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Review On Extreme Programming-XP



Extreme programming is an iterative software development methodology which aims to produce higher quality software and helps in providing an optimal solution. Extreme Programming differs from other software development methodologies as it focuses more on adaptability and responsiveness to the changing customer requirements. By using extreme programming as a software development methodology, better results have been obtained in software development.
Review On Extreme Programming-XP
Khusbhu Sahendrasingh Yadav
Department Of CSE
Maleeha Arif Yasvi
Department Of CSE
Department Of CSE
AbstractExtreme programming is an iterative software
development methodology which aims to produce higher
quality software and helps in providing an optimal solution.
Extreme Programming differs from other software
development methodologies as it focuses more on adaptability
and responsiveness to the changing customer requirements. By
using extreme programming as a software development
methodology, better results have been obtained in software
KeywordsExtreme Programming, Testing, Pair
Programming, Refactoring, Small releases
Extreme Programming is a software development model
which primarily focuses on the software quality
improvements and responsiveness to the changing customer
requirements. It is a type of agile software development
model. It advocates frequent releases in short development
cycles. These releases are intended to improve the
productivity and enhance the quality of the software by
introducing certain measures that focus on initiating certain
checkpoints at which the customer requirements can be
adopted and met.
Extreme Programming focuses on light-weight processes.
The main phases involved in the cycle of XP are- Planning,
Design, Coding, Testing [2]. As it is an iterative model, the
system is developed by dividing the overall project into small
functions. The cycle of development from the design to the
test phase is performed for one function. After executing for
one function and debugging it properly, the developers then
shift to the next [2].
XP is based on rapid release cycles and continuous
communication between the developers and the stakeholders;
that is, the customers [4]. It strongly relies on oral
communication, frequent testing, code review and designing
[5]. Communication is regarded as an important criteria in
XP. The communication should frequently happen among
the concerned parties like the developers, customers, and
managers [6].
XP was created by Kent Beck during his work on
Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation system (C3) payroll
project. Kent Beck became C3 project leader in March 1996
and refined the development methodology used in the project
and wrote a book on the Extreme Programming methodology
in 1999.
XP is regarded to be better than the traditional waterfall
model. It is increasingly adopted by companies worldwide
for software development. Since in the waterfall model, the
development process is completed on a single project and the
requirements have to be known beforehand, so there is no
scope of changing the requirements once the project
development starts. So the waterfall model is not flexible to
the changing requirement needs. On the other hand, XP
focuses on iterations and allows for changing requirements
even after the initial planning has been completed [2]. Also,
the waterfall model does not require the participation of
customers while as XP focuses on customer participation and
satisfaction and regards it as a primary goal during software
development process. So, XP is a preferred model in the
software development these days.
XP is a framework of the agile software development
model, and it primarily aims at producing higher quality
software. Agile software development advocates adaptive
planning, evolutionary development, continuous
improvement and encourages rapid and flexible response to
changes. It focuses on customer satisfaction, simplicity and
continuous attention from the developers as well as the
customers. XP is the framework of the agile software
development and hence all these practices are implemented
in XP.
The Waterfall model, often termed as a linear
sequential development model has been used widely in the
last few decades whereas extreme programming (XP) has
shown its popularity in the recent past. There was a need to
analyze both these methodologies to choose one that serves
as the best fit for any software development process. The
factors upon which decision lies are time constraint and risk
mitigation and adaptability to the requirement changes
during any phase of software development.
The Waterfall methodology comprises of five
phases including requirement gathering and specifications,
design phase, implementation phase testing and deployment
phase. As stated in [19] and [20], waterfall methodology
spent most of its time in documentation i.e. during the first
phase, and implementation phase also shows a significant
amount of time consumption whereas extreme programming
methodology devotes maximum time in the testing phase.
