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Differences in soil properties and crop yields after application of biochar blended with farmyard manure in sandy and loamy soils


Abstract and Figures

In recent years, the importance of biochar application in world´s soils have increased tendency mainly due to its opposite effects. Therefore, the effort of many companies is based on the development of soil amendment which together improved properties and crop productivity in a lot of soils. In this short study, we have verified the effectiveness of biochar blended with farmyard manure named Effeco on soil properties and crop yields in different textural soils (1. sandy soil in Dolná Streda and 2. loamy soil in Veľké Uľany). Our results showed that the Effeco increased soil pH in both soils. In sandy soil, the Effeco more significantly affected sorptive parameters and soil organic carbon content than in loamy soil. Water retention in capillary pores after Effeco application in sandy and loamy soils was higher by 22% and 4%, respectively compared to control. On the other hand, more significant effect of Effeco application on soil structure was observed in loamy soil. The total crop productions in sandy and loamy soils due to the Effeco application were higher by 82% and 16%, respectively, compared to control plots. All in all, we concluded that the effects of biochar blended with farmyard manure differ mainly on soil texture.
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Acta fytotechn zootechn, 22, 2019(1): 21–25
© Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources
1 Introduction
Long-term and mainly intensive soil management
practices have negative eects on soils properties and
often results in their degradation include soil acidication,
decrease of soil organic matter, soil structure stability,
porosity, water retention etc. (Polláková et al., 2018;
Kotorová et al., 2018). Afundamental factor which alter
soil properties is soil organic matter (Szombathová, 2010)
and therefore, the eective maintenance of soil organic
matter in degraded soils can help preserve soil fertility.
In last time, biochar has becoming a great of interest as
a mean for carbon sequestration, resulting from its high
content of carbon and long-term persistence in soil (Dong
et al., 2019). Biochar is the solid product of pyrolysis,
designed to be used for environmental management
(Lehmann et al., 2015). IBI (2013) denes biochar
as: A solid material obtained from thermochemical
conversion of biomass in an oxygen-limited environment.
Biochar can be used as a product itself or as an ingredient
within a blended product, with range of applications
as an agent for soil improvement, improved resource
use eciency, remediation and/or protection against
particular environmental pollution and as an avenue
for greenhouse gas mitigation. The biochar properties
can be dierent in relation to type of feedstock source,
temperature and time of pyrolysis, pressure and soil type
where the biochar is applied (Jeery et al., 2011; Wang
et al., 2013; Ahmad et al., 2014). For example, biochar
produced from grasses at temperatures 250–400°C had
higher mineralisation rate (Zimmerman et al., 2011) than
biochar produced at high temperatures (525–650 °C)
and from hard woods (Fischer and Glaser, 2012). Biochar
produced from manure usually has smaller surface area,
than biochar pro duced from wood. The higher tempera-
ture increases the content of carbon and the surface area
in biochar while the content of oxygen and hydrogen
de creases (Lopez-Capel et al., 2016).
Under above mentioned context is evident that biochar
properties and its acts in dierent soil-climatic condition
are dierent. For farmers is, however essential whether
the application of biochar improves soil fertility, increases
crop yields and brings economic prot. Manufacture
of biochar that would improve all soil characteristics
and also bring the economic eect is not an easy task.
Dierences in soil properties and crop yields after application of biochar
blended with farmyard manure in sandy and loamy soils
Vladimír Šimanský*, Dušan Šrank, Martin Juriga
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Nitra, Slovak Republic
Article Details: Received: 2018-07-07 | Accepted: 2018-01-18 | Available online: 2019-01-31
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
In recent years, the importance of biochar application in world´s soils have increased tendency mainly due to its opposite eects.
Therefore, the eort of many companies is based on the development of soil amendment which together improve properties and
crop productivity in lot of soils. In this short study, we have veried the eectiveness of biochar blended with farmyard manure
named Eeco on soil properties and crop yields in dierent textural soils (1. sandy soil in Dolná Streda and 2. loamy soil in Veľké
Uľany). Our results showed that the Eeco increased soil pH in both soils. In sandy soil, the Eeco more signicantly aected
sorptive parameters and soil organic carbon content than in loamy soil. Water retention in capillary pores after Eeco application
in sandy and loamy soils was higher by 22% and 4%, respectively compared to control. On the other hand, more signicant eect
of Eeco application on soil structure was observed in loamy soil. The total crop productions in sandy and loamy soils due to the
Eeco application were higher by 82% and 16%, respectively, compared to control plots. All in all, we concluded that the eects of
biochar blended with farmyard manure dier mainly on soil texture.
Keywords: Eeco, sorptive parameters, soil organic matter, water retention, soil structure, loamy soil, sandy soil
*Corresponding Author: Vladimír Šimanský. Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Department of Soil Science, Faculty
of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Trieda Andreja Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra, Slovak Republic, e-mail: ORCID:
Short communication
© Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources
Acta fytotechn zootechn, 22, 2019(1): 21–25
Scientic studies show that the eciency of biochar
can be improved by its combination with application
with other organic fertilizers, composts, NPK fertilizers.
