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Apr. 2019, Vol. 9, No. 2
doi: 10.1093/af/vfz003
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Feature Article
Analytics in sustainable precision animal
Douglas M. Liebe, and Robin R. White
Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Key words: computer vision, data mining, Internet of things, machine
The global population, resource, and climate dynamics sug-
gest we must improve sustainability of food production systems
(Ohlsson, 2014; Kleinman et al., 2018). Improving livestock
production sustainability is particularly important because
a signicant portion of the projected increases in global food
demand is anticipated to come from livestock (Thornton, 2010).
Improving sustainability of livestock production systems can be
achieved through optimized reproductive, genetic, nutritional,
and health management (White et al., 2014, 2015). Management
decisions within livestock production can be thought of as two
interleaved feedback loops. The rst feedback loop is between
the animal and the environment: the animal is inuenced by its
environment and, in turn, inuences its environment. The sec-
ond feedback loop is between the animal and the manager: the
manager takes information about the animal’s behavior and
attempts to inuence the environment to optimize the animal’s
performance (Figure 1). Managers make management decisions
on different timescales ranging from immediate to relaxed.
An example of an immediate management decision would be
a farmer identifying an animal as sick, isolating the animal,
and treating the animal for the illness. We term this immedi-
ate because the farmer must identify the sick animal as soon as
possible and must react to the diagnosis as soon as possible. An
example of a relaxed management decision would be the farmer
electing to change the feed provided to his animals in response
to something observed about their production (i.e., the cows are
producing poorly, so change the ration to provide higher nutri-
ent density to correct a nutrient shortfall). This decision is more
relaxed because its formulation and response are subjected to
natural, biological delays (i.e., it may take days to weeks to see
a production response to a new diet). Improving the precision
of these decision-making processes and reducing the burden
of decision making on farmers are two critical steps toward
improving sustainability of livestock production. Precision agri-
cultural technologies have been identied as one possible solu-
tion (Berckmans, 2014; Tullo etal., 2019).
Precision eld crop agriculture has dramatically expanded
and industrialized over the last several decades, demonstrat-
ing substantial opportunity for using precision technologies in
agriculture (Thorp and Tian, 2004; Nash et al., 2009; Zhang
and Kovacs, 2012). Such technologies include global position-
ing system (GPS) guided equipment, unmanned aerial vehi-
cles, robotic harvesting and monitoring equipment, automated
application of agrochemicals, and others. Precision animal
agriculture, on the other hand, has had limited expansion.
Although technologies, such as temperature monitors, rumen
sensors, robotic milking machines, and others exist, the uptake
and industrialization of precision animal agriculture has
not paralleled crop agriculture. There are several differences
The global population, resource, and climate dynamics
suggest we must improve sustainability of food produc-
tion systems; precision feeding of livestock may be one
way to accomplish this goal.
• Analytics for precision management can be classied
according to four levels: I) technique, II) data interpre-
tation, III) integration of information, and IV) decision
making. Most current animal agricultural analytics fall
under categories I and II. Moving toward analytics that
address integration of information and decision mak-
ing is of critical importance.
Data analytical techniques such as linear modeling and
machine learning provide unique and important tools
for interpreting data obtained from on-farm sensors.
These techniques each apply to the different levels of
precision management classication.
Assessing adequacy and performance of analytics
tools must, by default, depend on the objective of
those tools and the type of response considered. As
more advanced level III and IV systems are developed,
integration of expert opinion into analytics may be
essential to optimize performance and relevance on-
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Apr. 2019, Vol. 9, No. 2
between crop and livestock management that may contribute
to this difference in technology uptake. For example, the man-
agement time scales for crop agriculture interventions, while
highly protable, are often measured in days or weeks. In ani-
mal agriculture, timescales for certain management can range
from hours to days. For issues of nutrition, health, productivity,
and efciency, animal agriculture must treat both the individ-
uals and the collective, whereas crop agriculture focuses pri-
marily on the eld (rather than on individual plants). Animal
losses are also perceived differently than crop losses, possibly
imposing higher standards on animal-based decision technol-
ogy. Collectively, these challenges mean that animal agriculture
will likely require different types of technological interventions
than have been pioneered in crop systems. Exploring opportu-
nities for where precision technologies may be relevant in the
livestock nutrition space exemplies this need.
Management applications for precision animal
Optimizing rumen fermentation. The idea that fermentation
can be optimized if degradable carbohydrate sources and degra-
dable protein sources are properly matched has been contem-
plated for decades (Sinclair, 1995). The theory behind optimizing
nutrient synchrony suggests that fermentations will be optimized
if they are never limited by energy or nitrogen (i.e., supplies are
balanced). Despite this theory being sound, achieving nutrient
synchrony within rumen fermentations is extremely difcult
to accomplish with currently available technologies (Hall and
Huntington, 2008). One potential reason for this challenge is
the limited real-time data available on the fermentation envi-
ronment. Several models attempt to account for nutrient deg-
radation kinetics (Hanigan et al., 2013; Higgs et al., 2015; Van
Amburgh et al., 2015; Li et al., 2018); however, obtaining data
to construct and evaluate models of degradation kinetics in vivo
often requires expensive experiments. The advent of technolo-
gies such as indwelling rumen sensors have enabled more pre-
cise understanding of how pH changes over the course of a day.
Expanding these sensors to include recording other important
metabolites could enable development of feeding recommenda-
tions that take fermentation prole into account more precisely.
Detection of metabolic diseases. It is possible to use analytics
to identify risk of metabolic diseases. Existing efforts to identify
other disease states (e.g., mastitis) have shown moderate promise.
Much like metabolic diseases, mastitis is extremely costly to the
dairy industry. Diseases are often difcult to predict due to the
imbalance of positive results (disease cases) relative to the popu-
lation. For example, the incidence rate of clinical mastitis ranges
among farms and depends on many factors like housing or loca-
tion. The national average is near 15 cases per 100 cow lacta-
tions, or 1 case per 2,033 cow days, assuming a 305 day lactation
(McDougall et al., 2007). Put another way, a priori, a randomly
selected lactating cow from a random herd is only approximately
0.05% likely to exhibit clinical mastitis. In some farms, this rate
may be 0.1% or higher. The low density of the positive test cases
and the variation in the expected rate of positive test cases both
cause challenges for developing robust predictions.
