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Selection of high affinity aptamer-ligand for dexamethasone and its electrochemical biosensor

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Scientific Reports

Abstract and Figures

A high specificity aptamer-ligand biorecognition and binding system to monitor of dexamethasone (DXN) was developed. The detection principle was based on a label-free electrochemical aptasensor. The selection of the aptamer was successfully performed by the systematic evolution of ligands through exponential enrichment technique (SELEX). From a random library of 1.08 × 1015 single-stranded DNA, an aptamer designated as DEX04 showed a highest affinity with a dissociation constant of 18.35 nM. It also showed a good conformational change when binding with DXN. In addition, the aptamer DEX04 did not show any cross-reactivity with other commonly used hormones. An impedimetric aptasensor for DXN was then developed by immobilizing DEX04 on a gold electrode. The binding upon to DXN was monitored by following the change in the charge transfer resistance (Rct) of the [Fe(CN)6]4−/3− redox couple. The aptasensor exhibited a linear range from 2.5 to 100 nM with a detection limit of 2.12 nM. When applied aptasensor to test in water samples, it showed good recovery percentages. The new DXN aptamer can be employed in other biosensing applications for food control and the diagnosis of some diseases in medicine as a cost-effective, sensitive and rapid detection method.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:6600 |
Selection of high anity aptamer-
ligand for dexamethasone and its
electrochemical biosensor
Somia Mehennaoui, Sujittra Poorahong, Gaston Contreras Jimenez & Mohamed Siaj
A high specicity aptamer-ligand biorecognition and binding system to monitor of dexamethasone
(DXN) was developed. The detection principle was based on a label-free electrochemical aptasensor.
The selection of the aptamer was successfully performed by the systematic evolution of ligands through
exponential enrichment technique (SELEX). From a random library of 1.08 × 10 15 single-stranded DNA,
an aptamer designated as DEX04 showed a highest anity with a dissociation constant of 18.35 nM. It
also showed a good conformational change when binding with DXN. In addition, the aptamer DEX04
did not show any cross-reactivity with other commonly used hormones. An impedimetric aptasensor
for DXN was then developed by immobilizing DEX04 on a gold electrode. The binding upon to DXN was
monitored by following the change in the charge transfer resistance (Rct) of the [Fe(CN)6]4/3 redox
couple. The aptasensor exhibited a linear range from 2.5 to 100 nM with a detection limit of 2.12 nM.
When applied aptasensor to test in water samples, it showed good recovery percentages. The new DXN
aptamer can be employed in other biosensing applications for food control and the diagnosis of some
diseases in medicine as a cost-eective, sensitive and rapid detection method.
Dexamethasone (DXN) is a synthetic hormone belonging to the group of corticosteroids. It is mainly used as an
anti-inammatory, anti-allergic and immunosuppressive agent in many medical applications1. Oen, it was used
as a growth promoting agent to increase the body mass2. e residues of DXN in meat and other animal prod-
ucts i.e., milk can be harmful to humans and animals3,4. With high concentrations, DXN can aect the nervous,
endocrine and digestive systems of animals5. In addition, previous studies have shown that DXN can negatively
inuence fertility and ovarian function like chronic an ovulation and polycystic ovarian syndrome68. Based on
animal studied It is classied as 1B category (presumed human reproductive toxicant). e upper dose should not
more than 1,000 mg/kg by oral take9. erefore, accurate monitoring of the existence and the concentration of
DXN in environmental and clinical samples is very important. e concentrations of DXN in real samples were
found from sub nanomolar to micromolar range with dierent matrices1,10,11. us, the development of a rapid
and sensitive detection method for the identication of DXN is required.
Although, the immunological techniques, instrumental analytical approaches are generally costly,
time-consuming and require highly qualied personnel, making them unsuitable for eld applications12,13. To
overcome these limitations, several studies have been devoted to the development of new and simple detection
techniques. e biosensors have recently sparked considerable interest in a variety of biomedical and environ-
mental applications and have emerged as an interesting alternative to conventional analytical and immunological
assays. Recently, a photoelectrochemical immunosensor based on competitive strategy has been proposed for
the detection of DXN14. Despite, their ease to use and sensitive detection, immunosensors are subject to a major
challenge, precisely the use of antibodies as bioreceptor. Competitive immunoassays need additional steps and
rely on enzymes for antibodies labeling. Furthermore, antibodies that target similar molecules are usually sub-
ject to cross-reactivity and thus require special storage and handling conditions. For that, aptasensors appeared
as a good alternative to immunosensors because of their simple detection strategies15. Since their discovery in
199016,17, aptamers oered many advantages, including in-vitro selection even for small molecules18, viruses19 and
proteins20. ey are also relatively easy to synthesize and modulate at low cost, highly stable at dierent storage
conditions and transportation in ambient temperature.
erefore, in this work we report a high anity aptamer against DXN. e SELEX approach was employed for
aptamer selection from a random library of 1.08 × 1015 single-stranded DNA. Herein we present the rst report
Department of Chemistry, Université du Québec  Montréal, Montréal, Québec, H3C 3P8, Canada. Correspondence
and requests for materials should be addressed to M.S. (email:
Received: 5 June 2018
Accepted: 2 April 2019
Published: xx xx xxxx
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:6600 |
for selected aptamer for DXN detection with the highest anity and good characterization results. In addition,
the selected aptamer was integrated into a novel and simple label-free impedimetric platform based on gold
electrodes. is novel aptasensor oers simple, low cost and highly stable detection method that can be used by
unqualied personnel replacing currently sophisticated immunoassays and analytical methods.
Results and Discussion
In vitro selection of DNA aptamers for DXN. Screening several aptamers that recognize DXN with a
high anity and specicity from a vast random library consisting of 1.08 × 1015 dierent ssDNA is a challenging
task. To the best of our knowledge, no other aptamer-based biosensors were developed for the detection of DXN.
