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Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.5, No.7, 2015
The Effect of One Shot Prostaglandin on Estrus Synchronization
of Local and Holstein Friesian Cattle in and around Wukro Kilte
Awulaelo District, Northern Ethiopia
Girmay Gebrehiwot
Berihu Gebrekidan
Bahlibi Weldegebriall
1. College of Veterinary Medicine,
Mekelle University, Mekelle , Ethiopia
2. Axum Agricultural Research Center, Aksum, Ethiopia P.O.Box 230
The study was conducted in Wukro Kilte Awulaelo district in four selected sites with the objective of evaluating
the effect of prostaglandin on oestrus synchronization of local cattle and Holstein Friesian cattle.The animals
were selected from small holder farmers and unorganized farms of the Wukro Kilte Awulaelo District in four
selected locations which were reported as non-cycling by the owner. The selected animal were apparently
clinically healthy, aged 2 to 12 year with parity of 0 to 7 with the body condition score varying between 3
to 5. Oestrus rate of cows to PGF2
is 91.67% while, the oestrus rate of heifers was 93.02%. The average rate of
pregnancy of the cows and heifers in the study sites was 31.94% and 32.56%, respectively. The differences in
oestrus rate within cows of different parity were slight. But cows of different parity had showed varied
differences in the rate of conception. A greater difference was observed in oestrus rate of the cows and heifers of
different body conditions. In contrast, cattle with body condition score of 5 have the lowest rate of conception
(17.4%) compared to others. The cows and heifers with the body condition of 3 and 4 results in conception rate
of 25% and 36.9% respectively.The degree of success of conception of semen from different bulls, Bull 10231
was the highest (37.5%) followed by bull 10131 and 10249 (33.33%). The least degree of success of conception
of semen was recorded for bull 11249(27.27). Analysis of the data on the basis of local and exotic breeds
revealed that out of 76 local cows and heifers treated with one shot prostaglandin, 24 (31.57%) were became
pregnant and from the 39 exotic cows and Heifers treated, 13 (33.33%) were resulted in conception.Slight
difference had also been observed in the rate of pregnancy between heifers and cows.The overall mean oestrus
rate was 92.17%, while, the overall mean rate of pregnancy of was 32.17%. From the findings of this study it can
be inferred that prostaglandin was effective to synchronize cows and heifers. In contrast, the rate of pregnancy
was very low. Therefore, selection of dairy belts, farmers and cattle for synchronization should be done carefully.
Moreover, strategic feed supplementation of synchronized cattle should not be neglected. Those cows that show
standing oestrus should only be inseminated.
Keywords: Conception rate;Synchronization; Oestrus; Bull
Ethiopia has over 50 million indigenous cattle, and about 10 million are breeder cows, with annual calving rate
of 45%. The number of improved dairy type animals is insignificant. Average milk production from local cows
is 1.54 liters/cow/day (CSA, 2009/10) with total annual production of 2.94 billion liters. Per capita milk
consumption is low and stands at 19 kg/year. Due to the high demand-supply variance, annual import of dairy
products is over USD 10 million. The current human population of 80 million will double by 2030; increasing
the demand for dairy products. However, there is huge potential for dairy development due to the large human
and livestock population and suitable agro-ecologies. One of the major problems hindering smallholder farmers
from participating in milk production and marketing is lack of access to and high price of improved dairy
animals. Hormonal oestrus synchronization under smallholder context could be used, among others, to produce
large number and dairy animals in a short period of time (kick start), to match calving with feed availability and
market demand for dairy products and to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of AI service (FAO, 2011).
However, production efficiency of cattle is low in Ethiopia despite their large population. Although
Ethiopia is sufficient enough in meat production, still imports many dairy products. Milk produced from the
animals provides an important dietary source for the majority of rural and periurban population. However, the
country’s per capita milk consumption is estimated to be about 19.2kg per year, which is far below the average
per capita consumption of Africa 37.2kg per year (FAO, 2000).
