
Theorising how the brain encodes consciousness based on negentropic entanglement

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This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license ( The physicality of subjectivity is explained through a theoretical conceptualization of guidance waves informing meaning in negentropically entangled non-electrolytic brain regions. Subjectivity manifests its influence at the microscopic scale of matter originating from de Broglie 'hidden' thermodynamics as action of guidance waves. The preconscious experienceability of subjectivity is associated with a nested hierarchy of microprocesses, which are actualized as a continuum of patterns of discrete atomic microfeels (or "qualia"). The mechanism is suggested to be through negentropic entanglement of hierarchical thermodynamic transfer of information as thermo-qubits originating from nonpolarized regions of actin-binding proteinaceous structures of nonsynaptic spines. The resultant continuous stream of intrinsic information entails a negentropic action (or experiential flow of thermo-quantum internal energy that results in a negentropic force) which is encoded through the non-zero real component of the mean approximation of the negentropic force as a 'consciousness code.' Consciousness consisting of two major sub-processes: (1) preconscious experienceability and (2) conscious experience. Both are encapsulated by nonreductive physicalism and panexperiential materialism. The subprocess (1) governing "subjectivity" carries many microprocesses leading to the actualization of discrete atomic microfeels by the 'consciousness code'. These atomic microfeels constitute internal energy that results in the transfer intrinsic information in terms of thermo-qubits. These thermo-qubits are realized as thermal entropy and sensed by subprocess (2) governing "self-awareness" in conscious experience.

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... Intrinsic information is non-integrated and irreducible; therefore, there is no flow of information, as Eccles [22] suggested, which is necessary for the negentropic action resulting in a negentropic force to create information. Negentropic entanglement transforms the non-integrated intrinsic information through a negentropic force that is spatially ongoing without dissipation [23], thus, serving a functional role of ensuring the interoperability of nonintegrated intrinsic information to a higher level (see [6]). ...
... The EM brain is inseparable (spatiotemporally) yet segregated functionally from electro-ionic activity. It is intangible, unknown and inaccessible but recognizable through the 1pp and is the domain of consciousness [23,37]. ...
... The intrinsic information in the sense of physical transitions, encoded in the quasiparticles of the brain, is tuned to temperature and time scales under the constraints imposed by the structuring of the redundancies across scale where entropy production matches the negentropic gain in achieving the minimum possible entropies defined as an ensemble of minima of least entropy or a 'quantum of information' (minimum uncertainty) [21]. The negentropic action entails a negentropic force, and if continuous, it points to negentropic entanglement or the 'binding' of intrinsic information necessary for consciousness [23]. ...
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We wish to suggest a mechanism for binding intrinsic information based on an inter-cerebral superfast, spontaneous information pathway involving protein-protein interactions. Protons are convenient quantum objects for transferring bit units in a complex water medium like the brain. The phonon-polariton interaction in such a medium adds informational complexity involving complex protein interactions that are essential for the superfluid-like highway to enable the consciousness process to penetrate brain regions due to different regulated gene sets as opposed to single region-specific genes. Protein pathways in the cerebral cortices are connected in a single network of thousands of proteins. To understand the role of inter-cerebral communication, we postulate protonic currents in interfacial water crystal lattices result from phonon-polariton vibrations, which can lead in the presence of an electromagnetic field, to ultra-rapid communication where thermo-qubits, physical feelings, and protons that are convenient quantum objects for transferring bit units in a complex water medium. The relative equality between the frequencies of thermal oscillations due to the energy of the quasi-protonic movement about a closed loop and the frequencies of electromagnetic oscillations confirms the existence of quasi-polaritons. Phonon-polaritons are electromagnetic waves coupled to lattice vibrational modes. Still, when generated specifically by protons, they are referred to as phonon-coupled quasi-particles, i.e., providing a coupling with vibrational motions. We start from quasiparticles and move up the scale to biomolecular communication in subcellular, cellular and neuronal structures, leading to the negentropic entanglement of multiscale 'bits' of information. Espousing quantum potential chemistry, the interdependence of intrinsic information on the negative gain in the steady-state represents the mesoscopic aggregate of the microscopic random quantum-thermal fluctuations expressed through a negentropically derived, temperature-dependent, dissipative quantum potential energy. The latter depends on the time derivative of the spread function and temperature, which fundamentally explains the holonomic brain theory.
... Intrinsic information is non-integrated and irreducible; therefore, there is no flow of information, as Eccles [22] suggested, which is necessary for the negentropic action resulting in a negentropic force to create information. Negentropic entanglement transforms the non-integrated intrinsic information through a negentropic force that is spatially ongoing without dissipation [23], thus, serving a functional role of ensuring the interoperability of nonintegrated intrinsic information to a higher level (see [6]). ...
... The EM brain is inseparable (spatiotemporally) yet segregated functionally from electro-ionic activity. It is intangible, unknown and inaccessible but recognizable through the 1pp and is the domain of consciousness [23,37]. ...
... The intrinsic information in the sense of physical transitions, encoded in the quasiparticles of the brain, is tuned to temperature and time scales under the constraints imposed by the structuring of the redundancies across scale where entropy production matches the negentropic gain in achieving the minimum possible entropies defined as an ensemble of minima of least entropy or a 'quantum of information' (minimum uncertainty) [21]. The negentropic action entails a negentropic force, and if continuous, it points to negentropic entanglement or the 'binding' of intrinsic information necessary for consciousness [23]. ...
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information based on an inter-cerebral superfast, spontaneous information pathway involving protein-protein interactions. Protons are convenient quantum objects for transferring bit units in a complex water medium like the brain. The phonon-polariton interaction in such a medium adds informational complexity involving complex protein interactions that are essential for the superfluid-like highway to enable the consciousness process to penetrate brain regions due to different regulated gene sets as opposed to single region-specific genes. Protein pathways in the cerebral cortices are connected in a single network of thousands of proteins. To understand the role of inter-cerebral communication, we postulate protonic currents in interfacial water crystal lattices result from phonon-polariton vibrations, which can lead in the presence of an electromagnetic field, to ultra-rapid communication where thermo-qubits, physical feelings, and protons that are convenient quantum objects for transferring bit units in a complex water medium. The relative equality between the frequencies of thermal oscillations due to the energy of the quasi-protonic movement about a closed loop and the frequencies of electromagnetic oscillations confirms the existence of quasi-polaritons. Phonon-polaritons are electromagnetic waves coupled to lattice vibrational modes. Still, when generated specifically by protons, they are referred to as phonon-coupled quasi-particles, i.e., providing a coupling with vibrational motions. We start from quasiparticles and move up the scale to biomolecular communication in subcellular, cellular and neuronal structures, leading to the negentropic entanglement of multiscale ‘bits’ of information. Espousing quantum potential chemistry, the interdependence of intrinsic information on the negative gain in the steady-state represents the mesoscopic aggregate of the microscopic random quantum-thermal fluctuations expressed through a negentropically derived, temperature-dependent, dissipative quantum potential energy. The latter depends on the time derivative of the spread function and temperature, which fundamentally explains the holonomic brain theory.
... Intrinsic information is non-integrated and irreducible; therefore, there is no flow of information, as Eccles [22] suggested, which is necessary for the negentropic action resulting in a negentropic force to create information. Negentropic entanglement transforms the non-integrated intrinsic information through a negentropic force that is spatially ongoing without dissipation [23], thus, serving a functional role of ensuring the interoperability of nonintegrated intrinsic information to a higher level (see [6]). ...
... The EM brain is inseparable (spatiotemporally) yet segregated functionally from electro-ionic activity. It is intangible, unknown and inaccessible but recognizable through the 1pp and is the domain of consciousness [23,37]. ...
... The intrinsic information in the sense of physical transitions, encoded in the quasiparticles of the brain, is tuned to temperature and time scales under the constraints imposed by the structuring of the redundancies across scale where entropy production matches the negentropic gain in achieving the minimum possible entropies defined as an ensemble of minima of least entropy or a 'quantum of information' (minimum uncertainty) [21]. The negentropic action entails a negentropic force, and if continuous, it points to negentropic entanglement or the 'binding' of intrinsic information necessary for consciousness [23]. ...
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We wish to suggest a mechanism for binding intrinsic information based on an inter-cerebral superfast, spontaneous information pathway involving protein-protein interactions. Protons are convenient quantum objects for transferring bit units in a complex water medium like the brain. The phonon-polariton interaction in such a medium adds informational complexity involving complex protein interactions that are essential for the superfluid-like highway to enable the consciousness process to penetrate brain regions due to different regulated gene sets as opposed to single region-specific genes. Protein pathways in the cerebral cortices are connected in a single network of thousands of proteins. To understand the role of inter-cerebral communication, we postulate protonic currents in interfacial water crystal lattices result from phonon-polariton vibrations, which can lead in the presence of an electromagnetic field, to ultra-rapid communication where thermo-qubits, physical feelings, and protons that are convenient quantum objects for transferring bit units in a complex water medium. The relative equality between the frequencies of thermal oscillations due to the energy of the quasi-protonic movement about a closed loop and the frequencies of electromagnetic oscillations confirms the existence of quasi-polaritons. Phonon-polaritons are electromagnetic waves coupled to lattice vibrational modes. Still, when generated specifically by protons, they are referred to as phonon-coupled quasi-particles, i.e., providing a coupling with vibrational motions. We start from quasiparticles and move up the scale to biomolecular communication in subcellular, cellular and neuronal structures, leading to the negentropic entanglement of multiscale ‘bits’ of information. Espousing quantum potential chemistry, the interdependence of intrinsic information on the negative gain in the steady-state represents the mesoscopic aggregate of the microscopic random quantum-thermal fluctuations expressed through a negentropically derived, temperature-dependent, dissipative quantum potential energy. The latter depends on the time derivative of the spread function and temperature, which fundamentally explains the holonomic brain theory. Keywords: Quantum potential chemistry; quantum-thermal fluctuations; thermo-qubits; intrinsic information; Grotthuss mechanism; negentropic gain; quasi-polaritons; protons; dissipative quantum potential energy; resonance; holonomic brain theory.
... In other words, the semiquantum potential energy balances the 'long-range' coherency associated with the phase differences of dipole-bound electron oscillations. The absence of classical potential energy triggers coherence correlated phase differences manifested by an ensemble of the pilot-wave force ( Q ) [83]. ...
... The second stage is macroscopic 'longrange order' that exists only in the absence of classical potential energy, a form of coherence in phase differences [50]. This negentropic entanglement allows for the consciousness process to be attained [83] and the communication activity to proceed [9,15,44]. ...
... EM field does not integrate information in the brain. The integration is unnecessary as the "glue" needed for combining the information is negentropic entanglement [83]. ...
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This paper proposes biophysical principles for why geometric holonomic effects through the geometric vector potential are sentient when harmonized by quantized magnetic vector potential in phase-space. These biophysical principles are based on molecular level electromagnetic resonances in partially holistic molecules where nonintegrated information acts as the consciousness process's conduit-using the informational structure of physical feelings as a transition into subjectivity. The transformation of internal energies from potential to kinetic as 'concealed' motion may measure the causal capacity required to bridge causality for conscious experience. Conformational transitions produce bond-breaking, resulting in boundary conditions and limiting the molecular wavefunction to a partially holistic molecular environment with molecular holonomic effects. The van der Waals energy increases protein conformational activity (re-arrangement of bonds), causing energy transfer and information in protein-protein interactions across the cerebral cortex through the energy transduction process. Energy transitions predetermine molecular level electromagnetic resonances in aromatic residues of amino acids. The energy sharing between various nested molecular level electromagnetic resonances interacting with the intermolecular adhesion of London forces at the nexus between phospholipids and the lipophilic proteins has a key role in constraining the release of energy resulting in a vast array of information-based action through negentropic entanglement. Such information structure, passing from the objectivity of holonomic effects stemming from molecular level electromagnetic resonances, has an inherent ambiguity since meaning cannot be related to context, which constitutes preconscious experienceability. The transition from potentiality to actuality where Coulombic force is expressed as a smear of possible experiences where carriers of evanescent meanings instantly actualize through intermittent dispersion interactions as conscious experiences and return to potentiality in preconscious experienceabilities.
... The pioneering ideas of mathematical biologists [58][59][60][61][62], notably Alfred Lotka [61]. ...
... Axiology is a direct, multi-faceted description of a structure and function of the human language. It has been suggested that it encapsulates a "G code" which defines how the brain works to generate language [26,60]. Figure 3. QR code has a square frame, for reliable position detection and more efficient data storage than the simpler bar-code; its speed is its most important quality. ...
... Linguistic analysis [61] does not clarify the universal, physiologic mechanism underlying neural memory or reveal its phyto-evolutionary roots. Psycho-linguistic analysis, namely the retrieving, parsing and processing of a patient's discourse to generate an "axiological" value of a patient's mood state [60] does not clarify how a mood state is encoded or remembered. ...
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... The pioneering ideas of mathematical biologists [58][59][60][61][62], notably Alfred Lotka [61]. ...
... Axiology is a direct, multi-faceted description of a structure and function of the human language. It has been suggested that it encapsulates a "G code" which defines how the brain works to generate language [26,60]. Figure 3. QR code has a square frame, for reliable position detection and more efficient data storage than the simpler bar-code; its speed is its most important quality. ...