In order to generate anity complexes, the ssDNA pools were rst incubated with DXN sepharose 6β beads.
e process was carried out through 19 cycles of selection. Each SELEX round was controlled by measuring the
percentage of eluted ssDNA (bound ssDNA) with respect to the initial concentration of the ssDNA quantied
by uorescence. As illustrated in Fig.1, a low recovery percentage of ssDNA was observed in the rst ve cycles.
is may be due to the low concentration of the used analytes or due to a low specically bound aptamer to the
DXN. erefore, a negative selection (NS) was carried out using blank sepharose 6β beads in order to eliminate
the non-specically bound aptamers from the beads matrix. Hence, a signicant increase in the recovery was
detected in the next selection cycles. ese also conrmed the important role of the counter or negative selection.
In order to improve the selection accuracy and only keep the most specic DNA for free DXN, a second negative
selection was performed before the tenth cycle. It was observed that a high amount of ssDNA was retained onto
the blank beads, and a low amount of ssDNA, which expected to be a high specic binding to the analyte was
obtained. In addition, a considerable rise in the ssDNA recovery was found in the next cycle, which indicates the
specicity of this washed ssDNA for DXN. In order to retain the best anity aptamers, therefore, aer the 12th
cycle, the concentration of analyte was reduced. is makes the 13th cycle shows low recovery. At the 19th cycle,
aer reaching a plateau with a signicant enrichment of DXN binding DNA, the ssDNA pool was cloned and
Characterization of selected aptamers. Ten positive white colonies were obtained aer cloning pro-
cesses. Among them only six colonies were obtained well-dened sequence. A signicant consensus region of
nucleotides was observed between the sequences belonging to the same group or family. ese can be aligned into
three families (A, B and C) as shown in Table1 and all sequences were then characterized.
Aer sequencing, the anity binding by uorescence assay was determined. e binding curves of all aptam-
ers are shown in Fig.2A. e dissociation constant values were then calculated using nonlinear regression. Only
Figure 1. Selection of DXN aptamers; ssDNA recovery from each SELEX cycle and the resulting enrichment
plateau. Negative selection (NS) performed by using blank beads.
Family Name Aptamer structure 5 to 3KD (nM)
Table 1. Selected aptamer sequences against DXN.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:6600 |
four aptamers provided a good anity to DXN in a low nanomolar level with KD ranging from 15 to 715 nM
(Table1). is is suggesting a strong anity binding between aptamer and DXN occurred. Whereas the two
aptamers, i.e., DEX05 and DEX06 did not exhibit binding against DXN. e four aptamers which provided the
anity binding to DXN were then studied the conformation changes in the structure before and aer binding to
DXN by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. From our results, DEX04 shows the most signicant change in
ellipticity as shown in Fig.2B. In contrast, the other three aptamers; DEX01, DEX03 and DEX10, did not show a
signicant ellipticity change as shown in Fig.S1. In detail, the CD spectrum of the free DEX04 aptamer has a pos-
itive peak at 271 nm and a negative peak at 244.5 nm (Black line), which is a duplex type characteristic. Following
the binding and biorecognition of the DEX04 aptamer to DXN, a signicant change of ellipticity at 271 nm and
245.5 nm was observed (red line). is indicates the folding of the aptamer into other conformations following
its contact with the molecule of DXN, which contains chiral atoms and could divert polarized light circularly.
en the specicity of DNX aptamer, cross-reactivity assays with progesterone (P4), norethisterone (NET)
and estradiol (E2) hormones which are DXN’s analogs and can present in the same environmental samples was
studied. As shown in Figs2C and S3, the DEX04 indicates the highest selectivity to DXN against P4, NET and
E2 hormones. Anti-DXN aptamers have been further investigated by studying their secondary structures. As
depicted in Fig.S3, all aptamer sequences exhibited formation of characteristics of stem-loop shape. ose struc-
tures showed good binding anity with DXN as conrmed the presence of correspondences and dierences.
Structural similarities are observed which is consistent with aptamer recognition of the target conformation.
From all characterization results, DXN 04 provided the best performance, in terms of good KD, specicity and
change in conformation. Hence, it was chosen for further biosensor applications.
Electrochemical Aptasensor of DXN Detection. For the DXN aptasensor, the DEX04 aptamer
CTG TGC CC-3), which revealed a signicant conformation change in the CD measurement and provided a
low KD value of 18.35 nM by uorescence, was employed. Figure3 demonstrates the dierent steps to fabricate
the DXN aptasensor. First, the disulde-modied aptamer (HOC6-S-S-C6-DEX04) was immobilized on a gold
surface by self-assembly and the free gold surfaces were blocked using MCH in order to minimize the nonspecic
adsorption of the aptamers and ensure that the aptamer binds only from the sulde side. Atomic force micros-
copy (AFM) was used to characterize the morphology of the gold electrodes surface before and aer the aptamer
immobilization (Fig.4). A comparison between the AFM images of bare and modied electrode shows clearly the
aptamer immobilization. e formation of a complete aptamer monolayer on top of the gold electrode induces
a signicant decrease in the roughness of the electrode. Before the aptamer immobilization, the bare gold elec-
trode showed a roughness value of 7 nm compared to 4 nm the chemisorbed DEX on the electrode surface. In
addition, the resulting modied electrodes have been characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
and Attenuated total reection-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR). Compared to bare gold electrode, the
high-resolution XPS spectra of sulfur (S) for modied electrodes showed a S 2p peak at 162.4 eV. is peak is
attributed to a Au-S bond indicating that the chemical graing of the thiol-modied aptamer to the gold surface
was successful21 (Fig.S4). However, from the ATR-FTIR data we can conclude that we have the ssDNA attached
to the electrode surface22,23 (Fig.S5). All the steps of the fabrication of the aptasensor were controlled by EIS and
CV measurements. As shown in Fig.5A, the characteristic ferricyanide redox peaks resulting from the bare gold
electrodes declined gradually aer being exposed to MCH, free DEX04 aptamer and DEX04 bound to DXN. As
anticipated, the bare gold electrode showed a quasi-reversible voltammogram of the ferricyanide redox couple
with a peak separation ΔEp of 120 mV (black curve). Aer modication with MCH (red curve), the electrochem-
ical reaction is blocked on Au electrode surface, which leads to an increase in the peak separation and a substan-
tial decrease in the peak current. Once the Au electrode incubated with the aptamer and followed by MCH (blue
curve), a higher degree of decreasing in the electron transfer charge between the redox couple and the electrode
Figure 2. (A) Binding saturation curve of all aptamers with DXN beads determined by the uorescence assay,
by plotting the concentration of the complex formed by the binding between ssDNA aptamer and DXN analyte
([ssDNADXN]) as a function of unbound ssDNA concentration. (B) Circular dichroism spectra of 3 μM of
the DEX04 before (Black line) and aer recognition of 3 μM DXN (Red line). (C) Cross-reactivity study of the
DEX04 aptamer to progesterone (P4), norethisterone (NET) and 17β-estradiol (E2).
