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Scalp bacterial shift in Alopecia areata

  • Private Office , Milan, Italy
  • Giuliani, Milan, Italy
  • Rinaldi & Associated, Milano, Italy

Abstract and Figures

The role of microbial dysbiosis in scalp disease has been recently hypothesized. However, little information is available with regards to the association between microbial population on the scalp and hair diseases related to hair growth. Here we investigated bacterial communities in healthy and Alopecia areata (AA) subjects. The analysis of bacterial distribution at the genus level highlighted an increase of Propionibacterium in AA subjects alongside a general decrease of Staphylococcus. Analysis of log Relative abundance of main bacterial species inhabiting the scalp showed a significant increase of Propionibacterium acnes in AA subjects compared to control ones. AA scalp condition is also associated with a significant decrease of Staphylococcus epidermidis relative abundance. No significant changes were found for Staphylococcus aureus. Therefore, data from sequencing profiling of the bacterial population strongly support a different microbial composition of the different area surrounded hair follicle from the epidermis to hypodermis, highlighting differences between normal and AA affected the scalp. Our results highlight, for the first time, the presence of a microbial shift on the scalp of patients suffering from AA and gives the basis for a larger and more complete study of microbial population involvement in hair disorders.
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Scalp bacterial shift in Alopecia areata
Daniela Pinto
, Elisabetta Sorbellini
, Barbara Marzani
, Mariangela Rucco
Giammaria Giuliani
, Fabio RinaldiID
1Giuliani SpA, Milan, Italy, 2Human Advanced Microbiome Project-HMAP, Milan, Italy, 3International Hair
Research Foundation (IHRF), Milan, Italy
The role of microbial dysbiosis in scalp disease has been recently hypothesized. However,
little information is available with regards to the association between microbial population on
the scalp and hair diseases related to hair growth. Here we investigated bacterial communi-
ties in healthy and Alopecia areata (AA) subjects. The analysis of bacterial distribution at the
genus level highlighted an increase of Propionibacterium in AA subjects alongside a general
decrease of Staphylococcus. Analysis of log Relative abundance of main bacterial species
inhabiting the scalp showed a significant increase of Propionibacterium acnes in AA sub-
jects compared to control ones. AA scalp condition is also associated with a significant
decrease of Staphylococcus epidermidis relative abundance. No significant changes were
found for Staphylococcus aureus. Therefore, data from sequencing profiling of the bacterial
population strongly support a different microbial composition of the different area sur-
rounded hair follicle from the epidermis to hypodermis, highlighting differences between nor-
mal and AA affected the scalp. Our results highlight, for the first time, the presence of a
microbial shift on the scalp of patients suffering from AA and gives the basis for a larger and
more complete study of microbial population involvement in hair disorders.
Alopecia areata (AA) is the second most common type of hair loss disorder for human beings.
It occurs in the form of a non-scarring alopecia which affects the scalp and, eventually, the
entire body [1]. An incidence higher than 2% has been reported for AA, with a lifetime risk of
1.7% both in men and women [2].
For subjects affected by AA, the catagen phase is either extremely short or doesn’t occur at
all, and in turn proceeds rapidly to telogen phase. From a clinical point of view, this led to sin-
gle or several annular or patchy bald lesions usually on the scalp [3,4]. These lesions can extend
to the entire scalp (Alopecia totalis) or to the entire pilar area of the body (Alopecia
The management of AA still remains a challenge and is mainly aimed at containing it.
Among treatments currently available [5], in 2012, the British Association of Dermatologists
recommended two main treatments with a C grade of recommendation: i) topical and intrale-
sional corticosteroid (limited patchy hair loss); ii) immunotherapy (extensive patchy hair loss
and Alopecia totalis/universalis) [6].
PLOS ONE | April 11, 2019 1 / 11
Citation: Pinto D, Sorbellini E, Marzani B, Rucco M,
Giuliani G, Rinaldi F (2019) Scalp bacterial shift in
Alopecia areata. PLoS ONE 14(4): e0215206.
Editor: Brenda A. Wilson, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, UNITED STATES
Received: July 6, 2018
Accepted: March 28, 2019
Published: April 11, 2019
Copyright: ©2019 Pinto et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper.
Funding: Financial assistance received from by
Giuliani SpA. The funder provided support in the
form of salaries for authors [DP, BM and FR], but
did not have any additional role in the study design,
data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript. The specific roles of
these authors are articulated in the ‘author
contributions’ section.
Competing interests: DP, BM are employed by
Giuliani S.p.A.; FR serves as consultant for Giuliani
S.p.A; GG is part of Board of Directors of Giuliani S.
Causes behind AA are not yet fully understood, and there have been debates dating back to
the beginning of the 1800s. Many associations have been proposed by researchers over the
years [7]. However, clinical evidence and association with other immune disorders [8] under-
line the role of immunity and inflammation in the early development of AA [911]. Interest-
ingly, authors [11] reported the efficacy of PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) on AA as a potent anti-
inflammatory agent by suppressing cytokine release and limiting local tissue inflammation
Other comimon (common?) recognized offenders are hormonal imbalance, psychological
stress, genetic tendencies, other local skin disorders and also nutritional deficiencies [5]. More
recently, some authors reported evidence of the link between the gut microbiome and AA
[12,13] but little information is currently available as regards microbial communities on the
scalp [14,15]. Due to its unique features, the scalp is expected to harbor a specific microbiome,
which is expected to play a peculiar role in scalp conditions related to hair growth [16].
In this work, we present data on bacterial communities in healthy and AA subjects, on a
sample of Italian population. Our results highlight, for the first time, the presence of a signifi-
cative bacterial disequilibrium on the scalp of AA subjects compared to healthy population;
this disequilibrium also extends in the subepidermal compartments of the scalp.