Extreme Programming (XP) being iterative in
nature, proposes short releases periodically. It follows an
automated testing strategy that prevents risk propagation in
the later stages. To avoid any kind of risk, XP performs
continuous checks in each phase and resolves it in that
particular stage if found any. In the case of waterfall
methodology, if the requirements are misunderstood in the
initial phase then it may lead to the development of a faulty
system as it lacks communication process throughout the
development. As waterfall tries to find errors in the later
phase, risk propagation in the upcoming phases increases
which eventually end up costing high amount to fix the
Waterfall model is sequential. Hence there is no
way one could backtrack to the previous stage. Hence it
causes a problem in making corrections. It is not possible to
adapt to the changing business requirements in the later
stages. In Extreme Programming, several checkpoints are
being introduced which could be used for adapting the new
customer requirements. However, adapting frequent
requirement changes late in the development process may
cause a delay in the completion of the project. It may also
result in increasing the complexity of the project.
XP model helps to deliver fast with minimum risk
exposure and is well suited for small sized software project
whereas waterfall serves as the foundation for a large scale
software project.
Management Backing: Management encourages
the team to try different scenario related to the size
of teams, duration of iterations.
Coach Role: Technical lead and Project Lead on
the project, guide and push the teams to follow the
process to which team has committed.
Simple Coding: XP works best when the simplest
solution is implemented for the current iteration
and refactoring is done after each iteration when
stories require it.
Adaptation: If the process is the same as one year
before, then the process is not agile as it was a year
ago. So, adaptation is an important step in the
success of XP.
Team Coordination: The coordination between the
members of a team plays a vital role in the success
of an XP project.
Tester Roles: Testers are a critical part of the
success of an XP project, while their role may look
different on an XP team, make them part of the
Test First: Testing saves developers from coding
the same model again and again. Testing after
almost every iteration shows the flaws in the
system and hence provide a means to achieve good
quality software.
A healthy XP project can run for a long time, but you need
to change and adapt along the way. Change is good and
necessary, including changing the process along way.14
XP has 12 basic practices which are always
implemented. These practices ensure better code readability
and understandability and also help in enhancing
communication between the developer and the customers so
that a better product is made.
The 12 practices of XP are listed as:-
1. Planning Game
2. Small Release
3. Metaphor
4. Testing
5. Refactoring
6. Pair Programming
7. Collective Ownership
8. 40-hour week
9. On-site customer
10. Coding Standards
Planning Game: This involves the developmental
strategy of releasing plans for the project and the meetings
between the developers and the customers. The strategies to
improve communication among the stakeholders are also
focused upon in this practice of XP. The system releases
plans and dates for the meetings and the project reviews [1].
General discussions to know about the progress of work are
held through XP. Discussions among the stakeholders ensure
that the queries are resolved and both the developer as well
as the customer has a proper understanding of the system and
the project flow [3].
Small Release:- The entire project is distributed into
functions, and after completion of each function, the
development team releases its version to the customers. The
release cycles in XP are shortened to speed up the feedback
from the customer. It is done to handle the risks and errors
according to the release of each version [3]. It ensures better
accountability and efficiency. After the release of each
function, it is integrated with the previously released
functions. So, continuous integration is done [5].
Metaphor:- It describes how the program looks. It is a
document that describes the working of the system and
expresses the evolving project vision that would define the
system scope and purpose. The metaphors are directly
derived from the principle and standards of the project
architecture and requirements [4].
Testing:- XP focuses on frequent testing. Testing is
done to ensure that the code is free from errors. Unit testing
is performed in which every piece of code that is written of a
particular function is tested before moving on to the next
function. Apart from the testing involving rectification of the
coding errors, acceptance testing is also done. Acceptance
test verifies the requirements as understood by the developer
and whether it meets the requirements of the user or not.
Integration testing is also done which helps in testing the
system when different functions of the system are integrated
into one unit [1]. The testers and developers work together to
find out faults. Therefore, in XP the tests are initially run on
small codes and then the whole system [3]. In some of the
software applications, J-Unit is used for testing. It allows
testing localization classes, entire package or even entire
project [8].
