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On the origins of the Sakhas' paternal lineages: Reconciliation of population genetic / ancient DNA data, archaeological findings and historical narratives


Abstract and Figures

Sakhas are Turkic-speaking people from Northeastern Siberia, constituting the largest ethnic population in Yakutia. According to popular legends, two heroes who arrived from the Asian Steppe during the late medieval ages, namely Elley Bootur and Omogoy Baay, are the progenitors of all Sakhas. While there is ample historical evidence towards the existence of such legendary characters, archaeological findings and ancient DNA studies provide further insights on actual Sakha ethnogenesis. This study aims to establish the genetic basis of the legendary characters Elley and Omogoy, at least through their paternal lineages, and then to reveal the prevalence of these Y-chromosomes among the contemporary Yakut population. To this end, an attempt was made to delineate fact from fiction with respect to the Sakhas’ paternal lineages through a reconciliation of population genetics data on contemporary and ancient Sakhas, along with archaeological evidence and well-recorded historical narratives. To achieve this, 17-loci Y-chromosomal STR and haplogroup analyses were conducted on a contemporary Sakha who was presumably a direct descendant of Elley’s paternal line. Furthermore, 367 Sakha Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes were compiled from the literature and elsewhere, and searched against the Y-chromosome STR Haplotype Reference Database to find potential matches with non-Sakha populations. Sakhas’ paternal lineages were found to comprise 6 major descent clusters, each corresponding to an ancient clan. The most prevalent haplotype indeed corresponded to that of the contemporary Elley descendant. Furthermore, data presented in the current work suggests a Khitan origin for this paternal line. As shown before, Sakhas’ paternal lineages were found to be very homogenous and exhibit signs of a strong population bottleneck. Reconciled genetic and archaeological data agree well with Sakhas’ historical narratives, whereby, at least from a paternal lineage perspective, only a few individuals may have arrived from Central Asia and had reproductive success that led to the Sakha Y-chromosomal diversity today. Website: Journal: Siberian Research / Sibirskie issledovania
Content may be subject to copyright.
Yakutia, or the Sakha Republic of the Russian
Federation, spans an immense territory across the
Central and Northeastern Siberia, with a land mass
of about 3 million km (Figure 1). According to the
2010 census, among a total population of around
1 million people, Yakuts (or Sakhas) constitute
49.9%, hence the most populous ethnic entity in
the republic, followed by Russians (37.8%), Evenks
(2.2%), Ukrainians (2.2%), Evens (1.6%) and Tatars
(0.9%) [1].
Sakhas have a number of distinguishing ethno-
graphic features over the other Northeastern Si-
Abstract. Sakhas are Turkic-speaking people from Northeastern Siberia, constituting the largest ethnic
population in Yakutia. According to popular legends, two heroes who arrived from the Asian Steppe during
the late medieval ages, namely Elley Bootur and Omogoy Baay, are the progenitors of all Sakhas. While there
is ample historical evidence towards the existence of such legendary characters, archaeological ndings and
ancient DNA studies provide further insights on actual Sakha ethnogenesis. is study aims to establish the
genetic basis of the legendary characters Elley and Omogoy, at least through their paternal lineages, and
then to reveal the prevalence of these Y-chromosomes among the contemporary Yakut population. To this
end, an attempt was made to delineate fact from ction with respect to the Sakhas’ paternal lineages through
a reconciliation of population genetics data on contemporary and ancient Sakhas, along with archaeological
evidence and well-recorded historical narratives. To achieve this, 17-loci Y-chromosomal STR and hap-
logroup analyses were conducted on a contemporary Sakha who was presumably a direct descendant of
Elley’s paternal line. Furthermore, 367 Sakha Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes were compiled from the lit-
erature and elsewhere, and searched against the Y-chromosome STR Haplotype Reference Database to nd
potential matches with non-Sakha populations. Sakhas’ paternal lineages were found to comprise 6 major
descent clusters, each corresponding to an ancient clan. e most prevalent haplotype indeed corresponded
to that of the contemporary Elley descendant. Furthermore, data presented in the current work suggests a
Khitan origin for this paternal line. As shown before, Sakhas’ paternal lineages were found to be very ho-
mogenous and exhibit signs of a strong population bottleneck. Reconciled genetic and archaeological data
agree well with Sakhas’ historical narratives, whereby, at least from a paternal lineage perspective, only a few
individuals may have arrived from Central Asia and had reproductive success that led to the Sakha Y-chro-
mosomal diversity today.
Key words: Geneology, Elley and Omogoy, haplogroup N, founder eect, Xiongnu, autochthons.
For citations: Tikhonov D.G., Gurkan C., Demirdov K. D., Beyoglu E. On the origins of the Sakhas’
paternal lineages: Reconciliation of population genetic / ancient DNA data, archaeological ndings and
historical narratives // Siberian Research. 2019. 1(1). P. 91 -111. DOI: 10.33384/26587270.2019.01.004e
Received December 3, 2018; accepted for publication March 01, 2019; published April 15, 2019.
On the origins of the Sakhas' paternal lineages:
Reconciliation of population genetic / ancient DNA data,
archaeological ndings and historical narratives
Tikhonov D.G., Gurkan C., Demirdov K.D., Beyoglu E
SIBERIAN RESEARCH | 1 01 | 2019
DOI: 10.33384/26587270.2019.01.004e
berian populations, such as their Turkic language,
a traditional economy based on semi-nomadic
horse- and cattle-breeding, and other customs that
bear closer resemblances with those from the Asian
Steppe instead. Yet, results from various population
genetics investigations of contemporary Sakhas
suggest a more complex picture. Sakhas’ maternal
lineages are heteregenous and have an admixed or-
igin, featuring close anities with both the autoch-
thonous Northeastern Siberian populations, such
as Evenks, who were traditionally Tungusic-speak-
ing reindeer-herders and hunter-gatherers, and
Southern Siberian Turkic-speaking Tuvans [2, 3].
In sharp contrast, Sakhas’ paternal lineages are very
homogenous, both geographically and chronolog-
ically, possibly due to a population bottleneck or
founder eect [3 – 6 ].
According to Sakhas’ historical narratives, two
legendary characters named Elley Bootur and Omo-
goy Baay arrived from the Asian Steppe during the
late middle ages and revolutionarily changed the
way of life in the middle Lena River. rough his
monumental work titled Elleyada, Gavriel V. Kse-
nofontov, a well-known Siberian social anthropol-
ogist and folklore specialist, reported the story of
Elley as it was vividly described in the Sakha oral
tradition [7]. Apparently, behind such a choice for
the title of his work lied not only an impression
with Homer’s Iliad and the Odyssey, but also a deep
fascination with the outcome of the excavations
by Schliemann, which had formally conrmed the
actual existence of otherwise mythical Troy and
Mycenae. In the preface of Elleyada, which could
only be published posthumously, the famous eth-
nographer Alexey P. Okladnikov highlighted that
‘e name in itself of a new publication on Yakut
folklore was reminiscent of Homer’s stories on the
Trojan War. Now all he needed was to nd his Troy
like Schliemann!’ [7].
Based on substantial historical evidence current-
ly available, as well as popular legends that are oen
based at least in part on actual historical events and
at times ornate with ctional anecdotes [8], Elley
and Omogoy were not only legendary characters
[9]. Some investigators hypothesize that Elley was
indeed a real person, perhaps from the Khitan Dy-
nasty [10, 11]. is study attempts to ascertain the
genetic evidence towards the existence of the leg-
endary Sakha characters such as Elley and Omogoy
through the use of Y-chromosomal short tandem
repeat (Y-STR) and haplogroup data on contempo-
rary and ancient Sakhas, along with that of a con-
temporary descendant of Elley’s paternal lineage
according to the historical evidence available.
Fig 1. A map showing the Russian Federation wherein the Sakha Republic and its capital Yakutsk,
the Lena River and Lake Baikal are highlighted.
