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Novel 24-slots14-poles fractional-slot concentrated winding topology with low-space harmonics for electrical machine

The Journal of Engineering

Abstract and Figures

This paper proposes a novel winding layout for the electric machines with fractional-slot concentrated windings (FSCW) using a stator shifting concept, with which all the non-working harmonics can be completely cancelled or significantly reduced and the non-overlapping winding can be kept. First, the basic winding layout with a 24-slot 14-pole machine to reduce the significant 1st sub-harmonic will be presented for machines with single-layer (SL) windings. From this, a novel double layer (DL) winding layout using the stator-shifting concept will be introduced. By adopting two SL winding sets with a 105° mechanical angle shift with respect to each other, it is not necessary to use overlapping windings. With this configuration, the 1st sub- harmonic will be completely cancelled and the parasitic 5th harmonic will be significantly reduced. Hence, the rotor losses, specifically magnet loss will be significantly reduced. Finally, two PM machines with different DL winding layout, namely, conventional 12-slot 14-pole and 24-slot 14-pole machine, will be designed and compared to validate the advantages of this winding topology
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The Journal of Engineering
The 9th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and
Drives (PEMD 2018)
Novel 24-slots14-poles fractional-slot
concentrated winding topology with low-
space harmonics for electrical machine
eISSN 2051-3305
Received on 22nd June 2018
Accepted on 27th July 2018
E-First on 16th April 2019
doi: 10.1049/joe.2018.8085
Shaohong Zhu1,2 , Tom Cox1,2, Zeyuan Xu1,2, Chris Gerada1,2
1Institute for Aerospace Technology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
2Power Electronics, Machines and Control Research Group, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Abstract: This paper proposes a novel winding layout for the electric machines with fractional-slot concentrated windings
(FSCW) using a stator shifting concept, with which all the non-working harmonics can be completely cancelled or significantly
reduced and the non-overlapping winding can be kept. First, the basic winding layout with a 24-slot 14-pole machine to reduce
the significant 1st sub-harmonic will be presented for machines with single-layer (SL) windings. From this, a novel double layer
(DL) winding layout using the stator-shifting concept will be introduced. By adopting two SL winding sets with a 105° mechanical
angle shift with respect to each other, it is not necessary to use overlapping windings. With this configuration, the 1st sub-
harmonic will be completely cancelled and the parasitic 5th harmonic will be significantly reduced. Hence, the rotor losses,
specifically magnet loss will be significantly reduced. Finally, two PM machines with different DL winding layout, namely,
conventional 12-slot 14-pole and 24-slot 14-pole machine, will be designed and compared to validate the advantages of this
winding topology.
The fractional-slot concentrated winding (FSCW) permanent
magnet motor is a potentially excellent candidate for both
aerospace applications and electric vehicles (EVs) due to its high
reliability and good fault-tolerance [1, 2]. However, one of the key
challenges is the significant space harmonics in the armature MMF
distribution including sub- and high-order harmonics, which may
result in localised saturation, eddy current loss in magnets (rotor
losses), and unbalanced magnetic force inducing noise and
vibration [1, 3].
A number of methods like multi-layer winding, stator shifting,
and unequal coil numbers have been proposed to deal with this in
recent times. The impact of layer numbers on the performance of
surface permanent magnet (SPM) synchronous machines has been
studied in [4], which suggests the double-layer (DL) configuration
features less harmonic content and consequently lower torque
ripple, but a weaker overload capability compared to single-layer
(SL) counterpart. In [5, 6], the method of four-layer winding or
three-layer winding has been proposed to reduce or even cancel
some particular harmonics by shifting a specific mechanical angle
between first and second winding sets and specifically in [6] the
effect of four-layer winding on the PM eddy-current loss and
vibration/noise have been identified as well. Another method of
using concept of stator shifting was introduced by Dajaku [7] with
doubling the slot numbers. With this method associated with
unequal coil numbers, almost all the harmonics have been
cancelled, but the winding is no longer non-overlapped due to the
coil pitch of two slots [7–9]. However, as far as the authors'
knowledge, the first use of this method to cancel all the low-order
space harmonics was presented for a linear induction motor in [10,
However, for either the method of four-layer winding or the
conventional stator shifting, it is believed that mutual inductance
will be considerably higher since there are two coils belonging to
different phases wound around a tooth for a four-layer winding
design, and there are overlaps of different phase windings for the
method of conventional stator shifting. In addition to that, doubling
slot numbers with overlapping windings (coil pitch of 2 slots) or
using four-layer windings and unequal coil numbers complicate the
manufacturing process and can negatively affect the slot fill factor.