For this reason, fertilizer manufacturers are working
to create products that combine biochar with other
soil fertility enhancers in one suitable for dierent soil-
climatic conditions. For example, a scientic studies and
own research activities of the company Zdroje Zeme
a.s. helped to developed soil amendment for activation
intensively used land named Eeco (combination biochar
together with farmyard manure in volume 1 : 1) and
within this short study, we have veried the eectiveness
of Eeco on soil properties and crop yields in dierent
textural soils.
2 Material and methods
Field experiments were performed at two sites with
texturally dierent soils. Before established experiments,
the soils in both localities were intensively used. The sites
description is given in Table 1. For the purposes of this
short study, soil samples were taken from two treatments:
1. Control (no fertilized) and 2. Eeco amendment (at rate
of 20 t ha-1) in the autumn 2018 in both study sites. In
soil samples, soil pH, sorptive characteristics, soil organic
carbon, physical and hydro-physical properties were
evaluated by standard methods (Hrivňáková et al., 2011).
Yields of crops were also evaluated.
3 Results and disscussion
El-Naggar et al. (2019) published that the role of biochar
application in the enhancement of soil fertility and
productivity can be categorized into aspects relating
to nutrient cycling, crop productivity, soil pH, cation
exchange capacity (CEC), nitrogen (N), microbial
communities, water retention, and C sequestration and
our results mentioned aspects also conrmed (Table
2). In sandy soil, original neutral soil pH increased to
slightly alkaline due to Eeco application. The increase
of soil pH by 0.26 pH unit was determined also in loamy
soil. Ibrahim et al. (2013) also reported increases in pH
in a biochar amended sandy and loamy soils. In our
cases, a higher decrease of hydrolytic acidity after Eeco
application in sandy soil than loamy soil was observed.
Some dierences between soils in values of sum of basic
cation and CEC were as result of Eeco application. In
sandy soil, the Eeco signicantly increased sum of basic
cations and on the other hand in loamy soil its eects
were opposite. In sandy and loamy soils, the CEC values
were very low and high, respectively. In sandy soil, the
CEC values after Eeco increased by 30% compared to no
fertilized plot. The main reason is related to particle size
distribution (low sorption capacity of sand particles) and
higher level of soil organic matter after Eeco application.
Opposite situation in loamy soil was determined. The
CEC values decreased. The decrease of CEC is related to
negative charge in the Eeco surface and absorption of
anions is preferred. These results conrmed the ndings
of Laghari et al. (2015) who reported increase of CEC due
to potentially high surface functional group content of
biochar mainly in sandy-textured soils.
Biochar addition has been shown to increase organic
carbon in soils (Agegnehu et al. 2016). Soil minerals and
organic matter associate with biochar tended to form
aggregates in which the biochar turned occluded from
Table 1 Characteristics of studied sites
Site Climatic Soil Soil management Crop
andprevious crop
Dolná Streda 9–10 °C
520–600 mm
Haplic Arenosol
(Arenic, Calcic)
sandy soil
reduced soil management
(disking to the depth 15 cm) –
growing of market crops
hard wheat autumn 2017
Veľké Ulany 10 °C
550 mm
Vermic Chernozem
(Mollic, Loamic)
loamy soil
intensive soil management,
included drip irrigation
(conventional tillage to the depth
20 cm) – vegetable growing
carrot spring 2018
Table 2 Soil pH, sorptive parameters and soil organic carbon content
Sities Treatment pH H SBC CEC Bs SOC
Dolná Streda
(sandy soil)
control 7.24 4.02 36.0 40 90.0 0.90
Eeco 7.43 3.21 48.8 52.0 93.8 1.13
Veľké Uľany
(loamy soil)
control 7.63 2.53 492.3 494.8 99.5 1.85
Eeco 7.89 2.19 488.5 490.6 99.6 1.88
H – hydrolytic acidity, SBC – sum of basic cations, CEC – cation exchange capacity, Bs – base saturation, SOC – soil organic carbon
Acta fytotechn zootechn, 22, 2019(1): 21–25
© Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources
chemical degradation or transport (Brodowski et al.,
2006), which could be the main reason of C increase in the
aggregates and one of the most important mechanism
of C sequestration in soils (Šimanský et al., 2017). In
Eeco plot, the content of SOC was higher by 26% in
comparison to control in sandy soil and the same trend
but no signicant was observed in loamy soil (Table 2).