Sparse datasets, the analytical term for the issue of having
a disproportionate amount of positive test cases in a dataset,
are a common problem in present-day analytics (Han et al.,
2015; Greenland et al., 2016). However, due to the widespread
nature of the issue, new analytical techniques such as modied
tree-based algorithms can learn patterns while maintaining the
underlying proportion of cases in the training data (Ushikubo
et al., 2017). Alternatively, the collation of larger datasets is
also advantageous for producing better metabolic disease pre-
dictions. There is a tendency to collect new data to train new
models, but in cases with sparse data, the combination of past
data and new data will lead to richer training sets. Consider that
each additional positive training case will greatly improve accu-
racy compared with each new negative case. In fact, removing
additional negative cases to articially improve the proportion
of positive cases can help to train models. The caveat to train-
ing on stratied datasets is that they must be properly validated
on datasets with the appropriate proportion of positive cases
to determine real-world use. By utilizing strategies designed
for the problem of sparse data in machine learning, predicting
metabolic disease will become easier, and most importantly,
more accurate, providing decreased false-positives.
Response-based nutrient requirement recommendations. A
major limitation of existing nutrient requirement systems like the
National Research Council Requirements for dairy cattle (NRC,
2001) is the requirement-based nature of the recommendations.
Maximizing production mass is often not the same as optimizing
production efciency. Multicriteria optimization has previously
been used to formulate rations to simultaneously achieve multi-
ple environmental goals (White et al., 2014, 2015). Optimizing
productivity or economic parameters could also be accom-
plished with this technique if the underlying equations linked
dietary inputs with productive outputs in a responsive way. A
challenge with response-based nutrient requirements systems is
that most of our current data that could be used to develop such
a system relies on pen-fed cattle. Responses of individuals are
likely unique and such a response-based model would be more
useful if feeding systems and nutrition models did a better job of
representing the individual, rather than the collective.
Figure 1. Depiction of the feedback loops between the farm manager, animal,
and environment. The animal and environment inuence each other, as do the
animal and the manager’s decisions about the animal. Additionally, the man-
ager can make decisions about the environment that will inuence the animal.
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18 Animal Frontiers
Precision nutrition research. In a wide variety of ruminant
nutrition research, access to the rumen is obtained through
rumen cannulae; however, sampling through this orice is
physically difcult and often results in mixing of naturally
stratied (vertical and horizontal) rumen contents. The physi-
cal difculty in sampling the rumen can impede precision mon-
itoring of difcult-to-reach areas. Additionally, disrupting the
rumen environment through sampling physically or chemically
alters the unique microclimates that are thought to exist within
the rumen, and thus precluding accurate and representative
sampling. Collectively, these challenges make accessing unique
microclimates within the rumen a challenge. The availability of
a platform that can monitor rumen sensors would be valuable
to the study of these unique rumen microclimates.
What limitations exist for current technologies? Rutten and
colleagues summarized 126 publications describing 139 dairy
sensor systems from the period 2002 to 2012 (Rutten et al.,
2013). The systems were then compared based on the four
levels of I) technique, II) data interpretation, III) integra-
tion of information, and IV) decision making. Systems that
accomplish all four of these levels are often referred to as
cyberphysical systems. These cyberphysical systems are often
an automated network of sensors, networking technologies,
analytics, and actuation technologies that work in combina-
tion with or independent of the farmer to affect management
changes based on real-time sensed information on-farm. None
of the 139 sensor systems evaluated by Rutten and colleagues
included integration of sensed metrics with other informa-
tion available on the farm to produce management advice or
automated decision making (Rutten et al., 2013). Most sensor
systems that were used in the farmer’s decision process only
provided the raw data measured by the sensor, or a probability
(such as the probability of disease given the sensor data). In
both cases, the farmer is left to their intuition to integrate and
actually make a management decision. Although basic linear
models or logit models produce predictions that are correct
on average over a group, these models cannot account for
increased variation in individuals. The models being used to
interpret data, as referenced in level II of Rutten et al. (2013)
can struggle under the complexity of decision making. For
example, although there may be a manageable number of fac-
tors that affect the prediction of ketosis, the number of factors
affecting the costs and benets of the treatment of said ketosis
is surely greater. Put another way, knowing that a cow is 35%
± 2 likely to be ketotic tomorrow does not say anything about
whether the farmer should check the cow, treat the cow, cull
her, or something else. To properly assess the promise of ana-
lytics in creating cyberphysical systems capable of lling all
four levels of the Rutten et al. (2013) summary of agricultural
systems, we will present a common precision nutrition aim:
automated individualized feeding of dairy cows. Using this
example objective, we highlight several possible alternative
analytical approaches and discuss their strengths and poten-
tial pitfalls relevant to this objective.
A nutrition analytics example: automated individ-
ual feeding
Automated individualized feeding. Given the variation
among individual animals, it is reasonable to assume that by
using data specic to each animal, we can make better deci-
sions on what, and how much, to feed. As we have previously
noted, model-based feeding can optimize productivity for the
whole farm because individuals likely have differing and unique
requirements. Individual feeding requires the ability to collect
data specic to each animal and analytics capable of estimat-
ing individual requirements from that data. Feeding individ-
uals eliminates the need to over-feed some animals to avoid
under-feeding others, likely leading to more targeted feeding
practices. One does not necessarily need to feed each animal
individually; this same reduction in over/under feeding can be
accomplished simply by reducing the variation in the feeding
group, either by feeding more like-animals together or by feed-
ing animals in small groups. An example of variance reduction
through smaller groupings of animals would be the use of dif-
ferent feeding groups by lactation number in dairy cows. It is
clear that nutrient requirements are vastly different for rst and
fourth lactation cows, so they are separated to reduce the feed
requirement prediction variance. Another more targeted exam-
ple of individualized feeding is concentrate supplement feed-
ing. A larger group of animals can receive the same basal diet
and the supplement is provided separately to smaller groups
(Dela Rue and Eastwood, 2017). However, this type of individ-
ualized feeding, as noted by Dela Rue and Eastwood (2017),
has not been shown to provide marginal benet to farmers.
Multiple recent studies which suggested individualized supple-
ment feeding saw no improvement in milk production, body
condition score, or body weight (Lawrence et al., 2015; Dale
et al., 2016; Little et al., 2016). Although it seems intuitive that
more individualized feeding regimens would lead to better
performance, this is not always what occurs in practice. These
limitations may be because of the aforementioned issues with
requirement models, which are based on data from groups of
animals, not individuals. Another limitation might be the com-
plexity of analytics used for feeding recommendations. Of the
three citations above that showed no increase in performance
on individualized concentrate feeding, all studies used only one
variable (milk yield) to inform concentrate requirement. In one
study, only two levels of concentrate based on milk yield were
fed. In the other two studies, a linear multiplier of milk yield
was used to determine concentrate. Such low-dimensionality
models, using only one variable to predict a response, limits
the robustness of the predictions and results. We will examine
potentials of higher-level modeling approaches by examining
the current infrastructure to support cyberphysical systems in
the four levels described by Rutten et al. (2013).