Fertility is an important factor for the production and profitability in dairy herds (Gokhan, 2010). A
calving interval of 12 to 13 months is generally considered to be economically optimal, but often difficult to
achieve. To meet this goal cows must cycle and become pregnant within an average of 85 days postpartum.
Besides, the incorporation of efficient and accurate heat detection, proper semen handling and servicing
techniques, and timely insemination relative to ovulation of the egg are also key factors. However, a long
postpartum anoestrous period is a very common problem in cows reared in a tropical environment (Million,
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.5, No.7, 2015
Estrus (heat) detection has been cited as the most important factor affecting the reproductive success of
artificial insemination programs. However, proper control of the time of estrus is difficult, since peak estrus
activity often occurs at night, and determination of the actual onset of standing estrus may be difficult without 24
h observation (Aulakh, 2008).
To this effect, the benefits of using technological options and approaches to improve supply of
desirable animal genetic material that incorporates estrus synchronization and AI can be tremendous. These
systems allow producers to reach certain production or economic goals quicker than natural service and can open
the doors to value added markets as well by shortening and concentrating the calving andbreeding season;
inducing anestrous cows and pre-pubertal heifers to cycle; introducing new genetics into the herd; increasing calf
performance and weaning weights with earlier birthdates; enabling more cows to be artificially inseminated to a
genetically superior bull and decreasing the labor cost for heat detection (Bambal, 2011).
Historically, estrus synchronization has been promoted as a labor saving tool for those producers who
want to capitalize on the superior genetics available through use of AI. However, the labor saving aspect is
peanuts compared to the economic returns available when estrus synchronization is used as a “reproductive
management tool”. It’s important to get dairy and beef producers speaking the same language. Beef producers
typically breed cows during “breeding seasons” while dairy producers attempt to get cows pregnant shortly after
a “voluntary waiting period.” Breeding season and voluntary waiting period are different ways of saying the
same thing. In each case, we want all animals to conceive within a reasonable amount of time after calving (45 to
90 days). This is essential to maintenance of a short (12 to 13 months) calving interval and is a primary factor
affecting the profitability of any cattle breeding enterprise. In order to lend some unbiased consistency, we’ll use
the term “breeding period” to refer to that window of time within which you begin your attempts to achieve
pregnancies in your cows. Because the estrous cycle is 21 days long, you (or the herd bull) can only expect to
catch about 1/3 of the cycling animals in heat during the first week of the breeding period if you don’t use estrus
synchronization. Regardless of whether the animals are inseminated naturally or artificially, you can only expect
65 to 70% of them to conceive to a given insemination. Thus, after a week of breeding to natural heats, only 21%
of the eligible animals could possibly be pregnant (33% in heat x 65% conception). Because many animals may
not have resumed normal cycling activity, the actual pregnancy rate during the first week of the breeding period
will likely be considerably less (Million et al., 2011).
Many estrus synchronization protocols can induce 75 to 90% of the cycling animals to display estrus
within a 5 day period. Additionally, many protocols can induce a fertile heat in as much as 50% of the anestrous
cows. Thus, it is typical for many of these synchronization protocols to result in 45 to 55% of the animals being
pregnant by the end of the first week of the breeding period. Several fixed-time AI options can result in 40 to
50% of the cows pregnant following one single day of breeding with zero hours spent for heat detection. Cows
that display estrus during the first week of the breeding period will have 3 opportunities to conceive during the
first 45 days while those who don’t will have 2 or less. Also, cows that do not respond to estrus synchronization
may be problem animals. Early identification of problem cows allows appropriate veterinary therapy to be
administered in a timely fashion and reduces the potential for excessive days open(Million et al., 2011).
These days, prostaglandin is used to synchronize oestrus in dairy cattle operations to boost the
efficiency of AI by inducing the regression of the corpus luteum (Murugavelet al., 2010; Diaz et al., 2005).
Prostaglandin is the first method of heat synchronization that depends on the presence of a functional CL
particularly in the diestrus stage of the estrous cycle (day 7 to 17 of the cycle) (Cordova-Izquierdoet al., 2009).