In sandy soil, between treatments any signicant
dierences were not determined for bulk density and
total porosity, however, the volume of energetics pores
dier on Eeco (Figure 1 A, B). In Eeco treatment, the
volume of semi-capillary and capillary pores increased
by 10 or 22% respectively on one hand, and decreased
volume of non-capillary pores by 20% on the other. The
volume of non-capillary, capillary and semi-capillary
represented 39, 48 or 13% of the total porosity because
of Eeco application, whereas in the case of control it was
49, 39 and 12% of the total porosity. In Eeco treatment
values of capillary absorption, maximum capillary water
capacity and retention water capacity were 32.6%, 27.4%
and 24.4%, respectively, and in control these one was
27.8%, 23.2% and 20%, respectively. Eeco application
almost one-time increased available water supply and
also available water capacity compared to control. In
loamy soil, the Eeco did not have any signicant eects
on energetics pore categories (Figure 1 C, D), capillary
absorption, maximum capillary water capacity, retention
water capacity and available water capacity (Table 3).
On the other hand, Eeco applied to the loamy soil
increased by 37% available water supply. Our results
in both soils did not conrm positive biochar eect on
decrease of bulk density on one hand and increase of
total porosity on other (Ajayi and Horn, 2016; Obia et al.,
2016), however, our results conrmed positive eects of
biochar on water holding capacity (Haider et al., 2017;
Omondi et al., 2016) mainly in sandy soil. Water retention
in capillary pores after Eeco application in sandy and
loamy soils was higher by 22% and 4%, respectively,
compared to control. The potential of biochar addition for
improving physical soil properties was mainly observed
in coarse-textured and low fertility soils (Laghari et al.,
2015; Omondi et al., 2016). From the soil structure point
of view, these results were not obviously conrmed.
As shown in Table 4, in sandy soil, the Eeco treatment
had no signicant eects on contents of water-stable
aggregates in comparison to control. Despite this fact,
the better soil structure (higher values of MWDw by 6%
and K by 30%) after Eeco treatment than no fertilized
(control) plot was determined. In case of loamy soil, after
Figure 1 Volume of pores in sandy soil (A, B) and in loamy soil (C, D) after Eeco application (A, C) and in no fertilized treatments
(B, D)
Pn – volume of non-capillary pores, Pc – volume of capillary pores, Ps – volume of semi-capillary pores
© Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources
Acta fytotechn zootechn, 22, 2019(1): 21–25
Eeco application the situation was signicantly better in
all evaluated soil structure parameters compared to the
sandy soil. The Eeco reduced the content of WSAmi on
one hand, and increased content of WSAma and WSAma
0.5–3 on the other. In the Eeco treatment the values of
MWDw and K were almost one times higher than control.
Biochar application to low fertility soils may also
substantially enhance crop production (Laghari et al.,
2015; Zhang et al., 2017) what conrmed our results
(Figure 2). Application of Eeco (blended biochar
with farmyard manure) at rate of 20 t ha-1 signicantly
increased grain yield of sunower in comparison to no
fertilized plots in sandy soil. The same eect was observed
in case of loamy soil. The total yields of peppers were
higher by 16% in Eeco treatment (20 t ha-1) than control
plot. During vegetation season of peppers, a total of
three harvests of peppers have been done. The changes
in yields between individual harvests are shown in Figure
2 B. In comparison to control, the Eeco application in 1st,
2nd and 3th harvests increased yield of peppers by 6, 15
and 20%, respectively. Dierences between sandy and
loamy soils in total yields of crops were observed too.
The total crop productions in loamy and sandy soils due
to the Eeco application were higher by 16% and 82%,
respectively, as compared to control plots in both soils.
As presented Laghari et al. (2015) but also Van Zwieten et
al. (2010) the increase in crop productivity from biochar
application is most commonly observed in nutrient-poor
and degraded soils.
All in all, we concluded that the biochar blended with
farmyard manure improved soil properties, but its
eects dier mainly on soil texture. The results of this
short study also indicate that the application of biochar
in combination with farmyard manure can be useful
Table 3 Physical and hydro-physical properties
Sities Treatment ρd P ΘKN ΘMCWC ΘRWC ΘAWC AWS
Dolná Streda
(sandy soil)
control 1.260.16 50.7±6.08 27.8±2.33 23.2±3.18 20.0±2.76 13.7±3.11 5.01±2.59
Eeco 1.260.13 50.7±4.88 32.6±0.57 27.4±1.34 24.4±1.56 17.4±1.84 9.07±3.15
Veľké Uľany
(loamy soil)
control 1.36±0.08 46.0±3.54 38.3±2.55 34.6±1.48 31.6±0.21 24.5±0.99 11.6±0.21
Eeco 1.36±0.02 47.4±1.20 38.7±0.85 34.6±0.99 33.0±1.06 25.6±2.19 15.9±1.77
Ρd – bulk density, P – total porosity, ΘKN – capillary absorption, ΘMCWC – maximum capillary water capacity, ΘRWC – retention water capacity,
ΘAWC – available water capacity, AWS – available water supply
Table 4 Soil structure parameters
Sities Treatment WSAmi WSAma WSAma 0.5–3 MWDw K
Dolná Streda
(sandy soil)
control 18.2±2.04 81.8±2.04 43.7±1.86 0.53±0.04 0.82±0.01
Eeco 19.5±4.67 80.5±4.67 40.0±4.06 0.56±0.09 1.07±0.06
Veľké Uľany
(loamy soil)
control 41.2±6.83 58.8±6.83 15.1±0.49 0.42±0.05 0.70±0.07
Eeco 21.6±4.95 78.4±4.95 36.8±10.8 0.92±0.12 1.22±0.04
WSAmi – water-stable micro-aggergates, WSAma – water-stable macro-aggregates, MWDw – mean weight diameter for wet sieving, K – structure
Figure 2 Yields of A) sunower grains, and B) peppers fruits
yield of pepper in 1st, 2nd, 3rd harvests
Acta fytotechn zootechn, 22, 2019(1): 21–25
© Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources
method for sustainable soil management in arable soils
of Slovakia.