... Linguistic analysis [61] does not clarify the universal, physiologic mechanism underlying neural memory or reveal its phyto-evolutionary roots. Psycho-linguistic analysis, namely the retrieving, parsing and processing of a patient's discourse to generate an "axiological" value of a patient's mood state [60] does not clarify how a mood state is encoded or remembered. ...
Neural memory, with many aspects (associative, cognitive, declarative, episodic, implicit, procedural, semantic, working, short/long-term), emerges from the mental processes of the active neural net. Our goal is to describe memory as an emergent, generic process which evolved from bacterial signaling, constrained by the laws of chemistry and capabilities of cell biology. We invoke tripartite interactions of 3 compartments: • [neurons] • [nECM] (neural extracellular matrix) • [dopants] (comprising diffusible metals and neuro-transmitters (NTs)). The neuron manipulates the dopants to form metal-centered complexes within the nECM (which functions as a “memory material”) to encode cognitive units of information (cuinfo) (singular/plural). Psychic states (emotions) as well as physiologic responses (feelings), both are chemically encoded with >90 NTs which can bind to metals tethered to nECM, to literally embody “emotional memory”, chemographically represented. The evolution of a brain operating in emotive and logical modes of memory and mentation, suggests a “phase” diagram, wherein the logical and emotive modes of memory emerge coincident with increasing brain size, capacity and complexity. The tripartite mechanism permits of a chemical perspective to the evolution of “rational” and “emotive” modes of neural memory.
... The pioneering ideas of mathematical biologists [58][59][60][61][62], notably Alfred Lotka [61]. ...
... Axiology is a direct, multi-faceted description of a structure and function of the human language. It has been suggested that it encapsulates a "G code" which defines how the brain works to generate language [26,60]. Figure 3. QR code has a square frame, for reliable position detection and more efficient data storage than the simpler bar-code; its speed is its most important quality. ...
... Linguistic analysis [61] does not clarify the universal, physiologic mechanism underlying neural memory or reveal its phyto-evolutionary roots. Psycho-linguistic analysis, namely the retrieving, parsing and processing of a patient's discourse to generate an "axiological" value of a patient's mood state [60] does not clarify how a mood state is encoded or remembered. ...
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Background: What is neural memory? How does it differ from binary encoded, computer memory? Attempts to model brain function using contemporary computer hardware and (information) theory suggests the need for a new paradigm. The disparity between (dry) electronic devices that “compute” in binary format (n=2) and biologic (wet) neural nets that mentate in “multinary” format (i.e. n>10), reflects drastically differing recall systems. Focusing on codes, we discuss Morse and Braille codes and note that a binary bit (0 /1) cannot encode a psychic (emotive) state. Between 0 and 1, there is no code for “emotions”. Hypothesis: “Form follows function”. There are no “naked neurons”. Neuron morphology (extended shape, large surface area) implies intimate contact with its surroundings. Based on observed morphological and biochemical evidence, we propose a tripartite, biochemical process for encoding neural memory, whereby the surrounding “neural extracellular matrix” (nECM), functions as a “memory material” to encode and store cognitive units of information (cuinfo). The dopants (>10 neuro-metals, >90 neuro-transmitters (NTs)) within vesicles ejected by neurons into the nECM, provide the neuron with Avogadro scale (A=6x10 ²³) “dopants” for encoding emotive memory. Calculations using experimentally determined (molar) levels of metals and NTs, reveal astronomical coding options and capacity. Conclusion: Neurons collectively generate memory, using both electrodynamic and chemodynamic signals. The NTs link physiology to psyche, functioning in memory as signifiers (enciphers) of emotions. An algorithm, blueprint, calculus, fractal, mimetic or simulation that ignores {neuron-nECM-NT} interactions, cannot emulate mental processes of the brain, recalling emotive memory to survive. � 2016 Bentham Science Publishers.
... The missing simplest physical feeling event we call Fundamental Consciousness. Individual occurrences we call "psybits"; each functions as a "microquale" ( [14] refers to similar "preconscious microfeels"). ...
... Poznanski [14] sees his equivalent to psybits arising at a slightly higher scale (molecular). This could be, although we have never seen such a basic phenomenon appear (correlate to physical action) higher up like that. ...
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We define a reference Architecture for consciousness to assist further research and discussion and we explain the motivations for its form. We present a set of postulates and basic hypotheses. We explain metatheory of consciousness, implied by and supported by the postulates, hypotheses, and architecture. We further start to dig into a theory within the various individual Layers of the Architecture. While much work has been done by many this has not led to an understanding of fundamental consciousness. We know a good deal about how the networks of neurons in our heads calculate and process information, shedding light on how we think. This does not tell us how we feel. A mind is thinking plus, especially, feeling. In this article we consider basic mechanisms, the missing explanatory glue from the physical world to value and consciousness. We thus lay out the Sentonic Theory of Fundamental Consciousness (STFC) as principles of operation of the bottom half of the Architecture in real brains.
... A more elaborate explanation of the conscious experience in terms of brain processes rests on the conjugate relationship between fundamental observables constituting actual properties of our experience sustained as thermoquantal correlates of consciousness. Recent research on the foundation of consciousness promotes the simultaneity of the brain's potentiality through negentropic entanglement [59], which exists in the preconscious as a function of affect [60]. It is assumed that a naturalistic explanation of consciousness stems from the thermoquantal information occurring with simultaneity at the subcellular scale as a precursor to the activity of vast numbers of neurons forming neuronal hierarchies of spiking networks [61]. ...
... Thus, self-creation or self-realization of the organism wholly entailed by potentialities arising from energy exchange at the quantum domain, by granting the omnipresence of negentropic actions that sustains the image of evolution constituting the creative potential of an organism [212]. The self-creative processes of organisms contribute to the selfadaptation of the individual organism within its life span subsuming negentropic entanglement [59] and nonlocal functional interactions [25,202]. s0070 13. Discussion p0715 Alfred Whitehead's panexperientialism makes it clear that "occasions of experience" are what move reality-processes along. ...
It is a century-old view that experiential philosophies are not compatible with materialism. In the contextual inconsistency with the reality, that matter is inertly acquiring only a single physical state, philosophers have gained ground in metaphysical beliefs, including dualism, monism, and idealism. We show that a new foundational self-referential identity theory of the mind is needed to bridge the explanatory gap. Panexperiential materialism is a new materialistic framework originating in the spectral domain of matter-wave energy quanta transcending the barrier of thermoquantal information, isomorphically aligning with consciousness. The holistic nature of its instantiation is panexperiential due to the composite states of non-inert matter, depending crucially on their interrelations without embracing essentialist ontology, further entwined with epistemic teleofunctionalism and informational relationalism, and based on the research agenda, concepts, and shared values of quantum chemistry. Panexperiential materialism is characterized by a spectral matter-wave structure, which is conjugate to the prescriptive structural properties of the spacetime domain. Yet panexperiential materialism is not contrary to ordinary materialism, although the latter may be fundamentally grounded in molecular networks. The phenomenology of consciousness is not merely a mental reification in the first-person perspective. The proper guideline should be the reduction of conscious processes to nonreductive physical correlates in the brain. The wet and hot environment of the brain affords quantum-thermal correlations in a transcending energy processing zone where quantum and classical fluctuations are fused to thermoquantal information. The quantum chemical basis incorporates non-self-adjoint analytic extensions in Liouville space and associated Fourier-Laplace transforms that conjoin energy, time, entropy, and temperature. The transformation across hierarchical thermodynamical domains is caused by the negentropic gain wholly implicated by the entropy production arising in the energy exchange resulting in the transformation of information forming informational holarchies, driven by nonlocal teleological mechanisms. The information transformation from the objective to the subjective is a process that is quantum in nature. The process of non-integrated information, actualizing the information-based action as a teleological process of cognition in the entailment of preconscious experientialities, should not be conflated with the experience itself, but rather as an isomorphic connection between mind and brain via the Fourier-Laplace transformation. Our holistic viewpoint denies the existence of integrated information as an emergentist ontology, instead advocating the canonical transformations B and B† as the syntax or universal grammar for intrinsic information (proto-communication). The irreducible character of an informational holarchy where the whole is affected non-synergistically by the non-integrated information is how intrinsic information encapsulates the energy transformation from fusing thermal and quantum fluctuations that result in long-range correlations (phase wave) that constitutes the fundamental dynamics of physical feelings. In panexperiential materialism, there is no issue dividing holists and reductionists, concerning the issue whether the whole or the discrete parts are primary, but rather their interrelations. This relationalism is pivotal in understanding how non-integrated information holistically concresce. Although we consider matter waves to be fundamental, one might say, avoiding the trap of eliminative materialism, that the brain is conjugate to the mind and vice versa.
... From which, scientists are still searching for the more clearly accommodated origin of life. One of the most closely related to Schrodinger postulation explained that the origin of life was formed by the coupling between the strong field and ionic dipole [4], where life began. In this concept, a tiny unit of life formed by the quasi-particle known as a polariton, which can propagate and link to the body and brain network via the liquid core waveguide and cell electron cloud. ...
... But in this proposal, the electron cloud can be generated by the Drude model [8][9][10], where the change in the input power can form the quantum codes by time-function switching, which is the quantum cellular automata. Regarding the Bohm theory, human cells are surrounded by the electron cloud around the nucleus, where the wave particles form called a polariton [4][5][6][7]. The motivation of the proposed device (circuit) is that it can generate the polariton wave [15], which can couple to the electron cloud and human cells, which allowed cell and brain communication [16,17]. ...
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We propose the use of the electron cloud generated by quasi-particle waves called polariton dipoles, which oscillated within a silicon microring-embedded gold grating system for quantum consciousness processing model. An embedded gold grating is coupled by a whispering gallery mode beam generated by a soliton pulse, from which the polariton waves oscillated with the plasma frequency at the Bragg wavelength. The excited polariton cloud by the external stimuli can be detected at the system output ports. The two states of the polariton (electron) are spin-up and spin-down that can process automatically and deliver to the network and cloud. In manipulation, the results obtained show the electron density increased by increasing the input power into the system. In application, the cell polariton cloud coupled by the external stimuli and patterned by the quantum cellular automata results, which localized in the cloud network and connected to the nerve cell access nodes. The coded polaritons connected to the nerve cell memory clouds, while the required commands are delivered to resonant cells via the network link. More stenographic codes can also be generated by other external stimuli sources, which can process similarly.
... The first approach is based on the principle of transmutation of thermo-quantum fluctuations to normallevel neural signaling (MacGregor, 2006). In polarized regions since thermodynamic entropy (Yufik, 2013) in the EI brain is omniscient of 'guidance waves', which the two-brains complementarity uses, especially in holistic brain functions such as memory and consciousness, it may involve quantum force as determined by the macro-quantum potential energy or thermo-quantum internal energy ( Poznanski et al., 2019). The classical EM waves in the EI brain 'sense' the quantum system, i.e., it is a "one-way" interaction from quantum to classical involving the Ehrenfest force, which is an EM force acting on quasi-free electrons due to the presence of all other quasi-free electrons ( Gindensperger et al., 2000;Wyatt, 2005). ...
... Quantum entanglement which involves nonlocal correlations of phase differences of dipole-bound electron oscillations or induced magnetic dipole moments (cf., Matsuno, 2003;Poznanski et al., 2018a) can be a solution of the 'binding problem' (cf., Kauffman, 2019). The nonlocal correlations of phase differences of intrinsic information form a scalar-valued field on the configuration space but must transform within the three-dimensional EM field space to an appropriate spinorvalued vector function, evolving according to the appropriate generalization of the Schrödinger-like equation or macro-quantum wave equation ( Poznanski et al., 2018aPoznanski et al., , 2019. The semi-classical interpretation of spin based on the theory behind such gauge transformation can be found in the literature (see Recami and Salesi, 1998;Bogan, 2002;Norsen, 2014). ...
We have further developed the two-brains hypothesis as a form of complementarity (or complementary relationship) of endogenously induced weak magnetic fields in the electromagnetic brain. The locally induced magnetic field between electron magnetic dipole moments of delocalized electron clouds in neuronal domains is complementary to the exogenous electromagnetic waves created by the oscillating molecular dipoles in the electro-ionic brain. In this paper, we mathematically model the operation of the electromagnetic grid, especially in regard to the functional role of atomic orbitals of dipole-bound delocalized electrons. A quantum molecular dynamic approach under quantum equilibrium conditions is taken to illustrate phase differences between quasi-free electrons tethered to an oscillating molecular core. We use a simplified version of the many-body problem to analytically solve the macro-quantum wave equation (equivalent to the Kohn-Sham equation). The resultant solution for the mechanical angular momentum can be used to approximate the molecular orbital of the dipole-bound delocalized electrons. In addition to non-adiabatic motion of the molecular core, guidance waves may contribute to the delocalized macro-quantum wave functions in generating nonlocal phase correlations. The intrinsic magnetic properties of the origins of the endogenous electromagnetic field are considered to be a nested hierarchy of electromagnetic fields that may also include electromagnetic patterns in three-dimensional space. The coupling between the two-brains may involve an ‘anticipatory affect’ based on the conceptualization of anticipation as potentiality, arising either from the macro-quantum potential energy or from the electrostatic effects of residual charges in the quantum and classical subsystems of the two-brains that occurs through partitioning of the potential energy of the combined quantum molecular dynamic system.
