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Abstract and Figures

Accelerometers are sensors for measuring acceleration forces. They can be found embedded in many types of mobile devices, including tablet PCs, smartphones, and smartwatches. Some common uses of built-in accelerometers are automatic image stabilization, device orientation detection, and shake detection. In contrast to sensors like microphones and cameras, accelerometers are widely regarded as not privacy-intrusive. This sentiment is reflected in protection policies of current mobile operating systems, where third-party apps can access accelerometer data without requiring security permission. It has been shown in experiments, however, that seemingly innocuous sensors can be used as a side channel to infer highly sensitive information about people in their vicinity. Drawing from existing literature, we found that accelerometer data alone may be sufficient to obtain information about a device holder's location, activities, health condition, body features, gender, age, personality traits, and emotional state. Acceleration signals can even be used to uniquely identify a person based on biometric movement patterns and to reconstruct sequences of text entered into a device, including passwords. In the light of these possible inferences, we suggest that accelerometers should urgently be re-evaluated in terms of their privacy implications, along with corresponding adjustments to sensor protection mechanisms.
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Privacy Implications of Accelerometer Data:
A Review of Possible Inferences
Jacob Leon Kröger
Technische Universität Berlin
Hardenbergstraße 32
10623 Berlin
+49 30 7001 41037
Philip Raschke
Technische Universität Berlin
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7
10587 Berlin
+49 30 8353 58353
Towhidur Rahman Bhuiyan
Technische Universität Berlin
Hardenbergstraße 32
10623 Berlin
+49 30 7001 41001
Accelerometers are sensors for measuring acceleration forces.
They can be found embedded in many types of mobile devices,
including tablet PCs, smartphones, and smartwatches. Some
common uses of built-in accelerometers are automatic image
stabilization, device orientation detection, and shake detection. In
contrast to sensors like microphones and cameras, accelerometers
are widely regarded as not privacy-intrusive. This sentiment is
reflected in protection policies of current mobile operating
systems, where third-party apps can access accelerometer data
without requiring security permission. It has been shown in
experiments, however, that seemingly innocuous sensors can be
used as a side channel to infer highly sensitive information about
people in their vicinity. Drawing from existing literature, we
found that accelerometer data alone may be sufficient to obtain
information about a device holder’s location, activities, health
condition, body features, gender, age, personality traits, and
emotional state. Acceleration signals can even be used to uniquely
identify a person based on biometric movement patterns and to
reconstruct sequences of text entered into a device, including
passwords. In the light of these possible inferences, we suggest
that accelerometers should urgently be re-evaluated in terms of
their privacy implications, along with corresponding adjustments
to sensor protection mechanisms.
CCS Concepts
Security and privacy
Accelerometer, Sensor, Privacy, Side channel, Inference attack
An accelerometer is an instrument for measuring acceleration
forces caused by the movements and vibrations of an object, or by
gravity. Today, all sorts of mobile devices, including smart-
phones, tablet PCs, smartwatches, digital cameras, wearable
fitness trackers, game controllers, and virtual reality headsets, are
equipped with built-in microelectromechanical accelerometers [1].
Studies even suggest that accelerometers are the most widely used
sensor in wearable devices [2] and also the sensor that is most
frequently accessed by mobile apps [3].
Among other common applications, acceleration signals are used
for image stabilization in cameras, for measuring the orientation
of a device relative to Earth’s gravitational pull (e.g. to enable
automatic display rotation between landscape and portrait mode),
and for detecting user actions, such as moving or shaking a
While some sensors, such as microphones, cameras and GPS, are
widely perceived as privacy-sensitive [4, 5] and require explicit
user permission to be activated in current mobile operating
systems [3], accelerometers are less well-understood in terms of
their privacy implications, and also much less protected [6, 7].
Even scholarly literature has largely ignored potential issues in
this field, with researchers describing accelerometer data as “not
particularly sensitive” [8] or even “privacy preserving” [9].
Experimental studies have shown, however, that sensitive
personal data can be inferred from accelerometer readings. This
paper presents a non-exhaustive overview of possible inferences,
drawing from multiple academic disciplines, including infor-
mation science, psychology, health science, and computer science.
According to our findings, accelerometers in mobile devices may
reveal information about a user’s activities (section 2.1), location
(sect. 2.2), identity (sect. 2.3), device inputs (sect. 2.4), health
condition and body features (sect. 2.5), age and gender (sect. 2.6),
moods and emotions (sect. 2.7), and personality traits (sect. 2.8).
In this chapter, we present experimental studies from the scholarly
literature in which sensitive information was successfully derived
from accelerometer data. A visual overview is provided in Fig. 3,
at the end of the chapter.