Authors thank very much for nancial support the
company Zdroje Zeme a.s. (The Earth´s Resources, Ltd.)
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... The nation contends with a critical shortage of edible oil, primarily driven by relentless population growth, which has heightened demand. Domestic production in Pakistan considerably lags behind the escalating demand, creating a substantial disparity between production and consumption (Nhundu et al., 2022;Murad et al., 2023) The incorporation of farmyard manure boosts the organic matter content in the soil, serving as a reservoir for water and nutrients while preventing compaction and surface crusting (Simansky et al., 2019). In sunflower cultivation, nitrogen fertilizer is applied judiciously to enhance yield and quality. ...
The research was conducted in 2022 in the Agronomy Student's Experiment Farm at Sindh Agriculture University Tando Jam. It used a complete block design with randomization. The main goal was to evaluate how much adding different amounts of FYM and nitrogen-phosphorus affected the growth and seed production ability of sunflowers. The research had five different FYM options and nitrogen-phosphorus levels. The HO-1 variety was given these treatments. The assigned treatments were as follows: T1 = control (no FYM, 0 kg/ha nitrogen and 0 kg/ha phosphorus); T2 = adding a small amount of farmyard manure plus some extra nutrients in the form of nitrogen at a rate of 30kg per hectare, along with an additional quantity of 15 kg per hectare. The best results were seen in T5 (5 tons of farm FYM + fertilizers, with 120 kg per hectare of nitrogen and 50 kg per hectare of phosphorus). This method resulted in the most plants on a square meter (9.11), the tallest plant growth at about 248.8 cm high; T5 was closely followed with good results (a lot of FYM plus 120 kg per hectare nitrogen and 50 kg phosphorus). The research indicates that the optimal combination for enhancing sunflower growth and yield includes applying 120 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, 50 kg ha-1 of phosphorus, and incorporating 5 tons of FYM.
... The nation contends with a critical shortage of edible oil, primarily driven by relentless population growth, which has heightened demand. Domestic production in Pakistan considerably lags behind the escalating demand, creating a substantial disparity between production and consumption (Nhundu et al., 2022;Murad et al., 2023) The incorporation of farmyard manure boosts the organic matter content in the soil, serving as a reservoir for water and nutrients while preventing compaction and surface crusting (Simansky et al., 2019). In sunflower cultivation, nitrogen fertilizer is applied judiciously to enhance yield and quality. ...
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The research was conducted in 2022 in the Agronomy Student's Experiment Farm at Sindh Agriculture University Tando Jam. It used a complete block design with randomization. The main goal was to evaluate how much adding different amounts of FYM and nitrogen-phosphorus affected the growth and seed production ability of sunflowers. The research had five different FYM options and nitrogen-phosphorus levels. The HO-1 variety was given these treatments. The assigned treatments were as follows: T1 = control (no FYM, 0 kg/ha nitrogen and 0 kg/ha phosphorus); T2 = adding a small amount of farmyard manure plus some extra nutrients in the form of nitrogen at a rate of 30kg per hectare, along with an additional quantity of 15 kg per hectare. The best results were seen in T5 (5 tons of farm FYM + fertilizers, with 120 kg per hectare of nitrogen and 50 kg per hectare of phosphorus). This method resulted in the most plants on a square meter (9.11), the tallest plant growth at about 248.8 cm high; T5 was closely followed with good results (a lot of FYM plus 120 kg per hectare nitrogen and 50 kg phosphorus). The research indicates that the optimal combination for enhancing sunflower growth and yield includes applying 120 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, 50 kg ha-1 of phosphorus, and incorporating 5 tons of FYM.
... Biochar can enhance the physical properties of soils [28][29][30] by providing organic substances [31]. Oxidized biochar particles may contain carboxyl and hydroxyl groups on the surface, which can combine with minerals and other organic soil particles to form soil aggregates [32,33]. ...