Refactoring:- It is a way by which the code is kept in an
easy to understand form. It ensures the removal of duplicate
code and makes the code easy to understand. The use of
complex coding schemes is not appreciated in XP and stress
is given on forming an easy code [3]. Long methods, use of
unnecessary classes are avoided [5]. In this phase,
restructuring is implemented. It is the change made to the
internal structure of the software to make it easier to
understand. Refactoring helps to modify the structure
without changing its observable behavior [1].
Pair Programming:- It is the concept of having two
programmers work together for a particular function code.
One programmer writes the code while as the other is the
observer who reviews the code written by the programmer
[1]. It ensures better efficiency and helps in determining
more alternatives [5].
As Extreme Programming focuses on pair programming
for implementing the user stories, it gives rise to observe the
personality traits which will impact the development
process. It is being observed that the efficiency of pair
programming depends on whether both the persons are
working remotely or at the same location. It has been
checked by a well-known personality test model namely
Myer-Briggs Indicator which takes into account following
traits: extraversion/ introversion (how people get influenced
by surrounding), sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling (how an
individual takes a decision) and judging/perceiving
(organizing plan of developers). The final results stated in
[23] showed that overall efficiency reduces if two different
personalities are working together on a specific module at a
foreign location. On the other hand programmers with
similar traits tend to understand and communicate easily
regardless of the location thereby leading to enhance the
Collective Ownership:- It is a practice in XP which
ensures that all the team members should be familiar with the
project code. This practice enables any programmer to
change the code in the system at any time. It works like
open-source programming [4].
40-Hour Work:- It is the practice in XP which ensures
that the team members in a project should work the hours
that they can sustain quality [1]. The important thing is to
recognize the time agreeable by all the team members for the
number of hours that have to put in for a week. After every
week, the work done will be reviewed [3].
On-Site Customer:- To ensure that the developers have
a proper understanding of the desired project and all the
requirements are being met, a single customer from the
customer team is always available to answer all the questions
of the developers, resolve disputes and set small scale
priorities all the time [2].
Coding Standards:- For ensuring collective ownership
so that any programmer can change the code in the system at
any time, the practice of collective ownership is implemented
[6]. XP mandates the use of coding standards. The
programmers must follow a common coding standard so that
all the code appears to have been written by one person [4].
The iterative life-cycle followed in XP goes through
the analysis, planning, designing, implementation and the
delivery phase [1]. All these phases are executed following
the practices of XP. Initially, stories are created that give the
estimate, release plan, iteration duration, etc. In the analysis
phase, the stories are analyzed by the developer to see if the
implementation can be carried through them or not. The
output of the analysis phase is the feasibility report. For
forming the stories, brainstorming sessions are encouraged
among the stakeholders [2]. Value graphs which help to
answer questions such as „why‟, „how‟ are also followed.
Value graph is a tool used for finding value and requirement
functions [2].
Followed by the analysis phase is the planning phase in
which the strategy is planned. It is done according to the
planning game practice of XP. Failed stories will be
analyzed in this phase and new stories will be created to
overcome the failed stories.
After the analysis phase, designing and implementation
phase is executed which ensures extensive testing. Pair
programming is followed while coding.
The last stage of the life-cycle is the delivery stage. This
phase includes the activities like the installation of the
software, training of the customer to accustom with the
enhancements or changes [1].
XP practices are widely used in the software
development process.
XP practices are used in the development of web-based
applications [7]. This is done to ensure software organization
responsiveness while decreasing the developmental overhead
By ensuring frequent meetings between the customer and
the developer, XP has also been helpful in global software
development [6]. When customers and developers are not co-
related, then the feedback between them is not timely enough
which may become an obstacle. So, XP practices when
adopted result in a shortcut communication channel [6].
XP implements reverse engineering practices while
developing the software model [5]. The developers
comprehend the source code of the old system and deliver its
features to the customer. The customer validates the
specification set and the developers again revise the features
and start building the system according to the XP practices
[6]. In the designing of some software models, there are
separate developers for reverse engineering phase and for
implementation that is the forward engineering phase,
separate developers are present. Reverse engineering group
shares documents and specifications with the forward
engineering group and consultation between the two groups
happen [6].