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:6600 |
were observed compared to Au electrode modied with MCH only. is could be aected by the generation of
a negatively charged DNA that rejects the [Fe(CN)6]4/3 anions and retards the interfacial kinetics of the redox
couple at the Au interface. us, this is indicating the successful attachment of the aptamer on the gold surface.
Moreover, the peak current reects an additional decrease of the electron-transfer rate aer incubation with
100 nM DXN (green curve), conrming the success of binding between DXN and the aptasensor.
Likewise, ESIs for each step of the electrode modifying in 10 mM [Fe(CN)6]4/3 solution as probe redox
were recorded (Fig.5B). Impedance measurements were represented by Nyquist plots. ese plots consist of a
part forming semicircles at high frequencies corresponding to electron transfer and a straight line at very low
Figure 3. Impedimetric mechanism of aptasensor.
Figure 4. (A) AFM images of the bare electrode and (B) DEX04 aptamer-immobilized gold electrode.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:6600 |
frequencies representing the diusion processes. e quantication of the semicircle diameter can be tted with
the Randles-modied equivalent circuit or the electron transfer resistance (Ret) of the modied electrode sur-
faces. e obtained ESIs data corroborate the preceding results obtained by CV. More specically, the EIS cor-
responding to the bare gold electrode presents a small semicircle diameter (black curve) indicating the rapid
electron transfer and diusion limiting processes on the bare gold electrode surface. Aer incubating with MCH,
a preventing of the electrochemical reaction occurred, an increase in the charge transfer resistance (Rct) was
noticed. Aer immersing the gold electrode in the disulde-modied aptamer and followed by MCH blocking,
a signicant increase in the diameter of the semicircle was observed indicating the increase in the Rct caused by
the assembly of a negatively charged disulde DNA which repels the [Fe(CN)6]4/3 anions of the redox couple
on the electrode surface, which conrms the success of the self-assembly. We notice a signicant increase in Rct
(7810 ) aer incubating the aptasensor with 50 nM of DXN. is Rct change may be resulting from the con-
formation changes of the aptamer upon binding to DXN, which leads to more shielding of the Au surface and
more retardation for the [Fe(CN)6]4/3 anions accessibility to the surface electrode. When DXN concentration
increased to 100 nM, a further small increase in Rct was observed. Both of CV and EIS results conrm that the
sensing interface is achieved successfully.
e incubation time is a crucial factor, which could aect the performance of the aptasensor in DXN recog-
nition. e incubation time was studied by incubating the DEX04 aptamer immobilized on Au electrode with
50 nM DXN at various duration. To evaluate the aptasensor’s response, we used the percentage change in the
Rct before and aer binding to DXN. As shown in Fig.6A, the aptasensor’s response increased by increasing the
incubation time from 10 to 100 min. A slight increase in the sensor’s response was also observed from 100 to
240 min, indicating the saturation of the aptamer modied electrode. Consequently, the aptasensor was incubated
for 120 min in all future experiments. e incubation time of our sensor is longer than the immunosensor maybe
because in immunosensor system the anti-dexamethasone is incubated on TiO2 nanoparticles14. ese nanopar-
ticles have a larger surface area than our gold base electrode. It supports the dexamethasone easily to excess to the
anti-dexamethasone bead.
e selectivity of the DXN aptasensor was studied in the presence of other hormone analogs to DXN. To
achieve this, 1 nM of DXN, P4, NET, E2, binding buer and their mixture were tested. Figure6B presents the bar
chart of the sensor’s response of (R0 R)/R0, which demonstrates the high response obtained with the DXN and
the mixtures compared to the nonsignicant changes in the case of the other components introduced, thus indi-
cating the selectivity and the specicity of the developed aptasensor to DXN. e calibration curves of DXN were
then constructed by monitoring the sensor’s response (Fig.6C). en the calibration curves of DXN were then
constructed (Fig.6D). Compared with dierent detection methods (see Table2), the developed aptasensor exhib-
ited excellent analytical performance with a wide linear range of 2.5 to 100 nM and low detection limit at 2.12 nM,
calculated by IUPAC method24. e error bars represent the standard deviation SD of the three measurements.