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The tea root system plays a key role in the uptake of nutrients and water from the soil. The effect of integrated fertilizers (Control (CK) (no fertilizers), 100% NPK, 100% NPK withbiochar (NPK+B), 50% NPK with 50% rapeseed cake (NPK+RC), and 100% rapeseed cake (RC))on alterations in root growth characteristics and soil physical properties, nutrient uptake, NUE, and biomass production of tea (Longjing 43) was studied in an Alfisol at the greenhouse of the China Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou, during 2020–2021. The results showed that the conjunctive application of mineral fertilizers with rapeseed cake (NPK+RC) resulted in significant (p< 0.05) reductions in soil penetration resistance (14.8%) and bulk density (8.7%) and improvement in porosity (9.9%) compared to the control. NPK+RC recorded significantly higher (p< 0.05) root surface area, root volume, root tips, root length, and root CEC of tea than NPK (15%, 20%, 27%, 6%, and 11%) and control (40%, 165%, 49%, 68%, and 12%). The combinedapplication of RC and NPK fertilizer significantly decreased the specific root surface area (137%) and specific root length (66.8%) compared to the control. Root, stem, leaves, and total biomass were improved by integrated fertilization compared to the control and mineral fertilization. The nutrient content (N,P,K), nutrient uptake, NUE, nutrient uptake per root length, volume, and surface area of tea plants under NPK+RC and NPK+B were significantly (p< 0.05) higher than RC and CK. Therefore, the integrated use of rapeseed cake with mineral fertilization in Alfisol should be practiced in tea plantations to improve soil physical environment, root proliferation and root CEC, nutrient uptake, and NUE and achieve higher tea biomass production through the efficient exploitation of nutrients.
... Studies indicate several benefits of nutrient-rich biochar pellets, including improvements in crop yield. For example, biochar pellets increased the yields of rice [9], tomato [13] and sunflower grain and peppers fruit [14]. Such an increase was associated with improved nutrient availability and soil health and quality. ...
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The global focus continues with respect to increasing agricultural productivity, such as in paddy soils using inorganic fertilizers. Such practices could adversely affect the agricultural environment by deteriorating soils and increasing greenhouse gas emissions. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of biochar pellet blended with condensed molasses soluble (CMS) on rice productivity, soil quality, and methane (CH4) emissions in a paddy condition for healthy agricultural ecosystem. This study used a commercial scale pyrolysis system to produce biochar at 600 °C from bamboo. The experiment consisted of three different treatments: control, inorganic fertilizer (IF, N-P-K = 90-45-57 kg ha−1), and biochar pellet (BC_PT, 1000 kg ha−1). Compared to other treatments, the biochar pellet decreased annual CH4 flux by 15.8–18.8%. The rice grain yield under inorganic fertilizer as conventional rice management was slightly more than applied biochar pellets, despite lower soil chemical properties. However, for long-term paddy management, including environmental protection and rice production, biochar pellets are better suited for maintaining a healthy agricultural ecosystem than conventional practices. Indeed, the application of biochar pellets appears to potentially reduce CH4 emissions and maintain stable rice productivity through the slow release of nutrients.
... The lower biochar application dose (10 t ha −1 ) had no effect on the improvement of the soil structure. Biochar can improve the physical condition of the soil [37,60,61] through the supplied organic matter [62]. The surface of biochar particles after oxidation may contain the hydroxyl and carboxyl groups that are able to associate with the mineral and other organic soil particles to form soil aggregates [31]. ...
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Due to climate change the productive agricultural sectors have started to face various challenges, such as soil drought. Biochar is studied as a promising soil amendment. We studied the effect of a former biochar application (in 2014) and re-application (in 2018) on bulk density, porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil water content and selected soil water constants at the experimental site in Dolná Malanta (Slovakia) in 2019. Biochar was applied and re-applied at the rates of 0, 10 and 20 t ha−1. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied annually at application levels N0, N1 and N2. In 2019, these levels were represented by the doses of 0, 108 and 162 kg N ha−1, respectively. We found that biochar applied at 20 t ha−1 without fertilizer significantly reduced bulk density by 12% and increased porosity by 12%. During the dry period, a relative increase in soil water content was observed at all biochar treatments—the largest after re-application of biochar at a dose of 20 t ha−1 at all fertilization levels. The biochar application also significantly increased plant available water. We suppose that change in the soil structure following a biochar amendment was one of the main reasons of our observations.
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Humic substances (HSs) constitute a primary component of soil organic matter (SOM) and play a crucial role in soil formation and fertility. However, comprehensive information regarding quantitative and qualitative changes in HS following biochar’s application to soil still needs to be improved. This study reports on the impact of biochar application at rates of 0, 10, and 20 t ha−1 (B0, B10, B20), both with and without nitrogen fertilisation at varying levels (N0, N1, N2), on SOM and HS contents throughout the cropping seasons between 2014 and 2019. The findings reveal changes in SOM and HS contents due to biochar addition and fertilisation. Notably, the most substantial increase in soil organic carbon content was observed in the B20N1 and B10N1 treatments, in stark contrast with the reference B0N0 treatment. A decrease in humification of SOM was noted across all treatments involving biochar, whether alone or combined with different N fertilisation levels. An interesting positive change in HS contents was observed in B10N2, where an increase in humic acids and a decrease in fulvic acids enhanced HS stability and improved HS quality. These findings shed light on the intricate dynamics of SOM and HSs in response to biochar application and nitrogen fertilisation over multiple vegetation seasons of crops on loamy Haplic Luvisols in Central Europe.