XP practices have also been implemented in university
projects among the students [8]. In some of the projects,
JCVS (Java Concurrent Version System) tool is used for
providing a standard for coding and providing collective
ownership. The JCVS tool leads to a more consistent and
relaxed method of coding. By containing all code in one
server and accessing the server for the most recent version,
all programmers can get to know the recent release.
For maintaining the documents of the project system and
extracting stories, automatic generation tools are used which
record the insights during the analysis phase and then the
grouping of similar ideas is done to derive a proper
description of the system [2].
The customers have ample knowledge regarding product
requirements and background. The bidirectional
communication between customers and the development
team is essential as it allows developers to gain adequate
insight regarding the requirements of the project so that they
can develop a high-quality product. Hence XP
communication is divided as internal communication among
the project members, communication between the customers
and communication between developers and customers been
discussed in [22].
The XP bidirectional communication module involves
formal (includes conferences) as well as informal
communication (which includes team discussion, customer
discussion). But sometimes customers may specify
requirements in abrupt manner i.e, there could be a case
when they specify the requirements in a fuzzy manner
leading to requirement deficient condition or sometimes
may over expect from the developers resulting in providing
excessive requirements which in real sense would not be
possible to satisfy in the given time frame of the project.
This problem could be solved by introducing the two
dimensional characteristic model in XP that analyzes the
satisfactory situation of customers leading to the
developments of a high-quality product with the best
features. It can be achieved by comparing the customer‟s
requirements and developer needs. The customer
requirements could further be classified as Expectation, No
Opinion, Bear and No Way, whereas the developer needs
could be classified as Expectation, Possible, Reluctantly and
Refuse. Both the sides then reach a consensus to fix the
requirements that need develop and thereby eliminating the
undesirable needs.
The demand modules of XP serves as a base to improve
the product quality and increasing the customer awareness
of the project along with reducing the risk factor involved in
the project development. The demand module comprises of
concept stage, prospect stage, requirement stage high-
quality requirement stage and tool stage. The concept stage
performs preliminary analysis to identify the main objective
of the project eliminating the problem of deficient
requirement. In the prospect stage simple planning is done
using all the key records to get the characteristics of the
product thereby designing the work process and managing
the flood requirements. The requirement stage focuses on
combining the use cases modeled by developers and stories
being prepared by customers and analyze the data to avoid
frequent changes. In the high requirement stage where both
customers requirement and developer need to meet a
consensus followed by tool stage, where defects are being
tracked and version control is looked upon. This leads to
enforce a better insight for the developer to understand the
requirements and functionality clearly.
The efficiency of the various software methodologies
could be enhanced by incorporating XP principles within
their life cycle. One of them includes the Rational Unified
Process (RUP) which is a process oriented development
methodology that focuses more over on the process control
and spending a significant amount of time to meet the
process requirements. In contrast to XP, it does not pay
much attention to the developing program and improving its
agility. Hence RUP could be improvised by adopting agility
feature of XP as mentioned in [24] and XP could
incorporate certain RUP principles to strengthen the
theoretical foundation.
The requirement changes often lead to a considerable
amount of rework in the software development process.
Extreme programming helps to reduce this rework by
forecasting the changes based on business and technical
perspective using enhancing story card and adjusting the
planning game i.e. whenever the customer presents a story,
the developers analyze the stories and break them up into
various features and organize them into components. These
components are then assigned risk, cost, schedule and
likeliness of getting changed discussed in [25]. Thereby
components with minimum chances of getting changed were
implemented first, except few times where there exists
dependency among the components and therefore those
components are developed sequentially.
Security is a matter of concern while developing a
web-based application as these applications are highly prone
to vulnerabilities. The most popular threats include Cross-
Site Scripting and Structured Query Language Injection as
discussed in [21]. It becomes important to incorporate
certain security measures while adopting any software
development methodology. Extreme programming could be
improved by tightening security controls all over the
development stages.
The improved model thereby involves both the
development team and the business representatives in the
early phase that helps to identify security threats and to
work over it at the early stages in the development lifecycle.