Its effectiveness usually affected by heat stress, asynchronous ovarian events exhibiting incomplete or delayed
luteolysis, and weak or delayed estrous ( Lamb, 2001 and Dejarnette, 2004).
Evaluating the reproductive ability of breeding stock is crucial for cow/calf operation. Cattle that have
irregular estrus cycle often have difficulty becoming pregnant, thus increasing the total days open and reducing
the total number of calves weaned per cow (Wilson and Gilson, 2005).
Estrus synchronization can minimize the amount of time and labor required to accurately detect estrus.
Many reproductive hormones are used in estrous synchronization. Developing a basic understanding of several
reproductive hormones is necessary when trying to determine which protocol will work best for your
herd.Progesterone (P
), prostaglandin (PGF
), gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), follicle stimulating
hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are a few of the hormones involved in the estrous cycle.
Depending on the estrous synchronization protocol, these hormones can be used independently or in combination
with one another (Timothy, 2003).Therefore to boost the dairy and meat industries, evaluation and demonstration
of the effect of Prostaglandin on estrus synchronization under small holders’ condition is indispensible.
General Objective
To develop technological options and approaches that improves supply of desirable animal genetic
material for dairy cattle.
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.5, No.7, 2015
Specific Objectives
To evaluate the effect of prostaglandin on oestrus synchronization of postpartum local cattle.
To assess the rate of conception using one shot prostaglandin in smallholder dairy farmers.
Study Area
The study was conducted in Wukro Kilte Awulaelo District of the Eastern zone of Tigray Region. From the
Wukro Kilte Awulaelo District four sites were selected, namely Aynalem, Adiksandid, Genfel and Wukro city.
Wukro Kilte Awulaelo district is located in an altitude between 13
North and 39
East and elevation in
1977m.a.s.l. The mean annual temperature in the study area varies from 11.1
C to 28.3
C and is Weina Dega in
agroecologic zone. Prior to prostaglandin injection appropriate animal handling facilities were installed in a
centralized location and all logistical arrangements were spelled out.
Study Animals
A total of 115 dairy cows and heifers were selected from small holder farmers and unorganized farms of the
Wukro Kilte Awulaelo District. The animals were reported to be non- cyclic by the owner. However, on
transrectal palpation a majority of the females were diagnosed to be cycling (presence of well -developed
CL in either ovary). The selected animal were apparently clinically healthy, aged 2 to 12 year with parity of
0 to 7 with the body condition score varying between 3 to 5 and feeding of straw, hay, concentrates, alfalfa
were included in the feeding system.
Data Collected
Age of the cow, body condition of the cow, parity, body weight, Corpus Luteum orientation, date and time of
hormone treatment, date and time of oestrus detection, status of cervix, Bull No., Date and time of insemination
and pregnancy ratewere recorded.
Treatment Protocol
Based on trans rectal palpation, the females which were diagnosed to be cycling (presence of well -developed
CL in either ovary) were injected with Prostaglandin (Estrumate)of 2ml intramuscularly. Within 2 to12 days
after the injection the females were followed for detection of estrus and all the cows and heifers in heat or silent
heat was inseminated artificially. The materials used in this study were animal handling crash, Prostaglandin
(Estrumate), Long sleeved gloves, Latex hand gloves, Needles (18" x 21), Syringes (5-10 ml); Sheath, Ear tag
applicator, Ear tags and marker.
Figure1. One Shot Prostaglandin
Statistical Analysis
Data on breed, location, age, body condition score, bull number, parity, Artificial insemination, presence of
corpus luteum, status of cervix and status of pregnancy were summarized by descriptive statistics using SPSS
computer software program (Version 20).