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The study was conducted during the autumn of 2022 Session at the Students' Experimental Farm Department of Agronomy, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam, using a Randomized Complete Block Design. Objective: To assess how varying levels of Farmyard Manure and potassium affect the growth and seed production of sunflowers. Methods: The study utilized five different Farmyard Manure treatments and three potassium stages. The variety HO-1 -1 underwent the following treatments: T = Control (0-ton Farmyard Manure+ 0 kg ha potash), T= 1 2 -1 -1 5-ton Farmyard Manure+ 30 kg ha potash, T = 5-ton Farmyard Manure+ 60 kg ha potash, T = 5- 3 4 -1 -1 ton Farmyard Manure+ 80 kg ha potash, T = 5-ton Farmyard Manure+ 120 kg ha potash. Results: 5 The best results were found in T5 (5 tons of Farmyard Manure + 120 kg ha-1 Potash), which had the largest plant girth (11.2 cm), largest head diameter (48.5 cm), tallest plant (247.4 cm), highest number of seeds per head (1971.3), heaviest seed weight (69.5 g) per head, seed index (34 g), and maximum seed yield (2725.7 kg ha-1). T4 closely trailed, showing positive results (5 tons of farmyard manure plus 80 kg ha-1 potash). Conclusions: In conclusion, the study demonstrates that the optimal combination for maximizing sunflower growth and yield is the application of 80 -1 kg ha of potassium and 5 tons of Farmyard Manure
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In 2017 the field experiments were established at two localities of the South-west Slovakia (1 Dolná Streda: sandy Arenosol and 2 Veľké Úľany: loamy Chernozem). The experiments involved biochar substrates (1 BS1 mix biochar, sheep manure and 2 BS2 mix biochar, sheep manure and digestate) in two application doses (10 and 20 t ha-1), which were applied independently compared with the unfertilized control (Co-NF) and combined with additional fertilization versus the fertilized control (Co-F), in order to verify their impacts on the changes of soil properties. In the spring and autumn of 2018 – 2020, within these experiments the soil samples were taken to determine the range of effect of the tested biochar substrates (BS) and also their combination with fertilization (F) on the changes of soil pH and surface charge of soil particles in the soils different in texture. The results pointed out the fact that a more significant effect of tested BS on soil pH was detected in sandy soil than loamy soil. In sandy soil, only the application of BS2 in doses 10 and 20 t ha-1 statistically significantly increased the soil pH in H2O in comparison with Co-NF. The application BS1 + F in dose 10 t ha-1 and BS2+F in dose 20 t ha-1 statistically significantly increased pH in KCl compared with Co-F. The fertilization to BS eliminated the considerable decrease of the soil pH in H2O both soils. In sandy soil, pH was substantially regulated by the content of alkali cations themselves in BS; however, in loamy soil, it occurred as a result of the increase of the content of soil organic carbon after the application of BS (R2 = 0.339), but also BS + F (R2 = 0.468). In sandy soil, the application of BS itself, owing to the change of the surface charge, influenced predominantly the sorption of anions. Conversely, the additional fertilization to BS treatments had an impact on the sorption of cations. In loamy soil, the application of BS and BS + F as a result of the change of surface charge did not have any significant effect on the total soil sorption.
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Declining soil fertility and nutrient availability are one of the major threats to reducing crop productivity in Nepal. A field experiment was conducted to assess the potential of biochar (10 t ha-1) blended with organic and inorganic fertilizers on improving soil fertility and radish productivity in Morang district, Nepal. Biochar was prepared from locally available twigs, branches, and wood using the soil pit “Kon tiki” method. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with 7 treatments having four replications viz., control (CK), biochar (BC), biochar + cattle manure (CM), biochar + poultry manure (PM), biochar + cattle urine (CU), biochar + commercial biofertilizers (BF) and biochar + inorganic fertilizers (urea-N). The nitrogen rate used in all the treatments was equivalent to 100 kg ha-1. The agronomic effect of biochar blended organic amendments was compared with control and inorganic urea-N treatments. Biochar amended plots showed significantly higher soil pH (6.5), organic matter (4%), total N% (0.8%), available P (80.1 kg ha-1), and K (203.6 kg ha-1) compared with control. CM increased marketable yield by 320% (63 t ha-1) and biomass yield by 198% (100 t ha-1) compared with control (15.0 t ha-1 and 34 t ha-1) of marketable and biomass yield, respectively. CM increased marketable yield by 44% compared with the urea-N treatment (44 t ha-1). Moreover, net return was observed highest with CM treatment among all the organic and urea-N treatments. The study suggests that the combination of biochar with locally produced cattle manure has the potential to increase radish productivity and could compete with mineral nitrogen fertilizers while producing similar or even higher crop yields and economic returns.