Here, an improved winding layout based on the 24-slot 14-pole
PM motor is presented to deal with these challenges by using stator
winding shifting and multi three-phase winding sets, but without
using an overlapping winding. With this new winding layout, the
1st sub-harmonic has been completely cancelled and the parasitic
5th harmonic has been significantly reduced. In order to validate
the proposed winding layout, two PM machines with different DL
winding layout, namelt, conventional 12-slots/14-poles and 24-
slots/14-poles, will be designed and compared, with particular
regard to the losses and output torque.
2Basic winding layouts
The FSCW machine incorporates significant MMF harmonics due
to its non-sinusoidal windings. This is especially serious for
machines with a SL winding which has two opposite coils on each
side. A significant 1st sub-harmonic will be induced and its
magnitude may be even higher than that of working harmonic [3].
For example, 12-slot 14-pole machines with both SL and DL
winding configurations are shown in Fig. 1 and their corresponding
stator MMF spectra and harmonic distributions are illustrated in
Fig. 2.
For the 14-poles machine here, the only working harmonic is
the 7th, so the 1st, 5th, 11th, and 13th etc. are undesired harmonics.
These non-working harmonics will result in torque ripple, rotor
loss, and localised saturation, which is undesirable for the machine.
It should be noted that the working harmonic can be the 5th for a
10-pole machine. It can be observed from Fig. 2b that a significant
1st sub-harmonic has been generated by the SL winding
configuration, while the DL winding design can reduce the 1st sub-
In fact, it is also apparent from Fig. 2a that a significant 1st sub-
harmonic is obvious in the MMF distribution of SL winding
design. The inherent reason under this phenomenon is the two
opposite coils of each winding are distributed on the opposite side
of the machine, which means the magnetic flux induced by one coil
have to be closed by another opposite coil through a very long
magnetic flux path. In order to deal with the problem of significant
1st sub-harmonic for the machines with SL winding configuration,
a new type of machine with two opposite coils of each phase being
distributed adjacent has been proposed [12, 13], which results in
J. Eng., 2019, Vol. 2019 Iss. 17, pp. 3784-3788
This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons Attribution License
the flux generated by one coil can be closed in a short flux path
through an adjacent opposite coil, as shown in Fig. 3a. This is a 24-
slots/14-poles machine with SL winding derived from 12-slots/14-
poles with SL winding. The Fourier analysis of the MMF spectrum
of this configuration is shown in Fig. 3b. It can be observed that the
MMF harmonic distribution is quite similar to 12-slots 14-poles
with DL winding and the 1st sub-harmonic has been considerably
reduced with this winding configuration. However, there are still
many harmonics in the stator MMF distribution. In addition, a
negative effect of this is the pitch factor that has been reduced as
well since the pole number is much lower than the slot number and
this correspondingly will lead to a lower winding factor. Winding
factor is related to torque output, so generally a lower winding
factor will lead to a lower output torque, though this is not always
the case.
3New winding layout with low harmonic content
Machines with FSCW configuration have many advantages but in
order to use them, it is necessary to avoid the disadvantage of
significant MMF harmonics. Therefore, in this section, methods to
reduce or even cancel the non-working MMF harmonics will be
3.1 Cancellation of the 1st sub-harmonic
Fig. 3 shows the 24-slot 14-pole motor with a three-phase SL
winding. The MMF distribution of this configuration can be
expressed as Fourier series.
F(θ,t) =
k= 1, 5, 7
vksin wt
vk =12N I
24 sin
where vk is the amplitude of kth order MMF space harmonic; k is
the MMF harmonic order; N is the number of turns of each coil; I
is the RMS value of current; θ is the space angle; w is the angular
It can be observed that the two adjacent coils for each phase
winding have a mechanical phase difference in space by 30°, of
which corresponding electric angle is equal to 30° as well (30 × 7–
180). Thus, a possible winding configuration is a dual three-phase
windings (ABC&A1B1C1) with phase shifting to each other in
Fig. 1 Conventional winding layouts for 12slots/14poles machine
(a) Single layer, (b) Double layer
Fig. 2 Stator MMF harmonics distribution for 12Slots/14poles machine
Fig. 3 24Slots/14Poles machine with single layer winding
J. Eng., 2019, Vol. 2019 Iss. 17, pp. 3784-3788
This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons Attribution License
time by 30°. The MMF distribution under the dual three-phase
configuration can be written as Fourier series as well.
Fd(θ,t) =
k= 1, 5.7
vdksin wt k 1
12 π
vdk =12NI
24 sin k 1
12 π
where vdk is the amplitude of kth MMF space harmonic.
From (4), the amplitude of each MMF space harmonic
including an item of sin(((k 1)/12)π) is different from that of the
one 3-phase winding set. When k = 1, namely the 1st sub-harmonic,
the amplitude of the 1st MMF space harmonic vd1 is equal to 0,
which means the 1st sub-harmonic has been completely cancelled.
