
Collaborative stowage planning problem for a liner ship

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This paper investigates a stowage planning problem, in which a liner ship will visit a sequence of ports, the number of available quay cranes in ports and the numbers of loading/unloading containers in ports are uncertain. This stowage planning problem is about how to assign the loaded containers to the bays of the ship considering uncertain information in the future, so as to minimise the sum of the expected quay crane handling time at the ports. Based on stochastic programming, a two-stage decision model is proposed for this problem. A particle swarm optimisation based solution method is developed to solve the model for large-scale problem instances. Numerical experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed model and the efficiency of the proposed solution method.

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... A bi-level optimization model has been adopted in this study to describe the problem. Optimization models are extensively used in management problems, for example, project-management [27][28][29] and transportation-management problems [30][31][32][33]. Taking the advantages of these two factors, Wu and Wang [24] developed an optimization model integrating the decision of different parties, to describe the SP deployment problem. ...
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Shipping emissions, especially those in port areas, have become one of the main concerns of the maritime industry. Shore power has been recognized as a promising way to alleviate the problem. However, shore power has not been extensively adopted in China. Therefore, from the government’s point of view, this paper conducts a case study of the shore power deployment problem based on the real container shipping network of China, including the Port of Hong Kong. In addition to the basic case, we, also, conduct numerical experiments with different budgets, to analyze its influence on the optimal subsidy plan and cost–benefit analysis. The results give two useful managerial insights: (i) it might be unnecessary to spend a large amount of the budget on subsidization, and (ii) the subsidy expenditure needs to be considered together with the final bunker reduction, while creating the budget.
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