... The first approach is based on the principle of transmutation of thermo-quantum fluctuations to normallevel neural signaling (MacGregor, 2006). In polarized regions since thermodynamic entropy (Yufik, 2013) in the EI brain is omniscient of 'guidance waves', which the two-brains complementarity uses, especially in holistic brain functions such as memory and consciousness, it may involve quantum force as determined by the macro-quantum potential energy or thermo-quantum internal energy ( Poznanski et al., 2019). The classical EM waves in the EI brain 'sense' the quantum system, i.e., it is a "one-way" interaction from quantum to classical involving the Ehrenfest force, which is an EM force acting on quasi-free electrons due to the presence of all other quasi-free electrons ( Gindensperger et al., 2000;Wyatt, 2005). ...
... Quantum entanglement which involves nonlocal correlations of phase differences of dipole-bound electron oscillations or induced magnetic dipole moments (cf., Matsuno, 2003;Poznanski et al., 2018a) can be a solution of the 'binding problem' (cf., Kauffman, 2019). The nonlocal correlations of phase differences of intrinsic information form a scalar-valued field on the configuration space but must transform within the three-dimensional EM field space to an appropriate spinorvalued vector function, evolving according to the appropriate generalization of the Schrödinger-like equation or macro-quantum wave equation ( Poznanski et al., 2018aPoznanski et al., , 2019. The semi-classical interpretation of spin based on the theory behind such gauge transformation can be found in the literature (see Recami and Salesi, 1998;Bogan, 2002;Norsen, 2014). ...
... We define negentropic entanglement as the restructuring of the redundancies across scales, which amounts to reorganizing internal energy and functional entropy lowering as a consequence of such a re-organization is what we define as the 'binding' of intrinsic information necessary for consciousness (Poznanski et al., 2019). The neologism negentropic entanglement (negentropic = relating to information gain; entanglement=binding) should not be confused with quantum entanglement as the binding of quantum states between particles. ...
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This pioneering research on how specific molecules deep inside our brains form a dynamic information holarchy in phase space, linking mind and consciousness, is not only provocative but also revolutionary. Holonomic is a dynamic encapsulation of the holonic view that originates from the word "holon" and designates a holarchical rather than a hierarchical, dynamic brain organization to encompass multiscale effects. The unitary nature of consciousness being interconnected stems from a multiscalar organization of the brain. We aim to give a holonomic modification of the thermodynamic approach to the problem of consciousness using spatiotemporal intermittency. Starting with quasiparticles as the minimalist material composition of the dynamical brain where interferences patterns between incoherent waves of quasiparticles and their quantum-thermal fluctuations constrain the kinetic internal energy of endogenous molecules through informational channels of the negentropically-derived quantum potential. This indicates that brains are not multifractal involving avalanches but are multiscalar, suggesting that unlike the hologram, where the functional interactions occur in the spectral domain, the spatiotemporal binding is multiscalar because of self-referential amplification occurring via long-range correlative information. The associated negentropic entanglement permeates the unification of the functional information architecture across multiple scales. As such, the holonomic brain theory is suitable for active consciousness, proving that consciousness is not fundamental. The holonomic model of the brain's internal space is nonmetric and nonfractal. It contains a multiscalar informational structure decoded by intermittency spikes in the fluctuations of the negentropically-derived quantum potential. It is therefore, a more realistic approach than the platonic models in phase space.
... This phenomenon we suggest is negentropic entanglement (Poznanski et al., 2019a). Negentropic entanglement (negentropic = relating to information gain; entanglement = binding or spread) is a contagion for spontaneous ordering (anti-entropic process) that eliminates redundancies through nonlocal pathways and, in addition, addresses the binding problem (Singer, 2001). ...
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The fine structure of consciousness is temporally experienced. This makes possible a dynamic organicity theory of consciousness through disunified order in the pre-, sub-and noncognitive levels of causal processes and dynamics. This multilevel approach is based on functional systems where space is implicitly grounded as changeable boundary conditions (due to organicity), and energy capture and storage under energy flow entail structuring intrinsic information (as both hidden thermodynamic energy and hidden thermodynamic information). The use of anaesthesia indicates consciousness disappears when there is an obliteration of intrinsic information within membrane protein amino acids, suggesting that quantum-thermal fluctuations of the electromagnetic field can be functional and non-vacuous. The origin of thermo-qubit syntax is derived from the principle of self-reference as the syntax of consciousness. In addition to the classical Brownian motion of mac-roscopically observable mean values, the negentropically derived quantum potential is an additional degree of freedom where the structuring of intrinsic information takes place by negentropic action from the microscopically random quantum-thermal fluctuations. Such functional fluctuations provide a way for intentionality to come in from spontaneous ordering, leading to path selection as an instruction to act. The resultant intentionality becomes part of information-based action when functional interactions are selected and boundary conditions change, causing interference pattern matching through temporal reorganization of informational redundancy structures (not used in functional interactions). The self-referential dynamic structures (of evolving informational holons) transform syntactic structures into experienceable forms. In comparing the interference patterns of functional interactions during restructuring informational redundancy structures, the functionality of multiscale complexity as functional systems patterns gives experienceable forms the potential to understand "meaning" by reducing uncertainty in the process of structuring intrinsic information. The self-reference principle establishes dynamical pathways from the microscale to the macroscale (this includes nonlocal pathways), in which diachronic causation and how the disunity of causal order in the redundancy creates a weak unity of consciousness through its temporal structure, which has an inferred purpose that gives rise to a sense of self.
... This phenomenon we suggest is negentropic entanglement (Poznanski et al., 2019a). Negentropic entanglement (negentropic = relating to information gain; entanglement = binding or spread) is a contagion for spontaneous ordering (anti-entropic process) that eliminates redundancies through nonlocal pathways and, in addition, addresses the binding problem (Singer, 2001). ...
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The fine structure of consciousness is temporally experienced. This makes possible a dynamic organicity theory of consciousness through disunified order in the pre-, sub- and noncognitive levels of causal processes and dynamics. This multilevel approach is based on functional systems where space is implicitly grounded as changeable boundary conditions (due to organicity), and energy capture and storage under energy flow entail structuring intrinsic information (as both hidden thermodynamic energy and hidden thermodynamic information). The use of anaesthesia indicates consciousness disappears when there is an obliteration of intrinsic information within membrane protein amino acids, suggesting that quantum-thermal fluctuations of the electromagnetic field can be functional and non-vacuous. The origin of thermo-qubit syn-tax is derived from the principle of self-reference as the syntax of consciousness. In addition to the classical Brownian motion of macroscopically observable mean values, the negentropically derived quantum potential is an additional degree of freedom where the structuring of intrinsic information takes place by negentropic action from the microscopically random quantum-thermal fluctuations. Such functional fluctuations provide a way for intentionality to come in from spontaneous ordering, leading to path selection as an instruction to act. The resultant intentionality becomes part of information-based action when functional interactions are selected and boundary conditions change, causing interference pattern matching through temporal re-organization of informational redundancy structures (not used in functional interactions). The self-referential dynamic structures (of evolving informational holons) transform syntac-tic structures into experienceable forms. In comparing the interference patterns of functional interactions during restructuring informational redundancy structures, the functionality of multiscale complexity as functional systems patterns gives experienceable forms the potential to understand “meaning” by reducing uncertainty in the process of structuring intrinsic information. The self-reference principle establishes dynamical pathways from the microscale to the macroscale (this includes nonlocal pathways), in which diachronic causation and how the disunity of causal order in the redundancy creates a weak unity of consciousness through its temporal structure, which has an inferred purpose that gives rise to a sense of self.
... This phenomenon we suggest is negentropic entanglement (Poznanski et al., 2019a). Negentropic entanglement (negentropic = relating to information gain; entanglement = binding or spread) is a contagion for spontaneous ordering (anti-entropic process) that eliminates redundancies through nonlocal pathways and, in addition, addresses the binding problem (Singer, 2001). ...
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The fine structure of consciousness is temporally experienced. This makes possible a dynamic organicity theory of consciousness through disunified order in the pre-, sub- and noncognitive levels of causal processes and dynamics. This multilevel approach is based on functional systems where space is implicitly grounded as changeable boundary conditions (due to organicity), and energy capture and storage under energy flow entail structuring intrinsic information (as both hidden thermodynamic energy and hidden thermodynamic information). The use of anaesthesia indicates consciousness disappears when there is an obliteration of intrinsic information within membrane protein amino acids, suggesting that quantum-thermal fluctuations of the electromagnetic field can be functional and non-vacuous. The origin of thermo-qubit syntax is derived from the principle of self-reference as the syntax of consciousness. In addition to the classical Brownian motion of macroscopically observable mean values, the negentropically derived quantum potential is an additional degree of freedom where the structuring of intrinsic information takes place by negentropic action from the microscopically random quantum-thermal fluctuations. Such functional fluctuations provide a way for intentionality to come in from spontaneous ordering and lead to path selection as an instruction to act. The resultant intentionality becomes part of information-based action when functional interactions are selected, and boundary conditions change, causing interference pattern matching through temporal re-organization of informational redundancy structures (not used in functional interactions). The self-referential dynamic structures (of evolving informational holons) transform syntactic structures into experienceable forms. In comparing the interference patterns of functional interactions during restructuring informational redundancy structures, the functionality of multiscale complexity as functional systems patterns gives experienceable forms the potential to understand “meaning” by reducing uncertainty in the process of structuring intrinsic information. The self-reference principle establishes dynamical pathways from the microscale to the macroscale (this includes nonlocal pathways), in which diachronic causation and how the disunity of causal order in the redundancy creates a weak unity of consciousness through its temporal structure, which has an inferred purpose that gives rise to a sense of self.
... The difference is that the former is fundamentally intrinsic, based on an extension of quantum thermodynamics, while the latter is conceptually rooted in orthodox quantum mechanics for isolated systems, i.e., in the quantum connection between the particles. Negentropic entanglement is hence a matching-up mechanism empowering a unitary consciousness to exist via contiguous negentropic action, i.e., at any action, a single, unified consciousness, a subjective awareness of the total conscious experience -a qualitative, unified subjectivity (Poznanski et al., 2019). Brillioun (1951) posited that Shannon's entropy decreases with knowledge about the system's different structure. ...
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We define precognitive affect, composed of information holding dispositional states, as noncontextual, rudimentary building blocks of subjective intentionality. We take on a psychodynamic approach to intentional agency. Intentions unfold into actions in animate thermodynamics reducing subjective uncertainty by negentropic action. They are intentions in action carrying meaning in species having complex protein interactions with various regulated gene sets. In particular, the unfolding of intentionality in terms of biological purpose introduced by subjective functioning allows for a satisfactory account of subjective intentionality. The underlying experience of acting paves the way for understanding meaning of precognitive affect from subjective functioning. Therefore, the brain's subjective intentionality as the underlying experience of acting is embedded in a negentropic "consciousness code" of "hidden" thermodynamic energy. It is the negentropically-derived quantum potential energy in the unified functioning of brain consciousness at the macroscopic scale. While at the mesoscopic scale, Schrödinger processes create boundary conditions for negentropic action to inform the intentional agency.
... We define negentropic entanglement as the restructuring of the redundancies across scales, which amounts to reorganizing internal energy and functional entropy lowering as a consequence of such a re-organization is what we define as the 'binding' of intrinsic information necessary for consciousness (Poznanski et al., 2019). The neologism negentropic entanglement (negentropic = relating to information gain; entanglement=binding) should not be confused with quantum entanglement as the binding of quantum states between particles. ...
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This pioneering research on how specific molecules deep inside our brains form a dynamic information holarchy in phase space, linking mind and consciousness, is not only provocative but also revolutionary. Holonomic is a dynamic encapsulation of the holonic view that originates from the word “holon” and designates a holarchical rather than a hierarchical, dynamic brain organization to encompass multiscale effects. The unitary nature of consciousness being interconnected stems from a multiscalar organization of the brain. We aim to give a holonomic modification of the thermodynamic approach to the problem of consciousness using spatiotemporal intermittency. Starting with quasiparticles as the minimalist material composition of the dynamical brain where interferences patterns between incoherent waves of quasiparticles and their quantum-thermal fluctuations constrain the kinetic internal energy of endogenous molecules through informational channels of the negentropically-derived quantum potential. This indicates that brains are not multifractal involving avalanches but are multiscalar, suggesting that unlike the hologram, where the functional interactions occur in the spectral domain, the spatiotemporal binding is multiscalar because of self-referential amplification occurring via long-range correlative information. The associated negentropic entanglement permeates the unification of the functional information architecture across multiple scales. As such, the holonomic brain theory is suitable for active consciousness, proving that consciousness is not fundamental. The holonomic model of the brain’s internal space is nonmetric and nonfractal. It contains a multiscalar informational structure decoded by intermittency spikes in the fluctuations of the negentropically-derived quantum potential. It is therefore, a more realistic approach than the platonic models in phase space.
... The difference is that the former is fundamentally intrinsic, based on an extension of quantum thermodynamics, while the latter is conceptually rooted in orthodox quantum mechanics for isolated systems, i.e., in the quantum connection between the particles. Negentropic entanglement is hence a matching-up mechanism empowering a unitary consciousness to exist via contiguous negentropic action, i.e., at any action, a single, unified consciousness, a subjective awareness of the total conscious experience -a qualitative, unified subjectivity (Poznanski et al., 2019). Brillioun (1951) posited that Shannon's entropy decreases with knowledge about the system's different structure. ...