Material and methods
Subjects recruitment
Fifteen healthy and AA subjects, respectively (20–60 years old; 40% male) were recruited from
a private Italian dermatological clinic (Milan, Italy).
All subjects have been enrolled under dermatological control. AA subjects have been previ-
ously evaluated about their disease history and by means of clinical examinations. Subjects
have been enrolled in control population after clinical examinations and in absence of any his-
tory of dermatological or scalp disorders.
All enrolled subjects had to meet the following criteria: i) no antibiotics in the 30 days lead-
ing up to the sampling; ii) no probiotics in the last 15 days; iii) the last shampoo was performed
48h before sampling; iv) no pregnancy or lactation; v) suffering from other dermatological dis-
eases; vi) no anti-tumor, immunosuppressant or radiation therapy in the last 3 months; vii) no
topical or hormonal therapy on the scalp in the last 3 months.
The study was approved by the Ethical Independent Committee for Clinical, not pharmaco-
logical investigation in Genoa (Italy) and in accordance with the ethical standards of the 1964
Declaration of Helsinki. All of the volunteers signed the informed consent.
Swab sample collection
The scalp surface has been sampled by means of swab procedure according to previously
reported methods [17,18] with minor modifications. Sterile cotton swabs were soaked for at
least 30s in ST solution (NaCl 0.15 M and 0.1% Tween 20) before sampling. A comb was used
to separate hair fibers and collect samples from a total area of 16cm
from a different area of
the scalp. After collection, the head of each swab was cut and stored in ST solution. Samples
from the same subjects were collected together and stored at 4˚C until DNA extraction. Sterile
cotton swabs placed in ST solution have been used as negative controls.
Biopsy samples collection
A total of 4 female subjects (two control and two AA, respectively) were also sampled for the
microbial community in the subepidermal compartments of the scalp. A 4-mm punch biopsy
Scalp bacterial shift in Alopecia areata
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p.A. This does not alter our adherence to PLOS
ONE policies on sharing data and materials.
specimen was collected from each subject. In AA subjects, the specimen was obtained from a
well-developed lesion. The sampled area was disinfected prior to the surgery to avoid contami-
nation from surface bacteria. Epidermis, dermis and hypodermis were aseptically separated
and stored in Allprotect medium (Qiagen) according to manufacturer conditions until DNA
Bacterial DNA extraction
Bacterial DNA from scalp swabs was extracted by mean of QIAamp UCP Pathogen Mini Kit
(Qiagen, Milan, Italy) according to manufacturer protocol, with minor modifications [19].
The DNeasy Tissue kit (Qiagen, Milan, Italy) was used for DNA extraction from biopsy speci-
mens. Extracted DNA was finally suspended in DNAse free water and quantified by the
QIAexpert system (Qiagen, Milan, Italy) before qRT-PCR and sequencing.
High throughput 16S amplicon generation, sequencing and analysis
DNA samples extracted from scalp swabs were amplified for the variable region V3-V4 using the
universal prokaryotic primers: 341 F CTGNCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA [20,21] and 806bR GGACTA
CNVGGGTWTCTAAT [2224] utilizing a modified dual-indexed adapter-linked single step pro-
tocol. Library preparation and Illumina MiSeq V3-V4 sequencing were carried out at StarSEQ
GmbH, Mainz, Germany, according to the method of Caporaso et al. [25] and Kozich et al., [26]
with minor modifications. Amplicons were generated using a high fidelity polymerase (AccuS-
tart II PCR ToughMix, Quantabio, Beverly, MA). The amplicons were then normalized to equi-
molar concentrations using SequalPrep Plate Normalization Kit (ThermoFisher Scientific,
Monza, Italy) and the final concentration of the library was determined using a fluorometric kit
(Qubit, Life technologies, Carlsbard, CA, USA). Libraries were mixed with Illumina-generated
PhiX control libraries and denatured using fresh NaOH. Runs were performed using Real-Time
Analysis software (RTA) v. 1.16.18 and 1.17.22, MiSeq Control Software (MCS) v. 2.0.5 and
2.1.13, varying amounts of a PhiX genomic library control, and varying cluster densities. Four
sequencing runs were performed with RTA v. 1.18.54, MCS v. 2.6, a target of 25% PhiX, and
600–700 k/mm2 cluster densities according to Illumina specifications for sequencing of low
diversity libraries. We used 25% PhiX to balance the runs and use 600 bp V3 chemistry for
sequencing. Basecalls from Illumina High Throughput Sequencing (HTS) machines were con-
verted to fastQ files using bcl2fastq (Illumina) software, v2.20.0.42 and quality control carried
out by mean of, v0.11.5. bcl2fastq (Illumina) software, v2.20.0.422. Quality control of fastq reads
was carried out using FastQC v0.11.5. The quality trimming of primers and adaptors was carried
out using Cutadapt, v. 1.14 [27] and Sickle v. 1.33 [28] toolkits, respectively.
Paired-end reads were assembled using Pandaseq v. 2.11[29] using a threshold of 0.9 and a
minimum overlap region length of 50. Clustering was carried out using closed-reference OTU
picking and de novo OUT picking protocol of QIIME v1.9 [25] at 97% identity.
Greengenes database v13_8 was used as a reference for bacterial taxonomic assignment
[30]. Amplicon reads were also analyzed as regards alpha diversity by mean of Shannon index,
using QIIME v1.9.
