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Role of mobile apps in absorptive capabilities of small and medium-sized enterprises in Nigeria

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Although it is known that mobile apps are used for businesses, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) tend to focus more on their internal business activities with little attention to the benefits of mobile apps in sensing opportunities and enhancing external competencies in a dynamic business environment. This study explores the role of mobile app usage in the absorptive capabilities of SMEs in Nigeria. Absorptive capabilities reflect the ability to harness internal and external competencies towards business objectives. Using content analysis, interview responses from 16 SMEs in Nigeria were evaluated. The key findings suggest that SMEs only use mobile apps for training and development, and sales and marketing. The study identifies a need to develop a contextual mobile app that is suited for SMEs in developing country contexts such as Nigeria

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While many cities are beginning to experience mass discontent from tough and declining economies, small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in Lagos continue to survive despite existing mass discontent brought about by corruption, economic recessions, poor infrastructure, unemployment, poverty, and insurgency in Nigeria. This paper develops a conceptual model to make sense of how SMEs in Lagos use mobile apps as a means of survival in conditions of uncertainty. Underpinned by pragmatic philosophy, the paper draws on the theory of dynamic capabilities (DC) to develop the conceptual model. Whereas the theory of DC asserts that business could compete favourably despite unpredictable business environments through continuous sensing and seizing of opportunities, it also suggests that constructs for measuring DCs vary across contexts. The study adopted a qualitative approach to identify the absorptive, adaptive, and innovative capabilities used by SMEs in Lagos with a view to identifying the role of mobile apps. The key findings suggest that SMEs in Lagos manifest a higher degree of adaptive capabilities compared with their absorptive and innovative capabilities. Specifically, the SMEs are primarily information seekers with a flexible approach to opportunity seeking. The SMEs leverage on adaptive capabilities mainly through customer feedback and referrals, and manifest absorptive capabilities through repackaging and repricing of their offerings. The findings further reveal how SMEs primarily satisfice, and that there is a gap for better contextually appropriate apps that meet the needs of these SMEs. The paper makes a contribution to DC theory in identifying capabilities in conditions of uncertainty in an African and developing context.
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This article reviews several differences between case study and ethnography in terms of definitions, characteristics, strengths and limitations. It provides current information by comparing these approaches from various social researchers' perspectives. Although each method has strong points, they both have differences in conducting observation and interview as data collection techniques; choosing the length of time of data gathering and reporting details of a particular reality.
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There are numerous conceptual and empirical studies on the topic of dynamic capability where most of them were demonstrated to address the innovation and technological-related issues. However, there are still many issues surrounding the concept that need further clarification. To explicitly understand how dynamic capability can benefit technology management, this paper reviews the fundamental of dynamic capability concept, the issues surrounding the topics under discussion, and its relevance for managing technology and change. By doing so, the link between dynamic capability and technology management can be clarified. This review paper should benefit both the academicians and students who interested in management of technology and change with the concept of dynamic capability.
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The role play by Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in economic growth and sustainable development of any nation cannot be downsized. Nigeria, in particular, SMEs serves as the major employer of labour and represent about 95% of its enterprises, This statistic is a pointer to the expected contribution of this segment to the economy. This study discusses the nature of SMEs: Government and financial institutions supports in Nigeria. This study discovers that despite Government and financial institutions support towards SMEs in Nigeria, SMEs fall short of expectations that make the Nigerian economy unstable than what it is expected. Therefore, this study recommends that the SMEs entrepreneurs should re-strategize the ways there do carry out operations from as-usual to unusual. The Government should appoint competent people to handle ministries and parastatals, provide adequate funds to SMEs and make sure it gets to the right people that are in need of it for its potentials to revive back, and the financial institution should subsidizethe loan requirement and interest rate to SMEs entrepreneurs. Therefore, with this SMEs will have a comfortable place to play around in Nigeria as it serves as the major mover of the economy.
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Researchers have used the absorptive capacity construct to explain various organizational phenomena. In this article we review the literature to identify key dimensions of absorptive capacity and offer a reconceptualization of this construct. Building upon the dynamic capabilities view of the firm, we distinguish between a firm's potential and realized capacity. We then advance a model outlining the conditions when the firm's potential and realized capacities can differentially influence the creation and sustenance of its competitive advantage.
The field of dynamic capabilities has developed very rapidly over the last ten years. In this paper we discuss the evolution of the concept, and identify two major current debates around the nature of dynamic capabilities and their consequences. We then review recent progress as background to identifying the contributions of the seven papers in this special issue, and discuss the relative merits of qualitative and quantitative studies for investigating dynamic capabilities. We conclude with recommendations for future research arguing for more longitudinal studies which can examine the processes of dynamic abilities over time, and for studies in diverse industries and national contexts.
This paper draws on the social and behavioral sciences in an endeavor to specify the nature and microfoundations of the capabilities necessary to sustain superior enterprise performance in an open economy with rapid innovation and globally dispersed sources of invention, innovation, and manufacturing capability. Dynamic capabilities enable business enterprises to create, deploy, and protect the intangible assets that support superior long- run business performance. The microfoundations of dynamic capabilities—the distinct skills, processes, procedures, organizational structures, decision rules, and disciplines—which undergird enterprise-level sensing, seizing, and reconfiguring capacities are difficult to develop and deploy. Enterprises with strong dynamic capabilities are intensely entrepreneurial. They not only adapt to business ecosystems, but also shape them through innovation and through collaboration with other enterprises, entities, and institutions. The framework advanced can help scholars understand the foundations of long-run enterprise success while helping managers delineate relevant strategic considerations and the priorities they must adopt to enhance enterprise performance and escape the zero profit tendency associated with operating in markets open to global competition. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Metadata only The notion of dynamic capabilities complements the premise of the resource-based view of the firm, and has injected new vigour into empirical research in the last decade. Nonetheless, several issues surrounding its conceptualization remain ambivalent. In light of empirical advancement, this paper aims to clarify the concept of dynamic capabilities, and then identify three component factors which reflect the common features of dynamic capabilities across firms and which may be adopted and further developed into a measurement construct in future research. Further, a research model is developed encompassing antecedents and consequences of dynamic capabilities in an integrated framework. Suggestions for future research and managerial implications are also discussed.
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