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Prospects of Oil Palm Wine and Raphia Palm Wine in South East, Nigeria


Abstract and Figures

s The study which compared the potentials of oil palm wine (OPW) and raphia palm wine (RPW) in South East, Nigeria was informed by the vast nutritional and economic values of the products, their potentials for poverty alleviation and dearth of information on the economics of marketing of the products in the area. The study specifically described the different ways in which oil palm wine and raphia palm wine can be utilized and also identified the differences and similarities in the utilization of both wines. The study population comprised all the oil palm wine and raphia palm wine consumers in South East, Nigeria. Purposive and random sampling techniques were used to select 150 respondents for the study. Primary data used for the study were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Palm wine has best potentials for use in refreshment, followed by ceremonies, traditional medicine, as raw materials, libation, lactation, and least weaning. Innovations such as use of hybrid plants, accurate plant spacing, new and efficient ways of tapping by associated Research Institutes in the country will help boost production.
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Journal of Natural Sciences Research
ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0921 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/JNSR
Vol.9, No.4, 2019
Prospects of Oil Palm Wine and Raphia Palm Wine in South East,
Nwankwo Temple Nneamaka
Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Main Post Awka,
The study which compared the potentials of oil palm wine (OPW) and raphia palm wine (RPW) in South East,
Nigeria was informed by the vast nutritional and economic values of the products, their potentials for poverty
alleviation and dearth of information on the economics of marketing of the products in the area. The study
specifically described the different ways in which oil palm wine and raphia palm wine can be utilized and also
identified the differences and similarities in the utilization of both wines. The study population comprised all the
oil palm wine and raphia palm wine consumers in South East, Nigeria. Purposive and random sampling techniques
were used to select 150 respondents for the study. Primary data used for the study were analyzed using descriptive
statistics. Palm wine has best potentials for use in refreshment, followed by ceremonies, traditional medicine, as
raw materials, libation, lactation, and least weaning. Innovations such as use of hybrid plants, accurate plant
spacing, new and efficient ways of tapping by associated Research Institutes in the country will help boost
Keywords: Oil palm wine, Prospects, Raphia palm wine
DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/9-4-04
1. Introduction
Human beings cannot survive without water for a long period of time, as normal functioning of the body requires
a continual supply of fluid in various forms including beverages (Olufunke & Oluremi, 2015). Beverages are food
items that are consumed in liquid state, but have lower food values relative to milk, and milk products. They are
consumed either for their thirst quenching properties or for their stimulating effects. Two categories may readily
be recognized: non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverage drinks (Omotoso, Amao & Oyeleye, 2014). Africans have
been making and imbibing alcoholic beverages from a wide array of fruits, grains, and other natural substances for
as far back as the historical record goes, and continue to do so, ranging from palm-wine in coastal West and East
Africa, banana beer in the Great Lakes region, to mead (tejj) in Ethiopia, and maize/sorghum beer across Southern
Africa. In Nigeria, various types of alcoholic beverages are consumed ranging from beer to wine and spirit
categories. Some of the alcoholic beverages traditionally produced include burukutu, pito, ogogoro, and palm wine
(Dimelu, Agbo & Igbokwe, 2011). Palm wine is the collective name for a group of alcoholic beverages produced
by the natural fermentation of the sap obtained from various tropical plants of the palmae family (Falegan & Akoja,
2014). They further reported that indigenous people living in or close to swampy areas (such as the Ibos, Yoruba,
Urhobos, Ijaws, and Itsekiris of Nigeria) prefer to tap their palm wine from raphia palm, while the Ibos prefer
tapping their wine majorly from oil palm trees. The wine obtained from oil palm trees is called oil palm wine
(OPW) while the palm wine obtained from raphia palm trees is called raphia palm wine (RPW) (Ikegwu, 2014).
Fresh palm wine is sweet and contains little alcohol but, with fermentation, the alcohol content increases in time.