Bacteria quantification by qRT-PCR
Relative abundance of bacterial DNA of main bacterial species on the scalp was assessed by
means of real-time quantitative PCR (RT qPCR). Microbial PCR assay kit (Qiagen, Milan, Italy)
with gene-specific primers and TaqMan MGB probe targeting Propionibacterium acnes,Staphy-
lococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus 16S rRNA gene, respectively, were used. Gen-
bank accession numbers of 16S rRNA gene sequences for P. acnes, S. aureus and S. epidermidis
Scalp bacterial shift in Alopecia areata
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were ADJL01000005.1, ACOT01000039.1 and ACJC01000191.1, respectively. Samples were
mixed with 12.5μL of Microbial qPCR Mastermix, 1 μL of Microbial DNA qPCR Assay, 5ng of
genomic DNA sample and Microbial-DNA-free water up to a final volume of 25 μL.
Nine separate PCR reactions are prepared for each sample, including Positive PCR Control,
No Template Control, and Microbial DNA Positive Control, as well as the Microbial DNA
qPCR Assay. Pan-bacteria (Genebank accession number HQ640630.1) assays that detect a
broad range of bacterial species are included to serve as positive controls for the presence of
bacterial DNA. Assays for human GAPDH and HBB1 (Genebank accession numbers
NT_009759.16 and NT_009237.18, respectively) have been included to determine proper sam-
ple collection and used to assess the presence of human genomic DNA in the sample and,
eventually, subtracted from calculation. Thermal cycling conditions used were as follows; 95˚C
for 10 min, 40 cycles of 95˚C for 15 sec, 60˚C for 2 min. PCR reactions were performed in
duplicate using an MX3000p PCR machine (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA). Amplification-curve
plotting and calculation of cycle threshold (Ct) values were performed using MX3000p soft-
ware (v.3; Stratagene) and data were further processed by Excel. ΔΔCt method [31] was used
to calculate bacterial load of each swab sample. Obtained values have been used for calculation
of Bacterial Load-Fold Change (AA/Healthy subjects). Data is finally expressed as Log of the
relative abundance of each sample versus the control group.
Statistical analysis
Data is expressed as log Relative abundance (RA) ±SEM for qRT-PCR analysis. Results were
checked for normal distribution using D’Agostino & Pearson normality test before further
analyses. Statistically significant differences on bacterial community between healthy and AA
group were determined using Wilcoxon test (p 0.05). All the comparisons were performed
pairwise for each group. Analyses were performed with GraphPad Prism 7.0 (GraphPad Soft-
ware, Inc., San Diego, CA). P–values equal to or less than 0.05 were considered significant.
Microbiota profiling of the scalp in AA subjects
The human scalp’s bacterial composition of Control (n = 15) and AA (N = 15) subjects have
been analyzed by IlluminaSeq (Fig 1). We obtaining about 585,219 and 544,578 high quality
reads for the total V3-V4 sequences from control and AA subjects, respectively. About 56.3%
of sequences from the control group were assigned to Actinobacteria phylum and 35.2% to Fir-
micutes. As regards, AA group Actinobacteria were around 57.4% and Firmicutes decreased to
29.2%. The analysis of bacterial distribution at the genus level, interestingly, highlighted an
increase of Propionibacterium from 45.6% to 55.1% in AA subjects. Alongside data showed a
general decrease of Staphylococcus from 32.6% to 27.4% (Fig 1A). Therefore, the percentage of
other less abundant bacteria genus was similar (around 5%) both in control and AA subjects.
Alpha-diversity (Shannon diversity index) was significantly higher (p 0.001) in AA subjects
than in the control group (Fig 1B).
Microbial shift of the scalp surface in AA subjects
As previously reported by other authors [14,15], P.acnes,S.epidermidis and S.aureus are the
three major microbial species found on the scalp.
Relative abundance of predominant bacteria on scalps both of control and AA subjects has
been analyzed by mean of RT q-PCR. Primers and TaqMan MGB probe specific for 16S region
of P.acnes,S.epidermidis and S.aureus were used.
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Pan bacteria specific targets designed to detect the broadest possible collection of bacteria
involved in human biology were used as control. Student’s test analysis of log Relative abun-
dance comparing control and AA subjects showed a significant (p<0.01) increase of P.acnes
(from 1.6 to 1.8 log RA) in AA subjects compared to control ones (Fig 2A). AA scalp condition
is also associated with a significant (p<0.05) decrease of S.epidermidis relative abundance
(from 1.4 to 1.01 log RA) (Fig 2B) while no significant changes were found for S.aureus
(Fig 2C).
Microbial shift due to AA is also clear as regards the proportion of bacterial populations
analyzed. The ratio P.acnes/ S.epidermidis is significantly higher (p<0.05) in AA subjects
(mean ratio = 2.1±0.3) compared to control subjects (mean ratio = 1.3±0.1) (Fig 2D). Addi-
tionally, the P.acnes/ S.aureus ratio was also significantly higher (p<0.01) in AA subjects
(mean ratio = 1.4±0.1 vs mean ratio = 1.2±0.1) (Fig 2E). No significative differences were
found in the ratio S.epidermidis / S.aureus (Fig 2F).
Fig 1. Bacterial profiling in control and AA subjects. (A)% of bacteria at genus level in the control and AA groups.
Results are presented as the percentage (%) of total sequences, (p0.05). (B) Shannon diversity index for bacterial
population observed in control and AA subjects (p0.05).
Fig 2. Relative abundance of main bacterial species on the scalp of AA andcontrol subjects by RT qPCR. Box and
Whisker comparing the log relative abundance of P.acnes,S.epidermidis and S.aureus collected by swabbing the scalp.