Zerjal et al. [12] were the rst to describe a
Y-chromosomal base substation comprising a TC
transtition at the RBF5 locus, subsequently named
as the Tat C allele, at a very high-level among the
Yakut population (86% of those tested). ese au-
thors also conducted 9-loci Y-STR analysis on the
individuals bearing the Tat C allele, and were the
rst to reveal the presence of three main haplo-
types among the Yakuts. rough Y-chromosomal
SNP and STR (9-loci) analyses, Pakendorf et al. [5]
also showed the presence of a strong founder-eect
among the paternal lineages of the Yakut popula-
tion. ese ndings were all later further conrmed
through the archaeogenetic studies, such as by 17-
loci Y-STR analysis [6, 13]. Yet, despite all of these
ndings of immense signicance, no attempt has
so for been made to link the key Y-STR haplotypes
with perhaps known historical personalities.
In the current study, an attempt is thus made for
the very rst time to establish the genetic aliation
of the main paternal lineages observed among the
Yakut population, such as with the legendary Sakha
characters of Elley and Omogoy, through the use of
Y-STR and haplogroup data on contemporary and
ancient Sakhas, along with a putative direct descen-
dant of Elley’s paternal lineage. Establishment of
Fig. 2. Megino-Khangalassky branch of the Elley pedigree. Arrow indicates the actual individual sampled
for the Y-chromosomal STR and haplogroup analyses.
these genetic connections would allow us to help
clarify some important and hitherto unclear as-
pects on the Yakut ethnogenesis.
Materials and Methods
A putative pedigree focusing on the paternal
lineage of the Megino-Khangalassky Ulus of the
Elley clan, starting with the progenitor Elley was
constructed (Figure 2). e genealogical data were
derived from various sources in the literature, his-
torical documents and research from the current
study: the immediate descendents of Elley were rst
described in the 18 century [14], from Bolotoi to
Mengebil Byugyu, and further on to Kirtey (Kintey)
and then Khisirges was according to anthropolog-
ical literature [15, 16], from Khisirges to Oyunnut,
and further on to yiachan was according to an-
thropological literature and archived documents
[15, 17], and nally from yiachan down to the
last four generations (for whom only the initials for
the rst names are provided) was according to re-
search from the current study.
A contemporary representative of Elley’s pater-
nal lineage corresponding to a 59 year old Sakha was
identied in the current study (Figure 2) and a buc-
cal swab sample was collected along with informed
consent and in full accordance with the principles
of the Declaration of Helsinki by the World Medical
Association. 17 Y-chromosomal STR loci analysis
(DYS456, DYS389I, DYS390, DYS389II, DYS458,
DYS19, DYS385a/b, DYS393, DYS391, DYS439,
DYS635, DYS392, Y-GATA-H4, DYS437, DYS438,
and DYS448; the Life Technologies AmpFLSTR®
YlerTM Kit) and Y-chromosomal SNP-based hap-
logroup assignment were carried out at the Gentis
Laboratory (Moscow, e Russian Federation).
Table 1 provides the sources for the 367 contem-
porary Sakha Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes com-
piled from the literature, YHRD, and the current
study [5, 13, 18 – 22]. Table 2 lists the corresponding
nine-loci Sakha Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes,
their frequencies and the associated Y-chromo-
somal haplogroup assignments. When Y-chromo-
somal SNP based haplogroup assignments were not
readily available, the online 21-haplogroup version
of the Whit Athey in silico haplogroup assignment
algorithm was used instead (
hapest5/index.html) [21].
Each Y-chromosomal STR haplotype listed in
Table 2 were queried against Y chromosome STR
Haplotype Reference Database (YHRD) for po-
tential matches with those from non-Sakha popu-
lations using the ‘search the database’ option [21].
Accordingly, Table 3 lists the 17-loci Y-chromo-
somal STR haplotypes corresponding to the three
most prevalent Sakha haplotypes observed in the
current study and their near-perfect matches with
Population Data Number of haplotypes Source or YHRD Accession No.:
Sakha (Elley’s line) 1 e present study
Sakha 4 [18]
Sakha 4 [19]
Sakha 8 [22]
Sakha 21 [20]
Sakha 24 YA004128 & YA00397
Sakha 133 [13]
Sakha 172 [5]
Tota l 367
Table 1. Sakha Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes used in the current study
those from non-Sakha population datasets.
Median-joining network analyses were carried
out with the full 17-loci (Yler), 14-loci [Yler, mi-
nus DYS385a, DYS386b and DYS390], and nine-loci
[DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS19, DYS385a, DYS385b,
DYS390, DYS391, DYS392 and DYS393] Y-chro-
mosomal STR datasets using the Network v.
soware (www. Either the
whole network or a specic descent cluster in a giv-
en network was analyzed with the Network Time
Estimates sub-program of the same soware by se-
lecting a proposed central ancestral node and then
all the other descendant nodes. Y-chromosom-
al STR mutation rates of 0.003257, 0.003365 and
0.003307 per locus per generation were used for
the nine-, 14- and 17-loci median-joining network
analyses, in that order, and along with a generation
time of 32 years [23].
Among the 367 nine-loci Y-chromosomal STR
haplotypes corresponding to the contemporary
Sakhas (Table 2), 66 dierent haplotypes were ob-
served, thus aording a discrimination capacity of
17.9%, as well as only 35 unique haplotypes (9.5%).
ese results are in line with earlier reports on the
high homogeneity of the Sakha paternal lineages
[4 – 6]. e contemporary representative of Elley’s
paternal lineage (Ellyayevsky family), a 59 years old
Fig. 3 Nine-loci median-joining network analysis of Sakha Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes belonging to
the N haplogroup.
Each haplotype is denoted by a yellow circle, except for the proposed ancestral nodes for each of the ve major
descent clusters that are shown in dierent colours according to the legend inset provided. e size of each the
node is indicative of the number of haplotypes represented. Median vectors are shown as tiny red circles.
Fig. 4. e distribution of the Sakha Y-chromosomal STR haplotype clusters/groups
male individual (M.) (Figure 2), was found to have
a Y-chromosomal haplogroup assignment of N1c1
[dened by the single nucleotide polymorphism
(SNP) M178+] and a full 17-loci Y-chromosomal
STR haplotype as shown in Table 3. At nine loci res-
olution, this haplotype corresponded to the most
prevalent haplotype (37.3%) among all Sakhas. Tak-
ing into consideration the fact that the genealogical
paternal lineage of the male M. tested in the current
study presumably represented that of the legendary
character Elley, it was classied as ‘the original El-
ley line’. Once again, all generations of the paternal
lineage of the male individual M. were documented
and conrmed by archival data and publications.
e rst information on the genealogy of the El-
ley family was described by the participant of the
Academic Detachment of the Second Kamchatka
Expedition (Russia) Yakov Lindenau in 1741-1745.
e second most prevalent haplotype (16.9%) [13]
with unknown origin, was classied as “dominant
line Unknown. e third most prevalent haplotype
(13.9%) was supposedly attributed to Omogoy ge-
nus by Adamov [24]. Determination of the Y chro-
mosomal STR haplotype to the mummied frozen
body (ID: YAKa 69) from the Kous Tcharbyt site,
conducted by Crubezy et al. [6] coincides with the
third common haplotype of Sakha. e excavated
thomb at the Kous Tcharbyt site, was identied as
that of a tojon (clan chief) and dated to the 16
Century/early 17 Century CE, presumably from
the Bayaginskii family. According to Aprosimov
and Popov [15], Bayaginskii nasleg (sub-district)
belonged to the Omogoisky family, thus this hap-
lotype was classied as ‘the dominant Omogoy
line’. Figure 3 depicts the median-joining network
analysis for the nine-loci Y-chromosomal STR hap-
lotypes belonging to the N haplogroup among the
contemporary Sakhas.
As a direct comparison of the contemporary
and ancient Sakha populations, out of the 27 suc-
cessful Y-chromosomal STR proles that could be
obtained from mummied frozen bodies belonging
to Sakhas from the 15 to 19 centuries, the two
most prevalent haplotypes that were observed eight
(29.6%) and seven (25.9%) times corresponded to
‘the original Elley line’ and the ‘dominant Omogoy
line’ from the current study, respectively [6]. When
the ancient DNA dataset was eventually increased
to comprise data from 62 ancient Sakhas, the 17-
loci Y-chromosomal STR haplotype corresponding
to that of ‘the original Elley line’ from the current
study was found to correspond to as high as 46.8%
of all the male lineages analyzed [27].