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We define precognitive affect, composed of information holding dispositional states, as noncontextual, rudimentary building blocks of subjective intentionality. We take on a psychodynamic approach to intentional agency. Intentions unfold into actions in animate thermodynamics reducing subjective uncertainty by negentropic action. They are intentions in action carrying meaning in species having complex protein interactions with various regulated gene sets. In particular, the unfolding of intentionality in terms of biological purpose introduced by subjective functioning allows for a satisfactory account of subjective intentionality. The underlying experience of acting paves the way for understanding meaning of precognitive affect from subjective functioning. Therefore, the brain’s subjective intentionality as the underlying experience of acting is embedded in a negentropic “consciousness code” of “hidden” thermodynamic energy. It is the negentropically-derived quantum potential energy in the unified functioning of brain consciousness at the macroscopic scale. While at the mesoscopic scale, Schrödinger processes create boundary conditions for negentropic action to inform the intentional agency.
... Specifically, neural network models of "emergent conscious experience" rely on analogies to relations among molecules in crystals, fluids, and gases and employ chemical hypotheses regarding the emergence of thoughts, moods, and perceptions from chemical modulation of synaptic interactions among neurons. However, 20th and 21st-century science offer probabilistic perspectives from which to view the mind-brain nexus, including quantum entanglement processes that lower the entropy of the system [8]. Quantum mechanics and quantum field theory have given physicists extra "degrees of freedom", radically multiplied beyond thermodynamics. ...
... The self (one in each hemisphere) is a complex area or construct of fields and neural connections, that emits biophoton codes [33] and is non-conscious until it interacts with the quantum awareness field to achieve consciousness. Cacha and Pozanaski [34] propose a theory of consciousness which also relies on an encoded biophoton field, non-conscious experience, and interacting fields, but the difference from my theory is that Cacha and Pozanski [35] rely on interacting energy states, "macro-quantum potential energy in a nested hierarchy." I cannot conceive of any reasons that manipulations or interactions of known energy fields could cause consciousness. ...
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In this paper I will address questions about will, agency, choice, consciousness, relevant brain regions, impacts of disorders, and their therapeutics, and I will do this by referring to my theory, Dual-brain Psychology, which posits that within most of us there exist two mental agencies with different experiences, wills, choices, and behaviors. Each of these agencies is associated as a trait with one brain hemisphere (either left or right) and its composite regions. One of these agencies is more adversely affected by past traumas, and is more immature and more symptomatic, while the other is more mature and healthier. The theory has extensive experimental support through 17 peer-reviewed publications with clinical and non-clinical research. I will discuss how this theory relates to the questions about the nature of agency and I will also discuss my published theory on the physical nature of subjective experience and its relation to the brain, and how that theory interacts with Dual-Brain Psychology, leading to further insights into our human nature and its betterment.
... The issue of human consciousness has always intrigued researchers. It can be regarded as thermodynamic information transfer similar to hierarchical key order in energy transfer [104]. Understanding the complex behavior of the human brain in the light of thermodynamics is a task that shall possibly take many years and may require synthesis with other complex scientific concepts, e.g., quantum mechanics. ...
Thermodynamics, the science of energy interactions, governs the direction of processes found in nature. While the application of the subject is wide in science and technology, its connection to biological sciences and in particular to bioengineering is becoming increasingly important. In this work, after a brief introduction to the fundamental concepts in thermodynamics, we focus on its application in human physiology. A review of application of thermodynamics to the interaction between human body and environment is presented. Research works on biological systems e.g. the nervous system, and the cardiovascular systems are summarized. The metabolism process under the light of energy exchange and exergetic performance is reviewed and finally the role of the subject in understanding and combating diseases are highlighted.
... The issue of human consciousness has always intrigued researchers. It can be regarded as thermodynamic information transfer similar to hierarchical key order in energy transfer [104]. To understand the complex behavior of the human brain in the light of thermodynamics is a task that shall possibly take many years and may require synthesis with other complex scientific concepts e.g. ...
... Consciousness is an unsolved scientific enigma. Diverse quantum models attempt to explain consciousness mechanisms (Fisher, 2015;Hameroff and Penrose, 2014;Jibu and Yasue, 1995;Kumar et al., 2016;Poznanski et al., 2019). Fisher (2015) first proposed the phosphorus-31 nuclear-spin entanglement model. ...
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Phosphorus-31 nuclear-spin entanglements within Ca9(PO4)6 molecules (Posner molecules) have been proposed to be central for neural processing. However, this has yet to be proven experimentally. Relatedly, increasing calcium ion concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid has been proposed to enhance consciousness by accelerating Posner molecules’ creation. A dependence on calcium isotope is also expected. Here we test these predictions experimentally by measuring the loss of righting reflex ED50 for mice to sevoflurane - an increase in loss of righting reflex ED50 indicates a higher level of consciousness and vice versa. Our mice’s findings demonstrate that intracerebroventricular injection of EGTA enhances the sevoflurane-induced loss of righting reflex ED50 while injecting calcium-40 chloride or calcium-43 chloride causes an opposite effect. Further, the identical effects of calcium-40 and calcium-43 indicate an absence of calcium isotope dependence. Here, our findings disprove conventional proposals that calcium ion concentration correlates with consciousness.
... This is seen as the ground of reality as a universal field, potentially encompassing all possible manifestations, either material or mental, connected via a transitional zone to a manifest world with its informational and qualia endowed aspects. Poznanski et al. (2018Poznanski et al. ( , 2019 presented a related theory in which brain consciousness is guided by hidden dynamics of dipole associated electrons, modeled by ZPE field/de Broglie/Bohm-type of active information of oscillating waves, as also touched upon in our studies. The same group emphasized the importance of biophotonic and electromagnetic information transfer (Cacha et al, 2014(Cacha et al, , 2017 and in relation to this suggested the concept of a "Two-brain hypothesis": one brain with an electro-ionic character and a simultaneously acting electromagnetic brain (see also Goodman et al, 2015). ...
... Poznanski (Poznanski, 2019) sees his equivalent to psybits arising at a slightly higher scale (molecular), and relies on quantum effects. This could be, although we have never seen such a basic phenomenon appear (correlate to physical action) higher up like that. ...
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The Emergence of Qualia and Concepts from Physical Fundamental Consciousness, the Gross Architecture of the Mind, and Implications for Further Study
... But the set of cuinfo which make up the totality of the memory pattern is stored in different anatomic compartments of the brain. Thus, excising one particular region may not result in total memory loss or identify a specific locale where it is stored (see Lashley, 1950;Poznanski et al., 2019;Pribram and Meade, 1999). ...
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In this paper, we address the enigma of the memory engram, the physical trace of memory in terms of its composition, processes, and location. A neurochemical approach assumes that neural processes hinge on the same terms used to describe the biochemical functioning of other biological tissues and organs. We define a biochemical process, a tripartite mechanism involving the interactions of neurons with their neural extracellular matrix, trace metals, and neurotransmitters as the basis of a biochemical memory engram. The latter inextricably link physiological responses, including sensations with affective states, such as emotions.
... For this reason, some authors prefer to use the term "atomic microfeels" instead of qualia. 1 Qualia are the building blocks of consciousness. Our consciousness at any moment consists of several qualia. ...
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The QBIT theory is an attempt toward solving the problem of consciousness based on empirical evidence provided by various scientific disciplines including quantum mechanics, biology, information theory, and thermodynamics. This theory formulates the problem of consciousness in the following four questions, and provides preliminary answers for each question: Question 1: What is the nature of qualia? Answer: A quale is a superdense pack of quantum information encoded in maximally entangled pure states. Question 2: How are qualia generated? Answer: When a pack of quantum information is compressed beyond a certain threshold, a quale is generated. Question 3: Why are qualia subjective? Answer: A quale is subjective because a pack of information encoded in maximally entangled pure states are essentially private and unshareable. Question 4: Why does a quale have a particular meaning? Answer: A pack of information within a cognitive system gradually obtains a particular meaning as it undergoes a progressive process of interpretation performed by an internal model installed in the system. This paper introduces the QBIT theory of consciousness, and explains its basic assumptions and conjectures
... For this reason, some authors prefer to use the term "atomic microfeels" instead of qualia. 1 Qualia are the building blocks of consciousness. Our consciousness at any moment consists of several qualia. ...
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This paper introduces the first version of the QBIT theory of consciousness which is based on inspirations and insights from Quantum mechanics, Biology, Information theory, and Thermodynamics. The ultimate goal of the QBIT theory is to find scientifically correct answers to the following four questions: What is the nature of qualia? How are qualia generated? Why are qualia subjective? Why does a quale have a particular meaning?The theory, in its first version, proposes tentative answers to these four fundamental questions about consciousness. According to the QBIT theory qualia are quantum information encoded in maximally entangled pure states. Qualia are generated when robustness of quantum information exceeds a certain threshold. Qualia are subjective because maximally entangled pure states are not shareable. The quality or meaning of a particular quale is determined by its associated internal model.
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We present the principles of operation by which a brain makes a mind, at all scales necessary to cover the whole problem. We inventory the necessary capabilities for a mind. We divide conscious mind into four layers of increasing elaboration. For the principles of operations of the lower two layers, we provide the STFC theory. For the upper two, we provide the STHC theory. We survey the evolutionary progression from first twinge of experience to human capacities. We explain the types of memory and problem-solving we carry and by what structures they are made to happen. We compare to prior works and review the philosophical implications and stance. All of this is done with minimal incoming assumptions, and those made are declared. Vol 14, No 1 (2023) How Brain Makes Mind: The Principles of Operation, Featuring Karl Sipfle’s Work
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In this article an analysis is carried out on the basic mechanisms inherent in the functioning of the living and conscious Universe, that seems permeated by an intrinsic intelligence. In this scenario, a primordial acoustic quantum code in the form of BSE-condensed polaron field is assumed to provide the conditions for the guided formation of the cosmos in which also Gravity and Dark energy forces were created. As to the latter, we submit that primordial proton/ electron composite units, covered with multiple phonons (forming quasi-particles), exhibit internal attractive and external repulsive features, thereby generating the forces of gravity and anti-gravity (dark energy). Our earlier results indicate that the frequency pattern of the "Acoustic Quantum Code of Resonant Coherence" is fully in line with recently reported frequency values for cosmic gravitational waves, as well as for oscillations of ZPE field, at the macro-scale. With regard to brain function, at the micro-scale, interestingly, an almost perfect frequency fit of our algorithm was revealed for brain microtubular oscillations. These results on neuronal signaling, numerically support the Orch-OR consciousness theory. The present results also confirm the recent Creation Field model for Life of Wong et al., who adopted our concept in their studies as a General Music Code. Consequently, the primordial acoustic quantum code with its coherence equation (earlier called the "Generalized Music Biophysical Principle), shows a high correlation with regard to EMF wave frequencies with various of the current concepts for consciousness: the Orch OR theory of Hameroff and Penrose, the Microtubule concept of Bandyopadhyay et al., The Life Creation model of Wong et al, the Event Horizon brain concept of Meijer et al., as well that of ZPE-mediated consciousness concept of Keppler et al. The collective evidence, therefore reveals a scale invariant, all pervading guiding principle in the Universe. In this, a 4 th spatial dimension is required, as proposed in current physics, implying, together with the time dimension, a 5-D universe. These features make the Universe, in principle, non-calculable by human technology and may, at first sight, imply an inherent limitations in the role of artificial intelligence in the future becoming of the Universe. Yet, It is possible that in the far future advanced types of AI will be created that may allow a cosmic back-reaction in information processing. This can lead to a reconstructive universe, either by retro-causal information flux from the future to present and past states, and/or enabling an integral simulation at the expected cosmic end of our Universe. The latter, on the basis of the ultimately collected information, may afford a new version of our universe, in a time-reversed mode. We hold that such a sound mediated process also played a role in biological evolution and the creation of first life. Our proposal points at an information field of harmonic sounds that actualizes the successive steps in the ongoing fabric of reality. This is envisioned through toroidal geometry, in which information, also of human experience, is retro-injected into a growing field of a collective cosmic memory (back reaction).. This concept may be instrumental in the further study of macro-and micro-structures of our universe and can lead to a better insight in the evolution of life as well as the crucial role of universal consciousness as a crucial elemental intelligence of the cosmos. 2 Index:
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We present a comprehensive concept for the fabric of reality and the creation of life through the generation and integration of information, modelled through toroidal processing of wave energy. We submit that human consciousness cannot be understood in a reductionist context, but that it is rather an expression of a cosmic modality or a universal consciousness. We therefore introduce a mental attribute of the entire cosmos that for our world, requires a wave-like holonomic description, implying non-material physicalism in a cosmopsychism context. It is postulated that the generation of life in the cosmos requires a symmetry breaking from a 4 th spatial dimension (5-D spacetime) involving a Sub-Quantum domain, that contains information conceptualized as a pro-active ontological essence. Thereby, a multi-layered fractal reality is conceived integrated by a universal toroidal/möbius-ring type of connection. This is described at the level of a sub-Planckian scale, and is instrumental in past/future transactional information processing and pilot-wave guiding. In this framework, the Zero-point Energy Field is seen as a transition zone from the Sub-Quantum domain to our quantum world. In concert they provide an all-pervading superfluid quantum field that enables soliton (electron-phonon quasi-particle)-mediated interaction with non-neural brain compartments, in which hydro-ionic (hydronium ions and Ca2+-ions) are instrumental. In this process, freely moving protons form wave-antennas in the water matrices of the brain that can receive active life-information as the building blocks for conscious moments. Toroidal geometry is also involved in the functional organisation of wave-coherence and interference in brain, to assure a personal memory. In addition, we postulate a global memory workspace, associated with, but not reducible to the brain. This field-sensitive holographic workspace, that exhibits an event horizon information projection, is seen to be involved in predictive coding and quality control of awareness and can be conceived as personal double. The imprinting of life conditions in inanimate (pre-biotic) structures in biological evolution is conceived as a toroidal processing of energy-consciousness providing a non-dual recursive creation of reality. The unfolding of pre-mordial information into the future is described in geometric terms and defined in a "Beyond Fibonacci" type of spiral mathematics that also includes an extra 4 th spatial dimension. Recent studies of others indeed have shown that the creation of life can be conceived as a symmetry breaking of condensed bosons from a 5-D informational phase-space, supposedly through formation of magnetic monopoles in a Hicks setting, again using an essential toric information code. The monopoles, produced in this process, interact with DNA/RNA on the basis of the molecular entities of life such as H2O, carbon and nitrogen-bases, and this supports recent work on the role of oscillatory DNA wave resonance in cellular communication, being crucial for problem solving of life cells for survival in their environment. Boson-mediated symmetry breaking, modelled by toroidal spinor geometry was also described in a bifurcative self-interaction model that assumes supervenience of mental on physical states. It is finally concluded that scale invariant information, being expressed on the holographic event horizons of each individual cosmic entity, provides a unified connective principle that reveals an intrinsic mental aspect of the cosmos.