(A) Log Relative abundance of P.acnes in Control and AA subjects. (B) Log Relative abundance of S.epidermidis in
Control and AA subjects. (C) Log Relative abundance of S. aureus in Control and AA subjects. Ratios P. acnes/ S.
epidermidis (D), P. acnes/ S. aureus (E) and S. epidermidis / S. aureus (F) in Control and AA subjects. Values are
presented as mean +/- SEM, in duplicate. Box-and-Whiskers plot showing median with 25th to 75th percentile. The
center line of each box represents the median; data falling outside the whiskers range are plotted as outliers of the data.
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AA alteration of bacterial distribution in the subepidermal compartments
of the scalp
Two bioptic samples were collected respectively from control and AA subjects and divided in
the main subepidermal compartments. Extracted genomic DNAs were analyzed by Illumina-
Seq and analyzed for bacterial distribution.
Similar proportions of Firmicutes (24.6% vs 27.6%) and Proteobacteria (16.2% vs 16.9%)
were reported in epidermis of both control and AA subjects (Fig 3) while a higher proportion
of Actinobacteria (33.3% vs 22.4%) and Bacteroidetes (20.1% vs 9.9%) were found in AA sub-
jects compared to control (Fig 3). Bacterial community in dermis shifted to a lower proportion
of Actinobacteria (6.1% vs 11.3%) in AA subjects while Proteobacteria (14.9% vs 8.1%) and
Bacteroidetes (14.2% vs 4.0%) increased compared to control (Fig 3). Also hypodermis showed
a peculiar bacterial distribution which results, also in this case affected by scalp condition. AA
subjects showed a significative higher proportion of Proteobacteria,Bacteroidetes and espe-
cially Firmicutes than control subjects (Fig 3). In general less variability was observed for bacte-
rial communities in AA subjects and this may reflect in a compromised healthiness of the
Most interesting, the analysis at species level of bioptic samples highlighted the presence of
Prevotella copri in both AA samples, in all analyzed compartments.
Akkermansia muciniphila was also found (less than 1.5% of total population) in AA sub-
compartments of the scalp, in particular in the hypodermis.
In this study, we reported, for the first time, the relationship between microbial shift on the
scalp and hair growth disorder, in particular, Alopecia areata. We conducted analysis by mean
of qRT-PCR and 16S sequencing.
A diversified and abundant microbial community host the skin [32] and this symbiotic rela-
tionship results, most of the time, as beneficial for both the host and microbial community
[3335]. Bacteria mainly belong to Corynebacteriaceae, Propionibacteriae, and
Fig 3. Bacterial profiling of scalp biopsy samples from control and AA subjects. % of bacteria at phylum level in the
control and AA groups in the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. Results are presented as the percentage (%) of total
Scalp bacterial shift in Alopecia areata
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Staphylococcaceae [3639] and are differently distributed according to the physiochemical
properties of each skin site they host [39,40]. Many scientific published evidence reported the
strict correlation between microbial disequilibrium and skin conditions [4145]. Little is still
reported with regards to the microbiome inhabiting the scalp and hair growth disorders
[14,15,46]. Clavaud and collaborators [15] and, more recently, Xu et al. [14] reported, the
implication of microorganisms in the development of dandruff. Characterization of scalp bac-
terial species involved in hair disorders such as Alopecia androgenetica, Alopecia areata, and
Lichen Planopilaris has been poorly investigated and, only recently, the piece bit of evidence
has been reported [16].
We focused our attention on bacterial population of the scalp of healthy and AA subjects
looking at main bacterial species on the scalp [15] (P.acnes,S.aureus, and S.epidermidis) and
at their reciprocal balancing. We quantified their relative abundance by means of accurate
gene-specific primers and probe targeting 16S region, by RT qPCR. Our results are concurrent
with Wang’s work [46] highlighting the reciprocal inhibition exerted by bacteria, each other,
on the scalp (Propionibacterium vs Staphylococcus and vice-versa). AA subjects showed an
increase in P.acnes and a decrease of Staphylococcus, especially S.epidermidis, suggesting the
role of Propionibacterium/Staphylococcus balancing in AA. A role of P.acnes with hair casts
and Alopecia has previously been hypothesized by Wang and collaborators [46] even though
not deeply investigated. P.acnes is able to synthesize many enzymes involved in the metabo-
lism of porphyrins that, once activated, may contribute to oxidation and follicular inflamma-
tion. Therefore, a speculation about the role of the hypoxic condition of the follicular region
may be speculated in AA and this may encourage P.acnes overgrowth. A role of hypoxia has
been reported in the progression of other skin condition such as psoriasis [47] and atopic der-
matitis [48]. The presence of A.muciniphila, a strictly anaerobic bacteria, around the hair folli-
cle in analyzed AA subjects may be suggestive of a hypoxic ecosystem in which this bacteria
can find favorable growth conditions.
Data from IlluniaSeq profiling also suggested a higher diversity of bacterial species inhabit-
ing the scalp of AA subjects. These results are in line with previous work [15] on other scalp
conditions. On the basis of the present and previous results, a link with a higher susceptibility
of an unhealthy scalp to be colonized by microorganisms could be postulated but further anal-
ysis are needed to understanding the reason behind this high variety.
Beyond the superficial relationship between the microorganism with skin, microbes can
also communicate with cells of the subepidermal compartments [49] and are involved also in
deep immunological response [5054]. As reported by Nakatsuji et al., [49] high interpersonal
variability was observed as regards epidermal and subepidermal microbial population. In this
study, data from sequencing profiling of the bacterial population strongly support a different
microbial composition of different area surrounded hair follicle from the epidermis to hypo-
dermis, highlighting differences between normal and AA affected scalp. We can hypothesize
the role of this different microbial composition in AA symptoms and manifestations.
Microbial changing at different subepidermal compartment may be linked to an autoim-
mune component of the pathology as to skin barrier skin disruption, as previously shown for
other skin disorders [55].