Application of DXN aptasensor in real simples. To evaluate the performance of the developed aptasen-
sor for the detection of DXN in real samples, series of experiments have been carried out using tap water, drinking
fountain water and ultrapure water with three dierent concentrations of DXN varying from 0 nM, 50 nM and
100 nM. Table3 presents the results obtained for each sample. e negative water samples in binding buer did
not exhibit any signicant signal. Good percentages of recovery ranging from 81.5% to 103.2% were obtained
indicating no eect of interference from water components on the aptasensor’s detection mechanism. e relative
Figure 5. (A) Cyclic voltammograms and (B) impedance spectra (Nyquist plots) of 10 mM [Fe(CN)6]4/3 in
PBS, pH 7.4, for bare Au electrode, Au/MCH, Au/MCH/DEX04 before and aer recognition to 50 nM and
100 nM DXN. e inset is the equivalent circuit used for the impedance data tting; Rs is the solution resistance
between working and reference electrodes, Zw is Warburg impedance; Cdl is the double layer capacitance and
Rct is the charge-transfer resistance.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:6600 |
dierences are between 2.2% and 11.5%. ese shown an acceptable recovery rate in levels of ng/mL is between
40 and 120% and the RSD could be 30% to 45%24. us, it can be concluded that recoveries for all concentrations
of DXN in the studied samples are in the acceptable range. Finally, these results approved the actual application
and the possible use of the impedimetric aptasensor in environmental analysis.
Figure 6. (A) Eect of the DXN incubation time on aptasensor’s response for 50 nM DXN, (B) e cross
reactivity of the DXN aptasensor against binding buer (BB), 1 nM of DXN, P4, NET, E2 and their mixture, (C)
Examples of Nyquist plots measurements in 10 mM [Fe(CN)6]4/3 of the aptasensor in dierent concentrations
of DXN analyte (0, 1, 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200 and 300 nM). (D) Calibration curve of the aptasensor
plotted with a regression coecient r2 = 0.99.
Method Linear dynamic
range LOD Applications/Comment Ref.
Label-free electrochemical aptasensor 2.5–100 nM 2.12 nM Applied to tab water and drinking
water, recovery = 81.5–103.2% is work
reverse-phase high-performance liquid
chromatography with diode array
detection Not report water = 6 ng/mL
Feed = 190 ng/g
Applied to water and feed
for meat-producing animals:
recovery = 99.4 ± 1.3%
Flumethasone was used as internal
Electrochemical sensor based Fe3O4/
PANI–CuII microsphere 0.05 to 30 mM 3.0 nM Applied to human urine and serum
Recovery = 97.0–102.0%
high-performance liquid chromatography
with diode array detection Not report 10 ng/mL Applied to human plasma with
recovery = 96.96% to 106.07% 27
Hanging mercury drop electrode 25.5–122.3 µM 7.6 µMApplied to drug sample;
recovery = 99.8–100% 28
square-wave adsorptive voltammetry 0.0498–0.61 µM2.54 nM Applied to eye drops, injectable, elixir;
recovery = 94.14–112.41% 29
Table 2. Figures of merits of comparable methods for determination of dexamethasone.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:6600 |
In this work, we have selected, identied and characterized the rst aptamer with a high anity and specicity to
dexamethasone, a widely used hormone with low molecular weight (392.46 Da). e developed aptamer DEX04
presented a dissociation constant in the range of nanomolar range and demonstrated a signicant change in
its conformation before and aer DXN recognition as shown by circular dichroism spectroscopy. e DEX04
aptamer was then integrated to design a label-free impedance based aptasensor. e aptasensor had a low LOD
of 2.12 nM with a wide linear range of 2.5 nM to 100 nM and a good yield in the range of 81.5 to 103.2% as
demonstrated by the application performed on dierent water samples. Other applications for the selected DXN
aptasensor in meat, milk and some clinical samples will be studied in the future.
Experimental Section
Materials and reagents. e materials and reagents used for the selection, characterization of the aptamer
and the development of the DXN aptasensor are cited in the supplementary information section.
In Vitro Selection of DXN aptamers. The selection of aptamers was done through the SELEX pro-
cess in which DXN conjugated sepharose 6β beads were exposed to the ssDNA library. This study, a ran-
dom library containing 1.08 × 1015 oligonucleotides was designed. It is composed of a principal randomized
part of 60 nucleotides connected by two constant primer-hybridization sites at the 3 and 5 extremities
(5-ATATCATATGCTCCAATT-N60-ATATTACACTTGCGATCT-3). e primers were labeled with uores-
cein in order to determine the recovered ssDNA and hexaethylene glycol (HEGL) linker to inhibit the polymer-
ase prolongation. Five successive steps were accomplished for each aptamer selection and amplication cycle
as shown in Fig.S6. Specically, a 100 pmol ssDNA pool (1.794 nmol at the rst cycle), measured by UV spec-
trophotometer was pretreated by heating at 90 °C for 5 min followed by renatured at 4 °C for 10 min. en the
mixture was le at ambient temperature for 5 min before adding 50 μL for the rst cycle (100 μL for the second
round and beyond) of prewashed DXN sepharose 6β beads in 400 μL binding buer in a centrifuge lter tube.
e solution was then incubated for 2 hours at room temperature. Aer incubation, the beads were washed sev-
eral times with the binding buer until no ssDNA is detected by uorospectrometer (Nano Drop 3300, Fisher
Scientic, Canada). e ssDNA aptamers bound to DXN sepharose beads were then eluted 6 times with 250 µL
of elution buer and heated at 90 °C for 10 minutes. Each eluting time, the elution was measured by uorospec-
trometer until no DNA is detected. Eluted ssDNA was then concentrated and desalted by ultraltration using a
3 kDa cut o membrane.
e eluted DNA was amplied by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). PCR products were concentrated by
Speed Vac and re-suspended in 50:50 v/v of water:formamide and later heated at 55 °C for 5 min. e uorescein
labeled DNA was then isolated from the double-stranded PCR product by loading into 12% denaturing poly-
acrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). en it was eluted from the gel band through freeze thaw cycle. Eluted
ssDNA from in the TE buer (10 mM Tris pH 7.4, 1 mM EDTA) was concentrated by the ultraltration and then
quantied by UV to be used for the next selection round. During SELEX cycles, two negative selection rounds
were performed before the 6th and 10th cycles. is is carried out by incubating the DNA pool with blank sepha-
rose beads. In this counter selection step, washed ssDNA were collected and exposed to the same pre-treatment
mentioned previously.