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Scientific studies show that the efficiency of biochar can be improved by its combination with other fertilisers. For this reason, fertiliser manufacturers are working to create products that combine biochar with other soil fertility enhancers suitable for different soil-climatic conditions. In this study, two types of biochar substrates (1. biochar blended with farmyard manure, and 2. biochar blended with farmyard manure as well as with digestate) at rates of 10 and 20 t/ha were applied alone or in combination with other manure and mineral fertilisers. These were added to Arenosol (sandy soil, Dolná Streda, Slovakia) and Chernozem (loamy soil, Veľké Úľany, Slovakia) to evaluate the soil physical properties to test the potential of these amendments for soil amelioration in texturally different soils. The results showed that the application of biochar substrates alone increased soil moisture, the volume of capillary pores, and decreased aeration and volume of non-capillary pores. The application of biochar substrates with mineral fertilisers increased aeration, content of water-stable macro-aggregates (WSA ma ), total porosity, and decreased soil moisture and the content of water-stable micro-aggregates (WSA mi ) in sandy soil. In loamy soil, when compared to unfertilised control, the biochar treatments increased content of WSA ma , content of dry-sieved macro-aggregates, and decreased content of WSA mi and content of dry-sieved micro-aggregates. The combination of biochar substrates together with manure had no effect on changes in the physical properties of loamy soil.
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Purpose Because the stability of soil aggregates is affected by many factors, we studied aggregates formed in forest and agricultural soils in different soil types (Cambisols, Luvisols, Chernozems). We evaluated: (1) the differences in water-stable aggregates (WSA) as related to soil type and land management and (2) the relationships between quantitative and qualitative parameters of soil organic matter (SOM), particle-size distribution and individual size classes of WSA. Materials and methods Soil samples were taken from three localities (Soběšice, Báb, Vieska nad Žitavou). Each study locality included both a forest and an agricultural soil-sampling area. Results and discussion We found that in forest soils, the proportion of water-stable macroaggregates (WSAma) relative to water-stable microaggregates (WSAmi) was greater than in agricultural soils. When all soils were assessed together, positive statistically significant correlations were observed between the size classes WSAma > 1 mm and organic carbon (Corg) content; however, the WSAmi content was negatively correlated with Corg content. Favorable humus quality positively influenced the stabilization of WSAma > 5 mm; however, we found it had a negative statistically significant effect on stabilization of WSAma 1–0.25 mm. In agricultural soils, the stabilization of WSAma was associated with humified, i.e., stable SOM. The WSAma content was highly positively influenced mainly by fulvic acids bound with clay and sesquioxides; therefore, we consider this humus fraction to be a key to macroaggregate stability in the studied agricultural soils. On the other side, all fractions of humic and fulvic acids participated on the formation of WSAma in forest soil, which is a major difference in organic stabilization agents of macroaggregates between studied forest and agricultural soils. Another considerable difference is that WSAmi in agricultural soils were stabilized primarily with humic acids and in forest soils by fulvic acids. Moreover, in forest soils, a higher content of labile carbon in WSA had a positive effect on formation of WSAmi. Conclusions The observed changes in individual size classes of WSA and interactions between SOM, particle-size distribution, and WSA have a negative impact on soil fertility and thereby endanger agricultural sustainability.
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An experiment of different application rates of biochar and biochar combined with nitrogen fertilizer was conducted at the newly established experimental fi eld (spring 2014) on Haplic Luvisol located in Nitra region of Slovakia during the growing season of spring barley. The aims of this study were to evaluate the effects of biochar and biochar combined with nitrogen fertilization (1) on the soil organic carbon (SOC) and labile carbon (CL) contents in water-stable macro- (WSAma) and microaggregates (WSAmi), and (2) on carbon sequestration in water-stable macro- (CSCma) and micro-aggregates (CSCmi). The treatments (3 replicates) consisted of 0, 10 and 20 tha-1 of biochar application (B0, B10 and B20) combined with 0, 40 and 80 kg N ha-1 of nitrogen fertilizer applied (N0, N40, N80). There was observed signifi cant increase of SOC in WSAma (by 11%) in B20N0 compared to B0N0. The biochar in both rates 10 and 20 t ha-1 together with 40 and 80 kg N ha-1 did not have effects on SOC in WSA. Signifi cant increase of CL in WSAma and CL in WSAmi were found only in B20N80 compared with B0N0. Overall, the highest values of CSCma were in the following order B10N80 > B20N0 > B0N0 > B20N40 > B10N0 > B20N80 > B10N40. Overall, the highest average values of CSCmi were found in treatments with 10 t ha-1 of biochar combined with 80 kg N ha-1.