A total of 115 local cattle Holstein Friesian cows and heifers with good body condition were injected 2 ml
prostaglandin intra muscular (Gokhan et al., 2010). Within 2 to 5 days after injection, all the cows and heifers in
heat or silent heat was inseminated artificially using 100% Holstein Friesian bull semen. The average weight of
cows and heifers were 239 (130-340) kg and 235 (143-308) kg, respectively. Pregnancy diagnoses were
undertaken 3 months later through rectal palpation and foetus size. Pregnancy diagnoses were undertaken 3
months later through ovarian palpation and foetus size smaller than the suggested size at three months were
regarded as bull pregnant.The oestrus rate of cows to PGF2
is 91.67% while, the oestrus rate of heifers was
93.02%. The average rate of pregnancy of the cows and heifers in the study sites was 31.94% and 32.56%,
respectively.A greater difference was observed in oestrus rate of the cows and heifers of different body
conditions. In contrast, cattle with body condition score of 5 have the lowest rate of conception (17.4%)
compared to others. The cows and heifers with the body condition of 3 and 4 results in conception rate of 25%
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.5, No.7, 2015
and 36.9% respectively.The degree of success of conception of semen from different bulls, Bull 10231 was the
highest (37.5%) followed by bull 10131 and 10249 (33.33%). The least degree of success of conception of
semen was recorded for bull 11249(27.27). Analysis of the data on the basis of local and exotic breeds revealed
that out of 76 local cows and heifers treated with one shot prostaglandin, 24 (31.57%) were became pregnant
and from the 39 exotic cows and Heifers treated, 13 (33.33%) were resulted in conception.The overall mean
oestrus rate was 92.17%, while, the overall mean rate of pregnancy was 32.17%.
The Response of Prostaglandin and Rate of Pregnancy across Sites in the District
The highest rate of pregnancy was recorded in Genfel 4(57.14%) followed by Adikisandid 10(32.26%) and
Wukro city8 (32%) leaving least rate of conception in Aynalem site 15 (28.85%) in the district.The oestrus rate
of the cattle to PGF
found in this study was105(91.3%) and an overall pregnancy rate of 37(32.17%).
Table 1: Variations in Oestrus Rate to PGF2
and Pregnancy Rate across sites in the District
Sites Number of
Number of
responded to PGF2
Rate of
response to
Number of
Aynalem 52 46 88.46% 52 15(28.85%)
Genfel 7 7 100% 7 4(57.14%)
31 28 90.32% 31 10(32.26%)
Wukro city
25 24 96% 25 8(32%)
Total 115 105 91.30% 115 37(32.17%)
Variations in Prostaglandin Response and Pregnancy Rate Due to Parity
Oestrus rate of cows to PGF2
is 91.67% while, the oestrus rate of heifers was 93.02%. The average rate of
pregnancy of the cows and heifers in the study sites was 31.94% and 32.56%, respectively. The overall mean
oestrus rate was 92.17%, while, the overall mean rate of pregnancy of was 32.17%. The differences in oestrus
rate within cows of different parity were slight. The same was also true for the difference between cows and
heifers. But cows of different parity had showed varied differences in the rate of conception. Slight difference
had also been observed in the rate of pregnancy between heifers and cows.
Table 2: Oestrus Rate to PGF2
and Pregnancy Rate of cows and heifers due to variation in Parity
Injected with PGF2
responded to
Rate of
Number of
Number of
1 21 19 90.5% 21 7(33.33%)
2 27 25 92.6% 27 13(48.15%)
3 19 17 89.7% 19 3(15.79%)
4 3 3 100% 3 0
5 1 1 100% 1 0
7 1 1 100% 1 0
Total 72 66 91.67% 72 23(31.94%)
Heifers 43 40 93.02% 43 14(32.56%)
Overall 115 106 92.17% 115 37(32.17%)
Variations in Prostaglandin Response and Pregnancy Rate Due to Difference in Body Condition
A greater difference was observed in oestrus rate of the cows and heifers of different body conditions. In contrast,
cattle with body condition score of 5 have the lowest rate of conception (17.4%) compared to others. The cows
and heifers with the body condition of 3 and 4 results in conception rate of 25% and 36.9% respectively.
Consistent with the theoretical fact, the least rate of pregnancy was recorded for cattle with the least body
condition score.