Cloning and sequencing of selected DNA. e selected ssDNA from the latest SELEX round were
amplied by PCR using non-labeled primers. Aerwards, the DNA was cloned into pCR2.1-TOPO vector with
the TOPO TA Cloning Kit (Invitrogen) using the competent cells E. coli. e bacteria that contained the plasmids
were then cultured on petri dishes containing LB-agar medium enriched with 200 μL of ampicillin (20 mg/mL)
and 100 μL of IPTGX-GAL. Positive white clones which contain a single sequence of ssDNA inserted into their
plasmid were picked from petri dishes for subsequent cultivation in tubes containing liquid media. Aer incuba-
tion and growth, the ssDNA was amplied using the M13 forward and reverse primer sites within the vector and
puried by QIAquick PCR. Finally, the ssDNA selected by the SELEX process were analyzed and aligned using
the DIALIGN soware25. Analysis of the secondary structure of identied aptamers was performed using the
internet-free Mfold soware26.
Sample Spiked DXN
(nM) [Ret R0]/
R0 (%) Recover y
(%) RSD
Tap water
0 7.1 ± 2.3 — 2.26
50 46.0 ± 2.5 103.29 6.93
100 73.6 ± 1.6 90.68 2.19
Drinking water
0 14.3 ± 4.7 — 4.67
50 38.3 ± 2.3 81.55 6.45
100 77.7 ± 8.2 96.19 11.57
Ultrapure water
0 10.6 ± 2.4 — 2.39
50 30.5 ± 3.3 88.03 8.13
100 76.5 ± 3.6 94.54 5.05
Table 3. Spike and Recovery Results from the application of DXN Aptasensor in real samples.
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Determination of dissociation constant and cross-reactivity Study by uorescence assay. A
high anity binding between aptamers and DXN is a critical requirement for biosensing purposes. A binding
assay was determined by studying the dissociation constant (KD). e identied aptamer sequences were ampli-
ed by PCR and labeled with uorescein uorophore. ey were pretreated and then incubated in a 20 µL of DXN
beads and various concentrations of the aptamers, i.e., 50, 100, 200, 300 and 400 nM. Aer heating and cooling
treatment, the mixtures were washed and DNA was eluted. From each eluted DNA sequences, the uorescence
signal was quantied. A saturation curve was plotted and the KD values were respectively calculated using the
nonlinear regression method.
Cross-reactivity refers to the ability of a given aptamer to react with other analytes or hormones which have a
similar chemical structure to DXN, i.e., progesterone (P4), norethisterone (NET) and estradiol (E2). Aer ampli-
fying aptamers by PCR, a 150 nM of each aptamer was incubated with 20 µL P4 beads (a load capacity of 4.4
nmoL/mL) and 5 µL of the NET, E2 and DXN beads (loading capacity ligands of 6–14 μmoL/mL). e percentage
binding of each hormone with the aptamers was determined by measuring the elution DNA using NanoDrop
3300 uorospectrometer.
Circular Dichroism (CD) study. e conformational changes in the structure of the aptamer upon DXN
recognition were studied by circular dichroism spectroscopy. e spectrum of each sequence was analyzed before
and aer adding 3 μM of DXN into 3 μM of aptamer sequences. To obtain accurate results, we recorded and sub-
tracted the background signals of binding buer and 3 μM DXN from the CD spectra. e CD measurements
were performed using Jasco-810 spectropolarimeter. Each CD spectrum was collected from 200 to 320 nm wave-
lengths at 0.1 nm intervals and an accumulation of three scans at 20 nm/min, with a 1 nm bandwidth and a time
constant of 1 second.
Electrochemical detection of DXN. In this work, gold (Au) rod electrode was used as a basis surface for
modied of the aptamers. e immobilization is based on self-assembly of a disulde-aptamer on Au surface.
Before using Au electrodes (2.0 mm diameter) were cleaned and polished with 1, 0.3 and 0.05 µm alumina slurries
(Al2O3). e electrodes were then washed and sonicated for 2 min in ultrapure water and subsequently immersed
for 1 min in a piranha solution (3:1 mixture of concentrated H2SO4 and 30% H2O2), then washed again with
ultrapure water and sonicated for 2 min in 100% ethanol. e electrodes were then electrochemically treated
by cyclic voltammetry in 0.5 M of H2SO4 by cycling a potential of 0 to +1.6 V with the scan rate of 100 mV/s
for 15 scans. Aer washing with ultrapure water and dry with nitrogen, the electrodes were incubated in 1 μM
disulde-modied DEX04 aptamer (the best performance aptamer) in the binding buer for 24 hours at room
temperature. Aer that, the DEX04 aptamer-modied electrodes were cleaned with the binding buer to remove
any unbound aptamers. e electrodes were then immersed in a 1 µM 6-mercapto-1-hexanol (MCH) in 10 mM
phosphate buer saline, pH 7.4 for 30 min in order to block the remaining bare surfaces and to reduce the density
of the aptamer layers by the displacement of the aptamers non-specically adsorbed. At the end, the modied
electrodes were thoroughly washed with the binding buer and 1 M NaCl solution. For further uses, the modied
electrodes were stored in the binding buer at 4 °C.