2.1 Activity and Behavior Tracking
A wide range of physical activity variables and behavior-related
information can be derived from raw accelerometer data.
Accelerometer-based pedometers (“step counters”), for instance,
register the impacts produced by steps during motion and can
estimate energy expenditure and distance walked [10]. In medical
studies, wearable devices with embedded accelerometers are
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ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6618-2/19/01…$15.00
widely used to assess the amount of sedentary time and physical
activity among patients [11, 12].
Body-worn accelerometers have also been shown to enable real-
time body posture and activity classification. High recognition
accuracy has been achieved for basic physical activities, including
running, walking, cycling, lying, climbing stairs, falling, sitting
and standing [1316], as well as for more complex activities, such
as writing, reading, typing, painting, sorting paperwork or
searching the internet [17].
Not only the type but also the duration of activities and temporal
behavior patterns can be derived from acceleration signals [18,
19]. When worn during the night, mobile devices with built-in
accelerometers may enable sleep-wake cycle monitoring, through
variables such as sleep onset and offset, total sleep time and sleep
intervals [20, 21], as well as the monitoring of sleep-related
behaviors [11].
Accelerometers in handheld and wrist-worn devices can further be
used to detect specific hand gestures [22], eating and drinking
moments [23, 24], and smoking [25, 26]. Gait features of subjects,
extracted from accelerometer data, can even reveal their level of
intoxication. Researchers were able to distinguish “sober walk”
from “intoxicated walk” [27] and to estimate blood alcohol
content [28] as well as the number of drinks consumed [29] via
accelerometry alone.
In [17], signals from a single body-worn accelerometer were used
to detect if a subject is carrying a load. Accelerometer-based gait
dynamics have also been used to estimate the weight of carried
objects with robustness to variations in walking speeds, body
types and walking conditions [30].
Figure 1: Classification of driving patterns based on streams
of accelerometer data, from [31].
When located inside a car, motion sensors can be used to measure
an operator’s driving behavior. In [31], Singh, Juneja and Kapoor
identified events such as sudden breaking, sudden acceleration,
right and left turns and lane changes from patterns in
accelerometer data, as is illustrated in Fig. 1. From such infor-
mation, researchers were able to detect aggressive or unsafe
driving styles [32] and drunk driving patterns [33].
Based on indicative body movements and sound vibrations, both
measured using accelerometers, researchers were able to derive
speech activity and social interactions of subjects [9, 34]. Even
ways of reconstructing speech solely from recorded vibrations
have been explored. AccelWord, developed in [35], can detect
hotwords spoken by a user, utilizing accelerometer data from
commercially available mobile devices. Patents have already been
filed for a “method of detecting a user's voice activity using an
accelerometer” [36] and a “system that uses an accelerometer in a
mobile device to detect hotwords” [37].
2.2 Location Tracking
It has been shown that accelerometers in mobile devices can be
exploited for user localization and reconstruction of travel
trajectories, even when other localization systems, such as GPS,
are disabled. In [38], Han et al. were able to geographically track
a person who is driving a car based solely on accelerometer
readings from the subject’s smartphone. In their approach, they
first calculate the vehicle’s approximate motion trajectory using
three-axis acceleration measurements from an iPhone located
inside the vehicle, and then map the derived trajectory to the
shape of existing routes on a map. An example application of the
algorithm is displayed in Fig. 2. Han et al. describe their results as
“comparable to the typical accuracy for handheld global
positioning systems.”
Figure 2: Map matching algorithm used in [38]. The green
trail indicates the motion trajectory obtained from
accelerometer data. The red trail indicates the inferred route.
The blue trail indicates the actual route traveled (GPS data).
Hua, Shen and Zhong found that accelerometers in smartphones
can also reveal the device’s location while the holder is using a
metropolitan train system [39]. To achieve this, the researchers
compare and match acceleration patterns with labeled training
data to recognize specific station intervals through which the user
travels. Results from experiments on a real metro line show that
the accuracy of their approach could reach up to 89% and 92% if
the metro ride is longer than 3 or 5 stations, respectively [39].
2.3 User Identification
Body movement patterns recorded by accelerometers in mobile
devices have been demonstrated to be discriminative enough to
differentiate between, or even uniquely identify, users. Various
accelerometer-only approaches have been proposed to confirm the
identity of a user based on biometric gait features [40, 41], hand
gestures [42], or head movements [43]. Using accelerometer rea-
dings from smartphones, Kwapisz, Weiss and Moore were able to
recognize individuals from a pool of 36 test subjects with 100%
accuracy [44].
It has also been shown that, through aerial vibrations, accelero-
meters can be sensitive enough to capture sound, including human
speech, in sufficient quality to distinguish between different spea-
kers with high accuracy [35].