Haplotype ID
DYS389 I
Number of
Elley Clan - - - - - - - 173 N
«the original
Elley line» 14 23 32 14 11, 13 14 11 16 137 N1c1,
E1 14 23 32 14 11, 13 14 10 16 4 N1c1, N 4, 6
E2 14 23 32 14 12, 13 14 11 16 3 N1c14, 5
E4 14 23 32 14 11, 13 14 12 16 3 N 6
E5 14 23 32 15 11, 13 14 11 16 3 N1c14, 6
E6 14 24 32 14 11, 13 14 11 16 2 N1c1,
N1c1al, 1, 3
E3 14 23 32 14 11, 12 14 11 16 2 N1c14
E13 14 23 32 14 11, 13 14 11 17 2 N1c11, 4
E8 14 23 32 14 11, 13 13 11 16 1 N 6
E9 14 22 32 14 11, 13 14 11 16 1 N1c14
E10 14 23 32 14 11, 14 14 11 16 1 N1c14
E14 14 23 32 14 11, 13 14 11 14 1 N1c14
A2 14 23 32 15 11, 12 14 11 16 3 N 6
A7 14 23 33 14 11, 13 14 11 16 3 N1c1, N 4, 6
A12 15 23 33 14 11, 13 14 11 16 2 N1c14, 5
A4 13 23 31 14 11, 14 14 11 16 2 N1c14
A14 14 23 32 14 11, 12 14 12 16 1 N1c14
A17 14 23 32 14 11, 13 12 10 16 1 N 6
A19 14 23 33 14 12, 13 14 11 16 1 N 6
Unknown Clan - - - - - - - 82 N
«the dominant
Unknown line» 14 23 31 14 11, 13 14 11 16 62 N1c1, N 4, 6,
Table 2. Frequencies of the 9-loci Y-STR haplotypes observed in the Sakha population
B1 14 23 31 14 11, 13 14 10 16 5 N1c1, N 1, 4,
6, 7
B2 14 24 31 14 11, 13 14 11 16 3 N1c14
B3 14 23 31 14 11, 13 13 11 16 3 N1c1, N 4, 6
B5 13 23 31 14 11, 14 14 11 16 2 N1c14
B4 14 23 31 14 11, 12 14 11 16 1 N1c14
B6 14 23 31 14 11, 13 14 12 16 1 N 6
A 14 23 30 14 11, 13 14 11 16 5 N1c1, N 2, 4,
Omogoy Clan - - - - - - - 71 N
«the dominant
Omogoy line» 14 23 31 14 11, 13 14 11 15 51 N1c1, N 1, 4,
6, 8
Om1 14 23 31 14 12, 13 14 11 15 4 N1c1, N 4, 6
Om2 14 23 31 14 11, 13 14 10 15 3 N1c14
Om3 14 23 31 14 11, 13 13 11 15 2 N1c14
Om4 14 23 31 14 11, 14 14 11 15 2 N 6
Om5 14 23 31 15 11, 13 14 11 15 1 N 6
A3 13 23 30 14 11, 13 14 11 15 3 N1c1, N 4, 6
A6 14 23 30 14 11, 13 14 11 15 2 N 6
A13 15 23 32 14 11, 13 14 11 15 1 N1c14
A15 15 23 32 15 11, 13 13 11 15 1 N1c14
A22 13 23 30 14 11, 14 14 11 15 1 N 6
Eurasian Clan - - - - - - - 10 N
«the dominant
Eurasian line» 14 23 30 14 11, 13 14 10 14 7 N 6, 7
A5 14 23 30 14 11, 13 14 10 15 2 N1c14
A16 14 22 30 14 11, 13 14 10 14 1 N1c14
ontinuation of table 2
Xioungnu line - - - - - - - 4 N
Xuo 13 23 29 14 11, 13 14 11 14 1 N 6
Xuo1 14 23 30 14 11, 13 14 11 14 1 N 6
Xuo3 13 24 29 14 11, 13 14 11 14 1 N 7
A35 13 23 29 14 11, 13 15 11 14 1 N1c14
Admixed - - - - - - - 10 various
A8 14 22 30 15 9, 19 13 10 13 2 L 6
A9 13 24 30 16 14, 15 13 11 11 2 12a (xl2a1) 6
A21 12 23 28 14 14, 15 13 10 11 1 l1 6
A28 13 25 31 16 11, 14 13 11 11 1 R1a 6
A29 13 25 29 16 12, 13 13 10 11 1 l2a1 6
A30 13 25 29 16 12, 13 13 10 12 1 l2a (xl2a1) 6
A31 13 25 30 16 11, 15 13 12 11 1 R1a 6
A36 13 23 28 15 11, 19 14 10 11 1 Jl 8
Autochtons - - - - - - - 17 various
A1 10 24 27 15 11, 12 13 9 11 4 E1blb 6
A11 10 24 27 15 11, 12 13 9 10 2 E1blb 6
A10 14 23 30 17 11, 18 13 10 11 1 l2a (xl2a1) 2
A18 14 23 32 14 13, 19 14 11 16 1 Q 6
A1 10 24 27 15 11, 12 13 9 11 1 E1blb 6
A20 12 23 28 14 12, 13 13 10 14 1 N 6
A23 13 23 28 15 11, 17 16 10 12 1 G2a 6
A24 13 23 31 15 11, 16 13 11 11 1 R1a 6
A25 10 24 27 15 12, 12 13 9 7 1 l2a (xl2a1) 6
A26 10 24 27 15 12, 19 13 9 11 1 E1blb 6
ontinuation of table 2
A27 10 24 27 15 12, 13 13 9 10 1 G2a 6
A32 13 23 30 14 13, 13 13 10 14 1 N2a1a (N1b) 3
A34 13 24 30 15 15, 15 13 11 11 1 l2a (xl2a1) 2
Tota l 367
* Table 1 in the Supporting information le contains the parallel haplogroup assignments by the V. Urasin’s Pedictor
and that by D. Adamov.
a Haplotype observed in the current study, the putative Elley line M., XVII:1 (Fig. 2).
b Haplogroup assignments made with the Whit Athey algorithm.
с the name of the haplogroup according to ISOGG 2016
‡ Alleles shown in italics correspond to those that dier from the original/dominant haplotype in the same cluster/
group by only a few allelic repeat values.
Table 3. 17-loci Y-STR near-matches at YHRD between the original/dominant Elley, Unknown and
Omogoy haplotypes and non-Sakha haplotypes (excluding the Athabaskan Indian haplotype).
Notably, the following haplotype pairs have the same 17-loci Y-STR prole:
Mg4 and Mg5; LiMo and ShC1.
ID Haplotype *
DYS389 I
Ell0 the original
Elley line 14 14 23 32 16 14 11,
13 14 11 10 22 16 12 14 11 19 Current
Vil the dominant
Unknown line 14 14 23 31 16 14 11,
13 14 11 10 22 16 12 14 11 19 [13]
Omo1 the dominant
Omogoy line 14 14 23 31 16 14 11,
13 14 11 10 22 15 12 14 11 19 [6]
TCy1 Turkish Cypriot 15 14 23 32 17 14 11,
13 14 11 10 22 16 12 14 11 19 YA003850
LiKo Liaoning,
China (Korean) 14 14 23 32 17 14 11,
13 14 11 10 22 16 12 14 11 20 YA003759
Afg Afghanistan
(Afghan) 14 14 23 32 16 14 10,
13 14 10 10 22 16 12 14 11 19 YA003842
JilH Julin, Chian
(Han) 14 14 23 30 16 14 11,
13 14 11 10 22 16 12 14 11 19 YA004124
14 14 23 30 17 14 11,
13 14 11 10 22 16 12 14 11 19 YA003758
ontinuation of table 2
ShC1 Shandong,
China (Han) 14 14 23 30 17 14 11,
13 14 11 10 22 16 12 14 11 19 YA004081
SSK1 Seoul, South
Korea (Korean) 14 14 23 30 16 14 11,
13 14 11 10 21 16 12 14 11 19 YC000251
SSK2 Seoul, South
Korea (Korean) 14 14 23 31 17 14 11,
13 14 11 10 22 16 12 14 11 20 YC000251
SKK South Korea
(Korean) 14 14 23 31 17 14 11,
13 14 11 10 22 16 12 14 11 20
14 14 23 31 17 14 10,
13 14 11 10 22 16 12 14 11 19 YA003733
Northern Mon-
golia (Khalkh,
Darkhad, Uri-
14 14 23 31 17 14 11,
13 14 11 10 22 16 12 14 11 19 YA003734
14 14 23 31 17 14 11,
13 14 11 10 22 16 12 14 11 19 YA003733
(Northern Han)
14 14 23 31 17 14 11,
13 13 11 10 22 16 12 14 11 19 YA003756
Jilin, China
14 14 23 31 16 14 11,
13 15 11 10 22 15 12 14 11 19 [31]
a - Haplotype observed in the current study, the putative Elley line M., XV:1 (g. 2).