For preliminary conditions of the detection, the aptamer-modied gold electrodes were incubated with 50 nM
and 100 nM of DXN for 100 min. Aer washing with binding buer to eliminate the unbound aptamers to DXN,
the electrodes were subjected directly to record cyclic voltamograms and impedance spectra. For the electro-
chemical measurements, they were carried out by using SP-300 potentiostat (Bio-Logic Science Instrument,
France) connected to a personal computer and driven by EC-Lab program. A frequency ranges from 100 kHz to
50 mHz using an alternative voltage with an amplitude of 10 mV, superimposed on a DC potential of 0.21 V (vs a
Ag/AgCl reference electrode) was programed. All measurements were carried out in 10 mM PBS buer, pH 7.4,
in the presence of 10 mM [Fe(CN)6]4/3 as a redox couple.
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This work was supported through funding from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of
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Author Contributions
S.M., S.P. and M.S. conceived the idea of this work. S.M. designed and performed the experiments, analyzed the
data and wrote the manuscript. S.P. helps for the electrochemical measurements and the sensors conception.
G.C.J. was involved in all discussions during the project. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
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... The LoD was of 10 CFU mL À1 and can also distinguish non-target bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermis [43]. Mehennaoui et al. [44] developed a label-free aptasensor based on the aptamer-ligand binding system to monitor the synthetic hormone dexamethasone. They observed the binding of dexamethasone with DNAR with changes in the charge transfer resistance of [Fe(CN) 6 ] 3-/4redox couple. ...
... Their impact on human health can occur at any stage of the food production, delivery, and consumption chain [56]. Therefore, adequate monitoring and management of contaminants are vital to guarantee environmental conservation and public health [57,58], including hazardous substances [59], pesticides [60], hormones [44,61], bacterial pathogens [62,63], and intentional food adulteration [45,64]. An example is the rising level of residual progesterone (P4) in water from hormonal therapy, which negatively impacts human health. ...
... In addition to CD spectral shifts, changes in the intensity of CD peaks at a given wavelength can indicate conformational changes of aptamers (Chang et al., 2012;Mehennaoui et al., 2019;Aljohani et al., 2020;Xie et al., 2022;Xu et al., 2022;Wu et al., 2023;Alkhamis et al., 2024). Xie et al. (2022) used CD to demonstrate the target-induced structural changes of several truncated methamphetamine (MAMP)-binding aptamers. ...
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Structure-switching aptamers have become ubiquitous in several applications, notably in analytical devices such as biosensors, due to their ease of supporting strong signaling. Aside from their ability to bind specifically with their respective target, this class of aptamers also undergoes a conformational rearrangement upon target recognition. While several well-studied and early-developed aptamers (e.g., cocaine, ATP, and thrombin) have been found to have this structure-switching property, the vast majority do not. As a result, it is common to try to engineer aptamers into switches. This proves challenging in part because of the difficulty in obtaining structural and functional information about aptamers. In response, we review various readily available biophysical characterization tools that are capable of assessing structure switching of aptamers. In doing so, we delve into the fundamentals of these different techniques and detail how they have been utilized in characterizing structure-switching aptamers. While each of these biophysical techniques alone has utility, their real power to demonstrate the occurrence of structural change with ligand binding is when multiple techniques are used. We hope that through a deeper understanding of these techniques, researchers will be better able to acquire biophysical information about their aptamer–ligand systems and accelerate the translation of aptamers into biosensors.
... For the Au/Apt electrode (curve b), the R ct increased slightly due to the electrostatic repulsion between the negatively charged aptamer layer and the [Fe(CN) 6 ] 3-/4-, ascertaining that the aptamer was successfully assembled [34]. A further increase in semicircle diameter was observed after about 1 h incubation of MCH (Au/Apt/MCH, curve c), as the presence of MCH on the gold surface hindered interfacial electron transfer [35]. After sequential incubation with 1.0 μM and 5.0 μM THC, the EIS plots of the Au/Apt/MCH electrodes showed lower R ct compared to the absence of the target and decreased with increasing target concentration (curve e). ...
... Table S1 showed SELEX rounds and conditions for DNA aptamer selection against porcine protein. Each round of selection was monitored by measuring the percentage of eluted ssDNA (Fig. 1A) and 6-FAM fluorescent measurement of the ssDNA (Fig. 1B) [30]. The success of aptamer selection depends on several factors, including the enrichment of high-affinity binders in the ssDNA pool and elimination of unspecific and low-affinity binders through incubation time, washing steps, and negative selection [19,20]. ...
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Effective monitoring of ocular drugs is crucial for personalized medicine and improving drug delivery efficacy. However, traditional methods face difficulties in detecting low drug concentrations in small volumes of ocular fluid, such as that found on the ocular surface. In this study, we used capture-SELEX to select aptamers for two commonly used ocular drugs, timolol maleate and atropine. We identified TMJ-1 and AT-1 aptamers with binding affinities of 3.4 μM timolol maleate and 10 μM atropine, respectively. Our label-free TMJ-1 biosensor using thioflavin T staining achieved a limit of detection (LOD) of 0.3 μM for timolol maleate. The AT-1 biosensor showed an LOD of 1 μM for atropine, and exhibited a 10-fold higher sensitivity compared to UV-visible spectroscopy. Future research in this area holds promise in enhancing drug delivery monitoring and improving the treatment of ocular diseases.
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Dear students and graduated aesthetic cosmetologists, the teaching material we present uses data from research and websites on current topics for face and body treatment that have been used by people for centuries, all with the aim of improving appearance, improving the health of the skin, hair and nails. Students from the Department of Cosmetology at the MIT University College, Bobana Žežova and Sibil Mustafovska helped me in the preparation of this material. Each research offers new dimensions in our practical work. We are of the opinion that this publication will help you master your skills, to have in practice a high level of professionalism, based on scientific claims. . From the Author
Corticosteroids are a versatile class of drugs employed a wide range of applications. However, their many adverse reactions may require monitoring in biological samples. In addition, in view of their eco-toxicological potential, monitoring and reducing them in the environment may be a long-term solution to counteract their harmful effects. For these reasons, the development of new, rapid, selective, and inexpensive electrochemical methods for the determination of corticosteroids in biological and environmental samples is important. This mini-review high-lights recent advances and discusses the results in terms of selectivity and sensitivity as well as proposing future prospects in the development of electrochemical sensors for the determination of corticosteroids.
