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The Deep Carbon Observatory: A Ten-Year Quest to Study Carbon in Earth



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The Deep Carbon Observatory: A Ten-Year Quest to Study
Carbon in Earth
Craig M. Schiffries, Andrea Johnson Mangum, Jennifer L. Mays, Michelle Hoon-Starr, Robert M. Hazen
Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington, DC 20015, USA
1. Overview
The Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO) is a ten-year research pro-
gram to investigate the quantities, movements, forms, and origins
of carbon in Earth. More than 90% of Earth’s carbon may reside in
the planet’s deep interior, and DCO’s overarching mission is to
understand Earth’s entire carbon cycle—beyond the atmosphere,
oceans, and shallow crustal environments, which have drawn most
previous research attention—to include the deep carbon cycle [1,2].
A decade of focused research has led to major discoveries by DCO
scientists on the physical, chemical, and biological roles of carbon
in Earth.
To pursue its multidisciplinary mission, DCO connects more
than 1200 scientists worldwide, broadly grouping them into four
Science Communities: Extreme Physics and Chemistry, Reservoirs
and Fluxes, Deep Energy, and Deep Life (Table 1). The program also
emphasizes four crosscutting activities that bridge community
boundaries—namely, data science, instrumentation, field studies,
and modeling and visualization—and several cross-community
groups that provide essential services to the entire DCO commu-
nity (Fig. 1).
In addition to its scientific advances, DCO has created an endur-
ing legacy of interdisciplinary and international community build-
ing, successfully establishing a diverse, dynamic, and collaborative
community of geologists, physicists, chemists, and biologists in
more than 50 countries. In particular, DCO has focused on cultivat-
ing the next generation of deep carbon researchers by supporting
early career scientists who will carry on the tradition of explo-
ration and discovery for decades to come.
The vision, guiding questions, and scientific goals of DCO were
initially framed at an international Deep Carbon Cycle Symposium
at the Carnegie Institution for Science in 2008. This symposium led
to a successful proposal to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to estab-
lish a decadal research program on deep carbon science from 2009
to 2019. The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation pledged seed funding of 50
million USD over ten years to foster DCO. DCO has leveraged the
support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation with more than 500
million USD in support from other sources, including international
organizations, national science agencies, foundations, and the
private sector.
2. The Extreme Physics and Chemistry Community
DCO’s Extreme Physics and Chemistry Community is dedicated
to improving our understanding of the physical and chemical
behavior of carbon at extreme conditions, as found in the deep
interiors of Earth and other planets. This Community is making
transformational advances in our understanding of carbon in min-
erals, magmas and melts, and aqueous fluids at extreme condi-
tions. DCO scientists have published new results on the
properties of carbon-bearing minerals at high pressures and tem-
peratures, including the structure, compressibility, and elasticity
of carbonate minerals, carbides, carbon dioxide (CO
) ices, and
clathrates. One discovery is the formation of phases with sp
hybridization of carbon to yield tetrahedral coordination of carbon
by oxygen at elevated pressure and temperature. Under ambient
conditions, CO
is a linear molecule; however, at sufficiently high
pressure, CO
transforms into a polymerized framework structure
in which carbon is tetrahedrally coordinated with four oxygen
atoms [3]. Dense forms of polymeric CO
are potential reservoirs
of carbon in planetary interiors. The stabilization of tetrahedrally
coordinated carbon has profound implications if this carbon substi-
tutes for tetrahedrally coordinated silicon in silicate minerals. This
substitution mechanism has been verified experimentally [4], and
indicates a potential reservoir for carbon in Earth and planetary
interiors. DCO scientists have also conducted extensive research
on carbonate minerals under extreme conditions. Under ambient
conditions, carbon forms trigonal planar structural units in car-
bonate minerals. At high pressure, carbonate minerals transform
into denser structures in which carbon is tetrahedrally coordi-
nated with four oxygen atoms [5–11]—a discovery that has
important implications for the stability and properties of carbon-
ates in the deep carbon cycle [12,13]. Complementary experimen-
tal studies of carbon in iron at extreme conditions provide
conflicting evidence about the elusive role of carbon in Earth’s
core [14–16].
Magma ocean processes set the initial distribution of carbon
and conditions for further development of Earth’s deep carbon
cycle [17]. Magmas are also the main agent for transporting carbon
from Earth’s interior to its surface [18]. Conversely, carbon influ-
ences deep Earth dynamics by inducing melting and mobilization
2095-8099/Ó2019 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier LTD on behalf of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Higher Education Press Limited Company.
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Engineering 5 (2019) 372–378
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of structurally bound mineral water [19]. Melting may also have a
major impact on the recycling of subducted carbon into the deep
mantle. The melting-phase relations of recycled oceanic crust sug-
gest that slabs undergo melting and loss of carbonate components
in the transition zone, creating a barrier to deep carbon subduction
[20]. Recent experimental studies indicate that carbonatitic liquids
provide a potentially significant pathway for carbon recycling at
shallow depths beneath arcs [21].