Moreover, when k equals to −11 or 13, their corresponding
amplitudes are 0 as well. In fact, all the (12k ± 1) order harmonics
have been cancelled. One thing that should be noted is that the
rotational direction of (12k − 1) or (6k − 1) order harmonic is
different from the working harmonic. The MMF space harmonics
under this condition are presented in Fig. 3b. As can be seen, with
dual three-phase configuration, the 1st sub-harmonic is completely
cancelled while the working harmonics (either 5th or 7th) are
improved by 3.6% at the same time compared to the one 3-phase
winding configuration. On the other hand, the 11th, 13th, 23rd,
25th, 35th, 37th are cancelled as well. These are in accordance with
the above theoretical analysis from the Fourier series. Thus, the
dual three-phase winding set configuration is a good method to
cancel the 1st MMF sub-harmonic.
However, the parasitic harmonics are not being reduced, but
increased like the working harmonic. Hence, the method to reduce
or cancel the parasitic harmonic has to be studied.
3.2 Reduction of parasitic harmonics
There are parasitic harmonics in the machines with FSCW like 5th
and 7th for 12-slots 10-/14-poles machine. They usually occur in
pairs, e.g. 5th and 7th, which result in difficulty to reduce only one
of them. For example, for the 24-slot 14-pole machine, the working
harmonic is 7th, but the parasitic 5th harmonic exists as well, its
amplitude is quite similar to that of 7th working harmonic, and
their corresponding winding factors are exactly the same.
A method of utilising the concept of ‘stator shifting’ has been
proposed in [7], with which the number of stator slots is doubled
and this means the coil pitch has been changed from 1 slot to 2
slots, then another identical winding set is added to the same stator,
but there is a certain mechanical shift angle between these two
winding sets. In order to cancel the parasitic harmonic, the
windings usually overlap each other, namely, a distributed winding
with short pitch, which is undesirable for manufacturing and/or the
fault-tolerant machine design.
In this section, by utilising the concept of stator shifting, the
parasitic harmonic can be considerably diminished or completely
cancelled without using an overlapping winding. One thing that
should be noted is the pitch factor might be lower compared to
previous design, and this will result in a lower winding factor if the
distribution factor holds the same. The process of realising the
stator shifting based on a 24-slot 14-pole machine with SL winding
is as follows:
(a) Using the 24-slot 14-pole machine with a dual three-phase SL
winding proposed in section 2 as a base.
(b) Another dual three-phase winding is added, whose coil
distribution is the same as the first dual three-phase SL winding
set, but with a specific mechanical shift angle between these two
winding sets.
(c) The stator and rotor remain the same; and these two winding
sets are connected in series.
From (4), the amplitude of each harmonic can be obtained. If there
is a specific mechanical angle α between the two winding sets, the
resulting amplitude of each harmonic after the two winding sets
added together can be written as
vαdk =vαdkcos
It can be observed that an additional factor of cos /2 has been
added to the amplitude of each MMF harmonic. To simplify the
analysis, this factor is defined as ‘attenuation factor’. For each
harmonic, namely a given k, with different shifting mechanical
angle α, the attenuation factor will be varied sinusoidally. However,
it should be noted that the mechanical angle α is not varying
continuously but will be stepwise, as the winding sets can only
shifted between slots. Thus, α is equal to j × 360°/z, where j is a
non-negative integer and z is the stator slot numbers. In this case,
each slot corresponds to an angle 15° (360°/24), so the mechanical
angle of α can only be j × 15°. Therefore, with an appropriate
shifting angle of α, the attenuation factor of a specific harmonic or
more harmonics can be reduced or cancelled without influencing
the desired working harmonic.
The attenuation factor for each order harmonic can be
calculated according to (6) and summarised in Fig. 4. As can be
seen, for different order harmonics, their attenuation factor changed
sinusoidally with different periods; kth order harmonics vary at a
period of k/2, which is in accordance with the above analysis.
In the case of a 24-slot 14-pole machine with dual three-phase
windings, the working harmonic is chosen as the 7th harmonic and
the main parasitic harmonic is the 5th harmonic. Therefore, it is
necessary to find out an appropriate angle to reduce or cancel the
5th harmonic while having no or not much negative influence on
the 7th harmonic. It can be observed from Fig. 4, possible or
feasible angle area is represented by the grey areas, in which the
attenuation factor of the 7th harmonic is almost equal to 1. Within
these areas, the angle of 105° is a good candidate, at which the
attenuation factor of 7th is 0.9914 while the attenuation factor for
1st and 5th is 0.6087 and −0.1305, respectively. This means the 5th
harmonic has been effectively reduced and there are no
considerably negative influences to the working harmonic (7th).
The 1st harmonic does not need to be considered as it has been
cancelled by using the dual three-phase winding configuration.