The location trajectory of a mobile device, which can be inferred
from accelerometer data under certain conditions (as explained in
section 2.2), may reveal a user’s work and home addresses [45],
and in conjunction with white pages, employment directories,
tax records, or other auxiliary datasets a user’s real identity [46].
Following an approach commonly referred to as device
fingerprinting, users can further be told apart based on unique
characteristics and features of their personal devices. Calibration
errors in accelerometers, which are caused by imperfections in the
manufacturing process, have been found sufficient to uniquely
identify their encapsulating device [6, 47]. Such a “fingerprint”
can be used, for instance, to track users across repeated website
visits, even when private browsing is activated and other tracking
technologies, such as canvas fingerprinting or cookies, are
blocked [48].
2.4 Keystroke Logging
The input that users type into to their devices through
touchscreens and keyboards contains highly sensitive information
such as text messages, personal notes, login credentials and
transaction details.
Based on the observation that swipes, taps and keystrokes often
correlate with distinctive hand movements of the user, it has been
shown that inputs can be reconstructed using motion sensor data
from handheld and wrist-worn devices [4951]. Some researchers
have exclusively used accelerometer data for such keystroke
inference attacks. Aviv et al. demonstrated that accelerometers in
smartphones can be exploited to infer tap- and gesture-based
input, including PINs and graphical password patterns [52]. Based
on the same type of data, Owusu et al. were able to obtain entire
sequences of text entered through a phone’s touchscreen [53].
Through examining the source code of other existing approaches,
it has been found that even multi-sensor attacks solely use
acceleration information for tap detection, leading to the
conclusion that defense mechanisms against these kinds of side
channel attacks should focus on accelerometers [54].
Not only does the above imply that accelerometer data could offer
sensitive insights into a user’s communication and transactions:
Beltramelli and Risi even warn that a user’s entire technological
ecosystem could be compromised when passwords are leaked
through embedded sensors in consumer electronics [55].
2.5 Inference of Health Parameters and Body
Body-worn accelerometers can be used to gain insight into a
person’s physical characteristics and health status. Using
accelerometer data from smartphones, researchers were able to
derive an approximation of the body weight and height of users
[56, 57]. A strong correlation has been observed between
accelerometer-determined physical activity and obesity [58].
Physical activity is generally recognized as a promoter and
indicator of health [59]. A person’s amount of physical activity
can reveal sensitive information about latent chronic diseases and
the person’s degree of mobility [12] as well as about cognitive
function and even risk of mortality [60]. As explained in section
2.1, a wide range of activity-related variables can be derived from
accelerometer data, including energy expenditure, type of activity
and temporal activity patterns. This association is increasingly put
to use in health studies, where accelerometers are used to
remotely assess the physical activity level of participants [61].
Another important factor in population health is the amount of
sleep that people get. Sleep loss has been associated with
developing serious illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease and
diabetes, and even with increased all-cause mortality [62].
Numerous studies have shown that accelerometers in wearable
devices can be used for evaluating sleep patterns [20], sleep
fragmentation [63] and sleep efficiency [64]. Actigraphy, an
accelerometer-based assessment method, has been described as an
“essential tool in sleep research and sleep medicine” [20].
Experimental results from Pesonen and Kuula suggest that
accelerometers in consumer-targeted wearables can be as effective
for sleep monitoring as research-targeted devices [21].
Specialized accelerometers have been used to measure various
other health parameters, including voice health [65], postural
stability [12] and physiological sound [66].
2.6 Inference of Demographics
Estimates of demographic variables such as age and gender can be
made based on data from body-worn accelerometers. It has long
been demonstrated that adults and children differ in their
smoothness of walking, which is reflected in accelerometer
readings [67]. Menz, Lord and Fitzpatrick compared gait features
between young and elder subjects using acceleration signals and
discovered that younger subjects showed greater step length,
higher velocity and smaller step timing variability [68]. Using
data from accelerometers in smartphones, Davarci et al. were able
to predict the age interval of test subjects with a success rate of
92.5% [69]. Their work is based on the observation that children
and adults differ in the way they hold and touch smartphones.
Experimental results by Cho, Park and Kwon indicate that there
are also gender-specific movement patterns [70]. In accordance,
research has shown that it is possible to estimate the sex of
individuals based on hip movements [56], gait features [71] and
physical activity patterns [72], all derived from accelerometer
data. An experiment also revealed that female gait patterns are
significantly influenced by the heel height of their shoes [73].
Weiss and Lockhart emphasize that accelerometer-based gender
recognition can work independently of a subject’s weight and
height [56]. Even acoustic vibrations caused by a person’s voice
and captured through a smartphone accelerometer can be used to
classify speakers into male and female with high accuracy [35].