Most interesting, the analysis at species level of bioptic samples highlighted the peculiar
presence of P.copri and A.muciniphila in both AA samples, in all analyzed compartments.
These findings are very intriguing. The finding of Prevotella copri as one of the most abundant
bacteria in subepidermal compartments of AA scalp may be linked to the autoimmune compo-
nent of this hair condition. For example, P.copri has been found as relevant in the pathogene-
sis of rheumatoid arthritis [56], another chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder that can
affect other parts of the body including the skin. Therefore the identification of A.muciniphila
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in the subepidermal compartments of the scalp of AA subjects could open to new therapeutic
approaches in the management of AA. The link between A.muciniphila and skin disease has
been yet discussed as it has been considered a gut signature of psoriasis [57].
The present work reported data from an initial pilot study. Future studies should be aimed
at better investigate both the role of microbial community shifts and hypoxia in hair scalp dis-
eases. Also the study of additional factors such as inclusion of samples from non-lesional sites
in AA and non-AA subjects and from other baldness disease besides AA and the role should
be considered.
Our study highlighted, for the first time, the presence of a microbial shift on the scalp of
patients suffering from AA and gives the basis for a larger and more complete study of micro-
bial population involvement in hair disorders. Therefore, the reported findings as the availabil-
ity of sophisticated and quick methods to evaluate the microbial composition of the scalp open
to new therapeutic approaches in the management of hair disorders.
Larger studies are still needed for a more precise identification of bacterial community on
the scalp as for the analysis of fungal component in AA subjects but the results of the present
work permit to asses, for the first time, the involvement of microbial changing in hair disorder,
in particular AA, also in the subepidermal compartments of the scalp.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Elisabetta Sorbellini, Barbara Marzani, Giammaria Giuliani, Fabio
Data curation: Daniela Pinto, Mariangela Rucco.
Formal analysis: Daniela Pinto.
Investigation: Daniela Pinto, Elisabetta Sorbellini, Mariangela Rucco, Fabio Rinaldi.
Methodology: Daniela Pinto, Fabio Rinaldi.
Supervision: Elisabetta Sorbellini, Fabio Rinaldi.
Writing original draft: Daniela Pinto, Elisabetta Sorbellini, Barbara Marzani, Fabio Rinaldi.
Writing review & editing: Daniela Pinto, Elisabetta Sorbellini, Barbara Marzani, Fabio
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... This finding appears to contradict the decrease in other members of the Firmicutes reported by Rinaldi et al., suggesting that AA's impact on Firmicutes subpopulations may be more complex and species-specific [47]. Moreover, Pinto et al. provided additional details, indicating that there was an increase in Neisseria (Proteobacteria) and Anaerococcus (Firmicutes) in the epidermis of patients with AA, while in the dermis, there was a decrease in Candidatus aquiluna (Actinobacteria) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (Firmicutes), with the genus SMB53 (family Clostridiaceae, Firmicutes) being completely absent [48]. Collectively, these findings reinforce our idea that there is a microbial imbalance in the pro-vs anti-inflammatory bacterial communities associated with the severity of AA rather than a predominance of one or two specific species involved. ...
... Our study stands out for its high-quality sequencing data across multiple hypervariable regions of the 16S rRNA gene, providing a more comprehensive overview of the scalp microbiome in AA compared to previous studies that analyzed fewer regions [45,46,48]. This method, utilizing ion torrent sequencing, enhances species identification, phylogenetic analysis, and Fig. 4 Comparative analysis of MetaCyc and KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) pathways across skin condition severity. ...
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Alopecia areata (AA) is an autoimmune disease causing non-scarring hair loss, with both genetic and environmental factors implicated. Recent research highlights a possible role for scalp microbiota in influencing both local and systemic inflammatory responses, potentially impacting AA progression. This study examines the link among scalp microbiota imbalances, AA severity, and systemic inflammation. We conducted a cross-sectional study with 24 participants, including patients with AA of varying severities and healthy controls. Scalp microbial communities were analyzed using swab samples and ion torrent sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene across multiple hypervariable regions. We explored correlations among bacterial abundance, microbiome metabolic pathways, and circulating inflammatory markers. Our findings reveal significant dysbiosis in the scalp microbiota of patients with AA compared to healthy controls. Severe AA cases had an increased presence of pro-inflammatory microbial taxa like Proteobacteria, whereas milder cases had higher levels of anti-inflammatory Actinobacteria. Notable species differences included abundant gram-negative bacteria such as Alistipes inops and Bacteroides pleibeius in severe AA, contrasted with Blautia faecis and Pyramydobacter piscolens predominantly in controls. Significantly, microbial imbalance correlated with AA severity (SALT scores) and systemic inflammatory markers, with elevated pro-inflammatory cytokines linked to more severe disease. These results suggest that scalp microbiota may play a role in AA-related inflammation, although it is unclear whether the shifts are a cause or consequence of hair loss. Further research is needed to clarify the causal relationship and mechanisms involved.
... The reference is from [64] They presented, for the first time, the alteration in microbiota in individuals with alopecia areata in comparison to healthy. Abundant scientific literature supports a robust correlation between skin illnesses and microbial imbalance. ...