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Please download the work in full. The pdf is fully illustrated and live linked as a research resource of definitive impact on our survival as a species. The work, presents an augmentation of physical cosmology to admit subjective conscious volition acting on the physical world, invoking a biologically, psychically and cosmologically symbiotic universe, rising to conscious climax which resolves the central enigma of existential cosmology – the nature and role of subjective experience – thus providing a direct solution to the "hard problem of consciousness" and the problem of autonomous volitional will. This is essential for human ability to consciously affect the physical world, personal responsibility and scientific consistency with criminal and civil law on intent. The cosmology is thus entirely consistent with quantum cosmology and empirical neuroscience. Where it differs, is in refuting the assumption of physical causal closure in the brain which is scientifically unprovable in the quantum universe. Occam's razor then cuts in favour of the empirical experience of subjective conscious volition over the physical universe, confirmed by veridical perception of our own volition, eliminating pure materialism as inconsistent with everyday experience. Symbiotic cosmology involves complementarity between the physical universe and the "mind at large", which is manifest in primitive forms in quantum uncertainty, edge-of-chaos dynamics, biogenesis, and procaryote excitability. Attentive consciousness emerged in a discrete transition accompanying the endosymbiosis between archaea and bacteria to form the eucaryotes, encapsulated in cellular consciousness in the excitable eucaryote cell mediated by social signalling molecules, later resulting in multi-celled organisms in the conscious brain as a coupled neuronal system, utilising the same palette of signalling molecules. The symbiosis in eucaryotes extends to sexuality as polarised genetic co-evolution and symbiosis with endogenous transposable elements comprising half the human genome. This extends to biospheric symbiosis, in which survival of the "fittest" by natural and sexual selection is actually survival of the most successful co-symbionts because, whether parasites, hosts, predators or prey, their individual survival is mediated by the overall survival dynamics of the biosphere as a whole avoiding boom and bust to achieve climax diversity. In further sections, it overviews cultural traditions and current research into psychedelics. Because natural analogues of neurotransmitters in living species have proved capable of precipitating ego-dissolution and reversion to "primary consciousness", these gain a significance in consciousness research complementary to that of the LHC in cosmological physics. This process has pivotal importance for avoiding humanity causing a mass extinction of biodiversity and possibly our own demise, instead becoming able to fulfil our responsibilities as guardians of the unfolding of sentient consciousness on evolutionary and cosmological time scales. The panpsychic aspect invokes a deep relationship with animism as the founding cosmological view of Homo sapiens which later evolved to become the world religious traditions. Affirming subjectively conscious physical volition, via quantum indeterminate brain states, is the only point of divergence from the standard scientific world view, with all other aspects, especially the cosmology's evolutionary basis, following core scientific principles. Nevertheless its implications are radically transformative because (a) it opens the entire subjective realm of conscious cosmology to exploration and pivotally, (b) it invokes biospheric symbiosis as the climax cosmological condition of perennial survival in the universe, without which humanity will suffer a Fermi paradox extinction, through evolutionary and/or cultural instability. Biospheric symbiosis is the climax evolutionary manifestation of Symbiotic Existential Cosmology. Because natural analogues of neurotransmitters in living species have proved capable of precipitating ego-dissolution and reversion to "primary consciousness", these gain a significance in consciousness research complementary to that of the LHC in cosmological physics. This process has pivotal importance for avoiding humanity causing a mass extinction of biodiversity and possibly our own demise, instead becoming able to fulfil our responsibilities as guardians of the unfolding of sentient consciousness on evolutionary and cosmological time scales. The panpsychic aspect invokes a deep relationship with animism as the founding cosmological view of Homo sapiens which later evolved to become the world religious traditions. Affirming subjectively conscious physical volition, via quantum indeterminate brain states, is the only point of divergence from the standard scientific world view, with all other aspects, especially the cosmology's evolutionary basis, following core scientific principles. Nevertheless its implications are radically transformative because (a) it opens the entire subjective realm of conscious cosmology to exploration and pivotally, (b) it invokes biospheric symbiosis as the climax cosmological condition of perennial survival in the universe, without which humanity will suffer a Fermi paradox extinction, through evolutionary and/or cultural instability. Biospheric symbiosis is the climax evolutionary manifestation of Symbiotic Existential Cosmology. To fully cover all aspects of the evolutionary process leading to humanity's cultural explosion, the current edition fully expands the cosmology into an extended evolutionary synthesis, including gene-culture co-evolution, evolution of the human genome, sexuality and language and the impact of cultural evolution on societies, institutions, religions and world political responses to the existential crisis we all face. Social processes, including prescriptive religions, have brought about a paradigm of patriarchal dominance over woman and nature that has exacerbated the way technological civilisation and corporate processes, lacking a genetically stable paradigm, have caused sweeping deleterious impacts to the biosphere through human niche construction by agriculture, farming and urbanisation, causing habitat destruction and species extinction; energy resource demands, leading to climate and biodiversity crisis; and nationalistic militarisation, conducive to nuclear holocaust, so that gene-culture-biodiversity coevolution has become a sine qua non for human survival. It further discusses both Eastern and Western concepts of religious cosmology and the tragic consequences of failing to address naturalistic cosmological reality in the monotheistic religious tradition.
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In this chapter, we postulate an integral concept of information processing in the universe, on the basis of a new biophysical principle, coined the generalized music (GM)-scale of EMF frequencies. Meta-analyses of current biomedical literature revealed the presence of a distinct pattern of discrete EMF frequency bands in a wide range of animate and non-animate systems. The underlying algorithm of harmonic solitonic waves provided a novel conceptual interface between living and non-living systems being of relevance for the areas of brain research as well as biological evolution. We hold that nature is guided by resonating quantum entities related to quantum vacuum fluctuations of an imminent zero-point energy (ZPE) field, also regarded as a superfluid quantum space (SQS). Since the whole human organism, including the brain is embedded in this dynamic energy field, a pilot wave guided supervenience of brain function is conceived. Conversely, the brain may write discrete informational states into the ZPE- field as individual memory traces. Both information fluxes may be related to a holofractal memory workspace, associated with, but not reducible to the brain, that operates as a scale-invariant mental attribute of reality. Our concept, therefore, addresses the earlier postulated “hard problem” in consciousness studies. The proposed field-receptive workspace, integrates past and (anticipated) future events and may explain overall ultra-rapid brain responses as well as the origin of qualia. Information processing in the brain is shown to be largely facilitated by propagation of hydronium (proton/water) ions in aqueous compartments. The hydronium ions move freely within a hexagonally organized H2O lattice, providing a superconductive integral brain antenna for receiving solitonic wave information, according to the Schrödinger wave equation. The latter quantum process enables an ultra-rapid soliton/biophoton flux that may orchestrate overall brain binding and the creation of coherent conscious states. In a cosmological context, we envision a scale-invariant information processing, operating through a toroidal/wormhole operator at the interface of our 3D world and a 4D acoustic phase space. We submit that the resulting meta-language is instrumental in a partially guided evolution and the creation of first life. This implies that sentience exists on infinite scales, on the basis of an electromagnetic signature of the universe providing an intrinsic cosmic connectivity that is mirrored in the human brain and that we may experience as a vivid dream of a concealed reality. Humans, in this respect, are not only observers but also active participants in this cosmic endeavor: the evolution of conscious entities has been woven into the cosmic mastercode from the beginning. The main thesis of this chapter is that in science and philosophy the dominant paradigm of materialism should be considered as incomplete for explaining the whole of reality.
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This review article submits an integral concept of information processing in the universe on the basis of a generalized musical (GM)-scale of discrete EMF frequencies. Meta-analyses of current biophyisical literature revealed the effects of similar EMF frequency patterns in a wide range of animate and non-animate systems. This provided a novel conceptual bridge between living and non-living systems, being of relevance for the areas of biophysics, brain research, as well as for mechanisms of biological evolution. As to the latter aspect, the potential role of phyllosilicates (clay materials) in the generation of a primordial biofield is treated and seen as instrumental in a partially guided creation of first life. We hold, in general, that nature is guided by a discrete pattern of harmonic solitonic waves, likely originating from quantum vacuum fluctuations derived from an immanent zero-point energy (ZPE)/superfluid quantum space. Since the whole human organism, including brain is embedded in this dynamic energy field, a comprehensive model for human (self)-consciousness could be conceived. Evidence is presented for a pilot wave guided supervenience of brain function that may arise from a holofractal memory workspace, associated with, but not reducible to the brain, that operates as a scale-invariant mental attribute of reality. This, field-receptive, workspace integrates past and (anticipated) future events and may explain overall ultra-rapid brain responses as well as the origin of qualia. Information processing in the brain is shown to be largely facilitated by propagation of hydronium (proton/water) ions in aqueous compartments. The hydronium ions move freely within a hexagonally organized H2O lattice, providing a superconductive integral brain antenna for receiving solitonic wave information. A nonlinear Schrödinger equation describes the quantum aspects of the transfer of wave information mediated by H+ and Ca2+ ion flux over long distances at cerebrospinal, inter-neuronal and gap junction spaces. The latter processes enable ultra-rapid soliton/biophoton fluxes that may orchestrate overall brain binding and the creation of coherent conscious states. In a cosmological context, we envision a scale invariant information processing, operating through a toroidal/wormhole mediated information flux. Our concept touches upon the earlier postulated hard problem in consciousness studies. This implies an intrinsic cosmic connectivity that is mirrored in the human brain. The assumed hydrodynamic superfluid background field is proposed to guide the ongoing fabric of reality through a quantum metalanguage that is instrumental in the manifestation of universal consciousness of which human consciousness is an integral part. 2
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Experience Quantum field Brain information The hard problem Subjectivity A B S T R A C T Penrose and Hameroff assert that brain computations, including quantum computations, involving hydrophobic areas of microtubules whose electron clouds go into orchestrated superpositions and reductions that lead to proto-conscious elements, or "bings" that become orchestrated into conscious experiences. Their assertion, however, like the findings of the neural correlates of consciousness, does not explain subjectivity, but rather describes necessary conditions for it. Many scientists, including Panksepp, Demasio, and Tononi, have each made great contributions to the field, but none explains how material biological processes acquire subjectivity. Yet, the fact is that subjectivity exists and is and of great importance to evolution. Penrose argues that understanding, which involves subjectivity, must be brought into physics, perhaps an undiscovered aspect. Subjectivity is always of or about certain living brain information even though most brain functions do not have subjectivity. Many quantum fields are known to exist and follow Dyson's definition: "a kind of tension or stress which can exist in empty space in the absence of matter. It reveals itself by producing forces, which act on any material objects that happen to lie in the space the field occupies." My hypothesis is that there may be undiscovered quantum fields, which unlike known fields, induce sub-jectivity when they interact with certain brain information. They emit quantum particles that exert force and cause changes to material objects (brain patterns conveying information) with which they interact. Information that transports meaning to living material exerts force through the understanding it conveys. There is a continuous interplay between experience and brain information. Experiences profoundly inform the brain and alter brain structure, function, and behavior, and local and integrated brain functions process information and initiate multiple associated experiences. Most experience is non-conscious, as discussed by Wright and others, like the soundtrack of a movie to which our brains respond continuously and emotionally even though, we are only intermittently consciously aware of it. I will explore how non-conscious experience may relate to the self, and how it might become conscious. I will offer present support and directions for testing this plausible hypothesis, as well as potential clinical applications in psychology.