2.7 Mood and Emotion Recognition
The level of physical activity, which can be measured using body-
worn accelerometers (see section 2.1), has been identified as a
potential predictor of human emotions [74] and depressive
moods [75]. Zhang et al. were able to recognize emotional states
of test subjects (happy, neutral, and angry) with fair accuracy,
relying only on accelerometer data from smart wristbands [76].
Accelerometers in smartphones have been used to detect stress
levels [77] and arousal [78] in users. Also, Matic et al. found a
positive association between accelerometer-derived speech activi-
ty and mood changes [9].
2.8 Inference of Personality Traits
Methods have been proposed for inferring preferences and other
personality traits solely from body gestures and motion patterns.
Englebienne and Hung used wearable accelerometers to estimate
the motivations, interests and group affiliations of study
participants in scenarios of social interaction, based on their
movements, body postures and expansiveness of gesturing [34].
A person’s level of physical activity, which can also be measured
using body-worn accelerometers (see section 2.1), has been shown
to correlate with certain personality traits such as conscientious-
ness, neuroticism, openness, and extraversion [79]. Artese et al.
evaluated the body movements of test subjects for seven days
using accelerometer-based monitoring devices and found that
agreeableness, conscientiousness and extraversion were positively
and neuroticism negatively associated to more steps per day and
other physical activity variables [80]. Examining correlates
between the personality and physical activity of female college
students, Wilson et al. discovered that neuroticism and
the functioning of the behavioral inhibition system were both
related to physical activity measures derived from accelerometer
readings [81].
As shown in the previous section, accelerometers in mobile
devices can allow serious invasions of user privacy. Even when
other sensors, such as cameras, microphones and GPS are turned
off, accelerometer data can be sufficient to obtain information
about a device holder’s location, health condition, body features,
age, gender, emotions and personality traits. Acceleration signals
may even be used to uniquely identify a person based on
biometric movement patterns and to reconstruct sequences of text
entered into a device.
It has to be acknowledged that most experimental studies cited in
this paper have substantial limitations. First, many approaches
were only tested in controlled laboratory settings [14, 17, 24, 26,
32, 33, 35, 40, 41, 43, 53, 57]. For methods applied under real-life
conditions, considerable reductions in accuracy have been
observed [9, 82]. Second, several of the presented methods require
prior knowledge about the user or the user’s context in order to
function [3944, 52]. Third, subjects in some of the experiments
wore accelerometers attached to certain body parts, such as chest
[9, 15], hip [40], waist [14], or even multiple body parts [24, 25,
64], whereas in reality, mobile devices are mostly worn around
the wrist [23] or interchangeably in hands, bags, and pockets [83].
In light of these limitations, the real-world applicability of the
presented methods can be questioned.
On the other hand, it may reasonably be assumed that at least
some of the parties who regularly access accelerometer data from
consumer devices (e.g. device manufacturers, service providers,
app developers) possess larger sets of training data, more
technical expertise and more financial resources than the
researchers cited in this paper. Furthermore, data from other
sensors and auxiliary data may be available to potential
adversaries, improving their capability to draw sensitive
inferences, while the methods considered in this paper solely rely
on accelerometer data. Thus, our work represents only an initial
and non-exhaustive exploration of the topic.
It would be enough if even one of the identified threats is realized,
however, for user privacy to be seriously impacted. Also, it seems
probable that the risk will continue to grow with further
improvements of sensor technologies in terms of cost, size and
accuracy, further advances in machine learning methods, and
further proliferation of accelerometer-equipped mobile devices.
Given the widespread perception of accelerometers as non-
intrusive, we call for an urgent reconsideration of their privacy
implications, along with corresponding adjustments to technical
Figure 3: Overview of sensitive inferences that can be drawn from accelerometer data (according to the referenced studies).
and legal protection measures. In our opinion, the sensitivity of
sensor data should generally be assessed in consideration of all
inferences that could plausibly be drawn from it, and not based on
the sensor’s official purpose. Further research into the privacy-
intrusion potential of accelerometers and other seemingly benign
sensors is needed, taking into account state-of-the-art data mining
techniques. As it is extremely difficult, however, to meaningfully
determine the limits of continuously advancing inference
methods, most sensors in mobile devices should be regarded and
treated as highly sensitive by default.
Accelerometers are among the most widely used sensors in
mobile devices, where they have a large variety of possible
applications. They are commonly regarded as not privacy-
intrusive and therefore often less access-restricted than other
sensors, such as cameras and microphones. However, based on
existing literature, we found that accelerometer data can enable
serious privacy intrusions by allowing inferences about a device
holder’s location, identity, demographics, personality, health
status, emotions, activities and body features.