In fact, there is another angle of 108°, better than the 105° in
terms of reducing 5th harmonic, because the fifth-order harmonic
is completely cancelled under this shifting angle. However, this
angle is not feasible for this design as the shifting angle can only be
implemented in steps of j × 15°. Therefore, the best candidate of
shifting angle is 105°, which is corresponding to 7 slots for a 24-
slot 14-pole machine.
Fig. 5 illustrates a proposed stator shifting concept in the
designs of a 24-slot 14-pole motor with dual three-phase winding
sets. Since the DL winding and SL winding can be recognised as
all teeth wound and alternate teeth wound windings, the
concentrated windings can be expressed by the corresponding
teeth, namely, each tooth represents a corresponding wound
concentrated winding coil. Two identical dual three-phase winding
sets are adopted with the second three-phase winding set shifting
Fig. 4 Attenuation factor for different order MMF harmonics
3786 J. Eng., 2019, Vol. 2019 Iss. 17, pp. 3784-3788
This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons Attribution License
105° (7slots) over the first winding set. This winding layout is
using the concept of stator shifting but without adopting
overlapping winding (coil pitch of two slots) that are usually used
in conventional stator shifting [7, 8], since the coil pitch is not
changed. Without overlapping winding coils, the effect of physical
contact and larger mutual inductance could be avoided, which is
preferable for fault-tolerant drive applications.
It is clearly from Fig. 6 that the 1st sub-harmonic is completely
cancelled and the 5th harmonic is significantly reduced to 13%,
and these two harmonics principally determine the rotor losses
(magnet eddy current loss). Therefore, the magnet eddy current
loss can then be significantly reduced. The pitch factor of the
24S-14P configuration is about 0.793, which is 21.8% lower than
that of 12S-14P configuration, to achieve an equivalent ampere
turns, more coil turns should be used in the 24S-14P machine
under the same current which will result in more copper loss in the
slots. However, due to the doubling of the number of slots, the end
winding length is reduced significantly, more importantly, the
magnetic field distribution has been changed so that a larger
reluctance torque could be produced. Besides, the distribution
factor is improved by 3.5% by using dual three-phase winding set.
Therefore, this should not have a big influence on the torque output
of the proposed motor. This will be illustrated in the next section.
4Design example of machine with new winding
In order to validate the theoretical analysis of the novel winding
layout, two PM machines with different slot/pole combinations and
winding layouts, namely, proposed 24-slot 14-pole and
conventional 12-slot 14-pole, are designed and compared based on
a powertrain drive system used for such as hybrid EV (HEV) or
pure EV. The insert-pm (IPM) configuration is adopted as the rotor
structure. The drive requirement used here is summarised in
Table 1.
For both machines, the outer dimension limitation is the same,
with an outer diameter of 285 mm and an axial length of 90 mm. In
addition, the rotor dimensions and magnet thickness are kept the
Fig. 7 shows the proposed 24-slot 14-pole motor with novel
dual three-phase winding layout, which can be regarded as a
combination of two 24S-14P machines with a SL winding, with the
winding set of the second 24S-14P SL machine shifting seven slots
(105°) over the first machine.
The electromagnetic torque of both machines has been
calculated, as shown in Fig. 8. It can be seen that both machines
can generate an average torque of 170 Nm, meeting the design
torque requirement, but the proposed 24S-14P dual three-phase
machine features an approximately constant torque with a ripple of
1%, as the significant non-working harmonics resulting in torque
pulsation have been cancelled or significantly reduced. The torque
ripple of the conventional 12S-14P machine is about 8.8%, which
is beyond the requirement. Although this can be diminished by
stator skewing or staggered rotor poles, these methods will
complicate the manufacturing process and increase the cost. In
addition to that the average torque will be negatively influenced.
Fig. 9 summarises the losses in the machine's different parts and
total loss for both topologies. It is shown that the copper loss of the
proposed 24S-14P dual three-phase motor is slightly higher than
that of conventional motor, which is reasonable since more coil
turns are used due to the lower winding factor. Other than that the
iron loss and magnet loss is much lower than that of the
conventional 12S-14P motor, and total loss of the former is almost
half that of the latter. Specifically, the magnet loss of conventional
12S-14P machine is about 1,148 W, whereas the magnet loss of the
proposed motor is only 60.8 W, significantly decreasing thermal
load in the rotor part, which consequently reduces the
demagnetisation risk to the magnets without using any additional
methods like magnet segmentation or staggered rotor poles which
may result in increasing manufacturing costs and/or negative
influences on EM performance and mechanical stiffness. The
efficiency of the proposed 24S-14P machine is 96.3%, while for
the conventional 12S-14P machine, it is about 93.7%, showing that
the proposed machine has a significantly higher efficiency.