This way they define security requirement and acceptance
testing requirement within the company policies. Misuse
cases along with use cases are introduced in the model that
is being carried out from the requirement and design stage
as it gives a proper insight regarding how will the system be
exposed to threats. It also emphasizes on following secure
coding standards that enforce secure naming convention,
remarks, and security infrastructure. Pair programming also
helps to review code by double checking the areas that are
prone to vulnerabilities. There is an iterative risk assessment
during the entire lifecycle that keeps track of the security
issues as few of the threats may go undetected in the early
Various other applications of XP are as follows:
A. Extreme Programming Development through Dialog
The two primary roles in XP are customer and programmer.
The customer is responsible for identifying the
features (known as stories) that the programmer must
implement, providing detailed acceptance tests for those
stories and assigning priority to them. On the other hand,
programmers are responsible for estimating how long it will
take to implement those stories [10].
With this division of responsibility in place, a project plan
represents a dialog between the customer and the
programmers. The protocol of that dialog is also clear. The
customer tells the programmers what stories he or she wants
in the next iteration. The programmers add up the estimates
for those stories and tell the customer whether they are
possible [10]. The customer can remove or swap stories but
cannot get more in the iteration than the programmers
estimate is possible. The programmers can tell the customer
how long something will take, but cannot select stories to be
Thus, there are several layers of dialog in an XP project
[10]. The customer has an ongoing dialog with the
programmers, the programmers have an ongoing dialog with
each other, and the test cases have an ongoing dialog with
the program. In this way, the programmer and customer
learn to trust each other.
B. Extreme Usability (XU) in Software Engineering
In software engineering, usability is a degree to which
software can be used by specified consumers to achieve
quantified objectives with effectiveness, efficiency, and
satisfaction in a quantified context of use. Extreme Usability
(XU) is such that all best practices of Usability Engineering
(UE) are kept in XP during planning games, with a
restriction of the usability aspects in next iteration and the
equal treatment of Usability and Functionality [11].
A practice of XP, which is often difficult to achieve in a
realistic setting, is the customer-on-site because of the heavy
time-restraints this poses on the customer [10]. In XU, this
difficulty could be transformed into an advantage by
allowing different customers to take part in different
iterations, if not releases, thus solving two problems at once:
From the point of view of standard XP, the
requirement that the same customer has to be
present all the times can be relaxed, thus possibly
achieving a better overall coverage of customer
time in the team.
From the point of view of Usability Engineering,
the usability of the real system can be tested all
times on several different real end users, one at a
time, but at any stage in greater depth with the
possibility of redesigning the user interaction with
the state of the system, for a cost that can be
accurately specified.
The combination of Extreme Programming (XP) and
Usability Engineering (UE) which leads to a new method:
Extreme Usability (XU), is very promising, especially for
Software Engineering education [11].
C. XP Labs Design in Universities
Planning Game, which is one of the 12 practices in XP
help students to learn how to divide requirements into User
Stories and how to prioritize and estimate the costs of those
stories [6]. A preparation class conveys the principles of
agile methods and XP practices to the students. Afterward, a
multi-day block course is conducted, which is the main part
of the lab. The students have to develop an application for a
customer using the XP practices. The on-site customer is
played by a tutor. Another tutor performs the coach role
The best results were achieved when the project was for
9 block days and each iteration was of 2 days. Also, the
team size played a vital role, so a team of 8 students was
best.12 It is difficult to efficiently enforce test-first
development when supervising a larger group of students.
So, a small group shows a better result than the large one.
By tweaking the properties of the XP lab, we could
improve the overall learning outcome over the years. The
XP lab has been a very successful class in the computer
science curriculum so far.
D. Industrial Extreme Programming implementation
(IXP) in Rational Unified Process (RUP) on Agile
Development theme
Rational Unified Process (RUP) is a case-driven and
architecture-centric based IBM Theory. The main purpose
of RUP is to ensure that the resulting software has high-
quality as the user‟s need. It also ensures that software is
produced within time and cost specified. RUP life cycle is
divided into 4 different phases: Inception, Collaboration,
Construction, and Transition. In each phase there are 9
processes, they are :
Business Modeling, Requirements, Analysis and Design,
Implementation, Test, Deployment, Configuration and
Change Management, Project Management, Environment.