DCO is making rapid advances in our understanding of the
role of aqueous fluids in the deep carbon cycle. Until recently,
thermodynamic models developed to understand water-rock
interactions in Earth’s upper and middle crust could not be
extended to deeper environments, largely because the dielectric
constant of water at extreme conditions was unknown. DCO sci-
entists removed this barrier by conducting first-principles calcu-
lations of the dielectric constant of water under extreme
conditions and the transport of carbonates in the deep Earth
[22]. These calculations were used in combination with experi-
mental results [23] to develop the Deep Earth Water (DEW)
model [24]. Initial results from the DEW model demonstrate that
organic carbon plays an important role in subduction zone fluids
[25] and that diamonds can form due to pH shifts in deep fluids
[26]. The role of carbon in setting the pH of subduction zone
fluids can now be assessed, with implications for volatile and
metal cycles [27]. This approach is transforming our view of
global geochemical transport [28].
3. The Reservoirs and Fluxes Community
DCO’s Reservoirs and Fluxes Community is dedicated to iden-
tifying the principal deep carbon reservoirs, determining the
mechanisms and rates by which carbon moves among
these reservoirs, and assessing the total carbon budget of Earth.
Table 1
DCO decadal goals.
DCO Science Community Decadal goals
Extreme Physics and
Seek and identify possible new carbon-bearing materials in Earth and planetary interiors
Characterize the structural and dynamical properties of materials and identify their reactions and transformations at conditions rele-
vant to Earth and planetary interiors
Develop, extend, combine, and exploit experimental tools to investigate carbon-bearing samples in new regimes of pressure, temper-
ature, and bulk composition
Develop, extend, and improve databases and simulations of deep carbon material properties, reactions, and transport for integration
with quantitative models of global carbon cycling
Reservoirs and Fluxes Establish open access, continuous information streams on volcanic gas emission and related activity
Determine the chemical forms and distribution of carbon in Earth’s deepest interior
Determine the seafloor carbon budget and global rates of carbon input into subduction zones
Estimate the net direction and magnitude of tectonic carbon fluxes from the mantle and crust to the atmosphere
Develop a robust overarching global carbon cycle model through deep time, including the earliest Earth and coevolution of the geo-
sphere and biosphere
Produce quantitative models of global carbon cycling at various scales, including the planetary scale (mantle convection), tectonic scale
(subduction zone, orogeny, rift, volcano), and reservoir scale (core, mantle, crust, hydrosphere)
Deep Energy Utilize field-based investigations of approximately 25 globally representative terrestrial and marine environments to determine pro-
cesses controlling the origin, form, quantities, and movements of abiotic gases and organic species in Earth’s crust and uppermost
Implement the use of DCO-sponsored instrumentation, especially revolutionary isotopologue measurements, to discriminate the abiotic
versus biotic origin of methane gas and organic species sampled from global terrestrial and marine field sites
Quantify as a function of temperature, pressure, fluid and solid compositions, and redox state the mechanisms and rates of fluid-rock
interactions that produce hydrogen (H
), abiotic forms of hydrocarbon gases, and more complex organic compounds
Integrate our quantitative understanding of the processes that control the origins, forms, quantities, and movements of abiotic vs. biotic
carbon compounds with quantitative models of global carbon cycling
Deep Life Determine the processes that define the diversity and distribution of deep life as it relates to the carbon cycle
Determine the environmental limits of deep life
Determine the interactions between deep life and carbon cycling on Earth
Fig. 1. DCO organizational structure.
C.M. Schiffries et al. / Engineering 5 (2019) 372–378 373
Its Diamonds and Mantle Geodynamics of Carbon (DMGC) group
has created an international infrastructure to study Earth’s deep
interior through the unique record preserved in diamonds. DMGC
aims to advance deep Earth exploration by studying natural
diamonds and diamond-forming fluids and melts in order to
elucidate carbon mobility in Earth through geologic time [29].
Because this effort hinges, in part, on sample availability and a
coordinated effort toward sample research, DMGC is developing
registered sample collections and a geochemical database of
diamonds and diamond inclusions.
