and Gas Technology [20] is 74.10 Tons/TJ, and based on this calculation,
it can be known the total emissions in one year:
Emission = ∑ (Fuel x EF)
Fuel = 1,904,210 Liters/year = 72,913 terajoule (TJ)
Emission Factor = 74.10 Ton/TJ
Emission = 5,402.86 Ton/year
Figure 3 Total Emission per TMB Corridor in 2018
The above calculation shows that TMB contributed 5,402.86 Tons/year of emission to the air
environment in the city of Bandung. This is in line with what has been described in various studies that
increasing the number of motorized vehicles causes people's dependence on motorized vehicles where
these emissions are directly related to the amount of fuel used and the distance of the vehicle
[21,22,23,10]. The amount of emissions produced by TMB every year must begin to become our
concern, especially regarding its impact on the environment and health. Based on the health sector, it is
known that air pollution that includes transportation exhaust emissions with CO2 and other substances
such as Methane (CH4) and Nitrogen Oxide (N2O), can turn into toxins and have a major impact on
public health, which has the potential to cause diseases, especially in the respiratory problem, heart, or
cancer [24,25,26]. Other risks of air pollution are hormonal disturbances in the reproductive system and
the neurological system so that monitoring is needed by monitoring policies in air quality control [27].
The priority of the development of public transportation is one of the important alternatives in
reducing motorized vehicle use and at the same time reducing carbon emissions, given that the high
length of travel and driving intensity are one of the main sources of carbon emissions [28,23,10,29].
This can be seen from various studies conducted in China, India, and South Africa that vehicle exhaust
emissions, especially CO2, are calculated based on the length of the trip with fuel consumption which
then results in emission factors [30,31,32,33]. The more often people use private vehicles for mobility,
the increased use of fuel and exhaust gases is higher for the contribution of greenhouse gas emissions
677.37 725.76
1 2 3 4
Emission per Corridor (Ton/Year)
International Conference on SMART CITY Innovation 2018
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 248 (2019) 012032
IOP Publishing
[34]. Various alternative modes of transportation that provide options for mobility are expected to reduce
the contribution of greenhouse gas emissions in the long-term transportation sector such as electric
vehicles, automation, and mobility [34].
Table 4 Three Evolution in Urban Transport
(Source: ITDP, 2017 (www.itdp.org/2017/05/03/3rs-in-urban-transport/))
For illustration, if TMB is operating like business as usual and the assumption of TMB travel demand
growth 3% each year hence, there will also be an increase in emissions up to 8,357 Ton in 2022.
Regarding the situation, the alternative policy concerning the fuel consumption to reduce the emission
is needed.
Deciding on alternatives to public transportation, such as the development of transportation based on
roads, railways, or air, which have been carried out by developed countries, especially Asian countries
with high population density and heterogeneity of the population, need to be a concern for development
planners [35,28,36,29]. Mitigation efforts in environmental preservation, especially the reduction of
exhaust emissions from transportation must also be supported by environmental policies in institutional
capacity building that are in line with policies in the regional scope. It aims at building air quality
management, monitoring systems, fuel conversion implementation, improvement of technology and
vehicle (engine) quality, and regular vehicle inspection facilities [37].
Policies related to emissions both national and regional policies have supported efforts to reduce the
contribution of greenhouse gas emissions as can presented in the following table.
Business as Usual
2 Revolutions (2R) Scenario
3 Revolutions (3R) Scenario
20th Century Technology
Electrification and Automation
Electrification, Automation and Sharing
Through 2050, we continue to use
vehicles with internal combustion
engines at an increase rate, and use
transit and shared vehicles at the
current rate, as population and
income growth over time.
We embrace more technology. Electric
vehicles become common by 2030, and
automated electric vehicles become
dominant by 2040. However, we continue
our current embrace of single occupancy
vehicles, with even more car travel than in
the BAU.
We take the embrace of the technology in the 2R
scenario and the maximize the use of shared
vehicles trips. By 2030, there is widespread ride
sharing, increased transit performance-with on-
demand avaibility-and strengthened infrastructure
for walking and cycling, allowing maximum
energy efficiency.
