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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Deferred maintenance of buildings: A review paper
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10th Asia Pacific Structural Engineering and Construction Conference 2018
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 513 (2019) 012028
IOP Publishing
Deferred maintenance of buildings: A review paper
M N Yasin1,2*, R Mohamad Zin2, M Y Hamid3, M A Zakaria1 and R Deraman1
1 Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400
Parit Raja, Johor, Malaysia
2 Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
3 Universiti Teknologi Mara, Bandar Seri Iskandar, 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia
*Corresponding author: irazam79@gmail.com
Abstract. The building must be maintained to keep it in optimal operation in giving service
and it is vital and also it can be influenced towards the building performance. Therefore,
immediately after construction of the building project is completed, maintenance start to set in.
The conducive environment that provided for the buildings will give a good performance and
significant impact. Therefore, building maintenance is crucial in making sure the buildings can
deliver a good service or function, but in certain reason building maintenance and repair
activities that were not performed when they should have been will be deferred. Deferred
maintenance occurs because there is no efficiency in managing building maintenance. Deferred
maintenance has become a pressing issue in many countries and have adverse effects to the
organization (stakeholders and users). Hence, this study is intended to provide definitions,
issues and challenges of deferred maintenance of the buildings.
1. Background
Nowadays, it’s become a great challenge to ensure that all the building's condition and quality are at
the top so that their serviceability could be maintained and can fulfil their function requirements [1].
Generally, once buildings have been completed they expected to perform on function in certain period
of time. Proper maintenance of the buildings is important and need to be given a priority by the
organization [2]. Thus, a building must be maintained to keep it in optimal operation in giving service
and it is vital and also it can be influence towards the building performance [3]. [3] also mentioned,
building maintenance and building safety are closely related to each other. Therefore, there are a need
to create a conducive environment that support all activities in the buildings. Thus maintenance is
crucial in making sure the buildings can deliver a good service or functional. In Malaysia maintenance
of buildings were not different from other facilities which are preventive, corrective and condition
based but currently most of the building rely heavily on corrective maintenance [3]. Hence, can be said
that organizations in Malaysia are still managing their buildings in the traditional ways [4].
10th Asia Pacific Structural Engineering and Construction Conference 2018
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 513 (2019) 012028
IOP Publishing
2. Introduction
Building construction is a human activity that existed a long time ago [5] and is one of the biggest
industries in the world today [6] and building maintenance is one part of it that need to be carried out
after the completion of the building. Buildings require maintenance in order to create a conducive
environment and meet the physical needs that supports and stimulates the activities. Therefore to meet
the purpose and keep the buildings usable [7], there are a need to make sure all the buildings are
working in a good performance condition [8]. With this conducive environment that provided to the
buildings will give a good performance and significant impact. Hence, in order to optimise the users it
should never be exposed to the risks [9]. Nowadays, [10] points out that one of the major problems for
the countries is inadequate maintenance. According to [11], more than 90% of the life cycle of
building required maintenance after completion of construction and 75% approx. of the total
expenditure on life cycle cost of building is due to maintenance. Hence, this proves that repair and
maintenance is a critical element in organization and expected work will become more important and
will be increased in the future and it carries dire consequences if ignored. Top management and
maintenance organisation are aware of the physical appearance of their respective buildings, installed
systems and services within the buildings appear to be deteriorating.
3. Definition of building maintenance
Building maintenance is defined as the preservation of a building so that it can serve its intended
purpose [12]. In addition, [13] state that British Standard 3811 (1984), has defined building
maintenance as a combination of any actions carried out to retain an item in, or restore it to, an
acceptable condition. In placing more emphasis, [14] mentioned that The Chartered Institute of
Building, CIOB (1990) defined maintenance as work undertaken in order to keep, restore, or improve
every facility i.e. every part of a building, its services and surrounds, to an agreed standard determined
by the balance between the need and the available resources. For some people, building maintenance
is a complex process and involves large financial resources but if implemented efficiently, it can save
money other than the potential for building life. It is practically impossible to produce buildings which
are maintenance free [15]. Therefore, immediately when construction of buildings project are
completed, maintenance start to set in. Building maintenance assist a lot in retaining the economic
value of building and also to extend the building’s lifespan The maintenance of the building should be
taken into account and carried out during the phase which follows the construction phase until the
operational phase [16].