Cryptosporidium parvum is a high-risk and opportunistic waterborne parasitic pathogen with highly infectious oocysts that can survive harsh environmental conditions for long periods. Current state-of-the-art methods are limited to lengthy imaging and antibody-based detection techniques that are slow, labor-intensive, and demand trained personnel. Therefore, the development of new sensing platforms for rapid and accurate identification at the point-of-care (POC) is essential to improve public health. Herein, we propose a novel electrochemical microfluidic aptasensor based on hierarchical 3D gold nano-/microislands (NMIs), functionalized with aptamers specific to C. parvum. We used aptamers as robust synthetic biorecognition elements with a remarkable ability to bind and discriminate among molecules to develop a highly selective biosensor. Also, the 3D gold NMIs feature a large active surface area that provides high sensitivity and a low limit of detection (LOD), especially when they are combined with aptamers,. The performance of the NMI aptasensor was assessed by testing the biosensor's ability to detect different concentrations of C. parvum oocysts spiked in different sample matrices, i.e., buffer, tap water, and stool, within 40 min detection time. The electrochemical measurements showed an acceptable LOD of 5 oocysts mL-1 in buffer medium, as well as 10 oocysts mL-1 in stool and tap water media, over a wide linear range of 10-100,000 oocysts mL-1. Moreover, the NMI aptasensor recognized C. parvum oocysts with high selectivity while exhibiting no significant cross-reactivity to other related coccidian parasites. The specific feasibility of the aptasensor was further demonstrated by the detection of the target C. parvum in patient stool samples. Our assay showed coherent results with microscopy and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction, achieving high sensitivity and specificity with a significant signal difference (p < 0.001). Therefore, the proposed microfluidic electrochemical biosensor platform could be a stepping stone for the development of rapid and accurate detection of parasites at the POC.
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In this work, we explore the use of electrochemical methods (i.e., impedance) along with the arsenic-specific aptamer (ArsSApt) to fabricate and study the interfacial properties of an arsenic (As(III)) sensor. The ArsSApt layer was self-assembled on a gold substrate, and upon binding of As(III), a detectable change in the impedimetric signal was recorded because of conformational changes at the interfacial layer. These interfacial changes are linearly correlated with the concentration of arsenic present in the system. This target-induced signal was utilized for the selective detection of As(III) with a linear dynamic range of 0.05–10 ppm and minimum detectable concentrations of ca. 0.8 μM. The proposed system proved to be successful mainly because of the combination of a highly sensitive electrochemical platform and the recognized specificity of the ArsSApt toward its target molecule. Also, the interaction between the ArsSApt and the target molecule (i.e., arsenic) was explored in depth. The obtained results in this work are aimed at proving the development of a simple and environmentally benign sensor for the detection of As(III) as well as in elucidating the possible interactions between the ArsSApt and arsenic molecules.
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A lateral flow colloidal gold (CG) immunoassay strip has been developed for detection of dexamethasone (DEX) residues in milk samples. For this purpose, an anti-DEX monoclonal antibody (McAb), based on a DEX succinic anhydride derivative hapten, was prepared and characterized. The McAb showed a high specificity to DEX, the half inhibitory concentration of the antibody was 0.095 ng/mL, its limit of detection (LOD) was 0.017 ng/mL, and its linear range of detection was 0.034–0.265 ng/mL. The developed CG immunoassay had a visual cut-off value of 0.3 ng/mL in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and 0.5 ng/mL in milk samples. Each test requires 10 min. Analysis of DEX in milk indicated that the results of strip assay had a strong agreement with indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Therefore, the CG immunoassay is a sensitive screening method for semi-quantitative and qualitative detection of DEX residues in milk samples.
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A novel, simple, sensitive and selective electrochemical sensor based on an Fe3O4/PANI–CuII microsphere modified carbon ionic liquid electrode is constructed and utilized for the determination of dexamethasone. The synthesized Fe3O4/PANI–CuII microspheres are characterized by routine methods such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA), and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). The Fe3O4/PANI–CuII microspheres can significantly accelerate the electron transfer rate and represent excellent synergistic electrochemical activity for the oxidation of dexamethasone. Differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) was used for the quantitative determination of dexamethasone. As shown, the oxidation peak current is linear with the concentration of dexamethasone in the range of 0.05 to 30 μM with a detection limit of 3.0 nM which is more sensitive than most of the previously reported methods. The proposed method is successfully applied to the sensitive determination of dexamethasone in real samples with satisfactory recoveries.
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A novel photoelectrochemical immunosensor based on the competitive strategy is proposed for the specific detection of dexamethasone (DXM). Graphitic carbon nitride coupled with bismuth sulfide are used as the sensing matrix for the immobilization of BSA-DXM on the electrode surface, while cadmium sulfide functionalized titanium dioxide (TiO 2 @CdS) is used as the photoelectric active labels of anti-DXM. Due to the perfect matching of energy levels between TiO 2 and CdS, the in situ prepared composite labels show excellent photocurrent response under visible lights. The competitive binding of DXM in sample solutions and BSA-DXM on the electrode surface reduces the specific attachment of labels to the electrode, resulting in a decrease of the photocurrent intensity. Greatly enhanced sensitivity is achieved after the optimization of the detection conditions. Under the optimal detection condition, the well-designed immunosensor for DXM exhibits a low detection limit of 2 pg'mL1. Additionally, the proposed immunoassay system shows high specificity, good reproducibility and acceptable stability, which is also expected to become a promising platform for the detection of other small molecules.