Current cyberphysical systems infrastructure. Level I, the
techniques for data collection, is comprised of technologies
such as radio frequency identication (RFID) tags, acceler-
ometers, and other output measurement software (e.g., inline
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Apr. 2019, Vol. 9, No. 2
milking parlor sensors). We can use these data that are col-
lected daily, or even in real-time, to broadly evaluate the per-
formance of animals. One of the issues with the techniques of
collecting raw data is the interpretation. With only raw data,
it is hard to determine the cause–effect relationship between
feeding and performance. For example, the fact that the daily
step count of an animal has increased on a new diet does not
inform the farmer whether or not to continue feeding this
diet or what needs to be changed. Rather, raw data must be
interpreted before it can be used effectively to make diet deci-
sions. Level II, or the interpretation of sensor data, seeks to
add context to sensor data with emphasis on explaining such
relationships. Many models attempt to predict intake require-
ments of dairy cows using raw data as predictors (Jensen et
al., 2015). Jensen et al. (2015) evaluated models that were
used on a national scale in different countries. All models
were t to held-out intake data to determine the residual error
in each prediction model. The root mean square prediction
error for each model ranged between 1.2 kg dry matter per
day and 3.2 kg dry matter per day (Jensen et al., 2015). The
held-out data included 94 treatment means derived from 917
lactating dairy cows. A given model’s average prediction was
near 2.0 kg of dry matter greater or less than a cow’s average
intake. If these results were applied to individual cow days,
the variance would necessarily be greater than the variance
in predictions for a cow’s average intake. Models predicting
dry matter intake can be simple, lending themselves to being
correct on average, which is not as useful in individualized
feeding because response variance increases. In a review of lin-
ear models predicting dry matter intake (Jensen et al., 2015),
models referred to as “advanced” were those that incorporated
interaction terms into the linear model, specically the mod-
els “TDMI” and “NorFor” (Huhtanen et al., 2011; Volden et
al., 2011). Many recent publications involve predicting intake
using less than 10 total predictor variables and rely on basic
linear regression (McParland et al., 2014; de Haas et al., 2015;
Shetty et al., 2017; White et al., 2017). Most models attempt
to nd the few variables that will reduce the variance better
than previous models. At some point, we will not be able to
nd a selection of 10 or fewer variables that continue to reduce
variance in a meaningful way. One advance in data analytics
is hierarchical modeling, which works well in the case where
there are many models using varying parameters to predict
the same response. Making a “model of models” can improve
accuracy beyond that of any one model in the group (Gelman,
2006). This is possible due to uncorrelated error structures in
different submodels. To create an example hierarchical model
for predicting dry matter intake in dairy cows, we could com-
bine the outputs of models built on herd level data into models
built on models using different individual cow measurements
to make a more accurate prediction of individual dry matter
intake than using a single model alone. Although hierarchi-
cal modeling is just a framework, there are many useful ways
to combine existing models that can improve model accuracy.
Models can be weighted based on accuracy in a test dataset,
the variance of predictions, or even on prior knowledge.
With over 9 million dairy cows in the United States, it intu-
itively seems easy to collect sufcient data to predict intake;
however, this is not necessarily the case (McParland et al.,
2014). First, data must be collated, not dispersed, to create bet-
ter-trained models. There are incentives now for farmers to con-
tinue to collect individual intake data and genetic data relating
to intake to help inform farmers in the future (Berry et al., 2014).
An estimated 89% of genetic variation in dry matter intake
could be explained with only four common animal characteris-
tics, according to one meta-analysis of genetic studies (Berry and
Crowley, 2013). Although we have great amounts of data, there
are near-innite permutations of cow characteristics that would
need to be predicted to improve dry matter intake prediction.
Luckily, data analytics offers a way to reduce the dimensionality
of problems and also group similar animals together to make the
prediction space more manageable. Principal component analy-
sis attempts to reduce dimensionality while maintaining maxi-
mal variance in the remaining dimensions using an orthogonal
transformation (Pearson, 1901). Consider a three-dimensional
set of data, shown in Figure 2. If we know the groupings ahead
of time, we can nd two angles using all three factors that max-
imizes variance in the dataset. This is modeled using a ashlight
at different angles and shining it through the data and observing
the shadow cast along the “wall’s” two axes. The angle of the
ashlight that casts the shadow with the least variance within
groups indicates the two planes to condense the data onto. By
using all three factors but condensing the descriptors into two
values for each point, we have reduced the dimensionality at min-
imal variance cost between groups. This is evident in the second
image in Figure 2. Using principal component analysis can also
help discern groups, as this analysis is sensitive to scale changes
and can be used to determine the distance between two mul-
ti-dimensional points in space. Traditionally, a machine learning
technique like k-nearest neighbors (Altman, 1992) or k-means
(Lloyd, 1982) is used to determine the similarity between points.
In our example with a herd of cows that we need to predict and
feed individually, a linear model trained on the entire herd will
only be right on average. If we do not have sufcient data to
make low-variance predictions for individual cows, we could
employ principal component analysis on the individual cow
data to determine cows that are most similar, combine their data
and train models on these smaller combined datasets of similar
cows to achieve more accurate results. By using a xed mode-
ling procedure and measure of accuracy, we could iteratively test
models using data from smaller groups until we no longer saw
an improvement in accuracy. Consider the scenario outlined in
Figure 3 which explains the framework for using principal com-
ponent analysis to nd the optimal groupings for a given model.
It is important to note that although two-dimensional prin-
cipal component analysis is easiest to visualize, these results
should be retained in the number of dimensions that explains a
specied amount of variance. Figure 4 shows a plot of the var-
iance explained as the number of dimensions included in prin-
cipal component analysis is increased. With fewer dimensions
there is less variance explained by the components and the pro-
portion of variance explained by each additional component
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20 Animal Frontiers
is high. As we increase dimensions, the cumulative variance
explained increases but the proportion of variance explained by
each additional component decreases. Humans tend to inter-
pret best in two dimensions, but we can see that if we wanted
our principal component analysis to explain at least 80% of the
variance in our dataset, two dimensions would not be sufcient.
Also keep in mind that not all datasets will produce such steady
reductions in variance with each component. There is no rule of
thumb for how many components to condense. With principal
component analysis, and many algorithms in data analytics, we
must trade-off interpretability for accuracy.
Opportunities to leverage machine learning in
precision livestock nutrition
In level III, integration of information, the predictions made
by models are used to created recommendations for the farmer.