4. Definition of deferred maintenance
Basically the term of deferred maintenance is repair work that have been postponed to a future date
beyond the recommended service [17]. Deferred maintenance refers to maintenance and repair
activities that were not performed when they should have been. The repair and deficiencies that are
unfunded, unavailability of sufficient funds and human resources [18] and any kind of reason or issues
at the fiscal year on a planned or unplanned basis and are deferred or postponed to a future fiscal year
until the issues are solved. Deferring maintenance work can reduce the overall life of facilities and
may lead to higher costs in the long term [19]. Basically deferred maintenance occurs because there is
no efficiency in managing building maintenance. Building maintenance management practice which is
not in the right practice will give the bad impact towards the building and the environment [20].
According to [21] deferred maintenance is physical depreciation, or loss in value of a building, that
results from postponed maintenance to the building. This type of depreciation normally is curable by
making the necessary repairs and improvements. It is sometimes called curable physical depreciation
or curable obsolescence. According to [22] the deficiency in maintenance management system also
makes organizations hard to totally record facilities defect periodically can contributed to deferred
maintenance. In placing more emphasis, [23] mentioned that, deferred maintenance often referred to as
unfunded or unaccomplished maintenance or backlog, has not been a popular or frequently discussed
topic in the literature. Furthermore, in an observation based on study by [23] also opined that, there are
10th Asia Pacific Structural Engineering and Construction Conference 2018
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 513 (2019) 012028
IOP Publishing
four basic analytic steps were identified for the full reporting of deferred maintenance:
Assessment of the condition of the building and facilities.
Determination of a minimum acceptable condition level for each type of buildings and facilities.
Estimation of the cost to bring those buildings and facilities back to acceptable condition; and
Estimation of the consequences of deferring maintenance.
5. Issues of deferred maintenance
Deferred maintenance have become a pressing issue in many developing countries and have adverse
effects on quality service and performance of buildings, stakeholders and users. The related issue of
deferred maintenance whereas organisation needs to identify factors causes and implementing
programs to reduce deferred maintenance in future [14]. Reducing facilities deterioration and sustain
functional facilities in support of institutional objective and mission is also a requirement. There is a
challenge for organisations to keep the aesthetic value to give attraction to the buildings. With deferred
maintenance the stress on organisation to hold it all together, there is a need for find a way to prioritize
and achieve sustainable building agenda. In addition, [24] also opined that the issues of deferred
maintenance can be summarized as:
No linkages between strategic and operational planning in piecemeal approach for capital
Chronic in resource shortage.
Inadequate management policies and practices as well as internal politics.
Unrealistic financial planning.
Misunderstood and misapplied needs assessment methodologies and tools.
Lack of performance measures.
6. Challenges of deferred maintenance
Deferred maintenance is a mistake that comes from presenting part of the appropriate category of
needs to improving existing physical conditions by combining the annual life cycle reforms for its
buildings and systems that have reached the end of life as well as enhancement and improvement
needs. According to [24], there are two (2) major challenges in addressing deferred maintenance:
Consistent and commonly applied a definition of deferred maintenance.
A capital planning through process identifying and integrating of all campus capital needs.
Addressing deferred maintenance is a fundamental responsibility of the maintenance
management professional. It is required to understanding of the definitions and methodology in
developing reliable and convincing capital planning process.
7. Overview of causes of deferred maintenance
Existing studies such as [25] investigating the research of poor facility management in the Public
Schools of Ghana. Empirical discoveries was used in gathering and analysing the data obtain from the
research. The researcher found that several causative factors contributed to the poor facility
management. However, only fifteen (15) causes direct relate to deferred maintenance. The causes are
lack of funds, lack of management; lack of knowledge, lack of training; lack of planning; neglect
towards importance of maintenance; lack of expertise; building age; do not have rule, standard
practice, guideline and implementation mechanism of building maintenance; lack of qualified and
professional maintenance/ facility managers; poor maintenance culture; attitude of deferred
maintenance; low priority on maintenance financial planning and capital budgeting; difficult to
maintain because of poor designs of buildings and budgetary restriction on maintenance expenditure.