Number of Vehicle on The Road by 2050 = 250 million vehicles
2.1 billion
2.1 billion
0.5 billion
CO2 Emissions by 2050 = 500 megatonnes of CO2
4.600 megatonnes
1.700 megatonnes
700 megatonnes
5,403 6,200 6,919 7,638 8,357
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Figure 4 The Increase of Emission from TMB (Business as Usual Scenario)
International Conference on SMART CITY Innovation 2018
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 248 (2019) 012032
IOP Publishing
Table 5 Legal Framework of Emission Policy in Bandung Municipality
Moving Source
Emission Test Policy
Emission Measurement Method
Regional Policy of Bandung
1. Regulation of the
President of Republic
Indonesia Number 61 of
2011 concerning
National Action Plan for
Greenhouse Gas;
2. Regulation of the
Minister of the
Environment Number 05
of 2006 concerning the
Threshold of Exhaust
Emissions of old motor
3. Regulation of the
Minister of Environment
Number 04 of 2009
concerning the Threshold
of Exhaust Emissions of
new type motor vehicles.
1. SNI 19-17118.1-2005 concerning the
testing of CO/HC levels for motorized
vehicles in the category of M, N, and O
(four or more wheels) that driven by the
fire at idle conditions;
2. SNI 19-17118.2-2005 concerning smoke
opacity level test methods for vehicles in
the category of M, N, and O (four or
more wheels) driven by compression
ignition under conditions of free
3. SNI 19-17118.3-2005 concerning testing
of CO/HC levels for motorized vehicles
in the category L (motorbike) that driven
by the fire at idle conditions;
4. SNI 19-17118.4-2005 concerning
immovable source of exhaust emissions
by using the method of opacity testing of
Ringelmann's scale for black smoke.
1. Regulation of the Mayor of Bandung
Number 572 of 2010 concerning
Testing of Motor Vehicle Exhaust
Emissions Thresholds;
2. Decree of the Mayor of Bandung
Number 660/Kep.730-BPLH/2016
Concerning the Formation of a
Technical Team for Executing Motor
Vehicle Exhaust Emissions in
In addition to the support from the above policies, the Bandung City Government is currently
implementing a program to convert oil fuel (BBM, Bahan Bakar Minyak) to gas fuel (BBG, Bahan
Bakar Gas) for public transportation. Based on observations and information from the Bandung City
Transportation Agency (Dinas Perhubungan Kota Bandung), the implementation of the program has
not been maximized and the gas fuel users tend to decrease. This is due to the lack of gas fuel
infrastructure support compared to oil fuel, gas supply sources, gas fuel user characteristics, and other
non-technical constraints such as community habits and awareness. Thus, it is necessary to have a
holistic and comprehensive alternative policy from the Government of Bandung that covers various
aspects in the effort to mitigate environmental conservation and improve the quality of public services
in the transportation sector within the framework of sustainable urban mobility.
4. Conclusion
The application of sustainable urban mobility through TMB, as the basis for BRT development, aims at
improving the quality of public transportation services, which can accommodate the needs of mass
transportation in the city of Bandung while still paying attention to environmental aspects and the
effectiveness and efficiency of operational aspects of TMB.
The policies issued by the Government of Bandung and the national government support the efforts
to reduce the contribution of greenhouse gas emissions. However, aspects such as infrastructure support,
political commitment, technology and alternative energy, and public awareness support need to be a
concern for the Government of Bandung in drafting alternative policies in environmental conservation
of mitigation efforts and improving the quality of public transport services that support eco
transportation within the framework of sustainable urban mobility.
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This article is presented at the International Conference on Smart City Innovation 2018 that supported
by the United States Agency for the International Development (USAID) through the Sustainable Higher
Education Research Alliance (SHERA) Program for Universitas Indonesia’s Scientific Modeling,
Application, Research and Training for City-centered Innovation and Technology (SMART CITY)
Project, Grant #AID-497-A-1600004, Sub Grant #IIE-00000078-UI-1.