* - Allelic values shown in italics denote allelic repeat variations from ‘the original Elley line
ontinuation of table 3
Based on Y-chromosomal SNP or in silico hap-
logroup assignments (Table 2), nearly all Y-chro-
mosomal STR haplotypes in the Elley, Unknown,
Omogoy, Eurasian and Xiongou descent clusters
exclusively comprised haplogroup N (92.7% of all
haplotypes), while those from the ‘Admixed’ and
Autochthons’ groups exhibited more heterogenous
haplogroup distributions. Table 4 shows the ‘Time
to Most Recent Common Ancestor’ or TMRCA
estimates for each of the ve major Sakha clans
classied based on the descent clusters described
in Table 2 and Figure 3. In close agreement with
the hypotheses of the current study, the Xiongnu
clan seems to be the oldest, followed by Omogoy,
Elley, Unknown and Eurasian clans, in that order.
However, it should be noted that, TMRCA calcula-
tions can only be rough estimates due to the uncer-
tainty with respect to the precise Y-chromosomal
STR mutation rate(s) that should be used during
such calculations [28]. When each of the dierent
nine-loci Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes in Ta-
ble 2 were queried against YHRD, the following
major observations could be made: (i) haplotypes
associated with the Elley, Omogoy, Unknown and
Autochtons descent clusters had 20, seven, three
and two matches in total and in that order (2.5%
of the total matches) with the population datasets
corresponding to other ethnic groups from Yakutia,
namely Evenks and Yakut-speaking Evenks, (ii) the
haplotypes associated with the Elley, Omogoy and
Sakha Clan(s) TMRCA (in years) SD (in years) Time period (Mean)
Elley 283 77 1656 - 1807 CE (1733)
Unknown 271 117 1628 - 1862 CE (1745)
Omogoy 360 121 1535 - 1777 CE (1656)
Elley / Unknown /
Omogoy 767 166 1083 - 1465 CE (1249)
Eurasian 334 249 1433 - 1931 CE (1682)
Xiongnu 1334 588 94 - 1270 CE (682)
Table 4. TMRCA analyses for the nine-loci Sakha Y-chromosomal STR clusters
Unknown descent clusters had 4, eleven and twen-
ty ve matches in total and in that order (2.9% of
the total matches) with outside-Yakutia population
datasets, largely in the Eurasian context, (iii) vast
majority of haplotype matches (94.7% of the total
matches) were associated with the Eurasian, Xiong-
nu and Admixed/Autochthons descent clusters/
groups and the outside-Yakutia population data-
sets, and (iv) 67.0% of the haplotype matches with
the outside-Yakutia population datasets were asso-
ciated with the Admixed and Autochthons groups,
where the matches were either over the entire 17-
loci or had dierences at only a few loci by one-to-
two allelic repeat(s).
Notably, the original Elley line and the domi-
nant Omogoy line haplotypes themselves merely
diered by a single allelic repeat at two loci, namely
DYS389II and DYS392 (Tables 2 and 3). In turn, the
dominant Unknown line haplotype diered only by
a single allelic repeat at one locus each with those
from the Omogoy and Elley lines at DYS389II and
DYS392, respectively (Tables 2 and 3). Upon que-
rying the 17-loci Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes
corresponding to ‘the original Elley line’ and ‘the
dominant Unknown’ and ‘the dominant Omogoy
lines’ against YHRD, 14 near-perfect matches were
observed in total, each of which diered from the
queried haplotypes by single allelic value dier-
ences at one-to-four dierent loci and largely orig-
inating from populations spanning a wide range of
Eurasian geography (Table 3). One further match
corresponded to a haplotype from the Athabaskan
Indian dataset from Central Alaska, U.S.A. (YHRD
Accession No.: YA003683), which had a single al-
lelic repeat dierence at only one locus from ‘the
original Elley line’, hence bringing about the possi-
bility for the former to be also a descendant of the
Elley family.
Figure 5 depicts the 17-loci median-joining net-
work for the 14 near-perfect YHRD matches with
the Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes corresponding
to the original Elley, the dominant Unknown and
Omogoy lines, and those from the outside-Yakutia
population datasets. TMRCA is estimated at 1127 ±
317 years or 889 ± 317 CE, covering the period of
572 – 1206 CE, which coincides with the rise and
fall of Turkic, Uyghur and Rouran Khaganates.
When only 9-loci Y-chromosomal STR hap-
lotypes corresponding to the original Elley and
the dominant Omogoy lines were queried against
YHRD, the original Elley line haplotype had perfect
matches with two non-Sakha haplotypes, namely
one from the Turkish Cypriot and another from
the Korean minority in Liaoning, China datasets
(haplotype IDs TCy1 and LiKo, respectively, in Ta-
ble 3) [29, 30], while the dominant Omogoy line
had none. In comparison, among the 13 dierent
nine-loci Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes in the
Autochthons group, only three had 19 matches in
total with the outside-Yakutia datasets at YHRD
(Table 2). Notably, one of these Sakha haplotypes
(A20) had nine such matches in total: three with
the Central Anatolia, Turkey (YHRD Accession
No.: YP000080), three with the Zhejiang, Chi-
Fig. 5. 17-loci median-joining network analysis of the original/dominant Elley, Unknown and Omogoy
Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes with the YHRD matches from outside Yakutia populations.
Each haplotype is denoted by a yellow circle, except for the Elley, Unknown and Omogoy haplotypes shown
in dierent colored circles according to the legend provided. e size of each circle is indicative of the number
of haplotypes represented. Median vectors are shown as small black circles and the proposed ancestral node is
marked with *. Refer to Table 4 for the haplotype IDs, etc.
na [Han] (YHRD Accession No.: YP000506), two
with the Phillipines [Fillipino] (YHRD Accession
No.: YP000229) and one with the Taiwan [Paiwan]
(YHRD Accession No.: YP000552) datasets. YHRD
matches between the two other nine-loci Y-chro-
mosomal STR haplotypes from the Autochthons
group and outside-Yakutia datasets corresponded
to those from U.S.A., ailand, China and East-
ern European countries. When repeated at 17-loci,
none of the 13 Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes
from the Autochthons group had any matches at
YHRD with the outside-Yakutia datasets.
Yakut ethnogenesis has been investigated by sev-
eral generations of scientists. ese investigations
comprised ethnographic, archaeological, anthro-
pological, and genetic studies, as well as those on
comparative linguistics and folklore of Sakha. Nev-
ertheless, up until now, these studies have not al-
lowed us to fully understand many aspects of the
Yakut ethnogenesis. A breakthrough in the study
of this issue was made with the discovery of the
Kulun-Atakh culture (13-15 centuries CE) [32].
A.I. Gogolev was the rst to prove the emergence of
Sakha as a nationality in the territory of the middle
Lena, and his work still remains as the only scientif-
ic work that comprehensively analyzed the ethno-
genesis of the Yakuts using a wide range of scientic
disciplines: historical, cultural, linguistic, archaeo-
logical and anthropological [32]. Notably, the au-
thor nally refuted the possibility for the migration
of Sakha from the south to an already formed eth-
nos in Middle Lena. Yet, population genetic analy-
ses still remain a discipline not reconciled with the
established facts of Yakut ethnogenesis. is is per-
haps partly due to the fact that genetic studies have
begun to be involved in the study of the ethnogene-
sis of the Yakuts only relatively recently [6, 33].
In the present work, an attempt is made to uti-
lize the accumulated Y-chromosomal data that has
already been in use in population and forensic ge-
netics to help identify the paternal ancestors of the
Yakut people. e solution of these questions is of
great importance in understanding the ethnogene-
sis of the Sakha. Each population is heterogeneous
in a genetic sense, and the elucidation of the pop-
ulation genetic structure can help determine the
precise origins and potential contributors in a giv-
en population. According to the views of a number
of authoritative researchers, the Yakut ethnos was
formed in the territory of Yakutia as a result of the
mixing of people from the south and the autoch-
thonous population [34].