Any trait or behavior of a user that results in characteristic
movement patterns can potentially be detected through accelera-
tion signals. Accelerometers are cheap, low in power consumption
and often invisibly embedded into consumer devices. Thus, they
represent a perfect surveillance tool as long as their data streams
are not properly monitored and protected from potentially
untrusted parties such as device manufacturers, service providers
and app developers. In current mobile operating systems, third-
party apps can access accelerometer data without requiring any
permission or conscious participation from the user.
Although this paper conveys only a first impression of the privacy
violations that could be enabled through accelerometers, the
findings already are significant enough to express a warning to
consumers who could be affected, as well as a call for action to
the public and private actors who are entrusted with protecting
user privacy in mobile devices.
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... Despite developers' attempts to introduce privacy protections in the development phase, the potential for privacy infringements remains through side-channels. For example, [64,84,95] discuss how biometric sensing modalities such as electroencephalogram (EEG) and accelerometer-based movement tracking might leak sensitive private information about workers' ...
... Over the last years, there have been growing concerns over the potential use of smartphone motion sensors to obtain sensitive information from the smartphone user [48]. Examples include inferring an individual's lifestyle and personal characteristics based on collecting motion data continuously in the background [49], reconstructing speech from data collected when the smartphone is on the same surface as a loudspeaker [50] or when sound is played through the smartphone speaker [51,52], and recognizing text typed on the smartphone touchscreen [53]. A critical issue is that, differently from camera, microphone and location, users are currently not required to explicitly allow applications to collect data using motion sensors on the smartphone. ...
UNSTRUCTURED Sport science and rehabilitation are naturally evolving towards the implementation of data-driven technology for the analysis of human motion. Analysis of movement has traditionally been taught, researched, and implemented in practice either visually, or using equipment often unavailable outside specialized research centers. The motion sensors in contemporary smartphones can be used to collect acceleration and orientation data, making smartphones widely-available, low-cost devices that may provide useful in the characterization of human motion. The aim of this tutorial is to review basic concepts of how acceleration and orientation data collected with smartphone sensors can be used to assess human motion. We include six examples of data collection and analysis: jump height, balance, jogging cadence, joint range of motion, pelvic orientation during single-leg squat, timed up-and-go test. Acceleration and orientation data related to each example were analyzed using spreadsheet editors; video tutorials provide step-by-step guidance on how to analyze the data. Results are interpreted with respect to biomechanics, performance analysis and potential clinical relevance. We discuss this approach in the context of education, research and practice, hoping that it will help promote data-driven education and practice in fields that may benefit from objective analysis of human motion, such as sport science and rehabilitation.
... Some recent works suggest embedding sensors in shoe soles (Brombin et al. 2019). Finally, the new frontier is represented by biometric jackets. 2 Other behavioral traces extracted by mobile devices can provide information about users' habits and social behaviors, still respecting the users' privacy and the data's security (Kröger et al. 2019). As anticipated, mobile biometrics raise both new opportunities and challenges: the quality of ubiquitous and easy data capture can be hindered by unattended acquisition and by possibly adverse conditions. ...
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Gait recognition can exploit the signals from wearables, e.g., the accelerometers embedded in smart devices. At present, this kind of recognition mostly underlies subject verification: the incoming probe is compared only with the templates in the system gallery that belong to the claimed identity. For instance, several proposals tackle the continuous recognition of the device owner to detect possible theft or loss. In this case, assuming a short time between the gallery template acquisition and the probe is reasonable. This work rather investigates the viability of a wider range of applications including identification (comparison with a whole system gallery) in the medium-long term. The first contribution is a procedure for extraction and two-phase selection of the most relevant aggregate features from a gait signal. A model is trained for each identity using Logistic Regression. The second contribution is the experiments investigating the effect of the variability of the gait pattern in time. In particular, the recognition performance is influenced by the benchmark partition into training and testing sets when more acquisition sessions are available, like in the exploited ZJU-gaitacc dataset. When close-in-time acquisition data is only available, the results seem to suggest re-identification (short time among captures) as the most promising application for this kind of recognition. The exclusive use of different dataset sessions for training and testing can rather better highlight the dramatic effect of trait variability on the measured performance. This suggests acquiring enrollment data in more sessions when the intended use is in medium-long term applications of smart ambient intelligence.
... The pervasive interlinkage of data sources and advancing capabilities of modern computers and data analytics methods continue to increase the e ciency of de-anonymization attacks [8,5,9,10]. For instance, machine learning algorithms can be used to biometrically identify people based on patterns and correlations in sensor data, such as as a user's voice and speech characteristics in audio recordings [11], recognizable patterns in accelerometer data (e.g., gait features, hand gestures, head movements) [12] or iris textures and eye-movement behavior captured by eye trackers [13]. ...