Unbottled palm wine has a lower alcohol content (around 3%) than bottled palm wine (around 4%). A litter of
palm wine contains approximately 300 calories, 0.5-2.0 g of proteins, considerable amount of vitamins, a major
component of which is vitamin A which helps to protect and improve consumer’s eye sight (Amanchukwu,
Obafemi & Okpokwasili, 2015). Raphia palm wine differs from oil palm wine in the following ways; it is sweeter
and milkier, low alcohol level (intoxicating power), available all seasons and also relatively affordable (Aiyeloja
et al. 2014). It is commonly thought to be a very nourishing drink which greatly promotes lactation, the root and
wine are used in local medicines as prevention and therapeutics for malaria fever, stomach pain and related diseases
(Aiyeloja et al. 2014). Sweet taste is solely responsible for the acceptability of raphia palm wine among the female
gender, hence it is preferred to other local wines (Aiyeloja et al. 2014). On the contrary, the ability to intoxicate
due to the alcohol level accumulated during fermentation on exposure to air is one of the factors that attracts young
people to oil palm wine (Aiyeloja et al. 2014). Oil palm wine is also erroneously consumed as energy drink
particularly among the farmers (operating on local cutlass and hoe for land tilling) and artisans that engage in other
energy sapping activities. Palm wine is enjoyed at birth celebrations, funeral ceremonies, and plays an integral role
during traditional marriage ceremonies (Mbuagbaw & Noorduyn, 2012).
Recent literature search showed that despite the nutritional advantages of palm wine and its potential for
poverty alleviation, relatively little research has been devoted to it. Most studies on palm wine concentrated on
palm wine production, chemical compositions, nutritive values, preservation techniques of palm wine and health
implications of palm wine consumption (Ezeronye & Legras, 2009; Karamoko, Djeni, N’guessan, Bouatenin, &
Journal of Natural Sciences Research
ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0921 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/JNSR
Vol.9, No.4, 2019
Dje, 2012; Falegan and Akoja, 2014; Ikegwu, 2014; Ogueri, Ibekwe, Ekperechi, Udebuani, Nwanebu, Oguoma,
& Nnokwe, 2016). Consequently, the potentials of oil palm wine and raphia palm wine as important beverages
and their associated nutritional and health advantages remain underexploited. Therefore the study compared the
prospects of oil palm wine and raphia palm wine and specifically;
(i) described the different ways in which oil palm wine and raphia palm wine can be utilized; and
(ii) identified the differences and similarities in the utilization of both wines.
2. Theoretical Framework
2.1 Theory of Consumer Behaviour
The demand for palm wine is explained by consumer behavior theory. Consumer behavior theory is the study of
what motivates consumers to demand a particular good or service. Consumer behavior studies individuals and
groups when they select, purchase, use and dispose products, ideas, services or experience. It is much more than
studying what consumers buy; it attempts to understand how the decision-making process goes and how it affects
consumers’ buying behavior (Madhavan & Chandrasekar, 2015). Customer behavior study is based on consumer
buying behavior, with the customer playing the three distinct roles of user, payer and buyer respectively. Marketers
study consumers buying patterns to solve where they buy, what they buy and why they buy. However, why
consumers buy a specific product is not easy to understand because the answer is locked deep within the consumers’
Generally, consumers can be categorized into individual and organizational consumers. Individual consumers
try to satisfy their own needs and wants by purchasing for themselves or satisfy the needs of others by buying for
them. These individual consumers can come from different backgrounds, ages and life stages. Consumer choice
and behaviour are complex concepts that are continuously studied by researchers. Meanwhile, it also helps them
develop suitable marketing strategies to enhance profitability and sustain competitive advantage of their respective
Consumers undergo a process to arrive at a final purchase decision. The study conducted by Madhavan &
Chandrasekar (2015) indicated that there are five stages of buying process: need recognition; information search;
evaluation of alternatives; purchase decision and post purchase behaviour. The authors further added that the
process is forward-moving that starts long hand before the purchase is made and continues even after the purchase
is made. Kotler and Armstrong (2010) suggest that the consumer can skip a few stages during a routine purchase.
However, when a consumer faces a new and complex purchase situation, all of these five stages need to be used
to complete the buying process.
3. Materials and Methods
The study area is the Southeast geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The States in the South-east geopolitical zone are
Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Imo, States. Southeastern Nigeria lies between latitude 40
N to 70
and longitudes 60
E to 80
E. The mean minimum and maximum temperatures range from 21
C in
the coast to 29
C – 33
C in the interior. The temperature is suitable for the growing of tree crops such as oil and
raphia palms from which oil and raphia palm wines are respectively tapped and hence encourages the tapping and
processing of palm wine from palm wine to distilled gin. The sap used to obtain palm wine is mostly taken from
oil palm tree (Elaeis guineensis) and raphia palm tree (Raphia hookeri and Raphia vinifera). There are several
species of both oil palm and Raphia palm but all are capable of producing wine. Palm wine tapping is a difficult
task involving climbing or axe felling coupled with the difficult swampy terrain (especially for raphia palms),
therefore men are solely engaged in wine tapping while mainly women and children undertake processing and
marketing activities (Ikegwu, 2014).