Starting with Zerjal et al. [12], a number of stud-
ies on the Yakut Y-STR haplotypes were carried out,
but none of these studies can cover a truly repre-
sentative diversity of the haplotypes of the studied
population. us, in the current work, an attempt
was made to compile from all these sources 367
9-loci Y-STR haplotype data in total (see Table 1),
currently the most complete collection of such data
on the Sakha population. Such an approach enabled
the grouping of similar Sakha haplotypes in an at-
tempt to identify their ancestral paternal lineages
(see Table 2).
e relationship among the Sakha Y-STR hap-
lotypes belonging to the haplogroup N are now
shown by a median-joining network analysis (Fig-
ure 3). e presence of three, closely related star-
shaped clusters is immediately notable in the net-
work. Similar structures in phylogenetic patterns
reect the facts of the long historical isolation of
relatively small groups of the population. In addi-
tion, two small centers of divergence are noted in
the peripheral part of the star-shaped structures.
Data from the current study suggest that the Ya-
kut modal Y-STR haplotype, which belonged to the
haplogroup N1c1, could be that of the legendary
character Elley. e remaining four major clusters
could also be classied in line with the anthropo-
logical/archaeological/archaeogenetic data avail-
able in the literature. Yet, even prior to that, each
Y-STR haplotype could be classied as mixed and
autochthons based on the fact that whether match-
ing haploptypes could be observed or not, respec-
tively, with the populations outside the territory of
modern Yakutia.
In forensic genetics, 17-loci Y-STR haplotypes
analyses are commonly used to identify the pa-
ternal lineage of a given individual. In an eort to
help identify similar Y-STR haplotypes to the three
main Yakut haplotypes, the search function of the
YHRD database was used. Table 3 lists the 14-loci
haplotypes that are presumably related to these
three major Yakut haplotypes, which were then an-
alyzed through the construction of median-joining
networks (Figure 5). According to the results pre-
sented here, very similar Y-STR haplotypes to that
of the original Elley line were found in the west:
Afghanistan and northern Cyprus, and in the east:
Liaoning Province, China and Ulaanbaator, North-
ern Mongolia. In the case of the dominant Omo-
goy line, very closely matching haplotypes diering
by a single mutational step were found in the city
of Chifen of the Jirin Province, China. e widest
range of similar haplotypes was found for the Ya-
kut haplotype Unknown: In Mongolia, China and
South Korea. For instance, haplotypes diering by a
single step mutation were found in Northern Mon-
golia (Khalk, Darhad, Uryankhai populations),
Ulaanbaator (Khalk) and in the province of Jirin,
China (Han population).
Notably, Tat-C-bearing Y-chromosomes were
also observed in ancient DNA samples from the
2700-3000 years-old Upper Xiajiadian culture in
Inner Mongolia, as well as those from the Serteya
II site at the Upper Dvina region in Russia and the
‘Devichyi gory’ culture of long barrow burials at the
Nevel’sky district of Pskovsky region in Russia [35,
36]. A 14-loci Y-chromosomal STR median-join-
ing network of the most prevalent Sakha haplo-
types and a Tat-C-bearing haplotype from one of
the ancient DNA samples recovered from the Up-
per Xiajiadian culture in Inner Mongolia (DSQ04)
revealed that the contemporary Sakha haplotype
‘Xuo’ (Table 2, Haplotype ID “Xuo”) classied as
that of ‘the Xiongnu clan’ in our current study, was
the closest to the ancient Xiongnu haplotype (Fig-
ure 6). TMRCA estimate for this 14-loci Y-chromo-
somal STR network was 4357 ± 1038 years or 2341
± 1038 BCE, which correlated well with the Upper
Xiajiadian culture that was dated to the Late Bronze
Age (700-1000 BCE).
e three most prevalent 17-loci Y-chromosom-
al STR haplotypes observed among contemporary
Sakhas (79% in total), namely ‘the original Elley
line’, ‘the dominant Unknown line’ and ‘the dom-
inant Omogoy line’ themselves seem to be closely
related aer all (Table 3). is is because from ‘the
original Elley line’ to ‘the dominant Omogoy line,
through the apparent intermediary of ‘the domi-
nant Unknown line’, there are only two incremen-
tal one-step mutations at only two loci, namely
DYS389II and DYS19, or vice versa. A TMRCA esti-
mate for the corresponding descent clusters around
these three haplotypes (Figure 3) was calculated as
767 ± 166 years or 1083 - 1415 CE (Table 4).
ese three major Sakha paternal lineages may
have also arrived in Yakutia at dierent times and/
or from dierent places and/or with a dierence in
several generations instead, or perhaps Y-chromo-
somal STR mutations may have taken place in situ
in Yakutia. Nevertheless, the immediate common
ancestor(s) from the Asian Steppe of these three
most prevalent Sakha Y-chromosomal STR haplo-
Fig. 6. 14-loci median-joining network analysis for the original/dominant Elley (Ell), Unknown Clan
(Vil), Omogoy (Omo), Eurasian (Eur) and Xiongnu (Xuo) Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes and that
for a representative ancient DNA sample (Ch0 or DSQ04) from the Upper Xiajiadian Culture
recovered from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China.
Each haplotype is denoted by a yellow circle, while the median vectors are shown as small red diamonds. e
proposed ancestral node is marked with *. A scale bar whose length is roughly proportional to a single mutation
event between any of the two neighboring haplotypes is also provided.
types possibly lived during the prominence of the
Turkic Khaganates, hence the near-perfect matches
observed across a wide range of Eurasian geogra-
phy, including as far as from Cyprus in the West
to Liaoning, China in the East, then Middle Lena
in the North and Afghanistan in the South (Ta-
ble 3 and Figure 5). ere may also be haplotypes
closely-related to ‘the dominant Elley line’ among
Karakalpaks, Uzbeks and Tajiks, however, limita-
tions in the loci coverage for the available dataset
(only eight Y-chromosomal STR loci) precludes
further conclusions on this matter [25].
A potential focus for the Westward prolifera-
tion of ‘the original Elley line’ could be the Zhetysu
territory in Central Asia. Aer the fall of the Liao
Dynasty in 1125 CE following the Jurchen invasion,
Elyui Dashi’s together with 20 thousand warriors
of the Chotan fortress, ed from the Jurchen and
westward to establish the Qara Khitai Khaganate or
Western Liao Empire in the Zhetysu territory [37].
Apparently, with the descendants of this army, the
related Elley haplotype reached Afghanistan and
Cyprus. In Balaresque P. et al. [25] we found poly-
morphisms close to Elley haplotype in Karakalpaks,
Uzbeks and Tajiks. Liao Empire of the Elyui Dynas-
ty lasted from 916 to 1125 CE, mentions about Kh-
itan people in the Chinese chronicles gradually dis-
appear by the time of the Ming Dynasty (1638-44
CE). Ancient DNA studies based on mitochondrial
DNA on the remains belonging to the members of
the Elyui Dynasty of the Liao Empire near towns
Chifens in Inner Mongolia and Fuxin in the Liaon-
ing province of China revealed that Khitans were
genetically closest to Daurs, Northern Chinese and
Mongols, and also bore similarities to Orochons,
Buryats and Evenks [38]. Daurs are considered to
be direct descendants of Khitans, and the former
were also found to have paternal lineages belonging
to the N1c haplogroup at a frequency of 7.7% [39].
Although nuclear DNA has so far not been success-
fully isolated from the burials of the Khitan nobil-
ity, data from contemporary populations in Liaon-
ing already allows us to postulate a potential Khitan
origin for the most prevalent Y-chromosomal STR
haplotypes among Sakhas (Table 3).
In one way or the other, the arrival of perhaps
only a few people from the Asian Steppe in Yakutia
between the 12 and 14 centuries CE coincides
with the introduction hitherto unknown technol-
ogies and cultural traditions to Northeastern Sibe-
ria, which ranged from advanced animal husband-
ry and milk production (including preparation
and consumption of koumiss, a form of fermented
product made with mares milk), transition to a
semi-nomadic lifestyle and formation of farms, new
house building technologies and introduction of
new household equipments [7]. ese revolution-
ary changes in Yakutia coincided with emergence
of the Kulun-Atakhskaya Culture of Sakhas around
the 13 - 14 centuries CE [32].