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The strict and consequential legal distinction between “personal” and “non-personal” data needs to be questioned. The scope of data protection laws is typically limited to personal data, i.e., information “relating to an identified or identifiable natural person” (Art. 4 (1) GDPR). Thus, the data subject rights and data controller obligations prescribed by the law do not apply to anonymized data. While the de-identification of data has important benefits in terms of privacy protection, leaving anonymous data completely unregulated is problematic for two reasons. First, there is extensive evidence in the literature that seemingly anonymous data can often be linked back to individuals. And second, “anonymous” data can be used for various tracking and profiling purposes which may inflict harm on individuals, population groups, and society at large. Furthermore, “anonymous” data from many people can feed machine learning algorithms that are used to infer sensitive information about individuals based on pattern recognition. In sum, this means that data “anonymization”, which regularly happens in modern data processing, can be a means to evade the restrictions of data protection laws but does not effectively remove the data’s potential to harm individuals and groups.
... However, humans have the right to mental privacy [17], a term used to describe an individual's right to control access to their inner thoughts, emotions and mental processes. With advancements in neurotechnology, AI and XR technologies, the boundary of mental privacy is being pushed as these technologies can potentially access and interpret physiological data that might reveal information about an individual's mental state [18], [19]. ...
Dijital dönüşüm, bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerini kullanarak verimli ve sürdürülebilir çözümler geliştirmeyi amaçlayan kapsamlı bir süreçtir. Ancak bu dönüşüm sadece yeni teknolojilere yatırım yapmakla sınırlı kalmamalıdır. Başarılı bir dijital dönüşüm için mevcut ekosistemin dinamikleri ve ihtiyaçları da dikkate alınarak bütüncül bir yaklaşımla ilerlemek gerekir. Aksi takdirde yeni platformlar beklenen başarıyı sağlayamaz ve dönüşüm çabaları başarısızlıkla sonuçlanabilir. Bu bağlamda, Adner ve Kapoor’un teknoloji-ekosistem modeli, teknolojik değişimlerin ekosistem dinamikleri ile nasıl etkileşime girdiğini anlamak için güçlü bir çerçeve sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Adner ve Kapoor'un modeli bilgi sistemleri bağlamında incelenmiştir. Dijital dönüşüm sürecinde ekosistemin önemini vurgulayan bu çalışma, yalnızca teknolojiye değil, aynı zamanda destekleyici ekosisteme de odaklanmanın gerekliliğini örneklerle açıklamaktadır. Ayrıca, ekosistem yaratma aşamasında teknolojinin mevcut ekosistem ile uyumu, bağımsızlık ihtiyacı, hedef kitle, farklı kullanım özellikleri ve kullanıcı dostu bir arayüz gibi faktörlerin de göz önünde bulundurulması gerektiğine değinilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuçları, yeni teknolojilerin mevcut ekosistemlerle uyum sağlamasının benimsenme sürecini hızlandırdığını ve sürdürülebilirliği sağladığını ortaya koymaktadır. Pratik uygulamalar arasında, stratejik planlama, entegrasyonun iyileştirilmesi ve kullanıcı adaptasyonu yer almakta olup, bu unsurlar uzun vadeli dijital dönüşüm hedeflerine ulaşmak için kritik öneme sahiptir.
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Digital technology has revolutionized how political ads are delivered and consumed, giving political campaigns increased possibilities to target and tailor their messaging to specific audiences—a practice known as political microtargeting (PMT). While PMT has potential benefits for society, it also entails significant risks that have yet to be adequately addressed by regulators around the globe. This report offers fundamental guidance on PMT for policymakers, civil society, and other relevant stakeholders, providing recommendations for action and an overview of possible protective measures. Public discourse has so far mostly focused on PMT cases in the Global North,i such as US elections or Brexit, whereas the practice is becoming increasingly adopted worldwide. In lower-income countries, the impact of PMT may be felt even more strongly due to context-specific factors such as lower levels of digital skills and media literacy, higher prevalence of political violence, weaker or non-existent legal and regulatory frameworks, and less resilient democratic institutions. This report contributes to balancing the global coverage by focusing on cases and examples from the Global South. Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have added to the urgency of investigating PMT, as they amplify the capabilities of targeted messaging and intensify the risk of online disinformation though automated generation and manipulation of content.
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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterised by motor symptoms such as gait dysfunction and postural instability. Technological tools to continuously monitor outcomes could capture the hour-by-hour symptom fluctuations of PD. Development of such tools is hampered by the lack of labelled datasets from home settings. To this end, we propose REMAP (REal-world Mobility Activities in Parkinson’s disease), a human rater-labelled dataset collected in a home-like setting. It includes people with and without PD doing sit-to-stand transitions and turns in gait. These discrete activities are captured from periods of free-living (unobserved, unstructured) and during clinical assessments. The PD participants withheld their dopaminergic medications for a time (causing increased symptoms), so their activities are labelled as being “on” or “off” medications. Accelerometry from wrist-worn wearables and skeleton pose video data is included. We present an open dataset, where the data is coarsened to reduce re-identifiability, and a controlled dataset available on application which contains more refined data. A use-case for the data to estimate sit-to-stand speed and duration is illustrated.