The researcher [26] conducted a study of maintenance management sourcing strategies and the
10th Asia Pacific Structural Engineering and Construction Conference 2018
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 513 (2019) 012028
IOP Publishing
condition of tertiary institution buildings in Lagos and Ogun States, Nigeria. A structured
questionnaire was designed and used as the principal instrument for collecting data for this study. This
study found that the right chosen a strategy of maintenance sourcing procurement either insourcing
(in- house) or outsourcing is capable of assisting to prevent the occurrence of deferred maintenance
and consequently improved maintenance services towards well maintained buildings. Thus, in the
other word the accuracy of the procurement selection will be a cause to the deferred maintenance.
According to [27] attempted to assess the maintenance and rehabilitation prioritization of school
buildings using Knapsack Problem. Data were gathered through a case study to apply knapsack
algorithm within dynamic programming framework. The researcher addressed the main factor inhibits
the quality of the buildings in their research is limited budget. This factor is related to the causes of
deferred maintenance. Further, [28] was carried out a research to identify the factors militating against
effective maintenance of tertiary institutions’ buildings. A questionnaire and interview were carried
out, 4 potential causes related to deferrred maintenance were identified. The causes are lack of funds,
lack of training, unavailability of skilled appointed maintenance personnel and lack of understanding
of the importance of maintenance. The researcher [7] who carried out assessment of building
maintenance management practice for Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital,
Bauchi found that in his study by using questionnaire to gather information. There were several factors
contributing greatly to the poor management practice. However, 23 causes that related to deferred
maintenance are budget constraints; poor maintenance management; lack of awareness among the
maintenance staff; little priority on maintenance; lack of quality and qualified maintenance manager;
unqualified, ill- trained and unprofessional personnel; ineffective planning; lack of knowledge; lack of
resources; administration system faults; lack of maintenance culture; lack of emphasis on training;
lack of training and continuing education in efficient; absence of planned maintenance programme;
complexity of design; Unstable organizational structure; poor strategies for maintaining; absence of
regulations/legislations; lack of sustainable policies; political interference; lackadaisical attitude of
senior management staff; lack of understanding of the importance of maintenance; and poor attitude of
maintenance team.
Another researcher [11] has carried out a study on Factors for Maintenance Priority in Malaysian
University. A review of literature was incorporated as a means of generating data for the research. The
study conducted through literature review to provide a general guideline for the factors that are
considered in setting maintenance priorities. These several factors are important and need to give
attention where they can affect and become a causes of deferred maintenance. The findings discovered
that the causes are lack of funds; stakeholders (policies, goal & objectives); and political interference.
The researcher [3] conducted regarding interval of routine maintenance and maintenance performance:
a literature review. The research by an extensive review of literature published in 1987 to 2014 is
performed for the purpose of this research implementation of maintenance strategy. The results from
study suggested the most important causes of deferred maintenance are ineffective planning; lack of
knowledge; poor management; and neglect towards importance of maintenance. This claim can also be
supported by [29] conducted a research on establishing the status of building maintenance operations
of Nigerian Universities based on the European Construction Institute Total Quality Management
Measurement Matrix. The questionnaire was employed in generating the data required for the
research. Some of their findings revealed and indicated that in order to achieve acceptable quality
management in their building maintenance practices these factors need to be improved the prosperity
of organization; making work more enjoyable; need commitment to overcome resistance; training
awareness, education and skills; clear policy, objective and strategies; effective planning; the existence
of rules, standard and procedures; adequate resources; communications and team work for
improvement; and good ethics and attitude of maintenance team. Hence, in the research of deferred
maintenance, the causes are contrary to the factors of this study. However, it still contributes to the
causes of deferred maintenance. Furthermore, [20] carried out a study on the development of building
maintenance management best practice in Malaysia: a review. The study discovered that, there are a
lot of elements that must be considered to develop the building maintenance management best
10th Asia Pacific Structural Engineering and Construction Conference 2018
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 513 (2019) 012028
IOP Publishing
practices. Five major aspects that have become the focal points for previous scholars are strategic
planning, resource management, information management, user involvement, and performance
control. However, from this highlighted aspect come out a few factors that can be related to the causes
of deferred maintenance. The causes are lack of funds; unrealistic financial planning and
management; poor of management; ineffective planning; lack of emphasis on training; unavailability
skilled of maintenance personnel; poor attitude of maintenance team; information and Communication
technology; absence of regulations/ legislations/ procedure/ standard practice/ guideline/ manual;
lack of commitment; lack of human resources; lack of financial control; unstable organizational
structure; and poor strategies for maintaining. In observation based on study of [30] directed their
research efforts towards maintenance practice for school buildings in Malaysia. A survey
questionnaire identified problems was conducted in performing maintenance work of this research.