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.5, No.7, 2015
Table 3: Variation in Oestrus and Pregnancy Rate Due to variation in Body Condition
Injected with PGF2
responded to
Rate of
Number of
Number of
3 8 7 (87.5%) 8 2(25%)
4 84 77 (91.67%) 84 31(36.9%)
5 23 21 (91.3%) 23 4(17.4%)
Total 115 105 (91.3%) 115 37(32.17%)
Variation Due to Semen Sources
In terms of degree of success of conception of semen from different bulls, Bull 10231 was the highest (37.5%)
followed by bull 10131 and 10249 (33.33%). The least degree of success of conception of semen was recorded
for bull 11249(27.27).
Table 4: Variation in Oestrus and Pregnancy Rate Due to Semen Sources
Bull No. Number of Observation Conception Degree of success (%)
10189 30 9 30
10131 3 1 33.33
10231 40 15 37.5
11249 33 9 27.27
10249 9 3 33.33
Overall 115 37 32.17
Variation due to Breeds
Analysis of the data on the basis of local and exotic breeds revealed that out of 76 local cows and heifers treated
with one shot prostaglandin, 24 (31.57%) were became pregnant and from the 39 exotic breeds cows and Heifers
treated, 13 (33.33%) were resulted in conception.
Table 5: Variation in Oestrus and Pregnancy Rate in local and exotic cattle breeds
Breed Number of Observation
Degree of success (%)
Local 76 24 31.57
Exotic 39 13 33.33
Total 115 37 32.17
3.6. Variation due to Age
In terms of the variation in age, there was a slight or no difference in the success of the conception, by which the
cows score a conception success of 23(31.94%) and the heifers degree of success was (32.56%).
Table 6: Variation in Oestrus and Pregnancy Rate Due to variation in Age
Age Number of Observation
Degree of success (%)
Cows 72 23 31.94
Heifers 43 14 32.56
Total 115 37 32.17
Infertility due to failure of estrus in heifers and post-partum cow is a serious problem leading to
considerable economic loses to the dairy industry. Anoestrus in pubertal heifers leads to delayed onset
of puberty, lowers the reproductive rate of young females and consequently high age at first service.
Postpartum anoestrus delays rebreeding after parturition, resulting into long calving intervals(Britt et al.,
1986).The local cattle and Holstein Fresian cattle in Genfel showed the highest rate of response to prostaglandin
followed by Adikisandid, Wukro city and Aynalem sites in the Wukro Kilte Awulaelo district. The oestrus rate
of the cattle to PGF
found in this study(91.3%) is slightly lower than the result obtained in Adigrat- Mekelle
Milkshed, Tigray (99.5%) and higher than what was reported in Hawassa-Dilla Milk shed, SNNPR (76.1%) in a
similar mass synchronization campaign (IPMS, 2011) and (Million, 2010) (67.3%). But, it was extremely higher
than the results forBrown Swiss (61.1%) and Holstein (50.8%) cows. The same was also true for Brown Swiss
(54.6%) and Holstein Frisian in heifers (Diaz et al., 2005) with two injections of PGF
11 days apart. It also
agrees with the results of Murugavel and his colleagues (2010) who confirmed 70 to 90% oestrus rate within 2 to
5 days when PGF
was administered to cows with a functional corpus luteum.
The estrus response in the selected sites of the district in the present study was 91.3% which was lower
than the previous report100% (Teklebrhan,2011-unpublished). In the previous study (Diriba,2010)reported a
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.5, No.7, 2015
100% estrus response which is higher than the present study. Gordon (1996) observed that an estrus response of
90%using any method available currently should be considered as successful. Accordingly the estrus response
obtained in the present study result is very good. This is probably a reflection of the high degree of the efficacy
of the treatment regime. Equally important is also the careful selection of the animals on the basis of body
condition score and reproductive tract scores. Animals in poor body condition or with poorly developed ovaries
and tubular genital tract are not fit for one shot prostaglandin synchronizing programs.
Evaluation of the body condition (Noakeset al., 2001) is an important tool to determine which animals
are fit to receive the hormonal therapy. Apparently the fact that in the present investigation the animals with
body condition score 3 responded favorably to estrus synchronization in agreement with the above reports.