The study population comprised all the oil palm wine and raphia palm wine consumers in South East, Nigeria.
Purposive and random sampling techniques were used to select respondents for the study. Three states (Anambra,
Imo and Enugu) were purposively selected from the five States in South East, Nigeria. The selection was based on
the degree of concentration of palm wine production, processing and marketing activities in the area. Also, a
random selection of five Local Government Areas (LGAs) from each State (15 LGAs), and one palm wine market
from each of the selected LGAs (fifteen markets). Finally, five OPW and RPW consumers were selected from
each of the markets to arrive at a sample size of 150 respondents.
Primary data were used for the study in which questionnaire were administered to the respondents by hand.
The questionnaire captured data on the potentials of oil palm wine and raphia palm wine respectively.
A 4-point Likert type scale was deployed in determining the degree of importance to palm wine. The
respondents were asked their perceived uses of palm wine, and the responses were ranked in a sort of dimension
or disaggregated along a continuum. The response indicating the most valued usage was given the highest score.
Response on the prospects of palm wine was disaggregated as follows:
Highly valuable (HV) = 4
Valuable (V) = 3
Journal of Natural Sciences Research
ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0921 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/JNSR
Vol.9, No.4, 2019
Moderately valuable (MV) = 2
Not Valuable (NV) = 1
Determination of cut-off point,
Cut off point(x) = ∑f ………………………………………………………………………………..(1)
= 4+3+2+1 = 10 = 2.50
4 4
To make inferential statement, the mean score were compared with the critical mean of 2.5. If the calculated
mean of a problem is higher than the standard critical value, then, the potential is regarded as highly valued under
each variable, the variable with mean score that ranges from 2.0 2.49 as valuable, 1.5 -1.9 as moderately valuable,
less than 1.5 as not valuable.
4. Results and Discussion
4.1 Prospects of palm wine
The utilization of any product depends on the purpose for which the good is used, on the income of the user, and
the availability of the product. Market research was carried out in each of the already selected markets to identify
the potentials of palm wine in order to have an insight of tapped and untapped potentials of the product. Table 1
presents ranking of potentials of palm wines in the area.
Table 1 Rankings of potential of the oil palm wine
Uses Mean Rank Decision
Refreshment 3.0 1
Ceremonies 2.9 2
Traditional medicine 2.1 4
Raw materials 1.9 5
Libation 1.8 6
Lactation 0.0 7
Weaning 2.5 3
Source: Field survey, 2017.
Refreshment was ranked 1
for both OPW (3.0) and RPW (2.9). It is highly valuable because the mean score
was above the cut-off point (2.5). Palm wine is drunk by both old and young people, it has no age or gender barrier;
it is usually consumed for its thirst quenching and stimulating effects. This finding agrees with Aiyeloja et al.
(2014) who reported that a higher number of people consume raphia palm wine as refreshment in Delta State.
Aiyeloja et al. (2014) also noted that the female gender prefer the raphia palm wine to other local wines due to its
sweet taste, while the men folk (especially young ones) prefer the oil palm wine due to its high ability to intoxicate.
The use of palm wine during ceremonies ranked 2
with mean scores of 2.9 and 2.8 for OPW and RPW
respectively. Palm wine is enjoyed at birth celebrations, funeral ceremonies and plays an integral role during
traditional marriage ceremonies. In the study area, a bride confirms a bridegroom as her husband by pretending to
seek him out among the crowd and kneeling down to symbolically present a calabash of palm wine to him.
This finding agrees with Mbuagbw & Noorduyn (2012) who noted that palm wine is used during celebrations.
Rich men and women who can afford to buy other types of expensive English wines and costly sports ensure that
palm wine is in the exclusive list of drink to be provided at all their ceremonies.
Table 2. Rankings of potential of the raphia palm wine
Uses Mean Rank Decision
Refreshment 2.9 1
Ceremonies 2.8 2
Traditional medicine 2.1 4
Raw materials 1.8 5
Libation 1.7 6
Lactation 2.5 3
Weaning 0.0 7
Source: Field survey, 2017.
Further analysis of the result revealed that weaning was ranked 3
as a highly valued potential of OPW
(M=2.5). This implies that OPW slows down the production of breast milk and can therefore be drunk by lactating
mothers who want to wean their babies.