As mentioned before, the winding factor of the proposed
machine is lower than that of conventional 12S-14P machine, but
their average torque is almost the same. This is because a larger
Fig. 5 Concept of ‘stator shifting’ based on a 24 slot 14 pole machine
Fig. 6 MMF distribution of two winding layout
Table 1Design specification of electric drive system
Design specification Data
peak power 45 kW
rated power 22 kW
peak torque 170 Nm
maximum torque ripple ≤5%
based speed 2500 rpm
maximum speed 12,000 rpm
DC link voltage 600 V
Fig. 7 New configuration of 24S-14P with double layer winding
Fig. 8 Comparison of torque performances between two machines
J. Eng., 2019, Vol. 2019 Iss. 17, pp. 3784-3788
This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons Attribution License
reluctance torque is generated for the proposed machine, while
there is not much reluctance torque for conventional 12S-14P
machine. The average torques versus current angle for both
machine is calculated and illustrated in Fig. 10. It is apparent that
the maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) is 45° for the proposed
machine and the corresponding torque is much higher than the
torque when id = 0 control strategy is used. For the conventional
machine, the MTPA is 5°, and the corresponding torque is just
slightly higher than the torque when id = 0 control strategy is used.
Therefore, the proposed 24S-14P machine with a dual three-
phase winding system is a promising solution to the challenges of
high space harmonics for FSCW motors.
A novel 24 Slot 14 Pole DL winding layout using stator shifting
method for FSCW permanent magnet motors was proposed, which
gives complete cancellation of the 1st sub-harmonic, and
significant reduction of the 5th sub-harmonic. Unlike the
conventional stator shifting concept that normally requires
overlapping coils, this novel winding layout can still keep a
concentrated winding set, which avoids physical coil contact and
can give lower mutual inductance, making it preferable for fault-
tolerant drive applications. Both the proposed 24S-14P dual three-
phase motor and conventional 12S-14P motor have been designed
for a traction application. The comparative study shows that the
proposed 24S-14P dual three-phase motor not only exhibits much
lower space harmonic content and much lower iron losses but also
has an improved torque capability and efficiency. Therefore, it is
confirmed that the proposed 24S-14P dual three-phase system is a
promising solution to the challenges of significant space harmonics
for FSCW motor.
This work is funded by the INNOVATIVE doctoral programme.
The INNOVATIVE programme is partially funded by the Marie
Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) action (project number
665468) and partially by the Institute for Aerospace Technology
(IAT) at the University of Nottingham.
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Fig. 9 Comparison of output performances between two machines
Fig. 10 Average torque versus current angle
3788 J. Eng., 2019, Vol. 2019 Iss. 17, pp. 3784-3788
This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons Attribution License
... It is found that lower losses and torque ripples can be fulfilled for the 24-slot/14-pole machine [18]. In [19], the 24-slot/14-pole dual 3-phase machine with double layer windings is investigated, and lower space harmonic, lower iron losses, higher torque and efficiency are obtained compared to the 12-slot/ 14-pole dual 3-phase machine. Moreover, in [20,21], the effects of different phase shift angles are investigated in 48slot/22-pole and 24-slot/22-pole dual three phase PM machines, respectively. ...
... In summary, most of the existing literature is focussed on different angle displacements in dual 3-phase configuration [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23]. In this study, different slot/pole number combinations are evaluated and the 24-slot/10-pole and 14-pole PM machines with coil span of two slot-pitches are investigated and compared in the dual 3-phase configuration. ...
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In this study, the electromagnetic performances of dual 3‐phase permanent magnet (PM) machines with coil span of two slot‐pitches are comparatively investigated. It mainly focuses on two PM machines with different slot/pole number combinations (Ns/2p), that is, the 24‐slot/10‐pole and 24‐slot/14‐pole machines (2p = Ns/2 ± 2). First, winding configurations are illustrated for these two dual 3‐phase machines with 30° angle displacement. Then, the winding factor, back electromotive force, average torque, torque ripple, iron and PM losses, short‐circuit (SC) current, and PM irreversible demagnetisation are analysed and compared for both machines on the conditions of healthy operation and one set of three‐phase fault, that is, SC or open circuit (OC), respectively. The comparative results show that on healthy condition the 14‐pole PM machine has a slightly larger torque output. Besides, on 3‐phase OC condition, the 14‐pole machine also performs better over‐rating torque capability. In terms of iron and PM losses, the 10‐pole machine has smaller iron losses but larger PM losses than the 14‐pole machine. Moreover, on 3‐phase SC condition, the 14‐pole machine has a significantly lower risk of PM irreversible demagnetisation than the 10‐pole machine, although both machines have very similar SC currents. Finally, the 24‐slot/10‐ and 14‐pole dual 3‐phase PM machines are both prototyped and some tests are carried out for validation.