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A macro-quantum model is developed to describe spontaneous processes in terms of computable equations. The resultant macro-quantum wave equation (Schrödinger-type equation) is solved via a Madelung transformation to yield a complex-valued solution whose real part gives the macro-quantum potential energy. We show that the mechanism responsible for spontaneous phase differences is a pilot-wave force attributed to the internal thermo-quantum energy. Its functionality contributes to the phase synchrony in the emergence of ‘long-range order’ occurring by means of the actualized phase differences of the spontaneous processes. Macroscopic pilot-wave theory is used to describe how informational patterns carry ‘meaning’ via a ‘consciousness code’ arising from thermo-quantum fluctuations. The resultant negentropic entanglement of the actualized phase differences according to panexperientialism acts as a ‘conscious pilot’ that provides stability through a pilot-wave guided negentropic action emerging from macro-quantum potential energy. In view of the above, the thermo-quantum consciousness is a process based on Aristotelian doctrine of causes. The material cause as uncertainty in the brain expressed through the wave function, naturally leads to pilot-wave guided negentropic action as the efficient cause of conscious recall that actualizes spontaneous potentiality as its formative cause, with inner experiences as the final cause. It is the final cause that is expressed in memory after consciousness and their interrelationship with uncertainty in the brain, that forms a relational holon.
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To explain consciousness as a physical process we must acknowledge the role of energy in the brain. Energetic activity is fundamental to all physical processes and causally drives biological behavior. Recent neuroscientific evidence can be interpreted in a way that suggests consciousness is a product of the organization of energetic activity in the brain. The nature of energy itself, though, remains largely mysterious, and we do not fully understand how it contributes to brain function or consciousness. According to the principle outlined here, energy, along with forces and work, can be described as actualized differences of motion and tension. By observing physical systems, we can infer there is something it is like to undergo actualized difference from the intrinsic perspective of the system. Consciousness occurs because there is something it is like, intrinsically, to undergo a certain organization of actualized differences in the brain.
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The argument that biological systems are too "warm and wet" to support quantum effects is becoming increasingly antiquated as research in the field of quantum biology progresses. In fact, not only is it becoming apparent that quantum processes may regularly take place in biological systems, but these processes may underlie the mechanisms of consciousness and propel our models of conceptualizing the human brain into the next era of scientific understanding. The phenomena of consciousness have allured scientists and philosophers for thousands of years, while a precise technical understanding has remained elusive. If possible, developing this understanding will likely be one of humanity's greatest achievements. Knowing the fundamental processes that create conscious experience has far-reaching implications, from the potential birth of true artificial intelligence to a better
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The current geometric and thermodynamic approaches in protein folding studies do not provide a definite solution to understanding mechanisms of folding of biological proteins. A major problem is that the protein is first synthesized as a linear molecule that subsequently must reach its native configuration in an extremely short time. Hydrophobicity-hydrophilicity models and random search mechanism cannot explain folding to the 3-D functional form in less than 1 second, as it occurs in the intact cell. We propose an integral approach, based on the embedding of proteins in the whole cellular context under the postulate: a life protein is never alone. In this concept the protein molecule is influenced by various long and short distance force fields of nature such as coherent electromagnetic waves and zero-point energy. In particular, the role of solitons is reviewed in relation to a novel GM-scale biophysical principle, revealed by us. This recent finding of a set of discrete EM frequency bands, that either promote or endanger life conditions, could be a key in further studies directed at the morphogenetic aspects of protein folding in a biological evolutionary context. In addition, an alternative hypothesis is presented in which each individual cell may store integral 3-D information holographically at the virtual border of a 4-D hypersphere that surrounds each living cell, providing a field receptive memory structure that is instrumental in guiding the folding process towards coherently oscillating protein networks that are crucial for cell survival
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In this article, I argue that consciousness is a unique way of processing information, in that: it produces information, rather than purely transmitting it; the information it produces is meaningful for us; the meaning it has is always individuated. This uniqueness allows us to process information on the basis of our personal needs and ever-changing interactions with the environment, and consequently to act autonomously. Three main basic cognitive processes contribute to realize this unique way of information processing: the self, attention and working memory. The self, which is primarily expressed via the central and peripheral nervous systems, maps our body, the environment, and our relations with the environment. It is the primary means by which the complexity inherent to our composite structure is reduced into the “single voice” of a unique individual. It provides a reference system that (albeit evolving) is sufficiently stable to define the variations that will be used as the raw material for the construction of conscious information. Attention allows for the selection of those variations in the state of the self that are most relevant in the given situation. Attention originates and is deployed from a single locus inside our body, which represents the center of the self, around which all our conscious experiences are organized. Whatever is focused by attention appears in our consciousness as possessing a spatial quality defined by this center and the direction toward which attention is focused. In addition, attention determines two other features of conscious experience: periodicity and phenomenal quality. Self and attention are necessary but not sufficient for conscious information to be produced. Complex forms of conscious experiences, such as the various modes of givenness of conscious experience and the stream of consciousness, need a working memory mechanism to assemble the basic pieces of information selected by attention.
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The Madelung equations map the non-relativistic time-dependent Schrodinger equation into hydrodynamic equations of a virtual fluid. Here we show that an increase of the Boltzmann entropy of this Madelung fluid is proportional to the expectation value of its velocity divergence. Hence, entropy growth is accompanied by expansion resulting from the ability of the Madelung fluid to be compressible. The compressibility itself reflects superposition of solutions of the Schrodinger equation. Thus, in unitary processes where the Madelung fluid expands and then shrinks, the Boltzmann entropy may, correspondingly, grow and then decrease. The notion of entropy growth due to expansion is common in diffusive processes, however in the latter the process is irreversible. Much unlike the Boltzmann entropy, the von Neumann entropy, does not vary with time. To elucidate the physical underpinning of the Boltzmann entropy, we examine several specific examples. We demonstrate that, for classical diffusive processes, the “force” accelerating diffusion has the form of the positive gradient of the quantum Bohm potential. In the Madelung fluid, the advective and the diffusive velocities correspond respectively to the real and imaginary parts of the complex momentum. We find that the diffusion coefficient provides a lower bound of Heisenberg uncertainty type product between the gas mean free path and the Brownian momentum.
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The connection between brain and mind is an important scientific and philosophical question that we are still far from completely understanding. A crucial point to our work is noticing that thermodynamics provides a convenient framework to model brain activity, whereas cognition can be modeled in information-theoretical terms. In fact, several models have been proposed so far from both approaches. A second critical remark is the existence of deep theoretical connections between thermodynamics and information theory. In fact, some well-known authors claim that the laws of thermodynamics are nothing but principles in information theory. Unlike in physics or chemistry, a formalization of the relationship between information and energy is currently lacking in neuroscience. In this paper we propose a framework to connect physical brain and cognitive models by means of the theoretical connections between information theory and thermodynamics. Ultimately, this article aims at providing further insight on the formal relationship between cognition and neural activity.
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In this monograph, a mathematician and a neurobiologist join forces to address one of the most crucial and controversial scientific questions of our times: can the exquisite capacities of the human brain be simulated by any digital computer? By combining mathematical, computational, neurobiological and evolutionary arguments, Ronald Cicurel and Miguel Nicolelis refute the possibility that any Turing machine will ever succeed in such a simulation. As part of their argument, the authors propose a new theory for brain function: the Relativistic Brain Theory. This theory accounts for decades of neurophysiological and psychological findings and observations that until now have challenged the dominant dogma in neuroscience. Altogether, this monograph contains the inaugural manifesto of a movement intended to emphasize the uniqueness of human nature while discrediting pseudo-scientific predictions that the replacement of humans by machines is imminent. In the authors’ opinion, the misguided and misleading belief that digital machines can emulate all human behaviors defines one of the greatest threats that society faces in the future to preserve our way of life, our human culture and our freedom.
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Quantum thermodynamics addresses the emergence of thermodynamic laws from quantum mechanics. The viewpoint advocated is based on the intimate connection of quantum thermodynamics with the theory of open quantum systems. Quantum mechanics inserts dynamics into thermodynamics, giving a sound foundation to finite-time-thermodynamics. The emergence of the 0-law, I-law, II-law and III-law of thermodynamics from quantum considerations is presented. The emphasis is on consistency between the two theories, which address the same subject from different foundations. We claim that inconsistency is the result of faulty analysis, pointing to flaws in approximations.
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This paper presents a historical perspective on the development and application of quantum physics methodology beyond physics, especially in biology and in the area of consciousness studies. Quantum physics provides a conceptual framework for the structural aspects of biological systems and processes via quantum chemistry. In recent years individual biological phenomena such as photosynthesis and bird navigation have been experimentally and theoretically analyzed using quantum methods building conceptual foundations for quantum biology. Since consciousness is attributed to human (and possibly animal) mind, quantum underpinnings of cognitive processes are a logical extension. Several proposals, especially the Orch OR hypothesis, have been put forth in an effort to introduce a scientific basis to the theory of consciousness. At the center of these approaches are microtubules as the substrate on which conscious processes in terms of quantum coherence and entanglement can be built. Additionally, Quantum Metabolism, quantum processes in ion channels and quantum effects in sensory stimulation are discussed in this connection. We discuss the challenges and merits related to quantum consciousness approaches as well as their potential extensions.
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[AN ELECTRONIC REPRINT OF THE PUBLISHED ARTICLE IS AVAILABLE FROM] <I have posted the "nearly final" draft of the paper because, in the final draft, a copy editor made seemingly small changes that obscured my original meaning and were embarrassing to me. And I was not offered a chance to approve them. What I have posted thus can be considered a corrected version of the final draft>- - - - This paper presents rational, theoretical, and empirical grounds for doubting the principle of determinism in nature and in the brain, and discusses implications of this for free will and the chaos model of the brain. Small number particle systems are practically indeterministic and may be intrinsically indeterministic. Determinism in nature has often been taken to preclude free will. Strict determinism is a concept frequently applied to systems theory, establishing, e.g., the uniqueness of state-space trajectories. In order to consider determinism as a law of nature, however, one must be able to subject it to empirical tests. Presently, one is not able to and whether this can be shown to enable free will or not is not clear. It does remove, at least for the present, determinism itself as a rationale for precluding free will. The work partially supports the chaos model, but undermines the computational computer metaphor of brain function.
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A visual conscious experience is my empirical basis. All that we know comes to us through conscious experiences. Thanks to natural evolution, we have nearly direct perception, and can largely trust the information we attain. There is full integration, with no gaps, of organisms in the continuous world. Human conscious experiences, on the other hand, are discrete. Consciousness has certain limits for its resolution. This is illustrated by the so-called light-cone, with consequences for foundations in physics. Traditional universals are replaced by feels and distributions. Conscious experiences can be ordered within a framework of conceptual spaces. Triple Aspect Monism (TAM) can represent the dynamics of conscious systems. However, to fully represent the creative power of human consciousness, an all-inclusive view is suggested: Multi Aspect Monism (MAM).
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We review in this paper the use of the theory of scale relativity and fractal space-time as a tool particularly well adapted to the possible development of a future genuine systems theoretical biology. We emphasize in particular the concept of quantum-type potentials, since, in many situations, the effect of the fractality of space-or of the underlying medium-can be reduced to the addition of such a potential energy to the classical equations of motion. Various equivalent representations-geodesic, quantum-like, fluid mechanical, stochastic-of these equations are given, as well as several forms of generalized quantum potentials. Examples of their possible intervention in high critical temperature superconductivity and in turbulence are also described, since some biological processes may be similar in some aspects to these physical phenomena. These potential extra energy contributions could have emerged in biology from the very fractal nature of the medium, or from an evolutive advantage, since they involve spontaneous properties of self-organization, morphogenesis, structuration and multi-scale integration. Finally, some examples of applications of the theory to actual biological-like processes and functions are also provided.
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The purpose of this review article is to present some of the recent contributions that show the use of thermo-dynamics to describe biological systems and their evolution, illustrating the agreement that this theory presents with the field of evolution. Organic systems are described as thermodynamic systems where entropy is produced by the irreversible processes, considering as an established fact that this entropy is eliminated through their frontiers to preserve life. The necessary and sufficient conditions to describe the evolution of life in the negentropy principle are established. Underlining the fact that the necessary condition requires formulation, which is founded on the principle of minimum entropy production for open systems operating near or far from equilibrium, other formulations are mentioned, particularly the information theory, the energy intensiveness hypothesis and the theory of open systems far from equilibrium. Finally suggesting the possibility of considering the lineal formulation as a viable alternative; that is, given the internal constrictions under which a biological system operates, it is possible that the validity of its application is broader than it has been suggested.
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Nowadays, biologists can explore the cell at the nanometre level. They discover an unsuspected world, amazingly overcrowded, complex and heterogeneous, in which water, also, is complex and heterogeneous. In the cell, statistical phenomena, such as diffusion, long considered as the main transport for water soluble substances, must be henceforth considered as inoperative to orchestrate cell activity. Results at this level are not yet numerous enough to give an exact representation of the cell machinery; however, they are sufficient to cease reasoning in terms of statistics (diffusion, law of mass action, pH, etc.) and encourage cytologists and biochemists to prospect thoroughly the huge panoply of the biophysical properties of macromolecule-water associations at the nanometre level. Our main purpose, here, is to discuss some of the more common misinterpretations due to the ignorance of these properties, and expose briefly the bases for a better approach of the cell machinery. Giorgio Careri, who demonstrated the correlation between proton currents at the surface of lysozyme and activity of this enzyme was one of the pioneers of this approach.
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In this paper we discuss some of the background to the notion of active information introduced by Bohm and Hiley to account for quantum processes. To appreciate the full significance of this new notion, we show why it is essential to distinguish our approach from the approach that goes under the name 'Bohmian mechanics'. We then show for the first time how the quantum potential emerges from the Heisenberg picture thus providing a new perspective to the whole approach. This enables us to clarify the role of the energy associated with the quantum potential and the status of active information. We conclude with some remarks on the relation between active information and Shannon information.