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Alopecia areata (AA) is a form of hair loss that does not result in permanent scars. The etiopathology of it is not completely understood. To evaluate the serum concentration of immunoglobulin E (IgE) and interleukin-13 (IL-13) in patients diagnosed with AA and determine the bacterial strain present in individuals with infections. The study comprised a sample of 60 women afflicted with alopecia areata and 30 women who were in good health, serving as controls.The levels of IgE and IL-13 in the serum were evaluated using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test(ELISA). The microorganisms were identified by conventional techniques and verified using Vitek technology. for IgE showed highly significant differences (p value < 0.1) Between patients and the control group, Regarding IL-13, the results showed significant differences (p value < 0.05), Between patients and the control group, Regarding age As for IgE, there is no significant difference between patients in the three groups (p value > 0.05), but it is different from the control (p value < 0.05).IL-13 There are significant differences (p value < 0.05). Among adults, the level of interleukin is higher than that of middle and young people. The weight-related results demonstrated significant variability across patients (p value < 0.05), with obese individuals exhibiting higher levels of IGE and IL-13 compared to those of medium and underweight. Regarding, In relation to bacteria, the percentages were as stated S.epedermidis (50.98%) , (S.aureus33.33%) mixed , S.aureus + S.epedermidis , (9.8%) E.coli (1.96%) Pseudomonas aeruginosa(1.96 %) , Granulicatella elegans (1.96%) .Total is IgE and IL-13 increased in patients with alopecia areata, Regarding bacteria, we need other studies to prove their role in alopecia areata.
... Additionally, the overall scalp microbiome composition notably differs between normal and diseased groups in other scalp diseases, such as seborrheic dermatitis 25,26 and alopecia areata 27-29 . Scalp sample collection for microbiome analysis is mostly performed using the swabbing method [21][22][23][24][25]27,29 , although tape stripping 26,30 and punch biopsy 28 are also used. ...
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Human skin samples for microbiome analysis are traditionally collected using a non-invasive swabbing method. Here, we compared the differences in bacterial community structures on scalp hair and scalps with samples collected using non-invasive swabbing and cutting/removal of scalp hair in 12 individuals. Hair-related samples, such as hair shafts and hair swabs, had significantly higher alpha diversity than scalp swab samples, whereas there were no significant differences between hair shafts and hair swabs. The relative abundances of the three major phyla and five major operational taxonomic units were not significantly different between the hair shaft and hair swab samples. The principal coordinate analysis plots based on weighted UniFrac distances were grouped into two clusters: samples from hair-related areas and scalp swabs, and there were significant differences only between samples from hair-related areas and scalp swabs. In addition, a weighted UniFrac analysis revealed that the sampling site-based category was a statistical category but not a hair sampling method-based category. These results suggest that scalp hair bacteria collected using non-invasive swab sampling were comparable to those collected cutting/removal of scalp hair.
... Lousada et al. [78] and Pinto et al. [79] showed the role of microbial dysbiosis in hair loss, revealing a significant increase in Propinebacterium acens and a decrease in Staphylococcus epidermidis in AA patients. On the other hand, the analysis of the intestinal microbiota indicated various components of fecal microbiota, mainly Parabacteroides distasonis and Clostridiales vadin BB60 [80]. ...
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Autoimmune skin disorders, including Psoriasis, Lichen Planus, Vitiligo, Atopic Dermatitis, and Alopecia Areata, arise from a combination of genetic predisposition, external factors, and immunological dysfunction. It is well-documented that there is a strong correlation between autoimmune thyroid diseases and a range of dermatological disorders, especially urticaria. This review investigates possible links between autoimmune thyroiditis and a broader spectrum of autoimmune skin conditions, analyzing shared genetic markers, immunological mechanisms, and clinical correlations. Common pathogenic mechanisms include disrupted immune tolerance and oxidative stress, leading to chronic inflammation. Genetic factors, such as IL-23 receptor gene variants, increase the risk for Psoriasis, Alopecia Areata, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Additionally, CTLA-4 mutations enhance susceptibility to autoimmune thyroid and skin disorders. Shared genetic susceptibility was also reported in Lichen Planus and Vitilgo, even if different genetic loci might be involved. The breakdown of the immune system can determine a pro-inflammatory state, facilitating the development of autoimmunity and auto-antibody cross-reactions. The presence of similar antigens in skin cells and thyrocytes might explain why both tissues are affected. The significant overlap between these conditions emphasizes the necessity for a comprehensive diagnosis workup and treatment. Future research should focus on clarifying specific immunological pathways and identifying novel biomarkers.
... Several studies on the scalp microbiome have revealed an association between dandruff and bacterial community structure (21)(22)(23)(24). Additionally, the overall scalp microbiome composition notably differs between normal and diseased groups in other scalp diseases, such as seboseborrheic dermatitis (25,26) and alopecia areata (27)(28)(29). Scalp sample collection for microbiome analysis is mostly performed using the swabbing method (21-25, 27, 29), although tape stripping (26, 30) and punch biopsy (28) are also used. ...
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Human skin samples for microbiome analysis are traditionally collected using a non-invasive swabbing method. Here, we compared the differences in bacterial community structures on scalp hair and scalps with samples collected using non-invasive swabbing and invasive cut scalp hair shaft methods in 12 individuals. Hair-related samples, such as hair shafts and hair swabs, had significantly higher alpha diversity than scalp swab samples, whereas there were no significant differences between hair shafts and hair swabs. The relative abundances of the three major phyla and five major operational taxonomic units were not significantly different between the hair shaft and hair swab samples. The principal coordinate analysis plots based on weighted UniFrac distances were grouped into two clusters: samples from hair-related areas and scalp swabs, and there were significant differences only between samples from hair-related areas and scalp swabs. In addition, a weighted UniFrac analysis revealed that the sampling site-based category was a statistical category but not a hair sampling method-based category. These results suggest that scalp hair bacteria collected using non-invasive swab sampling were comparable to those collected using invasive hair shaft sampling.
... Although the exact etiology of AA is unclear, multiple pathophysiologic discoveries have suggested that AA is associated with a loss of immune privilege, a genetic predisposition, and a potential environmental trigger. Additionally, an increased number of actinobacteria and firmicutes phyla in the scalp microbiome was found in American pediatric patients with AA [22]. Other studies suggest mixed results, with AA patients having no differences in microbiome biodiversity compared to control Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. ...