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Impairments in gait occur after alcohol consumption, and, if detected in real-time, could guide the delivery of "just-in-time" injury prevention interventions. We aimed to identify the salient features of gait that could be used for estimating blood alcohol content (BAC) level in a typical drinking environment. We recruited 10 young adults with a history of heavy drinking to test our research app. During four consecutive Fridays and Saturdays, every hour from 8pm to 12am, they were prompted to use the app to report alcohol consumption and complete a 5-step straight-line walking task, during which 3-axis acceleration and angular velocity data was sampled at a frequency of 100 Hz. BAC for each subject was calculated. From sensor signals, 24 features were calculated using a sliding window technique, including energy, mean, and standard deviation. Using an artificial neural network (ANN), we performed regression analysis to define a model determining association between gait features and BACs. 70\% of data was used as a training dataset, and the results were tested and validated using the rest of samples. We evaluated different training algorithms for the neural network and the result showed that a Bayesian regularization neural network (BRNN) was the most efficient and accurate. Analyses support the use of the tandem gait task paired with our approach to reliably estimate BAC based on gait features. Results from this work could be useful in designing effective prevention interventions to reduce risky behaviors during periods of alcohol consumption.
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Objective In field settings, wrist- and waist-worn accelerometers are typically used to assess sleep characteristics and movement behaviors, respectively. There has been a shift in movement behavior studies to wear accelerometers 24 h/d. Sleep characteristics could be assessed in these studies if sleep algorithms were available for waist-worn accelerometers. The objective of this study was to develop and provide validity data for an algorithm/sleep likelihood score cut-off to estimate sleep efficiency in children using the waist-worn Actical accelerometer. Design Cross-sectional study. Participants Fifty healthy children aged 10-13 years. Measurements Children wore an Actical on their waist and an Actiwatch 2 on their nondominant wrist for 8 nights at home in their normal sleep environment. Participants were randomized into algorithm/sleep likelihood score “development” and “test” groups (n = 25 per group). Within the development group, we assessed sleep efficiency with the Actical using the same algorithm that the Actiwatch 2 uses and selected the sleep likelihood score cut-off value that was the most accurate at predicting sleep efficiency at the nightly level compared with the Actiwatch 2. We applied this algorithm and cut-off value to the test group. Results Mean (SD) sleep efficiency estimates for the test group from the Actical and Actiwatch 2 were 89.0% (3.9%) and 88.7% (3.1%), respectively. Bland-Altman plots and absolute difference scores revealed considerable agreement between devices for both nightly and weekly estimates of sleep efficiency. Conclusion A waist-worn Actical accelerometer can accurately predict sleep efficiency in field settings among healthy 10- to 13-year-olds.
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Side-channel attacks revealing the sensitive user data through the motion sensors (such as accelerometer, gyro-scope, and orientation sensors) emerged as a new trend in the smartphone security. In this respect, recent studies have examined feasibility of inferring user's tap input by utilizing the motion sensor readings and propounded that some user secrets can be deduced by adopting the different side-channel attacks. More precisely, in this kind of attacks, a malware processes outputs of these sensors to exfiltrate victims private information such as PINs, passwords or unlock patterns. In this paper, we describe a new side-channel attack on smartphones that aims to predict the age interval of the user. Unlike the previous works, our attack does not directly deal with recovering a target user's some secret, rather its sole purpose is determining whether she is a child or an adult. The main idea behind our study relies on the key observation that the characteristics of children and adults differ in hand holding and touching the smartphones. Consequently, we show that there is an apparent correlation between the motion sensor readings and these characteristics that build up our attack strategy. In order to exhibit efficiency of the proposed attack, we have developed an Android application named as BalloonLogger that evaluates accelerometer sensor data and perform child/adult detection with a success rate of 92.5%. To the best of our knowledge, in this work, for the first time, we point out such a security breach.
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Empirical evidence suggests that physical activity is related to less depressive moods. However, little is known about this association in the everyday life of older adults, limiting the ecological validity of prior findings. This study examined within-person associations between physical activity and depressive mood in older adults across 7 days. Moreover, the study tested the extent to which need-fulfillment can explain this association. The sample consisted of 68 adults aged 65 to 93 years. Physical activity was assessed objectively with accelerometers, whereas need-fulfillment and depressive mood were assessed at the end of each day using self-reports. Results from multilevel analysis suggest that daily physical activity was negatively related to daily depressive mood within persons. Although need-fulfillment did not explain the association between physical activity and depressive mood, it was a statistically significant predictor of daily depressive mood and even attenuated the effect of physical activity on depressive mood to nonsignificance.