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Dendritic spines are small actin-rich protrusions from neuronal dendrites that form the postsynaptic part of most excitatory synapses and are major sites of information processing and storage in the brain. Changes in the shape and size of dendritic spines are correlated with the strength of excitatory synaptic connections and heavily depend on remodeling of its underlying actin cytoskeleton. Emerging evidence suggests that most signaling pathways linking synaptic activity to spine morphology influence local actin dynamics. Therefore, specific mechanisms of actin regulation are integral to the formation, maturation, and plasticity of dendritic spines and to learning and memory.
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Cognitive brain functions including sensory processing and control of behavior are understood as "neurocomputation" in axonal-dendritic synaptic networks of "integrate-and-fire" neurons. Cognitive neurocomputation with consciousness is accompanied by 30- to 90-Hz gamma synchrony electroencephalography (EEG), and non-conscious neurocomputation is not. Gamma synchrony EEG derives largely from neuronal groups linked by dendritic-dendritic gap junctions, forming transient syncytia ("dendritic webs") in input/integration layers oriented sideways to axonal-dendritic neurocomputational flow. As gap junctions open and close, a gamma-synchronized dendritic web can rapidly change topology and move through the brain as a spatiotemporal envelope performing collective integration and volitional choices correlating with consciousness. The "conscious pilot" is a metaphorical description for a mobile gamma-synchronized dendritic web as vehicle for a conscious agent/pilot which experiences and assumes control of otherwise non-conscious auto-pilot neurocomputation.
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It is shown that the Bohmian mechanics and the Madelung quantum hydrodynamics are different theories and the latter is a better ontological interpretation of quantum mechanics. A new stochastic interpretation of quantum mechanics is proposed, which is the background of the Madelung quantum hydrodynamics. Its relation to the complex mechanics is also explored. A new complex hydrodynamics is proposed, which eliminates completely the Bohm quantum potential. It describes the quantum evolution of the probability density by a convective diffusion with imaginary transport coefficients.
From Descartes and Cartesian mind-body dualism in the 17th century though to 21st-century concerns about artificial intelligence programming, The Bloomsbury Companion to the Philosophy of Consciousness presents a compelling history and up-to-date overview of this burgeoning subject area. Acknowledging that many of the original concepts of consciousness studies are found in writings of past thinkers, it begins with introductory overviews to the thought of Descartes through to Kant, covering Brentano’s restoration of empiricism to philosophical psychology and the major figures of the late 19th and early 20th centuries: Russell, Wittgenstein, Ryle and James. These opening chapters on the forces in the history of consciousness lay the groundwork needed to understand how influential contemporary thinkers in the philosophy of mind interpret the concept of consciousness. Featuring leading figures in the field, Part II discusses current issues in a range of topics progressing from the so-called hard problem of understanding the nature of consciousness, to the methodology of invoking the possibility of philosophical zombies and the prospects of reductivism in philosophy of mind. Part III is dedicated to new research directions in the philosophy of consciousness, including chapters on experiment objections to functionalism and the scope and limits of artificial intelligence. Equipped with practical research resources including an annotated bibliography, a research guide and a glossary, The Bloomsbury Companion to the Philosophy of Consciousness is an authoritative guide for studying the past, present and future of consciousness.
Taking enantiomers for a spin There are two common ways to distinguish mirror-image molecules, or enantiomers. The first relies on their distinct interactions with circularly polarized light, the second on their interactions with a pure enantiomer of some other molecule. Now Banerjee-Ghosh et al. report a conceptually different approach to chiral resolution. Experiments showed that, depending on the direction of magnetization, chiral oligopeptides, oligonucleotides, and amino acids have enantiospecific differences in initial adsorption rates on ferromagnetic surfaces. This effect is attributed to enantiospecific induced spin polarization. Science , this issue p. 1331
One of the surprising and mysterious parts of nature is the form of life. Unlike other physical systems, living organisms exhibit a very peculiar property, i.e., they self-organize, reproduce, etc. Indeed, life has yielded a special aspect of which appears to be the time-reversal process of non-living physical systems in nature. Following the discussion of Schrödinger’s negative entropic aspect of life, it is outlined that biological property may correspond to the classical projection from the semantics of DNA encryption, which is associated with the Dirac-type negative sea of consciousness. In particular, this analogy is similar to the dual nature of light where the photon outcomes in classical space may be considered a projection from the quantum negative sea of consciousness, or aether. Indeed, life, which exhibits the aspect of negative entropy as suggested by Schrödinger, may be considered as an image of consciousness.
In this chapter, the author develops biological naturalism as a theory of consciousness. Biological naturalism is the name given to the approach to what is traditionally called “the mind-body problem”. The chapter gives a definition of consciousness, a brief account of some of its most important structural features, and a general statement of its relations to the brain and other parts of the real world. It also discusses a few objections to biological naturalism from the point of view of the philosophical tradition. It is important to emphasize that one can have epistemically objective knowledge of a domain that is ontologically subjective. It is for this reason that an epistemically objective science of ontologically subjective consciousness is possible. Three features of consciousness are qualitativeness, subjectivity, and unity. One can make the causal power of subjective consciousness perfectly consistent with its causal functioning as a natural neurobiological, and therefore electrochemical, set of processes.
Almost five decades ago, [H. Fröhlich, "Long-range coherence and energy storage in biological systems," Int. J. Quantum Chem. 2(5), 641-649 (1968), H. Fröhlich, "The biological effects of microwaves and related questions," Adv. Electron. Electron Phys. 53, 85-152 (1980)] reported, on a theoretical basis, that the excitation of quantum modes of vibration in contact with a thermal reservoir may lead to steady states, where under high enough rate of energy supply, only specific low-frequency modes of vibration are strongly excited. This nonlinear phenomenon was predicted to occur in biomolecular systems, which are known to exhibit complex vibrational spectral properties, especially in the terahertz frequency domain. However, since the effects of terahertz or lower-frequency modes are mainly classical at physiological temperatures, there are serious doubts that Fröhlich's quantum description can be applied to predict such a coherent behavior in a biological environment, as suggested by the author. In addition, a quantum formalism makes the phenomenon hard to investigate using realistic molecular dynamics simulations (MD) as they are usually based on the classical principles. In the current paper, we provide a general classical Hamiltonian description of a nonlinear open system composed of many degrees of freedom (biomolecular structure) excited by an external energy source. It is shown that a coherent behaviour similar to Fröhlich's effect is to be expected in the classical case for a given range of parameter values. Thus, the supplied energy is not completely thermalized but stored in a highly ordered fashion. The connection between our Hamiltonian description, carried out in the space of normal modes, and a more standard treatment in the physical space is emphasized in order to facilitate the prediction of the effect from MD simulations. It is shown how such a coherent phenomenon may induce long-range resonance effects that could be of critical importance at the biomolecular level. The present work is motivated by recent experimental evidences of long-lived excited low-frequency modes in protein structures, which were reported as a consequence of the Fröhlich's effect.
Objective: To characterize a brainstem location specific to coma-causing lesions, and its functional connectivity network. Methods: We compared 12 coma-causing brainstem lesions to 24 control brainstem lesions using voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping in a case-control design to identify a site significantly associated with coma. We next used resting-state functional connectivity from a healthy cohort to identify a network of regions functionally connected to this brainstem site. We further investigated the cortical regions of this network by comparing their spatial topography to that of known networks and by evaluating their functional connectivity in patients with disorders of consciousness. Results: A small region in the rostral dorsolateral pontine tegmentum was significantly associated with coma-causing lesions. In healthy adults, this brainstem site was functionally connected to the ventral anterior insula (AI) and pregenual anterior cingulate cortex (pACC). These cortical areas aligned poorly with previously defined resting-state networks, better matching the distribution of von Economo neurons. Finally, connectivity between the AI and pACC was disrupted in patients with disorders of consciousness, and to a greater degree than other brain networks. Conclusions: Injury to a small region in the pontine tegmentum is significantly associated with coma. This brainstem site is functionally connected to 2 cortical regions, the AI and pACC, which become disconnected in disorders of consciousness. This network of brain regions may have a role in the maintenance of human consciousness.
The recently discovered chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect gives rise to a spin selective electron transmission through biomolecules. Here we review the mechanism behind the CISS effect and its implication for processes in Biology. Specifically, three processes are discussed: long-range electron transfer, spin effects on the oxidation of water, and enantioselectivity in bio-recognition events. These phenomena imply that chirality and spin may play several important roles in biology, which have not been considered so far.
Usually, when one refers to chirality, one focuses on the structural properties of the molecules. This review focuses on the interesting electronic properties of these molecules, and specifically, on the interrelation between the spin of the electrons transmitted through molecules and the chiral structure of these molecules. This relation is expressed in the chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect, which is described, including some of its implications. Specifically, several applications are described, in spintronics, in spin-specific reactivity, and in spin-controlled multiple-electron oxidation processes. In the latter, experimental results are described that demonstrate that by coating the anode of a photoelectrochemical cell with chiral molecules, the overpotential of the water-splitting process can be reduced.
We pursue our discussion of Fermi's surface initiated by Dennis, de Gosson and Hiley and show that Bohm's quantum potential can be viewed as an internal energy of a quantum system, giving further insight into its role in stationary states. This implies that the 'particle' referred to in Bohm's theory is not a classical point-like object but rather has an extended structure in phase space which can be linked to the notion of a symplectic capacity, a topological feature of the underlying symplectic geometry. This structure provides us with a new, physically motivated derivation of Schrodinger's equation provided we interpret Gleason's theorem as a derivation of the Born rule from fundamental assumptions about quantum probabilities. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.
The usual interpretation of the quantum theory is self-consistent, but it involves an assumption that cannot be tested experimentally, viz., that the most complete possible specification of an individual system is in terms of a wave function that determines only probable results of actual measurement processes. The only way of investigating the truth of this assumption is by trying to find some other interpretation of the quantum theory in terms of at present "hidden" variables, which in principle determine the precise behavior of an individual system, but which are in practice averaged over in measurements of the types that can now be carried out. In this paper and in a subsequent paper, an interpretation of the quantum theory in terms of just such "hidden" variables is suggested. It is shown that as long as the mathematical theory retains its present general form, this suggested interpretation leads to precisely the same results for all physical processes as does the usual interpretation. Nevertheless, the suggested interpretation provides a broader conceptual framework than the usual interpretation, because it makes possible a precise and continuous description of all processes, even at the quantum level. This broader conceptual framework allows more general mathematical formulations of the theory than those allowed by the usual interpretation. Now, the usual mathematical formulation seems to lead to insoluble difficulties when it is extrapolated into the domain of distances of the order of 10-13 cm or less. It is therefore entirely possible that the interpretation suggested here may be needed for the resolution of these difficulties. In any case, the mere possibility of such an interpretation proves that it is not necessary for us to give up a precise, rational, and objective description of individual systems at a quantum level of accuracy.
EDITOR'S NOTE. In this issue of the Annales, we are glad to present an English translation of one of Louis de Broglie's latest articles, as a kind of gift to all physicists abroad who are not well acquainted with the double solution theory, or do not read French. Louis de Broglie of course wrote the original paper 1 in his mother tongue, which he mastered with utmost elegance, but perhaps considering it as his last word on Wave Mechanics, he expressed the wish to see it also published in English. The translator, our friend Maurice Surdin, tried to re-main as close as possible to the French text, which was by no means an easy task, and unavoidably the result will there-fore appear a bit awkward in style, but it surely does convey the precise physical meaning, and most importantly, the spirit of Louis de Broglie's work. Following this closeness require-ment, the peculiar mathematical notations used by the author have been kept unaltered, even though somewhat unusual, or slightly old-fashioned. Our readers will nevertheless appreciate the deep physical insight expressed in this tentative theory of wave-particle dualism, a major problem unsolved to everyone's satisfaction. Historically, Einstein was the one who started all the trouble in 1905, with the introduction of this wave-particle dualism in radiation theory. Louis de Broglie did not ease the pressure in theoretical physics when he later on extended the puzzling dualism to every entity of Universe, not only photons, but also electrons, atoms, molecules, etc. And he was right, that is the way things work, and physicists have to accept facts, however upsetting.
[opening paragraph] -- Clark: The ‘astonishing hypothesis’ which you put forward in your book, and which you obviously feel is very controversial, is that ‘You, your joys and sorrows, your memories and ambitions, your sense of personal identity and free will are, in fact, no more than the behaviour of a vast assembly of nerve cells. As Lewis Carroll's Alice might have phrased it: ‘You're nothing but a pack of neurons’.’ But it seems to me that this is not so astonishing a statement for a scientist to make. Isn't this what reductionist science has always believed?
The relationship of mind and matter is approached in a new way in this article. This approach is based on the causal interpretation of the quantum theory, in which an electron, for example, is regarded as an inseparable union of a particle and afield. This field has, however, some new properties that can be seen to be the main sources of the differences between the quantum theory and the classical (Newtonian) theory. These new properties suggest that the field may be regarded as containing objective and active information, and that the activity of this information is similar in certain key ways to the activity of information in our ordinary subjective experience. The analogy between mind and matter is thus fairly close. This analogy leads to the proposal of the general outlines of a new theory of mind, matter, and their relationship, in which the basic notion is participation rather than interaction. Although the theory can be developed mathematically in more detail, the main emphasis here is to show qualitatively how it provides a way of thinking that does not divide mind from matter, and thus leads to a more coherent understanding of such questions than is possible in the common dualistic and reductionistic approaches. These ideas may be relevant to connectionist theories and might perhaps suggest new directions for their development.