The discovery of native metals, metal carbides, and reduced
volatiles in large gem-quality diamonds indicates that these dia-
monds formed from metallic liquid in Earth’s deep mantle, and
provides broad implications for Earth’s evolution [30]. In contrast,
highly saline fluids from a subducting slab are the source for cer-
tain fluid-rich fibrous diamonds; the data imply a strong associa-
tion between subduction, mantle metasomatism, and fluid-rich
diamond formation, as well as pointing to the important effect of
subduction-derived fluids on the composition of the deep litho-
spheric mantle [31]. The discovery of hydrous ringwoodite
included within an ultradeep diamond provides direct evidence
of a hydrous mantle transition zone, which may have a key role
in terrestrial magmatism and plate tectonics [32]. The discovery
of calcium silicate perovskite in a diamond that formed 780 km
below Earth’s surface provides the first direct observation of
Earth’s fourth most abundant mineral; the isotopic composition
of carbon in the surrounding diamond, together with the pristine
high-pressure CaSiO
structure, indicate the recycling of oceanic
crust into the lower mantle [33]. Blue boron-bearing diamonds
contain mineral inclusions indicating that these diamonds formed
in oceanic lithosphere that was subducted into Earth’s lower man-
tle. Blue diamonds indicate a pathway for the ultradeep recycling
of carbon, water, and other materials from the crust to the lower
mantle and back to the surface [34].
The Reservoirs and Fluxes Community’s Deep Earth Carbon
Degassing (DECADE) initiative aims to determine accurate global
fluxes of volcanic CO
to the atmosphere. To achieve this goal,
DECADE has launched an intensive field-based effort to install
-monitoring networks on 20 of the world’s 150 most actively
degassing volcanoes. DECADE also conducts laboratory-based
studies, which focus on using gas samples and melt inclusions to
provide empirical constraints on carbon degassing to the
High-frequency gas monitoring at Turrialba Volcano in Costa
Rica revealed CO
precursors to eruptions, which lays the foun-
dation for improved volcanic eruption forecasts [35]. An interna-
tional team led by DECADE members demonstrated that the
Ambrym basaltic volcano in the Vanuatu Arc in the southwest
Pacific Ocean ranks among the top-three known persistent emit-
ters of volcanic gas at the global scale [36]. There is growing evi-
dence that continental rifts represent a major source of deep
carbon released to Earth’s surface from both volcanoes and fault
zones [37–40]. New measurements of olivine-hosted melt inclu-
sions from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge indicate that upper mantle
carbon content varies by almost two orders of magnitude glob-
ally, which can affect the dynamics of melting, the style of vol-
canism, and the evolution of Earth’s atmosphere via planetary
outgassing [41]. For the first time in a global study, DCO scien-
tists found evidence for higher carbon output (m(CO
where m(CO
) and m(S
) are the amounts of CO
and total sul-
fur, respectively) in volcanic arcs where carbonate sediment sub-
ducts on the seafloor [42]. A synthesis of global carbon and
helium isotopic data from arc volcanoes concludes that the car-
bon isotope composition of mean global volcanic gas is consider-
ably heavier than the canonical mid-ocean ridge basalt value;
this result indicates that reworking of crustal limestone is an
important source of volcanic carbon, which has implications
regarding the return of carbon to the deep mantle and for
Earth’s past climate [43].
Modeling and visualization of Earth’s deep carbon cycle through
deep time contributes significantly to DCO’s overall goals. A reeval-
uation of carbon fluxes in subduction zones indicates that almost
all of the carbon in subducting sediments and oceanic plates may
be extracted in fluids and melts, with relatively little carbon being
returned to the convecting mantle [44]. Plate tectonic reconstruc-
tions establish connections between the deep carbon cycle and
the concentration of CO
in the atmosphere over geologic time
scales [45–47]. Numerical models of the role of volatiles in reactive
melt transport in the asthenosphere indicate that CO
and water,
despite their low concentration, have an important control on
the extent and style of magma genesis, as well as on the dynamics
of melt transport and the stranding of carbon at the lithosphere–
asthenosphere boundary; these findings have significant implica-
tions for deep Earth degassing [48,49].
4. The Deep Energy Community
DCO’s Deep Energy Community is dedicated to developing a
fundamental understanding of environments and processes that
regulate the volume and rates of the production of abiogenic
hydrocarbons and other organic species in the crust and mantle
through geological time. This research is transforming our under-
standing of methane (CH
) and includes novel information about
its origin, provenance, and formation temperature. Revolutionary
advances in instrumentation make it possible to discriminate
between methane produced by abiotic synthesis and that produced
by biological processes.
The Panorama mass spectrometer is the first instrument
capable of resolving the two doubly substituted mass-18
isotopologues of methane (‘‘clumped isotopes”)—
D and
—at natural abundances [50]. A paper by Edward Young
and 23 co-authors from 14 institutions in eight countries [51]
reports the first resolved measurements of two doubly substituted
isotopologues of methane in gases collected from diverse geologic
settings around the globe, including major natural gas fields, ultra-
mafic complexes, and ancient waters from deep underground
mines in Precambrian Cratons. If thermodynamic equilibrium is
achieved, then
D and
serve as two independent,
intramolecular thermometers. If thermodynamic equilibrium is
not achieved, then temperature cannot be determined by this
method; however, the data may provide the means for distinguish-
ing between abiotic and biotic origins of methane. Disequilibrium
isotopologue ratios can provide information about methane forma-
tion mechanisms and serve as tracers that provide insights into
mixing, diffusion, kinetics, and other processes [51].
