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This paper is an attempt to study regenerative principles across a diverse range of fields such as, architectural passive design, Cradle-to-Cradle principles, and biophilic design. The research and data compiled shall be used to facilitate the design of a Regenerative Observation Center in Shillong, Meghalaya (India) at a later stage. Regenerative system is like a closed loop life cycle. Every being or element is dependent on the other. Its main focus is on the native plants, site and the ecology surrounding the site. It is a conscious development of design in a way that is restorative and every stake holder of the ecology (water body, flora, fauna etc.) is benefited. Regeneration is not exclusive and cannot be achieved as a separate product. It has close relations to Sustainable Design, Green/High performance building, and Restorative Design. Keeping in mind all these design techniques, understanding the context of building or any human creation before execution, giving equal importance to other elements to the ecology, planning out their future progress and then designing, could lead to a regenerative design. As of today, no proper techniques exist to assess a regenerative building.
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... Regenerative systems may change the environment and create sustainable development. [2] The main purpose of regenerative architecture is to reduce the environmental impacts like climate change from a building, at the same time the building should also improve the environment. Aim: To study and Regenerative architecture and its contribution to improve climate crisis. ...
... The benefits and principles of regenerative architecture create a deep understanding towards the research study. [2] Impacts of Conventional Buildings in the Urban: Buildings in the urban that do not follow any green building standards or regenerative systems are discussed to clarify the comparison and highlight the importance. RCC buildings/normal buildings require huge amount of concrete for construction. ...
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The climate all over the world has become worst in the past few years. There are many causes for this crisis; such as global warming, pollution, infrastructure, development and many more. Sustainability in the Architecture has been evolving, but now it became a responsibility to everyone. India is one of the most populated countries and hence pollution is a serious issue. There had been climatic hazards since few years and rise in construction is one of the causes responsible for this. A huge amount of energy and water is used by buildings, they generate hazardous chemicals and that cause pollution, at the same time it affects climate. Based on the concept of use of minimum resources regenerative systems can help improving the condition. The main purpose of regenerative architecture is to reduce the environmental impacts like climate change from a building, at the same time the building should also improve the environment. In this research, the study of regenerative systems in architecture had done and through the case study analysis, how climate can be improved.
... En él todo ser o elemento depende del otro; la regeneración no es exclusiva y no puede lograrse como un producto separado. El diseño bajo este enfoque implica, además de comprender el contexto presente, proyectar sistemáticamente su progreso futuro (Bharath, 2019). ...
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Este artículo reflexiona sobre la vanguardia en los referentes de construcción sostenible y su adaptación al Antropoceno a partir de la comparación entre la teoría y práctica reciente del diseño de vivienda sustentable y su interacción con conceptos de diseño regenerativo. Se toma-ron como referencia tres proyectos multifamiliares recientemente premiados en el ámbito de la sustentabilidad: (1) Rehabilitación de Vivienda de Interés Social, de Lacatton y Vassal Arquitectos (Francia, 2017), ganador del Premio Pritzker 2021; (2) Presencia en Ormuz, Majara Residence por Zav Architects (Irán, 2020), ganador del Premio Vivienda Colectiva del Año 2021 de ArchDaily; y (3) Síntesis Arquitectura, de Ricardo Ricardson y equipo (Brasil, 2021), ganador del Concurso Nacional de Vivienda de Interés Sustentable 2021. Los resultados evidenciaron que estrategias de diseño pasivo para la reducción del consumo energético se muestran comparativamente más asimiladas dentro de la praxis de vanguardia sustentable actual que estrategias regenerativas para la susti-tución de energías fósiles y el secuestro de los gases de efecto invernadero. Es posible, entonces, concluir que el tránsito de la sustentabilidad a la regeneración se encuentra aún en una fase inci-piente, por lo que se requiere una mayor instrumentalización en acciones y ejemplos concretos que permitan su multiplicación e integración como parte de la normalidad. Palabras Clave: arquitectura sustentable; concursos; diseño regenerativo; eficiencia energética; viviendas de interés social.
... Complementariamente Clegg (2012) caracteriza la arquitectura regenerativa desde otro foco, entendiéndola como aquella que propone la producción de alternativas de infraestructura que permitan la reparación y consecuente regeneración de los daños existentes en el medio ambiente y no sólo la preparación o adaptación a las consecuencias de la degradación ecológica. El sistema regenerativo es como un ciclo de vida cerrado, en él todo ser o elemento depende del otro, la regeneración no es exclusiva y no puede lograse como un producto separado, el diseño bajo este enfoque implica, además de comprender el contexto presente, proyectar sistemáticamente su progreso futuro (Bharath, 2019). ...