Level IV is the culmination of the prediction, leading to action,
either by the system itself or the farmer. A lack of level III and
IV cyberphysical systems was noted in Rutten et al. (2013). We
would expect that, by utilizing the most appropriate modeling
techniques to generate predictions at levels I and II, appropri-
ate decision-making models would be possible. However, this
is obviously not the case, as we see minimal examples of deci-
sion-making algorithms present in the current animal nutrition
literature. One factor that traditional modeling frameworks
do not allow for is the ability to update based on feedback.
If a level II model predicts dry matter intake at 50 kg, but
the farmer continuously adjusts this to 45 kg, based on his/
her knowledge of something outside the model scope, a tra-
ditional model does not “learn.” Here, neural networks and
other recurrent machine learning algorithms provide a prom-
ising approach to decision-making frameworks by allowing for
revising predictions in practice. In a traditional individualized
feeding modeling framework, a model is built for each cow
and the model itself does not change, only the predictions. In
a machine learning framework, the predicted dry matter intake
for a cow each day could be predicted and, using all data availa-
ble along with the actual response of the animal, the algorithm
may change the weights of certain factors in the model. This
dynamic feedback loop allows the model to “learn” on-farm
and produce more accurate predictions.
Figure 2. Example of principal component analysis from three to two dimensions. Consider ashing a light on a set of points in three dimensions and observing
the shadows of the points in two dimensions on the wall. The shining of the ashlight through the data represents the search for the plane which creates the
greatest variance between groups in the data. The angle of the light in the bottom picture nds a better two-dimensional plane to project the points onto com-
pared with the image above.
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Apr. 2019, Vol. 9, No. 2
Neural networks, or articial neural networks, are actually a
combination of many algorithms in a network, where layers of
nodes, representing algorithms, feed outputs from the previous
layer of nodes as inputs to the next layer, until the nal layer’s
output is used as the prediction (McCulloch and Pitts, 1943).
Figure 5 shows a typical framework for neural network, with
raw information being fed into the left and predictions coming
from the right. Nodes each represent a nondescript function,
typically those that make small changes to inputs, allowing
for better control at each node over the nal prediction. The
real power for a problem with the complexity of individualized
feeding is the idea of backpropagation, where the accuracy of
prediction is back-propagated through the nodes of a network
to re-weight the importance of each node, thereby ensuring
better accuracy on the same example datum if presented again
(Werbos, 1974). Put simply, backpropagation allows us to dis-
tribute error through the existing network. Neural networks
have been shown to detect patterns in highly nonlinear data,
which is nearly impossible for linear models (Fukushima, 1980).
Reinforcement learning is another key concept in the eld
of machine learning and is crucial for problems where cost
functions are not explicit, like in predicting feed intake. That is,
we do not know the exact cost of overfeeding or underfeeding.
Suppose we are training a model to tell a farmer how to feed
each cow, but the farmer is well-informed and keeps adjust-
ing the predictions. If we were trying to minimize the need for
farmer intervention, our feedback loop would weight errors
based on the farmer’s adjustment to each prediction. That is to
say the recurrent neural network is estimating the model that
limits error under the unknown cost function. The framework
starts with substantial uncertainty about the cost function and
the network performs poorly; then, the network is trained and
the model parameterized to decrease the cumulative costs.
This is done in an updating manner called a Markov decision
Figure 4. An example plot of the proportion of variance explained by each
additional component in principal component analysis. Variance explained by
each additional component can vary considerably based on the data you are
working with (Shah et al., 2018).
DMI = Xβ + ε
DMI1= X1β1+ ε
DMI2= X2β2+ ε
DMI3= X3β3+ ε
Figure 3. Comparison of tting models after grouping results from principal component analysis (PCA). Grouping data based on a clustering algorithm allows
the same model increased exibility when making predictions. Notice that the model used does not change, only the data used to train the model is varied.
DMI, dry matter intake.
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22 Animal Frontiers
process (Howard, 1960). In the real world, our farmers are
likely not omniscient, but the ability to estimate models under
cost uncertainty can still be utilized to choose better models for
actual decision making, because the cost of feeding decisions
is not xed or known, but predictions must be made every day
for every cow. In fact, reinforcement models are seen in many
places where decisions must be made, despite uncertainty about
their costs, like game-playing algorithms and resource alloca-
tion problems (Damas et al., 2000).
Having to make predictions faced with sometimes vast
uncertainty can make prediction modeling more difcult and is
surely a reason why reliable levels III and IV cyberphysical sys-
tems are not seen in animal agriculture. For example, a model
built to predict appropriate plane ticket costs will have a large
amount of training data, because there have been many ights
before. But how will a model predict the appropriate desire for
a plane ticket in the days after a terrorist attack? This is a main-
stream example, but consider one in the context of feeding ani-
mals. Assume a scenario where predictions for a cow’s intake
have been very accurate, then she gets her foot caught in the
parlor and is in a great deal of pain, the injury is not caught
immediately and will not be fed into the model as an explicit
variable. Is it correct to punish the model for incorrectly predict-
ing intake on this day? Likely not, because a known, but unan-
ticipated, event can explain the variation. This example points
to a major challenge with deploying these modeling techniques
on-farm. If allowed to iterate and update in an unrestricted
manner, the model will try to assign weights to other factors
to explain why the cow reduced intake the day she injured her-
self. For example, if activity data were included in the model,
the weight on activity responses might be updated because we
would anticipate activity to also change with the injured hoof.
However, the model may take some time to recover from this
prediction to correct the weight on activity under a noninjured
scenario, resulting in a period of time where predictions were
poor. A solution to this type of challenge would be to include
an injury variable in the model to account for these types of
cases; however, the point of the example is that there is always
opportunity for factors exogenous to the model to inuence the
behavior of the response variable. When building and deploy-
ing these analytics, we must consider that reality. Another
solution to the challenge is to omit data from the day in ques-
tion. However, that opportunity introduces the issue of human
perception with respect to identifying exogenous causes and
correctly differentiating them from endogenous causes. It is
important to keep in mind that we cannot leave out predictions
that are not correct without reason, because every cow needs to
get a prediction every day. A different solution might be found
in the training of the model. Instead of focusing on minimizing
the average cost of a prediction, it is possible to train the model
on minimizing the maximum cost of prediction. The measure
of costs relates to a secondary problem plaguing models of all
varieties today: how to choose the cost functions, or, how to
know which model is best.
Challenges with model selection and evaluation
There are a number of model evaluation statistics used
commonly to assess the precision and accuracy of predictions;
however, when models are applied as analytics in conjunction
with sensors and in the context of cyberphysical systems, the
system as a whole is often evaluated on the basis of sensitivity
and specicity. Indeed, in an example outside nutrition, there
are actually International Standards Organization standards
for sensitivity and specicity for cyberphysical systems formu-
lated initially for automated detection of mastitis (Rutten et al.,
2013). Sensitivity is a model’s ability to detect positive cases,
that is, the percentage of all true positives that are detected.