... For more information, see been applied to a 12s/14p machine [113]. This becomes a dual 3-phase 24s/10p machine and the performance is also substantially improved if operated with a 30 elec. ...
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Electrical machines equipped with fractional slot concentrated windings (FSCW) have shown great promise at low power levels to improve the electromagnetic performance of PM machines. Principally, they offer shorter end windings, greater manufacturing simplicity, and improved fault tolerance than distributed windings. At high power level, for example, MW level offshore wind power generators, these advantages potentially make them an attractive technology, especially as turbines are deployed further from shore and so require higher reliability. However, the increased winding simplicity leads to additional unwanted armature magneto-motive force (MMF) harmonics in the air-gap which lead to excess rotor and PM eddy current losses. Furthermore, studies have shown that FSCW machines suffer from an inherent lack of machine saliency, making them incompatible with sensorless control strategies presently employed in offshore wind turbine generators. The objective of this paper is to discuss various properties of FSCW and how they serve as benefits or challenges to their application in offshore wind power. Additionally, methods to mitigate the downsides of this winding structure are presented to assist in future work developing this technology. Finally, a summary of existing work on the use of FSCW in offshore wind power is discussed.
... Synchronous machines equipped with fractional slot concentrated windings (FSCW) are reputed enough for their basic advantages including shorter end-winding and higher slot fill factor. Besides that, better fault tolerance capability, lower cogging torque, flux weakening region characteristics, simplicity and low production cost are another profitable points of this type of winding [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. In addition, because using FSCW will prepare high reliability level, they have been chosen in some important industrial area, including electric transportation systems and so on. ...
... PM synchronous machines with fractional-slot concentratedwindings (FSCW) are widely used in several industry applications. These kinds of windings offer the advantage of short end-winding, high slot filling factor, low cogging torque, great fault tolerance, good field-weakening characteristics, simplicity and low-cost manufacturing [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. Besides that, in the case of single-or two-layer winding, they show a less complex arrangement. ...
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Fractional‐slot concentrated‐windings are appreciated for their simple construction, short end‐winding length, high copper fill factor, low cogging torque, good field‐weakening capability and fault‐tolerant ability. However, in comparison to the conventional distributed windings, the fractional‐slot concentrated‐windings are characterised with high space magnetomotive force (MMF) harmonics, which results in undesirable effects on the machine performance, such as localised core saturation, eddy current loss in the rotor and noise and vibration. In order to improve winding characteristics, several techniques have been developed recently. This manuscript introduces the 5 new winding topologies by using the general concept of stator slot shifting. It means that, in order to cancel undesirable MMF harmonics, by doubling (or tripling or even multiplying) the slot number and dividing the winding and then relatively shifting the winding by one (or more) slots, the undesirable harmonics have been eliminated effectively. The best choice is chosen according to the lowest amount of the MMF harmonic, highest value of winding factor and torque desirable characteristics. At the end, comprehensive comparisons for the designed synchronous reluctance motor (SynRel) equipped with proposed windings and also distributed winding are presented. The analytical study and 2D FEM analysis results show that it is possible to get an ideal low space‐harmonic winding topology, and consequently, a low torque ripple for these motors.
... The winding factors of the original windings can be improved by the DTP winding configuration [6,23]; • Lower torque ripple. The specific torque harmonics produced by the two winding sets can be cancelled with each other, and the stator magnetomotive force (MMF) harmonics are significantly reduced by DTP windings [9,14,22]; • Higher efficiency. Due to the reduced stator MMF harmonic contents of DTP windings, the PM eddy losses in the DTP machines are lower than those in the STP counterpart. ...
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In this paper, two dual three-phase winding configurations are compared based on the Toyota Prius 2010 interior permanent magnet (IPM) machine. It is found that the winding configuration with single-layer full-pitched (SF) windings can improve average torque and reduce torque ripple in constant torque range. The winding configuration with double-layer short-pitched (DS) windings has better torque performance in a constant power range. The electromagnetic performances of the two winding configurations when one winding set is excited and the other one is open-circuited are also compared. The DS winding configuration shows much better performance under this condition. Overall, the dual three-phase winding configuration with DS windings is preferred for dual three-phase IPM machines in electric vehicles. A Toyota Prius 2010 IPM machine equipped with DS windings was manufactured to verify the analyses presented in this paper.
... This structure shows a decrease in the sub-harmonics, but the winding structure is no longer a non-overlap concentrated winding, and the benefits of the original winding are lost. The same concept of stator shifting is applied in [9], but without changing the structure to an overlap winding. The base winding is a single layer non-overlap winding of a 14/24 pole/slot combination machine. ...