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Sustainable design process encompasses three phases: design, construction, and operation. As a response to low-cost, low-energy imperatives of emerging economies and the world at large, this paper aims to guide architectural practice intuitively, at the concept design stage, with this new advanced ‘passive climate maps’. These maps were developed based on EPW (Energy Plus Weather) files, by the authors, with advanced computer graphic techniques aided by the numerical data of the selected specific locality. It is intended to be a quick reference of the macro climate representation of a locality. Based on historical vernacular references and lessons from local modern architecture 'passive design techniques’ differs base on a place climatic phenomenon. And these climate charts highlights possible passive design paradigms appropriate to a locality. AIJ |
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The idea of Affordance of thermal comfort necessitates us to think about the response to climate, socio-culture, economic efficiency, energy and resources. Today, in a globalized world, the pursuit of transportation convenience and artificial comfort causes sudden increase in energy consumption and threatens the sustainability of the global environment. Consideration of regional climate in the early stages of design and construction can be said to be the basis of passive design aiming to establish sustainable building. In this paper, the authors analyzed the characteristics of climate characteristics for various regions of India, and revealed the relationship between the regional climate and traditional and modern architecture while incorporating the concept of affordance. People's behavior and lifestyle according to seasonal and daily climate change necessitates the utilization of natural energy which are effective for energy conservation in buildings. In summer season when the temperature is high, the design principle is to mitigate solar radiation heat from invading indoor environment and night-ventilation is promoted. For ventilation, there are several modes for increasing airflow, introduction of external cold air, and indoor heat exhaust to outdoors and design ingenuity is important to achieve these phenomena. If adequate cold air can be introduce during the night, accumulation of coolness that makes use of building thermal (heat) storage capacity is also possible. On the other hand, air-tightness is sometimes required in areas with cold winter. Through the case analysis in various climate zones, it can be inferred that control of the shape of the building and openness and air-tightness in the outer skin is an important factor of passive design. Keywords: affordance, thermal comfort, climate charts, passive design, analysis, application, architecture. 温熱快適性のアフオーダンスを考えるには、社会文化的な 遺産、経済性、エネルギー・資源を考えながら、気候風土との応答を考えなければならない。現在、グローバル化する世界では、交通や便利さや人工的な快適さの追求によって、エネルギー消費の急激な増加を引き起こし、地球環境の持続可能性を脅かしている。今日では、建築計画の初期の段階での地域の気候への配慮は、持続可能な建築の確立をめざすパッシブデザインの基本であるとされる。この論文では、地域ごとに異なる気候の特徴を分析し、アフオーダンスの概念を援用しながら、地域の気候とインドにおける伝統的建築や近代建築との関連性を明らかにした。季節や日々の気候の変化に応じた人々の行動、ライフスタイルは自然エネルギー活用を促し、建築の省エネルギーに有効である。高温になる夏季には、日射熱の侵入を防ぎ、通風・換気を促進することが設計原理となる。通風・換気には、可感気流を増す通風、外部冷気の導入、室内熱の排出のモードがあり、使い分ける工夫が重要である。適切な冷気導入が可能であれば建物熱容量を生かした蓄冷も可能である。逆に、寒冷な冬がある地域では気密性が要求されるときもある。このように、建物の形や外皮における空隙性(開放性)や気密性(閉鎖性)のコントロールが、パッシブデザインの重要なポイントとなることを、事例を通して明らかにした。
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Humans and most organisms require varying degrees of porosity in their natural way of life, and traditional designs exemplify porosity as essential parameter to comfort and functionality. Based on the theory of affordance, complementarity of climate and lifestyles, the paper highlights the pertinence of passive design: adaptive shading, ventilation (summer) and air-tightness with glazing (winter). Adaptive wooden louvers on the West (vertical) and South (horizontal), and shading protects the indoor environment from overheating in summer while allowing solar heat gain in winter. Low thermal conductivity materials and natural ventilation through space syntax integration between private, semi-private, public zones or indoor and outdoor could be conducive for comfort. The objective is to highlight low-energy passive design strategies through the analysis of passive climate charts and parametric simulations and further respond to local needs: vernacular reinterpretation, economic, and environmental symbiosis. Comfort parameters are temperature (°C), relative humidity (%), and air-velocity (m/s). PMV's range of -1 to +1, comfortable, is possible on most days through affordance: complementarity of climate and lifestyles in passive architectural niche which are expected to be novel strategic principles towards designing to thrive in an increasingly energy intensive built environment. Link |
Regenerative Design: Sustainable Design's Coming Revolution
  • J T Lyle
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Regenerative Design: Toward the Re-Integration of Human Systems within Nature
  • S Community Ames
  • Visioning
  • B Anderson
  • M Riordan
  • Christopher G Boone
  • Ali Modarres
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