Ubiquitous dissolved methane in hot-spring fluids emanating
from submarine hydrothermal vents is a potential carbon source
for microbial communities living at and below the seafloor and
in the water column. Methane clumped isotope analyses indicate
a hot (270–360 °C), deep, and abiotic origin for methane at seafloor
hot springs in unsedimented oceanic crust [52]. This important
finding was made possible by a novel tunable infrared laser direct
absorption spectroscopy instrument [53], which was developed
with DCO support. Using the same instrument, microbial methane
from a broad range of natural and cultured samples produced non-
equilibrium clumped isotope signals [54]. The clumped isotope
anomalies place new constraints on biogeochemical sources, sinks,
and budgets of methane.
374 C.M. Schiffries et al. / Engineering 5 (2019) 372–378
Computational studies have identified a novel mechanism for
abiotic methane formation: The effects of confinement on carbon
dioxide methanation in nanopore-controlled chemical reactions
can shift thermodynamic equilibrium toward methane production
[55]. This mechanism for producing abiotic methane may be appli-
cable to interactions between seawater and oceanic crust, and
could explain the origin of methane observed in some submarine
hydrothermal vent systems.
Experimental studies have been conducted on abiotic methane
formation under a wide range of conditions, including reducing
environments that develop during serpentinization of ultramafic
rocks. Using isotopically labeled CO
, some experiments have
shown that earlier claims of CH
production by serpentinization
at low temperatures were incorrect [56]. However, other experi-
ments have shown that CO
reduction in the presence of extant
hydrogen (H
) vapor leads to significant methane production at
low temperatures [56]. Similarly, the production of methane in ser-
pentinized ultramafic rocks can be catalyzed at low temperatures
by ruthenium (Ru)-bearing chromite minerals [51,57].
DCO researchers have studied the production of H
and CH
ing serpentinization at field sites around the world. For example,
International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 357:
Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life successfully cored a
transect across the Atlantis Massif on the flank of the Mid-Atlantic
Ridge. This expedition examined the role of serpentinization in
driving seafloor hydrothermal systems, sustaining microbial
communities, and sequestering carbon [58].
In a remarkable paper, DCO scientists documented abiotic syn-
thesis of amino acids in the oceanic lithosphere [59]. Amino acids
formed abiotically during a late alteration stage of massif serpen-
tinites beneath the Atlantis Massif. This discovery has significant
implications for the origins of life, ancient metabolisms, and the
functioning of the present-day deep biosphere.
Ancient groundwaters in Precambrian Cratons are now recog-
nized as important sources of H
, which is available to support
the subsurface biosphere to depths of several kilometers [60].
The contribution of Precambrian continental crust to global H
duction had been greatly underestimated. If H
production via both
radiolysis and hydration reactions is taken into account, H
duction rates from the Precambrian continental lithosphere are
comparable to estimates from marine systems [61]. Incorporating
production from the Precambrian continental lithosphere could
double existing estimates of global H
, increasing the habitable
volume of Earth’s crust.
Research on molecular hydrogen is not limited to Earth. DCO
scientists are members of the teams that discovered molecular
hydrogen and higher hydrocarbons escaping from Saturn’s moon
Enceladus, which has a layer of ice covering a subsurface ocean
[62,63]. The discovery of molecular hydrogen indicates that water
is reacting with rocks on the floor of the alien ocean [62]. The pro-
cess responsible for producing molecular hydrogen on Enceladus
might resemble hydrothermal vents on Earth’s seafloor. The dis-
covery of complex carbon compounds emanating from Enceladus
[63] suggests that the moon’s ocean may contain the raw ingredi-
ents necessary for life.
5. The Deep Life Community
DCO’s Deep Life Community is dedicated to assessing the nature
and extent of the deep microbial and viral biosphere. This Commu-
nity has expanded the known boundaries of Earth’s microbial and
viral biosphere, and investigated the interactions and processes
that govern how ecosystems survive and evolve. DCO has united
researchers approaching overarching deep life questions from
varying perspectives by: studying the subsurface biosphere in
the sediments and rocks of both the continents and the seafloor;
exploring what genomes can reveal about the limits and possi-
ble origins of life; and investigating the response of deep life to a
range of physical and chemical extremes.
The lower boundary of the deep sedimentary biosphere was
explored by DCO researchers participating in IODP Expedition
337: Deep Coalbed Biosphere off Shimokita.They discovered a
microbial ecosystem producing methane from Miocene coalbeds
nearly 2.5 km below the seafloor [64]. The assemblages appear to
be the descendants of microbes buried in terrigenous sediments
up to 20 million years ago. Despite low cell numbers, these
microbes are actively growing at rates that range from months to
over 100 years—some of the slowest microbial biosynthesis rates
ever directly measured by incubation [65]. Other DCO researchers
found microbial communities exhibiting aerobic respiration in
sediments 75 m below the seafloor in the South Pacific Gyre, a
finding that suggests that oxygen and aerobic communities may
occur in sediments over 15%–44% of the Pacific and perhaps
9%–37% of the global seafloor [66].