On the contrary, the finding indicated that lactation ranked 3
(M=2.5) among the potentials of RPW. This is
basically attributed to the ability of raphia palm wine to boost breast milk production in lactating mothers. This
finding agrees with Chandrasekhar, Sreevani, Seshapani,& Pramodhakumari (2012) who reported that palm wine
and its distillate are important solvent in herbal –medicinal administration , pregnant women consume it fresh for
Journal of Natural Sciences Research
ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0921 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/JNSR
Vol.9, No.4, 2019
the sweetness and nutrition while nursing mothers drink it warm to enhance breast milk production. This finding
is also in tandem with Aoyeloya et al. (2014) who reported that raphia palm wine is a nourishing drink which
greatly promotes lactation. It also corroborates Mbuagbw & Noorduyn (2012) that raphia palm wine promotes
It could be seen from the table that traditional medicine was ranked 4
(M = 2.1) for both OPW and RPW,
and it was a valuable potential in the area. The use of palm wine in traditional medicine could probably be related
to the fact that palm wine is rich in calories, protons, vitamin A and other vitamins. This finding is in agreement
with Aiyeloja et al. (2014) which reported that the root and wine are used in local medicines as prevention and
therapeutics for malaria fever, stomach pain and related diseases.
The use of palm wine as raw materials as a moderately valuable potential was ranked 5
(M=1.9) and (M=1.8)
for OPW and RPW respectively. Palm wine can be utilized as a raw materials from which other products can be
gotten. Fermented palm wine can be used for distilling other stronger drinks such as burukutu, local gin and
whiskey. Also, as acetification occurs after alcoholic fermentation of the wine it is used for making vinegar. This
finding agrees with Amanchukwu et al. (2015) who indicated that palm wine can be used as a yeast substitute for
leaving food products. It also agrees with Aiyeloja et al. (2014) who indicated that the sugar in palm wine can be
used for making honey and jaggery.
The 6
use of palm wine was libation (M=1.8) for OPW and (M-1.7) for RPW. Palm wine libation is a
moderately important for sacrificial emblem to appease gods in the study area. This finding is in agreement with
Etukudo (2003) who revealed the utilization of palm wine for cultural purposes in Ibibio tribes of Nigeria. Aiyeloja
et al. (2014) also reported that palm wine is used for libation among the Yoruba tribes.
Finally the lactation was ranked 7
(M=0.00) for OPW while weaning was ranked 7
(M=0.00) for RPW as
not valued potentials.
Palm wine has best prospectus for use as refreshment, used during ceremonies, as raw materials, and for libation.
The least prospect for OPW and RPW for use during weaning and lactation respectively. Palm wine is a special
beverage due to the different roles it plays in different occasions and so should be accorded more research interests
in order to promote its production and marketing at both local and international markets. Government should,
therefore, increase budgetary allocation to research institutes such as NIFOR to encourage more researches on
production, preservation and marketing of palm wine. The Government should create more palm wine bottling
small scale industries or encourage the existing ones by providing equipments needed to bottle fresh wine and sell
them at reasonable prices to individuals as well as organize workshops to educate them on the applications.
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Journal of Natural Sciences Research
ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0921 (Online) DOI: 10.7176/JNSR
Vol.9, No.4, 2019
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... Fresh palm wine is also consumed as an energy drink. At this stage palm wine is very sweet because of high sugar content, [5]. This research contribute to this field of research of fermented foods and beverages and biotechnology in the sense that it focused on the unreported microbial and biochemical changes during the production of Njemani, a traditional beverage in Zimbabwe. ...
... It is thought that the two species originated in West African marshes. Oil palm wine (OPW) is the name given to the wine produced by oil palm trees, whereas raphia palm wine (RPW) is the name given to the wine produced by raphia palm trees (Nwankwo, 2019;Ikegwu, 2014). The ideal ecological condition for the Raphia palm is the tropical rainforest (Agambi et al., 2017;Ugwu and Igboeli, 2009;Ndom, 2003). ...