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Privacy inference attacks based on sensor data is an emerging and severe threat on smart devices, in which malicious applications leverage data from innocuous sensors to infer sensitive information of user, e.g., utilizing accelerometers to infer user’s keystroke. In this paper, we present Sensor Guardian, a privacy protection system that mitigates this threat on Android by hooking and controlling applications’ access to sensors. Sensor Guardian inserts hooks into applications by statically instrumenting their APK (short for Android Package Kit) files and enforces control policies in these hooks at runtime. Our evaluation shows that Sensor Guardian can effectively and efficiently mitigate the privacy inference threat on Android sensors, with negligible overhead during both static instrumentation and runtime control.
Study objectives: The validity of consumer-targeted wrist-worn sleep measurement systems has been little studied in children and adolescents. We examined the validity of a new fitness tracker (PFT) manufactured by Polar Electro Oy and the previously validated Actiwatch 2 (AW2) from Philips Respironics against polysomnography (PSG) in children and adolescents. Methods: Seventeen children (age 11.0 ± 0.8 years) and 17 adolescents (age 17.8 ± 1.8 years) wore the PFT and AW2 concurrently with an ambulatory PSG in their own home for 1 night. We compared sleep onset, offset, sleep interval (time from sleep on to offset), actual sleep time (time scored as sleep between sleep on and offset), and wake after sleep onset (WASO) between accelerometers and PSG. Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were calculated from the epoch-by-epoch data. Results: Both devices performed adequately against PSG, with excellent sensitivity for both age groups (> 0.91). In terms of specificity, the PFT was adequate in both groups (> 0.77), and AW2 adequate in children (0.68) and poor in adolescents (0.58). In the younger group, the PFT underestimated actual sleep time by 29.9 minutes and AW2 underestimated actual sleep time by 43.6 minutes. Both overestimated WASO, PFT by 24.4 minutes and AW2 by 20.9 minutes. In the older group, both devices underestimated actual sleep time (PFT by 20.6 minutes and AW2 by 26.8 minutes) and overestimated WASO (PFT by 12.5 minutes and AW2 by 14.3 minutes). Both devices were accurate in defining sleep onset. Conclusions: This study suggests that this consumer-targeted wrist-worn device performs as well as, or even better than, the previously validated AW2 against PSG in children and adolescents. Both devices underestimated sleep but to a lesser extent than seen in many previous validation studies on research-targeted accelerometers.
Wearable technologies are today on the rise, becoming more common and broadly available to mainstream users. In fact, wristband and armband devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers already took an important place in the consumer electronics market and are becoming ubiquitous. By their very nature of being wearable, these devices, however, provide a new pervasive attack surface threatening users privacy, among others. In the meantime, advances in machine learning are providing unprecedented possibilities to process complex data efficiently. Allowing patterns to emerge from high dimensional unavoidably noisy data. The goal of this work is to raise awareness about the potential risks related to motion sensors built-in wearable devices and to demonstrate abuse opportunities leveraged by advanced neural network architectures. The LSTM-based implementation presented in this research can perform touchlogging and keylogging on 12-keys keypads with above-average accuracy even when confronted with raw unprocessed data. Thus demonstrating that deep neural networks are capable of making keystroke inference attacks based on motion sensors easier to achieve by removing the need for non-trivial pre-processing pipelines and carefully engineered feature extraction strategies. Our results suggest that the complete technological ecosystem of a user can be compromised when a wearable wristband device is worn.
Discrimination between normal and pathological voice is a critical component in laryngealpathology diagnosis and vocal rehabilitative treatment. In the present study, a portable miniature glottal notch accelerometer (GNA) device with supervised machine learning techniques was proposed to discriminate between three human voice types: normal, breathy, and pressed voice. Fourteen native American English speakers who were wearing a GNA device produced five different English single vowels in each of the three voice types. Acoustic features of the GNA signals were extracted using spectral analysis. Preliminary assessments of feature discrepancy among different voice types were made to present physical clues of discrimination. The linear discriminant analysis technique was applied to reduce the dimensionality of the raw-feature vector of the GNA signals. Maximization of between-class distance and minimization of within-class distance were synchronously achieved. The voice types were then classified using several supervised learning techniques, such as Linear Discriminant, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, and K-Nearest Neighbors. A classification accuracy of up to 91.0% was achieved. One mapping model from voice input to type output was eventually obtained based on the training set, so as to make predictions with new data in the future work.