The select survival of taxa capable of coping with the severe
energy stresses characteristic of subsurface environments may
cause these taxa to become the founders of more common commu-
nities such as Bathyarchaeota, which may play an important role in
carbon cycling [67]. Therefore, microbial communities existing at
extremes, such as the elevated temperatures in hydrogen-rich
hydrothermal vent systems on the Mid-Cayman Rise, are critical
to understanding the limits of deep life [68]. For example, mem-
bers of the Bathyarchaeota are among the most abundant, diverse,
and widely distributed Archaea in marine subsurface habitats glob-
ally. A metagenomic study has shown that Bathyarchaeotal sub-
groups employ versatile metabolisms, which in turn supply
substrates for heterotrophic and methanogenic community mem-
bers [69]. Another metagenomic study indicates that distinct evo-
lutionary pressures correlate with genes related to nutrient uptake,
biofilm formation, or viral invasion, a finding that is consistent
with distinct evolutionary histories between geochemically differ-
ent hydrothermal vent fields [70].
Based on observations of Archaea and bacteria at 77 worldwide
locations with different marine ecosystems, DCO researchers
determined that methane seep communities exhibit lower diver-
sity than communities in other ecosystems. The surviving assem-
blages reflect the most favorable microbial metabolisms at
methane seeps and distinguish the seep microbiome from other
seafloor microbiomes [71]. Although only a few species of methan-
otrophs occur at all seeps worldwide, these microorganisms seem
to greatly influence the methane budget of the ocean.
DCO also investigates the deep terrestrial continental bio-
sphere. Based on a compilation of cell concentration and microbial
diversity data from continental subsurface localities around the
globe, DCO researchers estimated that the continental subsurface
hosts (2–6) 10
cells, and found that bacteria are more abun-
dant than Archaea and that their community composition is corre-
lated to sample lithology [72].
Researchers investigating a subsurface lithoautotrophic micro-
bial ecosystem (SLiME) in the ancient Witwatersrand Basin found,
to their surprise, that sulfur-driven autotrophic denitrifiers were
the dominant microbial group. Further analysis revealed that
metabolic community cooperation enabled less typical metabolic
reactions to prevail and stabilize the ecosystem [73]. Modeling also
suggests that food—not dissolved oxygen—limits eukaryotic popu-
lation growth at 1.4 km depths in 12 300-year-old palaeometeoric
fissure water in South African mines [74,75]. Microbial
communities occurring in connection with hydraulic fracturing
during hydrocarbon resource development in the deep subsurface
also provide clues to the deep terrestrial biosphere [76]. Microbes
exist as deep as 2500 m below land surface and exhibit salt
C.M. Schiffries et al. / Engineering 5 (2019) 372–378 375
tolerance, metabolic capacity without electron acceptors, and evi-
dence of active viral infection.
Through the DCO Census of Deep Life (CoDL), DNA sequencing
has provided new and value-added information about carbon
cycling, deep biosphere evolution, and the connection between
ecosystems and environments both continental and marine. For
example, CoDL researchers used 16S DNA sequencing to identify
bacterial and archaeal taxa associated with eight minerals from a
sub-seafloor microbial observatory on the Juan de Fuca Ridge,
280 m below the seafloor. They confirmed that distinct communi-
ties colonize different minerals, and that these communities group
by mineral chemistry [77].
DCO’s Extreme Biophysics group has approached the challenges
of life existing in these extreme environments from a completely
different angle. By focusing on molecular-level adaptation to life
under extreme conditions, these researchers are advancing our
knowledge of the basic chemistry and physics of the component
biological structures and systems that define the limits of life
6. Synthesis and future opportunities
DCO is synthesizing and integrating research across its four
Science Communities to realize a new understanding of deep car-
bon science and fully capture DCO’s achievements. This synthesis
process aims to elevate the collaborative efforts of the global
research initiative. Synthesis products and activities include
cross-community research projects, such as Biology Meets Subduc-
tion and Carbon Mineral Evolution, as well as workshops, meet-
ings, visualizations, special issues of journals, and books. The
culmination of these activities will occur at an international con-
ference, Deep Carbon 2019: Launching the Next Decade of Deep
Carbon Science.