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The analysis and performance evaluation of a harmonic reduction strategy of a non-overlap winding wound rotor synchronous machine is conducted in this paper. The harmonic reduction strategy utilizes phase-shifts between coil currents to reduce sub- and higher-order harmonics. The design is performed on a 3 MW wound rotor synchronous machine with a 16/18 pole/slot combination. The application results in a lowered torque ripple and an increased efficiency of the designed machine. The manufacturing and testing of a 3 kW prototype to ascertain the effectiveness of the design is also presented. The practical measurements correlate successfully with the theoretical results.
Multi-phase machines are so attractive for electrical machine designers because of their valuable advantages such as high reliability and fault tolerant ability. Meanwhile, fractional slot concentrated windings (FSCW) are well known because of short end winding length, simple structure, field weakening sufficiency, fault tolerant capability and higher slot fill factor. The five-phase machines equipped with FSCW, are very good candidates for the purpose of designing motors for high reliable applications, like electric cars, major transporting buses, high speed trains and massive trucks. But, in comparison to the general distributed windings, the FSCWs contain high magnetomotive force (MMF) space harmonic contents, which cause unwanted effects on the machine ability, such as localized iron saturation and core losses. This manuscript introduces several new five-phase fractional slot winding layouts, by the means of slot shifting concept in order to design the new types of synchronous reluctance motors (SynRels). In order to examine the proposed winding's performances, three sample machines are designed as case studies, and analytical study and finite element analysis (FEA) is used for validation.
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Multiphase electrical machines are advantageous for many industrial applications that require a high power rating, smooth torque, power/torque sharing capability, and fault-tolerant capability, compared with conventional single three-phase electrical machines. Consequently, a significant number of studies of multiphase machines has been published in recent years. This paper presents an overview of the recent advances in multiphase permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs) and drive control techniques, with a focus on dual-three-phase PMSMs. It includes an extensive overview of the machine topologies, as well as their modelling methods, pulse-width-modulation techniques, field-oriented control, direct torque control, model predictive control, sensorless control, and fault-tolerant control, together with the newest control strategies for suppressing current harmonics and torque ripples, as well as carrier phase shift techniques, all with worked examples.
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This paper presents a novel multiphase permanent-magnet (PM) synchronous machinery series adopting two adjacent coils per phase and modular stator. Machine design principles, including modular stator design, segmental interior PM-assisted rotor design, and winding factor improvement, are investigated. Moreover, analytical modeling of winding inductance is developed to provide insights into the magnetic circuit of this type of machine. The proposed machinery series is suitable for wheel-driving electric vehicles attributing to their high magnetic isolation feature, good flux-weakening capability, and feasibility of modular fabrication.
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The possibility of obtaining lower space harmonic content for the fractional-slot, tooth-concentrated windings by multiplying the number of coils, leading to bigger number of layers in the armature slots is presented. By using multiple layer windings it is possible to reduce or even to cancel some space sub-harmonics having as final result lower eddy current losses induced by the armature reaction in the iron structure of the rotor. The general method of doubling (or trebling) the winding and relatively shifting by one (or more) slots is presented in the paper. Two examples of three phase concentrated windings are presented and analyzed as primitive windings, 12 slots/10poles and 9 slots/8 poles. In the first case the only existing space sub-harmonic is reduced firstly from 35.9% (from fundamental wave) to 9.6% and finally it is canceled by using different number of turns per coils. In the second case the two existing sub-harmonics are reduced and balanced by using the developed method.
This paper proposes a six-phase surface-mounted permanent-magnet machine with a 24-slot/10-pole fractional slot winding, which not only eliminates the air-gap flux subharmonics, but also minimizes the effect of slot harmonics, which highly affect both the core and magnet losses. The six-phase winding design also offers an improved drive train availability for electric vehicle applications due to its inherent high fault-tolerant capability. When compared with a three-phase design, the proposed winding offers approximately 3.5% improvement in torque density, a significant reduction in both the core and magnet losses, and an improved overall efficiency. The proposed winding is deduced based on the stator shifting concept of two 12-slot/10-pole stators with single tooth windings. The coil span of the resulting machine will be two slots, which stands as a compromise between single tooth and distributed windings. The concept of stator shifting is first presented, and then, a prototype machine is designed and simulated using the 2-D finite-element analysis to validate the proposed concept. A comparative study is also carried out to compare six-phase and three-phase designs with the same slot/pole combination and also with the 18-slot/10-pole combination, which was recently shown to be a competitive alternative.
This paper discusses the development of new winding configuration for six-phase permanent-magnet (PM) machines with 18 slots and 8 poles, which eliminates and/or reduces undesirable space harmonics in the stator magnetomotive force. The proposed configuration improves power/torque density and efficiency with a reduction in eddy-current losses in the rotor permanent magnets and copper losses in end windings. To improve drive train availability for applications in electric vehicles (EVs), this paper proposes the design of a six-phase PM machine as two independent three-phase windings. A number of possible phase shifts between two sets of three-phase windings due to their slot–pole combination and winding configuration are investigated, and the optimum phase shift is selected by analyzing the harmonic distributions and their effect on machine performance, including the rotor eddy-current losses. The machine design is optimized for a given set of specifications for EVs, under electrical, thermal and volumetric constraints, and demonstrated by the experimental measurements on a prototype machine.
