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First Semester in Numerical Analysis with Julia



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The problem of computing the variance of a sample of N data points {xi} may be difficult for certain data sets, particularly when N is large and the variance is small. We present a survey of possible algorithms and their round-off error bounds, including some new analysis for computations with shifted data. Experimental results confirm these bounds and illustrate the dangers of some algorithms. Specific recommendations are made as to which algorithm should be used in various contexts.
The accuracy of two multidimensional quadrature algorithms is examined with some simple test integrals. It is found that a scheme introduced by Genz is considerably more accurate and is simpler to implement for higher degree and/or dimension than one due to McNamee and Stenger.
Floating-point arithmetic is considered as esoteric subject by many people. This is rather surprising, because floating-point is ubiquitous in computer systems: Almost every language has a floating-point datatype; computers from PCs to supercomputers have floating-point accelerators; most compilers will be called upon to compile floating-point algorithms from time to time; and virtually every operating system must respond to floating-point exceptions such as overflow. This paper presents a tutorial on the aspects of floating-point that have a direct impact on designers of computer systems. It begins with background on floating-point representation and rounding error, continues with a discussion of the IEEE floating point standard, and concludes with examples of how computer system builders can better support floating point.
. The usual recursive summation technique is just one of several ways of computing the sum of n floating point numbers. Five summation methods and their variations are analysed here. The accuracy of the methods is compared using rounding error analysis and numerical experiments. Four of the methods are shown to be special cases of a general class of methods, and an error analysis is given for this class. No one method is uniformly more accurate than the others, but some guidelines are given on the choice of method in particular cases. Key words. floating point summation, rounding error analysis, orderings. AMS subject classifications. primary 65G05, secondary 65B10. 1. Introduction. Sums of floating point numbers are ubiquitous in scientific computing. They occur when evaluating inner products, means, variances, norms, and all kinds of nonlinear functions. Although, at first sight, summation might appear to offer little scope for algorithmic ingenuity, the usual "recursive summation...