A novel Y-chromosomal STR haplotype that was
observed at a high frequency across Eurasia cor-
responds to those Y-chromosomal lineages again
belonging to haplogroup N1 [25]. Balarsque et
al. concluded that this high frequency haplotype
spread along the Silk Road in around 700 CE and
corresponded to the reproductive success of men
from the Rouran and Uighur Khaganates, as well as
the West Liao Empire of the Khitan Dynasty. Sim-
ilar haplotypes were also observed among contem-
porary Sakhas and classied under ‘the Eurasian
Clan’ (Table 2), whose descent cluster (Figure 3)
was dated as 334 ± 249 years old and correspond-
ed to a period between 1433 - 1931 CE (Table 4).
is brings about the possibility for the prolifera-
tion of these haplotypes as a result of the 200 years
old tea trade between Russia and China. e Tea
Trade Route stretched from Hankow, China and
passed through Mongolia, then Kyakhta in modern
day Buryatia, and nally reached Moscow [40]. A
Northern branch of the Tea Route also stretched
from Kyakhta to Yakutsk. Support for this theory
comes from the observation of 35 perfect and near
perfect-matches at YHRD (diering by only one
allelic dierence at a single locus of 17-loci haplo-
types) from China, Mongolia and Russia (at central
Russian cities of Sverdlovsk, Bryansk and Vologda),
and as far as Switzerland, Poland, Norway and Fin-
land, in a way recapitulating the tea trading path.
A potential connection between Sakhas and
Xiongnu culture was also observed, albeit in the
maternal lineages instead, whereby the mtDNA
hypervariable sequence 1 of a women from grave
25A from the Egyin Gol necropolis was observed in
contemporary Sakhas, as well as in an ancient DNA
sample belonging to a male individual recovered
from the 2200-2400-years-old Pokrovsk grave site
in Yakutia [41, 42].
Another line of evidence towards potential an-
cestral links between Xiongnu and Sakhas came
from 3D geometric-morphometric analyses based
on 44 craniofacial biometric points on 1558 skulls
from the collections of various museums from
around the world, which included 68 Xiongnu and
31 Sakha skulls from the Musée de l’Homme col-
lection in Paris, France [43]. In this study, Xiongnu
skulls were found to be closest to those of Mongols,
as well as those from the Iron Age (2nd - 3 centu-
ry BCE) proto-Mongolic Xianbei people from the
Liaoning province in China and Sakhas, albeit the
direct connection between Xiongnu and Sakha re-
mained mysterious at the time. Although the cur-
rent evidence from ancient DNA studies may so far
fail to substantiate such a claim, our results from
median-joining network and associated TMRCA
analyses for the most prevalent Y-chromosomal
STR Sakha haplotypes (Table 2-4) suggest that the
penetration of haplogroup N to the Northeastern
Siberia possibly started as early as the period of
Xiongnu domination in the Asian Steppe around
200 BCE. In addition to the matches between four
contemporary Sakha Y-chromosomal STR haplo-
types (‘the Xiongnu clan’) and that from the remains
of a Xiongnu nobility from the Egyin Gol necrop-
olis (grave 25A), other lines of scientic evidence
have also been accumulating towards cultural, eco-
nomic and historical links between Middle Lena
and Xiongnu dominated Asian Steppe [34, 44, 45].
According to the Sakha legends and this study,
Elley and Omogoy were not Turkic per se. e core
population forming the basis for Sakha ethnogen-
esis may be represented by the ‘autochthonic’ de-
cent cluster as classied in the current study instead
(Table 2 and Figure 3). Such a classication for a
subset of the contemporary Sakha paternal lineag-
es was made based on an earlier hypothesis, which
also considered the contribution of an aboriginal
stratum of unknown origin during the ethnogen-
esis of Sakhas [34]. Among such ‘Autochthons’
haplotypes observed among Sakhas, there were 21
matches at YHRD, 23.8% of which were Turkic,
along with 3 matches from Turkey and 2 matches
with Yakut-speaking Evenks. One ‘autochthons
Y-chromosomal STR haplotype had matches at
4 Y-chromosomal STR loci with an ancient DNA
sample from the 2200-2400-years-old Pokrovsk
grave site in Yakutia [41]. Ancient DNA analyses
from the Balychtakh site dated between 1420-1470
CE in Yakutia revealed a 12-loci Y-chromosomal
STR haplotype and a haplogroup assignment of K
(excluding N, O and P) [6]. While a correspond-
ing paternal lineage has not so far been detected
among contemporary Sakhas, there were 28 match-
es in total at YHRD from Mongolia, China, Russia
and Turkey, for the last one of which there were 10
matches from 4 dierent geographic regions. ere-
fore, the ‘autochtons’ cluster from the current study
may correspond to a core Sakha population where
the agglutinative language structure was based on.
Current consensus is that the Yakut language arose
as a result of Turkicisation of an unknown language
that also went Mongolization in the process of de-
velopment. Loaning of Mongolian words to the Ya-
kut language could only be dated as far back as 12
to 13 centuries CE somewhere in Central Yakutia
[46], curiously coinciding with the legend of Elley
and Omogoy and data from population genetics of
ancient and contemporary Sakhas.
e scientic reconciliation of all the data from
genetic studies on contemporary and ancient
Sakhas, as well as the current archaeological evi-
dence towards the emergence of the Sakha culture
seemingly correlate well with the popular historical
narratives, such as the legends of Elley and Omogoy.
According to these legends, Elley is also credited for
the introduction of novel handicras and farming
technologies to the Middle Lena. As in the case of
traditional fairy tales [47], legends are known to
be based at least in part on some historical anec-
dotes [48]. In any case, these stories were possibly
associated with the events that occurred in the Asia
Steppe spanning the Southern part of Siberia from
the Okhotsk coast to the Caspian Sea and in peri-
ods of the dawning and decline of the state admin-
istrative formations of Xiongnu, Turkic Khaganates
and the Khitan Empire. A large proportion of the
contemporary Sakha paternal lineages belong to
the haplogroup N and seemingly fall under ve ma-
jor descent clusters based on 9-loci Y-chromosomal
STR data as described in Table 2 and Figure 2. e
beginning of these paternal lineages was perhaps
laid by inuential Xiongnu nobility, closely related
to a territory of the middle Lena River since the an-
cient times. In one way or the other, 79 to 89% of
all contemporary Sakha paternal lineages could be
traced down to only three haplotypes in total, which
are in turn closely related themselves and exhibit
only minute dierentiations of an ancestral 17-loci
Y-chromosomal STR haplotype (Table 4). Curious-
ly, even when the number of Y-chromosomal STR
loci analyzed were increased up to 23, no signicant
increase in the resolution of the Sakha paternal lin-
eages could be observed, which constituted a fur-
ther proof towards the actual homogeneity of these
lineages [27]. Unfortunately, the current data still
does not have the resolution to help deduce wheth-
er such Y-chromosomal STR mutation among the
three most prevalent Sakha paternal lineages took
place in situ in Yakutia or prior to their arrival in
the Asian Steppe. In either case, the legends of Elley
and Omogoy and how they have together changed
the way of life in Middle Lena forever are still in
agreement with the reconciled scientic data in the
current study. Finally, around 8% of the contempo-
rary Sakha Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes, which
can not be classied under the ve major Sakha pa-
ternal lineages discussed in this manuscript may be
considered as a mixed Sakha cluster instead, more
than half of which (4,9%) constitute autochthonic
polymorphisms. Apparently these paternal lineages
may have constituted a core for forming an aggluti-
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on the Korean minority from Liaoning Province; Popov V.V. and Dyakonov V.M. for useful advice, Adamov
D. for reading the manuscript and for making valuable comments.
Funding. is research did not receive any specic grant from funding agencies in the public, commer-
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About the authors
TIKHONOV Dmitry Gavrilievich, MD, Professor, Senior Research Ocer of the Scientic research
Center of the Medical Institute of the North-Eastern Federal University, 677009, Yakutsk, St. Bld. 8, Russia,, e-mail:
GURKAN Cemal, Director of the Turkish Cypriot DNA Laboratory / Academic Sta, Dr Fazil Kucuk
Faculty of Medicine, Eastern Mediterranean University, Nicosia (North Cyprus), Turkey, http://orcid.
org/0000-0001-7379-4559, e-mail:
DEMIRDOV Damla, Turkish Cypriot DNA Laboratory, Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus
Turkish Cypriot Member Oce, Nicosia (North Cyprus), Turkey,
BEYOGLU Erdem, Baris Mental and Neurological Disorders State Hospital, Nicosia (North Cyprus),
Supporting Online Material
Refer to Web version of the journal for supplementary material.