The paper begins with a general introduction to the nature of human consciousness and outlines several different philosophical approaches. A critique of traditional reductionist and dualist positions is offered and it is suggested that consciousness should be viewed as an emergent property of physical systems. However, although consciousness has its origin in distributed brain processes it has macroscopic properties - most notably the `unitary sense of self', non-deterministic free will, and non-algorithmic `intuitive' processing - which can best be described by quantum-mechanical principles.
The 2nd edition adds material on the role of errors in scientific observation and a critical discussion of determinism from the standpoint of information theory to the material of the 1st edition, which applied information theory to a great number of problems of physics, including: the analysis of signals; thermodynamics; Brownian movement; thermal agitation in electronic tubes, rectifiers, etc.; entropy; Maxwell's demon; Szilard's well-informed heat engine; observations and error; communication; and computing. The new material on determinism leads to Brillouin's "matter of fact" point of view that strict determinism is impossible in scientific prediction because the high cost at some point makes increasing accuracy unattainable. The limit of accuracy is a practical rather than an inevitable limitation in the logical sense. The limitations can be formulated in precise ways by quantum conditions and information theory and should be included in the physical theory.
Natural phenomena are reducible to quantum events in principle, but quantum mechanics does not always provide the best level of analysis. The many-body problem, chaotic avalanches, materials properties, biological organisms, and weather systems are better addressed at higher levels. Animals are highly organized, goal-directed, adaptive, selectionist, information-preserving, functionally redundant, multicellular, quasi-autonomous, highly mobile, reproducing, dissipative systems that conserve many fundamental features over remarkably long periods of time at the species level. Animal brains consist of massive, layered networks of specialized signaling cells with 10,000 communication points per cell, and interacting up to 1000 Hz. Neurons begin to divide and differentiate very early in gestation, and continue to develop until middle age. Waking brains operate far from thermodynamic equilibrium under delicate homeostatic control, making them extremely sensitive to a range of physical and chemical stimuli, highly adaptive, and able to produce a remarkable range of goal-relevant actions. Consciousness is "a difference that makes a difference" at the level of massive neuronal interactions in the most parallel-interactive anatomical structure of the mammalian brain, the cortico-thalamic (C-T) system. Other brain structures are not established to result in direct conscious experiences, at least in humans. However, indirect extra-cortical influences on the C-T system are pervasive. Learning, brain plasticity and major life adaptations may require conscious cognition. While brains evolved over hundreds of millions of years, and individual brains grow over months, years and decades, conscious events appear to have a duty cycle of ∼100 ms, fading after a few seconds. They can of course be refreshed by inner rehearsal, re-visualization, or attending to recurrent stimulus sources. These very distinctive brain events are needed when animals seek out and cope with new, unpredictable and highly valued life events, such as evading predators, gathering critical information, seeking mates and hunting prey. Attentional selection of conscious events can be observed behaviorally in animals showing coordinated receptor orienting, flexible responding, alertness, emotional reactions, seeking, motivation and curiosity, as well as behavioral surprise and cortical and autonomic arousal. Brain events corresponding to attentional selection are prominent and widespread. Attention generally results in conscious experiences, which may be needed to recruit widespread processing resources in the brain. Many neuronal processes never become conscious, such as the balance system of the inner ear. An air traveler may "see" the passenger cabin tilt downward as the plane tilts to descend for a landing. That visual experience occurs even at night, when the traveler has no external frame of spatial reference. The passenger's body tilt with respect to gravity is detected unconsciously via the hair cells of the vestibular canals, which act as liquid accelerometers. However, that sensory activity is not experienced directly. It only becomes conscious via vision and the body senses. The vestibular sense is therefore quite different from visual perception, which "reports" accurately to a conscious field of experience, so that we can point accurately to a bright star on a dark night. Vestibular input is also precise but unconscious. Conscious cognition is therefore a distinct kind of brain event. Many of its features are well established, and must be accounted for by any adequate theory. No non-biological examples are known. Penrose and Hameroff have proposed that consciousness may be viewed as a fundamental problem in quantum physics. Specifically, their 'orchestrated objective reduction' (Orch-OR) hypothesis posits that conscious states arise from quantum computations in the microtubules of neurons. However, a number of microtubule-associated proteins are found in both plant and animal cells (like neurons) and plants are not generally considered to be conscious. Current quantum-level proposals do not explain the prominent empirical features of consciousness. Notably, they do not distinguish between closely matched conscious and unconscious brain events, as cognitive-biological theories must. About half of the human brain does not support conscious contents directly, yet neurons in these "unconscious" brain regions contain large numbers of microtubules. QM phenomena are famously observer-dependent, but to the best of our knowledge it has not been shown that they require a conscious observer, as opposed to a particle detector. Conscious humans cannot detect quantum events "as such" without the aid of special instrumentation. Instead, we categorize the wavelengths of light into conscious sensory events that neglect their quantum mechanical properties. In science the burden of proof is on the proposer, and this burden has not yet been met by quantum-level proposals. While in the future we may discover quantum effects that bear distinctively on conscious cognition 'as such,' we do not have such evidence today.
What is consciousness? Some philosophers have contended that "qualia," or an experiential medium from which consciousness is derived, exists as a fundamental component of reality. Whitehead, for example, described the universe as being comprised of "occasions of experience." To examine this possibility scientifically, the very nature of physical reality must be re-examined. We must come to terms with the physics of space-time--as is described by Einstein's general theory of relativity--and its relation to the fundamental theory of matter--as described by quantum theory. This leads us to employ a new physics of objective reduction: " OR" which appeals to a form of quantum gravity to provide a useful description of fundamental processes at the quantum/classical borderline. Within the OR scheme, we consider that consciousness occurs if an appropriately organized system is able to develop and maintain quantum coherent superposition until a specific "objective" criterion (a threshold related to quantum gravity) is reached; the coherent system then self-reduces (objective reduction: OR). We contend that this type of objective self-collapse introduces non-computability, an essential feature of consciousness. OR is taken as an instantaneous event--the climax of a self-organizing process in fundamental space-time--and a candidate for a conscious Whitehead "occasion" of experience. How could an OR process occur in the brain, be coupled to neural activities, and account for other features of consciousness? We nominate an OR process with the requisite characteristics to be occurring in cytoskeletal microtubules within the brain's neurons. In this model, quantum-superposed states develop in microtubule subunit proteins ("tubulins"), remain coherent and recruit more superposed tubulins until a mass-time-energy threshold (related to quantum gravity) is reached. At that point, self-collapse, or objective reduction (OR) abruptly occurs. We equate the pre-reduction, coherent superposition ("quantum computing") phase with pre-conscious processes, and each instantaneous (and non-computable) OR, or self-collapse, with a discrete conscious event. Sequences of OR events give rise to a "stream" of consciousness. Microtubule-associated-proteins can "tune" the quantum oscillations of the coherent superposed states; the OR is thus self-organized, or "orchestrated" ("Orch OR"). Each Orch OR event selects (non-computably) microtubule subunit states which regulate synaptic/neural functions using classical signaling. The quantum gravity threshold for self-collapse is relevant to consciousness, according to our arguments, because macroscopic superposed quantum states each have their own space-time geometries. These geometries are also superposed, and in some way "separated," but when sufficiently separated, the superposition of space-time geometries becomes significantly unstable, and reduce to a single universe state. Quantum gravity determines the limits of the instability; we contend that the actual choice of state made by Nature is non-computable. Thus each Orch OR event is a self-selection of space-time geometry, coupled to the brain through microtubules and other biomolecules. If conscious experience is intimately connected with the very physics underlying space-time structure, then Orch OR in microtubules indeed provides us with a completely new and uniquely promising perspective on the hard problem of consciousness.
The author begins by recalling how he was led in 1923–24 to the ideas of wave mechanics in generalizing the ideas of Einstein's theory of light quanta. He made himself at that time a concrete physical picture of the coexistence of waves and particles and, in 1927, attempted to give them precise form in his theory of the double solution. As other ideas prevailed at the time, he abandoned the development of his conception. But for the past twenty years, once again convinced, like Einstein, that present-day quantum mechanics is only a statistical theory and does not give a true picture of physical reality, he has again taken up his old ideas and developed them considerably. He has in particular introduced an element of randomness into the theory and has thus attained to a hidden thermodynamics of particles, the results of which appear to be very interesting.
The statistical definition of information is compared with Boltzmann's formula for entropy. The immediate result is that information I corresponds to a negative term in the total entropy S of a system. S=S0-I . A generalized second principle states that S must always increase. If an experiment yields an increase ΔI of the information concerning a physical system, it must be paid for by a larger increase ΔS0 in the entropy of the system and its surrounding laboratory. The efficiency Є of the experiment is defined as Є = ΔI/ΔS0≤1. Moreover, there is a lower limit k ln2 (k, Boltzmann's constant) for the ΔS0 required in an observation. Some specific examples are discussed: length or distance measurements, time measurements, observations under a microscope. In all cases it is found that higher accuracy always means lower efficiency. The information ΔI increases as the logarithm of the accuracy, while ΔS0 goes up faster than the accuracy itself. Exceptional circumstances arise when extremely small distances (of the order of nuclear dimensions) have to be measured, in which case the efficiency drops to exceedingly low values. This stupendous increase in the cost of observation is a new factor that should probably be included in the quantum theory.
Features of consciousness difficult to understand in terms of conventional neuroscience have evoked application of quantum theory, which describes the fundamental behavior of matter and energy. In this paper we propose that aspects of quantum theory (e.g. quantum coherence) and of a newly proposed physical phenomenon of quantum wave function “self-collapse” (objective reduction: OR - Penrose, 1994) are essential for consciousness, and occur in cytoskeletal microtubules and other structures within each of the brain's neurons. The particular characteristics of microtubules suitable for quantum effects include their crystal-like lattice structure, hollow inner core, organization of cell function and capacity for information processing. We envisage that conformational states of microtubule subunits (tubulins) are coupled to internal quantum events, and cooperatively interact (compute) with other tubulins. We further assume that macroscopic coherent superposition of quantum-coupled tubulin conformational states occurs throughout significant brain volumes and provides the global binding essential to consciousness. We equate the emergence of the microtubule quantum coherence with pre-conscious processing which grows (for up to 500 ms) until the mass-energy difference among the separated states of tubulins reaches a threshold related to quantum gravity. According to the arguments for OR put forth in Penrose (1994), superpositioned states each have their own space-time geometries. When the degree of coherent mass-energy difference leads to sufficient separation of space-time geometry, the system must choose and decay (reduce, collapse) to a single universe state. In this way, a transient superposition of slightly differing space-time geometries persists until an abrupt quantum → classical reduction occurs. Unlike the random, “subjective reduction” (SR, or R) of standard quantum theory caused by observation or environmental entanglement, the OR we propose in microtubules is a self-collapse and it results in particular patterns of microtubule-tubulin conformational states that regulate neuronal activities including synaptic functions. Possibilities and probabilities for post-reduction tubulin states are influenced by factors including attachments of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) acting as “nodes” which tune and “orchestrate” the quantum oscillations. We thus term the self-tuning OR process in microtubules “orchestrated objective reduction” (“Orch OR”), and calculate an estimate for the number of tubulins (and neurons) whose coherence for relevant time periods (e.g. 500 ms) will elicit Orch OR. In providing a connection among (1) pre-conscious to conscious transition, (2) fundamental space-time notions, (3) non-computability, and (4) binding of various (time scale and spatial) reductions into an instantaneous event (“conscious now”), we believe Orch OR in brain microtubules is the most specific and plausible model for consciousness yet proposed.
In a new thermodynamic interpretation, the quantum potential is shown to result from the presence of a subtle thermal vacuum energy distributed across the whole domain of an experimental setup. Explicitly, its form is demonstrated to be exactly identical to the heat distribution derived from the defining equation for classical diffusion wave fields. For a single free particle path, this thermal energy does not significantly affect particle motion. However, in between different paths, or at interfaces, the accumulation–depletion law for diffusion waves provides an immediate new understanding of the quantum potential’s main features.
In this paper we try to make a clear distinction between quantum mysticism and quantum mind theory. Quackery always accompanies science especially in controversial and still under development areas and since the quantum mind theory is a science youngster it must clearly demarcate itself from the great stuff of pseudo-science currently patronized by the term “quantum mind”. Quantum theory has attracted a big deal of attention and opened new avenues for building up a physical theory of mind because its principles and experimental foundations are as strange as the phenomenon of consciousness itself. Yet, the unwarranted recourse to paranormal phenomena as supporting the quantum mind theory plus the extremely bad biological mismodeling of brain physiology lead to great scepticism about the viability of the approach. We give as an example the Hameroff-Penrose Orch OR model with a list of twenty four problems not being repaired for a whole decade after the birth of the model in 1996. In the exposition we have tried not only to pesent critique of the spotted flaws, but to provide novel possibilities towards creation of neuroscientific quantum model of mind that incorporates all the available data from the basic disciplines (biochemistry, cell physiology, etc.) up to the clinical observations (neurology, neurosurgery, molecular psychiatry, etc.). Thus in a concise fashion we outline what can be done scientifically to improve the Q-mind theory and start a research programme (in Lakatos sense) that is independent on the particular flaws in some of the existing Q mind models.