Their major findings revealed that there are several causes can be related to deferred maintenance and
the most causes are insufficient budget allocation for maintenance; lack of efficient management; and
do not have sufficient knowledge. Another study related to deferred maintenance was carried out by
[14]. Data was gathered through review of literature. The reseachers concluded that maintenance
which is deferred because of insufficient funding; poor of management; ineffective planning; lack of
understanding of the importance of maintenance; neglect towards importance of maintenance; lack of
expertise; unforeseen expenses; building age; misunderstood needs assessment methodologies and
tools; lack of performance measure; lack of quality and qualified professional maintenance/
maintenance managers; lack of maintenance culture; low priority on maintenance financial planning
and capital budgeting; and lack of resources. Research conducted by [31] on towards effective
management of university education in Nigeria. Their study were identified inadequate funding for
maintenance activities and mismanagement of the funds available as the underlying factors responsible
for the decay and deferred maintenance. However, these claims also contended by [32] directed their
research efforts on identifying maintenance issues in Malaysia. A literature review, with the support of
interviews conducted to generate the much needed data for the study. The findings of their research
uncovered the causes that can be related to the deferred maintenance are limited budget; lack of
management; ineffective planning; lack of quality and qualified professional maintenance/
maintenance managers; chronic in resource shortage; poor of ethics; and ambiguous contract. The
study that can be summarized from the academic literature of research on contributing causes of
deferred maintenance of buildings shows in Table 1.
Table 1. Causes of deferred maintenance of buildings.
Wuni et al
Faremi et al
Thohir et al
Nwacuku et al
Aliyu et al
Chong et al
Au-Yong et al
Abdulazeez et
al 2015
Nah et al 2015
Ropi &
Tabassi 2014
Hamid et al
Ekundayo &
Ajayi 2009
R. Mazalan &
Lack of funds
Lack of
knowledge &
Lack of
10th Asia Pacific Structural Engineering and Construction Conference 2018
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 513 (2019) 012028
IOP Publishing
Neglect towards
importance of
Lack of expertise
Building age
Do not have rule,
standard &
Lack of quality
& qualified
Poor culture
Lack of ethics,
Attitude &
Low priority
Poor design &
Lack of
Lack of
system faults
Absence planned
Lack of
objective &
Lack of
& teamwork
8. Conclusion
Addressing deferred maintenance is a fundamental responsibility of the organization professional.
Required is an understanding of the definitions, issues and challenges of deferred maintenance to
develop a credible and persuasive the planning process. Deferred maintenance liability requires
documentation of the causal factors, and shall include the impacts need to be developed and follow by
methodology and contribute to meeting the changes and challenges of an organisation. This study has
made and provided a platform for addressing future research into a process protocol for deferred
maintenance. This literature review set out to identify all relevant published journal articles from the
past ten years (2018-2008), focusing on issue, practice, management, effective management, total
quality management matrix, performance and priority of maintenance.
10th Asia Pacific Structural Engineering and Construction Conference 2018
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 513 (2019) 012028
IOP Publishing
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