To help launch the next decade of deep carbon science, DCO sci-
entists are developing a broad portfolio of activities that will
extend beyond the culmination of the initial decadal program in
2019. A biennial Gordon Research Conference on Deep Carbon
Science is planned as a sustainable successor to DCO international
science meetings. A biennial Gordon Research Seminar on Deep
Carbon Science for early career scientists could become a successor
to DCO Summer Schools and DCO Early Career Scientist Work-
shops. Carbonates at High Pressures and Temperatures (CarboPaT),
a research consortium supported by the German Research Founda-
tion to study carbonates at extreme conditions, will continue to
provide a platform for deep carbon science in Germany. In the
United Kingdom, the Natural Environment Research Council has
established a research program on Volatiles, Geodynamics, and
Solid Earth Controls on the Habitable Planet. Science for Clean
Energy is a European consortium led by DCO researchers with sup-
port from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program. The next
decade of deep life research will be facilitated by a new Interna-
tional Center for Deep Life Investigation at Shanghai Jiao Tong
University in China as well as a cluster of excellence titled The
Ocean Floor—Earth’s Uncharted Interface in Germany. These and
other initiatives will help propel the next decade of deep carbon
7. Conclusion
In 2009, DCO was an ambitious experiment in scientific pro-
grams with no guarantee of success. Since then, DCO has evolved
into a network of more than 1200 scientists that spans the globe
and transcends traditional scientific disciplines. DCO is a science
incubator that has launched new research groups, science commu-
nities, international scientific collaboration and partnerships,
major research projects, field expeditions, scientific instruments,
and companies. Perhaps most importantly, DCO has built an
enduring legacy in its diverse, dynamic, and collaborative com-
munity of interdisciplinary scientists. DCO’s management and
community-building innovations are keys to the program’s scien-
tific success. Based on its success in achieving fundamental
advances in deep carbon science, DCO may serve as an effective
model for tackling large-scale, interdisciplinary, and international
science questions.
The Deep Carbon Observatory would not have been possible
without generous, long-term support from the Alfred P. Sloan
Foundation. Deep carbon science has advanced through the
collective efforts of many other organizations, including: the
Canadian Space Agency; Canada Research Chairs Program;
Carnegie Institution for Science; Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Conseil Régional d’Ile de France; Deutsche Forschungsgemein-
schaft; European Research Council; European Commission; Inter-
national Continental Scientific Drilling Program; International
Ocean Discovery Program; Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science
and Technology; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science;
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology
of Japan; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada; Russian Ministry of Science and Education; Swiss
National Science Foundation; UK Natural Environment Research
Council; US National Science Foundation; US Department of
Energy; and US National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
We have benefited enormously from the members of the DCO
Executive Committee, Scientific Steering Committees, and other
leadership groups, especially the chairs and co-chairs of the
Scientific Steering Committees: Isabelle Daniel, Marie Edmonds,
Erik Hauri, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Craig Manning, Wendy Mao,
Bernard Marty, Mitch Sogin, and Edward Young.
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Hadal zones are immensely difficult to explore due to their incredibly harsh environments. In this study, an autonomous underwater glider called Petrel-XPLUS was developed for monitoring hadal zones at large spatiotemporal scales. This glider is equipped with a bionic gradient functional housing, the multi-material pressure housing, to cope with the coupled effects of extremely high pressure and density variations, endowing it with light weight, near-neutral buoyancy, and sufficient onboard energy. Furthermore, an innovative dual-eccentric attitude-regulating mechanism is proposed to increase the pitch angle range from [−45°, 45°] to [−90°, 90°] and enrich four types of glider motion modes. This mechanism and a depth-averaged flow-based path planning method enable the glider to handle the superimposed effects of unknown currents and complex topography for effective access to the hadal zone floor. The developed glider has an operating range of 5000 km or 80 dives to a depth of 11,000 m in a single mission lasting 200 d. Petrel-XPLUS successfully completed three dives exceeding 10,000 m with a maximum depth of 10,619 m and an average station-keeping accuracy of 2.018 km during a sea trial in the Mariana Trench. Our study provides a novel technical reference for facilitating hadal exploration.
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Abiotic hydrocarbons and carboxylic acids are known to be formed on Earth, notably during the hydrothermal alteration of mantle rocks. Although the abiotic formation of amino acids has been predicted both from experimental studies and thermodynamic calculations, its occurrence has not been demonstrated in terrestrial settings. Here, using a multimodal approach that combines high-resolution imaging techniques, we obtain evidence for the occurrence of aromatic amino acids formed abiotically and subsequently preserved at depth beneath the Atlantis Massif (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). These aromatic amino acids may have been formed through Friedel–Crafts reactions catalysed by an iron-rich saponite clay during a late alteration stage of the massif serpentinites. Demonstrating the potential of fluid-rock interactions in the oceanic lithosphere to generate amino acids abiotically gives credence to the hydrothermal theory for the origin of life, and may shed light on ancient metabolisms and the functioning of the present-day deep biosphere.