Full-text available
Numerous people in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, India, and Mexico enjoy palm wine, a traditional alcoholic beverage made from the sap of various palm plants. Its colouring is pale, and its flavours run the gamut from sweet to sour and vinegary. For people who live in cities and villages, tapping the palm tree to get the beverage is an important source of income. Although the alcohol concentration of fresh palm wine is low and it is sweet, it gradually rises through fermentation. It is used for numerous purposes, most notably for medicine, weddings, and traditional naming rituals. They are suitable for improving vision since they contain vital microbes like yeast as well as nutritionally significant ingredients like amino acids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, sugars, alcohols, and water. Jaundice, smallpox, chicken pox, measles, and malaria have all reportedly been treated with palm wine. Additionally, palm wine assists nursing mothers produce more milk in addition to its reputed antioxidant qualities. The purpose of this study is to review palm sap/wine, its preservation, applications, biochemical components, odorants, microbiota, nutrient content, and health effects. It also conducts an economic analysis of the palm wine market and traditional fermentation and distillation of raphia palm sap for ethanol production
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A preliminary evaluation of yeast fermented palm wine sourced from Imo State in Nigeria was carried out to establish compounds that contribute to the distinct flavor of the beverage and to determine if the product abundance is affected when the drink is supplemented with Sacoglottis gabonensis. Palm wine samples from two different trees Elaeis sp. and Raphia sp. (pH less than 5) that contain Saccharomyces cerevisiae and other yeast species identified by sequencing the D1/D2 domain of the 26S rRNA genes were used. Evaluation was carried out using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectrometry (APCI-MS) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Samples contained 5.9–11.6, 2.2–7.1, 4.2–43.0, and 4.4–43.7 g/L of acetic acid, lactic acid, ethanol and glucose, respectively. Ethyl acetate, acetic acid and ethanol had the most aroma intensity and an assessment on the yeast metabolome database showed that 23 out of the 31 products detected were present in the database. Addition of Sacoglottis gabonensis supplement to a Raphia sp. palm wine sample showed lower abundance of acetoin, acetic acid, methylpropyl lactate, ethyl octanoate and propyl acetate. We conclude that Sacoglottis gabonensis supplementation could suppress specific compounds during palm wine fermentation. This knowledge could be applied in new product development for the beverage.
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Raphia wine is an important forest product with cultural significance besides its use as medicine and food in southern Nigeria. This work aims to evaluate the profitability of Raphia wine production and marketing in Sapele Local Government Area, Nigeria. Four communities (Sapele, Ogiede, Okuoke and Elume) were randomly selected for data collection via questionnaires among producers and marketers. A total of 50 producers and 34 marketers were randomly selected for interview. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, profit margin, multiple regression and rate of returns on investment (RORI). Annual average profit was highest in Okuoke (Producers – N90, 000.00, Marketers-N70, 000.00) and least in Sapele (Producers N50, 000.00, Marketers – N45, 000.00). Calculated RORI for marketers were Elume (40.0%), Okuoke (25.0%), Ogiede (33.3%) and Sapele (50.0%). Regression results showed that location has significant effects (0.000, ρ ≤ 0.05) on profit margins. Male (58.8%) and female (41.2%) invest in Raphia wine marketing, while males (100.0%) dominate production. Results showed that Raphia wine has potentials to generate household income, enhance food security and improve quality of life in rural, semi-urban and urban communities. Improved marketing channels, storage facilities and credit facilities via cooperative groups are recommended for producers and marketers by concerned agencies.
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Indigenous technology such as tapping of palm wine has proved to be an efficient and effective means of food processing in the tropical world, Particularly in South Eastern Nigeria. Oil palm (Elaesis guineesis) and Raphia palms (Raphia hookeri and Raphia vinifera) are the most useful palms in the Eastern Nigeria. Using ethnographic research method, the paper examined the socio-cultural, religious, health and economic value of these palms in the southeastern part of the country and asserted that pasteurization of palm wine or its sap without the addition of sodium metabisulphite or any other preservative could preserve the product without the loss of any vital constituents of the palm wine/sap. The paper also buttressed that palms are traditionally tapped for their sap. The author of this work is of opinion that with the cordial relationship existing between traditional food processors and food scientists/technologists in the case of well-preserved palm wine, income would thrive much more, comparable to what it is now. Based on the findings, the study recommend partnership of food scientists and traditional food processors for effective preservation of the product with resultant huge income generation.