Industrial Extreme Programming (IXP) is a
development of the failed Extreme Programming (XP)
which is intended for large scale software development [23].
Implementation of Industrial Extreme
Programming (IXP) in Rational Unified Process (RUP) is
done for every process of RUP. Additions or modification
are done on the basis of the workflow of RUP practices
offered by IXP. IXP supported by RUP is a better scope for
software development which can be used for large scale
software development providing structured and applicable
methods [12].
The biggest challenge in XP is maintaining quality
control over various iterations. Reworking on the code in
different iterations can lead to an unmaintainable mess. But
XP has different means to have control over quality. First,
XP demands simplicity from the programmers- they must
leave the code in the simplest possible state that passes all
the acceptance test. Thus, when the code is reworked from
iteration to iteration, it is also continually reduced to the
simplest state programmer can find. Second, programmers
are not allowed to work on code alone, the programmers
team up in pairs. Finally, before adding code to the system,
the programmers must write a failing unit test that the new
code must make successful. This ensures that as the program
grows, a copious suite of tests grows with it. These tests
keep the quality of the software high and give the
programmers the courage they need to continually rework
the code into its simplest forman operation known as
The greatest advantage of XP is that it allows
software development companies to save their cost
and time required for project realization. XP
eliminates unproductive activities to reduce the
cost and frustration of everyone involved. XP
allows developers to focus on coding.
The Simplicity of code. With different iterations
over time, refactoring of code is done i.e,
developers are restricted to write code in the
simplest form and after every iteration, the code
becomes more simple.
XP reduces the risks related to programming and
project failure. The customer gets what he or she
wants at the end.
Constant feedback after every iteration from
customers helps programmers to proceed in the
right direction.
XP helps in increasing employee satisfaction and
retention. The breakdown of the project into
subcomponents and constant feedback helps
employees in completing the project within
deadline without overtime.
This approach creates working software faster.
Regular testing at the development stage ensures
detection of all bugs, and the use of customer-
approved validation tests to determine the
successful completion of a coding block ensures
implementation of only what the customer wants
and nothing more.
Some of the practices of XP can be used in the data
warehouse to enhance the efficiency of the data warehouse
The data warehouse focuses on the subject of the
decision to be taken. By subject, we mean that the
information should be completely present for a particular
problem. The XP practice of planning game and continuous
interaction and feedback between the customer and
developer can be a helpful practice to implement in the data
warehouse. By interacting among the stakeholders and
specifying the problem statement clearly, the data warehouse
can be more helpful in providing clear information and
hence, support in managing the decisions.
Extreme Programming is hence categorized by short
iterative cycles, incremental planning, evolutionary design
and its ability to response to the changing business needs. It
strongly practices oral communication among stakeholders.
It encourages unit testing of each functional unit before the
integration has to be done. It encourages the programmers to
follow a coding standard and work in pairs while coding.
This is mainly done to achieve better results. XP is a
software development model which emphasizes on better
building and understanding of the system.
Extreme programming does not follow the traditional
approach of maintaining voluminous documents for
requirement specification rather it follows to maintain
source code well documented. But in reality, the
documentation plays a vital role as the complete product
knowledge resides in the software requirement specification
rather than merely on a development team‟s intelligence.
To cope up with this problem, XP sets up an oral
communication between the development and maintenance
team immediately after the completion of the project as
stated in [26]. It also requires skilled programmers to
incorporate frequent changes in the project and to ensure
that the simple design is maintained. XP is not well suited
for mission-critical or safety-critical applications as large
scale projects would not find it possible to arrange stand up
meetings on a regular basis and having an oral handoff
seems to be difficult.
Although extreme programming is a good
software development practice, yet there are some of the
problems that can be faced by the developers. The timing
issues can be faced among the programmers who are
involved in pair programming [8]. When standard data
structures are used, then there is no such requirement of
having two people involved for the same portion of code.