Specicity is the same metric applied to negative cases, namely
the percentage of total negative cases that the model detects
Figure 5. An example of a neural network framework. Circles represent individual equations which are fed data from all connected nodes. The lack of a 1-1
ratio of nodes in each layer of the network forces the model to condense information and leads to the most important information being determined iteratively
through backpropagation of error(Ivezicetal., 2014).
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Apr. 2019, Vol. 9, No. 2
correctly. High specicity and low sensitivity leads to models
that rarely detect (predict) a positive case, while the opposite
would be true of high sensitivity, low specicity models. If
detecting metabolic disease is an important attribute of the
precision feeding system, a positive case might be an animal
with metabolic disease whereas a negative case might be an
animal free from disease. Although both of these calculations
are extremely important for a useful cyberphysical system
model in animal agriculture, false alarms can become an issue,
especially in cases where the proportion of positive to negative
cases is skewed in the overall population. In the case of models
that detect animal conditions to alert farmers, the positive pre-
dictive value is a third measure of model accuracy that should
be considered. The positive predictive value can be thought
of as the probability that an alert (predicted positive case)
actually is positive. Models with low positive predictive value
will have more false alarms. Although positive predictive value
would not be useful in the proportion of positive to negative
cases in the population was equal, in many disease detection,
less than 1% of cow days on a typical farm will be positive.
When we consider the example of predicting intake, or
designing an ideal supplementation strategy for a cow, the use
of sensitivity and specicity for model evaluation becomes
more nebulous. Undoubtedly, it is more important to know by
how much you over- or under-predicted a response like intake
or milk yield than it is to know the binary directionality of the
residual. A number of statistics (root mean squared error, mean
absolute error, etc.) are available to quantify t in this manner.
However, as discussed above, when making recommendations
on-farm, incorporating the cost of these decisions is perhaps
most important. Working more explicitly to tie performance
predictions to economic data on-farm will be an important
step in advancing analytics of precision feeding.
When are the analytics good enough?
As John von Neumann said, “truth … is much too compli-
cated to allow anything but approximations” (Szász, 2011).
Approximations are a necessary evil, particularly in the business
of feeding animals. Livestock nutrition is a complex science,
verging on an art form, and successful nutritionists combine
analytics and exogenous information to optimize productivity of
their farms. A cyberphysical system, almost by design, limits the
opportunity for exogenous data, or at a minimum, changes the
way that exogenous data will inuence the system. To assess gold
standards for when a cyberphysical system is good enough for
deployment to farms, it may be useful to evaluate the standards
professional nutritionists use for making feeding recommenda-
tions. Many nutritionists have a dollar value or a milk response
cutoff that they believe a product, or feeding recommendation,
must be expected to achieve before it should be recommended
to a farmer. Gaining consensus on those cutoffs may be one way
to evaluate the relevance of precision nutrition analytics from an
industry context. Although it is possible to set more objective cut-
offs, creating such an objective cutoff implies that a given model’s
knowledge completely covers that of the experts, which is very
unlikely. Although models can help weigh options in complex
environments, they are only as complex as the data they are
trained on, and thus by default are less informed than an expert
who has the opportunity to see exogenous and endogenous var-
iables. Further work is needed to identify the best strategies to
combine and incorporating expert opinion/knowledge into a
cyberphysical system focused on animal feeding.
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About the Authors
Douglas M. Liebe received his BS in
Animal Sciences from the Ohio State
University. He is currently in a PhD
position at Virginia Tech focused on the
role of data analytics for making man-
agement decisions in agriculture. Liebe’s
previous work involved mathematical
modeling and sustainability in animal
production systems.
Robin R. White obtained a BS and PhD
in Animal Sciences from Washington
State University. Her doctoral work
focused on mathematical modeling of
sustainable beef production systems.
White currently runs a three-tiered
research program at Virginia Tech with
basic research focused on optimizing
rumen fermentation, applied research
developing analytics for enhanced
feed efciency, and systems-oriented
research focused on describing sustain-
ability of livestock production systems.
Corresponding author:
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... These tools utilize various programming methods to create balanced, least-cost rations tailored to specific animal requirements (Gupta, 2022;Oladokun & Johnson, 2012). Implementing such technologies can lead to improved sustainability in livestock production by enhancing precision in nutritional management (Liebe & White, 2019). A study on the BLRI FeedMaster app demonstrated its effectiveness in increasing milk yield, reducing feed quantity and costs, and minimizing the need for professional consultations (Kabir et al., 2022). ...
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Advancements in technology have equipped poultry farmers with innovative tools to improve production efficiency. One unique innovation is the development of Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) for feed formulation, enabling farmers to meet the nutritional needs of layer chickens while minimizing costs. This paper details the design and development of an Android-based mobile application called Penny-wise Layer Feed Formulation PDA. The primary objective is to create a user-friendly platform that aids farmers in formulating optimal feeds efficiently. This research contributes uniquely to existing technology by offering a tailored solution designed explicitly for layer feed formulation, distinguishing it from generic agricultural applications. The study employed a developmental research methodology, specifically the Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model, to design and develop the application. Furthermore, descriptive research methods were used to evaluate the application's effectiveness based on the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 software quality standards. Tools such as Android Studio, Java, and SQLite were utilized during the development process. Evaluation results demonstrate that the mobile application is very much functional, usable, reliable, and maintainable. It received high ratings, with an average weighted mean of 4.15 and above, indicating that the application is highly effective and practical. These favorable assessments suggest that the application can significantly assist poultry farmers in optimizing feed formulations, thereby enhancing production outcomes and reducing costs. The study concludes that the Penny-wise Layer Feed Formulation PDA is an effective and beneficial tool for poultry farmers, providing substantial advantages in terms of usability and reliability. This research emphasizes the critical role of integrating technology into agricultural practices to boost productivity and efficiency. By leveraging such innovative tools, poultry farmers can achieve better resource management and production efficiency, contributing to sustainable farming practices. This application is highly recommended due to its potential to transform feed formulation processes in the poultry industry.
... Developing products for the end user that achieve measurable changes in animal production, performance, or efficiency (feed or cost) is vital for the successful adoption of PLM systems. Analytics for PLM often focus on data collection and interpretation, and there are very few examples of information integration into decision-making models (Liebe & White, 2019). As data analytics tools advance for PLM systems, their focus will increasingly be on developing systems that represent data and make predictions and recommendations for learning and policy making (Tedeschi, 2022). ...