Soil inorganic carbon (SIC) plays an important role in terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycling, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. Biochar has becoming a great of interest as a mean for carbon sequestration, resulting from its high content of carbon and long-term persistence in soil. Moreover, there is abundance of information about the effect of biochar on the turnover of soil organic carbon; however, up to date, no study has been done on the impact of biochar on soil inorganic carbon pool despite biochar contains inorganic carbon. This study was conducted in a long-term field condition to investigate the effect of different biochar application rates (0, 30, 60 and 90 t ha⁻¹) on soil inorganic carbon content and composition in the soil profile (0–100 cm). Using stable δ¹³C isotope signatures, the SIC was distinguished into lithogenic and pedogenic inorganic carbon. The results showed that long-term biochar application, at 30, 60 and 90 t ha⁻¹, increased soil total inorganic carbon by 18.8, 42.4 and 62.3% and native soil inorganic carbon by 7.8, 20.2 and 28.3%, respectively, in the 0–20 cm soil layer. Biochar application at these rates also increased total inorganic carbon in the 20–40 cm soil layer by 13.4, 22.8 and 30.5%, respectively, but did not influence the total inorganic carbon content below the 40 cm soil depth. Moreover, as biochar application rate increased, δ¹³C of native soil inorganic carbon decreased, which indicated that pedogenic inorganic carbon was formed. Biochar application rates were positively related to the pedogenic inorganic carbon contents, however, it did not influence the lithogenic inorganic carbon contents. This is the first study about the effect of biochar application on native inorganic carbon content and its composition, which strengthens the understanding about the role of biochar in soil C sequestration.
Rapid industrial development and human activities have caused a degradation of soil quality and fertility. There is increasing interest in rehabilitating low fertility soils to improve crop yield and sustainability. Biochar, a carbonaceous material intentionally produced from biomass, is widely used as an amendment to improve soil fertility by retaining nutrients and, potentially, enhancing nutrient bioavailability. But, biochar is not a simple carbon material with uniform properties, so appropriate biochar selection must consider soil type and target crop. In this respect, many recent studies have evaluated several modification methods to maximize the effectiveness of biochar such as optimizing the pyrolysis process, mixing with other soil amendments, composting with other additives, activating by physicochemical processes, and coating with other organic materials. However, the economic feasibility of biochar application cannot be neglected. Strategies for reducing biochar losses and its application costs, and increasing its use efficiency need to be developed. This review synthesized current understanding and introduces holistic and practical approaches for biochar application to low fertility soils, with consideration of economic aspects.
Torreya grandis, an economically important nut tree in Southeast China, is being subjected to increasing atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition, and thus far its impact on nut quality remains unknown. Also, studies evaluating nut quality response to biochar application (commonly used as soil amendment) to soils under N deposition conditions are rare. Here, we investigated changes of nut physical characteristics (i.e., nut weight, length and width and kernel weight) and nut nutritional components (i.e., lipid, protein, starch and total soluble sugars) under a factorial combination of biochar application (0, 20 t ha⁻¹) and simulated additional nitrogen deposition (0, 30 and 60 kg N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹) treatments in a growing season (approximately 7 months). Results showed that N addition had a direct fertilizing effect, with a significant increase of nut weight, nut size, kernel weight, and nut nutritional components in terms of lipid, protein, starch and total soluble sugars. However, soil chemical properties were negatively affected by N addition with significant decreases in soil pH and available N, P and K. Biochar application showed a liming effect, with a significant increase of soil pH which was significantly correlated with nut weight and the main nut nutritional components. Additionally, biochar strongly interacted with additional N deposition by increasing the availability of N, P and K in soil. Our study suggested, for the first time, that the ‘win-win’ can be achieved, both nut quality of T. grandis and soil fertility can be improved by biochar application to soils suffering from N deposition. Results are relevant for the successful improvement of nut crop quality and development of sustainable agriculture under accelerated N deposition worldwide.
The use of biochar as a soil amendment had been increasingly advocated for its effects on carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emission mitigation as well as on improvement of soil fertility. However, lack of a general assessment of biochar effects on soil physical properties made it difficult for the recommendations for its practical use for soil quality improvement in global agriculture. In this study, we performed a meta-analysis of literature data published by October 2015 and quantified biochar effects on selected soil physical properties. The literature data covered a range of feedstocks, pyrolysis temperature, soil and experimental conditions. Results showed that biochar amendment significantly improved all the soil physical properties tested. On average, soil bulk density was significantly reduced by 7.6% whereas soil porosity significantly increased by 8.4%, aggregate stability by 8.2%, available water holding capacity (AWC) by 15.1% and saturated hydraulic conductivity by 25.2%. Furthermore, the changes in soil bulk density were negatively correlated to porosity and AWC. In addition, these effects were greater in coarse textured soils than in fine textured soils. While the size of biochar effect on soil physical properties varied with the amount of biochar added, changes in bulk density only was correlated to application rates of crop residue and wood biochar. Overall, biochar amendments could likely improve soil hydrological properties though varying with biochar and soil conditions. Use of biochar thus could offer a viable option to improve moisture storage and water use efficiency for soils poor in organic carbon in arid/semiarid zones. More studies on dynamics of soil hydrological behaviors following biochar amendment should be deserved in field conditions for a sound understanding of biochar's potential in world agriculture.