Due to the practice of pair programming, the management
might have to face the cost issues and expenses of two
instead of one for a particular work. Even with some of the
drawbacks that can be present in XP, XP still outperforms
the traditional models of software development. It provides
better efficiency and better system and software
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... Fase terakhir dari XP adalah pengujian, dimana setiap kode harus memiliki unit test dan setiap kode harus melewati unit pengujian tanpa kesalahan hingga program dapat diimplementasikan pada lingkungan pelanggan. Dalam kegiatan ini, jika ditemukan masalah, maka pengembang harus memodifikasi kode (refactoring) dan memastikan fitur dan fungsionalitas sistem secara keseluruhan dapat terlihat dan dapat ditinjau oleh pelanggan [24]. ...
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Penyewaan baju kebaya telah menjadi bisnis yang semakin diminati, namun masih membutuhkan sistem informasi yang efisien untuk mengelola prosesnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan sistem informasi penyewaan baju kebaya menggunakan metode Xtreme Programming (XP) dengan dukungan Unified Modeling Language (UML) di Dinar Salon Karawang. Metode XP digunakan untuk memastikan keterlibatan aktif dari pemangku kepentingan dalam pengembangan sistem. UML digunakan untuk merancang dan mendokumentasikan model sistem yang komprehensif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi sistem informasi menggunakan XP dan UML memungkinkan pengembangan yang cepat dan adaptif, serta memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis dengan baik. Sistem yang dihasilkan mampu meningkatkan efisiensi dalam proses penyewaan baju kebaya di Dinar Salon Karawang.
... Extreme programming is suitablefor small sized projects with small teams working on them. It concentrateson customer integration, immensetesting, development and documentation centered around code, paired programming and restructuring.XP is an agile software development methodology that is based on values likeclarity, courage, reporting, presenting and feedback [15]. ...
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There have been a number of software development processes. Based on their advantages and disadvantages, they are accepted and utilized. But none of the development process can be claimed to be suitable to all the projects as the development context/scenarios differ. Therefore, there is a need to model the software development process based on the ongoing situations. In this paper, we define and develop a software development process that uses Micro Service Architecture and DevOp culture for Extreme Programming (XP). The proposed software development process can be used for large, complex and geographically distributed software system. A literature review was conducted to understand the currently used software development process and architectures in extreme programming. Nevertheless, in practice, theusage of extreme programming in large scale companies/systems is not known. This study aims to evaluate the impact of the usage ofXP process on the development of large-scale distributed systems, while taking online shopping services as a case study. A case study is conducted in an organization that develops software that are large-size and complex by modifying the extreme programming. Questionnaires were prepared and qualitative analysis was carried out. The case study aided in learning about the effectiveness of combining XP with DevOp. Further, outcomes of Crystal-Clear Methodology that depends on people rather than processes and Extreme Programming were compared. As a result of this process, XP can handle large, complex and geographicaldistributed software systems. Developed software becomes much faster, cost effective, loosely coupled, deployable across the globe. It is observed that practices of Extreme Programming when adaptedin the project gives rise to output like people factor and also helpscreating ideas and solutionsfor complex design issues. This is the approach for conceptualization and implementation of overall systems.
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Software development investments are always seeking low risk software development processes. Extreme programming (XP) is one of the most popular agile methodologies. Currently, increasing numbers of software companies depend on XP. This research is an attempt to build two mathematical modeling approaches in order to present and describe XP. It compares between their inputs and outputs to comprehend the best approach. The approaches are based on two white boxes and one black box. The first modeling approach uses a set of critical success factors and another set of user defined weights to calculate the project success rate (SR). The second modeling approach uses a modified set of critical success factors with another approach; expecting unknown factors and weights. Those models describe the real development environment as the work is based on real data from two projects. The data is used to test the models. As a result, the two approaches are evaluated, verified and enhanced to form a model that calculates the SR and success radio for projects. At the end of this research, one of the two models is preferred due to its dependability and reliability.