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The scalp microbiome represents an array of microorganisms important in maintaining scalp homeostasis and mediating inflammation. Scalp microbial dysregulation has been implicated in dermatologic conditions including alopecia areata (AA), dandruff/seborrheic dermatitis (D/SD), scalp psoriasis (SP) and folliculitis decalvans (FD). Understanding the impact of scalp microbial dysbiosis gives insight on disease pathophysiology and guides therapeutic decision making. Herein we review the scalp microbiome and its functional role in scalp conditions by analysis of metagenomic medical literature in alopecia, D/SD, SP, and other dermatologic disease. Increased abundance of Malassezia, Staphylococcus, and Brevibacterium was associated with SD compared to healthy controls. A higher proportion of Corynebacterium, actinobacteria, and firmicutes are present in AA patients, and lower proportions of Staphylococcus caprae are associated with worse clinical outcomes. Decreased prevalence of actinobacteria and Propionibacterium and increased firmicutes, staphylococcus, and streptococcus are associated with scalp psoriasis. Studies of central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia (CCCA) suggest scalp microbial composition contributes to CCCA’s pro-inflammatory status. The most common organisms associated with FD include methicillin-resistant S. aureus and S. lugdunensis. Antifungals have been a mainstay treatment for these diseases, while other alternatives including coconut oils and shampoos with heat-killed probiotics have shown considerable potential efficacy by replenishing the scalp microbiome.
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The prevalence of many chronic noncommunicable diseases has been steadily rising over the past six decades. During this time, over 350,000 new chemical substances have been introduced to the lives of humans. In recent years, the epithelial barrier theory came to light explaining the growing prevalence and exacerbations of these diseases worldwide. It attributes their onset to a functionally impaired epithelial barrier triggered by the toxicity of the exposed substances, associated with microbial dysbiosis, immune system activation, and inflammation. Diseases encompassed by the epithelial barrier theory share common features such as an increased prevalence after the 1960s or 2000s that cannot (solely) be accounted for by the emergence of improved diagnostic methods. Other common traits include epithelial barrier defects, microbial dysbiosis with loss of commensals and colonization of opportunistic pathogens, and circulating inflammatory cells and cytokines. In addition, practically unrelated diseases that fulfill these criteria have started to emerge as multimorbidities during the last decades. Here, we provide a comprehensive overview of diseases encompassed by the epithelial barrier theory and discuss evidence and similarities for their epidemiology, genetic susceptibility, epithelial barrier dysfunction, microbial dysbiosis, and tissue inflammation.
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The skin microbiota, with its millions of bacteria, fungi, and viruses, plays a key role in balancing the health of the skin and scalp. Its continuous exposure to potentially harmful stressors can lead to abnormalities such as local dysbiosis, altered barrier function, pathobiont overabundance, and infections often sustained by multidrug-resistant bacteria. These factors contribute to skin impairment, deregulation of immune response, and chronic inflammation, with local and systemic consequences. In this scenario, according to the needs of the bio-circular-green economy model, novel harmless strategies, both for regulating the diverse epidermal infectious and inflammatory processes and for preserving or restoring the host skin eubiosis and barrier selectivity, are requested. Vitis vinifera L. leaves and their derived extracts are rich in plant secondary metabolites, such as polyphenols, with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and immunomodulatory properties that can be further exploited through microbe-driven fermentation processes. On this premise, this literature review aims to provide an informative summary of the most updated evidence on their interactions with skin commensals and pathogens and on their ability to manage inflammatory conditions and restore microbial biodiversity. The emerging research showcases the potential novel beneficial ingredients for addressing various skincare concerns and advancing the cosmeceutics field as well.
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Nowadays, the study of human microbiome represents a novel diagnostic and therapeutic approach to treat many human conditions, also including that strictly related to skin and scalp. The findings we included in the present work represent just an overview of a larger pioneer study on the involvement of changing of the microbiome in scalp diseases, especially that related to hair growth. Even just preliminary, our results strongly highlighted, for the first time, the role exerted by unbalancing on the normal resident microbial community in hair growth-related conditions.
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Clostridium difficile infections can be life-threatening but are increasingly being treated successfully with fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT). We report two patients with alopecia universalis who developed subsequent hair regrowth after FMT for treatment of recurrent C. difficile infections. Gut microbiota may have immunomodulatory effects in autoimmune conditions such as alopecia areata, and further study may elucidate disease mechanisms and lead to alternative treatment options for these patients for whom treatment options are currently limited.
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Human health is dependent upon the ability of the body to extract nutrients, fluids and oxygen from the external environment while at the same time, maintaining a state of internal sterility. Therefore, the cell layers that cover the surface areas of the body such as the lung, skin and gastrointestinal mucosa provide vital semi-permeable barriers which allow the transport of essential nutrients, fluid and waste products while at the same time keeping the internal compartments free of microbial organisms. These epithelial surfaces are highly specialized and differ in their anatomical structure depending on their location to provide appropriate and effective site-specific barrier function. Given this important role, it is not surprising that significant disease is often associated with alterations in epithelial barrier function. Examples of such diseases include inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)¹, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)² and atopic dermatitis (AD)³. These chronic inflammatory disorders are often characterized by diminished tissue oxygen levels (hypoxia). Hypoxia triggers an adaptive transcriptional response governed by hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs), which are repressed by a family of oxygen-sensing HIF-hydroxylases. Here, we review recent evidence suggesting that pharmacologic hydroxylase inhibition may be of therapeutic benefit in IBD through the promotion of intestinal epithelial barrier function through both HIF-dependent and HIF-independent mechanisms.