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Geological pathways for the recycling of Earth’s surface materials into the mantle are both driven and obscured by plate tectonics1–3. Gauging the extent of this recycling is difficult because subducted crustal components are often released at relatively shallow depths, below arc volcanoes4–7. The conspicuous existence of blue boron-bearing diamonds (type IIb)8,9 reveals that boron, an element abundant in the continental and oceanic crust, is present in certain diamond-forming fluids at mantle depths. However, both the provenance of the boron and the geological setting of diamond crystallization were unknown. Here we show that boron-bearing diamonds carry previously unrecognized mineral assemblages whose high-pressure precursors were stable in metamorphosed oceanic lithospheric slabs at depths reaching the lower mantle. We propose that some of the boron in seawater-serpentinized oceanic lithosphere is subducted into the deep mantle, where it is released with hydrous fluids that enable diamond growth¹⁰. Type IIb diamonds are thus among the deepest diamonds ever found and indicate a viable pathway for the deep-mantle recycling of crustal elements.
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Saturn's moon Enceladus harbours a global water ocean 1 , which lies under an ice crust and above a rocky core 2 . Through warm cracks in the crust 3 a cryo-volcanic plume ejects ice grains and vapour into space4-7 that contain materials originating from the ocean8,9. Hydrothermal activity is suspected to occur deep inside the porous core10-12, powered by tidal dissipation 13 . So far, only simple organic compounds with molecular masses mostly below 50 atomic mass units have been observed in plume material6,14,15. Here we report observations of emitted ice grains containing concentrated and complex macromolecular organic material with molecular masses above 200 atomic mass units. The data constrain the macromolecular structure of organics detected in the ice grains and suggest the presence of a thin organic-rich film on top of the oceanic water table, where organic nucleation cores generated by the bursting of bubbles allow the probing of Enceladus' organic inventory in enhanced concentrations.
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The CO2 liberated along subduction zones through intrusive/extrusive magmatic activity and the resulting active and diffuse outgassing influences global atmospheric CO2. However, when melts derived from subduction zones intersect buried carbonate platforms, decarbonation reactions may cause the contribution to atmospheric CO2 to be far greater than segments of the active margin that lacks buried carbon-rich rocks and carbonate platforms. This study investigates the contribution of carbonate-intersecting subduction zones (CISZs) to palaeo-atmospheric CO2 levels over the past 410 million years by integrating a plate motion and plate boundary evolution model with carbonate platform development through time. Our model of carbonate platform development has the potential to capture a broader range of degassing mechanisms than approaches that only account for continental arcs. Continuous and cross-wavelet analyses as well as wavelet coherence are used to evaluate trends between the evolving lengths of carbonate-intersecting subduction zones, non-carbonate-intersecting subduction zones and global subduction zones, and are examined for periodic, linked behaviour with the proxy CO2 record between 410 Ma and the present. Wavelet analysis reveals significant linked periodic behaviour between 60 and 40 Ma, when CISZ lengths are relatively high and are correlated with peaks in palaeo-atmospheric CO2, characterised by a 32–48 Myr periodicity and a ∼ 8–12 Myr lag of CO2 peaks following CISZ length peaks. The linked behaviour suggests that the relative abundance of CISZs played a role in affecting global climate during the Palaeogene. In the 200–100 Ma period, peaks in CISZ lengths align with peaks in palaeo-atmospheric CO2, but CISZ lengths alone cannot be determined as the cause of a warmer Cretaceous–Jurassic climate. Nevertheless, across the majority of the Phanerozoic, feedback mechanisms between the geosphere, atmosphere and biosphere likely played dominant roles in modulating climate. Our modelled subduction zone lengths and carbonate-intersecting subduction zone lengths approximate magmatic activity through time, and can be used as input into fully coupled models of CO2 flux between deep and shallow carbon reservoirs.
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Recurring discoveries of abiotic methane in gas seeps and springs in ophiolites and peridotite massifs worldwide raised the question of where, in which rocks, methane was generated. Answers will impact the theories on life origin related to serpentinization of ultramafic rocks, and the origin of methane on rocky planets. Here we document, through molecular and isotopic analyses of gas liberated by rock crushing, that among the several mafic and ultramafic rocks composing classic ophiolites in Greece, i.e., serpentinite, peridotite, chromitite, gabbro, rodingite and basalt, only chromitites, characterized by high concentrations of chromium and ruthenium, host considerable amounts of 13C-enriched methane, hydrogen and heavier hydrocarbons with inverse isotopic trend, which is typical of abiotic gas origin. Raman analyses are consistent with methane being occluded in widespread microfractures and porous serpentine- or chlorite-filled veins. Chromium and ruthenium may be key metal catalysts for methane production via Sabatier reaction. Chromitites may represent source rocks of abiotic methane on Earth and, potentially, on Mars.