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The palm wine trade is an important economic activity for many tropical rural areas worldwide. In West Africa, palm wine holds high sociocultural and traditional values. Wine tappers often climb very tall trees with rudimentary equipment to harvest palm sap and risk severe injuries in the event of a fall. Furthermore, the wine quickly ferments beyond the desired taste and alcohol content, reducing the market power of these tappers. Therefore, to maximize benefits or to enhance shelf life, a variety of components are added to the palm tree sap, introducing the possibility of deadly contaminants. This paper highlights the public health implications of uncontrolled palm wine production and the relative neglect of the wine tapper. We draw from the limited published literature and use Cameroon as a case study. The palm wine trade can be more productive and safe if tappers work in cooperatives to improve their market power. Public health authorities need to monitor the quality of this cheap and common source of alcohol and enact regulations to protect wine tappers from the current level of occupational hazards. There are varying levels of progress to control quality and ensure safety in different parts of the world. Legislation and collaboration with traditional structures may offer a framework for change.
The study examined alcohol consumption and its effects on economic and social livelihood of selected rural communities of Enugu State. One hundred and twenty randomly selected alcohol consuming heads of households and sixty four purposively selected non-alcohol consuming heads of household were used. Data were collected using structured interview schedule and analysed using percentage. Alcoholic beverages available were palm wine (100%), beer (100%), local gin (100%), spirit (89.2%), and burukutu (41.7%). Respondents indicated preference for palm wine (50.0%). Choice of alcoholic beverage was a function of several factors namely availability, ability to produce the alcohol, cost and others. Effects of alcohol consumption were evident by less commitment to livelihood activities, household’s welfare, incidents of violence and others. The study recommends that policies should be enacted to regulate proliferation and operation of alcohol enterprises in the rural areas. More importantly is the regulation of the type of alcohol marketed in the communities. Also government should promote programmes that target improved livelihood strategies and empowerment of rural people to enhance diversification of the rural economy.
A fission yeast isolated from palm-wine was found capable of degrading hydrocarbons in kerosene and diesel. Confirmatory evidence was derived from gas chromatographic analysis. Degradation was enhanced by pre-adaptation to the hydrocarbons. Growth yield data indicated that the yeast utilized diesel, kerosene and methanol as sole carbon and energy sources for growth and that diesel produced better yield than glucose on a carbon content basis. The hydrocarbon degradative capability and the ability to utilize kerosene, diesel and methanol as growth substrates by the isolate suggest its potential application in oil spill clean-up as well as in single cell protein production using hydrocarbon feedstocks.
a b s t r a c t This study aimed at establishing biochemical and microbiological properties of different week-old fresh palm saps and assess whether changes occurring during storage of the fermenting saps could affect their quality. Based on the proximate and microbial analysis results, some differences in chemical composi-tions between fresh palm wine samples were observed. In general, the first day samples were very sugary (50% w/v) with the lowest loads of yeasts (3.2 AE 1 10 3 cfu/ml), while lactic, citric, tartaric acids and yeast population were characteristics related to both saps collected the second and third weeks of tapping. However, the fourth week wine samples were characterized by high ethanol (3.18 AE 0.06%) and acetic acid (0.767 AE 0.06 g/l) rates. During the storage, accumulation of alcohol occurred in all palm wine samples with the concurrent lactic and acetic acid fermentation taking place as well. Yeasts and lactic acid bacteria population also changed with undoubtedly influence on the palm wine quality.
Aims: To study the yeast diversity of Nigerian palm wines by comparison with other African strains. Methods and results: Twenty-three Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains were obtained from palm wine samples collected at four locations in eastern Nigeria, and characterized using different molecular techniques: internal transcribed spacer restriction fragment length polymorphism and sequence analysis, pulsed field gel electrophoresis, inter delta typing and microsatellite multilocus analysis. These techniques revealed that palm wine yeasts represent a group of closely related strains that includes other West African isolates (CBS400, NCYC110, DVPG6044). Population analysis revealed an excess of homozygote strains and an allelic richness similar to wine suggestive of local domestication. Several other African yeast strains were not connected to this group. Ghana sorghum beer strains and other African strains (DBVPG1853 and MUCL28071) displayed strikingly high relatedness with European bread, beer or wine strains, and the genome of strain MUCL30909 contained African and wine-type alleles, indicating its hybrid origin. Conclusions: Nigerian palm wine yeast represents a local specific yeast flora, whereas a European origin or hybrid was suspected for several other Africa isolates. Significance and impact of the study: This study presents the first genetic characterization of an autochthonous African palm wine yeast population and confirms the idea that human intervention has favoured yeast migration.
  • K Schandrasekhar
  • S Sreevani
  • P Seshapani
  • J Pramodhakumari
SChandrasekhar, K., Sreevani, S., Seshapani, P. & Pramodhakumari, J. (2012), International Journal of Research in Biological Sciences, 2 (1):33-38.