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Dandruff is an unpleasant scalp disorder common to human populations. In this study, we systematically investigated the intra- and inter-associations among dandruff, physiological conditions such as sebum of the scalp, host demographics such as gender, age and the region of the scalp, and the microorganisms on the scalp. We found that the physiological conditions were highly relevant to the host age and varied in different regions of the same scalp. The sebum quantity and water content were negatively correlated with the formation of dandruff and had significant relationships with the two dominant but reciprocally inhibited bacteria on the scalp (Propionibacterium and Staphylococcus). The dominant fungus (Malassezia species) displayed contrary roles in its contribution to the healthy scalp micro-environment. Bacteria and fungi didn’t show a close association with each other, but the intramembers were tightly linked. Bacteria had a stronger relationship with the severity of dandruff than fungi. Our results indicated that the severity of dandruff was closely associated with the interactions between the host and microorganisms. This study suggests that adjusting the balance of the bacteria on the scalp, particularly by enhancing Propionibacterium and suppressing Staphylococcus, might be a potential solution to lessen dandruff.
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We continue to uncover a wealth of information connecting microbes in important ways to human and environmental ecology. As our scientific knowledge and technical abilities improve, the tools used for microbiome surveys can be modified to improve the accuracy of our techniques, ensuring that we can continue to identify groundbreaking connections between microbes and the ecosystems they populate, from ice caps to the human body. It is important to confirm that modifications to these tools do not cause new, detrimental biases that would inhibit the field rather than continue to move it forward. We therefore demonstrated that two recently modified primer pairs that target taxonomically discriminatory regions of bacterial and fungal genomic DNA do not introduce new biases when used on a variety of sample types, from soil to human skin. This confirms the utility of these primers for maintaining currently recommended microbiome research techniques as the state of the art.
Introduction: This review aims to raise the potential of the modern society’s impact on gut integrity often leading to increased intestinal permeability, as a cause or driver of Alopecia Areata (AA) in genetically susceptible people. With the increasing rate of T cell-driven autoimmunity, we hypothesize that there is a common root cause of these diseases that originates from chronic inflammation, and that the gut is the most commonly exposed area with our modern lifestyle. Areas covered: We will discuss the complexity in the induction of AA and its potential link to increased intestinal permeability. Our main focus will be on the gut microbiome and mechanisms involved in the interplay with the immune system that may lead to local and/or peripheral inflammation and finally, tissue destruction. Expert opinion: We have seen a link between AA and a dysfunctional gastrointestinal system which raised the hypothesis that an underlying intestinal inflammation drives the priming and dysregulation of immune cells that lead to hair follicle destruction. While it is still important to resolve local inflammation and restore the IP around the hair follicles, we believe that the root cause needs to be eradicated by long-term interventions to extinguish the fire driving the disease.
Objective: Prevotella copri, an intestinal microbe, may over-expand in stool samples of patients with new-onset rheumatoid arthritis (NORA), but it is not yet clear whether the organism has immune relevance in RA pathogenesis. Methods: HLA-DR-presented peptides (T cell epitopes) from P. copri were sought directly from patients' synovial tissue or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) using tandem mass spectrometry, followed by testing the antigenicity of peptides or their source proteins using samples from RA patients or comparison groups. T cell reactivity was determined by ELISpot assays; antibody responses were measured by ELISA, and cytokine/chemokine determinations were made by Luminex. 16S rDNA of P. copri was sought in serum and synovial fluid samples using nested PCR. Results: In PBMC, we identified an HLA-DR-presented peptide from a 27-kD protein of P. copri (Pc-p27), which stimulated Th1 responses in 42% of NORA patients. In both NORA and chronic RA patients, one subgroup had IgA antibody responses to Pc-p27 or the whole organism, which correlated with Th17 cytokine responses and frequent anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA). The other subgroup had IgG P. copri antibodies, which were associated with Prevotella DNA in synovial fluid, P. copri-specific Th1 responses, and less frequent ACPA. In contrast, P. copri antibody responses were rarely found in patients with other rheumatic diseases or in healthy controls. Conclusion: Subgroups of RA patients have differential IgG or IgA immune reactivity with P. copri, which appears to be specific for this disease. These observations provide evidence that P. copri is immune-relevant in RA pathogenesis. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Microbial community analysis via high-throughput sequencing of amplified 16S rRNA genes is an essential microbiology tool. We found the popular primer pair 515F (515F-C) and 806R greatly underestimated (e.g. SAR11) or overestimated (e.g. Gammaproteobacteria) common marine taxa. We evaluated marine samples and mock communities (containing 11 or 27 marine 16S clones), showing alternative primers 515F-Y (5'- GTGYCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA) and 926R (5'- CCGYCAATTYMTTTRAGTTT) yield more accurate estimates of mock community abundances, produce longer amplicons that can differentiate taxa unresolvable with 515F-C/806R, and amplify eukaryotic 18S rRNA. Mock communities amplified with 515F-Y/926R yielded closer observed community composition vs. expected (r(2) =0.95) compared to 515F-Y/806R (r(2) ∼0.5). Unexpectedly, biases with 515F-Y/806R against SAR11 in field samples (∼4-10-fold) were stronger than in mock communities (∼2-fold). Correcting a mismatch to Thaumarchaea in the 515F-C increased their apparent abundance in field samples, but not as much as using 926R rather than 806R. With plankton samples rich in eukaryotic DNA (>1μm size fraction), 18S sequences averaged ∼17% of all sequences. A single mismatch can strongly bias amplification, but even perfectly matched primers can exhibit preferential amplification. We show that beyond in silico predictions, testing with mock communities and field samples is important in primer selection. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.