The average rate of pregnancy (32.17%) recorded in this study is higher than the national rate of
pregnancy (27%) reported by Desalegnet al., (2009) and much lower than the preliminary results of mass
synchronization in SNNPR (63%) and Tigiray (62%) (IPMS, 2011). The rate of pregnancy was also less than the
rate of pregnancy stated in the guideline, 50% of prostaglandin responsive cows and heifers should conceive and
what was reported by million (2011) (47.5%). Such extreme discrepancy might be due to shortage of feed; heat
stress, anoestrus cattle, body condition and exposure of synchronized cows for local bulls immediately after
insemination as evidenced in the field visit.
The pregnancy rates obtained in the present study were almost similar with the cows. The lower
pregnancy rates recorded in the present investigation can possibly be explained by the carelessness selection of
the animals at the start of the experiment. However, since the number of animals in this study was not large in
number, further studies on larger numbers are called to validate the present findings. Yet the overall pregnancy
rate of 32.56%in heifers, 31.94% in cows and the combined pregnancy rate of 32.17%is not satisfactory.
In conclusion the results of the present investigation are highly disagrees with the result of the previous
study conducted in the country. Although the cost of the treatment regime used inthis study may appear to be
high, we are not totally convinced that it is highly economical in view of the losses that may accrue. A distinct
possibility regarding the use of the system exists (Martinez et al.,2002) which could lower the cost of
treatment.From the findings of this study it can be inferred that prostaglandin was effective to synchronize cows
and heifers. In contrast, the rate of pregnancy was very low. Therefore, selection of dairy belts, farmers and
cattle for synchronization should be done carefully. Moreover, strategic feed supplementation of synchronized
cattle should not be neglected. Those cows that show standing oestrus should only be inseminated.
From the findings of this study it can be inferred that prostaglandin was effective to synchronize postpartum
local cows and heifers. In contrast, the rate of pregnancy was very low. Therefore, selection of dairy belts,
farmers and cattle for synchronization should be done carefully. Moreover, strategic feed supplementation of
synchronized cattle should not be neglected. Those cows that show standing oestrus should only be inseminated.
Failure to detect cows and heifers in estrus is a very important factor which contributes significantly
towards delayed age at first calving in heifers and long calving intervals in adult cow. Estrus induction/
synchronization will give an opportunity to schedule the calving time with feed availability and the animal can
produce more calves in her life time by reducing the calving interval .Moreover, through estrus synchronization
technology , it is possible to schedule the milk yield availability with the consumption demand. As a result of
increasing information and the development of new techniques ,there are several ways in which it may be
possible to enhance pregnancy rate in dairy and beef cattle.
Therefore, on the basis of this study the following recommendation are forwarded:-
The excellent rate of estrus response in the present study confirms the results obtained previously by
another study in the region.
The low pregnancy rates obtained highlights the need for careful selection of the animal, at the start of
the experiment.
From the obtained results, so far, it appears that the technology is fit and ready for wide spread field
The various products used in study need to be made easily available in the local market.
Further investigation which can potentially lower the cost of treatment are essential.
I am extremely thankful to God for the opportunities he has blessed me with and the people he has provided to
help me to achieve my goals. My sincere appreciation and thanks also goes to my classmate at Mekelle
University, Hadush Teklu for his material and moral support during the preparation of this paper.
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The aim of the firm is Accelerating Global Knowledge Sharing.
More information about the firm can be found on the homepage:
There are more than 30 peer-reviewed academic journals hosted under the hosting platform.
Prospective authors of journals can find the submission instruction on the following
page: All the journals articles are available online to the
readers all over the world without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those
inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. Paper version of the journals is also
available upon request of readers and authors.
Book publication information:
Academic conference:
IISTE Knowledge Sharing Partners
EBSCO, Index Copernicus, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, JournalTOCS, PKP Open
Archives Harvester, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine, Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek
EZB, Open J-Gate, OCLC WorldCat, Universe Digtial Library , NewJour, Google Scholar