... In recent years, publications have appeared that Elley is a real person who fled to the north after the fall of the Liao Empire and is probably associated with the dynasty that ruled this state from 907 to 1125 [3,[7][8][9]. In 2008, the Turkologist, Yu. ...
... The same data confirm the stories that Omogoy and Elley were relatives. According to our calculations, the common ancestor of these three persons lived between 1083 -1465 AD (1249) [8]. So, in the dynastic chronicle "Liao shi" in the description of the biography of Yelü Wuzhi (耶律 屋 質, Yelu Wuzhi), it is described about the condemnation of the brothers Liuge (劉 哥, Liuge) and Yelü Pendou (耶律 盆 都, Yely Pendou) for participating in planning a rebellion in 948. ...
... Then the stories of the legend, described by G.V. Ksenofontov and S. Bolo have some differences. These stories reveal a probable clue of an unknown genus of three Yakut lineages of Ychromosome haplotypes detected by genetic research data [8]. So, according to I. Billings, Omogoy's own daughter was refused marriage by Elley because of his foresight that she would never have children. ...
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Elley and Omogoy are considered the legendary ancestors of the Sakha (Yakuts), the indigenous people of North-Eastern Siberia. We have put forward a hypothesis that the legendary Elley is a historical person and the first pastoralists in the territory of the middle Lena. The aim of the study search for Elley historical prototype and determine the probable time of his arrival in the middle Lena and the origins of cattle breeding in this territory. Subjects and methods. The analysis of all the existing versions of the legends about Elley, data from humanitarian, historical, archaeological, genetic studies, which have a connection with the historical prototype of the hero. Results. Analyzing the Sakha legends about the ancestors, we concluded that the personalities and events described in these legends are based on real historical facts. Probably, cattle began to breed on the territory of Yakutia during the rise of the Xiongnu at the beginning of our century. Conclusion. A number of scientific facts indicate an earlier period of the appearance of the Yakut cattle breed in Yakutia. At the present time, we can state with a certain degree of probability that the personality of Elley is connected with the events that took place in the XII century in East Asia during the period of Song China.
... As in all societies, Yakut demographic history has been placed within a mythological framework 17 , with named characters, most notably from the Kangalaszy tribe, held responsible for cultural advances, military victories, defeats and the conquest of new territories. Because palaeogenetics have at times helped identify ancient figures, such as ancient monarchs 18 , some findings have been directly linked to historical characters, especially military leaders 19 . However, demographic models show that the dominance of some haplotype in a population can be the result of the natural distribution of haplotypes 20 . ...
... This suggests that male burials were selective, especially reserved to members of the Ht1 (dominant) line. It is an indication of the cultural influence of Russian invaders on 19 has proposed a combination of Y-STR analysis and genealogical reconstruction to attach historical and legendary names to haplotypes Ht1 and Ht2. The first would belong to Elley Botur and the second to Omogoy, two characters of legend, said to have introduced Yakut culture in the valley of the Lena, some few centuries before the period described here 1,35 . ...
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Seventeen years of archaeological and anthropological expeditions in North-Eastern Siberia (in the Sakha Republic, Yakutia) have permitted the genetic analysis of 150 ancient (15th-19th century) and 510 modern individuals. Almost all males were successfully analysed (Y-STR) and this allowed us to identify paternal lineages and their geographical expansion through time. This genetic data was confronted with mythological, historical and material evidence to establish the sequence of events that built the modern Yakut genetic diversity. We show that the ancient Yakuts recovered from this large collection of graves are not representative of an ancient population. Uncommonly, we were also able to demonstrate that the funerary preference observed here involved three specific male lineages, especially in the 18th century. Moreover, this dominance was likely caused by the Russian conquest of Siberia which allowed some male clans to rise to new levels of power. Finally, we give indications that some mythical and historical figures might have been the actors of those genetic changes. These results help us reconsider the genetic dynamics of colonization in some regions, question the distinction between fact and myth in national histories and provide a rare insight into a funerary ensemble by revealing the biased process of its composition.
... The average figures on the chemical composition of the diet of the affluent segment of the pastoral population that we found show high fat content in ensuring the energy balance of the body and a very high energy value of the diet overall. This circumstance is one of the primary conditions which facilitated extensive expansion of the pastoralist population of Yakutia in North-Eastern Siberia in the 17th-19th century (Parnikova 1998, Tikhonov et al. 2019. Fat metabolism is a key element of adaptation in a cold climate (Panin 1978, Cardona et al. 2014, which makes high fat content of the diet an advantage when settling in North-Eastern Siberia with its extremely cold climate. ...
... Fat metabolism is a key element of adaptation in a cold climate (Panin 1978, Cardona et al. 2014, which makes high fat content of the diet an advantage when settling in North-Eastern Siberia with its extremely cold climate. The diet of the indigenous populations of northern territories described by a number of researchers is characterised by high specific weight of protein and fat, with relatively low carbohydrate content (Khaldeev 1924, Tikhonov et al. 2019 This pertains to the pre-literate period (before joining the Russian Empire). ...
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Citation: Tikhonov DG, Lebedeva UM, Stepanov KM (2019) From the history of the study of the diet in NorthEastern Siberia: from the paleo diet to Coca-Cola in just 100 years. History of Medicine 6(2): 63-69. https://doi. Abstract The work attempts to reconstruct the chemical composition and energy value of the diet in Yakutia based on data provided by A. Middendorff (1842-1845)
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This article considers the scientific results of the first comprehensive stationary expedition studying the indigenous peoples of Eastern Siberia – the Sibiryakov’s (Yakut region) expedition of the East Siberian Department of the Russian Geographical Society (1894-1896). This study aims to identify the scientific significance of publications based on the results of the expedition in the source study aspect, which will allow us to consider the history of the accumulation of knowledge about the Yakut language (Sakha language) and Yakut literature (Sakha literature) of the 19th-20th centuries, and will replenish the source study base of historical and literary science. During the research, systematic and holistic approaches, as well as contextual, interpretive, historical-literary and comparative methods of scientific research were used in the study of the source. In this regard, the study of the dictionary of the Yakut language by E.K. Pekarsky gains increasing relevance in the problematics of supertext, both its linguistic value and its significance in the historical and cultural terms are highlighted. As a result of the study, special importance is given to the role of a persons exiled for political reasons to Yakut region, who became participants in this expedition, which undoubtedly had a favorable effect on the results of field research and the fate of the exiled themselves. Precisely the involvement of these young people in the work of the expedition enabled to collect and publish scientific works on the beliefs of the Yakuts (Sakha people), folklore and the Yakut language, which laid the foundation for the development of the Yakut people’s verbal folklore. It is no less valuable that owing to the work of the exiles, it was possible to attract representatives of the local population to further scientific study of their language, culture and region, the spiritual and moral influence of the Russian language and culture on the development of the national region as a whole.
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Étude, sur la base de 162 caractères issus de 179 tombes gelées parfaitement conservées, de l'évolution culturelle du peuplement de la Iakoutie du XVIe siècle au XIXe siècle. Les Iakoutes sont un peuple du nord-est de la Sibérie, de langue turque, éleveurs de bovins et de chevaux, entourés de populations de langue sibérienne, éleveurs de rennes. Dispersés en plusieurs tribus avant la colonisation russe, ils vont connaître au contact des Russes un "âge d'or" avant d'être assimilés à la culture russe orthodoxe au XIXe siècle. Leurs tombes gelées, avec des données cultuelles et biologiques intactes, jointes aux données historiques et à ce contexte écologique particulier, font de leur évolution culturelle un cas d'école exceptionnel pour l'interaction homme/milieu et pour les sciences humaines et sociales. Après une étude descriptive des caractères, des études multivariées, descriptives et décisionnelles, confrontent les différences entre âges, sexes, lignées, périodes et en- sembles géographiques ; elles sont confrontées ensuite à une analyse phylogénétique. Les premières analyses démontrent les changements économiques et religieux liés à l'évolution chronologique tandis que la phylogénie fournit des hypothèses sur la transmission culturelle, différenciée selon le sexe. Une phase de synthèse permet de confirmer la fondation méridionale de la culture iakoute, identifier ses mécanismes d'adaptations, puis d'évolutions face à la colonisation russe et enfin de reconnaître ses modes de transmissions et de diffusion qui l'ont fait évoluer d'un mode de vie traditionnel à un mode de vie orthodoxe russe.