Three-phase fractional slot concentrated winding synchronous machines (FCSM) has excellent electrical properties of high torque density, low cogging torque, and torque ripple, yet in armature, as vibration/noise characteristics are not good due to asymmetric MMF, and due to the presence of subspace harmonics in MMF, eddy-current loss of permanent magnet is increased. If multiple-layer winding with optimum turn ratio is applied to three-phase FCSM, this can improve these problems. In this paper, the turn ratio in concentrated multiple-layer winding machine is proposed to be applied. Considering the turn ratio, a general formula is derived to calculate the winding factor. Using the induced formula, the winding factor changes according to the changes in the turn ratio are calculated, and the turn ratio to remove the harmonic components that the MMF has is determined. To verify improvement in the motor characteristics for the proposed method, turn ratio is applied to motors of 16 pole 18 slot and 10 pole 12 slot. For the two models, MMF distribution in the air gap using FEM is calculated, and through harmonic analysis, reduction or removal of a particular harmonic is verified. In addition, through FEM transient analysis, reduced eddy-current loss in permanent magnet is to be identified, and improvements in vibration/noise are to be verified by deformation/acoustic noise analysis of stator.
Planar non-overlapping concentrated windings are simple to wind and robust in operation. Since the coils may be preformed before stator construction they yield a high slot packing factor. However all the forms of the windings produce backward going fields, which can detract from their performance when used in induction machines. A novel system has recently been developed to cancel the backward going fields and produce good performance from these simple windings. Starting with this system the paper develops a number of single-sided machines using multi layered planar coils and analyzes their performance. Machines using these windings are apt for higher voltages and are efficient to construct, with savings in both labor and material costs. The winding layouts for various forms of multi layer planar machine have been outlined and the good performance of these machines has been established compared to conventional two layer windings by both 3D finite element analysis and experimental methods.
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This paper thoroughly investigates the impact of the winding layer number and the choice of magnet type on the performance characteristics of surface permanent magnet (SPM) machines with fractional-slot concentrated windings designed for wide speed ranges of constant-power operation. This is accomplished by carefully examining the performance characteristics of three different SPM machines designed for the same set of performance requirements drawn from an automotive direct-drive starter/alternator application. These results show that double-layer stator windings yield lower torque ripple and magnet eddy-current losses than single-layer windings, but can contribute to a lower overload torque capability. Although the adoption of sintered magnets leads to the highest machine torque density, bonded magnets result in a significant reduction of the magnet losses because of their much higher value of resistivity
Fractional-slot concentrated-winding (FSCW) synchronous permanent magnet (PM) machines have been gaining interest over the last few years. This is mainly due to the several advantages that this type of windings provides. These include high-power density, high efficiency, short end turns, high slot fill factor particularly when coupled with segmented stator structures, low cogging torque, flux-weakening capability, and fault tolerance. This paper is going to provide a thorough analysis of FSCW synchronous PM machines in terms of opportunities and challenges. This paper will cover the theory and design of FSCW synchronous PM machines, achieving high-power density, flux-weakening capability, comparison of single- versus double-layer windings, fault-tolerance rotor losses, parasitic effects, comparison of interior versus surface PM machines, and various types of machines. This paper will also provide a summary of the commercial applications that involve FSCW synchronous PM machines.
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The fractional slots tooth concentrated windings are characterized with high space MMF harmonics which results to undesirable effects on electric machine, such as localised core saturation, eddy current loss in the rotor and noise and vibration. A new and high efficiency method is presented in this paper to reduce simultaneously the sub- and high MMF harmonics of these winding types. The method is based on doubling the number of stator slots, using two identical winding systems connected in series and shifted to each other for a specific angle, using stator core with different tooth width and using different turns per coil for the neighbouring phase coils. With the proposed technique the unwanted sub- and high winding MMF harmonics can be reduced or completely canceled.
The magnetomotive force (mmf) of a modular planar winding contains multiple distinct waveforms which travel in opposite directions. An inductive rotor will produce oppositional forces from both waveforms, giving a poor overall performance. This study concerns the use of planar modular windings in linear induction motors by harmonic cancellation. A double-sided arrangement of stators is used and a mechanical offset is applied between the two stators such that the fundamental mmf waveform is reinforced and the oppositional harmonic mmf waveform is suppressed. A comprehensive mathematical analysis of mmf harmonic behaviour in the offset machines has been developed. Further, a high-speed dynamic test rig has been produced, which verifies the excellent performance of the offset modular configuration.