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Advancements in precision livestock technology have resulted in an unprecedented amount of data being collected on individual animals. Throughout the data analysis chain, many bottlenecks occur, including processing raw sensor data, integrating multiple streams of information, incorporating data into animal growth and nutrition models, developing decision support tools for producers, and training animal science students as data scientists. To realize the promise of precision livestock management technologies, open-source tools and tutorials must be developed to reduce these bottlenecks, which are a direct result of the tremendous time and effort required to create data pipelines from scratch. Open-source programming languages (e.g., R or Python) can provide users with tools to automate many data processing steps for cleaning, aggregating, and integrating data. However, the steps from data collection to training artificial intelligence models and integrating predictions into mathematical models can be tedious for those new to statistical programming, with few examples pertaining to animal science. To address this issue, we outline how open-source code can help overcome many of the bottlenecks that occur in the era of big data and precision livestock technology, with an emphasis on how routine use and publication of open-source code can help facilitate training the next generation of animal scientists. In addition, two case studies are presented with publicly available data and code to demonstrate how open-source tutorials can be utilized to streamline data processing, train machine learning models, integrate with animal nutrition models, and facilitate learning. The National Animal Nutrition Program focuses on providing research-based data on animal performance and feeding strategies. Open-source data and code repositories with examples specific to animal science can help create a reinforcing mechanism aimed at advancing animal science research.
... Currently, nutrient requirements are flockrather than individual-based (Liebe & White, 2019). Since individuals within a flock have different growth potential and reproductive rates, response-based models that link nutrient intake of individuals with their productive outputs would be more useful for minimizing waste. ...
Pig farming systems face an increasingly diversified challenge to consider simultaneously the economic, environmental, and social pillars of sustain ability. For animal nutrition, this requires the development of smart feeding strategies able to integrate these different dimensions in a dynamic way and to be adapted as much as possible to each individual animal. These developments can be supported by digital technologies including data collection and processing, decision making and automation of applications. Classical traits such as feed intake and growth benefit from new technologies that can be measured more frequently. New sensors can be indicative for other traits related to body composition, physiological status, activity, feed efficiency, or rearing environment. A challenge for data collection is to obtain information on a large number of animals and with sufficient frequency, quality, and precision and use it cost-effectively. Another challenge is to analyse the ever-increasing volume of data and use it in decision-making. Nutritional models for pigs and sows, classically mechanistic, have to evolve to integrate real-time data. With the development of data-driven modelling methods (e.g., machine-learning or deep-learning), a synergy between mechanistic models and data-driven approaches is required in smart pig nutrition. Moreover, the practical application of smart pig nutrition must consider the evolution in pig farming systems towards increased diversity in terms of size, space allowance, and outdoor access, and return on investment. Finally, the transition of pig nutrition in the digital era must consider the social acceptance of an increasing role of digital technologies in animal production systems.KeywordsActivityArtificial intelligenceAutomatonConcept-driven modellingData collectionData-driven modellingData processingDecision support systemFattening pigsFeed efficiencyFeed intakeGestating sowHealth statusLactating sowMineralNutritionNutritional requirementsPerformancePhysiological statusPig farming systemPrecision feedingRearing environmentSensors
... One of these developments is precision production ('precision agriculture'), something which agronomists have embraced effectively and now consider it a routine part of their decision-making process. It is now becoming an increasingly important part of animal agriculture (Liebe and White, 2019). Norton (2019) explains that a critical step to improving the precision of pork production is the development and implementation of sound and image analysis to monitor individual pigs. ...
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Evolving technological change in pork production supporting expectations of improved productivity, sustainability and flexibility - Volume 13 Issue 12 - J. F. Patience, J. R. Pluske
Methane (CH4) is the second most abundant greenhouse gas (GHG), while CO2 is strongly associated with the long-term evolution of global average temperature, CH4 interferes in the warming of the planet at the instant it is emitted, therefore its role is determinant in the dynamics of the short-term evolution of temperature increase. The main objective of this study is to investigate the effects of intensification of livestock production systems, including their integration, on enteric CH4 emission efficiency indices. A total of 40 experimental animals per year, of the Nellore breed (Bos taurus indicus) with 375±30 kg live weight and 15 to 16 months of age were used, being four animals in each treatment per year: one fistulated animal for rumen fermentation data collection, one animal for performance evaluation and two animals for enteric methane production measurements (SF6 - sulfur hexafluoride - tracer gas technique), distributed in five treatments with two repetitions each, having in each treatment per year, four animals called testers. . The treatments were composed of five different grazing systems and their replicates, as follows: 1) degraded pasture (DP); 2) dryland pasture with moderate animal density (DMS); 3) dryland pasture with high animal stocking rate (DHS); 4) forest livestock system with moderate animal stocking rate (LF); and 5) irrigated pasture with high animal stocking rate (IHS). Grazing units were considered experimental units for data obtained per area, and animals experimental units for data obtained per animal. The model includes the effect of treatment (five grazing systems), seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter), and the interaction between treatment and seasons as a fixed effect, and year was considered a random effect. Within the presence of interaction, the effects of one factor within the other were evaluated using the SLICE Mixed Procedure command. All means were presented as least squares means and the effects of treatments were separated by the PDIFF option of SAS. Effects were considered significant at P≤ 0.05 by Fisher's LSD test. It is emphasized that pasture production systems, with Nellore animals raised on pasture throughout the entire period of their productive life, intensified with fertilization and soil correction, medium to high stocking rate, with controlled animal stocking during the summer, when there is greater production and availability of forage, such as the DMS and IHS systems, have low methane emission when expressed in production variables such as weight gain and stocking rate: DMS (579.16 gCH4/kg. day-1 and 75.17gCH4/ and IHS (365gCH4/ and 65.62gCH4/, in analogy to data found in the literature. Regarding the gross energy lost in the form of methane, in the DMS system it was lower during the summer (YM = 2.91%), since its consumption (9.92 kg) during the summer was high along with the high stocking rate systems, thus making it an efficient system. In addition, systems such as DMS, for low fertility soils, have the ability to mitigate 145 times more than the integrated system such as LF or up to 25 times as DP, since the LF system did not receive treatment of thinning trees throughout the year. However, when there is interaction between season and system, some variables such as CH4_FDN, CH4_HA_ANO, YM are higher during winter in IHS and lower during spring in LF. During spring, variables such as CH4_GMD, CH4_MSD, CH4_CMS, CH4_FDN and CH4_HA_ANO obtained the lowest results. However, integrated systems are necessary to maintain nutrient cycling, system biodiversity, and animal, plant, and environmental balance. In addition, the modulation of rumen fermentation through the higher CMS, weight gain, efficiency in the rate of food passage through the gastrointestinal tract and consequent reduction of energy loss, provided by proper management of pastures respecting the practices for each season of the year, ensures the quality of these, along with correct fertilization and adequate stocking rate, and has the ability to improve the efficiency of greenhouse gas emissions.