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In this study, 17 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (Y-STRs) were analyzed in 1026 male individuals of Han populations in Changchun City, Jilin Province, Northeast China. The haplotype diversity is 0.99892. The Changchun Han population is close to most Han populations and different from most other minority populations of China. Additionally, the Changchun Han show more affiliations with Han populations in North and Northeast China. These data provide a reference for the Y-STR database in Jilin Province, and they may be valuable for population genetic analysis.
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XVii в., в которых имеются упоминание или сюжеты легенды об Эллэе. На основании проведенных исследований сделано заключение, что легенда о родоначальнике саха Эллэе с высокой сте-пени вероятности рассказывает о реальных историях предков саха на средней Лене. Возможно, эти истории связаны с событиями, произошедшими в киданьской империи Ляо в период ее заката. Поиски генетических маркеров легендарного Эллэя и проведение генетических исследований захоронений киданьской знати мо-гут подтвердить или опровергнуть данную гипотезу. Наличие эффекта основателя косвенно указывают на резко ограниченное количество основателей популяции саха по отцовской линии. Ограниченное количество основателей популяции саха может быть причиной накопления ряда генетических заболеваний. Ключевые слова: Эллэй, исторические предания, эффект основателя, кидань, накопление наследственных заболеваний
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Background: Cyprus is an island in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea with a documented history of human settlements dating back over 10000 years before present. Aim: To investigate the paternal lineages of a representative population from Cyprus in the context of the larger Near Eastern/Southeastern European genetic landscape Subjects and methods: 380 samples from the second most populous ethnic group in Cyprus (Turkish Cypriots) were analyzed at 17 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat (Y-STR) loci. Results: A haplotype diversity of 0.9991 was observed, along with a number of allelic variants, multi-allelic patterns and a most frequent haplotype that were not previously reported elsewhere. Pairwise genetic distance comparisons of the Turkish Cypriot Y-STR dataset and Y-chromosomal haplogroup distribution with those from Near East/Southeastern Europe both suggested a closer genetic connection with the Near Eastern populations. Median-joining network analyses of the most frequent haplogroups also revealed some evidence towards in situ radiation. Conclusion: Turkish Cypriot paternal lineages seem to bear an autochthonous character and closest genetic connection with the neighboring Near Eastern populations. These observations are further underscored by the fact that the haplogroups associated with the spread of Neolithic Agricultural Revolution from the Fertile Crescent (E1b1b/J1/J2/G2a) dominate (>70%) the Turkish Cypriot haplogroup distribution.
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It is commonly thought that human genetic diversity in non-African populations was shaped primarily by an out-of-Africa dispersal 50-100 thousand yr ago (kya). Here, we present a study of 456 geographically diverse high-coverage Y chromosome sequences, including 299 newly reported samples. Applying ancient DNA calibration, we date the Y-chromosomal most recent common ancestor (MRCA) in Africa at 254 (95% CI 192-307) kya and detect a cluster of major non-African founder haplogroups in a narrow time interval at 47-52 kya, consistent with a rapid initial colonization model of Eurasia and Oceania after the out-of-Africa bottleneck. In contrast to demographic reconstructions based on mtDNA, we infer a second strong bottleneck in Y-chromosome lineages dating to the last 10 ky. We hypothesize that this bottleneck is caused by cultural changes affecting variance of reproductive success among males. © 2015 Karmin et al.; Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
The Qara Khitai period (1124-1218) is one of the least known – but most fascinating – in the history of Central Asia. The Qara Khitai is the only Central Asian dynasty to have been considered a legitimate Chinese dynasty by Chinese official historiography. Ruling over a mostly Muslim population, the Qara Khitai history provides a unique window on the extensive cross-cultural contacts between China, Inner Asian nomads and the Muslim world on the eve of the Mongol invasion, and permits an assessment of the relative appeal of Chinese and Muslim cultures for the Inner Asian nomads. Based on Chinese and Muslim sources, this is the first monograph on the Qara Khitai in any western language. It reviews their political history and aspects of their institutional and cultural history, examining questions such as: Why were Chinese features retained even in mostly Muslim Central Asia? How did the “infidel” rulers gain legitimacy among their mostly Muslim subjects? Why, unlike their predecessors and successors in Central Asia, did they not embrace Islam? What legacy did they leave to Chinggis Khan and to world history?
On the island of Cyprus, believed to be the birthplace of Aphrodite, the Muslim minority (settled there following the Ottoman conquest of the island in 1571) and Orthodox Christians (the native majority) lived together in peace for hundreds of years. However, as a result of ethnic conflict in the late 1950s, the Muslim Cypriot Turks established their own political state in the north of the island in 1974, and Cyprus was divided into northern Turkish and southern Greek sections. This paper attempts to examine historical, religious, cultural and psychological aspects of the relationship between these two large groups, prior to recent conflicts, by studying fairy tales told by Turkish Cypriots about a hundred years ago. It is hoped that this paper will encourage similar studies of other communities where different large-group identities live side by side, and that such studies may support their peaceful co-existence.
This paper examines Iron Age Mongolia during a time when nomadic tribes created the world's first steppe empire in Inner Asia. These aggregated tribes, known as Xiongnu (3rd century BC to the 2nd century AD), came to define steppe polity construction, later used by the Mongol Empire under the reign of Genghis Khan. They moved extensively over the eastern steppe and interacted, both in trade and intermarriage, with peoples from southern Siberia to Xinjiang. However, the Xiongnu as a people are relatively unknown to scholars, as they did not possess a written language. This study assesses Xiongnu population history and biological structure by analyzing craniofacial diversity via geometric morpho-metrics. Twenty-four coordinate cranial landmarks were used to test relationships among groups in the region and infer potential biological origins. The RelethfordeBlangero R-matrix method was used to test hypotheses of phenotypic variation resulting from microevolutionary processes. This study hypothesizes biological continuity among Xiongnu individuals extending into modern Mongolian populations. Alternatively , long-range gene flow from adjacent geographic regions might suggest a complex population structure among the Xiongnu indicative of multiple populations controlling administrative functions. Results indicate the Xiongnu were potentially composed of at least two biologically distinct groups. Individuals from the elite cemetery of Borkhan Tolgoi (Egiin Gol) share their ancestry with a Bronze Age population from western Mongolia, and possibly, to a later migration of Turks, who came to rule the eastern steppe from the 6th to 8th centuries AD. The Xiongnu also evidence biological similarity with nomads from the Mongol Empire during the medieval period and modern Mongolians, as well as modern and ancient Central Asian, Chinese, and Siberian groups. These results are similar to ancient DNA studies that suggest a mix of Eastern and Western Eurasian haplogroups in the Xiongnu while also achieving consensus with models of steppe polity formation proposed by archaeologists who suggest local ties to extra-local groups through interactive exchange networks.
Genetic analysis of Y-STRs has the potential to be used to explore the complexity in population substructures and to perform forensic ancestry inference. In this study, 334 individuals from 12 populations were typed using the PowerPlex(®) Y23 System (Promega, USA) to investigate their relationship. Population comparisons with other East Asian populations collated from YHRD (Y-STR Haplotype Reference Database) were also performed. Variant alleles, including seven intermediate alleles in 15 samples were observed, while the novel allele 11.3 at the DYS549 locus was confirmed by sequencing. Our results showed that the fraction of unique haplotypes differed among the 12 populations studied here. A close relationship was found between Chinese and other East Asian populations. The present study contributed to the enrichment of the forensic Y-chromosome databases with a high resolution 23 Y-STR marker set, which is informative in forensic casework, such as familial searching and estimating the geographical origin of the offender. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.