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Extreme Programming and other Agile methods have a dedicated customer role that acts as the interface between development teams and their clients, sponsors, and end-users. The customer is critical to agile projects, but there is little research, experience, or advice about effective practices required to fill that role. We present a set of patterns describing the key roles on a customer team, and the practices that enable customers to fill those roles. By adopting these roles and practices, customers and development teams can increase the velocity and reliability of their projects, and ensure all participants in a project, not just the developers, can work at a sustainable pace.
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A software development process is required not only to guide and structure the development activity but at the same time it should allow improvement in the process itself. Agile development methodologies are said to be flexible and adaptive to the context in which these are applied. This flexibility and adaptability makes experimentation with the process more plausible and opens new ways to learn by experience. This paper is based on the theoretical analysis of an extreme programming (XP) process deployed to develop a multimedia streaming application for mobile phones. It presents the steps taken to initiate the development process, its setup and the continuous review of the process in order to find the best suited way to perform the practices which are needed for a software development activity, as well as, workable for the development team. The paper gives a detailed account of the implementation, analysis and the adjustment of the individual XP practices in order to emphasize how the development team has learned to shape the XP process according to the organization and the project context in which it is applied.
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There exist various software development methodologies under agile software development method. Extreme programming (XP) is known as one of the agile development methods that has gained popularity in the recent past. Waterfall model which is termed as linear sequential development model has been the traditional model of development. Both extreme programming and waterfall focus on different aspects during the process of software development and management. In this work we have analyzed the linear sequential software development methodology and the extreme programming method with regard to time constraints and risk mitigation. Our study shows that though there is no single methodology suited in all scenarios of development yet extreme programming gives fast delivery and less exposure to risks.
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Security in e-commerce is becoming an important issue to deal with as several cases of attacks to users' data are increasing exponentially. Therefore, there is absolute need for proper checks and balances to mitigate the lapses using the appropriate development framework. This paper provides as a candidate, Improve Extreme Programming Methodology by tightening security controls across the development stages without necessarily extending the process.
Conference Paper
Nowadays Agile practices are getting increasing popularity in software development communities. In this paper we show how Extreme Programming practices (XP) could enhance the development and implementation of a large-scale and geographically distributed system. A number of papers have been published in the past few years reporting experiences with agile development and XP in particular. However information on the practical usage of XP in large-scale systems is still considered limited. We try to gain better understanding of the impact of using XP process to the development effort of large-scale distributed systems while taking Sudan Automated Traffic Violations Project as a case study. By and large, it has been shown that adaptation of Extreme Programming practices in the project has increased the human factor output and helped in the generation of promising ideas about complex design issues the team used to approach the overall system conceptualization and implementation as well as future extensions.
Aiming at the core values of Extreme Programming and the barriers to the demand communication process, introducing the two-dimensional model characteristics with satisfactory situation of quality characteristics and customer satisfaction in Kano model to demand access field of software development, it does two-dimensional analysis with the expectation requirements of business customer and software development practices during the process of software development demand. At same time, it explores the demand for high-quality and combines with the original features of Extreme Programming to establish the model of Extreme Programming demand access. As the result, it reduces non-normal demand, improves software quality and user awareness of software products. Consequently, lets the software development enter the virtuous cycle in the requirement phase, and reduce unnecessary demand changes and hidden risks.
This paper introduces the Rational Unified Process and the eXtreme Programming, comparing and analyzing their advantages and disadvantages. Then it customizes these two process models and works out a preliminary integration framework plan.
Conference Paper
Software quality is essential to software development projects, from the aspects of the customer, sponsor, development team and quality assurance team. Though there are kinds of test tools which help us to find the defect more efficiently, many researchers agreed that it is not enough nor efficient to validate the software product after it is produced. At the other hand, some agile software processes such as extreme programming enable us to produce high quality product but with too much different requirement to the project management. This paper introduces extreme programming (XP) practices in some real software projects, which can be helpful for project stakeholders to manage the quality efficiently and with less risk.