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We investigate the nature of charge transport in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) using self-assembled layers of DNA in large-area molecular junctions. A protocol was developed that yields dense monolayers where the DNA molecules are not standing upright, but are lying flat on the substrate. As a result the charge transport is measured not along the DNA molecules but in the transverse direction, across their diameter. The electrical transport data are consistent with the derived morphology. We demonstrate that the charge transport mechanism through DNA is identical to non-resonant tunneling through alkanethiols with identical length, classifying DNA as a dielectric.
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It is internationally recognized that validation is necessary in analytical laboratories. The use of validated methods is important for an analytical laboratory to show its qualification and competency. In this update on analytical quality, we place validation of analytical methodologies in the broader context of quality assurance (QA). We discuss different approaches to validation, giving attention to the different characteristics of method performance. We deal with the concepts of single-laboratory or in-house validation, inter-laboratory or collaborative study, standardization, internal quality control (IQC), proficiency testing (PT), accreditation and, finally, analytical QA (AQA).This article provides a good, complete, up-to-date collation of relevant information in the fields of analytical method validation and QA. It describes the different aspects of method validation in the framework of QA. It offers insight and direct help to anyone involved in any analytical methodologies, whether they are an academic researcher or in the industrial sector.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of water pollution with dexamethasone on intestinal flora in mice. Methods: Twenty Balb/c mice were randomly divided into control group and low-, moderate- and high-dose dexamethasone groups. The mice in dexamethasone groups were exposed to dexamethasone sodium phosphate in drinking water at doses of 0.035, 0.225, and 2.25 ng for 36 days. The changes in behaviors, fur condition, and feces of the mice were observed daily. All the mice were sacrificed at 36 days and the tissues in the ileocecal region was collected for denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rDNA V6 variable regions of microbes and sequence analysis with BLAST. Results: The mice in the 3 dexamethasone groups all showed aggressive behaviors. Cluster analysis of DGGE graph showed relatively stable floras in the ileocecal region in all the mice, but principal component analysis identified differences in the dominating flora among the groups. Diversity analysis of the flora revealed significantly increased amount and types of bacteria in the intestinal flora in all the 3 dexamethasone groups (P<0.05 or 0.01) compared with the control group. Sequence analysis of 16S rDNA V6 regions showed 15 common bacterial species and 2 differential species between the dexamethasone groups and the control group with changes in the type and proportion of the dominating bacterium in the dexamethasone groups. Lactobacillus colonization was detected in the control group but not in moderate- and high-dose dexamethasone groups, and Shigella species were found in the latter two groups. Conclusions: Water contamination with dexamethasone can affect the nervous system of mice, cause changes in the types and amounts of intestinal bacteria and the dominating bacteria, and inhibit the colonization of probiotics in the intestinal floras to increase the risk of invasion by intestinal pathogenic bacteria.
A sensitive high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method has been developed for the determination of dexamethasone in human plasma. After 1.5 mL of plasma was extracted with 4 mL of ethyl acetate containing 80 ng/mL of desoxymethasone, analysis of dexamethasone in plasma samples was carried out using a Sphereclone ODS2 column with UV detection for separation and quantification. A mixture of acetonitrile–10 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) (32:68, v/v) was used as a mobile phase. The limit of quantitative (LOQ) analysis was 10 ng/mL. The accuracy of the assay was from 96.96% to 106.07%, while the intra‐ and inter‐day coefficient of variation of the same concentration range was less than 15%, except LOQ (<20%). The signals were monitored by a UV detector at 240 nm with flow‐rate of 1.0 mL/min. The method could be applied, with great success, to evaluate the bioavailability of dexamethasone in human subjects, with excellent selectivity and reproducibility and clinical study.
Rabies is a fatal central nervous system (CNS) disease caused by the neurotropic rabies virus (RABV). The therapeutic management of RABV infections is still problematic, and novel antiviral strategies are urgently required. We established the RVG-BHK-21 cell line, which expresses RABV glycoprotein on the cell surface, to select aptamers. Through 28 iterative rounds of selection, single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) aptamers were generated by exponential enrichment (SELEX). A virus titer assay and a real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) assay revealed that four aptamers could inhibit the replication of RABV in cultured baby hamster kidney (BHK)-21 cells. However, the aptamers did not inhibit the replication of other virus, e.g., canine distemper virus (CDV) and canine parvovirus (CPV). In addition, the GE54 aptamer was found to effectively protect mice against lethal RABV challenge. After inoculation with aptamers for 24h or 48h, followed by inoculation with CVS-11, approximately 25% to 33% of the mice survived. In summary, we selected aptamers that could significantly protect from a lethal dose of RABV in vitro and in vivo.
The effect of surfactants on the electrochemical determination of dexamethasone at an edge plane pyrolytic graphite electrode (EPPGE), modified with single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) has been investigated. The unique electrocatalytic properties of SWNT along with the synergistic adsorption of CTAB on SWNT lead to sensitive voltammetric response of dexamethasone with the reduction peak at ca. −1195 mV. The limit of detection and sensitivity of dexamethasone is estimated to be 9.1×10−10 M and 0.727 µA µM−1 respectively. The SWNT coated EPPGE had good stability and reproducibility. The analytical utility of the developed method was evaluated by applying it for sensing the drug in human body fluids and for the determination of dexamethasone content in several commercially available pharmaceutical preparations. A comparison of the observed results of proposed method with HPLC clearly indicates that the results of both the methods are in good agreement. The product obtained after the reduction of dexamethasone has also been characterized using 1H NMR and carbonyl group at position 3 has been found to reduce. The method is instant, simple and accurate and can be easily applied for detecting cases of doping.