The growing world population will dramatically increase demand for poultry meat and eggs, which are efficient, affordable, and high-quality protein sources. Substantial innovation will be required for poultry producers to meet this demand in a socially responsible way. Despite their high potential value, the real power of sensor technologies, data acquisition, data processing, and automation is only beginning to be harnessed by the agriculture sector. The poultry industry is likely to undergo a fundamental transformation to precision livestock farming and smart poultry nutrition, which will use big data to optimize real-time management and feeding decisions. Although smart poultry nutrition can be applied at a flock level, even greater improvements can be achieved by focusing on individuals. This requires a shift from the current flock-level focus. Smart poultry nutrition systems collect real-time information on the individual animal and its environment, and implement a feeding decision to provide the right amount of the right feed to the right bird at the right time. This allows smart poultry nutrition systems to immediately and automatically deal with the nutritional needs of birds that vary in body weight, growth rate, or health status. From a nutritional perspective, the primary objective is to match nutrient supply to nutrient requirements. Nutrient requirements can be inferred from each animal’s unique age, composition, and stage of production. Optimal feeding decisions should take into account the current status of each animal, market conditions, environmental impact, and animal welfare considerations. These factors can be linked in models that integrate nutrient intake to animal response predictions to optimize feeding decisions, which can then be implemented by precision feeding systems. Although it would be advantageous to maneuver the individual bird (smallest manageable unit) toward a desired outcome, further research quantifying individual nutrient responses and variation thereof is needed. Poultry supply chains will need to collaborate with scientists in various fields, including agricultural and environmental sciences, statistics, economics, computing science, and engineering to tackle the new questions and hypotheses revealed by a new smart poultry nutrition paradigm.KeywordsBroilersBroiler breedersEgg productionFeed Conversion Ratio (FCR)Feed intakeFlock requirementsGrowthIndividual requirementsLayersLayer pulletsMachine learningNutrient requirementsNutrient responsesPoultryPrecision FeedingPrecision Livestock FarmingReal-timeSensorsSimulation ModellingSmart Agriculture
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En los años venideros, dado el aumento poblacional proyectado, se estima que la demanda por proteína de origen animal se incremente fuertemente. Dicho escenario, representa una oportunidad para el sector Avícola, dadas las características de alto valor nutricional y bajo costo de sus productos. Por otro lado, será imprescindible la utilización de herramientas, que permitan un aumento de la eficiencia del sector, dados los altos costos, las exigencias medioambientales y de los consumidores. Frente a la relevancia de dicha temática, surge nuestra investigación, donde se recurrió a la revisión bibliográfica de documentos e informes para exponer las ventajas del uso de la Avicultura de Precisión. Como resultado de dicha investigación, se evidenció que la incorporación de dicha herramienta permite un aumento de la producción, minimización de costos y optimización en el uso de recursos, logrando así mejoras de tipo: económicas, ambientales, de bienestar animal y sobre la seguridad e inocuidad alimentaria. Se concluyó, que la Avicultura de Precisión jugará un papel clave frente al aumento de la demanda por proteínas de origen animal, permitiendo mejoras con un triple impacto: social, ambiental y económico, logrando así una Avicultura eficiente y resiliente.
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Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento e funcionamento de um software de formulação de rações para diferentes espécies de animais (ruminantes e não-ruminantes). O software foi elaborado para auxiliar no treinamento de habilidades básicas de formulação de rações e, portanto, é um software não comercial. Está registrado na Revista da Propriedade Industrial n° 2525, processo BR 51 2019 000953-3, código 730. O FORMULAE: Feed Formulation Software® utiliza programação linear para obter a solução de menor custo, respeitando restrições impostas pelo usuário. O programa é dividido em quatro Submenus: Nutrientes, Ingredientes Rações e Avaliação, resultando numa interface amigável e intuitiva que facilita o manuseio. As saídas podem ser visualizadas no ambiente do programa e também em planilhas eletrônicas. A versão atual permite ao usuário gerar gráficos que facilitam a visualização de aspectos técnicos das rações, auxiliando na compreensão dos resultados. O FORMULAE pode ser operado em três línguas: português, inglês e espanhol. O software disponibiliza uma interface amigável e intuitiva ao usuário, sendo possível calcular dietas balanceadas para os animais, com base no mínimo custo.
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USDA’s Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) network is composed of 18 locations distributed across the contiguous United States working together to integrate national and local agricultural priorities and advance the sustainable intensification of US agriculture. We explore here the concept of sustainable intensification as a framework for defining strategies to enhance production, environmental, and rural prosperity outcomes from agricultural systems. We also elucidate the diversity of factors that have shaped the past and present conditions of cropland, rangeland, and pastureland agroecosystems represented by the LTAR network and identify priorities for research in the areas of production, resource conservation and environmental quality, and rural prosperity. Ultimately, integrated long-term research on sustainable intensification at the national scale is critical to developing practices and programs that can anticipate and address challenges before they become crises.
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Model evaluation, as a critical process of model advancement, is necessary to identify adequacy and consistency of model predictions. The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate the accuracy of Molly cow model predictions of ruminal metabolism and nutrient digestion when simulating dairy and beef cattle diets; and (2) to identify deficiencies in representations of the biology that could be used to direct further model improvements. A total of 229 studies (n = 938 treatments) including dairy and beef cattle data, published from 1972 through 2016, were collected from the literature. Root mean squared errors (RMSE) and concordance correlation coefficients (CCC) were calculated to assess model accuracy and precision. Ruminal pH was very poorly represented in the model with a RMSE of 4.6% and a CCC of 0.0. Although volatile fatty acid concentrations had negligible mean (2.5% of mean squared error) and slope (6.8% of mean squared error) bias, the CCC was 0.28, implying that further modifications with respect to volatile fatty acid production and absorption are required to improve model precision. The RMSE was greater than 50% for ruminal ammonia and blood urea-N concentrations with high proportions of error as slope bias, indicating that mechanisms driving ruminal urea N recycling are not properly simulated in the model. Only slight mean and slope bias were exhibited for ruminal outflow of neutral detergent fiber, starch, lipid, total N, and nonammonia N, and for fecal output of protein, neutral detergent fiber, lipid, and starch, indicating the mechanisms encoded in the model relative to ruminal and total-tract nutrient digestion are properly represented. All variables related to ruminal metabolism and nutrient digestion were more precisely predicted for dairy cattle than for beef cattle. This difference in precision was mostly related to the model's inability to simulate low forage diets included in the beef studies. Overall, ruminal pH was poorly simulated and contributed to problems in ruminal nutrient degradation and volatile fatty acid production predictions. Residual analyses suggested ruminal ammonia concentrations need to be considered in the ruminal pH equation, and therefore the inaccuracies in predicting ruminal urea N recycling must also be addressed. These modifications to model structure will likely improve model performance across a wider array of dietary inputs and cattle type.