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Laboratory experiments and seismology data have created a clear theoretical picture of the most abundant minerals that comprise the deeper parts of the Earth's mantle. Discoveries of some of these minerals in 'super-deep' diamonds-formed between two hundred and about one thousand kilometres into the lower mantle-have confirmed part of this picture. A notable exception is the high-pressure perovskite-structured polymorph of calcium silicate (CaSiO3). This mineral-expected to be the fourth most abundant in the Earth-has not previously been found in nature. Being the dominant host for calcium and, owing to its accommodating crystal structure, the major sink for heat-producing elements (potassium, uranium and thorium) in the transition zone and lower mantle, it is critical to establish its presence. Here we report the discovery of the perovskite-structured polymorph of CaSiO3in a diamond from South African Cullinan kimberlite. The mineral is intergrown with about six per cent calcium titanate (CaTiO3). The titanium-rich composition of this inclusion indicates a bulk composition consistent with derivation from basaltic oceanic crust subducted to pressures equivalent to those present at the depths of the uppermost lower mantle. The relatively 'heavy' carbon isotopic composition of the surrounding diamond, together with the pristine high-pressure CaSiO3structure, provides evidence for the recycling of oceanic crust and surficial carbon to lower-mantle depths.
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Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) data for the last 420 million years (My) show long-term fluctuations related to supercontinent cycles as well as shorter cycles at 26 to 32 My whose origin is unknown. Periodicities of 26 to 30 My occur in diverse geological phenomena including mass extinctions, flood basalt volcanism, ocean anoxic events, deposition of massive evaporites, sequence boundaries, and orogenic events and have previously been linked to an extraterrestrial mechanism. The vast oceanic crustal carbon reservoir is an alternative potential driving force of climate fluctuations at these time scales, with hydrothermal crustal carbon uptake occurring mostly in young crust with a strong dependence on ocean bottom water temperature. We combine a global plate model and oceanic paleo-age grids with estimates of paleo-ocean bottom water temperatures to track the evolution of the oceanic crustal carbon reservoir over the past 230 My. We show that seafloor spreading rates as well as the storage, subduction, and emission of oceanic crustal and mantle CO2 fluctuate with a period of 26 My. A connection with seafloor spreading rates and equivalent cycles in subduction zone rollback suggests that these periodicities are driven by the dynamics of subduction zone migration. The oceanic crust-mantle carbon cycle is thus a previously overlooked mechanism that connects plate tectonic pulsing with fluctuations in atmospheric carbon and surface environments.
Despite accounting for a significant portion of the Earth’s prokaryotic biomass, controls on the abundance and biodiversity of microorganisms residing in the continental subsurface are poorly understood. To redress this, we compiled cell concentration and microbial diversity data from continental subsurface localities around the globe. Based on considerations of global heat flow, surface temperature, depth and lithology, we estimated that the continental subsurface hosts 2 to 6 × 10²⁹ cells and found that other variables such as total organic carbon and groundwater cellular abundances do not appear to be predictive of cell concentrations in the continental subsurface. Although we were unable to identify a reliable predictor of species richness in the continental subsurface, we found that bacteria are more abundant than archaea and that their community composition was correlated to sample lithology. Using our updated continental subsurface cellular estimate and existing literature, we estimate that the total global prokaryotic biomass is approximately 23 to 31 Pg of carbon C (PgC), roughly 4 to 10 times less than previous estimates. © 2018, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.
Although many sources of atmospheric CO2 have been estimated, the major sinks are poorly understood in a deep-time context. Here we combine plate reconstructions, the eruption ages and outlines of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs), and the atmospheric CO2 proxy record to investigate how their eruptions and weathering within the equatorial humid zone impacted global atmospheric CO2 since 400 Ma. Wavelet analysis reveals significant correlations between the eruption of the Emeishan LIP (259 Ma), the Siberian Traps (251 Ma), the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) (201 Ma), the second pulse of the North Atlantic Igneous Province (55 Ma), the High Arctic LIP (130 Ma) and the Deccan Traps (65 Ma) and perturbations in atmospheric CO2. Our analysis also reveals a clear relationship between the weathering of the CAMP (~200–100 Ma), the Deccan Traps (50–35 Ma) and the Afar Arabian LIP (30–0 Ma) and a significant atmospheric CO2 drawdown. Our results illustrate the significant role of subaerial LIP emplacement and weathering in modulating atmospheric CO2 and Earth’s surface environments.
Carbonate minerals are important hosts of carbon in the crust and mantle with a key role in the transport and storage of carbon in Earth's deep interior over the history of the planet. Whether subducted carbonates efficiently melt and break down due to interactions with reduced phases or are preserved to great depths and ultimately reach the core-mantle boundary remains controversial. In this study, experiments in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell (LHDAC) on layered samples of dolomite (Mg, Ca)CO3 and iron at pressure and temperature conditions reaching those of the deep lower mantle show that carbon-iron redox interactions destabilize the MgCO3 component, producing a mixture of diamond, Fe7C3, and (Mg, Fe)O. However, CaCO3 is preserved, supporting its relative stability in carbonate-rich lithologies under reducing lower mantle conditions. These results constrain the thermodynamic stability of redox-driven breakdown of carbonates and demonstrate progress towards multiphase mantle petrology in the LHDAC at conditions of the lowermost mantle.