As telescopes, detectors, and computers grow ever more powerful, the volume of data at the disposal of astronomers and astrophysicists will enter the petabyte domain, providing accurate measurements for billions of celestial objects. This book provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the cutting-edge statistical methods needed to efficiently analyze complex data sets from astronomical surveys such as the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System, the Dark Energy Survey, and the upcoming Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. It serves as a practical handbook for graduate students and advanced undergraduates in physics and astronomy, and as an indispensable reference for researchers. The book presents a wealth of practical analysis problems, evaluates techniques for solving them, and explains how to use various approaches for different types and sizes of data sets. For all applications described in the book, Python code and example data sets are provided. The supporting data sets have been carefully selected from contemporary astronomical surveys (for example, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey) and are easy to download and use. The accompanying Python code is publicly available, well documented, and follows uniform coding standards. Together, the data sets and code enable readers to reproduce all the figures and examples, evaluate the methods, and adapt them to their own fields of interest.
This paper reviews the environmental impact of current livestock practices and discusses the advantages offered by Precision Livestock Farming (PLF), as a potential strategy to mitigate environmental risks. PLF is defined as: “the application of process engineering principles and techniques to livestock farming to automatically monitor, model and manage animal production”. The primary goal of PLF is to make livestock farming more economically, socially and environmentally sustainable and this can be obtained through the observation, interpretation of behaviours and, if possible, individual control of animals. Furthermore, adopting PLF to support management strategies, may lead to the reduction of the environmental impact of farms. Currently, few studies reported PLF efficacy in reducing the environmental impact, however further studies are necessary to better analyze the actual potential of PLF as a mitigation strategy. Literature shows the potentiality of the application of PLF, as the introduction of PLF in farms can lead to a reduction of Greenhouse gases (GHG) and ammonia (NH3) emission in air, nitrates and antibiotics pollution in water bodies, phosphorus, antibiotics and heavy metals in the soil.
Physically effective neutral detergent fiber (peNDF) is the fraction of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) that stimulates chewing activity and contributes to the floating mat of large particles in the rumen. Multiplying dietary NDF by particle size has been used as an estimate of peNDF. In re-evaluating the concept of peNDF, we compared the use of peNDF as dietary NDF × particle size with the use of individual NDF and particle size descriptors (physically adjusted NDF; paNDF) when used with other physical and chemical diet descriptors to predict dry matter (DM) intake (DMI), rumination time, and ruminal pH in lactating dairy cows. The purpose is to ultimately use these equations to estimate diet adequacy to maintain ruminal conditions. Each response variable had 8 models in a 2 (peNDF, paNDF) × 2 (diet, diet and ruminal factors) × 2 (DM, as fed basis) factorial arrangement. Particle size descriptors were those determined with the Penn State Particle Separator. Treatment means (n = 241) from 60 publications were used in backward elimination multiple regression to derive models of response variables. When available, peNDF terms entered equations. Models containing peNDF terms had similar or lower unadjusted concordance correlation coefficients (an indicator of similar or lower accuracy and precision) than did models without peNDF terms. The peNDF models for rumen pH did not differ substantially from paNDF models. This suggests that peNDF can account for some variation in ruminal pH; however, overt advantages of peNDF were not apparent. Significant (P < 0.05) variables that entered the models included estimated mean particle size; as fed or DM proportions retained on 19- and 8-mm sieves of the Penn State Particle Separator; DMI; dietary concentrations of forage; forage NDF; CP; starch; NDF; rumen-degraded starch and rumen-degraded NDF; and the interaction terms of starch × mean particle size, acid detergent fiber/NDF, and rumination time/DMI. Many dietary factors beyond particle size and NDF were identified as influencing the response variables. In conclusion, these results appear to justify the development of a modeling approach to integrate individual physical and chemical factors to predict effects on factors affecting rumen conditions.
Conference Paper
This study aimed to achieve early prediction of subclinical ketosis and to investigate whether common machine-learning methods are applicable to early subclinical ketosis detection to provide necessary steps for an early detection system. Ketosis causes severe economic loss through reduction in milk yield. Cows suffering from subclinical ketosis have no clinical symptoms, and veterinarians and farmers have difficulty finding affected cows. Thus, early detection of subclinical ketosis is of great importance in terms of improving the quality of milk production and eliminating economic loss. We obtained daily dairy data on 75 cows from June 16, 2015, to September 5, 2016. After data processing, common classifiers were applied to this data. SVM outperformed all other methods in terms of recall, with a cross-validation recall of 0.926. Considering previous research, we confirmed that the selected features are reasonable.
Approximately one-third of New Zealand dairy farms have in-shed feeding systems, and quarter of these systems have individual-cow feeding capability. There is little information about the factors motivating farmers to install individualised feeding technology in New Zealand and their management practices. A survey was conducted of 42 farmers using individualised feeding, followed by interviews of 32 farmers and five farm consultants. The aim of the study was to understand why farmers were installing individualised feeding, how they were using it, and what challenges they were facing. Results indicated that these farmers were commonly motivated by improving productivity and most farmers strongly believed that they were gaining value with this approach compared with flat-rate feeding. However, there was also uncertainty about the most profitable feeding strategies. The farmers were most commonly feeding cows in distinct groups rather than as individuals, and were typically adjusting feed allocation at three to four stages of the lactation. Consultants identified a lack of a value proposition for investment, limited justification for feeding-decision rules, and the absence of information to support the perceived productivity (and other) benefits. The perceived productivity benefit of individualised feeding held by farmers in the present study is contrary to recent research that has indicated no marginal milk-production benefit compared with flat-rate feeding. Although, few of these studies relate to individualised feeding in grazing systems where pasture allowance is restricted as is typical of New Zealand farm systems, indicating a need for further experimental and modelling research to quantify the potential value in these systems. Farmers were seeking reliable information on the response rate and cost effectiveness of various feeds and feeding rules, how to distribute a fixed amount of feed to the herd most profitably, and technical expertise, support and back-up for specific feeding systems. Findings from the present study suggest a lack of advisor expertise related to in-shed feeding of concentrate supplement in pasture-grazed systems, signalling opportunities for more training of rural professionals to provide informed advice and improved communication channels with farmers.